The Exeter Times, 1920-4-22, Page 7TEMPLETON'S
For fifteen years the standard
specific for
Rheumatism, Pleuritis, Gout
Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia
Many doctors pro:eribe them.
Write to To,npieton,, 142 lclag St, W., Toronto, for
fres ,surto. Cold by reliable druggists overnshore for
$1.04 per hex. r
r r.�Ir,rrrr�.
Your Miracle .land.
Owing to the anmrlxxeexaaont of'.re-
cent discoveries in connectioe with
that apparently Miracle -working gland
of the human body, called the thyroid,_.
people leave been xnukiug anxious in-
quiries respoeti=ng the exact where-
abouts of this rather elusive organ..
'Unfortunately, the normal thyroid
Mand is difficult to feel, as it lies ien
either side of the most prominent part
Of the wiutllaipe below the Adam's ap
talc: On thea other hand, when dis-
eased, as in the, case of a sufferer
from goitre, this gland ie very touch
in tavideuce.
It is, therefore, never safe to con-
clude, as a result of a physical exami-
nation of the neck, that the functions
of the gland are not being properly
performed. Thee° eunctians, when in
elicieutly performed, aro the muted
of a large variety of unpleasant symp-
toms; and when they cease altogether
produce in the young arrest of men-
tal and bodily development, and in
grown-ups the malady called myxoede-
ma—a condition well described as a
"caricature of obesity," the tissues
becoming infiltrated, not with fat, but
with a colloid or gunldike deposit.
Many years ago it had become
obvious toobservers that the thyroid
gland was so important to the econo-
my of the body that any diminution in
its secretion would be reflected in a
great many directions, Indeed, one
foreign writer contended that if the
activities of the thyroid gland could
be maintained unimpaired, the condi-
tion of old age could never arise.
To -day's discoveries in the Oxford
laboratories won:ld neem to Med sup-
port to iii contention. In December
la:t Mr. Julian Iluxley discovered
that, by giving a preparation of the
thyroid gland of any animal to tad -
Ms, these would change into froi, i
iu three weeks instead of taking three
But he bee gone one better than
that. To the alexicen tadpole -like
creature with a name almost as pe-
culiar as itself (axolotl) he has given
thyroid, as a result of which this crea-
lure, which has dilly two or three
times in its known history developed
into a sort of frog or alamander, has
been persuaded to make the complete
tramifer:nation, and even to develop
certain joint peculiarities never pre-
viously observed.
Mr. Kendall, an American caemist,
using lodiue as a basis (because it
has long been known that iodine is a
constituent part of thyroid secretion),
Thai Houde in bis laboratory a chemical
dice, which can produce much the
same changes as does the real gland
But it is the extract of the real
Mt itself that is "the thing." It is
the a. •rest approach to the elixir of
"!!�� ]fife that science has discovered. The
administration of thyroid extract is a
much more practicable and pleasant
mode of conserving or restoring the
freshness and vigor cf comparative
youth than that of grafting the glands
cf goats or monkeys.
One of the most important functions
of the thyroal gland is the fixing of 'a
the lime salts in the process of bone- , /
building in the infant. When the se-
cretion of this gland is deficient, the
bones of the young child fail to de-
velop the necessary solidity and
strength, with the result that the dis-
ease known as rickets is induced.
Thyroid inefficiency is a cause of
adenr-ids, of enlarged lymphatic glands
in the •necks of weakly children, and
of diminished powers of resistance to
infettiye diseases, Such as mumps,
mceelc,, German measles, and scarlet
alany cases of rheumatoid arthritis
and St. Vitus' dance, of subnormal
temperature, of premature greyness
c:' the hair and baldness., of paeriasis
and eczema, and of undue sensitive-
ness to cold have been for long known
to be due to deficiency of thyroid se-
FoR spRING usE
Harsh " Purgatives gatives Should be
Avoided_. --A Tonic Will Re- •
store Your Energy.
Not exactly tick but not feeling.
quite well. That is the way tl.ous
ands of people feel in the seeing. • It
is a sign that the trying indoor life of
winter has left its mark upon you.
Easily tired, appe`ite fickle, some-
times headaches and a feeling, of de-
pression; Pimples or eruptions nu -e
appear on the skin, or there may be
twinges of rheumatism or neuralgia,
Any of these indicate that the blood
is out of o.•der, and these symptoms
may easily develop into more serious
Do not dose yourself with purga-
tives es so many people do; in the
hope that you can put your blood
right. Purgatives gallop through the
systen olid weaken instead of giving
strength. Any doctor will tell you
that this is true. What you need in
tixe spring is a tonic that will build
up the blood and nerve. Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills can. do this speedily
and surely. This medicine enriches
the blood, clears the skin, improves
the appetite and snakes tired, de-
pressed men, women and children
bright, active and strong. As an ex-
ample of the value of these rills we
give the statement or Mrs, S. Mc -
Burnie, Tatamegouche, N,S., who
efay s:—"I have good reason to speak
in the highest terms of Dr. \Villiams'
Pink Pills. I was badly run down,
failing in weight, end suffering from
dizzy spells and wealtness. In fact
my condition was such that I was
hardly able to do my housework. .A
friend advised nxe to try Dr, Williams'
Pink Pilin, and after using several
boxes there was a noticeable improve -
meat. I continued tis?ng the pills for
some time longer and found that I
had fully regained niy old time health
end strength and was able to do my
housework without feeling weak and
worn out as I did before I began us-
ing the pills."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be ob-
tained from any dealer in medicine tr
by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medi-
edicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Skash.eulrning is Good
All forestry authorities agree that
our great problem in Canada, in the
conservation of timber resources, is
the forest fire, It is almost as gener-
ally admitted that slash, left in the
woods after logging operations, has.
been the contributing cause et host
of our serious fires. The slash very
often mases a comparatively baro:.
lees ground lire to develop into a
crown are wlltch destroys miles of
green timber.
Forestry practice in Europe has for
many years included the disposal of
slash in all logging operations, but
operatora in Canada, until recently..,
were loath to adopt 'such measures. It
is, therefore„ gratifying to find some
companies now voluntarily carrying
on slash-burniirg purely as an insur-
ance against fire.
The Schroeder Mills and Timber
Co„ with headquarters in Milwaukee,
and operations in Florida, Michigan
and Ontario, has evidently decided
that slash -burning is good business.
This comany, in its operations south
of the French river in Parry Sound
District, Ont., last spring, burned the
slash in especially vu;norable places,
such as around camps, along "cadge"
reads, and belts along their remaining
green , timber. The walking boss of
the company, In conversation with an
officer of the Commission of Conserva-
tion said that, after spending a con-
sidera' le sum of money on thin work,
he thought the company might object
to the expense involved, but he was
informed by them that they considered
it the best form of Etre insurance. The
men on the ground now agree with
the bead office in this policy, and the
work is to be carried on in the future,
probably more extensively.
The experience of this company
e}lottld assist in securing co-operation
from operators, if slash -burning is, at
any time in the future, made compul-
sory. If, eventually, lumbermen re-
gard such measures, not as coercive,
but as protection to themselves, while
a benefit to the country at large,
forest administration and forest utili-
zation will find much in harmony.
Suchharmony is absolutely necessary
if conservation of our timber re-
sources is to be made practical.
Farming, Labor and Capital are
like the three legs of a stool. If one
of the three breaks the stool topples
The Footpath to Peace.
To be glad .of life, because it gives
you the chance to love and to work
and to play and to look up at the
stars; to be satisfied with your pos-
sessions, but not contented with your-
self until you have made the mast of
then.; to despise.nothing in the world
except falsehood and meanness, and to
fear nothing except cowardice; to be
governed by your admirations rather
than by your disgusts; to covet uoth-
Ing that is your neighbor's except his
kindness of heart and gentleness of
manners; to think seldom of your
enemies, often of your friends, and
every day of Christ; and to spend as
much time as you can with body and
with spirit in God's out-of-doors—these
are little guide posts on the footpad?,
of peace.—Ifenry Van Dyke.
He Was Handioapped.
A. small boy and girl were each
striving to outdo the other in an argu-
ment, and, in spite of her endeavors,
bg was winning. The inspiration
"Well, anyway, lug father's tai:ied'n
yours," she asserted, triumphantly.
He dug his toes In the sued. Um
doubtediy his father was a rely small
yuan. Suddenly he straightened. A
look of triumph flashed from his .eyes,
" Hunli)h l My father 'wad be twice as
tall as yours, but his spenders hole
hint down,"
Do not throw *hard, dry lemons
away, but put thele in a vessel end
cover them: with boiling water, plate
a cover over the pan and let them
stand for two liners, and they will
'be almost as good as slew.
Iirllterprise is a sprout that is
pruned by experielice.
Blouses in Varied Styles 11
9415—Ladies' Kimono Blouse (with
or without trimming -straps and nov-
elty cuffs). Price, 25 cents. In 6
sizes, 34 to 44 ins. bust. Size 36 re-
quires 1% yds. 40 or 45 ins. wide.
9418—Ladies' Kimono Blouse (to be
slipped over the head; with pleated
or plain overblouse attached to hip
'belt). Price, 25 cents. In 6 sizes, 34
to 44 ins. bust. Size 36 requires 1%
yds. 40 ins. wide; overblouse, 1% yds.
40 ins. wide. The pleated overblouse
of this very attractive model is at-
tached to the yokes.
9277—Ladies' Waist (with or with-
out two-piece peplum). Price, 25.
cents. In 6 sizes, 34 to 44 ins. bust
pleasure. Size 36 requires 1 yd. 36
or 40 ins. wide; chennsette, ae yd. 18
ins. wide.
9381—Ladies' Side -Tied Blouse (to
be slipped on over the head; kimono
sleeves, short or lengthened by novel-
ty sleeves). Price, 25 cents. In 6
sizes,. 34 to 44 ins. bust. Size. 36 re-
quires 17/s yds. 40'ins. wide.
9416—Ladies' Blouse (to be slipped
on over the head; kimono sleeves,
short or lengthened by full sleeves).
Price, 25 cents., In 6 sizes, 34 to 44
his. bust. Size 36 requires 1% yds.
40 ins. wide, or 1% yds. 45 ins. wide;
insertion,4 - yds; lace edging, 3'y yds.
These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond 'St,, Toronto, Dept. W.
Children Should, Never
Drink Tea or Coffee
They are harmful to growth and.
development and have a particu-
larly bad, effect ori. the nervous
system of the child,
Give ,fie ' children
and avoid tea. and coffee's harmt
ctt At
rest � ��v
i....:; ,!t,. ?." ,„ " ;-',.::,.:, nryck�a•.,CP2`.1f1,' _ 1
Lightning Dangers of Springs
Though electric storms reach their
highest frequency during the heat of
aunamer, they often occur ill the
Miring,: and :Ore losses caused by
lightning aro by no means unknown
in April and May.
Lightning rods have proved an
most absolute protection. 0111y in
very rare instances have they been
known to fail, and,, even en these
cases, the failure was probably due to
defect in installation or to deteriora-
Examine your lightning rod Waal -
Malone for broken insulators, for
bends In the cable which allow con-
tact with the framework, or for cor-
rosion where It enters the earth. The
latter is an important point. The
electricity is carried into the ground
by means of the cable, but, if it car-
rodes, and the ground connection le
thereby broken, a fire is very liable to
result. See to it that the cable is
`sound and is deep enough in the
ground to always be iii damp earth,
When building wire fences it is ad-
visable to use ground wires about
every five rode. Lightning is attract-
ed by wire fencing and as, during a
storm, animals will congregate near
fences, many of them are killed by
contact with the wire. These ground
wires may be of about No. 9 gauge
wire, given one turn around each
strand of the fence, and carried into
the earth beside the fencepost,
Once a mother has used Baby's Cv-a
Tablets for her little ones she would
use nothing else; The Tablets give
such results that the mother has noth-
ing but words of praise and thankful-
ness for them. Among the thousands
of mothers throughout Canada who
praise the Tablets is Mrs. David A.
Anderson, New Glasgow, N.S., who
writes:="I have • used Baby's Own
Tablets for my children and from my
experience I would not be without
them. I would urge every other moth-
er to keep a box of the Tablets in the
house" The Tablets are a mild but
thorough laxative which regulate the
bowels and sweeten the stomach;
drive out constipation and indigestion;
break up colds and simple fevers and
make teething easy. They are sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
Exhaustion of Southern
According to a bulletin just issued
by the Spruce Production Corporation
of the United States War Depart-
ment, only four mills out of 2,043
southern pine milia ,have timber sup-
plies (southern pine) . which will last
more than twenty years. More than
1,600 mills will have exhausted their
supplies in five years or less, and
more than 1,90er mills in ten years or
less. Attention is drawn to the fact
that this rapidly approaching deple-
tion, coupled with ca expanding world
market for timber, is bound to result
in heavier demands upon the great
timber areas of the Pacific coast and
Canada. The present generation of
timbermen in Canada will probably
benefit as a result. This benefit may
be extended to posterity if the short-
sighted policy of the southern lumber-
men Is avoided.
Ark for Millard's and take no other.
Carelessness in Handling
Matches are the immediate cause of
many of our largest fire losses and
probably the majority ofsmaller fires
could be traced to this same source.
More than one factory in Canada
has gone down to ruins; many em-
ployees have been thrown out of em-
ployment, and their families have suf-
fered want; many employers have
seen the result of their lifework
crumble—all the result of careless-
ness with matches. The number of
fires in business places shortly after
closing time is remarkable. Investi-
gation has shown that these are near-
ly always due to employees dropping
unextinguished matches after lighting
pipes or cigarettes. Especially is this
the case during the cold weather,
when employees, regardless of "no
smoking" rules, will "light up" before
buttoning up their overcoats.
Many eases may be cited of fires'
caused by matches.
For instance, the coat and vest of
an employee were hanging • in a
draught, and the swaying of the
clothes against the wall lighted the
matches in the vest pocket.
During the war, an inspector, inad-
vertently, carried a match into an ex-
plosives plant, but, knowing the dan-
ger, he chewed the match up and
swallowed it.
If but a fraction of. thisi recognition lee
If you have antenna, don't
imagine that you,xrntxstel-
ite1Ief ick suredanrydseee
Worste es j yItieingn the
'ire are so. certain of re-
sults we will send, you a,
free sample of these cap-
sules, confident that you
will find them. all we have
claimed. Write to Tam-'
1ZetQns, 142 King St. W..
Toronto. -
aoid by reliable druggists
everywhere for•$i.0' a box..
Eating Money.,
A Swiss hotelkeeper has papered
his salon with banknotes. The cost
has proved very little above the nor-
mal price demanded for first-class
wall -paper. Doubtless the inflated
hotel receipts for permission to view
the novelty win more than cover this
small deficit.
This abnormal state of affairs is
due, of course, to the collapse in the
exchange, rendering paper marks and
crowns of small material worth.
Banknotes of smaller value still
flourished a century ago, although no
one ever thought to use them for
house -decorating purposes. In Eng-
Iand, the twopenny banknote was at
one time obtainable, while the 21/4d,
banknote held its own in Austria for
a considerable period. Real, genuine
five -pounders were, however, used by
a multi -millionaire, who accepted a
challenge to utilize several of these
crisp squares for pipe -lights.
A French gourmet found an equally
novel way of wasting money. He
substituted a dish of banknotes for
hors d'oeuvre, and ate the lot. Nowa-
days, we are content to see such of-
ficial scraps of paper represented in
the form of beef and mutton, and pos-
sess no cravings after the real thing,
however edible it may prove.
Keep Your Health
Minard's liniment
for that Cold and Tired Feiiig.
Get Well, Keep Well,
Kill Spanish Flu
by using the OLD RELIABLE.
Yarmouth, N.S.
Origin of Fountain Lion.
The water in a great many public
fountains, whether for man or beast,
comes out of a lion's mouth. This is
said to be the reason: Among the an-
cient Egyptians the rising of the
waters of the River Nile was the most
important event of the year, since it
meant life and property to the whole
nation. The rising always took place
when the sun was in the constellation
of Leo, or the lion; so the Egyptians
adopted the shape of a lion as the
symbol for the life-giving waters of
the Nile.
Send a Dominion Express Money
Order. They are payable everywhere.
To prevent raisins, currants, or
citron from sinking to the bottom
of a cake, warm them well in the
oven before adding them to the bat-
If Constipated, Bilious or
Headachy, take
r `Cascarets" i
Brain foggy? Blue devils got you?
Don't stay sick, bilious, headachy, con-
stipated. Remove tb.e liver and bowel
poison which is keeping your head
dizzy, your tongue coated, your breath
bad and stomach sour. Why not spend
a few cents for a box of Cascarets and
enjoy the nicest, gentlest laxative -
cathartic you ever experienced? Cas -
carets never gripe, sicken or incon-
venience one like Salts, 011, Calomel
or harsh Pills. They Work while you
of the danger of matches could be int- i a p.
pressed upon worker's, much of our
lire waste Would be avoided, and the
Work neces5at'Y to replace this loss
could be devoted to more productive
Oh, Sugar!
Mrs. hewed--" 'hat kind o," sugar •
is this?"
Grocer--"alest beet, lady, very t•e•.
Mrs. Newed----„But haven't yon the
proper kind to use on sliced tonna-
Jewish woken in Palestine have
been granted the vote end are eligible
for election in the eonstitutioial ,-„
' Asaenebly.
,America%) rimless Dog RozaeC G%
Hook on
and Row to Void,
Mailed Free to,any Ad-
dress by the Author.
R, Clay Glover Go. Enc.
1.13 West 91st Street
New York, Li,xc....
Sll er, 1870
ISSUE No. 16.-4'20,
Mre. Thrifty --"Remember that there
mllst be no extravat;anne while I are
Servant—i"Yes, ma'anx. `
"Aad be cure to take off blaster
Bobby's glasses when he's not look-
ookin at anything."
Adam's. Good Luck,
Little Charles had just been eha3-
tised by lois father for dome misde-
"Mother," he asked, after his wails
had died down, "was Adam the first
"Yes, dean"
"Didn't he have any father?"
"Of course not," said Charles'
mother, wondering what was coming
"Well," said the little fellow, "he
was lucky!"
Laiaard's Lin meat Lumberman,* k'rlentl,
Given Away?
"What's the time?" asked r. man
who rushed into a clothing store.
"Twenty minutes after five," said
the brisk salesman. "What can i do
for you?"
"I want those trousers," said the
caller, leading the way to the wipdow
and painting to a ticket marked,
"Given away at 5.20!" Lampblack is a poor conductor of
heat. It should therefore be removed
Make the heirs work for what they from kettles and saucepans,
get. Unless they have to scratch for
their feed they become lazy parasites, LET
just like folks.
zawrot zAwca woo sem,
LI4vIr n
.0 5 i1, surrounding
••4..ig gi
Rnd v»i3ozk
motiratten, near 33attleford. Saul. Chas,.
TI, Ross, tri Rutherford .4v0„ Hamilton.
vox 1011.ZZI
Vfnd jo11411pl tyOYMVtario,
Insurance parried 11,6OR. tette
-Wo for $1.,240 on qu1c1 We. Bol ash
1ieon'Publishing Co„ Ltd., Toronto.
1 er'will 5aCOMPLWrita foi-j prim"
flour, bran sacks to Stevens, High-
est prices. Geo, Steven% 564 Mark St.
Teterboro. tt
sc2007. TitLe.oronstE
CIIOOL EACHERS—hI A rz t;7 11,13/414
F� money in spare time --send p0011
cera to Ratepayer Publishing Co,. 0
Columbine. Toronto
Sore 1e7Gra VrANTraln.
thicker, shipped green from Saw:
Do not sell until you comrnunicate"wit/A
us, ICeenan Eros, Limited, Owen Sound.
woos ASHES.
]3 '40U HAVE A CAR POn S.1.L•a
write mo. Geo, Stevens, 1164 Mark
Street. Teterboro.
sc:a.P` risers,
a cps or more of scrap iron I will
come and quote you where it lays, Geo.
Stevens, 864 Mark Street, Teterboro.
a nsoExwe»oue..
1NCEit, TUJlitoftS, LU 1L'S, WILL.
internal and external, cured without
pain by our home treatment Write us
before too late pr, 13e1ln1an iiedie4
Co.. Limited. Coilingwood. Ont.
Skian's Liniment has the
punch that rela.eyres
rheumatic twinges
• This warmth -giving, congestion -
.scattering circulation -stimulating rem-
edy penetrates without rubbing right
to the aching spot and brings quick
relief, surely, cleanly. A wonderful
help for external pains. sprains,
strains, stiffness, headache, lumbago,
Get your bottle today—costs Iittle,
means much. Ask your druggist for
it by name. Keep it handy for the
whole family, Made in Canada, The
big bottle is economy.
115c., '100., $1.10.
Look at tongue! Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Accept "California Syrup of Pigs
only look for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and mast
harmless laxative or physic for the
little stomach, fiver and bowels, Child-
hildren love its delicious fruity taste. Full
directions for child's dose on each bot.
tle, Give it without fear.
Mother! You must say "California."
girls! Have a mass of ion;;,,
thick ., gleamy hail-
• •razes
Let "Danders e" safe your heir stud
double its beauty. 'lieu can have lcts
of long, thick, strong, lustrous hair. -
Don't let it stay 'Melees, thin, eceageir
or fading. Bring back its color, vicar
an vitality.
Get a 35 -cent bottle or deligl, il'
"Danderine" at any drug or tcue t
counter to freshen your scall); chili lc
dandruff and falling hair. "Your 13 • r
needs this stimulative tonic, then ,';s
life, color, brighint'cs and i b,nntl::ii' a
will return---l;tlriy!
cora Hsithud
To � �,
'r� Gey
Start him right ii you wish Tum to ba.a
thick, healthy hair through life. Regtt?r,r
shampoos with Cuticura Soap rxili k6.^."..)
his scalp clean enc; healthy, Beier)
shampooing touch spots of dandruff and
itching, if may, with Cuticura Ointment
A clean, healthy scalp means nocd hair.
Soup 2:1c. Oi ; meat 20 and tire. Sold
throughouttJleDommion. Car,adianDepot:
nen limited. Si. Poo Si., Montreal.
Gristicvsr= Soap :levee without smug.
h Cross"
Not Aspirin at All without the "Bay
For Colds, Pain, headache, Neural- paohage W11101i contains complete 4ks
gg"1a, 'r"oothaehe, Baraeie, and for tcet oris. Then you are getting reek
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu- Aspirin --the genuine Aspirin re-
ritis, take Aspirin marked with the eeribed by physicians • i'or over ri
name 'Beyer" or you are not taking teen years. 'Tow made in Canada,
.Aspirin at till. Mindy tin boxes containing 12 that'
Accept only "'Bever Tabibts of lets Coat but a fele cents. i7rtigg}!i„y
.A.epirin't in an unbroken Bayer also sell larger Bayer packs o11i3,
There is only one A.npirixt—•11$aye '"--AYfitn, muit stay t`Saye
spirin is the trade mark (registered tel Canada) et Saver Mrtnufaeture et Mona,
aceticacidestor et salioyileaoid. while . la well ichown that t04.40idifi` )11NOW df
manufacture, to assist the public age — mitatiors, the Tablets of i1ayet* Co 1a ,. lag'
will he stamped with their a^ ^r^1 t,"^.• ,Marla, the neeer Grata