HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-01-15, Page 26•
AAGEl. G'ODE i ICI [G S-= �- R1;l At th
NewHPSSB r,1:akman �trii
l.rn•I.:.m a
"At the outset I. wouldlike ..art_Sent' from' the
to thank' the tri,te.tees for -their schools.;il,so, provide 4.v,aluable
• vote o,f eo.nfid•ence iri enabling- information The k•,. cla cation
•ane:to• st z e s ch , .:
d 1s...board jot -7 the: ear 197& diStrrbuted in ',the ist' Land
'year 1.
You erre assured of . niy hopefullya�tll be continued in •
dedication 'and continued the future. gite's•a• a tt�v, `iat: our
of fort.•to '
ward the :cause of •�yat.« nt ti+ a wh'olt
Catholic- education; In•b • r=
u Reoc'ntlr w e.; h vi.,' been
programs, the:. ceilings. .on• •'Board•will have toContinue do
'rn dinary per -pupil Rrivincial -.keep'Gosts•do . • will'have to.
expenditure grants will -"be `
� ., scr,utrn]ie. ••: all p1,•ajtcts,
in4rt.psed' b,y_ up to e ,01..- crii:ef-u. y,r-; a'r-d: atiii•^•-Irro•vrd'e
,portent; and . piny l. spending , ;Soo.nd e:ducation : to the
beyond these ,grant ceilings students'it-roar-schools.
v• ill r:equire•an increase in'tht'e! '•`Finally° :I would .l'ke to s•
loca�:ltax levy, • that �uaht • .cry
that pan au;r-�azlu>l1c: school :•
It • is apperen ;that this rsystem, 'wQ . • o t nue to
noose e rr ,
dOVelop,- •trust :and ,...e
iiperation..It is or lywhen this
• trust•and co-operation`, is
p�eveal =aritil g75Tirse7.674
of us -engaged in any wtry;ln
'the educ.ation.of children, that
we .Can.:..deelop:., a. true
Christian •and Catholic:spirit•
:by ',• ex'am,pl.e rather. ' ,than
• •• a •,av, are , of finaraCia] • o
• !t appears;•desirable for resti tints :and tht�t tat Cis, who
me to mike Sniiae ob= zhttendeti the rnet .in., Reith the
• s
set rations.r.egardingthe year' .1-1041•0171rdile Thomas.. weirs. •
ahead.wtlrelt.faces 4aliofus. .' Mlnt.ttr:of. Lduc;at.ion .•were
'Ont. area 41itclt "e. roust' deft'' ,•ith" Tittle• 0001 atieiut'the•
Contirit,tt,'_ :to %,vork at is conn- @7 seriOUsnc' v of the •'itu;ttion:
munic'.ttion N.:0' were infottnid .that -in'
"Communication ht 'the Ontario we°•have reached ti
'pia ssroon' 1e,..• t5 most .point • w'her'e. expenditures
knout -Lint since, it.is•closes.t.tia. , • have been mere astnu 1 i tet• •
the concerns of parents: It is than revenues and a.s a result
illy 'hope that our schools fill' the Prov ince ••faces increasing.
continue to encourage budget deficits.. • '
parentT1visitation' to the "The aia'inister .stated that
.vartous school and classroom w'it'h the n ovinet 'pouring
events •which:: take .lace • more intcn•c y ` into • local
t- iar•oug .ou : e ye c r, ' is a sp t-rn 1• ;: ixi- r t e -s'
my ,hop` that parents will have "raised .property t.ixes,
avail •theinselves -of the op." only sr.rh:i�, since local mill
,port,tinity•to•.visit the schools rate. • inert.a>;es -.averaged
' and. 'classes. . Thus, the
.about three percent per year,
parents and. rtitepthyers ,will'- tic' hile• •.local., govt -1 nment..
have. an ;oportunity, tqi know spending. t air<ase..c4 by .70
w p-i,,il-aappening in .the. - pe:l•cent in the period 1970-:5. .
schools." . ,. "In accordance with anti
"Builetin.s -•and notices inflation '.and restraint
ivied 1S s
words .Soaeone once said
that example: is.the greateat,
teach:er`.I°believe it to. be'
true ` '~� Lt
"ItiAtlrnmdry , I welsh to.sa.
that we have: „many
Challenges facing ue and' tat
;toge.ther .we will ,rise to then
to the best of otic ability:"
l he. ,lpeople of Huron county 'to :keep. a nuclear plant out of Mincreased pollution due to the . the 'schools, roads, service's
•wor 1 ltd about • the possible • this area, n� automobile traffic -„and housing had all been built
c,�,€tstr.uction of a nuclear .The Huron-1\4idcllest•x MPP wo bea :serious hazard :to. tit a cost, once < the
power er pltlnt in .Huron can put soil he felt the p1 int.should the white •beans..The exhaust. great.construction phase ended
tb.it-u• nhtrtds at' ease' ae-. be kept. out of Huron ('cru•nty affects -the ozone lay in 'the. 1 n.
rith� r
u tr
t t,rding to. Hi on-Mfddlest?x hcf cruse it would •i• bl -air ,. w
�_utlier_:ind s .y would Dell maat a y t titch in tuna; cuu d the have to be brought.in'to keep
.I pi
N1P-PJack Riddell.
Ihat "s on the shelf!” said That would spell duunan••to---•-•»"If they construct a' plan i%aw=,:ra°tPFsPe"�d""f°h�air'
'Wild d toother industry,bronzing
bas .h'e st ted. •
the people in. the area or it
•.. --17-,."rti15`,* `- ^.., ` . ,"S if F"r1'rc ri. r.; t`it ' s gots to cause a• •.
grit the ...A Env ii,onmental of cow se Huron'i5thclending' gzeat.disruption as' it did in problems. • .
Impact Assessment Bill, all 'county . :•in white .•• bean Kincardine." said Mr. Rid- A lot of people"°don't
ro:r,i,t>r` projects by the production,," 'said -\lr--r"l7:id- dell. `,`We would.have to 1ealize this". A lot of people
government,- and later all' dell. "They used to grow lot.' provide services, •more are saying we need more
major- praklects including of beans' iri Kent C.ttunt'y it housing, • more Schools and lndustry.'in,H11.roa,, .Jsaid Mr.
those by private sector.have. _ one time but. b:ecaust• of the then once they ' e these Riddell: "I'm uo about to
p constructed,
Z - disagree with them but it has
• tucotnebefore'th'isbbard. drift of ollutants From places constructed; it takes a' g
`fir. Riddell said he'felt . Detroit- it' pretty- well w•ipe,d very minimal staff to operate lei be industry that .is tom
there were sufficient reasons the white beans out!:. them." • •• Alimentary to agricultural .
Riddell said even" the He suggested- then, - after tarot
A ,u
(iorterich Lion Harold Bkttger (right i', pre:senteOl Dr'. Raymond. Hughes .with a plaque
recently honoriiie the 14 rear club niembt.r alai a Lions International:ifetinie mem
tihip. I9r.'Hughc°s ioid.the 'Goderitth.clubir, I14ip
•; .start• hoto l
Turkhem sa
(illy Ross Haugh ••
Ln his address 'at the
irfau'garal . meeting ' • of ' the'
Huron :board of. education
Monday,.. cha4rm n: ',Herb
-..Turkheirn. said -•-i'•97•6 would
-probablygo'down in history
• as the toughest•year°.trustees,
un any bbai cl1rave evey-fa "d.
Turkheim continued, "We
are looking at increased costs
of operation; with less
provincial • finds : available
and :this .canonly mean in-
creased costs, to local tax-
payes, Whether we 'like it or
not:" •
'He, outlined °.a few' of the'
•high•lights o#✓the new. grant
structure announced,recently
'by . O.nitari6s .; 1 tiit.tation.
Miritster. fkitimas _W'ells.: as.
•follows: '•.
The ceilings on ordinary -
per -pupil expe-dtrare el•r-gible
for : pa ov.inCial• grants will be
increased •by eight .per cent
for: elementary , and "s.econ
• dai•y. `students with 'an ad-`
ditional '$80 per pupil to be
'added' , at : the. •elevnentary •
In 19;' •
ordinary expenditures' per
pupil' w'hich • will be
recognized cognized for -grant purposes .
are:81080'' for -each eiemen-
t1ry school stud'ertt.and $1,556
for each' secondary' 'school
-� J •-P-GR-9EE ----
.OHN .
Bruce A. Sully, President: and Chief Executive Officer
of the Dominion RoadrMachinery Group of Companies,
a°,nnounced the.' appointment of John P. Grace,,.,to the
position of -General •Manager'.:.o£: the" Group's Research •
and Development Coi•npany, R:N.D. Ltd. ' .. t '
`R.N,D. is a company specialising .in'proto-typing and
tooling of ':transmissions; , hydraulic • structure and.
systems. It handles the research and development needs
of the DRMCO Group of 'co'mpanies ;and, undeftakes
commercial assignments forindustrial clients.
_ .The 700.Serwes "Champion" motor graders, heavy duty
final drives and a variety of manual, .powershift and
sahydra -mechanical transmissions ' h : are some of. the
° research projeots handled by R.N.D. which are currently
.school' board and. - the ad,; HorneEC. facrh'hresa't's•ever'at'
ditionai funds:•.can• only: be ' locations, and . 'the much
• raised by increasing the local discussed co:mputer project
mill rate:, ' ••: will suffer from'. the restraint
"."Believe'me, lbcal taxes in programs:
Huron will _intrease_sharply..--•--Tut'khe -urged his fellow"...
in 1976; so we must be willing ,trustees"'-• •�o strive.for equality
to do our part .in,'t'rying"to' of opportunity in all Huron`
' avoid any unjust " spending: County. schools: H
CQmmitrirents made 19 5 `°�tt ail tr,m s• we'must.con-.•
will already use up more than • -skier what :is . best for the.
our' ine`rease in grants, so we entire county and not only.for
must examine any further our individual areas: This is
expenditures :very: carefully' the basic principle of a county �.
before approving there. system. . • •
Turkheim said ddees.spite• the In closing the'new ,chair=
• cut in provincial mdn•ies, he `-man said, "We' have ;,in our :
was hopeful;that'the building teachers and administrators.
'project. at Exeter •Paiblie people who have dedicated
'School' will be :allowed.: toi go: themselves `to educate . our
•'Ohe 'San etime ip'I976. d:, . • ch•i}dic'err•:and their•worlt; t ust ..:
. •He added, `"The'`reg.ional - be made kno' ' .to give
into production •
'' :"Mr. Grace loin''ed:DR`MCO•'in'A15ril1948, as.a machinist
;while the company was in �its'early development stage,
• employing.: app'roxiinately<5,0=-:persons. He 'has par=
t.icipated in and contributed toward the company s
growth to: itspr•esent position of second largestgr •(jer -.._
martufacturer:in.-the world. • • :. • •i'.•"His career •has centered •a,round the delbpment and•• anufacture .of `Cham ion" motor. rat ,a:•
m p• gra holding
e. ,added; . '.number' of• positions; his most, recent.b•eing that of•Plant
'- Manager, . with' full responsibility for ..a• trianufacturing-
organization of a.pproximateiy 800 employees. •
. Jack has raised his family on a small hobby farm stuth
z. of God.erich • and has been • well known and active in .
community affairs He has been President of a: local of
• the LA.M.. ,& A.W. Union, President•of the Goderich .
Trades and LabourCotincil and 'President of -the Com
• munity Credit Union. ..
• Development of new product design and improved •
manufacturing processees has beenz the.keyto•the coin:
.pang's success and his promotion tp this:key position is.
indicative of John'Grace's value to the4D.RMCO Group of
• Corripanies:: "
e in ondon,tells us they. .parents..:a •.better„ un•=
p.iopos.e..,to • approve_- this -iderstanding of what is being
project -which is in the sketch q accomplished . for their
plan stage from current fa=milies.'; •
funds•. in, 1976.` 'There is no .Also speaking briefly was.
doubt, however, that some of .Huron's retiring Warden,
our capital projects; such as- Anson :McKinley. of StanIey.
the facilities at Huron Hope, township, A large number of.
the - Science- Lab.. at South Huron reeves. were also in
"Huron, Industrial :'Arts and attendance'.'. •
Huron Bd willa
p Yp
of Seaforth bund -tour
By Ross Haugh
Any.pe•t•-pupil spendingthat '•
exceeds a boards grant
ceiling notitetgble
ilii :wfil'eligible for
-To these regulations, the
Htiro n•.. chairman added.
What this ready means is
...that any - spending ', beyond '
these `grant ceilings is a direct •
responsibility, of 'the' local
1. l:al k'f'hasbolfti, left..atiid chrf5 Rlit k. tight; present Rim')ie.
MYti.tin tr fah tr eht;ek for.sf.filo recently. Tht" cheek, pr •t;t•ntt•<l
to the 014r1tkr"ieli 1 tkettitt n.11;1.1.14 through Nes, I)ainn wins thr
••irttrot•it9 from •.i• (indcr ch Tion' (.luh donee at which Chris
°sl rt 1t ;iri'rthir'orehestr t filitvrd for (staff -photo)
The Huron -County board of
education will be paying a
small .portion of the•expenses
;incurred by the ;`Seaforth
DistclIct'. H'tg1S School girls
;trumpet band when; they
travel to Florida In February.
...Out of .a''total'cost•of $7,000
to send the .band to Fort
Meyers„ ..f lorida, the board.
agreed unanimously; to pay
up' to3/100 of anyd'eficit'. ,
Principal Bruce Shaw, in a
letter to the board, .said the
girls had .raised $3,000, anal.
be. providing .andther:
.$2.205 therriselves7 This left a
balance of:about+8008after.an
expected:- .,Wintar`iol -grant: of
' •.$1.000 is received..
Chairman Herb- Turkeiin
said,,' -We as"a board should
be Profid of the Seaforth:•giris,
This .::is theirst high school
: band .fitett .Canada in'viteci ;to
• patcticipate. 'in the- anntial
• Edison Pageant of Light.
In order.to clear up certain
problerris:being, tncounte•red
particularly at ' bus" loading
time on.a private driveway in
front .of ,• F.E.Madill Sec to
dory. School at Wingham; the
• Huron hoard:: of education
approved the erection of two'
double sided signs: .
In •:fddition.• a resolution
.was" passed restricting use of
the dr'iv'eway between Vic=
tor -la and John Street 'on .the
school property to .vehicles
aa.rthoriied by - the hoard .-or
its , 'representative • in - th'e
• person of the principal.,
seminar • for principals
and -vire•-principals will be
hold March 11 :td;13 in Sanil'ac
C'ount'y in_ • Michigtin' when
schools iri the '-Croswel-
L:rxrngton district •will he
visited,,., ,
Iiia .other .business. the
Hoard:- x. '
• question +I�efrril• cdthe,(l onof
1970 mileage allowances to
r• • .
"newly appointed
management committee for
discussion _ :and recom-
mendation to the Board at the
next regular meeting.
.+ - Turned : down a request
frown the Town of :Clinton: of
..1.financial consideration for
costs incurred : in ' the
provision of; the.town's;.adult
crossing guard program.
'+ Approved three ' ap
plieatio.ias for • approval of
plans for subdivisions within
the County of Huron. They,
• are for: J.R. - Duchar'ine in
.-Bayfield; R. Doig in . the
township of'Tuckersmith and
:C•,H. Thomas -h ."-Grey.
township. Mr, Thomas, who
is-'vice-chairri-ian o -f the
Board, declared -'a conflict of
interest and.. did not.par-
ticipate in the di 'bussioq.
• Director' of Education D.J.
Cochrane said the board i
';asked only• -to; .consider ---the
impact on present school
facilities' and to decide
whether or not the 'subdivider
should -be- required to snake
provision fora school site: in
his plan.
Cochrane said all. schools
.servirgfhes.e three areas had
present • enrolments well.
below the effective capacities.
-7---and school sites'would •not e
necessary. '~
{ Approved a borrowing -
bylaw in thi arnot.Mt of eight
• million ' ,dollars : to meet
necessary • current' ex-
penditu,$.e,& until . current
revenue is received. -
:IA earned tfiaft"-Br1'a^n
child,' a grade 12 student at
S cafOrth DistYi'ct.f ligh School,.
•. was thee winner of a,trip .for
• two- to Mexico' in a> Vetent
London Art Gallery contest.
.Were told by S.upet"in
tendent :Jim Coulter that a
metric 'workshop for'trustees
would be.•held 'at ;the hoard
offices in'Clinton'on.March 17
beginning at 10 a,.ttn»
nests repos#
before �wQr
Ian'.Destauriers resources was not prepared to pay. 80'
. manager ,for the. Mai d percent°of the cost of moving
Valley • • Cons e'r•:v t i o the line. The town on the other
Authority, recorrimen ed to hand •believed the developer
town council that befo a should be responsible for the
work is done on a dram ge tat-alcost.
system for the industrial park , Some comments around the;
that :an engineer's report be council table concerning the'
prepared: - 'K -Line corerpany.:doing an
D'esia-uriers••. appeared estimate_ .on' the relocation
before council on .what' he prompted Gower, also'
termed :.a 'matter of chairman of the Works and
clarification' : after "some Engineering ccmrnittee, to:..
• misunderstandings' between say ;;he got. the ,impression'
' the town, Suncoast Estates councillors felt he- was''doing -
and the •: M•aa.tl-and . Valley' sorr"rething underhanded..
Consetvatrion:Authority... •Councillor Jim Peters said::
Council' had hoped to _run a. the 'situation was ,not.'.un- •
-drainage •system from the derhanded but unexplained.
industrial park ''through Mayor Deb Shewfelt said :
property owned by Suncoast that tfre'crux of the problems.
. Estates to the lake.. '---.-was whowas going to pay for '
How .ver the .specifications what and suggested it.wasthe '•
of the towns . plans were, developer's p1•oble.ni as,,the•
misunderstood Wand some down would.be committed to•;
•p•r-oblems' developed between spending -$9. to $5. million in.
the three. partie`s:°:_The Works the,area'in the ftfture.
and,. Engineering Gvlo •nmittee Gower said that ]som,*dne
° is looking to phase the project. needed /to coon hnatew the
oyer'a ten year,period,witha development to get it 'dent
flume to•the.lake. and •he.was prepared to take
• The drain system would 'that 'responsibility. Mayor
service,. .approximately - 3.00 "Shewfelt said he agreed with
acres of industrialar•k land Gower's approach and'that •
and :would "Involve an • ex- everything was on the table..
tensive cost,. Mr: Deslauriers ' Reeve Stan 'Profit took . a
said the Authority had :somewhat• less dim •.view of
proposed a .-lakeshore. in=. `the future planning: :
• v'entory but the plan :has "You don'thave-lb live in-' -
fallen through and they. would,. Eastern Europe to he
need at least 'two- to three . brainwashed.,'; :he said.
yearsnoti-ceofsubdivi'sionsto "Everything • is talked about
prepare•the' land., and create -being in the future and when'
buffer zones. it is time to talk about it there
Councillor Dave Go'Vver also
•sews to belittle done "
informed council that the R-
Line . Company would
. examine 41 -re - Hydro Line
• pres€ntly running through the'
proposed Stincoast- Estates
subdivisitln, to see if° the.
relocation of that line cou-ltf
be done snore:economically, ".
• The l'irte ' tains through theht
proposed subdivisiori and
Planning; board and to "
developer° agreed- that
:t'novirig the.1'ine to the :track
end '_of the subdivis1o>?i wdlttld `-
improve thaesthetic value
*'01 tlie,area;
However ,.Bert. Alexander -
practise Breast
Self -Examination
-0. •