HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-01-15, Page 4• 'l SNG i ro� a EwtcusfoNN.AL STAR, Tk URSI*Y, JANUARY 15;194 eye M• .A very. businesslike R fetter."frorra Douglas aright, Heidi f�elaflon ' Officer. Co ll urratcations �Brarloh, :Q>seen's. Park, advlses this. lr`eek that •Frank S. ".!hiller,:• Minister of Health, Will . be' iii Wing.ham Jai-ivary. 21 to is da•scuss ` sa.rne ra'the'r strrrge:n.t • econorntes essential to ::title ..,health system in the caning year" and '•the - pact of _:th;ese constraints. for Huron, Perth, Grey: and. Bruce • Counties". •• . Add to this news. the word last week • 'that Ministry of Social and Community • Services• personnel will . be• at' Goder.ichPsychiiatric Hosp•it'aI January 22 .and 23, and it .makes:for ,sorne•,edgy citizens in Huron Count:y." The. . medical staff at . Alexandra Marine and General Hospital,: usually a quiet,- unoListrusive group, got in - . n °'. volved this week. They sent.a_lette•r off '• to --•The Honourable Frank' Miller .• requesting hi, to reversemhis decision.: on the'clos•inf GPH,ithdraw any plans for'closinggeneral hospital beds in•i-iur.on and to commit himsel'f;and his f*.,Minisfry • to • decision by consultation. • vidt,h: representatives at focal levels or resign: immediately. •This'`'either-or" resolution was. drafted at:a.•s:pecial meeting:>in whi:c.h, • ••Goderich.'s:. med'i-cal professionals challenged Mr. Miller, on_ the grounds , that his .actions- constituted_ "'an -tin- bridled i. lilater:aI use of .force`•of'.the •government -;without .cons-u=lt-ati•on, compassion or:reason" Strong— • language for this 'usual) •reserved organization:- The announcemY ent:late last -Week b• `- ' theMinistry Mini trY af Socialand Comixiun„t ty Services that the. transfer -af GP • -H from -• the-Mi°nis.tr of Health would be• oin • Y 9 ..9. ahead as..planned” has .not.appeased •the.. voter -S. -of this Riding. Although. a 9 spokesrnail from t:he Ministry of Social and Community Ser-vicesexpressed a. • • :.-hope that the net • effect•on•the;economy„ Huron .would be "Positive,' not W• .neg at iv•e"r•^-GPH, staff, ..patients and : " 'friends a endT them- if Is lost •obs' for man rofessionals, lost services 'Which ;have. been utilized' by hundreds and .' hundreds ,.of „`,county. •` residents •and. `.lost resources ;: which have become an integral of this ,part comn.unit • Stephen. Y Lewis, Leader ',of the: Op- • position in Ontario, said in • Goder•ich Tuesda•y, that the`::provin'clal .g-overn- :ment is simply juggling fadities fa,.. ' 1 another•Mlnitry in order, to take ad • • vantage of feder& money" iv lla'ble fpr., facil itie"s for the mentaI ly ref ed. .He` , claims there-isJlittte regard for eeded services; its all amatfer„of dollars and •cents. { '. : -e Essifiairy that's What'.Dr Frank'” Mips, Huron County Medical Officer -of Health said at the public meeting held in Saltfprd last week. ,Dr. Milts suggested that people to fhe Provincial., government, are little more than en. ', tries'on a Ied'gex'-and their needs must balance on'the bottom line. He urged • citizens ,=to 'remind government by - ` 'whatever means was available :that - they wilt. not sit, idly -by while „ something as basic as. health'' care. is legislatedaway to,ba.lance the•,budget: • It has. been estimated that by closing; G•PH,. the Ministry. of Health will save .' i21/2- Million. It has also been explained that the; -province needs facilities tor the "m ,nfally-- retarded like the one' planned far..Goderich. ''There is only •oneother in the.province:•- at Oakville - and in_relati'on to ps.ychiatricservices, • ,services for•the mentally retardeda.r'e•, ninth less accessible than London and,. Owen -Sound•.- - - s.. So the' battle. goes on: The light': istc growing di:mmer for,:per-son-s, here.who.• have depended. on, the -close .proximity ,_ of'mental.heatth,facil.ities; brighter for those with-:. retardedrelatives -and friends .who- are just now finding ac- ceptance` in'the,coe munity: :•What•fhe • ' •- in - Man residents- must have remain unanswered u to this : 'ex 'ect• - to'` lose •for power ..winds• arefi•nland Do we? '. .:pepple ot. this area are sayg is that y P_ p .-----�-- • _ , .- - --G, V -time. � It--ls-=even•:;-more-.un.. .-or-r-id d 't f 14 Wh id h noted w�nnterest' odertah.. c both•• services are :too..necessar•y 'to' Town Coun.cii's' 'refusal 'to ..fortunat•e.•,:that-.God.erich isn't stations :,as . well •as -road ;.case:of an`accidental leak.of • •vironmental a nd'economical. a • prove'-.. answers! to : their' or-sr•=-an raps ormer.z ;- at-wou - appen in-q'u•erie-s-a ... choose 'between. Only government endorse •.a ' resolution frei'n, prepared to 'seek all the -ran- 'Widening.and new highways? radio -active _material into, the ;. impact on the area,iitvolv,,ed • • could be that,callou5, Stephen Township regarding savers; when . "according to ; 3,' What can •normally' be 'water with' respect' to the ' ,'.Jt•is also 'clear now, thata . . •' � i H =Mi'• 'PP J . = • 'And -What's next to go? will general , ••.`Ontario. .I•iydro . generating .. Riddell, ddlesex` M ick expected. in -industrial ex= -.water intake ; df B the London• , segment' 'of society Ytere is Stations. ' . Riddell.,:' the pians for, ''a : pension and; , re'sid.enti•al pipeline and t'he effect on the ' re ared tos•trade • away the. hospita.li in. Huron come ••-rider the ? P.P �P P• Miller. axe? ' Will some .towns be Huron .Count' " are' "on .the ower the -resolution' appeared ,.to y P J•� p .t.• nuc ear gen'erating sta•tl,on�m.. development as a spin-of.f of a --.barn? county s future without even:.: • Councillor im eers said • e plant } ' # ;. ° '...' giving the 'matter -"due study... vvithbOt .s and ' ave- - have, been written by an shelf"'<,..at ' least until the 4. W eat•. pect the generally,, these are not .Y7 nfortilnately.,.,, Goder ich. minimal hospital` care? ;Wall ::vital larmist'. Councillor hero •: matter; has. conte• before, the,. social: cost td .e'to our local alarmist quest$ -ons.: These are . Town. Council'appearstobe'in.. `� y ' ' health . services/ ' be ..cud evenfrnore 'toHarrison- .-"argued that.„. Environmental I'mpact. committees as ,;schools, questions which have been • this latter category, probabiy- Asse smentboard.•. .'• ' olic.e • •all's .. r p s P J ,. , f•ac,il: ties• sewers • and � . man - -art-s--,of this. count' .ex ectation ' o :'more.. jobs ---- industry' in. the county' .but F . - �- y Y P Y p f jobs, •' F'ranls- Mi has' �i-artied tha# • 1 0.. agriculture w' `s `i• ,recreation asked by. many : people. in .because. 'of: a•" short-term' balance the' • rovincial budget. g a an na:portant;i a. 1 treatment plants/-674-/..et.and' over The - ate • more •houses more • taxes h 1 Th •Y B .• 'certainly not' 'the. :on i = ere were ' u r 1. .. at:her"strin stringent 'ec herrn les"' are.' • Yen e• e 4 q est ons.s•• r 9 , o In5: What • is' flee 'effect of.. ••common • sense e.estions ° more growth, ,. • •• dus.try, short, Goderich ; out .in the Stephen Township .., q : essential in; .the coming year, Just; Town:Council appearedto be reSolution•Whichshould be of power plant related pollution' ,which deserve eotnmon•sense' :. ++;.* what "that will` .ulli.matel mean ''to only barely_ concerned with' 'concert) to th'eEnvironrnen aI on food plants suchas eans, answers This writer 'has . Qne. •a Put forward im the ; Im net Assessment board ; tomatoes„ potatoes, lettice, ;It,is. true that mostofthese ; geaf,deal :of sou.l=searching:• • :,.Horan County residents and their the Points , friendsin neighbouring counties 'Stephen Tovnshi resolution. Theyare:• alfalfa,•obacc-o, onions, etc:?' questions have been argued in recent. Months; keeping an: That''s `unfortunate. `It. is 1,:Wtjat-will:be he,effects.of 6:•'What be:'the .effect on frog 'Umeto.tirnein'avariety open'mind to;all'arguments.I :remains. to be"seen. farrri labor 'cost and hence of settings. It is 'else true that full understand the desire in t unfortunate because the a power plant in Duron g Y • Government for ;the `people by the people? A modern myfh if you ask the . people of ,Huron County::SJK Too many. across -somebody else's." They •quite. outspoken. *about Ontario's regulations which they ' feel are an- tiquated and have said "The - pol'ic'ies.:; governing .'li.cences' and zoning have grown up over • three quarters'.. of .: ;a century, .and they now have little relationship •to• the. realities of fishing, t� ilio".ence`ao commercially net fish in the province of 'Ontario. does.' •not exceed- $140 00:'.for-the enure°season; Netters' are not Charged.'' for p o the tons . of. : fish that . they remove from ''our ..`Waters, •They• are' right, • the rules do need Chan -ging!,, U's hlgh:tinie 4, • that they paid for what. they. take,. ,: and^perhaps- retroac- '• tively. •- • - • Peter .E Stickle5e; • Member- Associatiomof • Great Lakes Outdoor Writers ' DearEditor, • -' Commercial: fishermen'.all: around the Great Lak , ave . recently been'. voicin ei�r concern over Ontario's' method'of licencing them Many don't like the system . that permits a netter;to:move . to another area, when. fishing ;is ``spotty''. ,close.to home They claim, that "With too 'Many licences, ..and too few - fish; the practice can arouse a • lot:., of. '.resentment:, par-, ticularly .among the fisher- 'men who always stay ,in the same place." They say that.:"It can bei pretty.. hard. for a local fisherman,. who has endured. longperiods of poor'fishing, . .. to find that when th:e:fishing does i`rnprove,, he can hardly' set his. nets' without running resolution : asks some v ' " .Count n thefood.eost? the "answers'' provided only. -Some for better jobs, • s s s o cry y o main indr�stry, - 3 7.: What is.the effect `:on p romp t more uestions' - 'a rea.ter• secur•it created . vital -ands thoroughly; valid agriculture,P P q g Y questions; almo tall of which • 'l, How much land can we. ,human' health, animal health definite' ,ndication '• that through a'' • tremendous q , s. and 'plants ' under- the •' in- -problems •do; exist when it '.:economic • boost; . improved .fluen'ee of the, electro- :comes to; justifying the recreational, educational and rnagnetic •'; fields . of high establishment of a nuclear institutional services. tension power lines? : -' power • station iiiany area, but; „But; I 'am equally in- 8; What is the "cost :to the ;'especially in a rural county fluenced by :thenumber' of such) within' the guidelines of • an abstainer ' who was livestock prooduceras a result ' like Huron: :people I meet" whose one. aim the federll'. anti-inflation , "violent, , raging, fanatic, or , of:urban expansion crowding -. Councillor Harrison iis' not ,, in life is to escape the grip of, 'p'olicy. It is clear that the having rabies," e as' the dic=• .intense'livestock•operations? alone when he hesitates to Hydro: in' Kincardine' or••to ' major; attack on cost is •:tionary• describes ;the term 9. What- is the :effect of:: -,admit- that Huron County IS : preserve this little corner',of deliberately focussed •on the On the :other band...well! possible marketing problems INDEED• an agricultural Ontario againt.i the kinds of wages of yworkers • and farm : "Rabict .teetotaller',"- Who is' for food:grown near a nuclear county. Thosecitiiens who 'development which ;result in product prices despite the- intoleranthiffWr 1 b f f f d' d 1 d h h bb b h' 1 p' an ecause o ear.o ra di are not erectly,: invo ve wit unnecessary. u - u , ust'e Federate•, outlook fact government states farm <W,E.,Elliott active Contamination of food.?, the: agricultural industry are and headaches:' • • ' .gate prices are free of . ( Goderich: 10,' What. will be ,the total reluctant to put farming and When the whole con • guidelines. Dear Editor, _ th f federal. „ S n Ontario on ,our. But that's. the Way- ,t Following the Federal' - - -- P -.ease. Y " zs err .temp ed to throw my. --.hat 1n... government• lack erfective agri,cultural,base? ' Huron•County...andth.ewayit . With those -who. welcomed the.. Agricultural •.Outlook Con o •ference held i•n late control over inflation, _ or Dear Editor • 11.i' What ,:would• a' cern- . is likely to •stay" without -a. possibility -of a Hydro .plant• controlling major 'res. ources . l r Ver ' pleased -to see . pa'rison Study of the effects of nuclear,power' Station. • • here. , .No•yb; after con I3ecember, President of the, Y P• • dort9enated- liy: multi national iteu on h Fri a'power.plan't in Huron versus • And'the lifestyle in ;Buren' sideration of all aspect's - both • NationahFarmers',Union�Roy corporations, Mr. 'Atkinson- your wr p the_ Friends yy P of •ANTDU in theDecember some more. •Norther-. area County is a, reflection of"its, for,ahe present and for the Atkinson .made:•thie following :'said, "Of the provinces only C ber �• Q P i •'with limited fooflland show agricultural base ` ''Hurn 'future -I must.honeatly.admit , • ' effect ' wf power, ..plants - 'in . its. related 'industries first . troversy began, .I 'was sorely - On e'• subject.;ooutlier' atement: S ' k tchewan seerris to be Srgnal-star, - . n „ " , as a Y d h ° • 12, How much more food citizens:'are among -.•the It rs• redreted the 1.976 st • P taking effective steps in,this will 'b needed Omost.' •eres e''• in. no ' i'n a • our ren ers may -e in - fain' %ricome will "drop 25' t t d k w g th t. wi a nee a In ntario provinces progressive direction 13y,•.., is announced Friends of 'CANTDU can be alone within the next two 'but they are also pr'otectiveof -percent-while f t will of taken over that if `I hart° cast a' vote for or against a nuclear' plant in i e arm Costs wig Huron' County I• would- be •.-. H In intentiong reached at : P,O.; Box 342, generations and how much their. values and their bound by my' conscience to "rise.major areas of. potash production- and r. ductio for example., milk P Goderich• or C -o :T NlcQuail ' ' more can we produce? customs. They resist change veto the proposal .until more • distribution, `This• .action of .RR 1, .Lucknow;.Ontario. 13. In the ca's.e of..a nuclear that will interrupt their.Aliiet,solutions are' found to real - a ��•• and beef cattle, Ottaw courS.e is being opposed• by.. calling for• a, cut-back in The .first newsletter is ' Plant we must knew what an.. wholesome way of 1i:few-Tly prbbletris.. . proponents; of so-called ,free availabe• free to.an. .e vwho. accidental leak of of .radio :enjoy ,change :that' will: -F.++ productlon: < eirterprise. `' Yo11 active materials in the • air en'hance..their 'unique com The resolution from rs 'interested in more in- . 'regard to hogs; farmers : At the outlook conference, the' revailin are.ad to be careful sotto • Por.matian about CANTDU ' �'ould'do;:as p g rrlunit-arad'••proa�ide --even. Stephen•Township is worthy M r 'a f the nod things that •increase .: roductlon too • W Ne '1 of th Canadian Fertilizer I statute. more' o g g t. of support by Goderich Town ?1 T$ny.lYlcQuailhone 'cads are; considered zriost . im= Council: There is every.• Milch. ::Only : in grain attacked Saka•tchewan's , distance p 1 , reduction, are.they calling:: RR 1,; Lucknow tele rams etc. that form • .a _Portant like; fresh' air; open reason to' believe that if a P action During questioning.he g .. eaefulzXess. conference -was .• held Send our donations now p : and'sends in•their address. major part of out 'e penses. spaces, hqr en in friendliness, was established- 'Within. the .. controlled phosphate ,rock Y +-1 +�• vicnit of •Goderich; • this` reduction---ar2d marketing ��� protest You will be advised of the l. Y P � g CR'i<C decision' as soon as , The baste difference bet- municipality would' be.faced and that.at.least t ne,mernber ,•.__.ween those who want the with all, kinds' of problems, of th'e.:Cana'dian Ferti•iizei• Deal -Editor!: possible. nuclear:hstation located here some of'v✓hich are pinpointed institute was a .meli1ber of The. Consumer Alert p p. Sincere) "' ' and' those who do not;• fs in •- in the Stephen resolutioli. this cartel-- ,�. B Corrimittpe, `;coo Box'. 16; A': G: Cooriii.. ...irrnan of their Outlook.. For 'tome, a And while•• Jack.Riddell G.Austin; •Clinton 1`Jevvs-Record, which co untrysi:de without advisesS.' that. ala' major• has spear -!ended th'e,protest• •;the Consumer• Alert. Coin smokes'tacks•, acid high' rise projects by'the government,: Chat`leng'e against the very poor quality : rpiitee. •offices arid apartments is a '_and later all major projects' of. Bluewater Cable rV pec r.. haven in a concrete artificia-1 including those •by .private` �' ransni:Ass�ron; and their , DepGOra- ble- world;- for 'others it's a sector have to come•, before D My friend John Hindmarsh , requested r -Me increase from deprived ; ;:and , de resse'd_ ,:the Environmental • Impact act p • .. : p p spoils a timely letter in the •• $5:tli .$6.50 'per month; wishes AN'OPE1NLEETT•. !1' existence in a-timewhen'hi h Assessment :board, it ,may" hat the-Case•.is . g Y January 8' Signal -Star by to•inforin You.that _,.TOT.H>Er •� • ^,, salaries; ,.parking lots and. .well be dnly'a matter of time. :assuring us that he,is;nota 'now✓; -before the Canadian PRIME MIINIS :- than -made turf'are -signs of until the hydro plant issue is "rabid teetotall'e•r",- It Com-. Ol(„ fH rosperit g • ,. - ,., ,.pop y. ohm business -in • 'arid that ,our letters PROVINCIAL• The adjective is oftener.' •tni5sion an Y_, , ,• , � It is obvious 'the bulk of thin • art<of Oittar.i . , ..' . - . . -, ken int EN • 'Citizens .e part o Spelled , tp., prohibitionists, of rotest•w111•be ter, o GOVERNM T , I•luron. Countycltizeri5 have.• It.behoov s �•od'erich -own Who -are s` 'd to interfere with cdrtsi`deration, . OF ONTARIO h ad - •• .,•so•me serious reservations Cntincil tile's,': • as "-true other people's rights`,• . •'Poi ' those . who have not -- ',about ult'mate wisdom of p , g , ou to Dear diton, • ' , abo i } representatives •of all the. A•teetotaller or abstainer is -: v ritterrn in we urge y, db: • 0,.: .ht I •r. •„ res ectfull �. nuclear generating stations.. citizens` of +Goderich', -to use• rvrerely a person who,: min• :so :irrttnedialely as yatit g p y,:'Ofthese, some are ready to. •this intervening' time to bone ` end further . suggest that the recent,fiasco W . g. ding his business, ref- �s . tetters wall 9amble'their_ future o th'e 'on the ns g B�� �e • : reg''arding'��he-olosir"rea-of •the 'hope n ,.•gip edncer oP the• • Wn.'1iSbked b alcohol, s part, in -• case' they are . ho a that technology will find people' and todo everything 4Pp 4 Goderich Psychiatric f► h gy p p ,d od y Ing td prefers not to pickle his in- : rlecded, To 'those, who forgof ha and'safe solutions to alfi . insure • that. answers .ate ,� Hospital •ral'ses , serious ; Ppy..a ted :.to orwa.i d::-,-_.-�,,,,�--._,-"-__- - • sldt s,• and does what he can to or omitted corn- ..their•nagging feali' :'Ivlorxe'-are.- sought by.provincial bodies,,-.. c iestions about, the. :,•Ilei the', vic,tim of in- donations; 'we remind you:: totally'. and- 'abolutely. a A. good. place start w`trut ' p e nd potence of the sresent p €f p , d t•nwtcktrits, ; . • . ' • that this is your prat st, a , " , , .w.. e� t:fi„ and, 'his....posed to •nuclear, power. have been with the resolution u will share in the . , ,,.. el 0 1. 1 am 02 -years of age, and hap tiiaty„o , ,<stations in ,our. idst until".'from • :Stephen''' eWnsh'ip believe int, .1 •have never Seen costs • ^ of • advertisin 16lig t contir ucd on: pa e 5) theiwe are some 'definite and CounclL for g' major expansion This ' admrttecj an Opec like• cartel (although not presen•ted as • • A e x ; s eht eoatrith, SIGNAL— STAR The, County Torvn' Newspaper of Huror9 • Popnded In 1848 and'puiifshed every Thursday at Goderich, °anti°. Member bf the (*NA and OWNA. Advertising rates on request: Subserlptittns payable in advance t11,09, in Canada, $12.50 in all canaries other than Canada, tingle copies 25 cents. Diepiay advertising rates availahle on ' request, Please ask for Rate Card No,1 effective Oct. 1, I995. Second class Mail Registration Number 6116, Advertising is accepted on•the condition that, ln•lhe event of typographical error, the advertising space occupied by the erroneous Item.'together with reasonable allowance for . Signature, will not be charged fol but the baiaaee of the advertisement wile be paid. Jot at the applicable rate, In the 'event of a typegi•aphical eit'br advertising goodtror services at wrong, "'•' •• - price, goods or service may hot be;sold. Advertising is merely an Offer to sell, and may be with, drawn • at'aoy. tithe... rtie Signal -Star is 'not' responiiibie tor the loos or damage of unsolicited .. nignnscripesorphato0,• - ' • Bwuiilr`ois othrEdiitoetia. dfficil TELEPHONE .52448331 • 'pod,5i9 . n INaltlairesist; . BOX•00, doderlth' 1 o(srirtti °lttirli V401001o0 nu;iibur • • Piibfishe ! by Sigrval=Star Publishing Ltd, -• ••• •RO'B-ERT•0, SH -tE•R—president and publisher SHIRLEY J ICELt�fl �+ecfitor r, JEFF SEDb NN=edifo'riar Staff DAVE S.VkE ditor"ial'it ff -�e o a a ,. EDWARD 1. BYR5'Ki—advertl`sinq manager Lw��.:bmnv } sem.;„i•1"i.k..•,3L .: i`-�� _.