HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal Star, 1976-01-08, Page 1• 0 The delegation from„ Horan County which went. to ` ----Ili=Q'nfo-4h� esday aar,ri'ing toy meet .withL.Hon• : •• n Frank .1N1ilfer,: • Minister of Health,• ' was •,' rens. couraged," that a ;.,Caine) .decisio'n4 to , .,idose Goderich> Psyc,hiafri'c Hospital may be.. reversed ac ordrnd • to • Jack;' Ridtdel.l, • M;PR • far Huron, Middles•- h t1%tr Ridcielt`tpld 'j,Fto Signal 5 ^ about Wednesday goat Mr' Mllgr: w..�s ;prepa.red;fo go back o;`Cabine'. fo ,:'present,, the; facts as: they:.were, presented• to him" .:egard•ing theoteration and ' servi,ces..of Goderich Psychiatric :Hospif'al "Mr Mllier has rriu.ch more detail now'ab©ut e hospital:," -Mr:` Riddofl said:; • . • A - decision by the .Cabinet• on, the fate of 'the hospital, however, ,.is" not ex ecteduntil. p Premier'• Queen's •WiIIFani-Davis-•r'eturn s een' Bark^next week. Adeiegates frorrHuron hadan o orhunitYfio - ., express -their viewpointt. They were.. Dr. Frank Mils Mich ". :•--,•_.. eel•; .Conlon, ' Ross :' Bryant,, Liz. rte; Mi Hort' `, D . • g ean.;Nlt1r fi �an'd'Jr S • • •R • Y Nearl ''Peo l800 •e elbowed p.�_ ,. their:..way ' into ;the Saltfo'rd h P Va.. y Hall.'•Tuesday night•to .: support a community effort to eve se they decisionby " the . n"n rtarlo Mi iste f. a Q. .... i'. Frank Miller to. . close tlt^e G'od e r i ch . - P -s y .c b La t r isp 1'41 the'th ree 'e . ount►s served 'hospital. , 1).7 :the : G derich '.hos it l �� .. P a Thef�� o a P T 0 Bathe ing h,:spz.,t .,• w#t•rtesseel a"s'teady"stream.of. erri•pl"oyeas, .a.on-c'erned elected ::and ''a oint:ed<' 'of• pP 'citizens.- itiz re n c ens::• o :the a a petals f a d . fr om'Hu 'ternBtu _.�. ce.and : representativ'es, • o,€ , 'nearly Pert '7C•t unties . eolli x e t ng',the. every• .orgariization'•:working virtues' of•• the ''9ios p ital and pfferin• evidence, why it must remain otien, ' ' Mayor :.Deb.1 Shewfelt of I.G.oderiCh excited' the: audien e 'With his 'defiant' outburst against;- the provin_.iril '.governmefj't claiming fie was "bloody well sick of pri.litics' . ' ' • Ma) or Shewfert said he was •"sick of •-big :govern-rnent rcie'dzllyng .an. -our:. `'•: urged the aud'ience to:give the government one`"`fiell , of :a. fight" offering the .full sup pith e - 4 e --stn' •cogncil' of Goderich an aiding that -the • town: Nes 0, Oared to serve ::- :Lten-.inj;unctio.a. :the: Dntairio t• • Mor" e than;800 peope'turned out to Tuesda'Ys'.nte eting "of the `GoSerieh PsYchiatrxc Hospital: Many electedand aP • PLionofPublic,Service Employees to •expres5.'their :'from neighbouring �ttPwns and townships:di5p]easufa at- the governments decision to:elose the,present-to pledge their s p ort,staff h t.,..w_ • 'Metrorists:.:'-in ,G.oderrih'' • caughtwith their belts down in 1.97.6.w'l11: ,robabl'Y receive a 1.P Warning'fr trthe •G o d.e r' c7 P olice department to' fasten their .seat *belts - while • operating a . motor.•vehicle in ' the town. The Warning is the department's . alternative: to issuing' •a. •summons to any , •: . -'Motorists driving without " their seat belts fastened after :. the :provincial._government's decision tomake the lap. belts. ., and shoulder. harness man dator:y' in Ontario.. • - • •-..The shat belt law, -•which -- came .came :ixito :effect on "January .� 1., 19""6' under` the provincial highway traffic act, carries -a.. , 'standard • fine" of ..$.28 "'Which ' includes" court costs..' When annbun"cing the 1aW. th-e' ' provincial minister of transportation • and "corn a tnanications, 3arnes Snow', *: ,•'` asked ',police departmen:t>s in '.th'e provin,ce� :.to• warn " motorists not buckled up in • . 'the first few • months:. of the •' law's enactment. C'hief; Pat .King. `if the ••God•erieh- polece\said .her had• intended to issue"warnings 1.6n.g. before ' the ' minister' suggested it• and feel's'that his, force 'wilt- probably continue ' -• warning first time offenders. It's; not an,- easy law -'to; ehforce,'' :said the' chief •:"W �'se.,not going•.to"stand by, • the " t10, , d side and run spot checks and if' someone is - p`®If ce w ll.:wr 'rn beltless couragin'g` :motorists to ,tis seat belts while -'driving, the government is' hopeful • the . in r of i 'h �nu . be .hi way a a ties'', .g in -Ontario can be.drastically: The Chiief pointed 'out. that : the law's, biggest . impact :to motorists• wilt' be felt.:in ac- e under•two... ears. of. age 'are exe'_.pt fro r fh ,. p o the law.,`l;'.he. infants are ex ected. o bab Seats: _— .. y; .. is ` or held . --:--by •by a• passenger The driver of the vehicle is also responsible- • for ,:the conditioti •of the teat -belts', If the, vehicle was: manufac • reduced,' •. •• ' -• cidents..litSt rance companies are. • indicating they May reduce -or refuse payment of insurance money in eases"of" " mdtor vehicle mishaps' when • the driver oi`• •p'assengers'of' the vehicle was not wearing t'Re •seatbelt.. Th�.dornpani'es are .also' indicating the. driver or vehicle is 'respons"rble for ensuring that all passengers. in: the vehicleare buckled up. 'In.official reports of acs -cidents in the past -the police,,,, •were • re'quired to state whether • •the :driver: of .the behtele -was• wparing. a •seat: it;'.' said the.chief. "Now we have ..to'. report `whet'he'r .. 'pass rigers I were . wearing beltor•not ; 'The ;driver :of .the' vehicle•. and :air.. passengers required•. -to " wear the• belts under the: new law...Police,.' people•with doctors orders not to wear seat .belts, people with • a' physique that:''makes seat belts d;ifitcult t;p wear:,: ' 'drivers, of., commercial vehicles that are in and out of•7; the •' eh•icle oftenarid-chi•ldren.'• cabin i in ah e.ffor` tto keep-'• ,b p the hospital opetr .. , • d ,.q "'We're not p'a 'ns in,, a chess game," shouted'' the iiia or If .v y . the -go ernmeritn. doesn't .want, ao • run the - hospital then • we'll take,it over and run it.fr'om a county.. level:" ••• The mayor •;excclamed it •was time the:'pe'ople had a say, in local isslies adding that if. the • legal .actio'n: failed ''to ' produce r )sults`` added.- fuel could; be :gained from a,. separate appeall- to" Arthur •Maloney, ' the -.Ontario om- budsman, from the town 'of 'Goderich.. Enraged bye the decision td ' close tjae"'hospital the 'mayor said that r•the people of the; county; pay: 'their Ontario: Hb pital Insuranc.e • .prrririums-and should receive.., sortie-,L;rights '..•frorn.,ose;" payments H`e sal 'the ,time has one. af' .he highest ad g for talking'is Past,' adding mission rates`of any.:hos ita'1.' P 8 p that the patient.tr`an.sfer will ,in the.province o'f equivalent••: bed size.. • Mr. Riddell sadth lti the had a worked closely,with. rrredtcal, • and_ administrative staff Of the hose,}tal and pre aredQ a; fact sheet• hich-.kndiwcates the'.. • ln,rm.ation• Mr.- Mi Rep used'";= S. to justify closing -the' hospital::. _was :errr-oneous 'He s.id that: the ministe ; s s iggestion.that:'' GPH • was operating :at 60: percent capacity' was, wrong :: iiointing out that.th-e.;hospital:' probably; e going on, while h t r.is talking . the 'gone .mon %a.kl . g their w'ay.: t of tJe issue'..... H.uran- 'iddlesex M. • ; -Jack 12 dell. offered ' some corisalatieris''tp the.'audience: saying •that )tis -_'.prat is discu"sstons with Frank' Miller have indicated that the "dont' is not completely closed yet','. Rea'gin:g from " a letter written b'y liim.r to the minister, "Mr.: Riddell - said that he failed to -see the logic in closing down 'the' hospital considering the capital ex '•perrse'that will be lest and the tremendous success the hospital enjoys. He 'Said that. ;the :.hospital is '•the•roost modern pf its kind .in the province and: with between 50 . and:60: adrxtitsions._a: month,; IL has never operated below 78 percent. capacity" generally—runs -about 9ti. perpent with' 1,500 out patients handled each :mdnth as well as "the 230 beds in the hospitaL He strengthened his point citing Ontario •'Public :•tt� S'elviee' Employees union. •:'•`,(cmi-trnue on page 16). ''. Godcricli; town council agreed' .at a special'ineeting earty'�We 1n splay,mornin•g to' seek' all ,injunptibtfagatnst.the. • provincial : go'v'ernment's decision : to close %'':Goderich }'sychiatrid Hospital. • e Council. .passed a motion': • tnati•` called for -•the toviwn• .v • repare IflivnctI • •saliertor-7t- ora-inence ria=, �� es -fa •miltit_.1J ' advocate`. and'.ci inert; tl%at.,, junction proceedings tom; also .coin-frrended •the -.'mayor . although ,the injunction ap• re•strrct' the ' provincial for` his action at th'•e' meeting 'pee•red to: be the • only"alter government .,trom. 'elosmg: and lthte firr..it-sterid that he t,vt, {ivaili l)l(. to -t ne-rk-he- • GPH. and depriving:the area of` tok•. questioned •:themac-.•.' Mental seivices: Cconeilfor'JinPete s•said. ton . without . 'counc'ri • Conte,�•' •:The-rtiotion,was assedan � he_;:viewed the closin . as 'an .• . ..: ,., P by g sultabo�n. • 8.=1.• mar - in•..on_. .recorded extremely• :serious situation•" ,•• g '� ; : ,o. tied. •.':.:• Y .:� .: .. If `'yau re .not " p�y3�ng ..:,. vote - affecting everyone .' in the politics, I don't know; w'Hat•it �. • Mayor'Deli;Shewfett:to1d a.' coir;iriurtity and.'.there •vuas a ..is:' he ..said..'::``I think it ';is: rneeting,•.of• Union .of Ptkfyli ,:• nocd.:to, estab.li.sh. a: coni non proper to rap .ytc�ut knuckles; Service Employees, ;T.uesday gogl .of sa'ying.'inoney While bn this, matter•and .hale you.. night .tjiat the .town;. would: still.atte:mpting,.to''keep'the"so little. faith :in Coun-• i'. seek,an ihjunctign against the hospitaloper% cil� , government The rria--y • R v -tan, Piefit__told Hari !'sora—s<aitl hea v4�ttld7::: made th.e state•nent without; council members.• that 'the support the injunction'trrntion cerisnitation of-- the council meting was most impressive simply becau_se:, of the • large and said. he :was. willing .to. `ancf the feelings of the people . p:ayro11 •involved.• which he. •.resign•.,if he., did' not get the •t^hera amplified his sen abou:3 support of hiscounci(, .,• •trments of maintaining.'••a:.. . se � e ai) thepeople of •t e ' r. - t� ac h • ' Ceiunc'iitoY: :Dave, �:Gower. , P P CourrciIlor. ..Elsa HaydOn said -the `hospi.tal closing was , . .area.- said she would -have to oppose, a diSkis.ter. , and, the' -',town Councillt7t' .i.eroy"Harrison the njotion `n • ritlt,rearet and; • •-'s ,, definitely• hadt.o.,.: take b?an.ded hinise.lf, a 5the devil '': .' (coia.trnued on page. v hefts h tore "' riot • t0 . - ''eat o � p s. becoming standard ap`+crit; p t be in ,the . belts' da hot have r o b;.•. installedbut •if`thebelts:•t; ere .. installed when • the --i chicle' Was•manufactured they must :be left iin the car in the cen-- :dition they were in .w•lis n•,the Car was built. It:is'anoffe�nse L. under the..new law to alter or reri.ove the •beltsfrom the • ear.', '',Tfie .complete belt and; Shoulder harness' must ""'be worn :in 'a 'Properly adjusted manner if.thaeyare part of the • vehicle's , equipment," •Sa.id chief King. •- Goderich Town "Zounen •that a losso' _gross 'ie h.1. in . pipbler•ns;' the." - effects- of :an: refused . to .endorse` a Huron, Countyy, of onE :.i ',farce • acciderita =leak. of radio, ac-_ 'resolution..• -from.:. Stephen.':-. per cent woulti n`rcan : i ?s'to-•'tive•tnatenria'ls and the costs to Township ho were .seeking„,_the economy o'"the county of the • •liiresto-ck producer`'• concurrence.` to `` a study by from',:.one to thr,ee tiailio'i . .resulting from, urban ex 'Ontario. Hydro into the effects dollars. • • p.an5•i•on threatening: the of a ,•nuclear',•.generating The:: re o1ution ri nretcd' •operation.. station idn: agriculture • in • : that the Royal Gorami- ion on . liuronGounty. " '•E'lect'ric • Power Planning 'Councillor .Leroy Harrison .' Stephen, •Township Council (Porter Cotiiinitis'iorr.}. . un told'council members that a :passed a resou`ltion •dertake conclusive ti?udies on generating station could only` Deceniber 16 opposing thesuch areas as the n:t'1 cts of 'be benefrcial•'to the cc unty m construa ction. Of generating th•e • p'ow'er • •pia;ttR : op ' terms of • dollars.since,'•th .stations'in Huron£ountyuntii agriculture, `the ,iinoun't of . economic Offshoot.. of the numerous .questions aboutfthe . i`ap'd lost to p"o''Wer, corridors ''station- Wo'a.-ld provide many effect ;of the station• on a:rid transformer'si<atimis, the • lobs.at good waget, He added 'b.. agriculture could te: an spinoff of .residential and . tfiat'aguculture.;was not•the sweredbyHydro ' . .industrial• d'e�.lcij rnent, - on:ly d, .-y in the county •The resolution indicated ' social costs•. •inctn'i'edi. Tor :and -that a': genera -ting station that' such. 'a, 'deyelopnient ..p'oli'cing, schools, r.iocreatron, woitld_change qhe .economic would naturally attract ` sewers .and•trealtrient''plants• prospects, resrdential•,development•and 'at d the•:pollutii,n reltated.,to •• other, related, facilities. which power plants.. would also" attract..'.exCessive The ;resolution ` -ilso :•-e)c-'i pollution"emissions' which'y"pressed a fear'of •r adio active have•prov?en. ,td lower crop - eontaminatian of food and the yields. The .••report claijnedr.ke . °5 .bre uent rat a^tin g; q. Councillor J.irn Peters said althoogh:-`there was-- a • just cause •.for a s.tuy on•'the matter, '.the resolution. was ' written 1)y•a-rt, alarm 1st. • `°`"' and is net °u"" ^rojectmay give pgrtrers ree ride enough to getthe seat belt, . done raj before the policernan gets...to .the car; then maybe '_ ' ' they:.ieserveasummons,' 'a • • T4, chief Said that•the seat belt. •law; has its merits •but • added that he was sorry that.. ,• •' moteHists had to be forced,,,, into•b rklirig up. " w ""`"'I'hr iill'N'IPr^'tr''atbplaint with . thelaw is that it no • longer , leaves the use Of seatbeits.up to.' the individual motorist,", said'the -chief.. "Fin sorry the 1< ...government had to bring it in, .as a law The.:dlfiiculty' in; enforcing the new seat belt regulattop'. :. does not' -reduce its ef•' ft'•ctivene_r G s . ac�soi•ding, to ' thiefKrn `Jae h ^ ale . con s r i' .lite niment t lr �oe n o � � g . highway, safety 'anal• hy-en, • ' A last infinite •safety 'Program for' Goderich• ' .motorists driving, to.. . New Year's -eve celebrations failed tR; click iri 1975 but_m:,ay develop into a :unique method -U.-promoting' safe 'driving in Goderich when f91'6;it btcTfare'weli. ' Robert :Allin, manager of the Goderich branch:. -of .the •Toronto -Dominion bank. 'donated •$35' to the Bluewater Tani company .here;. stipulating' that'the.` "money'beYuse;d to pay- the:taxiTare for._ part ter's''wish1rig transportation, hoiiie On` New Year's; -re Mt' Alliin said donated the money in the ihterest:of safe' -- drivittg,'ttelpifsg party goers indulging•in out from behind' a, year end toast to -.stag o the wheel.,of their cars; • p'aye Gdi'trtoher, owner' Of. Bluewater. T•ajcisard•she through Mr. A1lin`sidea was an excellci,"one but added that she other merchants and businesses in town couldn't' accept the trio a '�'is year. Slee 'would liketo'beconie involved. ' said she'had 'no knowle ge of the s'c�heme Both taxi firms in Goderich expressed Until.the'eleventh hour and: neither did -an interest in the 's'cheme pointing out cab users, making it difficult.' to•meet•out that it not only promotes safe driving but the fti`�ee rides. -. ' •- provides a = wo•rthwhi-le evening's ' "Ha •we krrownabout the donation c business for the taxi companies• 'could have -advertised .it and taken ad- Bruce .Betties .of Goderich .Tali and vantage of it," said the..Bluew'ater ^!'•aye Gaut -cher of Bluewa'te'r.. said. that owner -; `I, personally, really appreciate .:with , a. small ,; donation ' • froin each - Mi Allire,s• concerti for the drivers in business concern, in town rrr.o.W:t of.,thc' G-oderich.'Y: • f people wanting to t'ko adV&fitage. of the t �` he ' The. 'timing of 'the'. donation w•:ts. , free rides would he able to, Beth agreed *intended according ";td Mr. Allin, 1•fe however,^ that i�f.,'•tht rgram was • fin, said he had c • 'tiered the program long- plemettted, ' the two • con'ipanies would before the'Chris • as . e s 'hut"''for of ` n work out some: t.. 5 asap have to get togetl:t.r and ,i •� •nu dfc a t _ � 1rs orifi h •l� ����tt__rrii'h,t.. 1 east tohirrtite'� He'•' id'he sort booking tt 'nbst . of t• of system:of bt of g, he.. Very .interested .in:pr;onietingth4,pfan custnnici-s to'.preveit doing flooded by. forex nt New '!'ear'sefts P atIls: ; and was 'ho ' •1••-�.. a. • • 8$ Is' • • b 4 1.'ulir 1.k•nn St others is`% t .:lttite riirare of her surrojxrtdings yet but the daughter pf;. Mrs. I i•t.in S anthers: RR h 60dt:rich was the. first'baby born in the new vear.';ft tt.ris horn Tate 1)'ay and het arrival bowie is. 'anxi'otusi 'bend• awaited -1e it old tii.othet^, 1tty ine (stat"t'ph0to) t ..g • " ' • 441 • • • v