HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-01-29, Page 10sPA •>'f .4000:ERICHSIORAZ,.-STA:2.THI;JRSDF Y JANUARY;!sl, 19`7(1•
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Goderich people rici.st lee :artened •
tp learn' that'public 'transportation. in'
:and. but .of Goderich• will be.hal proved
andthat T.L. Habkirkviceipresident
of°United Trails; intends to ihsure:that
the -citizens of this•:area have'a better
start : to' -almost any. place in ; North
America".. •
More departure times and, better•
connection schedules' have long been
• nneeded.in"this. part of`the prov(nce. For
persons Who depend on p'ubtic transit to
get from place to place, Goderich.in.
Huron, • County with 7,000 people was
nearly as inaccessible es sqme remote
hamlet 'in .the far north, Y
But • before . one can travel
anywhere, one, must first find the bus
fent:anal'. It would not be unfair to say,
that -'in recent months, the -bus terminal
has been changed oftener than a baby's
bottom. •
Now if there could only be- a decent
bus terminal in town in. one lasting
I.ocation.,•.with real: benci es for sitting:
'and 'real •shelter from.the•Weather. and '
• perhapp`even washroorn'.facilities and:
'a' place to btly light' shacks • and; q'
magazines- Goderich could ,jegin to
took` the fui'ure, in the eye
Surely in this enlightened age'when
men travel to the. moon and when .
technology provides the.know-hove for.
everything from sliced almonds to
nu'c•1ea.r energy, bus companies ;and.
existing business in 'Goderich can
combine to establish proper. acrd
Lasting facilities for travellers..
Council or one of its boards, the
Touri,St • Commission perhaps, may
have to intervene to bring about a
reasonable and perm.anept srelution to
'th,e 'dilemma. But, a satisfactory an -
saver must be .found soon -to save fu'r
ther embarrassment and needless
discornfort• in the Prettiest Town in
Canada. +SJK ..
s• t0 ll
Prime .,MinisterPierre Elliott or - ,aa- arid its employees
Trudeau may not be your -favorite - might be threatened by. cheaper im
,,poi:'iti_cian but _in his _:recent_: speech -t'a __..Mpo✓ted--sand{-es:'" • •
the members •ofthe .Canadian Club i
Ottawa, he Presented. a ':bri'll iant
illustration..'of: the: need for ,modern
government intervention into today's
business.. • . , "'•'•
Mr. Trudeau had comrnented - that
n 'And tti`en'-Mr. :'Trudeau'`Went on
"But times.have changed; and all .of
these possibilities have- happened' in
one industry or another. All: weakened,
thre power Of the•consumer'fo:rule the....
economy'; and in every case either the! ''
Until he'd.heard 4he,"shrill' comments" • consumer, or the industry;. or the Onion
,of businessmen in recent weeks he'd • appealed to the government' for• help,"
thaught• the great depression;.of the. -And there's more: Mr. • Trudeau
193.0's had "destroyed forever the reminded Canadians: In addition,
noti:on:that-a free market' ,economy;' if there was a constant public demarfd for •
Goderich. Tgwn Council
took- a step backwards last •
-Week when the majority pf its
inembers voted to go t three
open council `meetings per
month rather than two open" •
,g until' meetings and' one
open.committee. meeting.
But to be truthful; it is easy
to understand' why the.
decision; was . reached. The
systemhasn't.really.•been as.
successful as it was designed'
to"' be,.'simply because the
peopje ofGoderich have. not
been taking theft 'civic. duty
seriously enoi'gh.
Nevertheless, it is ' the
responsibility of town council'
to holdall of 'ifs deliberations
. in .public - except'those very
rare occasions' when per -
unassisted by .•governments, would .; the government. . to provide needed -
4- ,
k •.
&R years ago
The SaFrancisco
San. Min-
strels will appear it town -the
8th of February and as . all '
outside papers praise the
aggregation for its accurate
por.trayali,A minstrel life,' •a
✓eat, cna• ,ex ected. r- . _.
t `� a • $• Saturday week.
b The 1;->"ock,ey Club''would be
much., obliged ,. if th.e . parties
who:' go' down to the ice on the
Shoal'the evenings afier it has
been: flooded would' stay -of€ •
the Mice' until' it is• frozen hard.
The Hockey Club have gone to.
a great deal: of trouble
cleaning the;surface off and
making good skating for the
George WThomson,-and
Son have secured the services ..
of ''the well-known. bicycle
rider' Frederick W.,Stokes for
the corning season. The trio
will make, a strong •team.:to,
sell ;' the "coininon sense" . .
bicycles. ✓ 'Now ..leave youY `
.order -for a'bike and .patronize
your • home manufacturer.
Prices will be, as low as good
Material and' workmanship
will. ,warrant: Every bicycle
guaratiteed.one year. No need
to be delayed, a. month or six •
months getting a repair. It
Can be made in your wheel in
'ten minutes. The Goderich-
made wheel is alto: ether one
of; the best' made' and nest ,.
looking bikes on the market in •
•, 1,896; .>
A9 War'Cry boom on thepart
-of the Salvation Army began
yesterday:. and: lasts Until
February. 5. The price has
been reduced to two cents....
The. profits will ',be: used for"
:the welfare an$ extension of: •
the army, What profits there
.'.ar-e on it. go' to aid the:'corps :,.
fund; Poor Officer's Fund, the
P'rovinci:al officer and.: the
•'•.-mainterian.ce,. of headyuar •':
The .sidewa'lks were almost
impassable on Sunday., owing,•
to the ice on them. Many were •
the falls, • but fortunately no .
injuries .were reported.. '
Mr:... and '.Mrs. ` D. McCor-
mick :celebrated their crystal
weddin'g . on ,Monday. ' The
occasion brought '.many
'friends from a distance. and'
many more'from town. All
Mi were p esen p
purposes. Something like a:' •
recent dig by Councillor .Jim• . the many pretty articles of •
• produce by itself the ideal 'state of- • • services not provided by`the . privet
r a
,steady economic growth, 'stable prices sector. :•
arid full employment". • The Prime _ Ministe sked several'
At that time, Mr. Trudeau-stated, piercaing questions. He' Masked the
people were convinced of' the need for u'n'ions and "the corporations, how` they
government to oversee the nation's - propose to restore peace and stability '
business in. the '.interests of overall . to the collective bargaining process
"economic stability and'to..' intervene in when' the control• period is-over,..and
the,economy to redistribute income for how they propose to start'. right, now to
example, to make sure that private.' work in. that, direction: •'H:e'asked. the
industry acted in the public interest". executives:. of, corporations whether
"'The' classic notion, as you know, 'they are prepared' to accept. the social
was that the free choice of the con consequences. of• their 'decisions.' He,
sumer .ruled the` economy• When asked""private industry :whether it is
ioneer homes:.in Canada were lighted r prepared to act : -voluntarily , to
by candles, for example, it. was thought . distribute. economic opportunity. more
'that. the choices Made by' consumers •equitably.across the nation: He asked
among the 'products of competing • the trade union movement what steps
candle makers would deter_'min.e.•the : `it is prepared to take to ensure. a' better `
taxpayers' viewpoint, before
making a decision.
:..people get out to town council
Dear Readers of March 15, ': Meetings to see for them 15, 1973•put.out this challenge
1973. had much to say'about • selves what 'was going on in .to the readers: 'Why not see
council. committee meetings.,the community. • for yourself what's going on
which at that time, were held: "The" column Said "It is in your municipality,? Why
in camera with the press' ' strange the number of people' get your information
invited but unable to publish •:who vote in an election, for secondhanded? Why not find
anything from those sessions: , ".instance,' who have never:Set 'out if the press really does
In part, Dear,17_eader•s for foot inside the® town council color the news'-' and. "write
that week said i' "A case. in chambers.' There'. pre people fiction just, to se,11 sub -
point is the South Storm in this town" ..., and. many scriptions? Why-. not be the ',cases, hence the' greatest
Sewer.•The decision to put the towns I suspect who don't third 'party in what up•to now •
-amountof 'fines,® while•
South .'Storm Sewer •,through even'know. ,,:where . town has-been a two party system. January was":the quietest'.
01V -the Drainage 'Actwas council holds its meetings, or with each 'called the' other month, there.being but ten
court cases and $35 in fines, a
paltry sum for the proviince,
but a fine reflection on the '• -
about that decision -'whoops is ' a•' packed • gallery every ' town.
Just" one week later at the"
Shirle"g J`Keller
going on or 'what had been
done or why.'.'
•'• In that; same column; the.
suggestion was.Made-. that
enjoyable time they had, and.
P that thewrites
ete.rs.t a press ri
,' ,..crystal that were presented to
what if Wantstoanyway the happy couple on the
Dear Readers from:March
joyous occasion.
40 years ago
A, comparison of
Magistrate's Cotirt figures'.
for 1935 and 193.4 show that.
fines. collected in 1934' ex- '
ceeded .those collected last
year by $1,221'. June last year
saw the greatest number of
d a col--- 'tee that the public is allowed to
rna•e. in
meeting. 'Although no public sit in on them: - •
statement was ever made "What, every, council•..needs:.. + +
dirty names?
itis are been discussed .`recom'mendatipn - it was single .meeting;' It needs to Although'sleet and hail did
stinal e g o knowledge among know. it is not an annointed` March 22, 1973 meeting; the
th thelevel' of balance, between wages and produc and to give the taxpayers o h south d h t 1' council gallery was filled d e G derich on
price, together wl proper eve a ante• f comm n nno amen in o
the o osition>n t a sou en a5sembl 'wit- n o.re a '1 II 'co with
Little t' it to help. reduce the' rate of `in the ,;Co•rii'munity every don; f'town that. the decision had only those thi-n rights it deems 'spectators and `council Thur.sdayt.last,CNR service
production and . employm,gnt. iv y poY gup
bl opportunity to moved to an open committee
thought was given to the. poss'b'I1y flat`o He asked Canadian consumes been reached in favor necessary to
become informed and to have
.. , was held `for six hours
i i •I, i n• celva a oppor uni y f v r of the appease the because of cracked,and iced
mi htsucceed if the are re aced, without - govern- Drainage Act.votes It needs to know that session once monthly.' The..
that some -manufacturer g Y P p g tfi chance to provide somemotion was made by Coun-
r . power lines, Bus schedples
t t t' t t le f d h decision -At the last meeting of peopleevery 11 El H d o and �^'
in come
•• 1 (Mardi 1) two per, 1l
are interested
ring the market on. candles, men intervention, erven.io.n; o wase ss, 00 input' into the smallest ci or` Elsa ay`�o
ere thrown 'into disorder;
- week in even the a led 1. g
epr.iving .consu�rlers o a energy.
makingo councillors. details: It needs to -know that
f •u 't sons from the south, end of••
thus ••- f and
ca`ndlemakers might ae}}�..ieye stated, "Our greatest hope lies not in •co ,m'ttee session meeting,°probablytohearthe freedom of speec andThe •
matter which brou ht 1
rice of laws or greater use of fhe ower of •month•ly committee discussion surrounding the freedom of the press and g way
monopoly control over the p , . new la g � nst•tuted It •was •• evident g
indust✓ ; or . that shoddy or f d f x cession It
labor `in y •
haiardous.candles might :be placed' on
the market and sold to an unsuspecting •
public; or that"an adequate supply of
f council seconded by Councillor Leroy -rivers craw a on t e
rrieanangful choice, or that a, union of Then came. the clincher.. the PM . This newspaper o gtI many people care about Harrison. sl t was approved highwabecause of the nextrepace
• Bart, ` to have the once town attended the'counhe h
slippery conditions. One high-
i i r
th.e state, but in ou`r,seives, in'the;'
capacity.of each of us to adopt, different'
social and economic values -in response
to the new reality of,our times."
Of course there w5 re om o qe p
it to a"
head " was the wall near Guelph ,boasted a
that around_ the. 'exercise' yard at
the former •
-red yards and : san•ding
regarding the rnendation" Was buried in the elected officials aren operations were rendered
fromCouncil had recommended in
Workings '0. punch, that .reportth wa other
candles' might not be made available Are .Canadians ready'to make `sen -
by manufacturers' in remote areas, sible responsible .decisions on` their
where-` profit, prospects were' unat-.' •own? ' Not likely. Most. people can't
tractive. Little thought'was .given ;to agree on the time of day without•. some
the possibility that the free choice of direction. We ail know,the alternative.
the consumer might be undermined by;
rnis•leading,or fraudulent advertising; SJK
e(Attic')t(Attic')SIGNAL - STAR
.� —.• The County town Newspaper of Huron
mo�unded in 1840 and published every Thursday at Goderich, Ontario: Member of'th'e ('WN I and
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Butanes. add editorial Witco"lei t hill kit S24,0331
. Aria coda 519*. r' • ,
Pubitshed by Signal.Star Publishing Ltd.
ROBERT O.'SHRIER-president aria publisher
JEFF •sgD.DON-• ditorial star -
,yyy Mailing Addr.esa-••
: • ,DAVE SYKESeditorialstaff .
Pr . BOX 220, Gi5doufdfi EDWARD J;•BY'RSKI—advert•isirig.manager
111M Mail. Nigl irafon• number -0718 - • • '
from our :observation and. issue, ditched vehx'cle every hun-
from the comments we'd•had none ----- The '"recom- •needs, t,o be reminded
citizens•_ rega '• g • t
ani# ''as finally ap allowed the luxury of: privacy.' useless; rain, coming •down.
all the time e y closed committeepsession -to
some deciSiors had been proved without. the small. allow 'the county to tear` the . useless;
'froze over it or washed
reached before,the people had group• of opposition • ever' citizens are," ,
jail •wall down.. Councillor it away.
a• chance to .protest. It was knowing it had been done. At that time, there had:been • .Elsa •Heydon' had revealed Goderich is slipping in vital
also evident that ori occasion, There Was' ..not one single a`' series of'little snide the "recom had croon" statistics. composed at town
councillors would have voted• audible word at that council remarks, from councillors • during the intenial between hall. 1935 showed a drop from
differently on a Matter had meeting to 'give those people concerning thep'ress and how
• they had, the benefit_cf' the • any indication
what :was' -:it makes the news' suit its (continued on page 5) (continued on page 5)
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