HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-01-15, Page 23jt• • tc , • PA Jesus, the Master story '°' teller, in His'. stgry of the -and ki risee PublicanPublicanan 'Pharisee' a in Luke 18, 9-.14, said these two mien ' went: to church.: The Pharisee? 'prayed saying' "Lord,. we.. are on Speaking. erm s ' � end -thee he_went-?,r71 . to.explainWhy ` • He was a dean. all wrappeit tip. in himself and. -he's telling' • Godhow fortunate God''is.thata, he"s thexp:• This vias. Where.• the, Phariseee..,ptaced' priorities ; ' •'on The Publ can the'sother e. hand,..was 'appalled at his Unworthiness :•TTe ' had'ne claims cin the grace. `a£' G9d, _"nothing in my hand .I bring, , simply•tbany cross I cling." Ile cried `Goal be merciful to rase a sinner." Jesus said, "The. publican went down to. his house justified," Here are tv✓&great lessons as we face 1976. • ° 1. IT IS. NOT WHAT YOU HAVE BUT WHAT YOU ARE THAT ..QOUNTS 'IN,. LIFE AND IN THE HEART. Jahn D. RoCkeiglIen, at 53 Years of age was a billionaire, "The wor'ld's richest Man_'.. Rut he had lost his hair and his family; he was so sick he had to live on crackers and milk; he had to'have .round the clock bodyguards;. has workers hated him and even him -in -effigy. ggy: "Then suddefrly John Rockefeller came ° to realize' what a fool he. had been and. he • decided', he needed a ' change. He discovered the' only way to dd this was to get:. -ri6..of his love•for. money .and to give help to others. • As •-a result, the "RockefellerFoundation'.' w.as. established and j.iist one of the things his money did' NLs:TEp'srTSTuOEF.. OR Fr 'A"x : BE LLE E 1 Gc?S to ,. FOB ERNACJ sonality, your • .;loV.e; :your r motivation. 1.. :'..1 .. :A Story is told of a beg„gar Ministry. . Y Via. . Someone else.; ,has said, and, the Mahasaj-i-of India. - "what you are is God °s gift to, ' One day the beggar. was. *you, at ou.become is Your begging. ing•'b the ',Wayside and Y 5 h Y � �' gift to God." th�'Maharali came by riding Dr: •• Albert^.Schweitzer; •..a �� a camel, in all his Wealthy. brilliant 'Germa•n,- waa."-c1,.:::..plera.dnir-ati-.(i:.p.nn7,.Ia. At' The beggar'. • rid Help.. .=doctor Four tar>=res.:over,ape b �g , C e , p. 24 he had earned iIa. 'Doctor of me, give to me• S d entI the Mabara'i . :T1leafogy. By the time h�.w•as ..',, u d • x .. l . ;30, ` he • ha,d' .twice earned . •stopped' his procession, ';. doetorates•7. ladder :down- lromn' the 'I'Ve 'Spent :the top..of: agnel; the . •'first 20'".years of my life Maha•r.aj,i descended arid, getting•. what:I want, now I'tn :gin to • the .beggar.. The- „_ciedicatiiig the r,est.of•m.y life beggar, thought: he•was-:to get to:Go: a, great handout; that day'.. d, • B' h r i i cad• ut••the Nil a st " lu ted ui �� a ,. Ata e36:h ' rad.a.. th''. . . ... 1 an earned doctor al:xnedicine, said, Give to, me. Give me then he went to' Africa: Any someofyourrice:',.' ` known university in Europe Startled, the beggar would have given him , readied into"his bag and took $100;000.00 a.--yearjusx.to'pat, out one, two', three .grains of his name ori their letterhead, rice, and .handed' it, to:,the so brilliant' andefamous'•was'. Mahataji. he. Then the'Maharaji"of India • Yet what we find'is:that'in .passed the beggar. a small his 90's, he was still 'inAfrica, bag; andthen ascended to his giving and ministering to -a: camel seat and the procession forgotten people., 'Why? went_ on its way,;. The Because he had learned that distraught beggar then. it, is. not what you get, butw•hat looked in his bag. and there .you "give in -life that counts. were one, two, three pieces of there 'is' 'a vast difference.. =gold. He suddenlyrealized between the "terriporal" and'. three pieces of gold2or three the "eternal" So in all of „us pieces of•rice.• • ."•.• . P.ti,t T" UR l lA ;44 • Yea, though t wail+44aigii f�,,.111 >d of rhe shoAew of Aa1h I tbafl fear eta r,n1• (w' Thok, tri with nuq • t.• , ' Happy New Year we 'From .time to time 'tt's. a HARVEY BAXTER.. C.emeter�y,• Palibeare call" to oath othex as the did •.goodthing .'to 'consider our '>, Carlyle Bannister, , Ab because, oodne s Creh. Artie " hockh;t >.l departs fan the new Dire . days." g ...... have Harvey "Baxter G,odorieh, r .. _ ; x. ..., . year. epi,�' t ' knows, we. reallydon't ; 6.-:a :.. McTaggart, •George'1VIbBride;- •entgr>,r• i.t .s a great , old kn W t die Tuesday, ;Tanuary t man' df thein• A chil:d` ,and Bob Etue.;E+lowerbearexs greeting filled. 'with ood;�,itoo Y n - Aleaytdra u Maxlne'' -arid : looking into his future sees' was 67•°,'. were , Frankbn, Mitchell acid cheer an13 good will, but it's a 1 ]f General Hospital; fie 1' 1 ec' them as itua.ii:l:eSS 1'ir,t: ac ;.he lke=was-b s' -Air` u-st 2-7•' 1x9.{18.•- cripl :. . ; ,,. �:--.:-�•tirp �f'd• 1 ••,w 0'1' g _ . .. . �s, was to : help_: d'i,s.cover_,_ ,penicill'i{n. : , I.t was at this time that he began to reckon with God.. He 4 ;i. R" • 9 there is a "publican" .and ;a 'Oh if he'd only known, herd err Ia onewklfl ess'.. e a - 1-er he'realiies^t. .e. , ,.; ,.., ' wa.o... rm i the Yiard facts of _re lit :<.For' rg d;,:.. in W.elst Wativ�anosll; �To>Ari;fsh a Y..- g P a� b ra,idl , . . , h • vv ca �e lit 'a ha ' ::new flies , y , p Y 'ta .Ger 'e ,and char otte Ann ::....; 4 nvv ve 1?p'.. •'� ..g' . �. ... , e r.•if we carr into it all Dux 11 youlive to be 90, You will -. (R'eid), • Bax'eer• a was a Y.a yi 2 872'da�.s'. if ou liv to. a:ve 3_ , ., Y .Y e . " s ant ' r ,, l civ teT • old�confli is olcl:rre ' ti'v'sxris;.ti b.; 'art m . e..aat B a '.be:Xl, you have.2$;567,days• •l;f .• •T uc Ce: re. unt'1::...klrs:':. 'old '; weaknes'ses • ,and'.`: Old:. �'. r k .rat . � . ?: ou'live--'to be ,2�0;,you'll havd .7. :' fea,�s, - . '' ' you retirernent.�in. 1� 4,• He waa: a An. h w'c' n we be happy':u ! .305: days:. What have 'you ". meinb'er. of ` No.rth S.tr.e.et •'. y l . Q a a one with ..'the days .you'v Ch c 4• person in the new 'year -if we One • .'tli ? How• • many& . United ur h . remain the . same;'.unhappy ' already t He •'is survived. izy,his wife,. ; ' person . we were .laat year .... More More.y dQ.ay,, s:have you .left? And d t ,d .. former . M ildr'ed --Jean =' . and resentments?• •- with"our Pet peey.s,o.r,;Kate! :__w0ll5 ti uPloivretan thteomf? aIUnh1aoPw 'S yow',`1om::'tneGmo.abrrne e Theonly may we can hotie • pilY? • - .•• filled with Township; twa Sons, Gordon " to becomea happy person in a. ,.depressions..-. and fear? Or, of Wingham and Raymond of ' happy irew year is to `put off ••• successfully? :, fjlied with • ,Brantford; .one daughter, • the old and .put:on the new'. •;confidence.and happiness? %• •Mrs:: Scott (Elizabeth; Ann)'.... How 'Can: you do that? '.youw Ifyou'hookinGood' New sfor• ask. Can a leopard.change his . Modern•Man' in"1st Peter, 3rd vIcTaggart, :London; seven grandchildren; one sister and spots? People never change:,' chapter you'll find- this..,,..three•, brothers, Williann`'o. you insist," except to get statement: -"Whoever wants..... London; ACecil of Aylmer, Worse. They' never irnprove. to .enjoy life and have happy Lawrence and Annie, both" of, • TliiS is the way they" _w;ere,, days ,must no longer speak. Goderich. - He was this is the way they are; this. evil, and must .•stop telling predeceased, by one sister and . is the way they always '.will lies; He must trim away from' .one brother. •• .. ;"-,� be'' •evilanddogood. ' • Funeral service . leas . Well,. T don't believe, that. The 1 Bible ' is, a straight . Friday, January , 9 ' at ' According to Vincent Norman forward book that pulls no .,McCallum Funeral Home Peal.e, people can change for :punches.Itsays.ifyouwant to with the -Rev. Ralph King the better if the. motivation is have 'happy days you must : officiating.. strong -enough, if the desire is skip evil •and go for the good" Interment was in Colborne .invites religous.l:dds to join an. t otilme itotlot fWohlr-.. Religion Day • ", Thence. .RELIGION' BASIS FOR -UNITY, P AC.E i EVERYONE WELCOME': REFRESHINNEtilT5 •h nave given many -more grains h d if faith in in life. Evil as wrong :and ' • Jesus said "What shall it' of rice. The beggar realized when you o wrong that he got back only as much as he gave out. • • Only one;lifetwill soon be ••past.. Only what''s done :. for, Christ willlast. •. p arisee .. . profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his. own soul `or. what• shall a man'give ,in exchange f or his,soui?" • .Here .is evaluation 'and sincer.e.enoug an God iadeep-enough. Many •unhappy . men and_ :women :women fail -because they are': jea'lous, • or because they :, won't 'use their brains to ., ,think,, or, they, won't study; or they won't -be imaginative. • Or, -Maybe they're just plain:. lazy. But -all these things can be overcome. • All one :h.as to •do; says Dr. ea ' ,, is to--rake-Makup one ' -s min and :get rid of these' hi.ndr•ances.,:that. hold: him. back and things will change And when `:you letGod+take over in your. life and . allow.. th : d . wrgly for O\pN .0 CeCER-5.. started asking .7i -01y was he-� greedy. for., money?" " "What ..were his mot-iives?" • ' John Rockefeller had a°. profound experience with God and then he started to eat T-bone steaks -and lived;untll he was 98, years old. It isnot what you have :but' what you• are that counts:_ .. 2 Lesson two�i • ITIS Vl7HAT:..YOU--.GET- BUT• .* • WH:A-T .YOU ''GIVE THAT r The first lesson has- to ' do` With' " motives"' -The second, lesson has' to . do with. "eyalua.tion"• These two basic 'principles used together; heap to comprise our priorities. " Someone has said, ''`You'll be worth•som,e..day what you have. given ' away", not merely" of Our money, but also of "•you", � your per- • • T .. Everyone is cordially invited, Ito attend' the' Sunday°evening, service at the Goderich F..R E E METHODIST CHURCH. • You are given a•'special in- vitation this Sunday everting. JAN. l h ,TO. HEAR GEORGE;' PURCER ArtONVERTED ALCOHOLIC from.SI._•Catharines Ontario, who has become. the pastor of a growing church• sit Srmcoe. •Geoirge • will be here in Godericji, to 'give his but - standing LIFE sTO Y;- BR'ING A*F.RIJ�'ND---: COME EARLY • 7 P.M. GODERICH FREE _METHODIST . dames LOCATED ON THE CORNER OP •VICTORIA AND PAifK• 5T. • Phone 529-1205 everything goes wren . you; but: good is right and : cY when en Yoodorsg h things st urn . out right. r Remember,•.. though, it doesn't. guarantee 'there will. bent)pain, sorrow, trouble .and' •heartache but it', does promise .inner •happiness and gooddays„.. So, to have better_ways to better days tit the new year; let us keep all this 'in the background of our minds.: HacW N'evv Year! breast ex.aminatao t A 18 SUNDAY , . J N! WALLY J A . of the ,R BESMISSION�. T,L vrill speak' PLUS ' • TIDE .NEW •TRIBES •SINGERS'. 8'p:m; HURON IGEN'! PE AUBURN Evil Prevails When'Good Men' Do btothing'' .• Hirer to work out the plan he _". ••�; . , ;-:: -- .z..- :.�,. ti,. .• .,... .w ' • . has--for�eaeh f=its--their-i • becofnet even easier to stride, out' into :a- new' year. with.. confidence a'nd gladness... .(For those who really catch the vision it's exciting, too:•) ; This isnot to say we `will be. 1 ` free of problems. No, the world is harsh .and ,there is 1nuch pain -and' trouble. ;,But •' the:w.orld _will coo tc with us if we co -pre -Fate with it .:' and •the laws of God'will work in, our favour if We work with , the laws of God. Mr. and Mm.; Henry Glousher, Blyth, celebrated their lith wedding wedding annive.rsa : Eecember 2.2, .1975. ' The (loushers visited. with_ many' friends 'and relatives as they held open house at (:heir 'home. -,.Table'Topi • Mirrors . .• 'Slidin.'g Windows Aluminum. Storm Windows & Doors Rescreening } . Patio Doors Commercial MILT PLACE -Industrial' Institutional : • Residential 50 LIGHTHOUSE STREET, GODERI'CH, GLASS 8 ' Just: Off The Square `ALUMINUM, 524-2671 524-2.672 Lower taxes ai.se savin WIth . et, lstered Retirement Sa ings: NOW:PAYING VG .IVlember Canada Deposit , Ensu ranee' Corpoiation Mand-76REY TRUST C CJ' fvl W A N`Y , S• I N C 1889- MANAGER 889-MANAGER J, (DAVE) Ct'ROSS.a 24.7381 , Gt-c'E KICH R:id'de'II : irks' Peterson for • leader Huron MPP John K. 'Rid- dellhas predicted that Dave' • Peterson will be the stronger' contender •in the bi.d for the Liberal party's provincial leadership. `'Me ,Riddeli told 'the Exeter 'Ind.epen:dent News that he felt ' the • campaign would 'boil down to four serious can- didates'. "naively Peterson, Dr..,, Stewart Smith, Mark... r DA -SERV10ES ..• - . IS The family -that prays together....„ BEREA BY—THE-WATER`' LUTHERAN' ;CHURCH % ' • Meeting at Robertson Memorial School I (Blake an Eldon Streets, Goderich) • ' 0SUNDAY,'JAaNUARY 18, 1976 �- '��r Sunday School Ages lO arid_up at 9:,30.a:in. 1 WORSHIP 11; 00' A Ni. • -. . SE-RMON:, "HONOR -THE. OWNER" 3 l MarvnrL.:BarzPastor:--. 524-2934 t ° .,..- .-.. ,..... 'i ''Being justified`by faith; we. have peace with pod through 1 , ••• 1. our Lord. Jesus'Cnrist'.Romans 5; 1. ) ! �,'..North.'StreetU•nited Church: t.. p The Rev. Ral h E. King; B.A., B.D., Minister Stays :together MYfcGuigan'and Albert Roy,. He said he• felt Roy Would. he, at -a- :disadvantage. due to'. his'. French Canadian .- ani . vestry, and ::Smith might not , get the support he could since he is of .the Jewish faith,- Mr. Riddell said he Melt• i•t was • -1 unfortunate that people would . use cultural orreligious bias in chossing a leader buL. e was expecting it to happen ' Mr. •Riddell dismissed Mark McGuigan as --a' pote�rtial -,.leader, stating he had `+tolitic'al desire but little' .political appeal.' Mr. Peterson, according to • ...M.I.6,.Riddell°:- is 'right-of- Cen-tre' in'his.philoSophy„and- rce' en- ti�ll•belicves� in crtir,5e.'. 'Peterson' berripves there is still • a .place• for, the" small husincs.srun•• • said Mr. . Riddell. 'I'm, inclined to agl-ce with him.' Mr. Riddell <idchd thatl'ettt on talked at ' the, lev5.tl'cif'theepe.op'le while fir.. Smith hada tendency to . talk' above the'.leve;l'. of the Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle i Affiliated with the 'Pentecostal ;Assemblies of Canada -oR.NER •OF ELGIN AND.,"WATERLOO STS' :Pastor: Fred Day SU'NCSAY .SCHOOL 10:00 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE •11:00 A.M. EVENING RA.LLY 7 00 -P M. . . .•special speaker .°': "REV. ROBERT' CLARKE" ' ' T,IJES. 'ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL 5-30 P M BUSINESS MEETING. • 1 CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAVFIELO ROAD AT SLAKE STnirt • •EVAN.GE&ISTIC—•FUNDAMENTA'L,, 'REV R..BRUBACHER Pastor 10 nO A M':S;UNDA.Y SCHOp:L. FOR ALL AGES II.00.A.M MORNING wORSHIP • SERMON:. I• ' ` ".GETTING,OFF TO A'GOO•D START".: 4..."77-7:7/.15 P•M.. YOUNG.PEOPLES' MEETING. • .' 30.P.M: EVENING SERVICE HOW TOHAVE R.EV.IVAL:IN "76" SPECIAL. MUSIC WED;8 P.M.•' PRAYER & BI'BLE STUDY - .WELCOME TO.THE'•FRIENDLY CHURCH.+, I. • • .... -.FIRST ' BAPTIST -CHURCH s f I a t REV:W.H. VIcW-HINNI.E"F.R.G.S. ( BaptistConvention of Ontario and Quebec) iyfONfR a A. 5TR'EET (near The Square) ` li ( Organist Mr, Frank Bissett :� 1 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School ;.'1 THE SALVATION. ARMY 1 ' ' 11. A.M. WORSP1iP SERVICE, ( 18 WATERLOO ST; S ) 524.9341- .1^' — � SUNDAY SC Miss Clare Mowan, Visiting Assistant Q,'• :IVI L H. otterer, Director of Music •, -- '1,.":"1 • SundaySchool Ages 10 and up at 9:45 a.rn. I▪ •. Sunday School for-ages3 to 9•from 1)t'orshipat 1.1::00 a.m. SUNDAY'; JA•NUA,. ;Y 18, 1976 •• • • 11 a:m. Worship'.Service • 1 SERMON: ), j "THE MARKS'.OF A CHRISTIAN':. 1 1 " THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM 1 I .. Nursery Facilities r Come and Worship with us. 1 _ t1. i; .GEORGE. S CHURCH r ��� NY I{ 1 EPIl'HA . j 1 4 SUNDAY, JANUARY .1'8, 1976 •. I•. • 8:30 A.M. HOLY COMMUNION. 1- I1 �00A A.M. HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON 10'.00 8, i1:.00 A.M. CHILDREN'S PROGRAM & NURSERY Ane. Lorne I r� (• ( Rector Canon G.G. Russell B.A., B D. f j C�hoirrnaster-Organist: Joseph B. Herdman t The Free Method st Church ;•. t ,( Park St. at Victoria ,,. .. ...Pastor:- H. -Ross Nicholls _ I I • 2'way_Bus Service'Free to S S. and_A-M• Worship bye calling - 1 524-9903 / �' - 9:45"a.m�. Sunday School •.i L1•:00 a.'m: Morning Service ' CATALYST TO CONVERSION b:•00'p,m; Eveil.i:ng Service . FROM SUICIDE TO ;PULPIT • i;- --y- • 1" C . 'Fascinatingl_ife"Story of REV. _GEORG.E PURCER • t .1 00 NOT MISS IT ' / THE PASTOR PREACHING 99 • Come HOOL- 9 4S'A.IVI. 1. -` FAMILY,WORSHIP.- fl OO A.M: You will be made welcome I 1 t ` 1-. • .. .. _._.._.._ � `..., E;V.ptNGECISTIC SERVICE _ I - t _ ..• - •_ . •._... i 'l. W E E K aA i Home League (i allies) Wed. 8:00 P.M.: • s, ••.�r•+�. • �.•�,•vi•: �. r,•.�..w. Prayer &- Bi1b1e'`5tudies ?hors. 7.30 P.M. average person.: , t i r •, V th front .. runner and•1 think he has•the KnOX Presbyterian Chore 1 AFFICERS, APTAIN G. HERBER CAPTAIN M INatlrENirIE -hest •orgaxiiz ition." said he+ Huron MPP.. recently named agricultural critic in thea wcus :Peterson is e ion; • ,a • saaRA Fivellav „ THE REV..G• LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A. Minister ' t • 1 1.•. THE REV. RONALD C McCALLUM, Assistant WILLIAM M.'CAM RON, Director of. praise SUNDAY, JANUARY 1 , 1976 • 11 00 A.M. SERMO "FRUITS WORTHY OF RE: ENTANCE" (Nursery Facilities) • ' . - (Corisolidat.'ed Sunday 50001'refiires-from Service) O 'N15W MEMBEiS C All Are Cordially .Invited• to Attend , , i' Victorici'Street United Church- HOUSE OF FRP �• DSHIP REV. LEONARD WARR 1G A.M.g!bleSchool for all Grades : i.:t_... j......: ` _' 11:00 a.m. Worship Service - I t SERMON; "THAT NUMI-BiR 7" - RECEPTION Ft 730 :p.m. 'You'Itg Peoples Society f Mrs. W•E-L E -ID -MI -E - . Lrater to Worshili' Depart to Serve I ( J. Snider, Organist & Choir. Director y.wusa,r „-,:r.saro a.•+.er•;.r•.�.:+,`.�.:•:Ycxi.-i.cs+'u.rr•r...+w�...+r:."�.+r..,w. s-•r..r... ••►rsVr:xrv, r•w.�w.v.•r. ••4.•srw,.rr+..•4«-..,n.*:1rn ur.....+r..�...•t..v'•�.w�s.•r:..arr:....�.r't,�iif•ra � .. ,._ _ .' :: .r .... •4 o .. •