HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-01-08, Page 26• PAE To 1 6QDERIC'H' SIGNAL STAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1976 N 8.Ri.DOE'KAPERS 4 Mrs. Jul~ Go•Srtoe 529 1 i 89. 111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111 • Stere sympathy is' ex:- tended to Brother Car IN oll on the death of his .brother, ili= law "and Lto Mrs.Terry Daltonr' • on -,tithe de ith o'f: kier:.uhele; Mr. ; encl°ardt " Itis' ifo1 it boys -had spent the two Week., the' weekend at' the hOine.:or Christi -rips:" vacation.' at, the. ..his parents,•M,i°. and:Mrs. Con nettle Of- of their parents, "" Mr Hogan, -- and M'rs,;J:ahtt-A,ustin:'an4Mr, Mz Fra.nk Su1liv'an is ` • and Mrs; IV1 rk Dalton, spending" the', Winter •-rrronth''s:':• ,�I �"� �11�I.t;:i.'""a`.dr"V1'i'~'�."""" i,•rr'rderi�ch eri•d,'• aterloo: on•Frielaiy; J•anUary • ?-x ernbski and "faintly.• . .and . the Redford Hotel. • 4 in.,•h.rs flyd year 1Vl:.r:.:. an 1 ' .; Miss'; -Sue ,.Vogt• of oLivoala: Social •;eyed.. s -were., • can• •Mr . D It n 'Biot rC r °Michian :s t • Ch-istrnas .-celled On da -y ev�enin :, s . a. 4 ., ;�?�d-.... he,. Carl ga.. P?.n . , , _ Y g .atteritled • the wake, and. the: t�aca6i • _ -•thea home led. tho Ja:rivary 4` due to the 'st'orrny •fun;eral'Mass which'; was latter's'pat ents ,Mr:.and Mrs ' :weather, .which ''cleared for celebrated •at Our L',ady of ::.Peter. Vogt and family..: , buses. to run for the'openi,ng 614.. Lditrdes• Roman '. Catholic . Mrs. • Bernardine •Kinney school onMo.nday: . 'church on`Monda 'January returned to her home here on Joe, O'Keefe, son of Mr., and ' ' :' Miss.'Ma'rg-o--klylatthewman•.,fromhere; Y, y , . r - At the: fall'CRnvocatton af,the among th.e group who went''' 5.! • x.. Friday, .,January.,,. ,after .. _Mrs. Josiah 10Kcofe':• and: and'Daug; atthewniai •"were, ••iii •. �Unlver i o,f Windsor Bruce •:',. - :; '. .' Mr: ' -,D • spending, the• Christmas arid. .: Sand. :rind Bill $rm.psQn, s . y, , a .. , .: _ w.ith their: pareijts 1\rlr.. 'and; 'Kitchener -far:: t} a "gaza a ::. Raymond• , alton.is aY �•,. .ta_ Dou' las, son of :Mr,. _and Mrs' „ patient at -the•- Orthopaedic•:.'blew Year-_-�' holidays with sons. Of Mr. and• Mrs, Donald' , �' g . Mrs::Art Mattliewl'nan" "' vfere` his parents "1Vlr.;, and, and Arthritic Hospital, •relatif s. ,. and friends , in. o•r the'returned. to.' William ., J�:• Johnston ' of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Marty.. 'Mrs, Duncan Parrish, Ken' Toronto. Ile, was admitted -to ;Detr'ooit,-Michigan , • Medicine Hat,, Alberta by. Voderich, received ,his B.A: ' and family had as their• •Fal risk; the Harold Elphich °i the hos ital prior to Christ+ Brian Courtney flew from •plane on Fridriy. January. •2, degree .with Majors. in Fine guests during ..the . holiday' family, and.. Brian Elphick P Ha py New Year. " . .i" .when .Mr. Finlayson -became :First of all a thunit:you to 'ill and was taken'• is all...who called' contributing University ,`•Hospital..,;:'in Lond o n The family have' the news • that , makes"'this :London, a y his •aunt'.. nd uncle Mr. and Mrs. Al Juba. • Mr.' and 1Vkrs;"`Alvin..' 2obtr- p.ent the' holiday in London• with rel:atives.:.',.. Mr.°a Si ','Mrs, -Lorne eR MawD nald entertained the MacDonald • families • at ClirdsLmas time^ .. • Mrs. Henry MacKenzie and Neil spent Christmas day with Mrr. a•nd ;, Mrs, Bile Hayden near- odeKiLii colu'tnn 'ossible,, been visiting hire daily and H'oli'day. visitors. wifli their 'Carol 'who wor.ks'in `Midland paOpts 1V1r..and Mrs. Duncan.. took time„off to be .with her ) risii•-wsere=1;fera9an•d.D9.-v�d^r meth it'` Crb` others ;b5'trfliar Ken is. in his segond year at sine•er'eturned to wcirk • Uni erSit;y..'.ian. Roston arld• •Sev.,ei•al, from 'this area, `P1ayi �ekey. there•:.whilee• •. attended the' hockey, game .in. . • David is i;n•Sudbury .Ontario: -Kitchener on.:Friday, evening • where .he plays hoolcey. ;:between Kitchener '.Recently., he prayed:"i'n. Kit. ;; Stic.bury, with David Farrishd•.' chener'and London the--a.ttraction :for' 'the fans.• '. mas'and his friends wisll:;_h,irm the Toronto Airport on'...foliowing Christmas and New Arts -.and Design. (photo by seasdnthe Carruthers family :and,' the Donald. Hamilton, aspeedy redtvery f Saturday January 3_to. Years Holidays spe at here. Victor Aziz) and the Martyri:.fafnilies; " €amily: ' Brother Carl' Voll. returned Edmonton, Alberta following. With their:parent's• y. ' Mrs Emile MacLennan,, .; ,-Mr. and ,_Mrs,... Oliver On New •Year's Eve -after Christmas `'and New Year's M s • Fri suffered a:.broken` ank `e in a • McCharles spent Christmas L 1 s y. •klu an returned s p endin ' a 'week's vacation holidays' at the home of his • to• her.jobg fall• at her. home and•' as a ; Day in_chathari'r with Mr: and [? g at the Doctor i h atentS, Mr. and Mrs: Joe -result was in Owen Sound and :Mrs. I�onaId` McCharles .and visiting :with relatives n the p McKinnon. Philj}ps. Hospital • ' Kincardine Shos itals, • Shea family: . en. • Kitchener area: • .. Courtney and boys. Brian is in, Owen Sound on. Sunday n p Mr.;arid Mrs: Dennis •employed •by the' Star Bud °January 4 fogIlowing holid > s ram spent 'a day at home and Robert Simpson -;was a `Cham a ne and daughter: Construction Company arid is I' ays returned to Kincardine patient in �ilingham hospital, P g g P y. spent- Christine -visited dui Christmas 'holiday ment• Slee' has - since with his parents in Cobalt • 1VIembers of'• -. the •Landon mo'ved to Owen Sound with his- family,••tlie Donald of lzer - '.,..° ing the presently working at. Fox parents, Mr• • and Mrs. Con ii season Crlc, Alberta. Hogan and with' friend g r c ds -in a b � • hospital for further' treat- previous. to Christmas but nee' been. returned home for .Christmas o e Ontario and with. her•parents Kingsbridge. Youth Club', Hospital. - Simps•aii .fanuly and Mrs,, in Laverlochere, Quebec, Choir and the altar servers Flans are .being 'made by''! • Mr, and - Mrs., ••Jim Duncan Simpson and fa -1.61y. •: Mr. and Mrs Arnold enjoyed' asocial afternoon in' thb K-in.gshridge °. Catibplic, Mackeniie and 1Vlary Ellen •Robert has • since: gone .to ISCUSsed Marsrnan and• 'family of.. • the Kingsbridge Parish Hali'• Womerrs Lczrgue.tuholci ca.r:d.•a spent Christmas .With her . hospital in Lbndon for ob- 1 P ' •h London, M. 'arid Mrs. on Sunday January .4 from” part.ieS in t e ails a Maurice Dalton and.farnily of 2:30 until 5 p.m, The firsts uchre garnc will be. •premier William Davis has Ripley', along, with' .:her check-up. Port Elgin, :Mr,• arid Mrs Mr: and Mrs. Kerry; Hogan °held on . r:utay, January i.fa announced that : rer 'sen 'br.other's;' and sister and 1VIiss Doris : Wplds, • :.of Dalton and' familyof and fairiily'of Glencne Spent- a, wit gin at 8:J0 p m: a pee taxfi' p • -- .• tatives. of 'his cabinet will . family.• :Toronto, spent.• :Christmas parents Mr. and Mrs: Rodh of. s.ervatioii. and ;a• complete" Guelp}i•.. and•. Miss. Maria Dalton' of : London. • spent - 'Christmas: holidays 'at the ,hoe C51"..their .parents •-Mr Traci-lyir D.irinis-Dalton:::•' Mr• and Mrs. DannyDaltpn .and- da;ugti er•-- • Patricia Kathleen' of Tuscon Arizona Si spent the "Christmas and_I;rew, Year's holiday vatiaticn: at - "-the heme of his brother' Mr and •Mrs' •Cletus. Dalton and visited with brothers'MY. and • 1VIrs I1'lickia,�1;` DaltoTi °arid r - • • • n• e� n gnus rn •.e.:Ottors„ 1Al`a strew family and with:Mr and•Mrs _w-:.:1V1-err'-s-�-'• ore Md-a•3=4•n••igh-t ,Terry -=l aften. •.•• • .. 'bowling— etipny.:p•icked U ilii ' Iylrs: Rochelle -Champagne eek 'after the 'C'hristnias arid•. •.her•• sister 1VIa,rie break'and the.'la•yoff died not- Glui.mond. 'of Kiii ardine -,hurt the ac tt°rac .of French returned o • their homes onCleaners:. y • ' e Dry Cleaners: •: ;,_ 6. Sunday;. January.. 4 after' The Cleaners .fo11.o ;ed ',Spending :four. • days visiting _ Carson Milley's" 710: triple to with relati've's in Virginia. pick up seven• points for: the ' Kevin' Austin, Gary night ,'stretching' their 'first :Courtney*• 'and: Frank place. lead to seven :Oyer .•V•anDiepenbeek ar,ri'ye-d•'•-'Roy':s; Boys R'oy's get a 641 .'home on New Year•s • Eve triple from, Carl°' Molter'•but a.ff'r speri-ding-the month' °f;•. jai-i•ed-•.>:o pick:up any•points December in Los Angeles, for thee.. evening' remaining ai Druid anIexii a ';" • : with a seasontotal-Of 64:. •• Mr and Mrs_ Doug - Male '' : the Rookie's got an evening, ' and.family of• -Ed -son, Alberta ' high., triple of 850 from "J.ohn were; dinner. • guests at the E•mpson •' for .:a-. five point. hoin.e Of .Mr. arid Mrs: Joe ,e�,,e.ning to boost them•to •60' ` C'ourtn'ey" and -faintly .on points, -- feur- away' from a • Tuesday, December 30. 'Mr. second piace'starrding. .. and: Mrs:,_M'ole and fancily , - were holidaying. at the'h i>rre~ '; Larry' Hodgins .hit a •660 -'':of his parents .Mr. acrd' Mrs.. :triple-for'the Tail Ends Who • ' : B;en•Mole in Dungannon.,' grabbed five points to•remain 'Post Nigh School ...young fourth with 5g points. Augie's adults ;enjoyed, a reunion 'Doilies Pickedup seven points dinner and get together in the • Inoving•into fifth pla.cebehind •Kingsbridge ,Parish Hall- on'. a 6:71 three game effort from Saturday''evening, December .. AugieStegeen tad•. 27; '.. • ' .. ,. , Tie Signal Stars drop:ped'ta Ralph Austin 'arid' Shawn sixth spot with 53' p,,,oints for ' Dalton' returned:' to ''Edmon-' the season., The Stars: earned • 'tan.,. Alberta by,.plane, le.a4ing t' `'points : for -the- 'night, frcin the London ai,rport--csn deipite a 662 triple.by George • : Saturday,; •`January .3,. .The ' vander•hurgh: ': • •`•conduct a series of.me ting's: o across_the pr'ovirice to discuss.' spending restraints:' In a lette-r to the town, 1Vir: • L�avrs ,:;expla.cned, .that., the, Treasurer,' Darcy McK•eough:, "`"and °"'the Minrs:ter•of • Education Thomas Wells,. "will: tour the., province to discuss. .the .need` for provincial and ;municipal spending restraints, the,. `province's own program •of restraint and t -he in Len's- Wreckers-got-'a--12,,,_-_-tkle_ government w"ill un s ripe roto' Gary Alleri and der{ lce-t hdt. will - • turned, it into atwo-point ' gain .affect. :the . financing of to: hang .oaato .seventh :place ...municipalities and. school :with i0 season point The:..boards• • ."'Hopefuls followed Lee Ryan:s' ': ' The ministers will meet .670 evening . to .a three point with local' elected' and , ap ;: • jump but• remain in 'eighth' pointed ,' officials,: ad- p'lace with•47'poi,nts: . •. Ministrative and financial ; Godci.ich� Manufacturing advisors ;On' Thursday, grabbed fur points with th January 15 at F E Madill'• help• of Chaa les W illrams'. 682 S' condaz y School in " triple 'end are ninth .with:r42--:.Wingham • at 3 paints, "Art' Hurts' hit :a ii17 1.Oinin'g. Mr. Mcf{eo.ughr' and triple but A&P•went pointless :. Mr. Wells at the meeting will for the, night and are in last: be - ArtlTUi1Vteen, John niece with23 points MacBeth James Snow and High • singles' for ,the- night Lorne Henderson went to John Empson of .the:. .Elect.e_d_;._representati-ves Rookies .with a 310 ' game- from 'all municipalities and followed by Gary :A.lien °cif •the . school boards' .of Huron, den's Wreckers with 309 and • Perth;. •Grey..and • $i:•uce ° •Don, McWhinneyaft Freneh:;.,•counti;es• ' will 'be : rn _, at - pry With 364: 'te>Tdance; ' The • Gordan. ,Finlayson --..with• ,Mr.. and 1VIrs.. Warren family :a11 planned "to have • Wylcis'. and, Mr; Dan Wylds. Christmas. i : the parental Also home from London -.for.: "home,'••witht t 'exception of . Christmas. was .Miss Linda. Allan .who,,is in the Western • `•Wylds and friend,:: • part of Canada.;However, it-•-.. Stephen • .W yids Spent yvas a._sudden cl'ange of plansChristmas in Florida'visiting . • • ••••••••••• i••• ▪ iLOOD . DONOR ;' • s•••a•i:r For an Up -to -Dane :Road :Report. Daisy.k. CALL -Ontario-Motor--L,eague 1 RATTENBU;RY ST.', CLINTON 482-9300 e HO �►a���`°A� 000QMH0�.� 2. S ISPA 140 do tut ,lit 0. • tat •• 11 1oO%PAYBACi � DOUBLE p SANCTION :ORANoTnMu 24-25 FEB. 15 : Amateur stock entries yytic'orne , -- " En -try fee. 53.00 Prizes'&•Trophies • aMlMA1A,CN� `'Fez. •.� YOU`REALWAYS WINNER-AT.11liLLY-• • 0LLY OPEN DAILY YEAR ; ROUtID F • v luA to :All' :w r'� to r f -barks. in Stock • Double Knits * Wool;Biends *Quilted .& Plain VeIv is*. '.Polyester Satins* 'Calton Prints *Printed Terry* DON'T .WAIT • Now.. the time to shop Mary's 'Sewing,Centre 9. Clinton. WE KNOW `"THE VALUE• ' OF. • -�OtJR: PRODUCT? • • We Reserve the Right,to_Li(nirt Quantities - =PRICES E.OFECTIV•E TILL SAT.. JAN: 10; 1976 MAPLE LEAF ' -EXTRA LEAN, 1 •Dressed. Veal Boneless Fresh Pork Butt Hams OYR OWN -DELICIOUS .STUFFING • NO WASTE LB. Frozen Foods 'RUPERT • FLIP 'N FRY• PERCH 16 OZ. ''P . 1 .44 McCAIN. Peas. 2" LB, BAG. SILVERW00D'S MEADOW GOLD Ice `ream• .,.•., 1...OAL. 104 The gnore STORE HOURS'— MON. N, TO.FR`LD 8:30 a.m. . --m 9 p ., Sat'. 8:30 a.m..- 6 p:m MAPLE LEAF Mock Chicken - Mac & Cheese •Pork-'&' Bacon European Bologna . • FRESH SLICED ONLY EXTRA_LEAN CHOICE Gr�und, Beef, 3: LB. PAKe FRONT FRE,EZ"ER FLEECY ' FABRIC,, Softener Zt128 OZ J U G 11 MAPLE .LEAFBULK:1 ieners SCHNEIDERS LOW :FAT '.`M.ozarella LB. 131_1,0K -FROM THE- ::--i3UTCHER'S COUNTER •, u'TOPIA: : omatoes :• C'HA*$E-•& SANBORN ':Ground. -Coffee' I•,LB.: KN-ECHTEL-77' M DWM'& COLBY RANDONt.CUT- • Chee I:. STERLING awl' ''26 I:4. '6'h(. E.D'SMITH 28'•Oit. T4N: .Garden Cocktail 28..02. JAR MONARCH - - j POUCH PAK -Cake. Mix - LIBBY':S • WITH TOMATO SAUCE . BAG • EA. S. a- 28.OZ;-TFN - LIBBY'S DEEP BRAWN. Beans WITH PORK 14 OZ. TIN LEAVER'S PILES' & ,STEMS Mushrooms . IQ OZ,TIN CARNIVAL -.°KERNEL' 12.6Z. -TIN • Corn BICK'S . GARLIC POLISH .pill Pk -les :32 Oz. JAR BICK'S : SWEET MiXED• 32 OZ, JAR 5.3cN c c yc •„YUM YUM. _ 'Pickles 95c SIItVERWOQD'S 8. MAPLE LANE Fresh .Wilk 3 4QT BAGS ,art Homo $1.5S 2% S 1.50 Skim : s1.45 MARTIN S .• PURE p.p1 e: Juice 48 49t •ONT: NO I '2 LB BAG._- Carrots. 0, T.. N'O: I'°` 10 L.B. BAG NEW Pcitaatoes - •75c U.S.A. NO.tLARGE SIZE • Cucumbers 2,59C 59c. U;S•A. NO..I :FLORIDA 48'S' PINK O•R 'WHITE• Grespefiruit 919c; NO I, •H•E.AD Lettuce : 2°69t Bread and Pastry WESTON RA-SP13'E12RY Roils 2p $1:00 WESTON HAMBURGEWWIENERI Ro1I• WESTON'S,. LUNCHBOX Bread WHITES WHCSLE WHEAT ,CRACKED: 1