HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-01-29, Page 4PAIGE 4A•••-OOD ERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THUR'$DAY, JANUAI Y pit _ ._ _ •. - . _, •i.' p ar o • (continued -from -page 1.Ar Hardware claimed it was - 1 ecoming difficult, to get stock from wholesalers who were•. also running out •of shovels. He added that ad: d'itionai stock will be arriving and will probably be•so1d by the timethey.•arriv,e. ;°"t While most p.e_ancq ople s'mply.. - u g an'c"'"1�ea'"r"�iT"mr" " theirrecreational ' actzvit4es. to shovelling ;snow, others a "e"''' • taking advantage of the, ,ski slopes and the sunny••south • B'r.an Markson of Coach House Trave, Agencyin Goderich said it has been the best seaso..n•everfor travel. The sunshine is luring more and - more depressed• shovellers south and M. Markson claims people are just deciding on the spur of - the •mornent to get aw.ayfroni it all and are leaving as, -early 'as three or four days from their decision to go. • • Cruises and vacations'in the Caribbean area have been the most. popular this year and therehave been more requests for cruises than in the past two or three years: Mexico has also been very popular due to . attractive prices while Canadian `If•Hazel. Ayres af Simc.oe looks pleased with her new electric wheelchair, "Cs 'becausea flip of a switchlifts her to 'a'standing position enabling her to get on her crutches without aid. The `lift chair' was designed for Airs. Ayres by Gordon Campbell, M.A.Sc:,Bio- Medical Engineer., - estern University' HospttaL in London. :The drive is oh here in Goderich February 2-9, co-ordinated by the E.inette Club of. Goderichwith president Freida Thomson in charge. Hazel Ayres lives like people rough :help of "Dimes' fund • not.'. what kind of. =-d:isa-bil-rty--the person has but what k:iad__o person has the-_ disability'', Not ati„original •quotation but certainlya true one' in relation to Mrs. Hazel Ayres of.Sirricoe, • . Mrs.'- Ayres . would., be :ex- ceptional:by 'any: standards. She manages' a - :magazine agency.: She is secretary of the' Norfolk. ranch of the Marh; ofDimes.-She is social convener fon the ..United Chir`rc.fi: She belongs . to a bridge club, She Works with various organizations to provide Christina's hampers for the n • grandm•other. • She organizes the Marching.. Mothers • of Simcoe area for the March of Dirnes annual campaign for funds... And she does 1t all from a wheelchair! • • But. what a. wheelchair! It Wasdesigned especially for Mrs.' .Ayres .by Gordon Campbell,- `M.A:Sc:. • Bio- Medical'€ngineer at Western— Uni•t'ersit r Hospital in London, . ith..•• costs,•. being Underwritten by .the Ontario m March of Dies. „ . ' This ' "cadii'iac'• of Wheel -Chairs has a builvin lift which"raises Mrs.•.Ayres to an almost standing position so she can get -onto her crutches ' without further assistance: :a: ' hitherto impossible task: Innoy�ations such as this specialized, •wheeichair are part of the"March of Dimes' continuing effort to' impro�•e. '.•the quality of, 1ife'-for -the -province's- phy'sica;lsy' disabled adults. There is''a' better world •for the han •.dicapped. 'and•.the first step back into that' world is self -r respect and a•greaer degree of independence than'.. they. %now enjoys Hazel .Ayr.es .. •has • 'r.'heumatotld : arthritis. She • knew•: her 'first Moments of tear on - snowy night i January, 19.9 after havih got th000ugIily:chil•led• while acting as. 'her sister'.s • bridesmaid. Her condit'f h ,at .first was 'not 't..00 restricting: she• married in.195.0 and has one daughter. now married' and 'iii; ing in London with a family of her otv'n. -When her four • year. old 'grandson . comes to visit, his greatest delight is a ride'ean grandma's electric wheelchair' • • • Lift for 261'2' years. with rheumatoid arthritis •has not cell She a •been' 'easy .for Mrs. Ayres,. who now•. lives• alone. with some part,tivxze help and with ...some very good neighbours Who help.her to dress and' do her hair: things:- •one does 'almost without thinking unless , 'one's .hands are crippled like Mrs.•Ay;res'.. When . . the '.Marching. Mothers of :Simcoe and • district start their 'door -to - floor campaign for funds later this month -•fit willb,ave been Hazel ` Ayres . • whose. organizational efforts have: • made it all happen. Last year• her volunteer -legion Ladies • raised $4200.00: the -first night, . the, most' money ever! Hazel • •' .hoping to top in in 76. ' Marci~i of Dimes.support for: .the physically disabled ranges from supplying lifts. for vans 'to ,hand-conf`rols for cars, .and its •services are not duplicated by any ,:other agency. government • or' •.otherwise. •. -Your donations • to the' March :of -Dirties help people like Hazel Ayres. to live like „ .Support the research' and. tydueation :programmes - of your Ontario Heart Foun- :dation . through a'•generous gift to• • the" Heart Fund' Campaign. , • 4 WWER INTEREST RATES Now-Avaiiab.le`On 1ST AND 2ND MORTGAGES • • • Anywhere in Ontario On . RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL. INDUSTRIAL •and FARMi PROPS-RTiES interim Financing For New Construcficin 44 Land • Develo-pment •• T For Representatives ,_laYotir Area • Phone „ SAFEWAY ihfVESTMENTS AND CONSULTANTS LIMITED (519) 744-635 Collect Head' Office - 56. Weber. St. E7. Kitch r n' "O:h'Y;'” •`""""•"- -We, Existing.Mdttgages for Instant Cashisam — Chi most farnous basket in the world' hone, i 4-2724 • Over.35O Monuments In stock to choose' from Order now for•earliest p,Qssibl'e delivery and while selection is at its,, L• PRYDE & SON LiMiTEL AGENT » Dow DENOMME. 6d HAMILTON 5T. �GOOERICH,-S24-2373 ) destinati,Qns art-• un- derstarldably''not as popular aces this year. . , 'delivery Ski trips have not been as . delaying mat successful this yearbut then ,,t��,o hours, r: Farnsworth the area -slopes have '•enough` said that most .uple sndw'toKeep skiers lia.ppy fol' • kept their walks clearpein thaveown shine time. , which males the • j.ob. Snow.rnob•11ers who • have .sgnae�+'httt•easLer. x •been t ile'foz a few years had• e 1'i9iter allfl�ty`s se=ems to be tt4areka atew -kl as tbieF i•7 d fah for'tj�te e#rrldq�err tznd--tFS•e,;...h'. and it is diffi'cult to purchase closing of•`area schools ,just a. machine in -the Goderich iddep Gtu t11at"enjoyment. area 1Vlany people sold their .1lariv. school . buses were •... There have - been, no •`relatet1 .to mail d the ;snow is nenasmuch as, `. n achinA during the mud,inop;erative:,fol dayc ai d winters. and 'nov that they sch000ls' ereelosed. have a. chance to use them ai-e ' purchasing new .goes.. It's not all fun and games, l; however, and Goderich gosttna'ster•Mel Farnsworth. -said 'that. safetyhas been stressed more than usual this A. There is ',a-1 .aysl that' ten- dency fo wish the w1.nter', .. a>v'ay and :: think• ' of sunny summer da-ys ,:hut . -looking. ahead'. -is -wishing a life away ' and ignoring the present, PULSIFER MUSIC Seaforth, Ontario Save Hundreds on Pianos & Organs at Paisifer Music Seaforth — 527-0053 Goderich — 521-6291 For free Home Demonstration of small Wurlitzer Piano — ideal for apartment, trailer, home, etc. —approved by piano teachers and players. Our price 5799. Store open Friday and Saturday or by appointment. WE'RE OPEN JANUARY, & Oa, . p.rn. to 6 p.m. �atuar 01—JR.—ENTIRE COLLECTION QF' FINE .QUALIT.Y.STAT•UARY AS ON SPECIAL AT 25 PERCENT. OFF FOR TtiIS W..EEtc M'ANY•DIFFERiENT SHAPES"ikND SIZES 'TO' CHOOSE FROM"- SOME=THING THAT'S.. SURE TO PLEASE YOU!' WATCH.FOR OIFFEREr T SPECIALS EACH WEEK " Squire Gifts ,Highway 21' South, Goderich • • Ontario PQ.RTANT..PATF.C.HAi\iG Key• rent review "d-eadlines• -for LANDLORDS .and TEN- • ANTS.'have been extended' as of •January 16:-19.7-6. Here. are the new, date -Sr _ _ • For tenancyagreemen'ts taking effect•on or after July'.30., .1975 and',upto and including December,31,1975. TEN- ••.: ANTS wishing to dispute increases up to eight per. cent forr:that'per.iod.rnust make application on the appropriate - form by February 29, 197'6:, • For'tenan'cy agreements taking effect on or after July 3Q,' • 1975 and up to and including..,Dece-rn.W. 31, 1975. %LANDLORDS wishing to charge. more than eight per cent • ' over the rent charged during the last full month prior -to ' August 1.; 1975, for the above period.: must make applica- tion on:the appropriate form by .February 29, 19'7'6': •If the LANDLORD 'and TENANT do not agree on a rent • increase above the eight per cent guideline: and do not apply to have .the• rent for• -that period reviewed,; the ,TENANT is entitled.io ' a rebate of ,arty 'rent paid in • _excess of eight per cent, by 'February 29, 19.76.. • . • • i The' maximum rent LANDLOR'DS may .charge tenants • .after.January 1 19.76.. for all tenancy agreements which • :. 'b.ecame'effective on or'after,Ju1y 30,' 1975 .i§ eight pen! cent more, than' t.he. rent charged during the last full. • month',prior to. August 1, 1975: A landlord collecting.. more than this contravenes the rent review, legislation and may, on'surrimary.conviction..be,fined up to $2,:000: 16,1,n respect •to tenancy:agreerrfents taking- effect- on or, after July 30, '1975 and up to and inc-tuding. April 30, 1976, LANDLORDS wishing to charge more than eight • 'per cent for .any peridd after January -1. 1976 must make. ' • application on the •appro;priate, form by February -29, . 1976. • For tena•ncy'agreements,taking effect on or after January •_ :1, 1976, TENANTS wishing to dispute any .increase mugt• make;application on the•appr.'oprrate form'. by February 2.9; ..1976,. -.or 60'riays' after -receiving.•a. notice of increase; :whi•chever comes last. ' RENT REVIEW FORMS• • Until the. rent review office's are:irr'operation,.TENANTS ' and LANDLORDS may obtain .forms from offices of the Ministry 'of Housing, Ministry of Natural k:esou`rces (northern affairs branch, offices ontv7•.: Ministry o.f Reve ,nue assessment offices,. Ministry of Consumer and Coinmer.c.ial Relations and 'Ontario -.Housing Corpora- tion branch; offices in 7S0dbury..Thund'e`r Bay," Ottawa, Cambridge. •Hamilton and: London: CheCl , your tele- • phone directory for the local address.,. •-Mail the COMPLETED forms to Rent Review at the postal box designated .for the municipality in which your accommodation is located. METROTOR.ONTO City of Toronto ' 0ntano Rent Review Box 5370 . . Postal Station A • . Toronto M5W 1116 Etobico.ke, Ontario Rent Review •Box 51.1 PostarStatron - Etobic•oke M9C SV•5 East York . . Optarm.Peat Review • • 'Box.1013. Pastel Station 0 East York M4A"2N4 North York Ontarro,Rerii Review • Bdx234 Postal Station A • • - • W,llowdale M2N 558 ' . • 0 uar',o'Rent Review • • Box 940 • • - • - Postal Station:A • S•caeb.orough• M 1K 5E4 Ontario Rent Review Bac 23. • Postal Statkan A . .Weston. -M9N 3M6 • `Sc.atborough • York CENTRAL -EAST Barrie, for the • - County Of Sinccre a -i the O-st ct'vlu ofMuskok'a Mississauga..' -e Regional M„ ; sa'rr' : Peet • •- • Oshawa, for •he Regional Mur,c•oa:•;' of Durham Peterborough, !e Counties of Peterboroigh N6iWumberfand V,ctcria and Haliburt'on: • Richmond Hill, 'or the Regionat.Mumrla:lty ^.f. York • Ontario he't Redrew Brox .98S - Barrie L4-M,5E1 • Ontario Rent Review - BDx 125 • Posta! Station A `.iiss'ssauga L5A n2' I• 3r:ar,o Rent Re..eNv -Bax 616; Oshawa L'H 1R2 Ontario Rent Review Box 1586 • Peterborough K9d.S2 Oc'aria Rent Review. Box 391. R: hmond HALL 4V5 RENT: REVIEWREGIONS CENTRAL -WEST Hamilton, for the , Reg,cnal M is c palities, • , cf Ham tton•Wentwdrth - ia cn. Haldimar eNorfalk. . a.nd•the County of Brant .. Kitchener' for the • Regional Mun cOa4ty al Vdaterlco and the Ccunt"es. cf.'r`Jeil ngton and. 4uffer:h'. St. Catharines•, tor the' Regional 1.4n.c patay'of ti. agara 4 S0l1TH•WESTEAN London, fcr the C :,rr'es of.M,ddiesex Orford E g•n Larr.St:d• of fb andjfvron Owen Sou'rtd, for the G:ur; es c' Gr•ey ant B!-,iCe •- Windsor.'for the . Ca, nt•es• f Esse% and K•er't • EASTERN - • • Belleville "of -the kids ^g: ar 'P'rce ECwa�d • Cornwall,` the . Cc vile cf itarkiant 0 'das'&.G enva•ry and crest & R„sse!' • Ontario Ren; ,Rettne.w. Box2005 H.aniit s ,L8\,2R5 • .0' iarro Rent Review ,Box'2043' iv -0'a n Terrhnal, .: • ' .K'°:here• N2G •t.16 Ortar,o Rent Rev.ew Bax 332.7. . St Cathar.nes L2R 7E3 Ortiar..o Rent Pev,eri Box 5'01. - London N64.4,L6 .............. Ontar,o Pgnt Rev'•ew Brx 52-5 ' • C .en Sound' ",4K 5R4 Orae• c RentRe•new BCxr6 15 \9i, 6F2. • C a• . Rer; Fewer, • Bax,4 OO Be!levi KoN 5H9 Zhtv Rent Rev'ew Bok 6C” , • •Cc'nwa!1 K5H507 • Kingston, fir the Ontario Rent•Review Counties of Frontenac Box 5500 - Lennox & Addington Leeds & Kingston K7L 504 Grenville, and than aor, on , of Lanark taunt, Iking west otHighway 29 excrcd•ng the towns of Carleton Place- i•see Ottawa: and Smiths Falls iiisee-01taw:al • - Ottawa, for the 'Reg one! Mun•c;aa!ity of ' Ottawa Carletors/us that, portion of larhark Count),. 4.r g eas, d't Highway 29 nc'udrng •t:e icornt df Carleton Place and-- -- .Sm•ths Faith • P,embioke, fct the Co',:nfy .' Re.,f,ew • NORTH-EASTERN North Bay, for. the D•str :1St: N R'ss ngy. a^d Parry Sbund. Sault Ste Marie, far the n st'.ci of A'g0M.a. Sudhury, for. the Rego^•a! M/n,c'pai:ty of Sudbury and Districts df, S',dhur•y and`Man:touilo Timminl. for the O str•cis of Coch!ane -arid • T•m•skamrng • •NORTH•W,ESTERN Kenora, for the D strlcts of Kenora and 'Rainy River Thunder Bay, for.the 0atr ct of Thun.der Bay Ontario Rent Review Box 9800. . Ottawa K1G3Y2' Ontario Rent Review' • Bac 1010 . Pembroke K8A77a • Ontario Rent Review reox884 •- • North Bay P1.6"8K1 • • •Ontario Rent Review Box 627 • Sault Ste Mane -,PSA 5N2 • Onlar.w Rent Review Box 1059 . Sudbury P3E 4S6" Ontario tient Redrew. Box 1130 } . Timmins - P4N 7H9 ' Ontario Rent Review Box 2440 Kenora P9N 3X8 Ontario Rent Review Box 5000 Postal Station F Thunder Bay P7C 566 Telephone numbers and locaticihs ofMt•he rent review offices• wtl.I be published shortly' I d If you -wish a booklet or further i•nforrnatiof. pleas' write Rent Review', Box :580. Postal. StationF: Toronto M4Y 2L8-. 'Or; it you liye within the Metro Toronto toll-free calling area: please telephone 923-1199. . Province of Ontario •