HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-01-08, Page 324. • 14-�-GQk'1,1 I ,H Czt`!AL SI'M ,'liHOSDAX,.J•A*1UA,i'Y'8, I9 6• ,; 777777 ixNaej,y�V.'. • q.,... •f'eM. •,• • a5 qi • -• , oorrttnu fr m' a e 1. w w.. • ... f e .R: P g .,•) circa atrn th ou bout that trtfre hers. -passed' and ast = life �` G it and is dans under the country s that to r some k g l' the p adrrirnrslkcator cif GP1I of his rn odexieh to 4►s mental illness sold 11r find"dign y resrde n t Charlie :L? . o : • n is b t t e G PL4 would. be 1? nair w a three counties,. He • said Hu.ro a e ter county for , and now medical director at earring, for the mental health-Conlon.L.. "Che login ' o t; y"• the guise of necessity. cases to h c g f h �. statistics showing that a $3,• a ions carr °•so wei t� It'' thehes i: .told -the 3.• ) •to.r Ken Lambert, .the p Y ►» gh _,. a. g p til, audience `�,uf over. I O,l1Q� p;eUple rz1 .Gtr F•l •. would bt. tht, rr�cast ; 1 pe -rxlrltiori pa-wou•1d-bekost _; -_ �. , Huron Art Queens . k'"ark. but the - ..-41 -ac is "19'--s a eirt. li:f- toll, tt+~e artd . Ferth dts s1r u �s a _, . arc sldent cslect u tht 1. wou•1d la ke .:mu eo le top tkr a 1... nd , r c t raid. k Y A P �t t i d., .. r g �xrt t an d-460,00 he G. � .,, c mu a 0Association, QQ c� n � i es • •a b t 1 e e -ill a -< e i ff ct .h n i � �' tw aPd 1'f . a,.o l a s d C t M d t. 5r• ,;,. ' ' ' gta •�_ ^ he .:. .. Y P p e. facing• a foss•of •count � , .a sting•: that the sta,p .trhait •could uss'}ai: be. ut_r .y ,would' be , taken out of theknow that the town of Cl>nto, - .ap theclosing the girlie, eapCe Signing the"cni . oyin�ent butPointed' t" .,Gr:�-icr.s of . GPH ::were. ac -taken-. .'told the audience g .. p g rsri lit.bePe r ora11'tp you t ti ou. b •,inthis day nd age' pockets merchants. petitions' write individual g Y • •. Y m credited by the •Can.adran when the :need; as. never of the. .hospital", clo' be • _ MPP inted _utand may he running up Your. that the, yrapath rrr.us•t bt ,,. i .. letters to Mr, Miller. Y council o.n . Hos.prtal seater.., . critic -alto patients:her•e us ng =c• i .ou' don't• 'move fast, .. a f. . ow.ever._.that • . Mill has .Y .fringe raged.. l?Y h:rni to ex o ital: -.. 'Ube ate wbat.seeri3 _..--- back� ciTuditatiott_:Kls a t todel:.f the facilities the.k sP i ..,_.,...bG.on1an: C-a:i%iied_ •t'hat.. sniff .h,san, . aycrr-pxosS.., yeas for on) ills• :.. :, based.: has decision . ori�rese.. to ave 'the br e t effect � •... .. • .,.. Yrester the c �u .. � , . • hT. ak : en i.�a1- hbs itals..:.; h e gg s on a t 114 t nti y. c S g e. ,p, f •i the ' ino.ns,•:�. pa"1exit:.o e: '7os:ita1., 1 e'°•, 1?. I Hess i ni ` u i l s'49;r`: de l=ived o•'.. ,said.. P �oct` Nli�aek.:. �"tr. .n,, tle liaci'•�evote 1' ' ci .d, O, yeas 'factsand figures'and has not.. ,;,•, a ... • MPP's, .T:oronto;• ; , , • •: nxade•„a political judgement said Mr: Edighoffer;•: 'Mr.. Riddell .•saisi that. tFre ; ' .'I u'ron Count . : rr edical. Y�. Minister 'told him that officer . of health °•Dr, Frank- "politically ; 1;'rri '.probably Miffs end rged on, the effects •a `,•„tr=eading where an4e1S fear. to -.• marl ' has on -the trod but techrtica114y 1.f el l:.eiErr '"provinclat.governmen ting right • ' the effects the huge vo1 l he .)luron 1V;•i:ddlesex•' rtiail ' the government`, n�iernber told the -°audience received: from:. thle. that a d.'elegaCion consisting of • regarding regional. gover • himself, Ross Bryant, :the ;rnent 'a.n.d the, Mustard' • • GPI -I administrator; Frank ' Report. r•i "; Mills, the .. I-luron�.:, County Medica-1Officer of: Health and Mr Mills said the :letters•• sorne2.of .• the Staff., of • -the,r- "disturbed and'destroyed'' • hospital was meeting with.: the implications of those two Mr. Miller, prior to Wed provinci:al ' governiri nesday's cabinet meeting••to projects. He added that in the, try to ;convince him :of. the . error of the decision.. ' He said tjiat"Mr. Miller has promised that if he is proven • technically wrong in the d,eci:sion,, .he will ' tell the i abinet•he has reversed his Suggestion, io. close..GPH and. • leave the ultimate decision'to. -the cabinet. : ' "If the cabinet hears Mr.' .Miller say he is 'technically and politically, wrong in his ' decision, they will probably.,. d M R'dd 1'1 Clinton • suggested .AO the, said r. Riddell: field of health; people seem to, have become dollar ,Si.gnsto the ministry of health. and if those dollar signs have to be erased., they are. He pointed out that • the. decision to close' GIH- was made without 'contacting." anyone•workang in -the find of health in Huron, Bruce and - Perth "counties - to try, ..to; determine.• the . effect: §u:ch_a-• closing.would have on con-.: sumers here . r�ncur and JRaVe'Ca,PH,popen , Mayor Don Symons of. He. added that th .poliiical. audience.•.that' it is tirne the • o� ei torics of this .issue were Province- learned that ,pee•ple:. • -`r .-created locally and:that-he'.' in srriall towns' and •corn ,was, appalled that, the..;munities do°ltnow what they are taikin • about, . Ma r ol'itical g Ye aks:to abo d 800 People liie,aad ence�the Townof Gorier uh weu1d seek -an iniuriction • ckos.ir$ was"made a,p„,re'-' Goderich tr%ayor,..Deh Shewfett spe<• People Symons said. .=that people in issue':_: :_' Mending' the' Union of: Public Ser.t to Employees meet: against the' hospital' s' closure. (staff;photo) small iocalrtres-know:._ wkiat�sefil .-- ..-Val .r._._„_ - : ° ` ""You: don't :toy. 'with the hrld:-it.Saltf&rid yalley.Hall last Tuesday The mayor told” lie of 'eo, le For the Sake. of they want for',- their corn- . a. "every ,rico ?::, of this. Hat u�e- 'arans' 'res es: :hat -pan •ri �h.ts' v s p p, R infinity. and :are”willing to. political . expediency .said the MPP fight to' ensure they get it Hugh Edighoffer- Perth ' Mayor Symons added that county MPP ' echoed' .Mr. in ,:the past the tewns and'. v :Ridti it s comm-ents -adding villages ;of the . cou-nty thousands. of people -Will sign s i d, e r e d, t Fle m s e l ves ire -ti -ch,,-:, whi-c-h:-- are..: "ri•ovit somewhat independent but'. p t 'w Its save loves aye statisti . Since legislation: has come : the car •in a e:r'ash. CSC says • ' into . effect, concerning: the,�,the .odds•of surviving a. -crash man use of seat belts, ,hare five times better if one public opinion: on' the virtues stays: inside the car and'•"vices bf "the belt” • has • • • ' •beenmi�ed.. Anti seat belt advocates • No ' matter :what .' your use the •argurnent that• safety opinion, the- Canada.. S-afety -b' P v t escape' if . 1� Cot. icil has coTnpiled a list of the car catches on fire or; goes •' • h"h that safety under water. Facts have belts do save lives: • ,' facts, w is prove a sae y 'proventhat. fire and sub, m•ersion are as factor in- less. than ane percent of :injury- producing amidents 'then;: the protection. from' injury -provided .by -safety'. belts, increases Your 'chances of escaping. It takes :less than a seeond'to-rplease.lhe. belt. , . .These are proven facts • Don't use your seatbelt, and: 'take a chance •of being fined $20 to $100 or being-thg, eine.out Of every two people involved in a fatal accident; or lessen your odds 14O to 53 percent,, Bu.ckleup> . ' `. • Forty percentof the deaths ' in 'autamobi:lecrashes could' be prevented if :all drivers 'and ..passengers .3wore, lap safety • belts'. Fifty-three •peramrit of. such•deaths could be prevented W. the Ilse : of • comb 'dation lap and shoulder .belts.: ' - Half o%- all traffic deaths • occur within 25' miles of; the Victim S home and at speeds' of•40 miles per hour, or less. Many people sees `to feel 'that .chanc s of survival .are better ifonejisthrownclearof FLECTO DECORATOR FINISHES k • Paint or Varnish to Remove! ORiA sistvIcE o • . $GR1H 00 Ft : s2a•:6581 n��iy-.httve, o picfc up some'of w 'r the. GPH now aloes; .the ok h but.'they .do.F'at have the: trained' Staff. -to. handle the p itient$ "properly, ,.He added ;,that:the log's•to the doctart ain trcmendouas. as well as the _:_h . ..t: ... Inas of tha hc�stsr-t�tl--to• h�+ entire field of Mental healtht. Poii!A'ting out aai• indicatie of how the mental health care in :the rcourties w'•o rle' Gnrr.er- With the' CiP11 closing, Dr. `, Zan be.r.t:,said..h oriiierstoa w,; ed to $8 atee is we.reslat. ..P .n. London. %3 t ':transferred, to . a p:wen. S:.ound: and :'43- `t`o Str•atfor.d and•;tiiey:don t even" h s e Stratford • hospita'l'.. lli�re d To AII, Interested Citizens _of theTown .of Goder-ich:.� ' The :Tgwn. Council- would be .pleased' to -°%, receive applications :for appointments to various Boards: and Commissions,`. If in fere ted in servt:ng Ononeof the Boards:of ,. the . orporatiof. of the._.Town of . Goderich,. 'pleas submityourna,neto.the undersigned. on or •before' Friday, January 16th, 1976, at. 12�• 0.0 'noon. J.. Harold Wadls, Clerk -Treasurer Town of.Gode.rich 57 West Street NESTLE-% 6- FLAVOURS.15r'FL. OZ. T.IN PUDDINGS3 Rs PALMOLIVE GREEN GIANT FANCY •12.;FL • OZ. • COR IBLETS FRESH,. •MAIL:....P.(aRt SAUSAGE BY TWE PIECEc�®:Elt BRUCE. .7V P'A•CKERS ^:�SAUuAG.ELB. pl3,ObucE--0.p NO. 1. GRADE CELL.O'PACK TOMATOES SUNK°1ST t_.ARG•E. SIZE::. ORANGES: .• O,IANGE FLAVO.U.R 5 LF. BOX HIIGGHLI•NER C)CEANr ERCi� 7:E LLQ. 2/99c :. r3tua wA rEF# � 5T N 61.0 ,I . F -IS # • STICKS t4 62. �OPEI+I NITELY. TILL 10 P.M. 1 RICES p1 EFFECT TILL CLOSING SATs JAN. Toth 1916 ON 'WHII,E. QUANTITIES LAST � . W RESENVE';THE RIGHT TQ°.. I;IMITAIIANTITIES'.. a •