HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-5-13, Page 3Meetii"ag Brazilian Savaged, While Mr. Leo E. •Miller svae 4".4. condte s, the Rio'Gy1?arum in Braztl, he had e rttraspgc •exile ience witht:10 savages of that f olatecl •seat#ort of Soutli America, which he has hie tgook, i des- cribed en .the Wilds at _. n South Airier ca, A .sound of loud hallooing came DESIRE TO EAT FIAT YOU WANT o attilS Cap he . .:estoietl to a Vigorous, Healthy front the forest, lie tivrites, and we A, Gpn r ipf3, swung the great boat toward the I to flat shore,. We, landed :and climbed the !, Not to be limited in diet, but steep bink; then, foliosving a wide whatever be pleases is the dream of path tor a atetance of about twenty every dyspeptic. No one can honest-, yards, we came upon' a email swift ly promise to restore any stomach to y f 'streamthat ran under a CEtnopy or ! this happy conndition, because all matted vegetation. As We gonad tato people cannot eat the same things the gloomy' tunnel four cline, bronze with equally satisfactory' results. It figures emerged from, the forest and. tie literally true that "what is one begangesticulatingwildly anDnachat- i man's food is another Luau's poison,". . tering in a Strange ,jargon. Our cap- But it is possible to so tone up the e of bright -red digestive organs that as uleasing, diet iglu tering, in blenches g beadsand started to wade the stream: ; may be' selected from articles of food but they at once withdrew into the that cause no disoomfort. When the stomach lacks tone there thick cover, SVIAe e it than i're A moment later they reappeared, Is no welter way to regio and filially one of their nttniber came `to build up the blood. Good digestion - to the edge of the stream and held ' withoutrich, red blood Is impossible, out his hands. ' Ile then pointed to and Dr, Williams' Pink Pills offer the one of our mon and motioned for him very best way le build up •and enrich to take off his clothes and come over the blood. For this reason•.these pills with the pre; •eats, which he did. The are especially good in stomach trouble Indian grabbed the presents from the attended by thin blood, and in attaoke iunn'S outstretched hands, gave hiin of nervoizs dyspepsia, Proof of the a violent flush and fled to his conA- value of Dr. Williams' rink rills ie. nanious. After some parleying we laid .even toe most obsttu tte cases of out an assortment of beads, knives' stomach trouble is given by Mrs. S. and hatchets on our side oe the river, Morrisou, W Varney, Ont., who says:— retreated a number of paces and in- T shall always feel .indebted to a vited the Indians. to come over, Sion-- friend who ,advised 'me to use 'Dr. ly they came, apparently with • many Williams' Pink Pills. -,-I had .been a misgivings. They made no attempt sufferer for upwards of twelve years to flee, but cast meaning glances be- with stomach trouble v,'hich resulted hind them where obviously an armed in a general weakness of the whole force was secreted to protect them. system. My meals always caused me The chief's first deed was to enact . great discomfort, and, at times I a drama that we shall never forget. would go hungry rather than undergo Assuming a rigid pose, he pointed the suffering which followed heals. I straight in front'of him with one hand, was constantly taking something or as if taking aim. then with a sudden other recommended for the trouble, "p.ong" he clutched at his breast ana but without finding a cure, and often fell on his knees, and then sank to the trouble kept me in bed when I the ground, where he lay moaning. We should have been about doing my understood the accusation. One of his tribe had been shot to death by our people, probably a rubber collecter farther down the river. After the pautaniime we showed them how to use the machetes and hatchets, and they seemed delighted; but when we demonstrated the use of matches their joy knew no bounds. They yelled and danced; they made grimaces` and tried to set the bushes afire. Finally, the chief shouted a guttural commaud, ani three more savages appeared instantly and joined the group. When we left'vre promised to return and bring more machetes Fine New Citizens for to a0000PRflying the train on the first part of its jour. ne r.. 1 Canada, It is a great Work, this fathering of ri'he irAlmigration btrildiuga at any' the DoxAlnion's citlien-to•be not only n1 porarily aoeontlnodating, but i'm- 1 e. to 1 of an tl' r � 's Y o I A n rt_ t I)ox x ni i tl a i o 0 1 a,1 in fi l slit x At, i 1 e, g �s of t ar irr t_r 1 0 sentr cttA'iaus some of hustle .and i' t gtraxt ox's that they are welcorilo bnstlo shortly after the arrival of one ! thew 3 g of the giant ocean liners, and a Wit all - nese that C'ariada', 4s'Rfltti them. A • t the oheertul sexed -off, tz'ee front annoying e soon nfoie likely to 5' not l g flags i n Y worries, mane a great deal, and to Cainnlotiarr Created i#Y the disoharged this emd the Colfilaisation Agent has emigrants. A -vast mass of ixumanity been appointed. Surges through the galleries ''past the immigration officer and the various 3n- , C p eetorr, and once accepted for Cana- � I + dian citizenship, men, women, and 'The premier of South Africa, Gen, children of every find, loaded down Smuts, is a hard Worker and thorough. with baggage of every shape and form ly unaffected. Consequently, he hates rush hither and thither making multi- gush. tudinous inquiries of everyone general- "Let me see," said a high and ly uuacgnainted with the next step to mighty young officer who sat next to be taken to further proceed, on their aim at a reception in London shortly journen aftei the Boer War, "haven't we --ah It 'is neither pleasant nor comfort- —met somewhere?" able to land friendless in a : strange "Yes," replied the general, land.... The hardened traveller feels "Thought so," remarked the officer; this and more deeply those who set adding with a bored air, "One meets foot in a foreign land where customs, so many people! , Let me see, where conditions, and possibly language dif- did we meet?" far from those to which the emigrant "In South Africa," retorted the has been. accustomed from childhood, general curtly. "You surrendered to Then the petty. worries incidental. to me during the war." travelling are intensified by the total unfamiliarity. , on every hand, and t each move is fraught .with 'embarrass BEST MEDICINE THE mento Yet each month thousands of potential Canadian citizens are ar- riving at the Dominion's shores from the ,British Isles, France, Belgium, Holland and Scandinavia—people who have broken up homes and life-long ties at the promise of the great new land. Into a whirl of unfamiliar sights and sounds, in a confusion of humanity and baggage, many unacquainted with the Language they hear on every hand —thus, at the gateways of the Domin- ion, arrive the ancestors of the Cana- dians of tomorrow. First impressions are often linger- ing; they are apt to have a consider- able bearing on . future outlook. Realizing this and the expediency of rendering the utmost service to these Dominion builders -to -be, the Depart - housework. My friend, who had had ment of Colonization and Development a similar attack, carie tce see me and of the Canadian Pacific. Railway, in - urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink terested among other progressive Pills, which had helped her. I got a phases, in the human development of supply at once and began taking thein, the country, has appointed a colonfza- and soon found relief. By the time I tion agent—a foster parent to ems- had used eight boxes I was again en- grants arriving an the company's joying the best of health, and with a boats. When a vessel steams into. good appetite and a stomach restored port he is there to go on board with to normal. Had I known of this media the immigration officer—Capt, Andrew clue -earlier it would have saved me McDuff, veteran of two wars, versed years of suffering, and I urge any who in many languages, sympathetic, tact - may be in a• similar condition to try ful, and schooled in the many sides of these pills at once." human nature. He is at the service Yon can get Dr. Williams' Pink of these new arrivals to assist with Pillsthrough any dealer in medicine or by: mail postpaid at 50 cents a box or six boxes:- for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine. Co., Brockville, Ont.' *TOPA snatches. Fighting a Leopard. During - .an African hunting trip a tektributor to the Wide World Maga- tilee found the natives at a. remote camp greatly , excited over a white raan;s having been attacked by a leo- pard. A Dutchman, named Impey had lost some sheep and had set~a trap gun, and two other settlers, Pothering - ham and Curtis, had been spending the night in the district an their way back to their, farm with. some -cattle they had bought at the terminus of the railway.. In the evening Fotheringham and Curtis 'had heard the trap gun go off and, taking lanterns, had gone out to investigate. They found a little blood and the track of a leopard, but since they could do nothing until morning they returned to their tent. Early the next morning Fotheringham accom- panied the Dutchman in: search of the leopard while Curtis, his partner, started with the cattle. They, had very little trouble in tracking the beast, because it had left a thick blood trail, and Fotheringham, who led the way, Dame face to face with the pursued animal at the top of a small hill. Aiming hastily, he pulled the trigger, but the cartridge: missed fire, and before he could eject it and .Push home another the brute was upon him. Fotlieringham was an extremely powerful yuan, with chest. and arms like those of a Hercules. He was them more than fifty years of age, but in his younger days he had been well known in the South African boxing ring. When the leopard landed an. his shoulders and' ripped hint with its claws, he threw his rifle down grip- ped the annual in his strong arms and, exerting all his strength, tore it from its hold and tossed it some yards away. Quickly seizing his ride; he started once more to load it, But the leopard sprang before he was ready. Stepping to one side, Fotheringham lifted his rifle in the air and dealt the beast a mighty blow as it flew past him. He smashed the stock of his weapon, but stunned the leopard. Be- . Pose it recovered, Impey shot it. Fotheringham had his wounds dressed and then followed his partner on their fifty -mile trek to their farm. Fill a shallow dish or bowl half full of water. Throw in eight pr ten com- mon. bottle corks, Arrange the flowers among the corks, which will be hidden entirely by the flowers: This sug- gestion is ug-gestion'is especially useful for violets, pansies and other, ' short -stemmed flowers. Applause is the end and aim of weak 'minds. information and advice. He shep- herds them from the boat to the wait- ing train, secures seating and sleep- ing accommodation, • overseas the checking and loading of baggage, does "everything hilmauly possible in fact to ensure a safe and entire arrivatat 'the many points' of destination even FOR LIME ONES Thousands of mothers state posi- tively that Baby's Own Tablets are the beat .medicine they know of for little ones. Their experience has taught them that the Tablets always do just what is claimed for them and that they can be given with perfect safety to children of all ages. Con- cerning them Mrs. Joseph Therrien, St. Gabriel de Brandon, Que., writes:. "Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine I Blow of for little ones. I thought I would ices my baby before trying the Tablets but they soon made him healthy and happy and now 1 would not be without them." The Tablets are sold by xnedlcine dealers or by mail at 2.1 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. Good. Enough For a Girl. Togs for the Tiny Tots 9476 9486 9476—Girl's Raglan Dress (smocked or shirred;' bloomers buttoned to underbody. Price, 25 cents. In 5 sizes, 6 to 14 years. Size 6 requires 8% yds. 32 ins.. wide, or 2% yds. 36 ins. wide, Linen would be a most serviceable material for this frock. McCall Transfer Design .No. 690. Price, 15 cents.. 9463 --Child's ' Dress (empire yoke and sleeves in one; two-piece straight skirt smocked or shirred), Price, 20 cents: In 6 sizes, 1 to 6 years. Size 6 requires 17/s yds. 40 ;ins, wide. 112cCa1l Transfer Design No. 690. Price, 15 cents. No. 1013, price,. 20 cents. 9486—Boy's Bolero Suit (with blouse;,knee trousers). 'Price, 20 Dents. Five hundred letters a' minute can be opened by a new electric letter - b .p ener: •' About fifty envelopes are blared ;at one thine• on a "szitall feed- •• table, carried one by one on a belt, and passed. between two revolving 'knives, which cut the envelopes open.' Mere words are .cheap anis plenty .enough, but ideas that' rouse and se i'nultitudes thinking ,come es gold ;tom the mines. • RHEUMATISM This is just the season wheal, beumatisxhwethits Igrinding pain and stinen ng of joints goats hold oL You. fight it with Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Templeton's Bheumatio Oapsulee bring cer tent relief, and permanent re- sults. They are recorn•- inended by doctors, and sold by reliable druggists everywhere for $1.04 a box, o14r2wKing St. rite to WTe.,'pletntoonts, mToro. liseitod anywhere on re- ceipt of price. ASTH MA Ternpleton's RAZ -NIA et Cap- sules are guaranteed, to relieve .A S T ei MA. Don't suffer an- other day. Write Templetons, 142 King St. W., Toronto, ter freesemp e. Reliable druggists sell them at *1.04 a box. The Master's Love. Fair blossoms that bloom in the spring, The, song of a trush in the greening brush, The flash of a swallow's wing: Nothing they mean - nothing or much; The Master's smile and the Master's touch, A. father and another, says a British weekly, had brought their month-old twins to an East Lundon church to be christened. All. went well until the rector asked, "And what is this child's name?" The father pulled himself up and re- plied, ,"Haig Pershing Foch Marne Mona Lloyd :George Clemenceau Jones; , The -rector gasped. Then, taking a deep breath, he turned to the mother, who was holding the other child. "And the name of this?" he asked. The meek little woman smoothed her dress and whispered, "Maud:" ' 9463 8910 In 5 sizes, 2 to 6 years. Sift 4. re- quires, blouse, 1 yd. 36 ins. wide; bol- ero with long sleeves, trousers, 1% yds. 36 ins. wide. Trim and smart is this little bolerosuit for the up-to- date boy, 8920—Child's Empire Dress (two- piece skirt section, with or .without pockets). Price, 20 cents. In 5: sizes, 2 to 10 years. Size ti requires 2% yds. 36 ins:wide; collar, cuffs, % yd. 36 ins: wide. This dainty frock is par- ticula$iy suitable for the little :girl. . Transfer Design No. 847. Price, 15 cents. These pattern's may be obtained from your: local, McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co,, 70 Bond Street, Toronto, .Dept. W. , , ^^'rZ=031= "[c* icss a*., x..y.• ,.✓t ~v�'�..' __.e.«._,i x5 Tea and o .. Hurt, any pip If -tea or coffee disc e s with yob,, .k ' a• :fin ;days trial o ta, l_ °fit. INS ,Asti r 'More he,+ �,:�-•tea. [d.Ii .'.,iILl s, , v I •�'`+. saki by °ri to s t rer rkitOrei • ,, T. • SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi sons .from little stomach, liver and bowels ITS OF mom E Not it Treader. "Bragg was boasting to Re the other day about his Library," said one' man to another. "Ile told rue thr:t Ile had all the gems of English literature in It," "They must be uncut gents;" replied his friend. . The rain and the •wind -and the sun, The murmur of bees in the linden trees, The thrust of a' little one; Nothing they mean—nothing or this: The Master's voice and the Master's kiss. The moon and the stars and the night, And the homeward way at the close of day, At the end of the road a light; Nothing they mean—nothing or all: The Master's love and the Master's call. Product of the Oak, "Now, children," said the teacher, "I have explained to you howmany trees give us' food, in the way, offruit, and in other ways. You rernen'Aber that I said man taps ,the maple tree to get maple syrup. Where does tapioca eoms from, then? "1 expect," said Oliver, after a pause, "that you tap the oaks,' don't you?" Obedient Boy.. "Did, you deliver my message to Mr. Smith, Tommy?" asked the manager of the new office boy. "No, sir," replied Tommy. "He was out, and his office .was locked up," "Why didn't you Wait for him as I told you to?" "There was a notice on the. door, sir, saying `Return immediately,' so T came back here as quickly as I could; sir.,, • MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. Peanuts as Milli Substitute. The common peanut is the source of a new substitute for milk, which so closely resembles its prototype that it turns sour and curdles, produces buttermilk when churned, and may be made into cheese. The new lacteal product originated' in the laboratory of a Southern State university, where the peanut kernels are converted into four times their volume of milk, varying from four to eight per cent. in fat content, and from 2.4 to 3.3 per cent. in protein. Minarsi's !_•inimentfor sate everywhere —Ernest H. A. Home. Mount Theodore Roosevelt. Sheep Mountain, near Deadwood, and one of the highest of the Black Hills in South Dakota, is now known A Mormon temple was recently as Mount Theodore Roosevelt. Credit de- fer the renaming is due to a local dicated in one of the Hawaiian Islands. society of first settlers, who are also It is said to be the only Mormon responsible for the stone tower which temple outside of continental United crows the eminence. The structure is States. built of rough stone. Imbedded in the , walls are two tablets, one showing forth the dedicatory lines, the other L of Cos the society's beautifully worded memorial, Classified Advertisements t x` ENS' O0aitalseride WERTILeattre will Pay vUa. George Steven*, *, eterboroilgli Gptario, ztwssas11r44ND !Ors B%tr.itl, ALF sgOTIQN lkr'Ann LAND, _virgta coif, 'surrounding .lana antler bttitivul'IorA+ neay,l>,ytttieio'd, sttsc, alum. hoes. 15 ;It9therford Ave.. e emilto Boas 1a7 MI.4. EQUIPPBP Names eaStle8k YY and Job printing &int in I'iast.erit Ontario: 1nruranee carried 51,500. Witt p for 81.,200 on autek sa}e, Box , 11L1Wilson 5 ubltehtnR Co., 14d., Toronto sorT" Etat WANTED. LI Orr ELM "WANT 0D, 2 IN. AND ftr, thiaiter, shipped green from tram Do eat heli until you oo;nmu-i.,,nte witht uA. *Keenan Bros. -Limited, Owen ,5, ountk. zarsciisyxatenouiR Cll..1ANCu1, TUMORS. L,UalL$. Ore,. internal and external,cured' without Pain by our home treatment. write us pefore top Iota Dr. Beriman Medics! Co., Colitne'waod, one .w The door between us and Heaven cannot he open when the door between us and our fellow men is closed. Ask for Minard's and take no .other, Nearly all the world's supply of asbestos comes froin Canada. Accept "California. Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child' is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little•stomach, liver and bowels. Child. ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bot- tle. Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "California." Little Brother's Larnent. My big brother has gone and done Some fine, brave trick—has Boss, For father's hraggin' ;low he won The Military Cross! Seems everybody round this house Must sport a cross, by heck! Mother, she wears a silver cross Ashining on her neck. And sister wears a big red cross „That makes; yqu mot believe Near as can be, she tries to wear Her heart upott lier sleeve. But you should just have seen the day- , My dad's and mom's proud glance -- When sister, wearing her Red Cross, Went on he'r' way' to France! 'You bet year lite iu our.family Crosses are jtst'the thing— Brie 'daddy hing-'-•l~1v'ie'daddy wears alit to sort o' cross Upon hit signet f t to g But; no heroics i can boast Seem 'of the least avail,'' , I orxiy. Setmy 11xaltes.e cross-- By palling at iter ts}l ! , , A Hearth .having Reminder. Don't Wait until you get the Spaniah Iniiuortae. U58 Mnard's liniment At the first sign of tt. Ite Healing Qualities are amazing, THE OLD RELIABLE. MINARD'S LINIMENT OO., Limited. ..Yarmouth, N.B. An Egyptian Cinderella. Shoes have their tradition of song and story. We all kuow Cinderella, but few have heard of Rhodope, the Egyptian maiden who had the most beautiful foot to be found along the Nile. One day when she was at her bath a discriminating eagle flew down and carried off her sandal, which he dropped, by way of a suggestion, at the feet of the king. Of course, the king put his heralds right on the job, took a handl in the search himself, found his Cinderella and made' her queen of Egypt. Our boys in France must have seen the • many shrines and memorials. around Soissons dedicated to St,. Cris- pin, patron saint of shoemakers. The story goes that St. Crispin and his brother Crispianus were Romans, who, about the year 303, were con- verted to Christianity. Together they went north into 1 France, spreading the Gospel. They supported themselves bymaking shoes which they sold to the natives at a very low price. Presumably, they undersold all competitors, At any rate, possibly with the encouragement and connivance of the local Chamber of Commerce, they were flatly put out ofthe way by the ungrateful prole- twist - • ie with• When malting apple,,p es can Syrup, sprinkle on a little salt and, Snta'll piece of butter. Theis ate no 1niltionAriie poets, q�. Silence often covers a lot of ignor- ance. to • Our dreaming capacity gives us a peep into the glorious realities that await us further on. It is the evi- dence of things possible to us. Doesn't butt a bit and Freezone costs only a few cents. SINCE. 16 1870 d TpRw!?F?'S1 COUGHS HAIR SOON TOO SHORTTO DO UP cc A little "Danderine" stops your hair: coming out and doubles its beauty /g Tw stop tailing .hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dared- ruff, get a small bottle of delightful "Danderine" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents,, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several applications the hair usually stops coming out and you can't find any dandruff. Help- your hair to grow strong, thick and long and be- come soft, glossy and twice as beauti- ful and abundant. With your fingers ° You eau lift off any hard corn, soft oorn, or corn be- tween the toes, and the hard skin cal- luses from bottom of feet. A tiny . bottle of "Freezone costs little at any drug store; apply a few drops upon the corn or callus. In- stantly it stops hurting, then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or cal- lus right off, root and all, without one bit of pain or soreness. Truly! No humbug America's 7.%oaeer Dog monodies Boo aou DOG DISEASES and zz0W to roan Dialled Free to:any Ad- dress by the Author. 8. Clay Wooer Co., 3aa. 113 West 81st Street , New York, U,$,A. ****.a.tatafehaeateiteeestetew How to Cure Biliousness Aoctore,warn against reaneclics ru and powerful dn g containing le alcohol "'The Extract of Roots, long known as !Healer Seigel's Curative Syrup ; has no dope or strong • ingredientsit Cured indigestion, biliousness and . constipation. Can be had at any • drug store." Get the genttine: SQc. end $1.00 Bottles. 3 o-a•seeete aatieaatat'r2•aese vagra 'sst IdA' ISSUE No, 19—'20. SALT HUM FSR FIVEYFARS On Face, Arms and Hands. Caw Heaps. '°I have had salt rheum for the past five years. My face, arras, and hands broke out all over in rough scaly patches so that you could :, hardly put. your finger wbcre there wan not a patch. 1 got so I could not sleep at night. "Seeing Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment advertiocd I. thought I would give thein a trial, and after uoing a full-sized box of .Cuticaaa Ointment with the Cnticxra Soap I was healed." (Signed) Mrs. Thomas Hogan. Essex Janction, Vt., Dec. 18, 1918. Use Cuticura for every -day toilet purpoocs. Bathe with Soap, soothe with Olntmsnt, dust with Talcum. Soap 25c. Oda2ara ,nt 25 and SOc. scud throughoottheDorninion. C:nadlanDepot: 12.nrin,:s, Lirai:od, at. Po.,1 Moa. •e d. „'yKy"4Sj`+ �v''n:9C4iY'Y'i.1r' Dari fc�lDC•.7V^ 'rtiit2,oni C4S8.Qu ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER"ARE IN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer. Cross" dam\ AVER For Colds, Pain, IT.'eadaclnt, Nciiral package which contains complete di - la, 7"ootIAaclte, Earache, mad for retrtionts Then you are getting zeal Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica,.Neu- Aspirin—the genuine Aspirin pre - title, take .i1spitin marked with the scribed by physicians for over nate. name "Bayer" or you are not taking teen years, Now made, in Canada, Aspirin at all. Handy tits boxes rnntanung 1a Lab Acee . t only "Bayer Tablets of lets cost but a few cents. Druggists Aspirin' ..in an unbroken, "Bayer" .also sell larger "Bayer" packages. " must to 5c11, j"e " neve is only one Aslias�uit•�+ "1"itxyex ,-r';4tnrtt :axt Antririn 10 the trat10 uteric (registered fin Canada) of BaVer,Manitiaatttte of Mono, nretiraoideetee of 5"alicyricncict, While it ,s well I:hewn that .A.3pirin niacin Iltwet auaottfaeture, to aselat that pubttd agalaet 1 - -tenons, the Tablets of Bayor CoAYttiatty. wilt So etateved watt their general traria mark-, tee "nas"ar Crum"