The Exeter Times, 1920-5-6, Page 3BEELS AND
But They : Are- Nearly .... Always
Due to Thin, Watery Blood.,
Do not think' that because your
stomach le easily upset you are the
'detain of some serious m=alady. One
of the most common predimpoe r
cause of indigestion is amentia, or
thin, watery blood. In fact it leas be.
conte generally recognized that
healthy activity, of the stomach. is ire.
passable unless the blood is rich
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills have been
found most valuable in cases of indi-
gestion, nervous dyspepsia and storn-
ach weakness, just because they are
a blood builder and nerve tonic. Tlie
rich, red blood they make not only
imparts a healthy digestion, but car-
ries color to the cheeks and lips and
gives vigor to the muscles. One itn-
portant point to remember is that Dr,
*Williams' Pink Ptils contain no harm-
ful drugs or opiates and are thus. to be
preferred to preparations that merely
stimulate for a time. Before you be-
gin worrying unnecessarily about your
state of health, try the tonic treats
ment of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
Yoa will be surprised to see how
rapidly your appetite returns and your
whole debilitated system revives, as
the new, rich blood courses through
your body. Here is the statement of
one person among thousands Who have
used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to their
own gr rat advantage. Mrs. A. Veniot,
Romford, N.S., says: "For about two-
years I was a great sufferer from in-
digestion, which seemed to carry with
it a complication of other troubles.
Graceful Carriage Depends
Upon Shape and Size of
Foot Covering.
'Tile question of the .height of a wo-
Man's heels always has been and al-
ways will be a vexed one. In spite
of the diatribes of the medical profes-
bion, a large number of the feminine
sex ,will persist, till the end of the
chapter, in tottering along on heels
from two to three ladles in. height•.
The reasons for the popularity of
the high -heeled shoe are manifold.
First of all, it enables the sitart wo-
man to add several inches to her ap-
parent height. it gives a pretty,
curved line to the back of the ankle
and heel. Last, but not least, it makes
a large, flat, ugly toot look quite pre-
sentable, since' it fore -shortens the
ledtli and gives the appearance of a,
high instep, even where practically no
instep exists.
Larger Shoes Nowadays,
On the other hand, only a small,
be.tutifully-shaped foot, surmounted
by the elondorest of slender ankles,
looks well in the dainty little thin-
soled, heelless, slim saudals our
grandmothers wore. •
Just as a strong north light reveals
every lite and defect in a face, so
does a heelless slipper show up a bad-
ly -formed foot.
In the days whoa such shoes were
in vogue, a high instep was the rule
instead of being the exception. The
feet were usually exquisitely formed
and so small that "ones" and "twos"
were tate sizes universally worn.
"Threes" were on the large size,
"fours" were demanded diffidently,
and no one would confess to wearing
a "five,"
Nowadays a girl considers she has
a fairy foot if she can get it into a
four; six is quite a usual size;, and
were the immortal Clementine still
living, ,alto would find rivals compet-
ing for even her classic "number
So much for the high heel; now for
tho other side of the question.
The shape of a high -heeled shoe
makes it quite impossible for the
e e rarer to walk, really well. The
taretria::cles of the foot become stiff and
swollen, and the footsteps heavy, ha
stead, of light and clastic.
Foss of Health and Grace.
When Dandelions Blow.
They grow among the pasture grass.
(Barefoot he drove the .cattle home),
Along the creek where 'les his boat,
A erumplee shell, ('lie sloes .not
They 011ie upon the country road.
(He always wltietled as he ran).
Ole, such a little time agol
put now he is a man.
",Gold stars" he called them as they.
AU wilted in his baby baud.
Stars were his eyes,—all eager wise
With thinga he could not understand
Then, boyhood --- the outstretohing
oul—Still pools his eyes, the wind his
A. million dandelions blow.
My matechild lies in trance,
They grow an'long the pasture grass,
Sun -gilded at a 1Vlaytlma sky.
Gold stars! A thousand mothers
A thousand mothers proud as I.
Proud.? Ay—and yet -when. night creeps
dowel, _
And sleep my anguished ayes may
With wilted Sowers he comes to me
When dandelions blow.
Children of all . ages—whether it be
the new-born babe' or the growing
9456 s child have to be constantly' guarded
as to their health. ' Upon the good
9460 health of the -little one largely de-
9471—Misses' Dress (suitable for pends his strength ad efuleessain
small women; kimono sleeves; two- 4 after years. Baby's medOwn Tafor letschildare
piece skirt in two lengths; with inset i. the ideal home
side panels, with or without two-piece of all ages. They are a gentle but
drapery). Price, 330 cents. In 3 sizes, thorough laxative which are absolute -
16 to 20 years. Size 16 requires .3.% le- guaranteed to be free from opiates
yds. 40 ins, wide; vest, ea yd. 18 ins. or other harmful drags and which
wide. Width, 1% yds• may be given to the youngest child
Every meal I tool: brought with tt 9456—Misses'idth,press (suitable for with perfect safety and beneficial re -
misery, as it was followed by pain, small woman; with or without collar snits Through their action on the
and sometimes nausea and vomitin;,. and skirt drapery; two-piece skirt
At other times gas would Yarm in the'caught under at lower edge and at- bowels anon and machindigestion;y banieh eek
fotmdation). constipation that xa•^ tached to two-piece
stomach to such an extentto 20
heart would palpitate at an alarming Price, 25 cents. In 3 sizes, 16 ds. 40 up colds and simpleoefeversou can make
rate. These oot,dittous brought on es- years. id Size10 contrasting, requires
ie�s3 36 ens• tytithinur g easy.
sones well and keep them
treme nervousness and irritability, and ins. w ,
wide width, 114 yds, well by just keeping a box of the Tab -
round my general health so much 9460---b1 508' Dress (suitable for lets at hand and by giving an occa-
tireected that the least exertion would small women; kimono sleeve; two- clonal dose to the baby to keep his
me, and I slept but poorly. I had piece skirt in two lengths). Price, 25 little bowels regular and his stomach
been doctoring for several months cents. In 3 sizes, 16 to 20 years. Size sweet.The Tablets are sold byt medi-
with no result beyond slight temporary 16 requires 4% yds. d•0 ins. wide; col- sine .dealers or by male at 25 cents e
relief, when I was advised by a friend lar, cuffs, 'l yd. 40 ins. wide. Width,
to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Ida- 1ei yds. box from The Dr. Williams Medicine
tided to follow this advice, and got These patterns may be obtained Co., Brockville, Ont.
a Leif dozen boxes. Good results from your local. McCall dealer, or
soon began to show from this treat- from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., British "Left -Hand" Drive.
Toronto Dept, W.
meat, and the further continued use ' The left -nand drive as the rule of
of the pills have made me -a. well wo• Island I Kings. the road may soon vanish from the
man. 1 can cheerfiilly recommend North American continent. hitherto
Dr. -Williams' Pink Pills to similar Lord Leverhulme, the English Soap it has clung tenaciously to some parts
sufferers." King, lately became Lord of Lewis by of Canada and to British Col -
You can procure Dr. Williams' Pink purchasing that largest and most of'arableeastern as a survival of a custom still
Pills Through any dealer in medicine northerly island of the Outer Heb- prevailing in England and in parts of
or they will be sent you by mail at rides. It is a piece of land containing Italy. But British Columbia, with the
60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 not much less than half a million exception of Vancouver Island, will
by writing direct to The Dr. Williams' acres, and the population at last cen-
sus was 34,319. Lord Leverhulme fell next.
adopt the right-hand drive in 3nly
in love with the people, although he The urgent need of a uniform sys-
has only been. there twice_ first in tens may 'Counsel :.even England to
1884, and again. in 1917. " ` abandon a rule which is a picturesque
"I do not thinkI have ever met historical survival. Probably from
Jr:e cf the greatest attractions a
ran can have is a free, beautiful, Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
If you. have,sathma, don't •
imagine that you must ai-
Wa a utter untold misery,
Belle; Quiole, sure Med sate
1s guaranteed: in even the
coretceees by using
We are en certain of zees
2reee samples oill f these
sules,confident that Yaui
Will had them all we that.
claimed. Write to Tena-
Tetons, 143 Bing Bt, W.
Sold by reliable druggists
everywhere Tor $1.04 a ox.
A Long Walt.
rohnny, I don't believe you've
studied your geography"
"No, xnum. I hear pa say the map
of the world was changing every day,
an' I thought I'd wait a few years till
things got settled."
Just the Sante.
The Dean of a Western University
was told by the students that the
cook at the dining hall was turning
" n
..�. out food fit to oat. The
summoned the delinquent, lectured
him with , dismissal unless conditio
were bettered. "Sir," said the cook,
"you oughtn't to place so much im-
portance on what the young men tell
you about my meals. They come to
me in just the same way about your
'For fifteen years the ptandard
epeollic for
.Rheumatism, Pleuritis, Goat
Sciatica, Lumbago, teouralglal
Many doctors prescribe there.
Write to Temptetone, 142 Kine $t. W., tetania, for
true lempto. Sold by retleblk draggieto OYe,TNhoro for
Leet per box.
Ten -Cent Divorce.
Advocates of speedy and inexpen-
sive divorce will see the practice in
full action' .f' they care to adventure
as far as Kashgar. Miss Ella Sykes,
F.R.G.S., who, with her brother, Sir
Percy Sykes, has traversed Chinese
Turkestan and the Pamirs, has an il-
luminating chapter on certain Eastern
marriage cuatoms in "Through Des-
erts and Oases of Central Asia."
In Kashga'r there are many "super-
fluous women'" owing to the .emigra-
tion of men from the oases, and mar-
riage is consequently eheap for a
suitor. The "marriage of conven-
ience" is the rule, as parents . often
sell their daughter to the highest bid-
der without allowing her any freedom
of choice,
It is true that there is a compensat-
ing custom, as divorce may be had for
about ten cents, but as the women
may not remarry until a hundred days
have elapsed, elle has generally diffi-
culty in keeping herself meantime, al-
though the discarded husband is sup-
posed to return the dowry that he re-
ceived with his bride when the mar-
riage contract was concluded.
One decided advantage on the wo-
man's side is that if her husband
divorces her she may take all the
movables in the house, ands glia an,the
case of a merchant much dins wealth
consists of carpets and jtxass utensils,
he often finds It cheaper to take a
second wife rather than 'divorce the.
first, who would make a Bean sweep
of the "bits and pieces" of household
The missionaries told Miss Sykes
that most of the women in Kashgar
had been married several times, and
that this constant divorce led to the
wives taking whatever they could
from their husbands and putting it by
against a rainy day.
stinging gait from the hips. This is
unachievable when high b.eels are :
worn, because a proper balance can-
not be obtained --and the whole art in • Fr'a 33zeSS.
v;ati ing gracefully and .,'ell consists The eldest sons of British peers bear more charming people anywhere," is
in having a free action from the hips k "courtesy titles' Lard Leverhulme's testimonial to the
what urs, known as c _ , .
islanders, and he is leaking forward to
and throwing the entire weight of
the body lirst on one foot and then en
the ether,
Aga n, the artificial height and pe -
when the head of the house nae �wv hasping them in road -malting and in
or three and can spare an inferior one C other neighborly ways—in short, he
to his eau. t desire to be a kind of earth -
Earl Winterton, a young English; seems s
culler shapeheof heel under discussion1 providence, a perennial Father
ilrrows the spine of the wearer out politician, has a keen sense of ltuas est Christmas to his subjects, and with his
of €e:tr and disarranges the internal and can enjoy a joke on himself, •as !si means and good will there is no res
economy. I3ackacrc and kindred ills evidenced by his recounting of this sen why he should not be.
„re the .result. That curiously -named atned south-vrestern
:lith ughres there is ranch to be said Before succeeding to the earldom he corner of Manxiand, called the Calf of
in fairer of the heelless slipper from a was known as Lord Tumour, under Man, a little island five miles round,
health polies of view, it is not practi- which name he figures, in some Haley and six hundred acres in area, • It has
scenes in the House. A few months belonged for mans, veers to the Cary
cal for general wear. This is es-
pecially the epee when it is necessary
to stand for any length of time, Few
modern feet are suflfciently developed
muscularly to bear the whole weight
'of the body thrown on the instep with-
out the plantar arch giving way, thus
causing the painful and ugly condi-
tion known as flat foot. Here the de-
sirability of the medium heel comes
My advice to every girl and woman
who values her health and beauty is
to exercise the muscles •of her feet
and ankles might and morning by
walking three yards, stopping to tip-
toe three tines, and proceeding an-
other three yards, and so on for five
minutes at a time.
Finish With Massage,
Finally. work the toes, moving each
soparate joint of each toe, then all
the toes together, with the hand, and
finish by thoroughly massaging the
foot and ankle, working with firm.,
even strokes from the toes upwards,
and thumbing well between the bones
of the instep.
Having strengthened and beautified
the foot, make a habit of wearing
dainty, heelless slippers for bedroom
and boudoir.
For walking, standing, and general
use, well cut boots and shoes with
wide, medium heels.
And for high days and holidays, to
pay nothleg of nights when little, if
any, walking is needed, the girl- who
wants to disguise 'an ugly foot may, if
she please, totter along in gorgeous,
glittering confections, with heels three
inches in height and about an eighth
Of an. inch in diameter, it,it so please
• e
The Best Plan..
&ad's Dietl for every man
Is surely best;
Then Heart, let Him impart
His 'will and rest,
If ratan but And God's plan
And rest on X31s behest,
lie will im.part•'unto bis'"hedxt "
Strength for each test.
It is. estimated -that the oil lost
annilally by• the burning of oil wells
is equal to nearly 2,000,000 barrels.
after his father's death he was thus' family, who are, therefore, Kings of
addressed at dinner by a fellow guest:� the Calf; but theirs cannot be a very
"I ought to know you, but I can't valuable possession except on its
recall your name: i sentimental side, for rabbits are its
"Oh, I am Earl Winterton," was the. chief inhabitants, and these, together
reply. with myriads of sea -birds, have a good
"Of course, of course," said the, time till someone comes with a gun,
other. "Why, I have been oanfoun The Duke of Argyll himself is lord
ing you all the evening 'with that asst of several islands of the Hebrides,
"Thank 'Eaven."
and also 61 Mull and Islay. There is
no greater chieftain in all Scotland
than the McCallum More; and when,
A story which is enjoyed by Lady in the early seventies of last century,
Bonham -Carter, the witty daughter of Queen Victoria's daughter. Louise gave
Mr. Asquith, concerns a canvasser at her hand to the Marquis of Lorne, it
a certain election, who happened up is recorded that an old woman of Islay
on a loan reading the addresses and
studying the faces of the two candi-
"Well, what do you 'think of them?"
asked the canvasser.
The voter shrugged his shoulders
and said nothing,
"Which candidate would you like
to vote for?" persisted the other.
"Don't know anything about none
of 'em," replied the British elector.
"But what I see of 'em, I thank 'Eaven
as only one can get in."
Simplicity itself.
"Do you know," said Prof. Brown to
hisbosom friend, "I cannot under-
stand how people forget the ages of.
their children. I have no trouble. For
example, I was born twenty-three hun-
dred years. after Socrates; my wife,•
eighteen hundred years after the
death of Tiberius Csesar; my son, John,
two thousand years .after Tiberius
Sempronius Gracchus was chosen tri-
bune of the people; and our daughter,
Amanda, fifteen hundred years after
the beginning of the Folk Wandering.
It is perfectly simple, you seer''
for most snakes and models of, cars.
Your old; broken or worst -Out parts
replaced. Write or wird us describ-
ing what you want, We carry the
largest and most eornplete titocit,in
Canada of slightly used or •nets parts
and automobte a.
CCl iipthont, .tiVe ship:
C'.0,17, anywhere in Cane,dtt. :rails
factory or refund in full our motto'
Shaw's Mite .. a*vette slut
093431 /lunette Bt _Toronto, Ont.
Classified Advertieeme
Caught Napping.
The brilliant wit of the Bar looked
the moon -facer, laborer, and winked
his friends and whispered, "Now
'11 have some fun."
'Have you been married?" he began.
'Y -e -e -es," stammered the laborer,
'Whom did you marry?"
"A w -w -woman, sir,"
"Come, my good man, of course
s a woman. Did you ever hear
yone marrying a man?"
"Ye -e -es, sir; nay sister did."
aNNTs WAN'`re '� RQuGflO»
Ontario to sell 6traitsley's rued.
Vaporizer Tor Porde ears. cinteraxltee4 Ka
save 26 to 53 per cent, asoline, Andrew
ilastie, Jr., Elmwood, Ontario.
►:.7 will pay yo s., Qeorge l3tevemt,
Peterborough, Ontario.
1p�M LA.'tfD ran SALL
�t virgin soil, surrounding land untie,.
cultivation, near lsattietord, Sealy, Clain
11. Ross, 18 Rutherford Ave., Ilarntlt0 .
Irv* & O.
t:7C7 Ei,L EQUIkk'EID NlaWifl'AP,si$
7 and Job Printing blank to Beater
Ontario, insurance carried $1,600. Will
o for Si,20(I on quick eels. 13ox
Wilson Y'ubliahing Co., Ltd.. Toronto.
and light sewing at home, whole or
spare time; good. pay, work sent any dis„
tune, eharges paid. Send stamp for
pparticulars. National Manufacturing
Co., Montreal.
The weather is bad enough some-
times, but nothing like it would be if
everybody had a ,chance to meddle
with it.
The safe -way to send money by
mail is by Dominion Express Money
SC110op TZttk18EZS -�
money in spare time—send post
tep yer Publishing Co.. 4
Always ask the butcher to split the
soup bone through the centre. 'This
will alley ali• the juice from the mar-
row to cook out.
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere
time immemorial men on foot or .f 1
horseback approached one another to
the left. They could thereby shake! w
hands while they kept their weapons l
out of the reach of hostile hands.
When vehicles came into vogue, the,
driver sat on the right of the seat the tit,
better to guard against too close con- •
tiguity of the passing wheels. The
armed man has gone, but until men
are ambidexterous there doubtless will
be those who will gird against the
drive to the right..
exclaimed_ "Victoria must be a gey
prood woman the day tae wed her
dochter tae the highest i' the land!"
Lundy, ' sometimes called the
Heavenly Land, or the Blessed Isle,
belongs to the Heaven family, the
Rev. Hudson Grosett Heaven dying
last year at the age of ninety. He
used to style himself "lord of the man-
or, and sole landowner of Lundy Is-
land." and so he was. The island is
about three miles in length, and con-
tains 1,153 acres.
She Began Early,
In You Would Succeeds
Every back must bear its burden,
every hand must do its part
In this world of rush and struggle,
with a cheerful, willing heart.
Everyone must walk Life's pathway in
the shadow and the sun,
Every task set must be tackled, work-
' ed at fairly, until done.
But if all the lines you run on only
lead you to Nowhere,
And if your constant failures fill your
soul with dull despair,
If you see uo earthly chance that cir-
cumstances will improve,
You must run on other lines, and yott
must get out of that groove.
After the ceremony the best man
handed the minister an envelope, say-
ing: "Five dollars, from the groom."
One of the intimate friends of the
bride and bridegroom quickly grabbed
for the envelope and, taking it from
the clergyman's hand, opened it, A
$2 bill was found inside,,
The best man was notified, thinking
a mf';talse had been made. The best
man and bridegroom both expressed
astonishment, declaring the envelope
had been tampered with. Finally the
bride spoke up and ooiifessed that she
had secretly abstracted $3 from the
envelope, because she thought $G was
too much to pay for such a small ser -
A good forgettery"is often as inn -
portant as a good memory. It pays
sonzetiines to just it down ;tend t
Silk handkerchiefs should be wash-
ed with
ash-ed:with borax, in tepid water, with lit-
tle or
it-tle.or no soap. Iron them before they
ogre ,dry,
Look at tongueL. Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,,
liver and bowels
thicker, shipped green from saw.
us. nKeenait BrosYLimtted�OwentSound..
Policewomen in London now use
"Casearets" is biggest selling j
Laxative -Cathartic for t
Liver and Bowels
a,a•.!+•r-7••e•cos..a••u.a•. ••.••.••a•.oew••wN•! •r•.u•s...�
Twenty-five million boxes of Cas -
carets were sold last year to :elks
who wanted relief without injury from
Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion,
Gases, Colds and Sick Headacre. Cas -
carets work while you sleep, removing
the toxins, poinons and sour, indigest-
ible waste without griping or inconveu,l-
ence• Casearets regulate by strength-
ening the bowel muscles. They never
weaken or shock the liver like calomel
or harsh pills. Cascarets cost so
little too.
el \../ internal anal a dAexerrnal, cured without
before too late Ce Bollman. Write
Co.. Limited. Coilingwood. Ont.
You can fool a hen with a china egg,
but she is not more credulous than
some foiiks.
America's Zimmer Dog 8•emedies
Boor en
and :Sow to r'*td
Maired Free to,any A.1-
drese by the Author,
.. Clay Glover. Co., Sae.
118 West 31st Street
New York, II.5.A.
accept "Califoynih Syrup of Pigs
ottiy-look for the name California on
the `.package, then you are .sure your
child is having the best 1" and most
harmless laxative or physic for the
utile stomach, liver and bowels. Child,
Ten Love its delicious fruity taste, Frill
directiotis for Cbiid'e dose on each bot,
Give it without fear,
alotheri Yon touts• say "Caliiarnla."
.ItNo. 18--'20•
Richest Woman on Earth?
Her name is Mrs. Yone Suzuki, and
it is estimated that she made over
150 million dollars during the war.
Possessing a fleet of sixty vessels,
this middle-aged Japanese woman
trades with all the markets of the
world, and bas offices and agents in
every capital.
She began her business ceveer
twenty years ago, when her husband
died and left her a sugar refinery,
which she sold for $3,250,000., With
this money she interested her-
self in shipping and manu-
factures, steadily building up
a fleet and acquiring factories
until she became interested in prac-
tically every industry in the East. To-
day she is the richest woman in the
Orient and probably in the world.
Spanish Flu
Claims Many Victims in Canada
and, should be guarded against.
Minard's liniment
Is a Great Preventative, being one of
the oldest remedies used. Minard's Lini-
ment has cured thousands of: cases of
Grippe, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Asthma
and sitnilar diseases. It is an Enemy to
,Cternis• Thousands of bottles bolas used
Avery day, for side by eii .druggists and
general dealers.
YarmouthN.S. --
• rront doormats should never be
beaten, but rolled right side 'outside
two or three times. dirt will fall. The
out 'quite readily, and a good brushing
afterward is all that is necessary.
Treated thus the Mato *ill last much
Ask for Minard's and take no other.
To renew shabby coat collars, tale
a raw potato, peel it, and grate it into
a basin. Pour half a pint of cold
water over it, and let tit stand until
it has settled. Take a piece of clean
flannel, dip it into the liquid, and rub'
the collar well. The cloth . will be-
como clean almost immediately.
rho pore -cleansing, purifying and
sterilizing properties of tbiswonder-
ful skin soap, using plenty of hot
water and soap, best applied with
the hands, which it softens wonder-
fully and the soothing and healing
properties of Cuticnra Ointment for
redness and roughness, pimples and
dandruff; if any, will prove a revela-
tion to those who use them for the
first time.
Seep 25e. Ointment 25 anal 50c. Sold
throughouttheDcmtnien. CanadianDepot:
L. emn, Limited, St. Paul St.. Montreal.
S�. Cadence Seep *has= without ao w.
"Danderine" save and
glorify your hair
In a few moments you cau trans-
form your plain, dull, Sat hair. You
can have it abundant, soft, glossy and
full of life. Just get at any drug or
toilet counter a small bottle of "Dan-
Danderine" for a few cents. Then. moisten
a soft cloth with the Danderine and
draw this through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time. Instantly.
yes, immediately, you have doubled
the beauty of your hair. It will be a
mass, so soft, lustrous, fluffy, and so
easy to do up. All dust, dirt and ex-
cessive oil is removed.
Let Danderine put more life, color,
vigor and brightness in your hair.
This stimulating tonic will freshen
your scalp, check dandruff and failing
hair, and help your hair to grow long,
thick, strong and beautiful.
Not`:Aspirin at All without the `Bayer Cross"
The name
"Ba er" on Aspirin is of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which
Ilkon colli. It ositively eantaias prover diroetinns for. � {uoide^
identifies 14Karat (,tlentiiios the only genuinespirin,— Headache, Toothache, Earaebe, Neu -
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