HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-01-22, Page 21iisN1l( a� InatrInlca Nm!sL Unconverted targe 2 storey brick school house near St. Helens, Drilled well. Oil furnage. Large lot with Maple trees. ' Taxes $47,•00,- Good -business opportunity west"`ofStratford, Good potential and flnar►cing for•the.right person, •O -T -S- ` • • . Dungannon' - •2 66x. 166 • Blue B Water -ach --10.0 x 300.. 's And Who -.Walks' a 3 .bedroom mobile' home. needing some ' ' rePa i •rs. t v ..Surrird t Haven ... Lake: e , efl'o0k -.bedroorr► cotta a #eaturin rt g• 9. Ai gelstone fireplace, .drilled '•well;`100, feet. of lake .frolitage. . L,ane of pines, 3 .'bedroorrl •recently ` renovated ' attractive icottage,.,150 feet of aake•frontagec• ' • ENID BELL GODERICH 524-8191 GRAND BEND 238;2303 Raptly di Ineuranca .I.:Milted • • ODER ICkI.5iGNAL-•i l:x Ti,i~1' bir UA, IIT+ 1 ITV (XII c'1Slrll laciilr.t'�t 1 v liar NVENl•IONAL,i'r1ODULA:R,;�a:UkwwL.L-.AND. •RE:(`RLA1IONA`L HOUSING, WI1H•f:ULL • PARK FA( ILI1_ILti;,. ail,tit walk In„,m.tiffst,irt LINDQi. CEDAR HOM00.BENIDIX HOME'SYSTENIS: MAOLET,TE:OUALITY HOMES, COMMODORE= HOMES AND HOIVICO HOMES t • satisfaction guaranteed e . '' .:.Financing arranged' .corriplete construction facilities• H'UR.ON HAVE•N•Hti E S HURON HAVEN VILLAG• E Box 128, Goderrch,.Ontario N7A 3Y5 ' (Highway 21; North o.f. Goderich) :.Phone (519) 524 ,6384- OPERA'TED'BY HOMES OF THE FUTUR_F:,,I;IMITED STRATFORD 273-0347 ' -RESIDENTIAL ' NEARLY NEW RANCHER Brick custom built ex= eptiona.I home of finest construction includes Dash- wood. windows, patio -doors, hot, water heating, quality carpet' throughout, :• spacio0s kitchen and dining area, - deluxe bathroom, good site, bedrooms. One of our better built hornes. FAMILY LIVING Four bedroom home; ReceniJ.y -.. redecorated, new.roof,. once and half baths.. Central ` location with mature trees. - N:EW'HOME Three bedrooms, entertaining size living and dining, future family room, luxury carpeted •' throughout. Located in west end. Lot 66'.x 132'.• WEST. END Nearlynew three bedroom brick bungalow, family size ' kitchen, family • room. in basement, attached garage, near. lake -and school. REALTY` LIMITED • •38'East 'St., Goderich :r 524:8100,0r 524-91.31 NEARLY NEW Three bedroom rancher .featuring•,•lerge family' -kit- chen; •nide.ly decorated' throughout; basentent has partially' completed recreation room -.Large lot 80' x 132'. Asking price 535,000 JUST -LISTED 3 bedroom ranch home in immaculate condition.. Large ' treed lot in choice .west end'' •.loeation.'Good dry basement, paved driveway. • Pride •of. ownership, isreflected-in this cosy •home. Taxes 5430:00.' .NEARLY NEW Three' bedroom , aungalosiv, large family size kitthen, full basement, lot. size 81' x 132'. COMMERCI'A.L AREA. Four bedroom home, large- • sunroom, recreation' roo.rrl. Home .. in immaculate. •con-'. dition. Many opportunities for, this home. Taxes 5285. ' BUILDING LOTS EXCIUSIV-F I OTS Overlooking Lake -Huron, 2'• lots, mature trees, Goderich, last remaining Iakeview.lots.•' HOMESTEAD HEIGHTS •.Lakefront . lot. Excellent building site for year round_• use. -Size 85' x- 285'..' OUT OF TOWN PROPERTIES • LAKEFRONT: LOT.100f Choice • treed. lot south. of Goderich. Asking $14300„ PORI- ALBERT • _ .r 2 -acre building lots in village "of Port Albert." Asking $6,000. 2 ACRES NEW HOME Two miles from Goderich,• cu,,stom built brjck home, entertaining size living and dining; ::family room with fireplace, .game ' , room, 'laundry, room, well •planned _ kitchen, - extras: include -broadloom throughout, patio doers to sun deck, pool, double garage, smallbarn and -much: more. See 'this attractive home - today. Owner. relocating.. Taxes 5329. IDEAL HOBBX FARM Ten•, acre farm with modern home, new steel siding barn with 5 box stalls, ideal for horses, new,drilled'well. • SNOWDEN AGR ES BAYFIELD Three bedroom home on large lakefront lot,- 'full basement, log burning fireplace and carport. Act fast. •.$22,900•PORT ALBERT :Cedar Grove Beach. At- tractive modern 3 bedroom pine bungalow, in .excellent - condition. - Large raised sundeck. Includes stove and fridge. Owner'=will consider. holding mortgage. - BUSINESS 0 40 ACR ES. .$28,000 • • Hight4ay .pr-operaK includes bush .and creek,,.near Goderich, . excellent '. in_.. •vestment: To be severed.' • BAYFIELD Single storey, 2 bedroom home with fu•II basement, drilled •',:well. 130' x 130' lot plus extra lot 120' x 12x0':Make-offer. 80 ACRES 555,000 , • Highway property, ever • -flowing creek, 25 acres mixed bush. • Excellent investment. Close to Goderich. Hydro on property. Make offer. . •BLUEWATER. BEACH Attractive cottage, tastefully decorated. and ready to move in: Fully furnishedsituated on spacious a parklike :lot with Lakeview. See this well maintained property today, - • Asking 532,000. ZURICH DRY GOODS Be your own boss.in this welt established • business. Same owner for many years. A real money .„ma'ke"r. • Building, equipment and stock for 'sale. -'A rare opportunity to secure your future. BLUEWATER BEACH 3 bedroom cottage, cathedral ceiUng, carpeted bedrooms. ' Nestled. in the trees. Just 2 ,miles ,from Goderich. Owner . open ,for offers. , , PPORTUNITIES 4 BAY. GARAGE 'Building is approx. 4,000 .sq, ft., well constructed of in- ' sulated block, new heating system:, 'one.. -storey, includes autorttatic car wash' well located with valuable highway frontage 225 ft. RESTAURANT, Be in your' own established business. Take over 8 year , lease with- . low Monthly paymentshaving a. purchase option at a fixed price. 68 seat restaurant '- With living ac - tem MoctationS. c-temModations. Present. Leaseholder Will . Sell • equip- ment and fixtures. Low down• payment.. Balance first ' mortgage. Ad fast. ', DEB SHEWFELT - 210 Keays St. 524-9581 • JOAN G1ESSRECHT RR 6 Goderich- 529-7192 HAROLD ERB •' Bayfield 565.2826 .• RITA ALLEN • 154 Essex, St.' 524-8480 ' EBB ROSS. a 92 Newgate 'St. 524-0786 • KINCARDINE- - 196 -3418 RESIDENTIAL. HOMES:: FINE SELEC'TiON OF HOMES •TO SUIT:TOUR LIFESTYLE MORTGAGES 'ARRANGED. 539,000. JUST .IMAG:IN•E NEW • WEST END FEATURING LARGE FAMILY ROOM CUSTOM BUILT RANCHER • THREE BEDROOM,: IMMACULATE CONDITION 10 AC -RES, NEW BARN, 4 MILES FROM "I” WN FOR AUTO AND FIRE INSURANCE N' DO•MACEWAN'MAL.COLM MATHEI S GODERICII INSIJRANCE'AGE'N Y LIMITEh •524.M8100 38 EAST STREEr5.24.4442. - AUTIFUL"older 'two storey' brick htame, 'four bedrooms, 11/' baths,' .dining.- room, one block from lake. Phone 5.24-0022;-2 • •• OWNER leaving' be.droona, storey and a half,: fully carpeted, newly• 'de .,orated Phone.482.9007.-3,.A • RWF-iREMENT HOME 40. miles soufli'of'Goderich. Wo also have a . • 200 aerie• farm, with ultra mpdern' horne;,.25 miles from Goderich, These' are•-primgglocations and `may he worth yotr investigation. 'Rep1§. • to P:O. Pox .1052,... W:ingham •-Ax dei_TJ&rnes$• Numerous, •.: • - ° Summer or permanent horses, -We will completely build, fnr:plumbing,' ,and electrical Mines; : 'To. Your. specification ,aura . p. ":a .-,... dWe . WA) di 4f�itjr,it.ARO r 1e479VdtigR`,° 41.)ifiURN 526-7194 4 Ph0.siq DON or ALFREI,A"' PETER: S MOCEWAN INSURANCE PHONE 524-953.1 : 38 ST. DAVID ST. • GODtRICH. SO MUCH FOR SO'LITTLE As, this two storey.brick home offers a large kitchen 12' x 14'4 dining room, den with fireplace, double living roam, five • bedrooms. 'Located 'one block from downtown, two blocks. from schools. Give us ,your,bid today. • ° HOSPITAL LOCATION We have never offered better" value than this two storey home, consisting of three bedrooms, dining room, front•room, rec. room, this .home is in excellent condition. Owner is moving.: Pricedi„down for'quick sale. HIGHWAY ,LOCATION Lot 95' x 250' situated on said. lot is' a .two: bedroom dwelling ne ing.repairs. Inspect. thi.., property .and make us an offer.. RED BRICK'DUPLEK Offered -one bedroom :apt.dowristairs`, two bedroom upstairs in' otrtstariditsg ztindition .Situated on' large lot 100 x 120:in idea! location:_ •CHOICE.:BUILDING I'OTs ffi ""Bennett Street= Lakeside Drive,'Warren St., buy at 1975 prices. s ,. : We need your listings foraction in buying 'or selling after, hours -Sundays Holidays; PLEASE PHONE' 4ohn Schneiker es. 524-6055 Jo -an Bullen Bayfield Rep. R,ES.. 565-2421 Bruce.Ryan Res. 524-7162 - .' Maurice Gardiner Res; •524-7302• . . B.R. Robinson' Res. 524-6905 Leah, Kuehl Clinton Rep, Res: 482-7304 Office 48243.06. realty Limited y • P P Y 4046 Real Estate "RIM General Insurance ® ro ert INunagefnent - • 8 THE SC UARI® GO.DERKi-1, 966 Z or '2 4 15 5.4 Z HOUSE' WITH ONE : ACRE.- Live •in lovely Auburn.:. Frame IL's• ,.: storey 4:bedroomhouse. Low taxes. "Room for your own garden. 104 Lakevi_e_Vv_ Split • Level•; . New •• brick three • "bedroo.m split level.. • Angel,stone .' front. Dining room has patio" doors - for good view of ; - Lake Huron.' Finishedpercent recreation room. Also finished fourth bedroom Vana-s'trn :.. 2 storey frame 3 bedroom •.• house. Oil, Heating. • Gco o d • basement: Excellent co•ndition. Attractive 9 mortgage: • t ;, '. 120: :300 Acres • Nearly all '-wor'kable° „ ::Excellent crop land: No • buil'dings., 200- acres Systematically drained.: Owner' will conside•r • .taking back substantial •• first mortgage: Close to Goderich:' Immediate possession....._„., • 0 orDen. Close to schools. 114 Incime`Property�• • - • ,Threeapartments•- Live ' in one.and-rent the other 'two. Asking 535,000, Love Taxes: Each. apartment has stove and fridge,- •possession. 1f), '` I mediate Possession New brick• three •bedroom split level: Excellent view •of Lake' • Huron. Close to .schools, Finished •'recceatinn- • room -and 4th bedroom 'or-, Den':• ..Immediate Astcing 116 $a7,6op. Bungalow •' °• 'with Pool ' 4• bedroom frarne • in •south=east •.'section off - . town.. Finished recreation -;room, and change. room. E9q1y carpeted. peted' -Many extras, eluding an outdoor'• pool.- 1. ,.. . :Lodi Taxes l3ritkr 2' storey.; four : bedroom home • in Dunganngn R nflq' renovated thio ou't. Oil hat wafer heating. Nevtl'. f:amlly room. ',1.atge modern' kitchen. ,'with new cupboards. Separategarage and hobby'shbp, 62 :Lakeview Cottage ° Hunter's Beach.:• five miles north of Goderich•. Excellent retirement home..Beautif•ul view of Huron. Water . from. new drilled well, -'"Access to good beach • and ever.fiowing spring: ' Electric' heating. •.Price in the IOW twenties. -' " '-buyer. 134 . • . : • Will Consider Trade New brick.. and al•uminum 4 bedroom 2 storeyfamily -home. Your o.wn choice of "� carpets. • Large living room. Separate ,dining-,•.. room., • 'TV •-• room. • • Electric forced air heat, Good 10' i per cent mortgage to qualifying , • Immediate 0.possession.. a•. o .Building. Lots- Lqcated in Pt:' Albert; Half acre choice. buil Albert, for-- " year 'round ;.herrnes. Close to the fake. 7o Located in Auburn — Quarter acre choice lots for building: ,See us today 105 a • • We would be •pleased• to offer free, expert advice ' on buying or selling real estate. Be informed = ..come in and 's'ee •' us • today, VACATION Mat Kenzie Beach, Kintail •'iwq frame cottage, right down at•beach frame sandy beach. Large rooms, sized• front verandah. Asking 523,000. 123 . PROPERTIES bedroom .` RE.CREATION levet, .25 Acres .in, Colborne good.. miles from Gbderith, and' 10 acres of'"r'eforestation, "Water .outlets. Very' 85 t ,1. " • ; Shamrock Tow'nship.about 3 Furnished 2 spring fed ponds 'tape.. Features Hydro and fireplace. picturesque: , well. Asking • •.55 " Beach • Nerth of Kingsbridge. three level four bedroom• cot- cosy living room with Patie doors, Extra 101 with.own . 539.,500, for both. •- . . We have others for your. WHEN BUYING OR SELLING, CONTACT ANY OF THE FOU OIA/ING 'SALESPEOPLE': BERT ALEXANDER, 245• Catherine St., Tel 524-7836 • ED JESSOP,_182 Wilson Si.; T04.52417181 • GERRIB• & BERNICE GLENN, Dungannon'; Tei -529-7.924 SHELAGH,,SUL,LY, 64 ComoiiCr:, Tei'. 524=905f. DO1Vm• ABi RHART, 84 Coox.Cres.•, Tel 524-7216 .• ° ,JOHN BANTER, RR 2, Goderich, Tel. 524-8149- :.''VALERIE CAMPB'E ,LL,,RR 1, Dungannon, Tel. 529.7643 .:. •