HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-01-15, Page 25• N.IS�.WIDJ -$.41v14:V' inlet O re n: n an,.a patient at Huronview;, CJ»,to •,ands ;fgrcnerly `: of Ashfield Tr yrnship,•, passed.. awa.y_;.:at :. Huro,nv►ew qn ws:aturday, •January 10 in: her 82nd year;. • She ..leaves.: to mourn .t4gyo ."song, VVilbert'ctf..Ashfield"arid Flerb,ert°, • o„f '� .itchener,• ,broti►ers-,.Gordon,.and Howard • .Barger of L:C ckno.w send ;Jack of Toronto* .:one, sister Nits. Pearl Bradl0y; Toronto, and two •grandchildren,. Her • body:::::.restect at the MacKenzie. Funeral Chat711n, .. Lucknow,: Several' from this • area' attended the wake and the funeral." s Burial services were held at the MacKenzie Funeral :Chapel, Lucknow• on Mpnday afternoon, January 12 at • 2 p.m. •Officiating, •clergyman ' was Revery . :. �• rmstrong. or f. sAi�i�� By Wilma Oke - , � r The HuronkPerth: County Mrs.., 1\!larle Miltenbur was Ro an . C t.olic se agate admitted to•tlieWindhamand..• "m ah P Dist'rtct Gene rat i os i chotil"baard.approvedsalary o r, r li P: I,1„ ea `s fox' its' ad: ..10=":�•.°Dori:. J � .�. qr ,�s-�,.�.r.,,.- ��.�,..�..._ . �a • ��ar .. �'i . .• . frh r. r rninistrative.offrce -staff at a• pneumon.l---,pm,; pleurisy and.. lar";,,,—, ?: ' =e • .wish her a •meeting. in Dublin Monday Speedy ieoovery: night: All the. increases are "' ' the" makinium permitted 13octors . Mel Corrin, 'and according to the antiinflation Jack McKtm� moved' .fxoria ! gu.icleline , and, all: ,'tiff ective heir IJUtrani Street location . `,Ja de,lin 1;:19 wick,' :°-:ino L.uckitow .tQ tile newly The I975:.salary for.,.Jack eon'st>^uoted �. L;u ; Community . Me tical Centre ' on klavelock• Street ; ]North,; I:�ucknow on' Saturday, • Temporary, entombment! was in the South Kinloss Mausoleum, with the final resting. place Greenhill Bill Van'Scliip., • Harvey TV Cable is seeking to in - Cemetery: .Pallbearers were Sproule, •Barry Kilpatrick,crea's,e its monthly fee from $5 John :Austin, Theo Allan Petrie and Joe Sproule to$6:50,but was informed last VanDiepan, Bud "'Parrish, left on December 20 for a ' Thursday; January 8, he. was Henry Drennan, 'Gordon .month's .vacation •. in pot requrred'atthe hearing. Barger, Jr. and John Kuik. • ., Brownsville,' Texas and ''He Was told the hearing will' „• Acapulco; Mexico:' be •closed because ,:the ••• regulatpry body feels enough SOCIAL NEWS; Miss Marianne Miltenburg, .Information is' contained 'in• Mr., and Mrs: Max Riegling daughter of. Mr. and ' Mrs" his•'brief and in Bluewater's • and family rnoved.;to. their John Mil.tenburg, is a patients application, to snake a newly . possessed :,farm on, '•.in• the Wingham and District' decision_ . '1 Highway 86; 1'3/ •miles Eastof • :.Hospital She was admitted The protest: -letters, .which A rriberley: ' on, Tuesday, - on Friday,. January 9 with a .total over 100, support Mr':' • •January. 6;' This; farm was badly swollen foot. Coombs bid to block the recently owned by Lammert Allan Drennan, syn of mr.. increase: They are permitted Van d .r Veen.. m - ••:.and'• Mrs. •Henry Drennan of to ;be sent to the commission Cable .TV. 0. brat le on •cons�trueted on a.co-operative• Art Coombs Chairman of cost, 'sharing basis by the 'the • Consumer's. Alert Village . of Luckndw and the �eiirxiitteet has been assured townships of Ashfield; West: by . the Canadian Radio-• Wawanosh and Kinloss. No Television Commission that doubt everyone will . be letters opposing `a monthly making a trip to the doctor- rate increase.asked for by ,this coming week to_. get •`Blu;ew•ater -TV , Cable • in acquainted with -.these new. Holmesville shall facilities. ' Increases r La-nc. .Superintendent of , 13u5uiess andl~ Inanco.-will be increased by,"? 'i . $24,230 Mala citizens want to know Or.. . y and fon Ed 'iZowlaxi�le Gu- :how' .their go,e,rtarnent1. _ rtrdirauko> —=r rµarrd' w.h'at services are mtai:ntenance, C�1+4hl.,0, 5 to: rete•tve t7.t* ` `"to11e-csrea °.".te fwrpg titles: will :help ' The. • board uff'ee; 'weekly' iii under$tandin'g thef unc-' rates..were set ~as' follows-:.. tions of.loca.l.:govcrnmegts.• : _ • payroll clerk, $647;55; .ac Te'• most "' `up•to-date .• g c'lerk, ;11.„5,..55..f': authoritative book on: • sgCretar,Y tc •dr.uoetor. of mitriicip.al'aitairs.ls,DenaldC,. education„ $152.30; 'secretaryRowa "Your local govern - to academic super'intefrdent, n-ierit, a ;sketc:h:. off. 'the; $l43.t5 secretary-: to:municipal•s, stern.mCa'nada'�. superintendent .of :•,btAsrness 1975 eci 'Thie'a-uth'or outlines and finance, '.$153.;45 ,and :the'ativantig'es of our' present, secretary td consultants,- sylteni :'ancl ° how local $125:80. governments da go their .• 'Effective Septi:rnber. 1,f authorit from,the provincial 1975, hourly wages'of school`..'.governn�enti;". A detailed office - clerk typists'• were index helps the perspn with a advanced by 33 cents to $3.63. .• spe-cifrc question . ,Leave of:absence from Another hgok•by the. same' January to June, '1376-, was 'author "The. Canadian' granted to Helena Partridge; ` munieipalssystem" ,is. a ` be '..ac- a grade 1-2 teacher at '-St. collection of essays con- - . k t-rc s^ lravt--^K ltor art o oe-a 110,4(arnrrre s: r° _ and Edith. McCarroll - was. •-Tan • MalcFee Rogers ' named her replacement for "Municipal oounci'llrors' • the duratjon'of her -leave. . h:andbOok" outlines• the , >The '•'fdllowing s't•andin$: functions of �lbcal govern committees. for 1976 .are as • rnEe ts. • ,Tad -K . Masson , follows- with the first named "Emerging party ..politics" cliairm,'an: building and and Thomas J: Plunkett `property':Jahn O''D.rowsky;. °`Urban Canada and ''its Donald Crowley, Arthur Haid government'° deal with local`' and F.J: • V.ere; personnel-. politic as it.. relates to urban William ..Kinahan, Michael ' centres.. All. el these books • Connolly, .Ted Geoffrey and maybe found in 352, David Teahen; trail-.:. The Goderich branch has a ' sportation-Vincent Young, <copy,of the 1-975 list of Huron, Ted Geoffrey., Joseph:. Looby •County : Council and'.'emit,'' °sand Howard Shantz; finance ployees with,..their, addresses and insurance -Greg Fleming, .and . phgne numbers,• Thee: Ar•thu'r Haid, 'Francis MunicipalDirectory' 1975 at Hiclsnell_andRonald•lVIarcy ; fibra y headquarters ,giives • • 'The 1976 ad hoc"coinmittees up-to-date 'information on ea a1Tot snow is a' • Mr. Coonibs'had planned to • delight to many in this area : present over .100 letters at .a who enjoy snowmoliiling as January .13 CRTC hearing. in a'an outdoor wintersport . Toronto,• at which B.tuewater Students at • St. Joseph's Ashfield Township is at because 'Mr. Coombs has School, Kingsbridge were tending 'a• 10` week Carp.enter referred to them in his formal 1 Apprentice- course in;•;Owen brief •opposing _the' rate` -in,. ••-sen-t--home-- on�- 'Friday January 9 at 1.1: - 30• a.m. due to' Sound; Ontario: His classes . crease.. the stormy: ;weather 'con .: began on Monday, ,January 5. diti�iris. The euchre. party Kindergarten to Grade 4 •. _plane.tial-for-the_St.:Augustine -stud.tints-.70f ••-St`-Joseph'S Parish Hall as -,well as many Kingsbridge were—bused to' other social events planned ..the •ianastra Recreation`" for that evening were also : 'Centre on Monday;N,January • cancelled. • .12. for svtimming UCW ACTIVITY December United Church ' meeting was held in the. church, beginning with a pot- luck dinner at 12:30 p.m. After dinner an exchange of. Christmas gifts took: place, : - Mrs. Stuart Taylor."•then showed. her pansy . quilt and told the ladies how each part had,:been quilted separately on 'the table�;;`l ie center :w"as quilted in little:Square. blocks' and the outer parts in sort of a scroll with the _pointed edge around the whole quilt, ; Mrs. Shirley: Keller from the Signal -Star' in Goderich• Y? was the special guest and was introduced' by •' Mrs. .,.C. Johnston. She talked, about, her feeling. at- Christmas and some of her work at: Berea -- `by -the -Water Lutheran fir• Church in Goderich. Mrs. C., Johnston. thanked Mrs. Keller mit and presented• her gift 4 ' Mrs: • R." Brindley gave-- a couple of short readings.'Mrs. D,. Young welcomed everyone and led the business.period. • were then Minutes read follo ed witf the last h' } roll call•, being answered by twelve members, :one visitor and one.child. ,Treasurer's ^1' report was iven•by Mrs. E. Pg� •F.eagan: s. ®•Christmas'gifts for shut-ins were discussed. • At the. November»meeting, • .. the'slate' of officers for. 1976-77 was as follows: • Past president; Mrs.D. ° y Yocing preaident, Mrs. C ° Johnston; `� first vice c fe ••. president, Mrs. ' A. •Kerr; second, :vice president . Mr's" W Rutledge secretary, Mrs.,; A'• Kerr; treasuret,4Mrs. E. Feagan; pianist, Mrs. -E: Rep; ' to 'Committees, . Official Board, Mrs.. W. . Rutledge;. Manse Committee, . My E. Pollock and Mrs, ' Harry Girvin; Committee of Stewards, Mrs. E. Feagan. • ''Nominating committee; Mrs 'E:. T'eagan,• Mrs R. ,- Pentland, and .Mrs. H. Gir vin': •. telephone ' committee, Mts. •• A. Kerr.,: Mrs. J. Clements, Mrs, ,, L. Chris'til:aw: buying' coin- rnittee,' Mrs. E. T?,eagan,. Mrs; R. 'Pentland, „and 'Mrs: IX Young: Food committee Mrs. 1), McDtermid Mrs. A. Kerr,: Mrs. L;. Christilaw and Mrs, • L. J ohnstori, " - Literature and. Corn • - • Mr, 'Coombs .urges all. subscribersto send in more 'letters of ca nt, ' d donations`uritil:th. ay of -the hearing,. January : 13, because . this action • is not over until the final decision. is - made;" he.sald. ar..e: board policy and.hy-laves Ronald .: Marcy,Ho�•v_ard' • Shantz -arid • Grey: Fleming; ■ ,time lu trustee=tiler gy .li-aison- , .. •• Francis FHicknell, Michael • Connelly and'F.J. Vere: • .Bo•ard •• appointed. an : re pxes.entatives,.`%or 1.974 -are—.-• at - - Dan • Deylin' and Fred p� •Bergsma'., to : the Stratford' I e s t: %; Puhlic. Library board,.David • Tealien, William Kinahanand ., • _ John O.'D,rowsk.y, to Fani•ily . The Bluewater.Kennel Club :-Life advisory ,conxmitte.e and held its meeting in the•Queen r' Joseph Looby .to the' Huron • Elizabeth • Sdhbol-' on • Thur - 'Perth TuSerculosis and. .'slay, January 8_ ' Respiratory • D-isea:ses Plans were made to have •. Association •• representatives • •'from:°• :the .The board "approved the •• ,Canadian Kennel Club attend °Huron -Perth unit of --Ontario , the February Meeting;' and. English "Catholic • 'lea.chers'advise this new."club on the, Association sponsoring •a' nese-ssary;steps; to.hnld__point .•system wide:pu151 c speaking' shows and.licensedobedience contest .which will be, open:'to.:' ..trialS. It is hoped that the club all students from. Grades 4 can hold • its first show in, the. • through- 8:in all the •separate 'fairly :hear.•future and San- -elementary schools in H.uron tion :Matches' are. planned'' and Perth , Counties:: The; :.within theyear. - • competition will %e •at two - TherBluewater•K'ennel•Club levels --intermediate • for also plans to hold Obedience 'gr'ades 7 and 8 and junior for training. classes :.for •. the . grades 4,5 and 6.- ' : • general puhi'ic.•.:Tiie firsts idh • TiTe school winners for'each.class is planned for April or • division, will complete`' at a May of this year. ••-' • zine level where as first and-: The Executive of this newly second place.:winner in each ..formed Club are: •President,::'•. -division' will be .decided 'and Rena Thorhe.ycroft, Kin the zpne` winners• will• corn- cardiae; .• _v:ice-president,.. pl:ete in a. system 'coni;petition : Carole Robinson, ,Goderich; ' early in March.. , -• secretary, _ Fran • Errierso>0, Awards willbe.presentedto • Ripley; and treasurer, Joe '7. the.- winning schools .and Lobb, Brucefield. Direct vors NOTES 1DMTHE NILE: Mrs. Jack. Cleinepts ;52.9=7,646 munication;. Mrs. ',A. Kerr; Citizenship and Social Action, Mrs. E. Pollock ,and: Mrs. J. Clements; Chri'stian and Missionary Education, Mrs. E. Sherwood and Mrs. D. McNeil; Community Friendship and Visiting, Mr W. Rutledge and Mrs. • R. Brindley; Supply and Welfare; Mrs. E:. Feagan; Stewardship and Vocation, Mrs. H Girvin. Program:, Rev. • H. Dobson, Mrs: C. •Johnstdfi, 'Mrs: J. 'Clements. and• Mrs. R. Brindley;. advertising, Mrs. C. Johnston, Mrs. E. Feagan and Mrs. A. Kerr: SOCIAL NEWS A quiet • wedding was solemnized at Colborne United . Church parlor • in London on D°eceiliiber 20 when Diane ;Ruth Dickson and _Garry Joseph Ladouceur *Dungannon; •1'v r.. and- Mrs. Garry ouceur of ' 'pringfield; ' Miss Wendy' Dickson and her friend •Miss Linda Neiles from London. •Mr.° and •Mrs. • Chas. Johnston, Larry and Gary,' Mr. and Mrs. Arnold.'• Stothers; Debbie andKaren spent two weeks over ,the holidays: inFlorida:. ' Congratulations�to Mr. and. • 1!!lrs, Bryan Stothers on their arrival of the new. year ,baby. girl - • A surprise party was ,held for Mr., and . Mrs. Chas. Sohnston on Saturday evening at the Sunset Golf Club in honour of their 25th Wedding anniversary. 'There were about 40 guests With John John Buchanan as master of ceremonies. • The couple received several' :gifts . and everyone. 'enjoyed the evening. ' • fites • were united in naarriage.'The •. ' r s a tug tero r.. , 'and•Mrs. Allan Dickson of RR ° GIVE BLOOD 3 Auburrrand thegroom is the' only son of Mr. and . Mrs. ��� Fernand Ladouceur of'44 • Hesson St., Stratford: The couple are residing at RR 4 ���� Springfield. Guests attending the wedding.. -came from ;Stratford, London, Goderich, Nile and Dungannon. ' Visitors -with Mr. and Mrs. 411an Dickson at Chffstma were Mrs: Ruth 1Tayden of ''' . Goderich; ' Mr. .• and Mrs. BE of BLDUD DONOR Ralph; Curran and family of —3t • _ Bamboo The newest addition' to our fashion line up of frame 'moulding,. offering - design. 'to coMplernent ever'ypietoro. • • I -•the COLliaty Wittier, :.• . 14 Ring St. Clinton. 'e 482-3871. .winning individuals: and are' Janet Lobb, Brucefield; partiCipation awards will be, kit Constabaris;.Carlow; and: - presented to .all :other ccn- DavidWerrett, Thedford. testants:•- The next'meeting will' be • The'total cost' -of the cpm-' `lreldhat the Queen",Elizabeth yt petitions. wilt be funded bhe •Schiiol, Goderich,,.Friday. teachcrs';as`sociation. February 6, 19,76 at 8it)0 p.m; board will be J anuary ..6, to.attend. The• next meeting sof the Anyone interested -is welcome . a MATE WY. WE AR H AT -The Separate Shope MAIN CORNER OLINTOfyI' OPEN 1-6 P.M. , NEXT TO CAMPBELL'S MEN'S WEAR , Ammilimissmg mora 1 976 FORD CUSTOM... A . BUYING TRADITION • 19/6 FORD.CUSTOMT. • Not a car that has been driven for years,.A car that has been a tradition for 'years. •Ru ht now there is a lot of used caps being pushed on th-r market. The only problem is they're usedr Why not buy new. That way you're -,buying a guarantee of .quality and reliability for years to, come. Not a headache that someone else dumped off, Buy new foi„'peace of mind 's OR:t.7 CUSTOM, a great tradition, priced for peace -of mind. - ItEEN A tRSf R V���.1.11D. 263 HURON Rp. GObtRICH' 524-2665 t 12l+R1,GH Ifwr lA;l�c<TAR,' HU.1 SDAY.JA counties,' district a e ABYl1976;-,7' GE9 Tuesday, January 20, .at• 8:QO p,m, .at the Ooderieb branch, 52 Montreal St, will be ,,:the "first' of `::the • 1976 ! Co:rr� mit ia.i t ' '`. � ” ..ilk. -Programme. Sub - regional rnani;cipa.lities, :in Ontario.. orb .,,,,:0 • feet; Crosa , Country ., Skiing"'"' eRrntnon ator: Mt`° tlefnz oernig,,: Maitland :']'rail Association 'Coni with • r,e i . a friend'. nd to th s �n:t�resting... . Series . Sub evening: • DOME & BUIt'DING GENTFig,: PRICE PER SQ. YD.. QUALITY . COLOUR ' `—'---REG. PRICE SALE EL7LCE?' Celanese Sundance, - • OR ANE 17,5A $1.+49:5 -Celanese Sundance. _ .SEhCE HUMBER . 17,50 's'1 4.95 Celanese Sundance • SIENNA W.000 17.50 1'1,:95. Celanese Sundance • BLUE N GREE • . 1750 : $1 1 :9 5 Old Madrid . , c RAGE PATTERN ;ON 20.95'. $1,2.95 Thornton' Place 'GOLD RUST MIRABEL • 16.95.. $1 .1 .9 5 Flardtwist :GOL.D .. 11.4,5•. s8.95 Hardtwist , ` GREEN,- $ 1.95.,. x8.95,. Bibby Shag GREEN • 11,95. , 57.95 Rust Shag°ldCKER . RUST 10.95.-, ''.s6.9 5 Kitchen Carpet • ' 3 •COLOURS 10.95 $-8.9 5 Kitchen Carpet 2 COLOURS , 9.95 $7,95 SIZE' ,QUALITY—COLS UR ' ' - :REG. PRICE SALE PRICE - 12x9"4' GR5EN'SUN DANCE •5227-$0 $ 1 68.35. 12)02' .• _SPICE HUMBER SUNDANCE 280.0.0 '$ 1 99,9.5 .120'8" • ORANGE SUNDANCE 225:40•'' • $1.63.45 149' GOLD .SUNIJANCE'..' ' 210.00 - $ 1 5 2.2 8 120'3''RUST `MIRABEL • 137.77. „$99.00 12'x12'6" RUST MIRABEL • 132.53 $9 4;O0 12x17'6" ORANGE MIRABEL 185.47 $1 3O.00 12x16" ORANGE, PLUSH 297.55 $1 90..90' *'Many other Carpets & Ends with Similar Savings Guaranteed Installation ` * New Colours & Qualities are now arriling: covering show.. ..PHONE 4824441° • �. 'BAY1=IE1,6 I J—LlNTON OPEN: Monday to Thursday., f a•mi. to 6 p.m ; • ritta y 8 a.M. to 9"p.r.; Saturday 84.m. to.4:30 p M. SH1riroicapCHAFS' GEl arta t4ASTEA CHARGE ti .• 11651 W way 51r,ees. • •