HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-8-5, Page 4a RSI) VGPOST 5th, 19.20. VICO:1>EcR "iii. Heiman Mrs. 3aiues Benthron Is at lzt'esent Very ill. M's. B. Cudneore, is visiting with friends in, Torouto. Miss McClinehie, of Seaforth, is visitiageher cousin, Mrs. Roy White, Mrs. E. Rannle spent the week- end with friends in Hamilton. Mrs. (Dr.) Hardie is visiting in Toronto. Mr. Thos. Sherritt has moved into his new home on Richmond St. Mr. N. P. Warrener has moved with leis, fanii]y to the farm for the sunnier. Mr. Roy Neelaads, of Chicago, is visiting his mother, Mrs. T. Nee - lands. Mr. Chas. Livingston, of Niagara, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mr's. W. G. Wilson. Mrs. Living- ston has . been visiting her parents, for We past few weeks, Mr. R. Phillips, of Detroit, visited part of last week with his friend, Mr, W. 0, Goodwin. Mr. Phillips taught music here a. few years ago. Miss Florence Bonthron who has been visiting relatives in Toronto and Barrie has returned home. Mrs. J. N. Howard and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, of Exeter, were visitors YOUR DAILY PAPERS Toronto Daily Mail &Empire $4.00 Toronto Daily Globe .. ... , . e5.00 Toronto Daily World ...$4.00 Toronto Daily, Star , . ,...... $3.00 London Daily Free Press .... $5.00 London Daily Advertiser .... $5.00 Family Herald & Weekly Star $L50 Farmers' Advocate • $1.60 Canadian Countryman $1.80 lMIontreal Weekly Witness .... $1.65 World -Wide . $2.00 Toronto Saturday Night . $4.00 MacLean's Magazine $3.00 Rural Canada $1.00 The Youth's Companion $2.50 The Farmers' Sun $1.50 Farmers' Magazin"'e $2.00 Christian Guardian $2.00 The Exeter Times has a clubbing rate with most daily and weekly pa- pers. To find the clubbing rate add the price of the papers you wish to subscribe for and subtract 25c from a daily paper and 10c from a week- ly paper. Much Sickness Due to Lack of Work --a- Mee healthy body produces more. energy than it needs to keep the Heart, Lungs and Bowels working. This surplus energy must be speut in mental or physical work. On the other hand, people who work too hard use their reserve' strength and wear out the system. People who are inclined to Nen, vousness, Constipation, or have any of the Troubles of the Heart, Liver, Nerves, Kidneys. Stomach or Bowels. can greatly improve the condition of their health if they so desire. If you work too hard, take more rest, if you work too little, take more exercise. you will need reed- tk ixte to correct the troubles caused by your indiscretions and to assist nature to restore health. Then take Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy and if you require a laxative take Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills These two preparations will work 'wonders and we 'will guarantee sier,eficiai rosutfts because we know ,'they will do so. Mr. Wl1skaa E. Eagleson, of Bay field, writes as follows: "I have much pleasure in addressing you in regards to Hacking's wonderful Heart and Nerve Remedy. I hare used quite a few boxes and I must say they have done me a world of good. Please send me 5 more boxes of Hacking's Heart and• Nerve Rem- edy and 2 boxes of Haoking"s Kid- ney and Liver Pfi1z." If you too want to regain your lost health, then go to your nearest Drug Store and ask for Hacking's. Hacking's Remedies are sold in Exeter by W. S. Cole, Druggist. CASTO R For Infants and Children In Use Por Over 30 'Years Always bears the �, Signature of c.e;e� ' + SOUR, ACIEY.STOMACHS, t, OASES OR INDIGESTION $'Rape's Diapepsin" neutralizes excess sive acid in stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and distress at.. once. 'Time itti 3'n `five minutes all stom- ach distress, due to acidity, will go, No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or Belching of gas or ertzetations of undi- gested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. 1>sxptr,s Diapepsin is noted for its s 'eec to regulating upset stomachs. It a $lata::aures$, tluiekcst�etomaelx sweet- ener in the whole world, anti besides it air betrrless, Put an end to stomach r?iStiess at once by getting a large fifty - dent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any e"lr, lig store, You realize hi five minutes Vow' needless it is to sutler from hil- dti nr dyspepsia or arty atonia h dis- order calmed b fermentation tatiorl due to excessive acids in stomach. in town last week. Miss Lin Ortwein, of Toronto, is spending her vacation with her par- eats, Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Ortweiu, Miss Doreen Murdock, has return- ed home from a very Pleasant visit with her aunt, Mrs, Harold, ot Mon- treat. Mr. C. Joint, Mrs. Murdock and Miss Amy 1•+animie and Mrs. Joynt motored to Toronto on Sunday. Miss Laramie returned to her duties. there, Mrs. Murdock to visit her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell. Mr. Alex Buchanan, Jr„ spent the week -end at Toronto. Mr. Lloyd Stacey, of Windsor, is. holidaying at his home here. Rev. 1V1cL, Smith, of Luean, was renewing acquaintances in town dur- ing' last week. Mrs, W. A. Miller, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Sherritt, has feturned to her home in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Yeo, of Fillmore, Sask., and Miss Tarn, of London, spent a few days last week with Mr. ani mrs. I. iuuroue . Mrs. Smythe, and two children of Nelson, B.C., is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. -0. Cook, and Mr, A. W. E. Hemphill of town, The Rev. G. W. Rivers was called to Dorchester en Monday last,..•to at- tend the' funeral of Mr. W. B. Lane,. who was a member of his church there and who held the position of Recording Steward. Mr. Cunningham ,of Exeter, was here on Thursday last and placed the base for the Memorial Monu- ment on the site selected at the Town Hall. The base Yonas a found- ation for the .statue which is expec- ted to arrive shortly. A quiet wedding was solemnized on. Wednesday morning at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Zuefle, when their eldest dau- ghter, Nellie, was united in marriage to Mr. Peter B. Buchanan by the Rev. G. W. Rivers, B.A., 13.D., pas- tor of the Methodist church. After the wedding breakfast the happy couple left by auto for London where they took the train for Toronto, where they intend making their fu- ture home. The bride travelled in a suit of navy serge with hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan are both popular in Hensall and have a host of friends here who will wish them a happy and prosperous life. Zurich Mr. Herb. Mousseau, spent Friday in London. Mr. J. C. Reid, of Dashwood, was in the village last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith spent the week -end in Dashwood. Mrs. Geo, Luchtey,'of •Detroit,was a visitor at the home of J, Preeter last week. Mrs. P. Bender left for New Ham- burg where she intends staying for some time. Mr. H. Yungblut spent the week- end visiting friends and relatives in Michigan and Detroit. Mrs. M. J. Fritz and daughter, Marjorie, of London, spent a few aays in the village last week. 14Ir. Edwin Koehler,_.of Toronto, is spending his vacation at the home of his brother, Mr. Oscar Koehler. Miss Ada Koehler, of Toronto, is visiting at her home here. Mr. W. H. Pfile made a business trip to London one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beer, of Buf- falo, N.Y., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Josh. Brown, of Se- bawing, Mich., called at the home of Mr. 3. Preeter last week. Dr_ and Mrs. MacKinnon and son Hugh, are spending their vacation at Toronto and Caledon East. Mr. J. Jones, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and old and very intimate athletic friend of Mr. Chas. Fritz, called at Zurich one day last week: Mr. and Mrs. I. Hodson and family of Seaforth, Mrs. J. Melick and Mrs. S. Merner, of Hensail, called on friends in the village on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Smith, James 14lills and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reib- ling, of Detroit, are staying at the Brenner House Grand Bend, and called on relatives and friends in Zurich. Mr. A. F. Hess made a business trip to Toronto last week. Mr. Fred Howald, of St. Marys ~cgs in the village on Monday even- ing. g Little Pearlie Schade, of Dash- wood, is holidaying at the home of her aunt, Mrs. C. L. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schultz, of Morristown, spent the week -end at the hone of Mr. and Mrs, C. Fritz. A teacher in an Englewood school sked the other day: "How many inds of flowers are there?" The pupils held up their handn he.chose one to reply. "Well, Isidore, how many kinds of owers are there?" "Three, teacher." "Indeed! And what are they?" "Wild, tame an' collie." When little Bennie brought the milk in off the front porch one cold morning he found a pillar of the 'frozen fluid sticking out of the bot- tle. "Oh, inanuna, he .cried, "1 like bier slew millttnan1" • "Is that so? Why?" asked the mother. Showing her the bottle Damao exclaimed: "Our old milkman 1 a,cly filled the bottle, but this one heal,; it up." a S 11 131 -LAW NO., ---an 10±341. VILL&c E O'13' EXETElit. A 13Y• -LAW to provide ;for borrow- tag orrowtag the suis of 1$8000 .to pay for the construction ,of a concrete pavement on Wellington Street, in 'the Village of Exeter, and to authorize the issue of debentures therefor: WHEREAS, the Municipal Counvil of the Corporation of 'Exeter acrid pur- suant to .a request of the ratepayer's: that it is desirable and in. the interest of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter to construct a concrete pave- me,nt . on Wellington Street, beginnL g at Main Street and extending as far as the Grand Trunk Railway . property within the Village sof Exeter. AND WHEREAS, it has been estab- lished that it w10, !require 'the sunt of $12,000 to prepare the roadbed, do the necessary drainin,laoad to construct a pavement thereon. AND :WHEREAS, under instruc- tions of the Municipal Council of the Village of Exeter, estimates of coats of construction of a concrete pave- ment have been submitted and en seid estimates" the euzn of $8000 is placed as the sum necessary to complete the corporation's share of said concrete pavement construction. AND WHEREAS subscriptions have been assured by interested par- ties in, the seid pavement construction in the sum of $4000, which sue scrip- tion list will ' flied with the Clerk of the Munienpality of Exeter, AND WEIERh,AS, it is necessary for the said purpose far the said cor- ooratioa of ,the Village of Exeter, to borrow upon the credit of said munici- oality the sunt of .$8000. AND WHEREAS, tor the purposes aforesaid it will be necessary to issue debentures of the said municipality of the Village of Exeter for the said sum of $8000., wind interest as hereinafter provided, which is to ahre. ,amount cif the deb* intended to ,be created by this by-law; the proceeds ,of the said debentures to ,be applied itt the pre- paration of the roadbed, glad in the construction Iof ,the concrete pave- ment tont the said Wellington Street in the Village sof Exeter, and for no other purpose. AND WHEREAS, it is desirable to make the principal ,af the said debt repayable by annual instalments during the period of fifteen years next after the issu..' of the. debentures therefor. .AND WHEREAS, it will be neces- sary to raise annually for the period of fifteen years during the currency of the debentuiies to be issued her- by under specialrate sufficient there- for on, all the •rateable property within the municipality the sum of $797.00 for the paying of the several instal- ments of principal and ,interest there- on at the rate of five and one half Per cent per annum. AND WHERe,AS, the amount of the whole irateable-property of the Vill- age of Exeter according to the last revised assessment moil is the stn of .$775,275.00. AND WHEREAS, the existing de- benture debt )of the said Village of Exeter. exclusive of local impratse- ment d,ebenture debt secured by spec- ial assessments therefor amounts to the sum of $59,184.11, and no part of the .principal or interest thereof is in arrears. Therefore the municipal Council of the Village ;of Exeter enacts as fol- lows :- It shall be lawful for the Reeve and Treasurer of the said Yillage of Ex- eter to borrow on the credit of the said corporation elle sum of S8000 for the peirposee herein before set forth and dor that purpose to issue deben- tures Joe the said municipality to the amount of $8000 in sums of .not less than .$100 .each and such debentures shall be !signed by the Reeveeofe the said corporation for the time being and countersigned by the Treasurer for the time being a£ th,e said corpor- ation and duly sealed with the Cor- no.ratiion seal thereof, which seal the. Clerk !for .the time :being is .hereby authorized and directed to attach to each of the said debentures. The said debentures shall he dated union. the date of the issue thereof, and shall bear interest at the rate ot five and lone -half ner cent. per annum, and the said interest shall be payable year- ly on the day of the month on which. said debentures are issued, and as to a Stave Pipe ■ Enamel 1 1 1 &Platy good for the whole Resists heat Prevents rust Lowe Brothers stave Pipe Enamel' will put an automobile finish on your stove, water heater, regis- ter, radiator or any metal outface that is subjected to hent. • Gives any mletat a dura- ble 'black luster that lasts. Easy to apply. Makes things easy to clean-ea8- ler to keep clean. S small can will work or wondera in your kitchen. We -have .. it. ■ tls9 ',Taints >�1�aly.Tl9lsil��rr.�,alweA�Rlslrj�i Hearnan 1 1 1 both principal and interest said de- benture.; shall be payable in aiunualin- stalnients within ,fifteen years, such in- sttalnie,its Ito he of such amounts. that the ae regate anaunt payable .for Principal and interest in any year shall he equal, as nearly as may be to what is payable ,for principal and interest during each of the ,other years of such. period of .fifteen yeers as hereinafter set forth Interest 1'rinoipel 1921 $440,00 $357.00 1922 420,36 376.64 1923 399.65 397,35 1924 377.79 419,21 1925 354,73 442.27 1926 330.41 466.59 1927 304;75 492,25 1928 277.67 51,9.33 1929 249.11 547,89 1930 218.98 578,02 1931 187.18 609,82 1932 153.65 643.35 1933 118.25 678.75 1934 80.92 •716.08 1935 41,55 755,45 Tota], Payment $797,00 797.00 797.00 797.00' 797,00 797.00 797.00 797.,00. 797.00 797.00 797.00 797,4)0 797.00 797.00 797.00 That this by-law shall come into force andtake effect on the day of the final. passing therof. That the votes of the Electors of the said Village,,of Exeter entitled t:o vote on .this by-law be taken on Fri- day, the 20th day of August, 1920, commencing at nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until five o'clock in the afternoon of the sante day at the following places, within the said Village of Exeter and by the following Deputy Returning Officers. Polling Sub -Division No. 1, at Silas Handford's residence, Main St. Edward Treble, D.R.O. Sidney Davis, Poll Clerk. Polling . Sub -Division No. 2, at the Town Hall, Main street. Wellington Johns, D.R.O. Janes H. Grieve, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -Division No. 3, at Mrs. Mitchell's office building, cor- ner of Main and Wellington streets. James Weeks, D.R.O. Alfred Gam - brill, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -Division No, 4, at the North End Fire Hall. Frederick Wit - wen D.R.O. Castor J. Willis, Poll Clerk. That Monday the 16t1a. day of Aug- ust, 1920, at seven thirty o'clock in the afternoon, shall be the day and the Clerk's office in the 'Library building: in the Village of Exeter shall be the place where the. Reeve shall attend to appoint persons to attend at the -various polling places aforesaid and at the final summing up of the votes by the clerk on• be half of the persons interested in pro- moting or opposing this by-law res- pectfully. That the Clerk of the corporation Of the said Village of Exeter shall attend atis office in the said Vil- lage of Exeter at eleven o'clock in the forenoon on'Saturday, the 21st day of August, 1920, to sum up the number of votes given for and a- gainst this by-law, NOTICE .. The above is a true copy of the proposed by-law which has been taken into consideration and which will be finally passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter, in the event of the assent of the electors being' obtained thereto after one month from the first pub- lications in the Exeter, Times and the Easter Advocate newsapers, which first publication was on the 29th day of July, 1920, and at the hour, day and places therin fixed for taking the votes of the Electors a poll will be held. Every lease holder entitled by law to vote on the proposed by-law shall at least ten days next proceed- ing the day of polling file in the office of the Clerk of the Municipal- ity a statutory declaration stating that his lease meets the requirements by law entitling to .vote on such a by-law. And the names of lease hol- ders neglecting to file such a declare ation shall not be placed on the voters list for such voting. , Corporations entitled to appoint a nominee to vote.on its behalf shall not later than the tenth day before the day appointed ' for taking the vote, file with the Clerk of the Muni- cipality the name in writing of a person to vote as its nominee and on its behalf. Joseph Senior, Clerk of the Corporation of.,..the Village of Exeter. )3Y -LAW NO. , 1920 VILLAGE OF EXETER , .A. By-law to authorize the Reeve and Treasurer of the Corporation of the Municipality of the Village of Exeter to borrow certain sums of money to complete payment for the concrete pavement constructed on, Main Street under authority of By- law No. 4, of 1919. And for the issue and sale of fur- ther urther debentures in the amount of. $20,000.00 to cover said cost,. WHEREAS the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars is deemed neces- sary by the Council ; to complete the payment due for the construction of the Main Street pavement. AND WHEREAS the amount here- tofore borrowed and outstanding for the purpose aforeeai.d'aud .the a- mount hereby authorized to be bor- rowed do not execeeft the afnount of the said concrete pavement construe- ,. tioii. AND WHEREAS the arnourit of the whole rateable property of the said. Village of Exeter according to the last revised Assessment Roll is the sum of $775,275.00 AND `VV1 IER>lA S the ori ti s ng de- benttrre debt of the said Village of Exeter, exclusive of local improve- ment debenture debt, secured by epee' ial assessment .therefor, amounts to the sum of $59,484.11 and no part of the principal or interest thereof is in arreartl.. De it enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the 'Village of Exeter as follows: 1. Tliat the Reeve with the Treas- urer of the said Corporation be, and they are hereby authorized in the manner and subject to the conditions, herein mentioned to borrow upon the credit of the said Municipality the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars '($20,000.00) for the purposes herein before set forth and for that purpose to issue debentures of the said 'mun- icipality to the amount of $20,000.- 00 in sums of not less than $100,00. each and such debentures shall be signed by the Reeve of the said Cor- poration and countersigned by the Treasurer of the Corporationand duly sealed' with the corporation seal. which seal the Clerk is hereby au- thorized and directed to attach to each of the said debentures. „..„ The said debentures shall be dated upon the date of the issue thereof, and shall bear interest at the rate of five and one-half per cent. per annum and the said interest shall be payable yearly on the day of the month, on which said'`debentures are issued and as to both principal and interest the said debentures shall be payable in annual instalments with- in fifteen years, said instalments to be of such amounts that the yearly amount payable for principal and in- terest shall be equal as nearly as maybe to what is payable for prin- ciple and interest during each of the other years of such period of fifteen years as hereinafter set forth. In the Total Year Principal Interest Payment 1921 $892.51 $1100.00 $1992.51 1922 941.60 1050.91 1992.51 1923 993.39 999.12 1992.51 1924 1048.02 944.49 1992.51 1925 1105.67. 886.84 1992.51 1926 1166.48 826.03 1992.51 1927 .1230.64 761.87 1992.51 1928 1298.32 694.19 1992.51 1929 1369.73 622.78 1992.51 1930 1445.06 547.45 1992.51 1931 1524.54 467.97 1992.51 1932 1608.39 384.12 1992.51 1933. 1696.85 295.66 1992.51 1934 1790.17 202.34 1992.51 1935 1888.64 103.87 1992.51 That this by-law' 'shall come into force and take effect on the day of the finalpassing therof. That the votes of the Electors of the said Village of Exeter entitled to vote on this by-law be taken on Fri- day, the 20th day of August, 1920, commencing at nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until five o'clock in the afternoon of the same w day at the following places, ithin the said Village of Exeter and by' the following Deputy Returning O cers. Polling Sub -Division No. 1 at Main Silas Handford's residence, Mai - St. Davis,Edward Treble, D.R.O. Sidney Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -Di. isfon No. 2, at the Town Hall, Main street. Wellington Johns, D.R.O. Ja es H. Grieve, Poll Clerk. Polling i Sub -Di cion No. 3, at Mrs. Mitchell's' o ce building, cor- ner of Main and ellington streets. R James Weeks,, D. -,O. Alfred Gam - brill, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -Div sion No, 4, at the North End Fire Ha ll. Frederick Wit- wer, D.R.O. Cas or J. Willis, Poll Clerk. That Monday th 16th day of Aug- ust, 1920, at seve thirty o'clock in al the afternoon, sh 1 be the day and the Clerk's office in the - Library Vi building in theVillage of Exeter shall be the place where the Reeve shall attend to a point persons to attend at the vari us polling places aforesaid and at he final summing up of the votes. b the clerk on be- half of the persons interested in pro- moting or opposin this by-law res- pectfully. That the Clerk f the •corporation Sub -Div m v f6 W i t e n V P 0 t y g 0 of the said Village .of Exeter shall attend at his office in the said Vil- lage of Exeter at eleven o'clock, in the forenoon on Saturday, the 21st day. of August, 1920, to sum up the number of votes given for and a- gainst this by-law. NOTICE The above is a true copy of the proposed by-law which has been taken into consideration and which will be finally passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter, in, the event of the assent of tete electors being obtained thereto after one month from the first pub- lications in the Exeter Times and the Exeter Advocate newspapers, which first publication was on the 29th day. of July, 1920, and at the hour, day and places therin fixed for taking the votes of the Electors a poll . will be held. Every lease holder entitled by law to vote., on the proposed by-Ia'w ,Miall at least ten days next proceed- ing the day of polling& file in the office of the Cleric of the Municipal-. ity a statutory declaration stating that his lease meets the regiitrenlents by law. entitling to vote on such a by-law. And the names of lease hol- ders neglecting to file such a declar- ationsh ' a 11 not be placed " on ,lite. voters list for such voting. Corporations entitled to appoint a nominee to vote on its behalf shall not later than the tenth day before theday a.pp,ointed for taking the vote, file with the Clerk of the NCtifii- cipality the nante in writing of a person to vote as its nominee and on its behalf, Joseph Senioi^, Clerk of the .Corporation of the Village Of Eicoter, 7�'+rA:•a�'r.�'i+3: vcYbl ..;..KC, .... n� i:'pi �• :.tp ��y�•, ' Children Cry for F'leteher's Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared _ for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of: a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children' that brought Castoria before the public after years of research,. and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30^ years has not proven. What is CA T Ot� R I A A?' e Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,. 'Drops and Soothing Syrups. Itis pleasant, It contains; neither : Opium, , Morphine nor other narcotic .substance. Its; age is its guarantee. For more than thirty 'years it has. been in constant.use for the relief of.Constipation; Flatulency,; Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising; therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids, the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep,. The Children's Comfort -The Mother's Friend. ti • GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of r n Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NE,Y YORK CITY °e'�'�•arzi`-S4t.P.. w:"�'•ix�;; . .::i:•is��`ik:`L'��':,,$;�L.:d: i,2+crs'�.x'�, BANK BY MAIL, Regular saving will soon show a hand- some balance in the depositor's account. It may be difficult for you to come to thee. bank always when you want to deposit. Fz Send in deposits by mail -they will be as carefully handled as though you handed them over the counter. THE CANADIAN BANIO OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND $15,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager. INCORPORATED .1855 OVER 130 BRANCHES THE MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000. DOCUMENTS OF IMPORTANCE ARE ABSOLUTELY SAFE- GUARDED IF PLACED IN ONE OF OUR SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES T. S. WOODS, MANAGER, EXETER BRANCH. t;1 fi e ' CENTRALIA. BRANCH OPEN FOR BUSINESS DAILY. • THE USBORNE AND HLBBERT FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE 1NSUR. Al'f07t1 COMPANY.. Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President; THOS. RYAN Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON DIRECTORS WM. BROCK• J. L. RUSSELL ROBT. NORRIS, JAMES McKENZIE AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Hibbert. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for" Ribbert, Fullerton and Logan. W. A. TURNBULL, Secretary -Treasurer R. R. No. 1, Woodham. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter. DR. ,HENRY A. CORSAUT Veterinary Surgeon Office -Bakens 'Livery on James Calls promptly attended toor day Y o r Phone 8. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, ILIAD.. D.D.S. Honor Graduate d Toronto TJnlver- Sity. DENTIST Office over Gladman & Stauhtiry's office, Street, Exeter. , Adve ise in the TirneS, It pays, MONEY TO LOAN ' ,f i We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties, at lowest rates of in-- terest. -, GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors,, Main St, Exeter, Ontario 4 I. R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for the Maisons Bank, eto. Money to loan at lowest rates of"', nee Interest. OFFICE --MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Atte.• tioneer. Sales conducted in any loc- ality. Terms moderate, Orders left.. at Times Office will be promptly at tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton. Address Kirkton P. 0. DR. G. P. ROUX/STOW, 1'..D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST Office over I. R. Carling's Law ,bice. 'Closed every 1Vednesda�y afternoon, CASTOR F OrTnt - ants and Children. d u In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of