HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-01-08, Page 30'4Ty, r.°•i,w..a"Tiw" , °A A'.i:5
aaw44. t4:y- tir<wr Mw. ,
+41,1,,, 44:,,.461. y r w
r S inxr,'xytµ;,,,,M, "•.,rye «. •
piB I4- -GC t E) lit I`S]( N ►f� STA"R.•'T'ffU1tSDA' ANtfAR .8,°1:976
POt:A'12Q l
cl,talified v
rndi.rdual Male or; Female rleeded to disfrr�bute.
world faous• Kodak;,Rim and "other ptroto prod'itcts through
company • .established location; ,-"NQ ':SELL• i•NG : OR- '•••
SOLICITING REQUI•RED'.' Make. this year Your, .year fpr
independelipe., 85495.00 investment. Guaranteed 12 . month.,
repurchase..agreeme it • .
EAL-L MR MARTIN • • sOLLECT61,4-2281751'
*MIRY to Friday,•9`a m, ▪ to.6 p m
.Or write Firestone Photographs: Firesfone'.Building,.
,• Since 1946 - 168 N. 3rd St., Column's, ;Ohio 43215 ".:
3I: BIRTH'S••,:
TEAL': 'At 'Alexandra Hospital,
Goderich, Ontario, oh- January 2;
1976, to Mr. and Mrs.;Grant,Teal,
:RR :2, ' Goderich,: 'Ontario, ,a
daughter, Christy. Joy.
RAYMOND: At Alexandra
Hospital,' Goderich, Ontario, on
Januar' 6, 1975, .to Mr. and Mrs
:Lorne Raymond, RR 6, Goderich,
• Ontario, a son.
25, iN-.M M0RIAM'
• ROBINSON: In loving memory
af.:a dear <husba.ti,d, father,
grandfather and 'great : grand-
father, Richard Robinson, who
passed:away January'•lOth 1975.
Oli'Christmas: Happy Christmas.
It's not so very long;
Since other voices mingled •
With th'eCartrl and the song.
If we Gould but hear him
Singing as he is singing now,w
If we could but see the Glory
Of the,Crown upon his brow.;'
There ' would be no sighs
smother •
And no hidden tears tofl'ow,
As wealstento the music °
Of the voice we.loved so dear.
=Lovingly. remembered by
fa m 41y:-2
GINN: 'Jen and Debbie Ginn are -•
pleased :to :announce, the: safe
arriv.alr d
of theiaughter, Lesley -
Ann,: born. January ar.d•..at Alexandra Marine 'and -Gene-'tial
Hosgital. A sister for Tracy and a
granddaughter .for• .jean ;and'
_Gerry• Ginn and. Les.•and :Phyllis
•Pitblado...Many, thanks to Dr.
Thomson and :the nursing staf--F
: Nets: and Gloria Pearson, RR 1,
Dungannon Ontario, announce
the for-theom-ing, mariage- o -
their younger d'aughter,' Sharon
Pearl, to Iv i-.•LeonardHeggs, St,
-"Catharines,..Ontario, elder sprf it.
'Mr.' and Mrs. Arthur Heggs',
Langley„ British Columbia. The
wedding will take place on
t' riday,-•January •30, 1976, at6 •
- .p.m., in Dungannon United
rthur Haid, right, of' RR 4,'• Listowel 'wad acclaimed,.
:chairman of'the -Huron-Perth separate school board last
',Monday. night, Ted Geoffrey, right"was acclaimed the
new vice-chairman. (Photo by Wilma Oke) .
New :
chairman effected
• e.a.' By Wilma,Q.ke
°A 48; year old Mornington.
to Township dairy • farmer,
Arthur Haid: of RR .4 Listowel,.
wasacclairned chairman' of
-'the 'Huron -Perth. County
the Roman Catholic 'Separate
School Board at the inaugural
meeting.or :the board in-
BELL. I would like to extend my
sini:ere,thanks to'•Dr 'Thotnson;
staff ' and • nurses; €irst floor
Alexandra Hospital:- for' their
kindness and care; .a.lso.to friends• and relatives for visits,cardsand
gifts -R. W. (Peg)' Bell -2nc
`BASLER' Hite ufsh to_-thai kour
Mr..and lobs: David lyfacDo a1d
are. -pleased; to . announce the
forthcdroing' marriage of • •t eir..
daughter, Marion Isobel, :to. . r.
• Terrance Stanley:Meriam, son o.
•'1Nr: and 'Mrs: Stanley Me"riarn. •
The wedding` will take''place at
Knox = Presbyterian Church;
: YGoderirh Saturday-,-Janua1 y 10,
1976, at 4 p..m:-2x ••• •....
friends.. and .neighbors ., for
-flowers, cards•and many. acts of
}cindness during. our recent'
•bereavementThe_ Basler.
F-a.mily.-2 • .
• `We are well into. another As •expected, '• his ' edicts
McGOWAN: Sincerely' I thank • season, of 'what passes these • 'have been greeted with hoots '•
everyone, • Dr. Wallace, Dr. • days ,for ,that once -thrilling` ,of scorn by. the yahoos;. the.
Wailer; -the Nurses; Friends and Canadiarlsportofhockey : sycophants ;'and' the
acquaintance's who remembered Far more interesting' than :: manipulators
me while ful :fringrnhospital Lm•;'being: a'spectator net games Or.. as Variety,, the showbiz,
"am „grateful :fof" the. Helping . Will -be.:•. watching .fro,m..•the 'magazine, might put.it.in one
' :.
ods ;that, surrounded.me-all the
. time, the Visits; -the : flowers, ' .sidelines, sorri•e renewed- and of its , succinct headline's.:
gifts,,' cards arid all- .the ':good ' deterrrn.ed', -atternpts' to ,• HOCK • JOCK'S •' MOCK:'.
wishes andprayers-that-gaveme-:-detc eas--the--Ro-te•ntial 'SOCHS.i'•' Tran-s•la-8d, -that'
chairrnan.by acclamation:
Bothe` Mr: .Haid and IVir.
Geoffrey have been members
Of ., the -board ':since„'it was a
•fo.rnred in 1969.. " 1 , "
.Rev. J-. Durand of Zurich,
.Dean Of the- 'Huron -Perth
Deanery;' expressed .a few ,
porrrm;ents and • led t'he'
devotional exerci.ses..°
Dublin IVfonday night. :He.was r'.. Abot-rowing 'bylaw• :was
vice-chairrnan' last, year, '. • passed'for$1 million
Ile succeeds David Teahe??ia
of Stc m
-.CTed' 'Geoffrey' of RR 2,,• 'the board• in 1976 will be held
Zurieh.: became vice Ja?tuat-y.l•2.
atford:• -a. ' . The first regular meeting of
joy. God bless you • a11'. -Ilia ••'mayhem rn the former sport:' would mean that hockey
McGowan. -2: As . any intelligent -eight ' people •;rake fun of any --at..
year-old knows,•hockey is no terhpt to stop th'e fighting an
ENSIGN c A ` speeial''thanks to
those who sent.cards and notes at
BOWERS:. Inmetribry .of Mark Christmas ':time and' U.C.W. "of •
]reward Bowers, .who •died. in,a Victoria' St. United.. Church,• also:
'Par crash;on the lith Of January, Senior 'Citizens of Goderich.' and
1975, His age was 18 yrs'., 6. . Ladies Au,xiiiary 109
and 11 days: _Legion.-*. J. Ensign -2
Always wonderful memories
_Often silent,tears COOPER: We wish to.. expre$s
ALWays:.asecretlonging. • our .th'ai'iks. to our. fri'ends and
longer a. snort,. it is an'en- violence -iii the ga.me.••- •,.
tertain.ment, superior to Solidly behind MCM•urtr--y;
professional wrestling' in this. however, is a•majority of the- '
department only. because it is people remotely interested },ii''
faster, bloodier, and most of '.the game: the ,better Sports
the "participants, though not e. writers; who have seen it go
1,00' Acres, rrl'pstty treetk-close to Lake Huyvn,•north st•
eardine, fra.ipe• house .Asking $34,9Q0 Open' for offers .
120 Acres •75'Workabl.e,'.creek with two•tro, ut•ponds, frontage:.:
on..Maitland: River, Brick house. barn, ,garage...-- ' •.'
652''I, LAR E'°FRONTAGE NEAR, Amberley-, 77:a.cr'es land':.;
.23',900 - Amberley, year round home on f'rgp lot; oil furnace,.
rnortgage evadable._
Point Clark : 1 r/2, storey .chalet on large •fenced lot, some
finishing to do. Buy as, is or finished: All .offers will• be con'o
sidereal': •
Goderich =
Lake front -cottage on .►ot 100 x 258. All furniture, is
included. 2•baths, 5 bedrooms. Owner will hold mortgage.
_516,000 - year r Goderich, brand new not'quite finished, all'
materials Included` to finish. Wired for•electric heat" New
septic tank, Close to goodsandy beach.
Lucknow - warehouse 100 x 40 with cold s•torage room 30'x.30.
2 large equipment. rooms, 1 packing room. '
AMBERLEY 395;5833: ' DAYS.
•rGODE•RICH 524=7875 RES.
?r+t 6. N.814EA L1"0w,7E ALTOQ ..
Member of
Do you wish to b'uijd in'the
spxeig P.fan_Novr:'
Lot'size 82.5' x 132-
Water Supplied • ,
-'2 Acre Lots ;b,;,,
Surveyed and ready.. to -go.
-• Phone Now , '
8.014 SA -M- AY S
In thd• 'heart of Bayfield,, 2i/2 •
`storey • older home, completely:•.
• renovated throughout,. beagytiful`•
Hanaver.:krtthen .with 'Ioadg' of
Working Spacer 'four good sized
'bedrooms all .'carpeted,: extra.
:---large lot.with,many mature trees:
Owner has purchased•other
home • and can . give ear'Iy..
possession. Thisis trulya good
buy, with -low •takes ' and heating •;
below average ,
Twq good sized buildinglots in
"prime location close to centre of
• Bayfield, Tremendousfuture
potential, owner' anxious .to ell.
POINT.fiEx ti(•44:4•
Good sized 'ret'irerlent':
• 'home, close to lake•andboat club..
3 • bedroor's, huge Iivi_g room;
"-dining :and' kitchen area with...s}t
up bar •divider: Sitting amongst,
pines. this: home is nearly.
ready, for ^Redwood siding, and
stone facing. Choose your own'
.broadloom throughout. 30 ='day,
. possession: •' • •
Also in Point Clark area, a,quaint
too -year-old farmhouse: type,
with pine floor's 'and woodwork;
perfect' •for antique -buff, living
room dining room, 3. bedroorns.
and ,country kitchen and ,
all, are- hat fat and 'piddle- steadily downhill; kids :.whO
aged.' • Some .are : • fat and want to play hockey for. fungi,
,.young:..; with•p.ut • i?eing . terrorized; •.
Wishing that you were 7 e. - • •neighbors :for their kindness and` Some arty. also rniddleaged . parents of .kid's • li lit.. play.
-reatly missed by •Mom and' thoughtfulness•during the loss of Some are -ofd enou'glt'. to be hockey; real ..fans of the
Da and • Mary and Michael of : our dear son,,Patrick.-Joan, Joe . grandfathers. And 8.0 per cent. ' :game, . who have seen their
Ottawa. -2 . ... • • _ Cooper and family... -2 of the' so-called- athlete's in „favorite: sport:: turned into a
accidents mar ei
stQrt of .'76
The Goderich Police.
Department' , .was•. • .kept
relatively ' busy • over. , th'e
holiday period • ad"'they-..4 -'
ves.tigated ' six accidents:
resulting in major damages.
A two-car•.collision. on Elgin.
D.ecen'rber 29 resulted in a
total damage' estimate,of' $890.
• to vehicles driven'by Richard
Watson;. 85 Willow .Road,,
Guelph and John-Yerwey, RR
1, Auburn. ' .'There were no
injuries:" ..
A two -car collision at Five
Points .on', Decernber' •30
:caused an estimated -,.$1,100'
• damage to vehic'ies:driven by
Bruce MacDonald; 15'
Suburban Dr.; •Missis'sa.uga
'and Joanne Hendriks, RR 7,
Lucknow.' Damage to the
'MacD.otald vehicle was
,estimated•at,$600 and $500 to
• ,Hendriks °•v'ehfcle, There
'-..were no injuries. •
w form
" of Grand carnage of clowns.'
Guignol' vaudeville are ' Surely•' even the' robber.
grossly.over-paid. . :..barons of hockey, the .owners;
A, few discerning 'sports with their 19th century
j.' .writers, and': a good, marry ,mentality,,, can •see the han-
formerfans of the game;, are ' dwriting° on the ` wall, large
sick at heart over what has and clear: The game is going
liapp.ened to what was • once' down the drain -
'Town council supported a'
resolution from thetown of
'Port Hope favoring a change
:1 in ' legislat}on• whereby ' a
municipal council begranted
the. authority to reject a
`• requisition for the education
costs that. exceed a ten Per
Dickson, 140 Pieton St.
Damage to the Dickson
vehicle was estimated at $200.
. There were no:injuries.
A two -car collision January
5' on. •.Gloucester, Terrace
resulted in... a total damage•
'estimate of $550 .to'•vehicle's
.driven. by Paul Brrcker,',44
Caledonia Trace Goderich
and;SharynKyle, 51 Winnipeg
Aye.,, Clinton. There were no
• injuries..`.' • ': •
A second two -car collision
January 5 on South • Street
resulted in a total damage
:.ahe fastest and most: thrilling L t •:r ie give ' some -frin
game on earth".' - • • stances.. When I.•w•as a youth,
priced to sell.
••' LET KERN: -
Milt •Van Patter
The great ma rr
y of: the -our town had a Junior A
- .so-called fans, . however team They played itfast and
along .with -•m,ost . spo'rts' tough and clean..The referees
:.writers and 'nearly all of jumped on _ Slashing,.
inane 'deride'. any . spearing, boarding, kneeing.
'attempr' restore the skills Fights'were infrequent. In a
and th of what:used'to be townof4,000 there were 1,500_
the most skillful and thrillful,,'at every game. A hundred
o °s-pult. l of the -m-1- al -I -cars would 'atturnpany t
• professional hockey. • fans : to play-off games .50
Perhaps that is- because the miles away.
durrent crop of fans censists • • Today, I live in 'a • toWn of
cent•increase over the
• previous years requisition.
• F
Council .proved • a
commend ti from
re 'the
may Alursery Committee to.
increase the' fees for thr
• °session classes- by $7 'peer
month' arid the ' two session
classes by $5 per ndonth.
Th'e byll-aw- ' to close ,a.
section of Cambridge Street
wateCnot- given final. reading
and Councillor Bob 'Allen
suggested that the property in
' question should, be- ''leased.
instead of sold. ': Council is
now '•che'cking' .the legal''
rain'ifications' of:leasing,•the
Bayfield 565=2117
i...estimate of $535 . to vehicles
_driven by W'iliianr Tide•swell;
"233 Catherine • S't,,:.Goderich
`and A"mos Andrew, 138 -South
St..'Goderich. There we're no
injuries: •
During the past week the
Goderich Police Department'
-also laid five' charges; under
the Criminal Code of Canada;
;12 under the Highway Traffic
Act, ;one 'u.nder the Liquor
-€Control Act and one under -the
Liquor Licence Ad. •
: of yalioos.looking.for blood, • 11,000;:which boasts a: pretty
t team. The
sycophants. ;Woking foran crowds' at'gan'tes run around.
angle, and the owners are. two or three hundred..
A collision o' the corner of
South .and Blake Streets on'
New Years Days. sent two
Ghderich men, Donald
Johnstcttt, 236 Elgin Aye. W.
and. William Linklater; 163
Bennett '' St. to Alexandra
Marine and general Hospital
fol" -'treatment of cuts and,
bruises.. Damage • to the
-Johnston vehicle was
....estimated at $2,,500 and'S3,0Q0.
to the Unklater vehicle.
A vehicle driven 'h &j'aul
Doak;` 25 : Pentland Ave,
Goderich Togvtlship sustained
4500 after'frig into
Ctl�ii i - 'With a arked
i• 51ftt1
vehicle ' 'owned by. homes
There are
some things
your dressmaker'
can't do for your.
the• sports .' wd.te.rs 'are' fat
•stupid' as the y hav e adlw`ays Hocken y Night I Canal
beem_looking only or a'buckr used to bind this Whule nation
i a
,. rAt-any rate, Ontario has a• together, from radio days
new Attorney-Genetal, Roy kvelT''••.int,o television. ' I'ts '
McMurtry,:, fornier 'athlete rating's' ti.ave dropped :'+ ,
me a ai ,. arid 'is r. sre' sy.
deterrriined `to. sta.rnp out the What-s--laapt*ned? A: lost of
viciousness that, .has turned things. First,. the qualify has
• pro hookey- into a Roman •gone down and the price has -
circus.' • : • , gone ups_That'a.%-frio.in.any
e a t p n $.
of so hedisk' t u 1• Council received ten ten-
•. audacity to declare 'puhlicTy
that assault and battery ,on
dors for -the Waterloo and
Nelson Street. storm sewer
.project: -The:tenders ranged
from°a top bid of $252,000 to a
l,A.\ bidof $1=64, 772:-:.`.
No NI oft,
Sixty' per 'Cent .of the pros:.".• In Cahada.25' percent of the
annual energy ase: is • for
transportation, 25'Percent for
residential; 35 •percent for in-
dustrial and"''. 15_ p:erceiitt for
commercial purpos'0s. •
A total of 1,210 trees can be•
planted in One -acre -If .th°ei re
,placed six feet apart between:
•trees and between,:rows,
len t. have made a
the ice would be treated the fair-to-middlinl;, senior
same as it ison the .streets, amateurteam25years ago.
-with a Criminal charge. •
• 1-1 took the. unparalleled '.Arena Owners, egged on by
step .• of putting cops in the greedy. players arid. 'those
arenas .and - laying: chares' parasstes,-,heli agents, have `
against• the gains who try -to hoisted,tltQ cost:of tickets toR.
deg the
decapitate anoppanentwith paint Where" ticket
stick, or .^enierg'e from a '1calpers are 'c'n.litiniitthag'.
tin duel withtlib suicide:
• enemy's guts wr'appecL,; ,.But most,iniporttriit° of a11,.
around the point of their tire. sheer .viciousness. 'of.•
sticks. today's' game; with' its Nazi.
McMurtry is . making stnrm•trottirei* twa,lirrltjuc°s; its
CPM 10.11 , politidaci hay. out of It but ripen support of in
• o t it, message for
iYness wp your htati you know it'k hr.
•and a- host. of otjte,las, don't timidation", ' its appalling
pare, and say, "Go
. young players
boy:" thait violence heats •skill arid
▪ •
speed, has made , a ' great
,:segment of .,real,' futls turn
their backs on itin•dis.gust.
• W}igia the players are 'all
m• tllipnaires, and the as
. a • arenas
are' half empty, rnaySe: tit
morons *ITO control the sport
will get the r,cssage:
:Numerous plans available
-S,umtner-'or-permanen ho =
We will connpletely build; inc pl,umbing
.,:and,,� electrrcat,' homes: To •'your:
spercifitat�fan or'•our$
• We ajso':do addition and;renoyation '
^•_ 526:1794
Phone `DON .t+r. rALFR•ERA:
Realty & Insurance
Unconverted ' large 2 storey , brick school house near. ,•St. ".
Helens. Drilled well. Oil furnace. Large lot with maple trees:
Taxes 51.7.00.
Good business' opportunity west of Stratford: Go' d potential'
and financing for the right person. •
Dungannon .= 2••. 66• x 166. '1' . .
Blue Water Beach 100 x. 305.
Ahd who wants 'a 3 bedroom mobile, home
GOD E R.I C H' 5.24-81.91`
needing 'some
GRAND BENDd238-2303•••
Realty & Ifsuranc.
Umitud •
D 0,
11� . .
THIS POUR BEDROOM ;•ffbUSE is:being offered for sale
during,January to•anyone needing more.•space for living. •
"Trade-in of your•present house will :be considered.:
Priced at$51,51:10 with a first"mortgage available'of 542,1�A 0,0•
all •or a•rfy part ofwhich may be assumed by. the.purcifser. "
For appointment. to inspect this. new home and for complete:
informationtaiLyour own broker who4ras complete details or
..•AROLD !V.. SHORE C.R.A• .
55 Newgate •St, 524-7272
i •
5 � .M acE�V"V'AN
PHONE .524-953.1.:
. Offered in this 5 bedroom brick hom'd, only 3 years old situated-'
•• being:transferred'. so you can have early possession-.
Since thisnew, home was contracted in t975'the price will not increase until March 1st, 1976;
consisting of four bedrooms,.dinin'g room, 1.4.pc. bath, 1 3 pc. Bath, finished rec, room,:nice
size- lot: 67' x.132'. ^
• ° S . .
This Targe 12 room Ea horde hone is• ideally located near schools, and downtown. Large • •
lot 187' x 135':�Ofie,f<jpg•many opportunities for 'Planner cif tomorrow.` '
Froin this comfor#•a'ble four bedroornhome, unusual'living room with fireplace', two 4
p pc:• ,�
bathrooms, attached garage, priced to fit your budget. •
As high as .90 percent of the appraised value. prop jn and need5,,:in confidence ._
with.any of our qualified sales staff. "
We need your listings °for action in- buying 'd selling after..
hoours Sundays - Holldays' ,
'Bruce ',Ryan
ReS-,-424•7'i62 "
Leah, Kuehl
Ma ur•i
• ce Gardiner '�;-. ' Clinton Rep,
Res`t;524.7302 ''• 'lies. 4824304
Office 482-2306•
John Schneiker'
Res. 524-605S;
JO -a Sullen
rb. .
RES. 565.2421
"B.R ,RQbinson..
fes •524-6905 •