HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-01-22, Page 22AGE 11 4U•lk R Fr 4: S U NA 1 � 1 A l2 _ i;H:t-1. Goderich town c un o cit agreed "that an additional $1 e lzer � nth t be -added o th, househol'd•sewage charge to; establish 'a ;reserve fund for 'futoreexpansionof t he, sewage fa. liteci e. . s• . .; The surehargeOrt4Goderic i residents' is subsequent to, a• re nidi.fife datcr'n"=f'r!;:nr Ministry of the'Envir.onment that the:G''aderieh sewage treatment plant plan for plant exp ` rision` • in, the 'irntri-edlate •Fa . future.: A • •-,;ministry• , representative • • told_.'. court F , c•illors ,at a meeting .late• last `year that-theexpansion plans l' :.: yvere ;;'necessary ' ..to ac 'commodate.•.. any fut'ur`e • residential "'and industrial development within the town.• • • AY JA'NTJARY '" uurli PSI :toUp;i,il, hopes 'that the $i surthar•.!~ e p er household will. establish . a sizeable reserve fund to 'help defray expenses when the. expansion of the•. plant . 'is necessary. •The , acharge,c will realize ap proximatt, ly.JO 000 per year. Coun.cit .also - d. do wnvironmen-t--asci. •finance committee meeting"tha•t'ajso`'. colica for-t.he eitforcement of B.. zilw "35 et hich concerns OVrisout connectitans- storm sewers. -. • E•iiildi.ng,. ,ins .,eC:tor . Roy P Breckenridge, told council fhe' bylaw, would be 'difficult to enfpree' and they • sho, ildn t take a. stand. Co-uticillor Leroy. Harrison said all public buildings should be: 'discon- nected • before hotiiseholders area asked to conform "to the bylaw. .. Councillor , Bob Allen' ex- plained the town .must either Int or e sewage a. add-toth g . P find niteritate routes: adding that tht. Limit should: move w•1!t1 'di'scretion - bul°.". ;ave quickly on the -..law, to remove the downspout. connections. Works and. Engineering ' air is . cJi rn .n Dave a e Gower said n if -the> - bylaw . ednnat be .eno- forced it xiius.t be; •eyiewe4 a:nd enforced, He 'said it was 'cotuacil's responsibility ..to - enforce the bylaw 'and. the u : d. bylaw should `stall behl>iid the person enforcing it. adopted the .. :;. �.:des'. .�. ,,.:wo . �l..h..�. E,111 O �', • fQl ns'f the"ownt-�%�:.fi.:�. ' continued fromp!.410-1 •°.. 1e 'vin. •.it u to the " ount "'t •'""stnlc. ,n g p dividual' _the c y .o ' usually put to use bythe town.' ,.' Y o counciltocoClectthe 'money: '•.: 'biidg.etfor.educatiori: - has 'beep elimnated'and that r;; Clifford sadthat if .one". .-Huron'GoGiity : •ad:= construction : ' and main- ' 'of -hose three bodies s inistrater B�il1:. ani 's i • t asits for m i� .x a d iae. tenauce'of-the 'tow.n'..streets eiah.t. percentwconfident:counq.coun i1 wilLbe' •.down considerably. ,• ncrease altered .1.by the "• •w:oirtd :Pot :be, Saending 'an The finance 'chairman proaince tte townwill' have' in -Pre moneythan:las year. Warned : ho.weveif that council no choice, but to' raise. the: ' and that he was ho �ef'ul their ould net t -afford o run scaredp G o '.extra funds througli�: a mill budget Would dow:ri�ine • 'in theface of hig erst ending rate increase:duetoso.ene'reserve funds:the rates; He .said that. `some • D.J. Cochrane, director of countyCanmake use'of. projects would have to be . education f"or, Huron County, Mr. Haney said that he continuedto allow the council said that the education •eepected his budgets in by to stay abreast . of their budget for -1976 has not been • late next jnonthand.indicated maintenance and upgrading 'looked at yet and. that he that county council was programs. " - could not offer any indication "making every effort. to keep; • "If we stand still coin- of what increase will be, the •m'iLl rate the same as last . own a'.Ise4 at h'e joint . conimjtteo .catch basins be surveyed and r'ecoranrnendations. also. .call •plotted, and their discharge for K,the " town ellgirteer x'tQ : • lotted. report on the •feaslbility of . Therecomr4iandatiar'is also reducin storm water rsuggested that an impost see i the . 1 lot be a into sou a of $ OO 'per o ill ha , 0 pg cr F remises servicing:. it suggested tat the impost charge shouldnot be on a flat - rage basis fOr both residential, and industrial and feo w u:: 1 willb dr n schedule a sch a.� P , Sanitary ewer and that all charged .for any. future off- ' • • vinci l restraint.... • am to to o ; ie oris `ir qts; intro ::aft—That '����� b • The e. iminati'on of the t'hr e • budget ' includ:in ` , uts.:new � � g c,., pro!jects shaved $66,500 off the : totalled $5.47,175', zlo.wn. -.roads • '• slightly from last° 5... g g.• Y Ye�r. • '.Count Councillor Gowe .Included c r said. that`" ed' in • the `wor•!xs he Plans some ' e tensive ` budget 's the 'maintenance F �. b � Hance' of sidewalk • repair and the' • Goderich" 'air'�ort. The p upgrading budgeting$10,000 .::town. app oved: $32`000 fo for the work. He said that• a general: maintenance at Sky storm sewer- for ;•the Harbor'•and an: increase will Indestrial Park` was not be realized when' the county " letel .tins w y � p y things on't be long heeded to. 'handle'this year's .year. catchingaup to us, predicted costs. Councillor Dave. Gowen Mr. Clifford: He ointed u' c airman of Goderich works Os t ake on �cwrse p o t> however, h . ° He. explained' that the that wages in ti}e education and engineering said that ' The legal action Goderich town eouncilproposed as a measure to prevent :`.tie Ontario cabinet from: closing Goderich Psychiatric has gone by the wayside because of, its frivolous nature, according• to' a• reliable source,: Council elected recently to serve the cabinet with an. injunction to block the Pla=ns to close GPH but the in- junction will not be served due to several legal reasons,. Geography, area of jurisdiction' and ethics were cited as the reasons for not going ahead with the injunction according to tie source, The psychiatric hospital is not within theboundaries of the Town of Goderich and legally, the town has no more jurisdiction' over activities . in the Township of Goderich where the hospital' is located, than ,they do iri the -case of thecl'osure of the ' Timmins hospital,' The ownership of the hospital is provincial which also reduces the, jurisdiction of the Town"of Goderich legally: - The council's legal,adviser told ,them .that the only - groups that could • make use; of injunctionProceedings are :a- .group of employees- at the hospital ar a group of • patients; There is. no indication yet thateither party is. intending to'tak:e up where the town:left off,' • - .,. The..final reasons cited for not taking, the Court action - 'were based on the futility Of the move`Becairs'e"the in-.. - ' ;junction was deemed useless litigation`: by the town's'• • legal adviser, it was.•pointed out that any legal advice ...given a • client by `• a, lawyer in the Canadian Bar . :Association .must be worthwhile. Under regulations of.' • the association it is the duty of a lawyer.to discourage a client from comniencin.g useless• litigation: Cnoe club;:... (continued from page' 5) Buchanan,. Louis Carey, Basila Kelly, Angns• McNevin, Reginald . Platt, William P.roudf.00t, Ernest Pridham, Arthur P. Reed, J. • M. Roberts, Terri J. Salkeld 14. C, Sootheran5Ed. Spahr, Alex Straiton 'and A. F. Stur- dy,'Throughout . the war _the club. .remembered their fellow-members'overeas with gifts, and immediately after, • the• °arm'istice in 1918 'the initial steps were taken . for the erection of a metnorial to • the men from Goderich and. the district who hadfallen in.. the. conflict The cooperation of other organizatio'hs in the town was Solicited and given. with 'the e w:w rsu}t.• "that.'�e splendid • cenotaph w'ra`th• stands in •Court 1 -Douse.' .Park was erected and dedicated with due ceremony. • Presidents • of • - the. Menesetung-Canoe Club from its beginning in 1906 to the .present`.' 'Presidents of Fifty Years Dr. W. Turnbull -1906-09 Dr. C. E. Sale -19.1.0.-11. H. Sturdy -1912 G. L.Parsons191.3 Dr: C. E. Sale -1914 W. H, Rlbertson-1915-16 P. L: Wallton-1917 U.T. Edwards -1918-19- • W. T. Millar:192. l W. 3. Buchanan.:1921-22 ., `"Dr. L. M. Mabee -1923 A. L. Cole -192,4 H. R. Hall -1925 D.D. Mooney -f926-27 Clarence MacDonald -1928-29 Jas W--M'acVicar=19.30 Robert Bisset -1931 Geo. G. lV1acE wari-193? H. J. Fisher -1933-34 J. I -I. McNee -1935: . - H. Jane -1936 ' W. J:•Baker-1937. J • H. Lauder -1938-39 J. F. Gillespie -1940 Peter Bisset -1941 T. Roy Patterson -1942-43 W. F. Saunders -19.44 Gordon Bisset -1945 • J. R. Wheeler -1946. Geo. Mathieson-1947 C. F. Chapman -1948 'Geo: Paterson -1949.' Fred Noble -1950 • Dr. R. Hughes -1951 . Bruce Beattie -19.52 E. F. Sale -1953-54 A. Wilkins -1955., Hurnidity P!0b!!fl! in.y.our home? Because with the Winter Cold comesthe DRY,. LIFELESS AIR PUT COMFORT BACK IN it 0U R HOME �. WITH AN ELECTRORO'ME UMIDIFIER. 'AVA ILAaLE • AT.. say! DOMINION i Ali • i1 Vont ill•IH Subsidiary tY. IVoRTH O DERiGHditicJl� 164 ESa' {. ri,,, :�`Xn.u�� .* set . • • government 'restraint system. have increased ..sorne -of his committee's progm basically meant considerably > due to last' roads 'projects would be that Goderich would have to ' year's 29' percent increase eli:nt nated. due to provincial set a budget very similar •to awarded Huron teachers and cuts . but added' that three last .year•'assuming that that 60 ,percent of •that in major projects planned' for added 1( revenue from crease would be reflected in this, year .'would be Main- the 1976 budget: tained. He said that a storm He •explained that 60 per- sewer excavation project for - cent• of the :funds needed to Nelson and Waterloo Streets, pay• the increased wages •. would be kept as would the granted last year would have South•Street•Storm Sewer and• assessment of new property in' town and the eight percent increase: the province added to their normal ei'penditure grants would 'coveradded costs. to; be drawn from the 1976 the. paving and curbing : of ' The thorn in council's side budget. andthat 'some;of,the • Suncoast Drive.' at budget setting time is increase given teachers this . Projects wiped out by: requisitions from. •Huron year would also have to be restraint are the widening of completely: eliminated but was, •a questionable item Covncii.Briefs` F}ips ra" -fel sTeare of "o`sSTs about $15,Q00 • P " roe•' for ar consiir cling hangars'at Sky Harbor have not- leen; eliminated: -•as: yet and the airport committee IA hopeful the hangars •cnri lje' built on •a user -pays basis keeping the improvements of :the airstr•ip.'in.the stream of council projects.: • Proposar fa ll .. . coiitinuedfrom page 1 complexand suggested. the • *hen -we already\„have a • town proceed on smaller recreational swim"min.g recreational projects and - pool?" •he asked, "Once,' polish them,. providing ' •young—people have received recreation that the • people __ basic training in a sport they could paYfor,. require 'expertise tral'rl,ing Goderich deputy -reeve' Bill and who pays for that?" Clifford said the best *ay tc Councillor Elsa Haydon .approach the complex is to said that tax, dollars ate the give the complex committee • people's 'own' money; She ----some direction so they can claimed there appeared to be bring in a proposal to provide two groups, one to •find out facilities on'a needs' basis. He. how the._towncould build a said the project must.` be complex and another group to phased in, so grants and fund. find out how the town .can 't • raising '..projects could be build it. .geared to • the ' phased • "I belong to the group who . development. wants ' .to :examine The pessibilitles of building the . Mayor Shewfelt said the complex," she . said. 'decision—m-6—Y' liebetween a The Works • and Engineering:department was granted permission to, pur- 1 chase •a new snowblower at a. cost of $1.,000 for street snow. removal. 'Committee chairman Dave Gower ex= plained.due to heavy snowfall conditions the sriraller sidewalk plows were:not able - to clear snow in heavy-drif- tingareas... •,a • a • i • • 11 County, the Maaitland. Valley, included inthe'76budget, Highway 21., the paving: of.. Year :� -• -ConServation Authority and • He added' that . wage Blake Street,,from South to 1 • O. the County Board of negotiations ,have not been. Education The three bodies settled at the provinciallevel set up: their budgets without this' .year' and that the consultation. . •-w-ith=to_wn Lkistr* _Education has not council and then send a revealed,' theeir grant. strut- ` 'for the • required tax dollar •" ttire .making jt impossible for: • • • Cameron.a'nd a storm sewer planned for the• road section the,. Paving of MacDonald; Street from, South. to Blake ., and 'a ' storm sewer ,on•' N.e•wgate. .• Street from. "Although we have no Money centralizedcomplex or now it doesn't mean we .can't upgrading the • present BE; A .• plan ,for. the future and hope . facilities and that council • forbetter,timeswould havve'..to make •'• $LQOD . e • Clayton. Edward claimed. ' decision :and .-then offer... some Y _'DONOR ;• `the town Was talking over its direction' ;to the: complex:. ••� �.i �'e •: head ;yin--:•e-onsider:i"n,g•: the committee • S UP a "RED ROSE'ECONOMY' TEA.BAGS nos -.QUEEN'S' PRIDE 'CORNED BEEF FOODMASTER' VICTORIA STREET GODERI OPEN NWT•ELY' 'TILL .10 P.M. LEVER. ,10.FL-,'OZ, STEMS 8, PIECES,:,• MUSHROOMS 2 • ° $:1,• 00 • LAURA SECORD PKG. OF 4 -'S „PUDDINGS GRADE - A BRAND cRoss R16 OR ROAST CHUCK - STAR BRAND. 32• FL. OZ SUNLIGHT POWDERED: ..:<•.; 89cDETERGENT LNSRED ROSE T:ANT COFFEE CLARKS . 19 F.L. OZ, BEANS •WPOR1E :. PLANT ERS 13 OZ MIXED NUTS MAXWELL HOUSE J LB. PRiNT TASTERS'CHOICE 8 OZ.. •FRE•EZE'ORIED' • INSTANT COFFEE IN'GERSOL 16 OZ. JAR CHEESE . SPREAD •GLA[ _ . K•ITCME�! CATCHERS 2s.: ORIOLE SOFT . 1 LB TUB MARGARINE <2 PRODUCE. OF U.S.A.- - - NO. 1 GRADE •• 'COOKING F ,. ONICNS-3 Lts.' TREESWEET • 48 FL, O GRAPEFRUWT ORANGE `.'JUICE CARNATION ° -MILK ••1,1PIN. 3 RS 1. • e. .71 • CAM'PBELLS • TOMATO aS1.00I- _. :SOUP , 5 R YORK'PURE . STRAWBERRY 24FL' OZ. JAM ':MURACLIE— `WHiP • 32 FL. Q,., ',BLACK DIAMOND' SINGLES CHEESE SLICES 16 0Z• P'KG .7, ROYALE-' JUMBO ' PAPER_ PTOWELS 69C ,'GLAD ' SANDWICH ' a: 505 4 ORANGE 9 • 7 OZ. 'FLAVOU-R CRYSTALS PKG. • n. • • •