The Exeter Times, 1920-4-22, Page 4' RV SD :X, APRIL 220, 1020 Advertising au Investineni Advertising i$ an investment—not an expeeee • and el:culd. bo tre. t cl ets such. Because it has been the hab- it of some nereltants to look upon it as aa expense, a wrong view has been gained. Ferhape the misconcep- tion arose from the fact that iu bookkeeping it has been the habit to charge advertising to expense. Ad- vertising produces new business—it swells the volume of business and profit --therefore it is an investment. Only the man who looks upon adver- tising as an expense, who is afraid of it, prejudiced against. it, losers money in advertising. The man who treats advertising as au investment and gives it the attention an invest- ment requires --knows that every dollar rightly invested in this dir- ection yields compound interest— and more. Give The Times an Op ortuni Prove the Value of Adver- tising to Your Business 0 CONSTIPATION By the term CONSTIPATION is meant either infrequent, difficult or In- sealisient evacuation of the contents of the Lower Bowel. The Symptoms are Headache, Dizziness, Mental Sluggishness, Lack of Concentration, Lassitude or a. feeling of General Indisposition, Bad Breath, Coated Tongue, Loss of Appetite, Sallow Skin which may become dry and rough and Pimples may appear. Sometimes there is Heart Palpitation, Hysterical Spells and Nervous Exhaustion. IT IS IMPORTANT to treat Constipation promptly as this condition generally leads to metes" serious disorders. Careful judgment siioule be used in selecting a proper remedy; ordin- ary Cathartics and Laxatives have a -weakening effect upon the system, others Gripe and Purge and M1iineral Oils, if taken several times a day may retard secreeion oe the gastric juice and also interfere with the absorption of feed. K.4 c'IKINt 'S EIP;NEY ANP LIVER PILLS form an ideal tonic - laxative for Constipation and its evil results. We give herewith the medicinal action of the ingredients of HACK - X G'S 7t`Tsi fNEY AND Ln -BE PILLS in order that you may form your own opinion as to the value of this wonderful medicine. r CASCARA — Laxative, Cathartic, Tonic to the Liver and Intestines, does not cause Griping or uupleasant symptoms, good for Chronic Consti- pation when used in sm.alI and repeat- ed doses for a considerable period of time. MAY APPLE—Useful in Fevers and Inflammations of almost every type and for all disorders of the Liver and Spleen. For indigestion, Jaun- dice, Piles, Constipation, Dropsy and Skin Eruptions. a" CULVERT'S ROOT—A Laxative and Tonic, useful in Dyspepsia, Jaun- dice, Piles, Diarhoea, Dysentery, awls era. Corrects Liver Troubles, Drees tone and vigor of action to the entire secretive apparatus of the sys- tem. Also for Inflammation of the Bladder. GAMBOGB—Used in Obstinate Constipation and Dropsies attended with Intestinal Torpidity. This acts best when used in ,combination with other drugs and herbs. HYOSCYAMUS --Helpful to the Kidneys, stops pain, soothes the Nerves, lessens irritability of the Nerve Centres. For Functional Pal- pitation of the Heart, helpful to the Mucus Membrane of the Kidneys and Bowels. Chiefly employed -to re- lieve pain and to quiet Nervous eR- citement. CAPSICUM—Stimulant and Stom- ache; useful in Feeble and Languid Digestion, Dyspepsia, Atonic Gout, Colic and Cholera. PEPPERMINT—Useful in Flatuent Colic to check Nausea and Colic. For Spasmodic Pains of the Stomach and Bowels, for Neuralgia and Rheuma- tism, prevents griping and for gas on the stomach. These are the principal ingredients of Hacking's Kidney and Liver pills, you will find that this combination will produce a healthy condition of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. No other drugs or combination of drugs, oils, laxatives, pills or pur- gatives will have such beneficial enact as HACKING'S KIDNEY AND LIVER Prt.LS, but you must be sure to get BACKING'S as no other kind will do. Price 2,5c a box, 5 for $1.00. Sold by all dealers or by mail, Hacking's Iiltrated. Listowel.. "Carr Me Back " "to Old Virginny" or "to Tennessee." Columbia Records will carry you where - ever you want to go in coon songs and in all other music, too. They will carry you to the opera, to a musical comedy, or to a vaudeville show. They will carry you to a symphony orchestra, to a vocal con- cert, or out on the street to hear a band. -00 d5 kY' :Graf nolas and- Records are the combination that puts all music at your command. Columbia. Records give you all that is best and latest in music. We have a complete stock of Grafonolas and all the latest Rec- ords. Goin in and let us help you bring your music up-to-date.. P, r'LL' S . BAZAAR EXETER, ONTARIO. THE EXER TIMES NEWS TOPICS 0F WEEK Important Events Whfch Have Occurred Out ing the Week, The Busy World's Heppe/dugs Oare- .trtilly Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Headers- of Our Paper — A Solid Rosin's Enjoyment. TUESUAle, Port Colborne vro=,it on the day- light-saving plan at midnight Satur- day. James Henderson, formerly inspec- tor in the Toronto post otllee, died suddenly of heart disease. The Anglican Primate of An Ire- land, Rev. Jahn Baptist Crozier, Arch- bishop of Armagh, is dead. Vassar College will not graduate a single school "team" this year. Low salaries are the cause. Toronto Public Schools closed this afternoon as a tribute of respect to the late Trustee C. A. B. Brown. Philip Gainsforth of Wooler, East Northuniberlaud, dropped dead while attending to •traps near his house. Wee:. Carrel, a lmtcl portsr at North Bay, was found on the street dying, having evidently been clubbed. Former Premier Cleuteneeau e France is expected in Paris at the end of this week. He is en route from Egypt. The appointment of a special com- mission to investigate the cost of milk production Is expected at an early date. Bishop Fallon of London has is- sued special instructions to Roman Catholics in regard to marriage with non-Catholics. Senator Fowler is appealing against Mr. Justice Latehford's judgment against hiin for not appear- ing to defend in an action. "Frank Hall," the mystery soldier, was identified by means of the Ber- tillon system as an ex -convict, and will be deported to England. Margaret Adair, nine years old, of St. Catharines, while playing on the street, tripped, striking her temple against a post and died instantly. Nine Detroit babies have died of scalding in that city within a period of one month, and a municipal cor- oner has issued a warning to mothers to exercise more care. 'WEDNESDAY. Wheat seeding has begun at Cadil- lac, Sask., under favorable conditions. Ald. Harry Phelan of Peterboro, died suddenly of pneumonia, aged 63. Dissolution of the Turkish Cham- ber of Deputies has taken effect on order of the Sultan. Jimmy Wilde offered to box gratis for the Windsor Army and Navy Vet- erans on Labor Day. Roderick MacFarlane, formerly Chief Factor of the Hudson Bay Co., died at Winnipeg, aged 87. A violent seismic disturbance was felt in the Charente Department of France on Saturday night. Toronto landlords are making an average increase of 25 per cent. in rents for the coming suntmer. Wm, Gordon, four times mayor and six tines alderman of Stratford, died suddenly, at the age of 79. An effort will be made this sum- mer to bring fresh -caught fish from James Bay to Toronto by air freight. Belleville citizens favor the pur- chase of the bridge across the Bay of Quinte or the erection of a new one. The Robt. Simpson Co. had net earnings an merchandise of $1,986,- 343, 1,986,- 343, compared with $1,282,304 in the previous year. The Danish seamen's strike is be- coming increasingly serious and Den- mark is virtually cut off from Great Britain and America. "Jimmy" Wilde, English flyweight boxing champion, outpointed Young Zulu Kid in every round of a 10 - round bout at Windsor. Colin C. MacLennan, manager of the Dunsmuir Hotel, Vancouver, fell out of a window while evidently walking in his sleep, and died from his injuries. Representatives have been named for all the provinces, except Prince Edward Island, to participate in the conference at Ottawa in August to co-ordinate labor laws. • Jockey clubs, after hearing that the provincial tax on mile courses would be $10,000 'daily and $5,000 daily on half -mile COUTSCS, announc- ed that it is prohibitive. THURSDAY. The Orange Grand Lodge of On- tario West is meeting in Orillia. The Italian Aid and Protective Association has been formed in Toronto. .Ten huge motor lorries are coming from Detroit to Toronto to take back merchandise. The Prince of Wales left Honolulu Wednesday for Australia on the battle -cruiser Renown. An unsuccessful attempt was made on Friday last to assassinate Presi- dent Carranza of Mexico. Sir Lomer Gouln, Prime Minister of Quebec, was received Wednesday by President Deschanel of France. Mrs. John McNeil of Wanstead died of heart failure while across the river at Port Huron to spend a few hours. J. B. Tyrrell of Toronto has been appointed consulting engineer to the National Mining Corporation, Lon- don, Eng. The Grand Couneil of Ontario, Royal Arcanum, is holding at Hamil- ton its first meeting since the begin- ning of the war. Dr. Wolfgang Capp, leader of the recent unsuccessful coup d'etat in Berlin, is at Dantzic, outside of the German Government. Magistrate Denison of Toronto has requested Attorney -General W. E. Raney for e ,~means of curbing auto speeding in Toronto, Zeno Riopelle, aged 45, dropped dead on the Walker road, Walker - vine, Wednesday. He had relatives and owned property in Northern Ontario. harry Vero was •instantly killed and his two companions. serious in- jured, when an excavation oe St. Clair avenue, Toronto, collapsed and buried them under tons of earth. Chatham ratepayers defeated, by 496 votes to 273, a money by-law for ttte cenetructton of a nes" Waterworks system Posting $3.70,000, using the River Thames as tho source of supply. Chief Tobias of goraviantown was the' only Indian representative so far heard by the Parliamentary Cotnntit-. tee eensideriug, fixe Franchise Sill who thoroughly approved of the en- franchising of the Indians. FRIDAY. The Bank of England rate was in- creased to 7 per cent. Gananoquo Roman=, Catholic rate- payers are to establish a separate school. A gendarme was murdered on Wednesday at Fiensburg, Slesvig, by a German mai). Detective Meiiialxon was roughly handled by returned soldiers in the Red Triangle Club, Toronto. Mrs. Pankhurst emphasized the need of prompt measures to suppress Bolshevism in an address in Toronto. Louise Roulini, the French woman who acted as spy for the Germans, has been sentenced to death by court- martial. Another consignment of live stock from Germany has been received by France under the terms of the Ver- sailles Treaty. G. H. Caine, son of Hall Caine, the novelist, has come to Canada to negotiate for the purchase of pulp- wood limits and pulp. The marriage of F. J. Symons to Nellie Mahon and of L. Bonnofoy to Helene Marrenger were annulled by Superior Court judges at Montreal. The McCready resolution to re- quest a referendum on liquor import- ation was the subject of a somewhat stormy Government caucus in Queen's Park. The farming and labor interests will fuse in the counties of Nova Sco- tia where such amalgamation is be- lieved necessary for the candidate's victory. Manual Cabrera, President of Guatemala, against whose adminis- tration a revolution has been going an, is believed to have fled and to be on his way to Cuba. The Winnipeg branch of the Dom- inion Labor Party decided in favor of the ten strike leaders lately accused of sedition being nominated for Win- nipeg seats in the provincial elections next July. The Grand River Valley Board of Trade passed a resolution urging ear- ly deepening of the St. Lawrence canals and locks, and the develop- ment under public ownership of power from the rapids. SATURDAY. Anthracite coal advanced from $14 to $15 a ton in St. Thomas. Two young women have been given positions as firemen on the Long Is- land Railway. Sevent thousand cattle in Alberta have been destroyed because there is no feed for thein. The Legislature devoted much of its time yesterday to the denial of. newspaper reports. Three state troop officers and three civilians were 'e.rrested in Berlin for conspiracy against the Government. Sugar jumped to 25 cents a pound in many London grocery stores yes- terday, and ter et cents in Hamilton. The Coalitibn opposition in the Greek Chamber of Deputies is de- manding prorogation and a new elec- tion. Fires of mysterious origin have done several hundred dollars' damage to sugar camps in the vicinity of Renfrew. The Dominion Government has per- mitted the export of 10,000 tans of granulated sugar to the Central West- ern States. The Turkish delegation to sign peace is expected to leave for Paris before the end of April or 'during the first few days of May. The National Council of Women is asking the House of Common to pass a law permitting for all time in Can- ada the sale of oleomargarine. The first Ottawa branch of the Grand Army of United Veterans, for- merly known as the United Veterans' League, was formed at Ottawa. James Livingston, former member of the Ontario Legislature for South Waterloo and later in the Commons, a pioneer in the flax industry, died at bis hoxixe in Baden. T. F. King was sentenced to 18 months in jail at London for defraud- ing a Syrian merchant of $300 in a fake potato deal; he defrauded an Ingersoll man similarly out of '$500. Enraged at his brother-in-law, Jake Senft, for alleged improper relations with his wife, Harry Johnson at- tempted to shoot him, but shot Jake's brother, Fred, instead, killing him, on the latter's farm as Jasmin, Sask. MONDAY. Potatoes sold at Chatham Saturday for $6.25 a hag, or $1.10 a peek. The recent cold spell considerably Judi -eased the yield of maple syrup. Halifax yesterday had a snowstorm which reached the proportions of a blizzard. Three boys were arrested in the east end of Toronto on charges of highway robbery. The Turkish Nationalists have oc- cupied the town of Hadjin, a short distance northwest of Marash. Upper Canada College held a me- morial service in honor of tbose of its ex -pupils who fell in the war. When taking a short cut home from work 'Saturday Edward Bedford was killed by a G.T.R. train at Galt. The Metropolitan Methodist Church, Toronto, celebrated its forty- eighth anniversary - with special ser- vices. George Walker, formerly a pros- perous farmer of West Zarra town- ship, but living retired for some years at Ingersoll, died in his 83rd year. The terconterlary of the Von. Mar- guerite Bourgeois, founder of the Congregation de Notre Datne, was celebrated Saturday at Montreal. A meeting er the Grand Army of United Veterans in Toronto called on the Union Government to resign office and present the re-establishment question to the country for decision. One person was killed and 45 oth- ers injured when the Paris -Cher- bourg express left the rails Sunday. The Archbishop of Paris was an board The Swedish Parliament has peen- ed the new marriage law aboirahitif; the husband's personal guardianship and depriving Min of the legal right to dispose of his wife's personal pro- perty. Auction Sale AND VILLAGEPRI1X' FIJRNI'1`OPURERT Mr. xi,. S. Brown, auctioneer, has, received instructions from Andrea Turnbull to sell by public auction at 1VINCHOLSEA FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1920 Sale to commence at 1.30 p,m. the f oliowing : Real ,Estate comprises quarter of acre of land. On. this is a frame house, frame stable, drive shed and hen house, also a number of fruit ices. CHATTELS --One driving horse, 9 years old; 11 Plymouth . Rock hens;, 100 brick; 30 pieces of bass- wood; scantling 2"x5"x12 foot long; 1 basswood gravel box bottom; some pine and hemlock inch lumber and some batton doors, screen door new; window screens, 1 double bar- rel shotgun, grindstone, wheelbar- row; sugar kettle, handsleigh, three oak barrels, broadaxe, ensilage fork, some carpenter tools, grain bags, fence stretcher, crosscut saw, buck saw, ditching spade and pick, HOUSEHOLD FT R N I T U R .E— Pandora range, coal heater and stove pipes, New Perfection 3 -burner oil cook stove, nearly new with oven; dining -room table, fall leaf table, two small tables, couch, 6 dining - room chairs, kitchen chairs, two rocking chairs, 2 bedsteads, one bureau, some carpet and linoleum, 1 cupboard, sewing machine, cop- per boiler, wash -tub and a number of balls of carpet rags, sewn; seven window shades, a number of small articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE—Terms of Real Estate made known on day of sale. Terms of Chattels—$5,00 and under, cash; 6 months credit on fur- nishing approved joint notes,- four per cent. off for cash in Iieu of notes. Decision of auctioneer final. R. S. BROWN, Auctioneer. ANDREW TURNBULL, Prop. P.S.—The trustees of the "Win- chelsea school will also offer for sale at the same time some old building material. Auction Sale FARM STOCK & • IMPLEMENTS FORD CAR, HAY AND GRAIN • The undersigned has received in- structions to sell by public auction On Lot 7, South Thames Road WEDNESDAY, MAY 5th, 1020 At one o'clock sharp the following: HORSES—One team, 7 years old, mares; one driving colt, 2 years old. CATTLE—Three cows, freshen- ed; one cow due at time of sale; 2 heifers, rising two years old; 1 steer, rising 2 years old; 4 last summer calves. PIGS -2 sows; 12 shoats. HENS—About 75 hens. IMPLEMENTS—McCormick bin- der, 7 -foot cut; Frost & Wood mow- er, 5 foot; Massey -Harris drill; Frost & Wood cultivator; Interna- tional corn cultivator; stuffier; one land roller; s'et harrows, 3 sections; walking plow, Verity 21; 2 -furrow plow; buggy; cutter; new Chatham wagon, 3 -inch tire, box complete; steel track, Massey -Harris, now; Toronto 3 h.p. engine, new; Gil- son engine 1 Va h.p.; steel blocks' with 100 feet rope; blacksmith vice, full set of taps and dies, different sizes; crosscut saw; 'three good log- ging chains; set brass mounted breeching harness, new this spring; set of team breeching harness; set of single harness; Melotte cream separator; Daisy churn; one long ladder; one double-barrel shotgun; steel oil tank. A quantity of white ash 2x3 and 3x4, 14 ft. long. And numerous other articles. About four tons of hay and 100 bus. of oats. Two bags of Timothy seed; half bus. Alfalfa clover. ash 2x3 and 3x4, 14 ft. long. Also numerous other articles. About four tons of hay and 100 bus. of oats. Two bags of Timothy seed; half bus. Alfalfa clover. TERMS—$10.00 and under, cash, over that amount, 8 months credit on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 5 per cent off for cash in lieu of notes. Terms of auto made known on day of sale. ALBERT ICERNICK, Proprietor. C. W. ROBINSON, Auctioneer. END STOMACH TROUBLE, GASES OR DYSPEPSIA "Pape's Diapepsin" makes sick, sour, gassy stomachs surely feel fine in five minutes. If what you just ate is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, or you belch gee and eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and stomach -head• ache, you can got relief in five minutes by neutralizing acidity. Put an end to such stomach distress now by getting a large fifty -cent ease of T'ape's Diapepsin from any drug store, 'You' realize be five minutes how needless it is to suffer, from indigestion, dyspepsia or any store. ach disorder caused by food fermentation due to excessive acid in stomach. m, '40", �?a . . ;w�a iS. a:.'r`.4y,'xttt.,..A1 i r .("3 eeees •d �D+ iildiert Cry for F tch�1' S esee. es. Fletcher's Castoria lc s;: ictiy a remedy for Infants and .Children. Foods are specially -prepared for babies. ai baby's medicine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children; that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim has been mato for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven. .., tag I;! h 9t Castoria is a harmless substitute for Caster Oil, Paregoric,. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine ncr other narcotic substance. Its age is its gwara _t:e.,, Per nacre til'n thirty years it Pias been in constant use for the relief cf Cos:::;ration, Flatulency,. Wind Colic - and r)iarrlioc Poye,:i hneot arising- .therexront, and by regulating the Stv..:iacr? and Bowelsi• aid, the assimilation of Food; giving heathy and natural c1ee7. The Children's Comfort—The ' ot'i cr' i r ASTwv 7 Bears the Si nature of -..p' In Use -ot Over 30 THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY BEEMEEMS sk`3'tK; �n".;13s •y�r' �i`�.::. � -.t .,1��,..�..a`� 1 `ye INaddition to the branch at Exeter, this Bank has branches at the following nearby points: -- Crediton '—z - Dashwood Jet r M THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - . $15,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, V. A. Chapman, Manager. INCORPORATED IN 1855 OVER 120 BRANCHES THE MOLSONS BANK Documents CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000, of importance are absolutely safeguarded if placed in one of our SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES T. S. WOODS, Manager EXETER BRANCH Centralia Branch open for business daily. THE USBORNE AND HIBBERT FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INSTEP; ANCE COMPANY. Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, THOS. RYAN Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON DIRECTORS WM. BROCI. J. L. RUSSELL ROBT. NORRIS, JAMES McKENZIE AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Hibbert. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan. W. A. TURNBULL, Secretary -Treasurer R. R. No. 1, Woodham. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT Veterinary Surgeon Office—Baker's Livery on James St. Calls promptly attended to day or night, Phone 8. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L.L.D., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- Slt>. DENTIST Teeth extracted without pain or any • bad effects. Office over Gladm.axr & Stanbtiry's Office. Main St. Exeter, . Advertise in ther Times, It pale. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private• funds to loan on farm and village properties, at lowest rates of ine terest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, , 7 Main St. Exeter, Ontario .J. W. BROWING, M. D., M. S. P. e S. Graduate Victoria University I Office and Residence, Dominion I Labratory, Exeter, Associate Coroner of Huron. , 1. R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Pub1 Commissioner, Solicitor -for t ro Molsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of OFFICE—MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. man. F. DOUPE, Licensed Alice tloneer. Sales conducted in any lac- ality. Terms' moderate, Orders left' at Times Office will be promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, Iirkton. Address X 1rkton P. 0. DR. O. It(iSILSTON. Te11.8., D.mS. DENTIST, . ,• Office over I. R. Carling's Lave.' office. Closed overy Wedilesday iifternodzir• INCORPORATED IN 1855 OVER 120 BRANCHES THE MOLSONS BANK Documents CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000, of importance are absolutely safeguarded if placed in one of our SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES T. S. WOODS, Manager EXETER BRANCH Centralia Branch open for business daily. THE USBORNE AND HIBBERT FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INSTEP; ANCE COMPANY. Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, THOS. RYAN Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON DIRECTORS WM. BROCI. J. L. RUSSELL ROBT. NORRIS, JAMES McKENZIE AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Hibbert. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan. W. A. TURNBULL, Secretary -Treasurer R. R. No. 1, Woodham. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT Veterinary Surgeon Office—Baker's Livery on James St. Calls promptly attended to day or night, Phone 8. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L.L.D., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- Slt>. DENTIST Teeth extracted without pain or any • bad effects. Office over Gladm.axr & Stanbtiry's Office. Main St. Exeter, . Advertise in ther Times, It pale. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private• funds to loan on farm and village properties, at lowest rates of ine terest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, , 7 Main St. Exeter, Ontario .J. W. BROWING, M. D., M. S. P. e S. Graduate Victoria University I Office and Residence, Dominion I Labratory, Exeter, Associate Coroner of Huron. , 1. R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Pub1 Commissioner, Solicitor -for t ro Molsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of OFFICE—MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. man. F. DOUPE, Licensed Alice tloneer. Sales conducted in any lac- ality. Terms' moderate, Orders left' at Times Office will be promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, Iirkton. Address X 1rkton P. 0. DR. O. It(iSILSTON. Te11.8., D.mS. DENTIST, . ,• Office over I. R. Carling's Lave.' office. Closed overy Wedilesday iifternodzir•