HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-7-29, Page 4SI).'tX, MAY 29th, al;' 20. tlxb6E1l3�tL+']W3 l IOTUE R ms )Th$ ' lf"'BILN , urs, Mteigilen, Senior Makes Ons.: hairs "to Help ,Arthur's APPe. tite"---leakee Fine Scouts. (Toronto Star) .A. dear, old-fashioned lady, very fond of her son and anxious for his welfare, is the mother of Canada's newly -chosen Premier, Hon. Arthur Meighen. Your correspondent keel., the pleasure of au afternoon visit with her just after announcement of the new Premier wee made. Mrs. Meighen had no idea she was being interviewed. Hee' she known it she probably would have had nothing of interestto say to a newspaper re- porter. Or, never having been ill.- terviewed before, she might have been beguiled into telling what her son likes best to do -but she would scarcely have recalled the custard she made foe his birthday party, or the rice puddings trimmed with rais- ins which she slips across to the Prime 1\ inister's home two blocks away in the hap," that her "boy" will develop an appetite. His appetite worries me. He does not eat enough, and he misses lunch- eons, and dinners, when he forgets and goes on worl,;illg. From which it is plain thatMrs. es. Jo e h Meighen is very much like every other body's mother, anxious and watchful all the YOUR DAILY PAPERS Toronto Daily Mail & Empire $4.00 Toronto Daily Globe $5.00 Toronto Daily World , . , $4,08 Toronto Daily Star $3.0td London Daily Free Press $5.40 London Daily Advertiser • $5.00 Family Herald & Weekly Star $1.50 Farmers' Advoeate . , , .. , .. , $1.60 Canadian Countryman ...... $1.00 Montreal Weekly Witness $1,65 World -Wide $2.0.0 Toronto Saturday Night $4.00 MacLean's Magazine $3.00 Rural Canada $1.00 The Youth's Companion , $2.50 The Farmers' Sun $1.50 Farmers' Magazine........$2.O0 Christian Guardian ........ $2.00 The. Exeter Times has a clubbing rate with most daily and weekly pa- pers. To find the clubbing rate add the price of the papers you wish to subscribe for anti subtract 25c frons a daily paper and 10c from a week- Iy paper. BEST TREATMENTo1 IGH BLOOD PRESSURE --o-- When the Blood does not circulate '€reely through the Veins you have High Blood Pressure and this is but a • Symptom of some other disease or trouble. There iss usually Kidney Disease, Heart Disease, Nervo'bs Troubles, Hardening of the Arteries or Brain Trouble.. Tit' is always thhe ' dangi r. of a rupture of a Blood Vessel and as the Heart, the Blood Vessels and the Kidneys are all assoeiaited with High Blood Pressure the best and most estiatactory treatment is Hacking's hieart and Nerve Remedy and, Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills. This treatment well reduce the Blood Pressure iby removing the cause and driving out the Poisons from the system. We are firmly con- vinced that this treatment 'will re- duce the blood pressure below the danger mark and thus free your round from the constant worry of death. People who have been ailing for years should not expect a oom'prete 'cure in a 'few daye, one should take at least six boxes of Hackings Heart and Nerve Remedy and three boxes off the . Kidney and Lover Pills. Be sure to get Hacking's. If yyolrr dealer E does net have them, he will be glad to get them for you. Mrs. Walker, (formerly of Port Elgin, now living in Flint, Michigan, •says: "The neighbors are perfectly astonished tb see me getting along so welt I contribute my good health to the pexitistent use of Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy and gladly recomanend It to.ail my friends." Hacking's Remedies are sold in Exeter by W. S. Cole, Druggist. CASTCASTO R 1 For Infants and Children Its Use For Over 3 : Years Always bears the �% Signature of 1-2Vzara SOUR, ACID, STOMACHS, 0 GASES OR INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin"' neutralizes excel• sive acid 'in stomach, relieving ziYsesin r P p , heartburn and distress at once. Time fie In .five minutes all stom- ach distress, due to acidity, will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas or eructations of undi- gested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul IYretsth or headache. ,Pttpes< Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulatinga .set stomachs. e It It t z, o a' ,. is ui,k s°illt•' ,§ 4 c , S tomo alY 8YV eet e nex irf'•:.. '. � . thl�' 0 azole world, and besides it. is hati?tcsss. ` Put an end to etomach distress. at once by getting a large fifty- cant Orel cif Pape's Diapcpjsin from any 4ru store ; You realiye ire -five minutes howne,ees,. dl a if, is to stiffer from iaadi• Bastion, dyspepsia or any stomach dis- order et.nrecl by fermentation due to eueessive acids in stomach.; . 40l,, ch', -.11p4'er 2I4 • .Rth ,. s. a e time or 1. ?1 talky .e a 2, 4, e i,e Jlel Lt1W NO, , 1!130, Prime inie iViitaoZtext days nt@ and one "sus s, nd. a kg t ba ditr VITaL1WB OF E CiJTF., his rubber'e •!ltd e.., e4 bdlr. _ ''sa •. advice abr BY-LAW to ,provide ;for borrow - She 4 -mob iaread ing the supe of ($8000 ,to pay for the on thia'r3,ae ,.e tae kitchen table construction, of a concrete ieavenaealt ei the `apartment where the older cal Wellington Street, fun the Village of lVfeighens reside, was the fine,. white, Exeter, Azad to autlioriz the issue of light 'product el her labors, She debentures therefor:- apologized for wearing her apron in WHEREAS, the Municipal. Council the afternoon, ou the plea that she of the Corporation of Exeter and pur-. had been working, At seventy-one suant to a request of 'the ratepayers ; Mrs. Meighen is still "working" and that it is desii+able aril. in the interest is proud of dei ability to keep oaf the C,orpoxatioe of the Village of house as she was when she lived on xeter to construct a concrete pave.. the farm near St. Marys, Ontario, tient iaaz Welliagton Street, beginning a: Alain Street and estendang es. property far as and there were six children, and the Gralnd Tunk Rail cows, and chickens, and plenty of within the Viilleu e sof ExeteSvayr. work to be done. watched His Star awing AND WHEREAS, it has been: estab- Little any of them thought that lisleed that it wiel trequare the sum •of the future Prime Minister' of Canada 12,000 to prepare the roadbed, do the was there, Lately, of course, Mrs, necessary drei;nene and to construct a pavement thereon„ Meighen, has watched his star rising AND WHERhAS, under ' instruc- --watched it almost secretly; for tiara of ,the Municipal Council of the even in the last anxious days When Village of Exeter; estimates of eases the new leader was being chosen the of construction, of an concrete pave - subject, eves never dicussed,evite. her meat,havelbeen, submitted aad•insaid son in their daily\ meetings. She estimates the push lot e3000 is placed read every sarant11a newspapers as the sum necessary to complete the printed, on the..subject, and left the C'orporation's share. af,sai(d csnozet avem - U cal t construction. rest to. the choice of the members. AND WHEREAS subscriptions "Whatever is God's will, must be have been assured by interested par - right," she had said to herself. "--rt ties in the said pavement construction my son is to be Prime Minister of in the sumof S4Q00, which subscrip- thIs .big i g country, God- has ruled it don list will be ;filed with the Clerk 50." of the Muni:ciioall.ity of Exeter. That sounds like forordination, AND WEIERbAS, it is necessary but it is very natural, for the Meigh for the said purpose 'foe the said eor ens are Sottish Presbyterians cubo noration o'f ,the Village of Exeter, to borrow upon the credit of said •munaci go to church every Sunday. Mr. pality the sum of 58000. Meighen has not forgotten that part. AND WHERe,AS, ,for the purposes of his upbringing, and Sunday morn- aforesaid it will be necessary to issue ing usually finds him in his pew with debentures of the said municipality of Mrs. Meighen and the children. the Village of Exeter lar the said sum. The Prime Ministers' father and of $8000, lend interest as hereinafter mother have come to Ottawa to re - both Which is MI(thre0 amp= of side for.a time, having sold a big the deb+ intended to .be. created by d residence in St. Marys. They may debenturhis es to tethe e of hethpre- returnre to Western Ontario, as theyt applied the e vexation df the roadbed;. and. in the are both attached to St.Marys, where construction 'of ,the concrete pave - al/ their children were born and meat ion. the said Wellington Street brought up. Mr. Meighen went from iii the. Village of Rxeter, and for no there to Perth, where his people, who other purpose. were Scottish, though they came to AND WHEREAS, it is desirable to Canada from Ireland, settled in the repayeable the by principal in atme tsd ring pioneer days. tbe repayable annual instalments during They havte 'been visiting'friends at e issue of thehd of f den years nextafter debentures therefor. Kingsinere, in the Gatineau district. AND WHEREAS, it will be neces- Sunday is to them a day of family nary .t0 /raise annually for the 'period reunion, and last week the Prime of fifteen years during the currency Minister his wife and two younger of the debenturles to be issued her - children went up the Gatineau with. by under special rate sufficient there - his parents. In the Gatineau they all for en all the ,rateable property svithim enjoyed a dip in the lake. the municipality the sum of 3797.00 for the paying of the several instal - Close Tie Between Them. mesas of iprincipal and interest there- • There is a very olose tie between on at the ,rate of five and one Half Hon. Arthur Meighen and his mother per cent per annum. On the night when the result of the, AND WHERhAS, the amount of the members' vote for leader was an- whole rateable property of the Vill- nounced, Mr. Meighen was called to e of 'Exeter ecce ding to the fest the Government House. Though it r v;sed assessment mall us elle seem of 577 5;275,00, was after ten o'clock he drove a- AND WHERhAS, the existing de- round'with Sir Robert Borden tothe beature debt of the said Village of place where his mother was living Exeter. exclusive of local imprdve- and raced up the steps to kiss her ment debenture debt secured by spec - goodbye. ial assessments therefor amounts to "Why, Arthur, you're not going the sum of 359,000184.11; and no part. away?" she had exclaimed in sur- prise. ur- of the ,principal or interest thereof is prise. "Noe ' : I m just going to Govern- ment n ment House, he answered her, "but I wanted to come over here first." Then he had gone on his first duties as leader of the government. The older woman is a keen stu- dent of politics and never misses -a good debate in tae House if she is in Ottawa. She was here for the con- scription fight in the grave days of war, tend backed her son staunchly in his stand. Ile did not get the same support in the matter of increased indemnities, though. She told him firmly she did not believe in them. A strong supporter of the Govern- ment, there isn't a doubt that Mrs. Meighen will reserve her right to criticize, and it's a safe wager her criticism will be sound. But that seems a long way from the old-fashioned loving mother who is the embodiment of all that a mother has been pictured. Her ,in- terest in these things is doubtless be- cause of her son's part in thein. For Mrs. Joseph Meighen is not one to be left behind in the race: bythe men . en folk of the family. Beneath the pleas- ant cares of a housewife with only her husband now to care for, there is the keen analytical mind inheri- ted by her brilliant so; and her ,op- ponent in an argument would need to look to his laurels. Golden Wedding Soon. ' Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Meighen hope to celebrate thier golden wedding next January, in company with their six children, all of whom are living, One of the sons, Edward, served three years as a gunner overseas, without any effort to obtain a cone mission, which he might easily have done. He is living near Edmonton, with his brother . William. The daughters are Mrs. W. White, of Calgary; Mrs. John Anderson, of Welland; and Mrs. Fred Robertson, of Carbon, Alberta. " ?HZ =EWE TIMIS bull princ pal, end interest said ,de.: bentures ;shall be pa ral4e iCa, ennual,in- stalments within Fifteen years,, such iaa= sttahusents Ito ibe of .ouch alnounes thatthe eteereeate enxount payable ,for r riacipal end interest in any year shall be equal as nearly as may be to what is payable for prine pal and interest during ,each of the other years of such period of fifteen, years es hereinafter net ;forth 1921 1922 1923 1924 1924 1926 330.41 '304.75 249,11 218.98 187.18 153.65 118,25 80.92 tai assessment therefor, amounts. to the sum of -,59,154.11 ,and no part of the. prinei al or interest thereof Is in arrears. Re it enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporatiou of the Village. of Exeter as follows: 1. That the Reeve with the Treas- urer of the said Corporation be, and they are• hereby authorized in the .. fatal manner and subject to the conditions Interest Priaecipal Payment herein mentioned to borrow upon the $40,3 ,$357,60 $797.00 credit of the paid Munici alit the 420,3636.4 797.p0 p Y 399,65 397.35 797.66 sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars 377,74 419,21 797.00 ($20,000,00) for the purposes herein 354.73 .442.27 •797.00 before set forth and for that purpose 466.59 797,00 to issue debentures of the said Mun- 1927 492,25 797.00 icipality to the amount of $20,000.- 1928 77 67 519.33. 797.00 Q04n suns of not less than $100,00 1929 573,02 797.00 each and such dellentures shall be 1930 578,02 797.00 signed by the Reeve of the said Cor- 1931. b09.82 797,00 1932 643,35 79.7,90 poration and countersigned by the 1933 678.75 797.00 Treasurer of the Corgoratiou and 1934 . 797,00 duly sealed with the corporation sea 1935 41;55 716755.450$ 797,00 which seal the Clerk is herebyau- That this by-law shall come into thorized and directed 'to attach to force and take effect on the day of each of the said debentures. the final passing therof.The said debentures shall. be dated That the votes of the Electors of upon the date of.the issue thereof, Fri - the said Village of Exeter entitled to and shall bear interest at the rate vote o this by-law+ of u . Is be takenfive on r and one-half 1ha a1E -per cent, per day, the 20th day of August, 1920, annum and the said interest shall be commencing at nine o'clock in the payable yearly on the day ,of the forenoon and continuing until five month on which said debentures are , o cl oc- ' b issued in the afternoon ued n of the and same as to both th principal and daey at the following places, within interest the said debentures shell be said Village of Exeter and by the payable in annual instalments with following Deputy Returning Officers, in fifteen years, said instalments to Polling Sub -Division No. 1, at amour Silas Handford's residence, Main St. amountbeof payable such fornts principalthatthe andyeainly- Edward Treble, D.R.O. Davis, terest shall be ()cal as nearly as Poll Clerk, maybe to what is payable for prin- PoIling Sub -Division No. 2, at the ciple and interest during each of the. Town Hall, Main street. Wellington other years of such period of fifteen Johns, D.R.O. James H. Grieve, Poll Years as hereinafter set forth. Clerk. In the Total Polling Sub -Division No. 3, at Year . Principal Interest Payment Mrs. Mitchell's office building, cor- 1921 $892.51 $1100.00 $1992.51 ner of Main and Wellington streets. 1922 941.60 1050.91 1992.51 James Weeks, D.R.O. Alfred Gaal- 1923 993.39 999.12 1992.51 brill; Poll Clerk. 1924 1048.02 944.49 1992.51 Polling Sub -Division No. 4, at the 1925 1105.67 886.84 1992.51 North End Fire Hall. Frederick Wit- 1926 1166.48 826.03 1992.51 wee, D.R.O. Castor J. Willis, Poll 1927 1230.64 761.87 1992.51 Clerk. 1928 1298.32• 694.19 1992.51 That Monday the 16th day of Aug- "1929 1369.73 622.78 1992.51 ust, 1920, At seven thirty o'clock in 1930 1445.06 547.45 1992.51 the afternoon, shall be. the day and 1931 1524.54 467.97 1992.51 the Clerk's office in the Library 1932 1608.39 384.12 1992.51 building in the Village of Exeter 1933 1696.85 295.66 1992.51 shall be the place where the Reeve 1934 1790.17 202.34 1992.51 shall attend to•appoint persons to 1935 1888.64 103.87 1992.51 attend at the various polling places That this by-law shall eomea into up of the voles byythe clerk on be- uforesaid and at the final summing force and take effect on the day of half of the persons interested in pro- the final passing therof. muting or opposing this by-law res- That the votes of the -Erectors of peettully. the said Village of Exeter entitled to That the Clerk of the corporation vote on this by-law be taken on Fri - of the said Village of Exeter shall day, the 20th day of August 1920, attend at his office in the said Vil- commencing at, nine o'clock in the lage of Exeter at eleven o'clock in forenoon and continuing until five the forenoon on Saturday, the 21st o'clock in the afternoon of the same day of August, 1920, to suns up the day at the following places, within number of votes given tor and a- the said Village of Exeter and by the gainst this by-law. following Deputy Returning Officers. Polling Sub -Division No. 1, at seeNOTIoE Silas Handford's residence,. Main St. Edward Treble, D.R.O. .O. Sidney Davis, Poll CIerk. Polling Sub -Division No. 2, at the Town Hall, Main street. Wellington Johns, D.R.O. James H. Grieve, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -Division No. 3, at Mrs. Mitchell's office building, cor- ner of Main and Wellington streets. James Weeks,, D.R.O. Alfred Gam - brill, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -Division No. 4, at the North End Fire Hall. Frederick Wit- wer, D.R.O. Castor J. Willis, Poll Clerk. That Monday the 16th day of .Aug- ust, 1920, at seven thirty o'clock in the afternoon, shall be the day and the Clerk's office in the Library building in the Village of Exeter shall 'be the place where the Reeve shall attend to appoint persons to attend at the various polling places aforesaid and at the final summing up of the votes by the clerk on be- half of the persons interested in pro- moting or opposing this by-law res- pectfully. ' That the Clerk of the corporation of the said Village of Exeter shall attend at his office in the said Vil- lage of Exeter at eleven o'clock in the forenoon on Saturday, the 21st day of August, 1920, to sum up the number- of votes given for and a- gainst this by-law. The above'Is•.a true copyof in arzears. the Therefore the municipal Council of proposed by-law which has been A GREAT :RECORD. " Mr. Robert Beattie, of . Tucker - smith, ofo N 5,school, has s a teaching record that is unsurpass- ed and we doubt if it is equalled in the county. At the recant Entrance Examinations he had seven :pupils -writing and all: passed with honors. In addition to this, one of them., Mita Annie n' 1 ectr n lace thedistilla- tion rand d p 1e � - fol 0 a I1 `#v nn_n the ca _t' schola u a YinS'i,... ;y' J s it total of 69 InarlTs average'. of 92 erre the 1 cent, i as h.o:lt p , g marks obtained' in the county. C, .- otler pupil, Miss Bertha l:lae ttie, was only five marks behind v lth a totzl. of 680 or 913.,e per cent tItYeeia. flus fifth time that pttpiin of Wet etieatt e i haveii l rah c carried off the est }al �a a. S Cz s i J. twice In the Inspectorate of eVcet : enroll at No, 14, Stanley, and thr: ei•, times at No. 5, Tuokersintth. taken into consideration and which will be finally passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter, in the event.. of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto after one month from the first pub- lications in the Exeter Times and the Exeter Advocate newspapers, which first publication -was on the 29th clay of July, 19,20, 'and at the hour, day and places therin fixed for taking the votes of the Electors a poll will be held. Every lease holder entitled by law to vote on the proposed bylaw shall at least ten days next proceed - the Village of Exeter :enacts as fol- lows :- it shall be lawful for the Reeve 'and Treasurer of the said Village of Ex- eter to borrow on the credit of the said corporation the sum of 58000 for the "purposes herein before set . forth and dor that purpose to issue deben- tures of the said •municipality to the alnoent of 3$000in sums of not less thane .100 leach and such debentures shall be 'signed by the Reeve .of the the sum of 59,184.11, and no part countersigned by the the Treasurer for the time being of the soon corpor- ation and duly sealed with the Cor- poration seal. thereof, which seal the 'Clerk for ,the time being is hereby authorized and /directed to attach„ to ing the day ,of poIlfng file in the each of the said debentures. office of the Clerk of the Municipal - The said debentures shall be dated upon, the date Of the issue thereof, and shall beta- interest at the rate of five and lone -half per cent. per annum, and five said interest s.ball be payable year- ly ,on the day of the month on which said debentures are issued, and as to II l � bo�pe EglifC or dee whole stove-- i Resists heat 9 Prevents rust 6 • • Lowe Brothers. Stove Pipe Enamel will put an automobile finish on your stove, water heater, regis- ter, radiator or any meta/ surface that is subjected to I heat. S. Gives any metal a dura - bye black luster that lasts. Esy to .apply. Maloes 1 things easy to clean--eas- 1' ler to keep clean. : A small can will work wonders in your kitchen. 1 '" We have -it. IN C��l, I�le . U n @i altra8 9'l IJIId i - N !91! Ell(e� �IOA/�sgl�5ie�" '�i6�lllr.�1 ity a statutory declaration stating that bis"lease meets the requirements by law entitling to vote on such a by-law. And the names of lease hol- ders neglecting tao file such a declar- ation shall not be placed on , the voters list for such voting. Corporations entitled to appoint a nominee to w,ote on its behalf shall not later than the tenth day before the day appointed for taking the vote, file with,. the Clerk of the Muni- cipality the name in writing of a person to vote as its nominee and on its behalf., Joseph Senior, "Clerk of the Corporation of the Village ° of Exeter. BY-LAW No. , 1920 VILLAGE OF EXETER A By-law to authorize the Reeve and Treasurer of the Corporation of the Municipality of the Village of Exeter to borrow certain sums of money to complete payment for the concrete pavement "constructed on Main Street under authority of By- law No. 4, of,919.'. And for the issue and sale o fur- ther debentures etc the amount of ;20,000.00 to cover said cost. WHEREAS the sural > et Twenty Thousand Dollars is deemed neces- sary Y by the .Council to complete the payment' due for the construction of tete Main Street pavement. AND WHEREAS the amount here- tofore borrowed and outstanding for. the purpose aforesaid andthe a- mount o 1 unt hereby e e}a authorized Ytobe bor- rowed do not exceed the amount of the said concrete pavement construc- tion, AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Village of Exeter according to. the last revised Assessment Roll is the• sum of $775,275,00 AND ti WHEREAS, the existing • de- bei'ture debt of the said Village of NOTICE The above is a true copy of the proposed by-law which has been taken into consideration and which will he finally passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Village 'of Exeter, in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto after one month from the first pub- lications in the Exeter Times and the Exeter Advocate newspapers, which first publication was on the 29th day of July; 1920, and at the hour, day and places therin fixed for taking the votes of the Electors a poll will be held. • Every lease holder entitled by law to vote on the proposed by-law shall at least ten days next proceed - in the he day of polling file in the office of the Clerk of the Municipal- ity a statutory declaration stating that his lease sleets the requireinentsd by law entitling to vote on such a by-law, .And the names of lease hol- ders neglecting to file such a declar- ation shall note b placed an the voters list for such voting. Corporations IanS eC i 1ed to appoint a t a nominee to vote on its behalf shall not later than the tenth day before the clay appointed for taking the vote, file with the Clerk of the Muni- cipality the name in writing _ of a person to vote as itee nominee and d on iia behalf. Exeter, exclusive of local improve- Clerk af. the Corporationr Jaselation ionenoforf . silent dehenttire debt secured by spec- Village of Exeter, '1 4,079 ThePropidaryorIbisaodichumAVetelablefitparaliailikl .ishnilatingthefoodbyliegula.AA 4ingtheSteinaths DadBeivcls 05: 5 F . te#At!i,. Thei'ebyrfofil 1ngDigesB ,ItCheelfdite$31111dReSt.Contalof neither 0ppiitn,ls+4ol'phine I0 Mineral. NoleTTAR001 .Thiiieof Sri. `T6tyfll ,Pw,,,u2•ii+s•!e+ - Aninct jtogiell Sear? "bap S • IpparmaIl orbs rl� Orsro „woo G,vt c/alredJt,s`"I', Plagtrm'`Yatvor edr or helpon dD rhueai sr►OilStlpp8ti a40TovetisittesTand LOSSinlnfaneY' ftingthefe :. ', EaG•Sinste 5Igna�-i" co 0 Vs CENTAUR C0MPArY- MONTREALPee Ae 6a n,14 � '4' uttTs 35,no' Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. CASTO RIA For Infants and ChM. Mothers hee� G Know That GenuineCastoria � a a Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Year 1 IN addition to the branch at Exeter, this Bank has branches: at the following nearby points. „. 'CREDITON - . R. S. Wilson, Managgr 'DASHWOOD . F. S. Kent. Manager py THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE , PAID-UP CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND . $15,000,000 BUM BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager. INCORPORATED 1855 OVER 130 BRANCHES THE MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000. DOCUMENTS OF IMPORTANCE ARE ABSOLUTELY SAFE- GUARDED IF PLACED IN ONE OF OUR SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES T. S. WOODS, MANAGER, EXETER BRANCH. CENTRALIA BRANCH OPEN FOR BUSINESS DAILY. THE USBORNE AND BIBBERT FARMER'S MUT>gAL FIRE INSUIIB. ANON COMPANY. Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, '!'HOS. RYAN Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON DIRECTORS WM. BROCK. J. L. RUSSELL ROBT. NORRIS, JAMES McKENZIE AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Hibbert,' OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, • Fullarton and Logan. W. A. TURNEULL, Secretary -Treasurer R. R. No. 1, Woodham. °CADMAN & STANBURY • Solicitors, Exeter, DR. ITENRY A. CORSAUT Veterinary Surgeon Office-eBaker's n Livery on- James St. Calls promptly attended to day or night. Phone r e 8. DR. A. R. KINSM A .L•L.D.D.D.S. 13onor Graduate of Toronto 'Univer- sity. DENTIST Office over Giadman & Stanbury's, ofii ce, Main Street, Exeter. Advertise in the Tunes, rt ISur:s. MONEY TO LOAN We' have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties, at lowest rates of in- terest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Main St. Exeter, Ontario .3'. W. BROWING;, M. D., M. S. P.4, S. Graduate Victoria University Office and Residence, Dominion , Labratory, Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. I. R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public: Commissioner, Solicitor for tr Mols ons Bank, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of Interest. OFFICE _MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. PERRY'10. DOUPE, Licensed Auc' tfo neer. Sales c and ucto d in any loci ality. Terms moderate, Orders left at Times Office will be promptly at. tended, to. Phone 116, Iirkton. .Addy etas Eirkton P. O. on. (1. F. RROULSTON,�1,,D.q„ DENTIST TIS,C Office over 1. Ie. Carling's Law oirico. Carred evety Wodocsrin;• rfternoon.