HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-01-29, Page 15ie • id re of - 's 1e ii' cD. GQL5ERICtiSTGNA - '' 'A R ; TIW 1 .'.ARTICLES. F'ORSALE•; iV[USIC'I7NI TIMI AEU — your Complete music centre:; rentals and sales 79 Hamilton St. Phone,. . , 524.2711.—$6tf •- Cr&4.ECK..,our ,prices on, chester- fields,,' •ptattresses;•.'ohreme:' suites; coffee tables.. O'& E."New • and Used Furniture, 524-7231,•.1/2 mile south of Goderteh• ;-tf' AUTOMATIC Tolley Bowl '• Cleaner removes rust, lime anfl mineral deposits.. Simply place in. ihe corner of your toilet tank. . Available at Hoffineyrer Plum- bingo and. 'Heat'ing, Kingston Street, Goderich,-14tf,. •SINGER -For Authorized Sales ' & Service, sewing 'machines,' vacuum cleaners, partsand notions, service to, all makes. Pratt'sServing Centre,, ' 73 Hamilton St., 524-8431, Goderich,-28,29tf SEWING MACHINES. Large selection of good used sewing.. machines, Singer,. White, and others.: Repairs to all makes. All machines •and repairs guaran-, teed. 29 East .St-, 524-6012, La poutique.-38tfAR ADS CANNOT, BE •ACCEPTED AFTER 12 O'•CL CK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPE CLASSIFIEDS - 10c.:per word, min'imurri $2.00 '.ARTICLES FOR SALE ALL- MERCHANDISE,''including lamps, odd tables, Chairs,. upholstered merchandise, pic- tures and`n•)irrors displaying our red price tag is offered,for Sale at factory cost as long 'as . supply' lasts. Lodge Furniture, 33 West St.-5,6ar 6 kCCOM,MODATI.ON.TO'REN1T ° ";8. HELP W'A'NTED.;-I,;TENDERS R O:O=M-S • f oar i "e n'f"It'tt It e n privileges "Phone 524-8821.-749a. , WA EA Piano, pr gait: SPACIOUS ',three-bedroom guit` banjo and ' acccrdjdlon • teachers •Phon:e 524 271— 1.43t£ai- town , • house, parking and recreational facll'iti.es available, utilities eluded per mon. In Vanastra;$167.40 anforrl�atfon-at-.DthBldg. Unit 8',, apply after •6' p.m. Phone 482:9698..-51tfar 3A. PET STOCK 'PROPICAL' fish, canaries. Complete pet supplies'. Pat's Pet Shop, 350 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario. Open 1 a:m. to'6 p.m. daily and Frit1ay evenings••.-40tf TWO -male Dachshund puppies, "'seven weeks old. Phone 524- • 6149._•5 • °A WHITE Moffatt refrigerator, across the top .freezer,; : '30 Frigidaire stove. Phone 529-8815 POODLES - silver, miniati res; 8 weeks,, registered.- 'Glenreid • ' -fter 6 m:--5 _ �T Kentlels., Kippers., -262-5052.-a5 _._.. p.: FRESH cider, MacIntosh, Delicious, Northern' Spies and Cortland, apples. Call Bellview • Fruit Farm, 52.4-8011', We deliver,-4l.tf •COLONIAL Mobile Hoffie, 10 x 52. .ft., ready .to riiove in. Asking reasonable price. For further. information phone 524-2955 or 524- 2079 after 8 p.m. --5,6 GOLF CLUBS - Brand, new set, never used. Includes 3.5-7=9 iron; 'HUMIDIFIER; new, only Used driver . and three wood. plus ` twice: Phone 521188515 ..: putter. Reason for selling, won• them and already have a set 1972 SN0-JET 24 twin. Phone 524 , • 3: CARS, TRUCKS FOR .SALE 1975.—PLYMOUTH CRICKET, 2,500 miles, tintedglass, rear defrost,• radio, snow tires. Only two. months old. Asking $3;500. ATTRACTIVE, well. situated, fully furnished, two bedroom` • apartment, t0 share, two gen- tlemen. -Cable TV, shower, .dishes, cooking utensils; etc. Phone .524-7b86'. :LET PHONE Phone ;482-7018.-4,5. ,• " • Price $125..00: 524-9106 after.6 ' 2736:-5 1968 PONTIAC Grand Parisienne, as is- Phone 529-' —5 .. part. 44tfnc 7492. -APPLES = Red -and Golden THREE POINT"' hitch V -type ' snoW"blower,.-: good :_ condition— $250.00. Phone -262-5729:-5 • SUNBEAM electric snowblower with 100 ft. cord, like new; 19" • colored. TV, three years 'old, priced 'reasonably. Phone 524- 7728_between 'S•and 6 p ins -5 Delicious, Kings:, Cortland Sip_ys; apple Cider, potatoes, ontons: , , Gerald Bell Frtiit Farm,529.8008. Delivery around towit-50tf - ' • STAMPS for' collectors:. Stamps at one. cent; • in packets, sets•. Worldwide • approvals available. „I specialize in 'Canada mint. and used. If you . collect, 'I' •have something for you.. 400 free - ,stamps for inquiring. Phone 524 • 9106 after 5 p.m.—•48tf •''TOWER KING pressed.•',Stave Silos. With cement plaster lining. •Area representative Francis Boyle, RR 3, Ripley; Ont. Phone 1 •395-5088.=1tfn ': • : STAMP ' album, Canada • ', A specialized, Lighthouse Secura Hingeless in excellent conditipn, some supplements needed. Worth. over $60, will sell for $25 or. .. best. offer: Call 524-106 after 5'' p.m.-48tf APPLES McIntosh; Spys, s ` Cortland; red and yellow - Delicious. $2.50 a bushel and up.. Fresh cider, onions and. honey: Potatoes , 7.5 lb. bag at Art Bell's Fruit, Far„m.: Delivery• around ' town. Phone 524.8037.-2tfar COMPLETE non-metallic handing system With banding 1972 -SKI -WHIZ, call .after 7 p.m. •• material. Can be' seen 'at, Signal= . 482:•7194.-•--5 Star, 524 ;8331.-:-nctf • McCLARY : easy'.wangler-spin NINE --PIECE Fitton Parker dryer, in excellent condition, dining room . suite, Oval table Price1125'. or best offer. Phone with two leaves, •buffet with:. 524-9538.-5' hutch,'" "five cane backed side. - - 'chairs; -one cane backed arm • 1971 SCORPION, snowmobile 440 chair. Fruitwood finish, like new. Electric start,new track,$495, or. Also two Continental beds with .best offer. Phone482-3125.-5 headboards; Paymaster cheque. writer. Phone 5'24-7825.7-1,5 •'• • STAMP COLLECTORS — Look• at our amazing get acquainted -•speeia1,.50 worldwide stamp 'b a $1,.00 gift' coupon •= 'our fagOtis approvals and. more. Rush -your •` order now aid get' all the above for only 25c. .H. Smith Enter- prises, 'Dungannon ••P.O. ` Ont. . NOM 1R0.--;4tf'. • • BASEMENT SALE - moving . fridge, stove, wringer washer, ,,,garden tools lawn mower, househdld item's too numerous to mention. January 31st, 10 a.m;sto p.m; • only -170 Blake West, Goderich.-5 MEAT ;KEEPER, 6 .ft.; dairy case, 5 ft.;. dairy'. case, .6: ft;; freezer; with : shelves;. 121/2' ft. Phone 238-2528.-5,6, . tido doer •1970 EOR'D Galaxie hardtop, -8 automatic safety checked. Phone 524-6864:-5,6 40 POLICE CARS AND TRUCKS,. FARM HOUSE for,' rent,: available immediately, within,a five raile radius of Gciderich...For information please write Box 66, Signal -Star Publishing Ltd., Bog - 220, Goderich.-tfnc . 7. WANTED TO RENT • PROFESSIONAL , gentleman ' requires a small, :quiet, •self .contained apartment. Furnished' or unfurnished, Town or country, Up to $175. per month. Telephone. 565-2522.-.--5x . • , ACCC)MMDICTION required, two or -three bedroom., one child;• iMinediately or as available_ Reply to Drawer, 67; Box'•220, ' Signal:Star.. 5,6 • 8. HELV 'A,NTED 'IS • INF.LATION . beating your budget? Supplementyotwr income' with •apart -time j•bb Where:you.: choose your awn hours. Our , dealers earn over. $4.00 per hour s•upplyi_ng their' friends and neighbors with top `quality 'after Wednesdifyfax�._=_ . . cleaning and grooming.products • from the Fuller Brush Co. Phone "PERSON tq groom poodle.Phone 1-296-4646• collect : for m-0re in- 524.8144.-5: formation. -2,3,4;5 — 15 - 1974 •Dodges ;. 7 •-:1974, • WANTED = someone to •g ive me . EL"(•OME Y AGON HOSTESS We've got •a job for ,you. If you're a good•neighbo:ur, have the use of a car, like meeting and helping peo'ple, and have`a flexible daily schedule, add a second paycheque to your household. Considera career' with. Welcome Wagon. To arrange for an interview • please ca II. AVON BABYING ,YOUR' BUDGET? Earn 'money selling cosmetics, •fragrarres, daily needs in your ovtin Territory. 1'1i show you how. • •-- --NIRS.10. 1ILLSON f7 •I5awkesbury '.Ave., London Ont., .NSU 219'Tet: 451-0541 114115014 9. WANTED (General) COMPLETE household effects or;; small lots -wanted. Call: C. and E 'Furniture, 524-7231.-tf • •UTILITY TABLE wanted; small,. -good condition. Phone '524-8835.• Chevs; 6 1974 Plymouths; 1 1973 Ford; 1 -'' •1973 Chev , Statidnwagon; 1, • 1972 Plymouth;' ,4 -1972' International i/2 tons; 1 1972 Dodge- IA' ton; 1 1972 internationa•1 . wagon, 4 . wheel drive; :2 - G.M.C. t/Z tons; .1-•Endie ' 3 car carrier. As- low, as $995.00, licence ne. DRJ358; Might b's Car. ;;Sales, 6 miles east ,of • HOUSEKEEPER part time or 'ba•sic harmonica lessons. ,Phone full time, (can :live 'in)..• Will . 'Air 524-8677.-5 consider person'.who.has child of • ..® her own, Person tobe respon-' 10: EMPLOYMENT WANTED sible •fol" two school age children (10, 14). New home; all 'con- WILLDO aS ssittng.inany own, •veniences.• Apply drawer -68, c -o y ` Box 220, Signal S:tar.-5tfar. home, 5 days a week. Phone 524-: 8578.-4,5 Hanover on no. 4 highway.. Phone :Durham 369=3136.-5" . • • • 1972 MAZDA, 616 sport .coupe,. 1974 POLARIS Colt excellent ' Michelin tires, certifiedPhone .condition, •Phone: 524-2710 after 5`• 524-2352.-5,6 ' • p.m, -5x 7969 CAMARO, 327 holly 4'barrel,_ racing;cam, dual exhaust, tape deck, good' condition. Phone 524= 6'197.after 6 p.m. -5,6' • NEW,, SUPPLY Gospel. Records ,at Clayt's Decorating. Gaither.s, Doug' O1•dh'am,' Sonny Hall, Downings. -5 ALL MERCHANDISE, including lamps, . odd. `tables, chair's, upholstered merchandise, pic- tures and mirrors displaying our 1973 CAPRI 48,000: mile red price tag is offered for sale at..; miles', factory, cost as long_. as. supply Mrhelaras 2600 cc. .Phone 524 - lasts. Lodge'�Furniture, 33• West 2711 or 526 7731.-5• St.=5,6ar , 1967 FORD Ranger, half ton, V-8, standard. •First $550.00 takes it.: Steve Argyle, Bayfield, • 5654 2800. -Sar. • QIJANT•tFV of used doors 1%" x 3.2 x '80", inside, in good• con- dition. Phone 524-6637 after 6 P.iri.-4,5nc FREEZER¢°BEEF. from five to. Seven hundred • pound Angus, Heifer or steer. 5c' less-. than market price: Phone:' 524- 8002.-5,8x 2.ARTI'CLES FOR RENT FORMALS BY FREEMAN'S AND : JEFF'S'-- eXc1usively available,' .f-rom, CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS CLOTHIERS' FOR • MEN; 36 The Square, Goderich. =lltfar' FORMAL -.RENTALS' for all occasions. Free style horchure, Rawsons' Shop 'for Meh, Goderich. —20tf ' STORAGE .FOR RENT- OR LEASE,-' 4000- square feet, in- cludes eleven 10 3c 8 hay doors, exbellent for . small businesss. Phone after 6 p.m. (519) 842- = 5107,24tfnAR • PAIR .Kef transmission. tine '• 2'A. ARTICLES WANTED speakers, • 50 • wiftt capacity, asking. $600.00. Phone 529-71.00 after 5 p.m. -5,6 r- EIGHT TRACK tape player, two speakers, . in good condition. Phone 524-8977.-5,6 FILING CABINET. 4 drawer, like new. Ernie Barker, 524- • 6232.--5 MOBILE HOME 60 x 12, fur- nished, 'two - bedroom, 'located, near Goderich.` Phone 524- 9887.-5,6 ALL MERCHANDISE„ including lamps' odd tables, chairs, -upholstered merchandise, pic- tures and mirrors displaying ottr red price tag is offeeed for Sale at factory cost a -s long as supply last'4. Lodge Furn,tttrre :33 West •:4' WANTED' -used : medium to small piano -in good condition. Phone 524.78,45.-•4;5. 'WAN;i'E6): -70 - 100 acres with buildi.ngs. Rossession,'April, 1st, 1976. Goderich area preferred. Reply Drawer 60; Box 220, ONE .. BEDROOM apartment( • Goderich Signal -Star; 2,3;4,5 available February 1st Phone 529.7775.-5 ' WANTED TO BUY - a baby's high chair and crib. Phone 524'! 2030,-5 - - A .. 1970 , FORD, 34 ton truck, V-8, automatic', 19711; F•ord ":;/ -tgn, V:B, automatic„ ' power steering,' power-brakes'. 1971 Chev 1/2 ton V- 8 automatic,• power:' steering, • power brakes: 1976 Cheve'lle convertible, `•V=-8, automatic, • power steering, pewer brakes. ' All units - can - be. sold safety checked. • Call 482-3125 Dave Go}lision & Repairs. Varna.. -5 CATCH.- THE DATSUN SPI.RIT.. Geratdrs Datsun L • „SALES- SERVICE, • LEASING., -PEN 8 A.M. • Ph. 527-1010 SEAFORTH SA. -ROOM & BOARD ROOM and board available. Phone 524.6827.--5k - - 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT BROWNIE uniform, . size 8. Phone 524.6424.-5 • IF11RN1'IjRt••., ela•.s„-Chinn, clncks,'hells. brie,..„ nippt'r. Wild • buy for cash or sell by auction. 1\41kt, Curt•)mingrt,•Auetionttei.,-52'4- 9064.- -22tf • • AT 46 WEST S'1'. — it pl.'ns:uit 2' 'bedroom. upper apartment," 6160.00. • heated. (Sorry' not suitably far' children.) Contact : Melee -fin Mothers 524.9442 (evenings 534-9694 ).--2t f A'1"4fi-WEST ST. — a main floor office, appr•nx. 12' x 20',, headed, ~ $7O 00 Contact Molcoini Mat hers 524.9442 '«,‘ 52Q,f1fi94).--2tf. Weft' I t e I' S and Wartresses PART TIME. -mainly weekends EXPERIENCE, PREFERRED Bayfield` ask for Eric Krohnier LAND RENTAL F OR PUBLIC TENDER , Approximately • 55 acres of class',;3 - '5 agricultural land,. located at' the ; Wayganosh Valley • Conservation: Area, being part of Lot 32, 'Con- cession 7, East': Wawanosh Townsh.ip'.available for three years.. ' Further information 'and tender applications available from the undersigned. • ,HIGHEST OR ANY BID NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. TENDERS -° WILL BE .RECEIVED AT Maitland Valley Conservation Authority,Authority,:„~Administrative Headquarters",. Wroxeter, NO LATER THAN 5 p.m. Mon- day; February •2, 1976.. Mrs: M. R. Shiell, Secretary -Treasurer, Maitland Valley. • Conservation Authority, Box 5, • Wroxeter, Ontario. Telephone: '335-3557 12. AUCTION SALE STAMP ALJ4T;i'ON: Cgnq,da, Common lfealth , °U:S. and foreign'-: 1' p.m. ,. Feb. 1„4, 1976 •National Traveller Hotel London,Ont, -• Write today, for the illustrated catalog of this sale..: • Material wanted. for :.future sales. -D.I. JORGENSEN Licensed -Auctioneer' Box 4485;•Statien C London, Ontario, N5W 5J5 • 455.7714 12. AUCTION SALE • 'WILL • .'BABYSIT �,in my own home, Monday to Friday. phone, 524-8688. a ny ti m e.--5 WILL' BABYSIT in . my home. Would also • like Co do housecleaning. .Phone 624- -9629,-5 - WILL babysi'tin niy home. Phone 524.8842.-5,,6 . WILL BABYSIT in my , own home', Wegkdays, Monday through F,Tr : PIron e 524-7609 °. anytime.=5 -• E1.13:wvANTED Person experienced in handling mechanical :and ,, heating i:nstaltations and 'repairs of same., 'For interviews apply'to ' PO. BOX .328 CLINTON, ONTARIO ti �rfaN 4;5 BUSINESSES DON'T FAlt: PEOPLEDO! Required:. Several sharp people: in the sales field, average earnings, 5300 per week. No door to door canvassing: No experience or -investment. Car essential. For appointment'' call Mr, Fran -cis; ;' < 524 -9o24 J.C. PROMOTIONS • (DIV. OF FILTER QUEEN) • 44 WEST ST.-GODERICH APPRENTIqL c• ThesuceesSful applicant will be trained to'be•eligible td apply • for certification • as an. industrial Radiographer. - The applicant must have the following qualification: Grade fwelye or equivalent • Aggressiveness and ambitious Must be cathing .to travel BENEFIT'S Good remuneration Company-p5idbenefits. Opportunity for rapid advancement in an expandino industry - ' . Apply in writing to Box 2316 ;`Sarnia'. Oirtarie N7T 7L7 • `sv • ONTARIO'S LA.RGEST'. CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE Our Tractor; Farm Machinery, "Snov,iinobile,5,•"•' Misc. ,Items Auction will be held at. the Norwich - S'al'es -Yard; -:Hi-ghwa' -59- south- of -No r-wleft, _, 'Friday, Feb. 6, 1976,•and one the first.Friday of each month up:to and including -May 7,197A. Sale starts 10 .a .m 11 you have,good useful equipment, or an exit a • tractor you would like to turn into cash, consign it to this Machinery and Tractor Auclion ,Tractors will be sold in .order'of 'number as' consigned, so consign'early, We are equipped to • • toad and unload an equipment. SmalLit.ems sale starts a't 10 A:M. sharp. Discs and plows start at 11' A.M. All eq•uiptnent will be sold before 2 o'clock, Tractors start at 2 P.M. • Terri cash _All buyers must' be registered at Pffice-before, sales Livestock sale every .Wed nesday Standard Time sale. starts 1 P.M. • Daylight time sale starts 7:30 P.M.. "Lunch available r Not responsible for accidents,° • Forzinformation contact: • . Harry Jansen' • 'Sales Manager' & , •' .Auctioneer Phone 519.863.6820 • • INTERESTING ION .Of' fine - furniture, antiques, oil painting, glassware° 'and. appliances to beheld':at the Exeter Arena on • • SATURDAY. JAN. 31'10.30 :A 1 CONSISTING OF' 9'pce.. solid'oak dining room suite (in .ex • - celfent cond'ition). 3 pc;. Antique living room suite; •round 'pedestal Maple fable; oak china c0bfriet; maple buffet; 6 oak diners; 2 walnut teawagons;- modern chesterfield and chair; Philips• 26 T.V •(new) hall'tree:.'hail .mi,rdri ha tand,• te oak oval galeg drop leaf table; Andrew Malcolm,, pt. twin •• posters-bedr.00rn surfs„ 2 ••three' pr.,: beat oom. lutes with• mgtthing washstands; chinese inlaid inother of pearl corner • chair; oak, rocking ,chairs; 2 ladder back chairs;.gunstock chair; parlliur chairs and tables 5 pc• sectional book case; 3 pc. sectiorial.book OIL PAINTINGS •,6.oil paintings;,3 water ce-leur•,s (1 of old Goderich harbour); other very fine oil parntr•ngs and-trarnes.. from a 'very ,wealthy •older•, horrre. b • CLOCI(S 'AN,D WATCHES Antique •'Grandfather -clock lapprox -1850); Peq:uegnat rna-ntel-clock; Sessrons'regukator clock; '2 sessions mantel clocks;• Ladi.es'. gold watch and• • chain. ' LA -MPS • Handing. oil lamp, painted shades-; Gone with the ' .:wind o'rl lamp; all crystal table lamp with • prrsms;'•Trffany • table lam-p•;.'miik•41as5; Aladdin's lamp 0ll'tamps;••twilight .and table- lamps. • - • GLASS & CHI"NA•-::72 pc. set English dinnerware•lBouquetl; 5 pc. wash set; Milk.' glass; coloured' depression; f10 BI•ue; • :.....yrl erwar'c;.. APPLIANCES • 24” Tri.gi.daira refrigerator, .Frigidaire stove; Coronado 21 .cu. it. freezer; wrin9er :washer.. MISCELLANEOUS - Double barrel shot gun; Tst World War Clothing -and metals: Other metals and tokens: • Tin mechanical toys; stamps,; copper and•brass; Chinese vyoven rups.; 9' x 14' square -a.nd oval rugs;'crocks;°apple peleler; blanket boxes; 40•0,phonographrecords; sealers; 9' x 2' gold rug. LUN.CH BOOTH ' . • HEATED BUILDING • VIEWiNG•9:00 a.m'.- SALE ,TIME ' All items,,inextelle,nt condition ---one of our finest sales - Pl'oprr'etors Mrs. Margaret Hunkin and one -other very fine hou',rhold I,ot of '1urniturg:. ° RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE ORIJCEFIELb:411432-312-0 ItelDaAok11 At* 5@InArw0.ltek • f2. AUCTION SAI' eig AT Pi E.L.L'S AUCTIQNE.ER$ ', and., LI[ UIDATORS , BRUCEFIELD, ON.T. .: Offer the trnost modern auction . methods LICENSEDandBONQED ONTARIO -WIDE BRUCE -FIELD 482-3120 13. SERVIc ES AVAILABLE PIANO tuning . and. repairs. • Phor?e' Pulsifer "Music ''524-6291,- aftt•r 6 p.m: call 482-9618.-36tf WE ARE pleasedto.announee we are new able to provide plumbing ' parts and supplies for the de -it • yoursetfer. Corrie to see us with„• all -your •plumbing requirements. ,D.G.M. • Hunt.e dVl,3w1?tenance ,,,.w .Auburn, 52.6-7794.-51tfar • 3 DAY STRIPPING SERVICE.- New methods guarantee your furniture: wood '6r metal safi;ly. and'econnmically stripped e:g. ' _hairs $8.00, •dciors $12-00,. Free cstirriates on other •furniture; -.• expert restoration' guaranteed, pick-up stnd delivery E. Nrblock- Auburn: Furniture- Refinishing, •, 526-72r.2--51 tfareov}' : • - ' EXPERIENCED- HANDYMAN. T. • L<caw 'rates. Auhurrn .52.6-7791, J. Huizinga.-5,65( FOR ALL. your•seWing heeds call 524-6 46..=4.5 • . t, SNOWPLOU'GHIN'G. ,driveways and parking;. lots: Phone 524- 8668.=tfar • ' !SMALL” plumbing• repairs, • ,humidifiers sold and installed en your -furnace, • rep rooms and ' renovations, alum.inum •• storm • doorsandwind•nvws. •'sold and. • installed. Step -'-'those: winter' drafts;, let us'waather.strip your home. •Call us _for home repair. n.ecci5;'. D.G.M;: 'Home . Main-• lcnune Auburn` 526 c- - ;794. 7-4Stfa`r • • LA:YI•NG and • finishing concrete , floors for basements, garages; •' • patios- Call George Barraclough : 5.24-815r.-43tf i uR INS,'} RU(:'I ION' .oil ae- -rr,rzllnn. ,,id,no organ. nr guitar, ' ohmic., _524-2;11..0 (Ins-truments ?1171:'1 t, •�(., 1 S — l list and. ecunsl nit,. ,} ;1121 residential; side ntial; ,:irmer•c i;rl confidential ser vice: NO tri 1 1,:a rh-u g ''. of bonus 1)ebt ia• a 1(1'iii n litil 10•itnan.cing a • lit•: r i t..'ii.A.NNAii FINANCIAL •SF'.RVICI.INC. Call_Collect.1-579- 0100:-12tf V CLAM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL PRAXES: bB PECK VARNA' - - 252 5748 gain 4.4444.41414444041•114114•44441.4 *MELTON U U .: E.S Inglis --Moffat early Safes --Se e Repairs to all makes 36 Britannia -Rd.: W: Ph. 524-7871 -171f HOME IMPROVEMENTS Recreation Roam Additions Srdinq Installation • Home, Repair & Maintenance DAVE M-EiVoR • 5242062. _- - FOR COMPLETE DRY—WALL, AND FINISHING .CALL - CORD THOMAS 77 TRAFALGAR T. ,,GODERiCH PHONE. 52 4.-6674. FREE ESTIMATES 44,