HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-7-1, Page 7' . e ee eeseseeneesseeesseereasesesseesesseeseseese r {• AUTO' SPARE PARTS • fer most nzakos and mediae of care, Your old, broken or wont -out parts. replaced. Write or wire us describ- ing what you want. We carry the largeett and most complete stools in Canada or slightly used or new parts • and autoniobtte eclulptne'nt.• We ship 1,0,1), anywhere in Canteen Sane- , faatoey ur refund. le full - our motto.. S11a.w'r+ Sento ScheieEesti • Supply, 11.'10-9,31 D a/fere:1 sit, 'Toronto, 'dart. MR. GEORGE E. BUNTING Newly.. Appointed ust>ralas. ian Managed' 9f the Canadian Govermnent Merchant Marine Limited. M un Mr, Bunting began in. the transpor- tation business with the Grand 'Trunk when nineteen years-offige. Later he was with the Lehigh Valley at Buffalo and afterwards with the Canada Atlan- tic Railway at Ottawa. He became travelling freight agent for the Allan Steamship Company when the Canada Atlantic Railway was absorbed into A USEFUL SUMMER FROCK Beneficent Volcano,1 Liv,, Whale You Live. O seize the present.-• fl is: ours; Tile' °le k is tteltieg on the wall: - With memories of the talon of Pelle The sweet stews bane b zthed the morn - pen and i•Iercuianeuin, we listened to Mena iiowe in our childish days, we naturally as. Ana golden sunshine glide e sorlate volcanoes. with towiebreitking Fen. Nara., !mer them aln 1a Mother 1,,,a,t.1. in emerald green rather than with tow n making, • • Her lovely fornr'doth all adorn:, 1+orget the pot, the migh • have might ate been, • Come 'forth and greet the smiling • morn, But that ..evert a volcano at ,:timer, may unwittingly do a tuWn a good. turn is ovidenced by the prosperity that has cometo the town of Kodiak on the island of that fame, Kodiak is 0 seize tho prey nt it is Dress, a hundred and fifty iniies`ferther north, No titles delay, my boat is near, than Ireland, bat like her, it Is lePPed I'm jealous of the flcet'.ng hours,, by the warm sex currents, and Is a For winter 1 now: are all too near. sister emerald set in the. Blue Sea. O'er yonder deep no clouds are Seen In 1912 Mount 1,.atinaa burst into Te stain its depths a deeper hue; one of the .most terrific era. tions: ever Forget the past, the .mi =ht have known. The P b a e been wit,r 0 1h1 ,h ! e �s� Full fo.l ti mess of the ash lord lava 1t dt Life nude rirar0 renew.': blown sky-Highhes been computes) at five cubic miles. The whole island was burled feet deep with . the grey dust. Yet the inhabitants of the little town, or rather settlement, agree that old IKatniai's cutburst was the Kofinestdiak. thing tat ever happened in • , For a year or'so Kodiak was a de- solate grey waste; by 1915 Kodiak was not Dilly green again, but a greener Kodiak than oven it had been. Tbe pasture is finer, the fruit larger by far than before the eruption. Only the hardiest and most suitable palms 9525 have been abler to fight their way up 9515—•Ladies' Dress (37 or 35 -inch through the ash -drift, and also -it is length), Price, 25 cents. In 9 sizes,, not at all improbable that the very 3.4 tit. 50 ins. bust measure. Size 361 ash itself has valuable manuring pro requires 3% yds. 36rins. widen con-1 perties, • trasting, 1?/3 yds. 36 ins. Width, 1s/s Certa•fn it is that to -day o day Ttadiak. of- 1'hese patterns may be obtained' fors a splendid grazing field, and will from your local McCall dealer, or play a useful part in facing the. food .from the McCall Co., 70 Bonds Street, problem of the fuure. Toronto, Dept. W. WOULD BE i, i �+ 1�1t �i Pi evention of Food 'OULD NOT 1'i'•irl ffOi1/1' • Poisoning. BABY'S OWN TAMPS From time to time we read in the . O %V1 papers of sad cases of wholesale food poisoning, Several members of a Once a soother has used Baby's Own family, it may be, or many guests at Mr. George E. Bunting Tablets far her little ones she would a public dinner or st a picnic party phis life is mixed with sweets and sours, Sunshine"ane shadow, grief and Pain; O seize tho present, it is Imre, The past is gone ear comes again. If in -your eyes the carni serene A sudden' moisture should annoy, Forget the past, the might have been— If. auy tears, then tears of joy. UTTERLY HELPLESS FROM ST. VITUS DANCE The Sufferer Restored to Health Through the Use of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. St. Vitus dance is a disease of the nerves brought on by a morbid condi- tion of the blood. It is a common dis- ease with children, and attacks girls more frequently than boys. Irrita- bility is frequently one of the first signs noted. The child frets, it is quar- HE "Phis is rust tile season when.l2hen matiscn vrithi iso grinning pain and stiffen- ing of loins gets. holt! or. you. Fight it with: Temotan , Capsules `7'ereeleten's. 'Rheumatic Capsules bring 'cerIaiz� relief, and permanent re- sults. They aro recom- mended by doctors, and sold bY reliable druggists everywhere/or$1.04s box, or write to iem letons,. 142 King St. W., Toronto. lv1atled anywhere on re- deipt of ASTHMA Ternpleton's RAZ -MA H Oep- stiles aro guaranteed to relieve As T I3 NIA. Don't suffer an- other day. Write Templetons, 142 Ling St. W., Toronto, for freesample. Reliable druggists sell them at 41.04 a box. Foreign Railways and Rates. During December, 1919, and Janu- ary, .1910, the Italian railways ad- vanced thele first-class passenger fares 30 per cent., their second-class fares 60 per cent., and their third-class fares 50 per cent. Both freight and passen- ger rates already during the war had been advanred 30 to 45 per cent. The passenger rates of the French railways, two of which are owned by the' government and all of which are being operated under government con- trQ•1,yere a.dvanced 40 per cent. dur- ing the war and the freight rates 30 to 37 per cent. Because of the de- ficlts which have continued to be in- reisome, and dces not sleep well. The curred proposals for further advances jerky movements that characterize the have been under consideration. disease come a little later. The pa- The advances in rates on the Aus- the Grand Trunk System, and in 1913 not be without them. They aro the !are killed by some article of food'that tient becomestrian railways° since pre-war days pate, languid, and often have eaten. g , was promoted to the General Agency Meal home remedy for the baby; be -, they , constipated. The limbs and sometimes have been enormous. The increase of el the Allan Steamship in Chicago,' ing guaranteed to be absolutely free , The number of poisons that can 30 per cent. made in February, 1920, the whole bodyjerks spasmonicallp, -wh.ere he remained until 1917. from opiates or other harmful drags. f cause death in this way is large, but made the total increases about 330 gand in severe cases the power oY- When the '.'National" Merchant They are a gentle but thorough laxa- : with few exceptions such as mush- speech is affected. Such a child per cent. " a room oleanzu Marine was organized, Mr. Bunting time and have been -proved of the ; poisoning, the trouble is the re- :horrid not be allowed to study, but In September, 1919,. freight and p ult of food that bas s beton wase spoiled. " made Goueralr a Agent fore Ontario, g e 't aid in cases of constipation, Q psenger er ra s dbekeptrates uietg in Belgium en ' had e n qgiven a nutritious b it ou Unfortunatel it is not wi • s a- fnclfgestion, colic,.colds and simple y' always Dos' � diet; remain out of doors as much as creased 40 to 50 per cent. since pr fevers. Concerning them Mrs. Ernest- sible to detect this condition,—in ice , g given a war times. Furihe increases has „ cream, for example, or in the typhoid l possible, and above all things Gagne, Beatrsejcur, Que., writes: T course of lir. Williams Pink Pills to been made since then, have used Baby's Own Tablets Tor contamination of oysters,—though in build up' the blood and restore the In September, 1919, freight and pas - constipation and colic and have found many cases of spoiled food careful ob- shattered ``nerves, Withoutsenger rates in The Netherlands were servation or an acute sense of taste this treat them so successful that: I would not meat the trouble may become chronic advanced 50 percent, be without them. I would strongly re- and smell'will serve to warn the eater. and the -patient a life-long sufferer. Very much the largest advances re- commend every mother to •keep a box The most common form of Tood The value. of Dr. 1Villiams Pink Pills poried fn any country' have been made in the house. The Tablets are sold poiseniug, in winter at least, is what in•casee of this kind is shown b the .in Germany, where, itis well known by medicine dealers orby mail at 25, is called botulism—that is to .say, the `foliowin statementn 1 n symptoms are caused by the oisonous g. by Mr. Frank I. practically all the railways are owned cents a hos. from The Dr. Williams P Scriven, Acton, Ont.. who `says:—"in and operated by the government. R.e- Medieine Co:, Brockville, Ont. exceetion5 of a microbe called Bacillus farina ry,:1917, when I resided at Mil- Pealed advances were made Burin botulisms, The'first recognized cases gg = C+ ton, Ont. lay -daughter .Gertrude, then the war and still further very grea Simple. Sermon. of this kind occurred in persons who aged fourteen, had a bac) attack of advances have been made singe the t!� had eaten spoiled sausage -hence. the rheumatic •fever .:. ht lett-as ts f - ; si ning of the armistice. There's only one method of meetin' name of the bacillus, which is deriver) e ch left s ig g st ce. The pas- ter effects ea evere attack of St, Vitus`G s , senger• rates now average about 700 life's test; from the Latin word for sausage. Now, . dance. For weeks she was confined i per cent. higher than before the war, Just keep, an a-strivin' an' hope for the however, the most frequent source of to her bed under the. d'octor's care, and the freight rates about 300, per best. the poison iscanned foods, both meats She w.as entirely helpless, being: un- `cent. higher. Don't give up. the game an' retire in and vegetables.. In some cases re- cently able to even hold a spoon to feed her- Large advances in rates have also death reported in the newspapers self. For a time she lost the power of , had to be Made in many countries was caused by eating bottled speech alinost entirely, and only with which were remote from the seat of ripe olives, but the poison is found great ditFcnit3 made herself tin ler- hostilities. For example, in. Decem- more frequently in canned string stood The twitchingf h 1 her, 1919 all freight and passenger Last December be was sent to Aus- �iralia 'and New Zealand to organize ageneses for the Canadian Govern- ment Merchant Ieichant Marine, his appoint- ment ment as• Australasian Manager follow- ing his work in that connection, '1i�-1 The Marker on the Mountain. Out in the Rocky Mountains a lone- ly pillar stands far up on one of the mountain eider,. Some years ago two brothers gathered together their little , all and went out 'West to prospect for silver. They bought that mountain r side, but found no silver in it. The --''"` weeks stretched into months,' and at <last, in despair, one of them.took a pistol and ended his life on that lonely slope. The other man was made of sterner stuff. He buried his brother, took up the pickaxe from the grave and went on with the search. A few days later he struck one of the richest veins in those hills and became one of the sil- ver kings of America. He then erect- ed rect ed the stone over his brother's grave to commemorate his sad fate. But that stone stands for+something deeper than the pathos of failure..: It is rather a monument of him who lived than of him who.`died. It is a mons went of 'a man who bore suffering with fortitude. Perhaps, deeper still, it is a monument of a faith that goes on and on,'refusing to accept defeat, un- til at last. it is crowned with God's victory. Such faith often spells the difference between success and failure. Few of us are born,. with .00nspicuous.talents. The majority must go prospecting in order to discover ourselves, and the thing that saves us from despair is the faith that God has something special. for us to do In life. We must believe that, as Horace Bushnell once phrased it, every man's life is a plan of God, and that in that plan there is some- thing quite different from his plan.for anyone else. Difficulties are the inspiration of faith. No soul ever grew to anything without them. The danger is that we shall grow discouraged and••stop pros- pecting too soon. To lose. faith in the plan is the most withering atheism a soul can know. Canada is_ 3,500. miles by 1,400 in area. ILS.-,C•anada boundary line 3,000 miles long; 1,600 by land, 1,400 through water. FROM PEitE &1' Ei€E Little .Tulisn :has already decided that he will be a doctor. In talking over the matter one day his father rather facetiously 'asked whether Julian interded to adopt a special line, inasmuch as that was the, way to make a lot of money in meclicine. I thinkT Shall," ,• sz replied e li Juh-an r P gravely. *a ' u i vel , it a 'i Th t dyou think q ,� y o of specializing in. airplane accidents, da;cl There ought to be a great future in that line." The Voice of Authority, Mr. Fairfax telephoned to his wife at five o'clock that he was brluging a party of six to. dinner. An inventory of the larder showed short rations. So Bridget, the cook, was instructed to order certain sup - piles over the 'phone, Wishing to supplement the order, Bridget's mistress followed her to the telephone, and heard: "01 wahnt yez to sind a leg o' mut- ton, and ask the grocer nixt door to let your boy bring two jillies and a tin or pears, an' if of don't get them quick, Ol'll be along in the marring and paralyze ye all!" A brief pause, then: "Who's aphakin'? Sure, an' it's Mrs, Fairfax, -of the Cedars!" "Bridget!" cried the astonished and outraged mistress. "What do you mean? --^ How dare you say such things!" "Shure, ma'am," returned the cook unconcernedly, "that's all right. I talks to 'ern like that for you all the toime!" MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money r .. Q_der. Theyare payable everywhere. - wher P y e. y I Dry insides of Kettles.. The insides of kettles should either be dried whenever the contents- have as- been emptied, ip ed, or the vessel should be las e- I hung up or stood upside down in a `,e dry place. A few drops of water, if allowed to collect at the bottom of a kettle, soon o cause spots to rust, and these in time generate into holes. MMinard'e Liniment for sate everywhere Ships of the Canadian merchant marine encircle the world. Forty-five vessels built or under way. at LET "DANDERINE" BEAUTIFY HAIR. dismay, 'Cause hammers are thrown when you'd like a bouquet. This world • would be tiresome, we'd all get the blues If all the folks in it held just the same views; So finish your work; show the best of • your skill, Some folks won't like it, but other folks will. If you're leaclin' an army, or buildin' a fence, Do the most that you can with. your own common sense. One small word of praise in this jour- ney of tears Outweighs in the balance 'gainst cart - loads of sneers. The plants that we're passin' as com- mon -place weeds Oft prove to be just what some suf- ferer needs. So keep on•a-goin'; don't stay standin' still. Some people won't like you, but other folks will. Canada produces per capita more food. materials obtained from farm crops than any of the other principal countries. Canada's wheat average yield per acre, 1919, 10r/a bushels, 11 in 1918, Fourth among wheat growing coun- tries. Canada's wheat yield, 10 years, 1909.18, 18.25 bushels per acre. • Canada ranks fourth in world pro- duction of cheese'. Exported over $40,- 000,000 worth in 1919, or 78 per cent. of total production of 190,000,000 pounds. „ This time of year it's a ood idea to rcort l ine fresh fruit or berries with your 'rnorn- inn. dish of Glr0f1 ..:Nuts 0 �r proves �?!Fv u,w. u 1 .. TY•r.•. � e �'Il d 1 � Jill:time' 1. Jur>.e ..,• ' ere! IL7 •.� Reell!� O I Zen o her muscles g . i as nger beans, asparagus and other vegetables. was so bad it was painful to see her. rates on the South African Govern - After a long time and 'taking a lot of meat railways were advanced 25 per medicine, she seemed to improve. cent., while in August. 1919, a raise of But she did not seem to get along as : 20 per cent. in both freight and pas - she ought to. In November, 1917, we senger rates was nfade in Brazil, and removed to Acton and in January, in October of the sante. year addition - the health authorities showed that thiy 1918, she was again confined to her alincreases were proposed. Even in method of preserving, when properly bed with St. Vitus dance. She was Australia, which was about as remote done, was .as safe as any other. "�Vhy again in a terrible state and quite help- fr•om the theatre of hostilities as any the bacillus should be present in some less. She was under a doctor's care, part of the world, all the government specimens and not in others from the and while there was an improvement, railways.. have suffered seyerely from same batch of canning is not known; she was still very nervous, did not the effects of the war and have had and of course when it is not in the can look well and was always tired. In to make advances in their rates. originally it will not be there even May, 1918. we decided to try Dr. Wil- The railways of Great Britain were when the food is spoiled. hams Pink Pills, and see what they Placed under government control at The important point to remember r;,ottld Go t.lr her. Shethe be ronin of the war took them re-beginningand are still is that the presence of Bacillus born• gulariy according to directions, and Jing thus operated. During the war liuus•is always possible in any canned after taking several boxes there was a the passenger rates were advanced 50 food that is not absolutely sweet, mot after improvement. After a further per cent., while the freight rates were the government health authorities use of the pills she is now as healthy' not advanced at all, and because the warn everyone not to use any food that a girl a„ yon would wish to see. She increases in expenses greatly exceed - has in the slightest degree any un is fat, with a fine, healthy color and ed the increases in. rates the g overn- natural calor or odor, evidences gas is strong and lively. The neighbors, meet incurred a large deficit. To re- formation within the container, or to whom she is well known., remark duce or wipe out this deficit advances even the faintest signs of deconiposi- on the wonderful change 'in her ap- in the freight rates of the British rail - During the late war, when heine canning was se extensively practiced, ' it was said that poisoning was caused by spoiled food put up by the cold - canning process, but investigation by ti The a poison is destroyed by heat, safe pearance since taking Dr. Williams ways ranging from 25 to -100 per cent. so that, so far as tisni is concern- Pink Pills. Both her-rnother•and my- were made effective an January 15, ed, it is perfectly to eat thorough- self are convinced that the ills have 1920 and extra charges were added ly boiled canned vegetables,. especial- p done her a world of good as she is to rates which covervthe collection now far healthier than we at one time and .delivery of freight at stations as thought she ever would bo," well as its transportation. In March, For all trouble due to poor blood 1920, the demurrage charges imposed and weak nerves there is no other medicine can equal Dr. Williams Pink Pills. You ran get these pills from any dealer in medicine, or by mail, post paid, ut 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Iy- when no evidence of their having spoiled was present when the contain- er was Opened.' Animal Barometers. Trappers believe firmly in the abili- ty of wild animals to forcast weather conditions. • The type of house which the musk- rat builds • for the season indicates 'the kind of weather he expects. When the musk -rats build large Houses. with thick walls, a cold winter fs to be ex- pected. If the houses are made un- usually high, much snow, and high water will come. Just before a storm all animals are usually active and travel fast and far. Even human, beings notice a difference in their feelings, especially if they are troubled with rheumatism, If it Is raining and the owls50reech- es a change for the better will shortly ensue, but should the peacock screech bad weather is to collie or continue. Snails are -also valuable weather prophets. As long as they are to be teen jogging` along- in the orthodox Manner flee weather may be confident- ly looked forward to if there is rain in the atmosphe-re the snails may be � seek seen to ee shelter up he t sterns is of trees and shrubs, under leaves, and, An f ct, anywla,••eue w,eru t?iey can be safely out of the 'vet 0 -, nay' when all. immediate danger• of a recurrence of rain is over will they elnerge again. Canada has 3,296 Esltimoe and 105,- 998 Indians, Our Airman Prince. The second son of the King and Queen, Prince Albert, who has been making some excellent speeches late- ly, promises to become as popular as. his elder brother. As a sailor and air- man he did his bit in the war, although to his chagrin, several break- downs in health interfered with his duties. He is the humorist of the Royal Family, with a penchant for sporting stories. His Royal Highness Is fond of the one about the innocent young lady who had never been on a race- course before. "NoW, you must have a bet on this race," . her companion said, "I'll put ei you a sovereign n oath g wayon the favorho thanked S llitn with a smile. 'rl>e race was run, and tho favorite Watt among the "also raps." "How much do I Wit ?" slle sale, "Well--er---in fact,'nothing," "Oh, but I thought eaelt way lneant wv- whether the horse won or lost," for holding a car one day beyond the period of tree time were increased 100 per cent, and the charges for subse- quent ubsequent clays 200 per. cent. World May Grow Hotter. According to an idnglish scientist's theory, if the radium in the interior of the earth equals in quantity that which is in surface racks, the world will grow hotter in time, instead of colder. 0. McPherson, Furniture Dealer, Undertaker, Armstrong, B.C., .June 11th, 1919. Minard's L.id ment Co,, Ltd., , Yarmouth, N.S, Dear Sirs: ---Since the start of the Baseball season we have been hinder- ed with sore muscles, sprained ankles, etc., bet just as soon as we started us- ing Minerd's- Liniment our troubles ended. Every baseball player should keep a bottle oe your liniment handy. Yours trul't W, 15 McPHEfi.SON, Secretary Armstrong High Sohool Baseball Team. Soap From Sewer Fats. The manufacture of soap from sewer fats has been begun in Stock- holin by a company that will also try to malie it from native vegetable fats, including beech mast and horse chest- nuts. ISSUE No. 26='20, Classified Advertisements. ireeszelzetesase STB:VE Vii' COM1?J 01.7 i'1 1 iLl219 will pay you. Qeorgr Stovon$y, 1'elerboraugh. Ontario, YOlt $L71 WELL. Xt01.71F'k'I'wL 1V•l1CwaPAl'Ez Y ► and ioh pristine plant in Easters Ontario, insnrtane, carried $1,500, Will �•e for $1.,200 on snick sale. llor M$. Wilson 1'uhliehine Co„ Ltd.. ti'w'ronte. #!oE'T Bras W¢Ntepp. 4� 1 0,0 ' L'0L M 1v'ANTLD, a IN. AND k7 thleker, shipped green from saws Do not' sell until yon commu:.:oate with us. Keenan 33ro . Limited. Owen. Sound. Ont. <`S,Ai2Qi17ti Ficir'ocx, r'oie Nunsze. Tdf 13'J'iZnJdD TkiAfNif j t k1OOL, 8, )For Nureosd Si. I>11za,betii iiospita:1. 204 South Broad Street; Elizabeth, New Jersey. Complete course." Monthly al- lowance: first year $0.00, second .810,00. third third ;15.00. Address: Superintendent: HELP WANTED. �(� ANTED. FIRST-CLASS BENS ti W carpenter$ to • worts on interior fittings, Good wages, steady work, Apply Laidlaw Lumber Company, 2280 Dundas W., Toronto. Race of Pygmies. A race of pygmies living at an alta./ tude of 20,000 feet has been discover- ed in New Guinea by British scientists. At'k for Minard's and take no other. Canada has one-third of area' off British. Empire, and is as large as 30 United Kingdoms and 18 Germanys; twice the size of British India; almost as large as Europe; 18 times; size of France; 33 of Italy. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only -look for' the name California on the package, then you are sure your child 1s having - the best and most harmless physic for the little stom- ach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Pull -directions on each bottle. You must say "Can - Out ! Have a mass of long,: fornia." r' thick, gleamy hair Bar Young Men -02 Get Bald Cutikutr a Does Much To It Let "Dand'erine" save your hair and double its beauty. You can have lots of long, thick, strong, lustrous hair. Don't let it stay lifeless, thin, scraggly or fading. Bring back its color, vigor, and vitality. Get a 35 -cent bottle of delightful "Danderine" at any drug or toilet counter to freshen your scalp; check dandruff and falling hair. Your hair needs this stimulating tonic, then its life, color, brightness and abundance will return—Hurry! 4snerica'e F,taneor nog r emediea Moolt ori DOG DISEASES $nisi =ow to -Peed Mailed Free to, a:ny Ad- ,lreas• by tho Author. Z. Clay Glover Co.. nae. 118 West 31st Street New York, U.S.A.. Dandruff, itching, scalp irritation, etc. , point to an unhealthy condition of the scalp, which leads to thin, falling hair and premature bald- ness. Frequent shampoos with Cuticura Soap and hot water do. much to prevent,. such a condition, especially if preceded by a gentle anointing with Cuticura Ointment to spots of dandruff and itching. Soars 23c, Ointment 25 sea 60c. Sold, throughouttheDaninion. Canadiantlepot: L mmos, Limited, St. Paul St., Montreal. Cuticu'a Soap shasecwithout mus. 30 FTc tCOUGHS ONLY TABLETS MARKED "SAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the !Bayer Cross'. f• "Bayer" "Bayer e on lispirin ie of Tablets of i4sl)irin" which like Sterling o on silver. �t positively contains proper directions o nsfhr Colds, the only genuine Asiirii,-- Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu-, the .Aspirin prescribed by physicians ,algia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Need - for over nineteen pears and now tis, Joint Pians, and Pain generally. made iii Canada. Tin boxes of 12 tablets test but Alwttys buy an unbroken package' a few cents. I,erger "Bayer" panka3es. %%ere as Dimly one Aegirirna,"Ba er''--yona. snuit da' "Bzi,yea9' Aspirin la the. trade mark (registered in Canada) of ]3a,yyer Manufacture tieAtosis4, neettcacldester of 3alicyiioa.cid. While it to well icuo•On net Aaplr3it tnoof a 'Yt tpeit manufacture, to aaet1at tire puhitc agrlrtes Imitations, the Tcabet5 ' of, Berola eenay t ';#411 be stamped With their general trade 1nare, COO syor Cretee" •