HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-01-15, Page 11TP'.`a .M eam
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• When Rob DeLyzer plans a
picnic he isrett -.we 1'
P y 1.
assured that inCleme.nt
weather is not
his .outing bees
job:..not going
going: to spoil kJ -laming • .what the weathe
use that's his will W."' e•
ani b
picics but ' . Rob one of two . , ..._..: w weathe
observers 'the• federal °"clouds from:the center' of the
gover ment" as posted at the a►rfield ;and • -the observer
er . •• S k . Harbor :wether office °f acuses 'a special
�' � instrument;
located at -..,the GodericF 'called :an alidade; . on the
—airport. beam of light and when they
Rob and °weather office 'sights ere levelled on the:light
manager . George Haylock ii special scale vn the side 'of•
• keep a very c•1-osse watch on_. the instrument records, the
the. weather conditions i,n and cloud height, The.alidade is
around_Goderich:.°Evert hour only good ..in the ..dark so
on.. the hour they check the • daylight checks are done with
cloud co.n'ditions, tem-, weather baliooiis. The balloon
peratures, `,.:precipitation, is put on a speoial 'tap that'
' .humidity, wind speed •'and fills it withheliurn until it hass
direction, visibility and the • enough. buoyancy toe lift ,a
•cloudceiling'and, send their •' weight placed on the tap.
'observations.. along ' a T•efex • With that lifting, power it will
wire to a computer in•Toronto rise. at ,465 feet per minute,;• .
',4•that:immediately.lets the rest The : observer relejles the.
of thecountry know -what the balloon'. and times its rise
t▪ yeather isllke in:Goderich: until he loses sight of it in the
"W'e=re mostly :,concerned • Clouds: If theballoon goes out,
with: briefing air and marine, • of sight in two _minutes; t`fi'e
traffic," said; , Rob. clo1id.ceilingwill be930.feet..'
"Occasionally` someone wilt' The :outdoor:' checks com-
:call askng about the Weather,.plete the observer, records the
conditions: around -here or if wind speed and' •direction;•.
we are 'expecting'a snowfall,.• visibility " and• , larometri,c•
we 11 •'piiane they conty. m' . pressure frothe warmth,of.
engineer; so, he .'can get his: his office: A' weather 'vane
ploughs ready," �° _and.•wii d cup in the' centre.of•
The`Sky Harbor.station has•: the airfield is connected,'.t"o a
•:up to -date : Weather: .reports retarding. 'drum • in the office•.
for the Lake Huron zone that and a set of gua'ges that mark
• extends west to : the; London 7Athe wind`s actions: • •
-axea�a id so -. h to -Detroit. .The uanp is spl an •
• Cleveland a'ME° oledo The arrow type.apparatustrnthat
•::reports •are `sea for a dual points into, the wind while the
• purpose to provide up to t}' speed •guage is three cups on
minute • statistics, on cbn•-• the end of'spokes.That spin as
dition.s here' for : accurate' the ' wind hitt •the 'cups: •The
reports. for• - pilots .coming to'. drum is connected. to the wind.
Sky Harbor,' motorists gauges to; record nd`
the wi•s
-driving through' the area or .speed 'and action wt. -1e., the.,
ships,:, headed' for Goderich. • 'observer is not' able oto: watch.
harbor and to provide th:; i» :the gauges,
'.weether office With daily ' `The barometric prelssure is.,
•:figures• o.n..__climactic- don. measuredondevice simlax
drtlolrs inGoderith: to'a :th•emercur.'y thermometer:
The -.hourly :'checks .the !The:airpreSsure-exerts force
weatti>sr-',office personnel do
on condiitions. here are'in .an
•effort to .as.sure acc,tiracy.
weather reports.': W eathe
men are generally accused by
the •public as being 'anything
but accurate `in • their..
predictions, •but. by carefully
•. Watching the weather across
the entire• province .the
computer in Toronto can p.ut
the reports received frorn;all••
Bundled against the._chilly Lake Huron winds•Rob takes -his readings from, the special
'the,rlmometers housed outside the weather office•"'The thermometers record the daily high
find low temperatures as well; as the relative humidity. (staff -photo)
i All his checks done,. Rob type`s in the SkyHarbor e8de in his Telex machine and sends his.
report off to" Toronto where a eornputer_stares the.inforniation and along with similar '
r iet
an accurate urc'of::•.
. s bfroiii other �reatiier 'stations complies thi~ material into p
weather conditions across the province, (staff hoto)a,
� n .,
.+ •
when the barometer is on the
rise expect the sun to. shine.
"The... rule:'ls not. 100 percent
accurate but generally can be
relied on. n
• The.- 'final ..check :.before
sending the ,:report ...tom the
.Toron'to -c.ompute-r. . is
Visibility. Rob simply- looks
out the -Window to determine
how far one can see. Several
• landmarks• ,provide the
•.weather oobserver with iiis
• required distances.: .
on a .d•rurri of.. mercury,
causing: it to' rise through a
glass.. tube. .T.lip observer
notes. the level' of mercury in
the barometer and sub
tractingit" from' the air.
tem.peratu.re is able to
determine ' the. barometric
pressure .
Barometer readings
If he can .see surrounding
buildings •at the 'airpo•rt.
visibility is 143 Mile;. if he can,
see a chimney:pear.the -air
port entrance it is t/ mile if
he, can see houses o.n. the -
airport road he .can see 1
mile; the.•Maiitland River is 3/4
of a mile away; lights ph-the,
Salt 1Viine.Road in,Goderith.
are a mile away; .church ,
steeples are i i/2 miles. The
Sifto'. salt .plant. is 2'i/2. pliles
away end 'a.row of hillsrto the
northrare three Miles ad:
The visibility check done' • '
Rob types .in. the Sky Harbor ..
.cod' and sends. his report off,
`•'to .Toronto. When' the coni-
puler - is• ready .to receive
Rob'srtessage it will read the
punched. tape; record', the.
.information and; send it off to
the 'other weather: offices in •
:the province so they ran; tell
anyone coming to' Goderich
what the weather.ls-.*erhere.
provide :a -rule of thumb for, :: • . • e . .
Weathermen . Making k. special recording di um,in the weather office records the wind speed and direction, on a
raph'. Rob here checksthe wind's action as part orhis.preparations,for ;sending the -Sky •
11 irbor.hourlvreportof weather' to the computer in Toronto. (staff -photo)
the wather stations together t"orecasts..:, WWhen the
to.come up with a forecast of. barclmeter : drops stormy •
changes expected.': • weather can - be • expected
' • '"We send very' descriptive _ u
• reports, : in every hour• that.
may ::never change:but . they
•enable the. computer to give
• .accurate' forecasts;" said
The reports are , put.
• together in®a very short,•time
• starting 'with• the air teat- ,.
perature and humidity.•.
Bundling up against the ; •
. cold, Rob ;takes'his notebook
to thy thermometers -housed;
in a• small,White box outside
:the Sky Harbor; Station. The•
... high -•. and , low temperatures
reached :are r'ecoredon two:.
;thermometers in 'the'' box.:'A
• mercury;thermoineter with a •
special restrictor;'records`the •
-high. . As the • .temperature.
climbs .the mercury goes up.''
the 5riiall channel in the
t.herniom:eter through•_ . a
Special restrictor. 'When the
high is: reached.. and• the
temperature drops. the
restrictor traps the mercury.; -•
at its ,high point enabling:the ;
ohserver to take a°`read•ing at -
that -paint. •
The low =temperature- is
taken ori•' an .alcohol 'there
•.mometer that- has •a. small-
��dumbbell inside it. As the
temperature drops a 'friction
built :up .between.. the alcohol •
• •and the! dumbbeli.•draws the -
Marker .,dbw:rt , the they-•
Biometer: until the low is
reached`. A's the tettiperature.
rises, again the alcoltol' flows.
' around the durrrbbell leaving
it test marking the day's low. .
A,tliird thermometer is it'sed
--to check the humidity. The
thermomete,r.;_ a Wet hulb
type; has a tvet cloth wrapped
around ' its bulb and the
' temperature reading .to give
the •obserder -the humidity:,
'percentage: • ' .
The' •next: . check is fdr. the
cloud' ceiling. The observers
have't'Wn methods' of checking
this.. A. special .projector", ._.lath watches the spacial weight outs.' tap that fills i balloon..
shines a beam. of light on the •with hcrivan for a check on tate .Loud ceiling over Godericih.
• --
A hen the -balloon has enoth ig
i; hel9uirr' In it to iift;the weight it --
top,' ii e,$ outdoors at a rate of 435 feet per minute: ' • x;