The Exeter Times, 1920-4-15, Page 4URBiii&r, RIL 1.0, 1050 jX'LAX COUI CIIi Hay Council met for .Its regular a file ' b s " OA' 'April 3rd ll toi e were present. The minutes of the Ii eviqus. Meeting: were reed ,aitd° eiPe leroVed. The awards under the Township of I•Iay "W'ar Memorial Scholarship was awarded to the pupils receiving the highest nz:arks at U. annual de- partmental, entrance examinations,. Such pupils must attend public school or separate school in the Tp. of Ray or Union 'school in other tps. TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING Save your Hair! . Get a smallbottle of Danderine right now --Also . stops itching scalp. Thin, brittle,colorless and scraggy ihair as mute evidence of a neglected iucalp; of dandruff—that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to e hair as dandruff. It robs the hair life; eventually produoing a feverish - nese and itching of the scalp, which it not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink Ioosen and die -then the hair falls out fast. A 'little Danderine to- mght now aay time --will surely save your hair. Get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store. You surely ,fan have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will just try a little Dan- derine. Save your hair! Try iti postaxoucpw-vons.c.samM2.Y...r.....gn,starstzrzEunalc.-.-4:33uror.nounaa DON'T WO RY I Hackings Heart toed Weave Remedy is simply a wonderful preparation for Diseases of the Heart; drives out rain, Fear,. Worry and the uncertainr- ty that goes along with diseases of this most important organ. S1•FXPLESSNESS de -vitalizes the whole bodily organ- ization and You. Mast Rave Sleep in order to build up your health and strength. If the Nerves are all a tingle and. jumpy, and the Brain is in a state of unrest through Overwork, Worry or some Functional Disorder, a restful sleep will be difficult to ob- tain. Do not dope yourself with "sleeping powders" or "heart depress-, ents"—take Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy and a natural sleep will, follow. HE+ A3ACI:Cel is Nature's Signal of disharmony it the human body. It may come from teepovexi'lied blood, overtaxed brain, Toss of sleep or it may be from Con- gestion followed by Inflammation. 1"vo matter what the cause may be Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy will help you. People who have, been ailing for ,years should not expect a Complete Cure in. a, few days but should per- sist in the treatment in order to ban- ish the underlying causes and to cor- rect the evil conditions that bring about the trouble. You should be Sure to get Harking's as no other kind will do. Be particular about par medicine, as YOUR health is important. Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy' is sold by all first class druggists or by mail post paid. Price 50e 50c a box. 6 boxes for $2.50. Hacking's Limited, Listowel. supported by the Township cote Weer, The parents or guardian of child, ei ti=tled, tA • ands must reside 4,the .. a �C. township of Hay. The awards to be apportioned as follows; First award Cent;;:Seco ...award 30,, per • ,;ee .; ei,a+'d awl,, d .0' eel" cent, By -Law No, 5, 3.920, relating to. coxuxnuting of the Statute Labor in the Township of Hay and appointing eornlniSSiiinerS for tae respective divisions was read a third time and passed and the Reeve was author- ized • to eine his signature and the seal of the Towship thereto. The Reeve was authorized to sign cheque of $500.00 as part payment on the property known as the • Zur- ich Central Telephone office and to siga a note on behalf of the Town- ship for the balance of $500.00 at the rate of 5 ni per cent per annum dile January lst, 1921. A number of orders were passed. The council adjourned to. meet May 1st at 1 pan. A. F. ITess, Clerk, ST!i1'P..EN COUNCIL ing ,gravel E.S.R., 54.50; Murray Marriott; bal, gravel coaitreet, $3915; Hoffman & Flynn) rep, coin-, 4, $7.00; A. Peuhalo, grading een The, Council a tjouooed• to meet again in the Town Hall, ,Crediton; on Moo - day May .3, 1920, at 1 p.m, Henry. liitber, Geri Kirkkton During the last Sunday that Rev. Blow;u•.nninistered to his people he had large congregations on each of his three appoil tuieuts--Xirl ton, .Audersop and Salem, nearly every family turning out. On the Monday night a congregational social meet- ing was field at IZirkton to say fare- well to 'Mrs. Hocking and daughter, and ;many lr.ii?xd things were said, not only of thew, but also of Rev. Mr. Brown and family, Mrs. Hosking was presented laith a beautiful cocoa. set. while the young people of the league and Sunday school presented Miss Bosking with a hymn book. Rev. A. W. Brown and family left on Thursday on their long eomtenx- plated trip to the old country. They The Council of the Township of r will be absent about six months and Stephen met in. the Town Hall, Cred- 1 will visit the homes Of their respec- iton, Monday, April 5, at 1 o'clock p• tive parents, who are still living, and ret, All members present. Minutes ,of tour Derbyshire, Yorkshire and many revioua meeting were read and adopt - p other counties of England before ed. Webb—Hays—That the by-law No. 263, to authorize the Reeve and Treas- urer to borrow certain'sums of money not exceeding 310,00a to meet current expenditure, until the taxes levied therefor can be collected, having been read three tunes, be fussedand sign- e=r by the Reeve and Clerk and the seal of the corporation attached there- to—Carried; Sweitzer—Hay es -That the following orticers be appointed:— Path-masters—Wm. Robinson,:Mur- ray Elliott . H. Pfaff, Jr., :ri'y Luther, Wes Clearing, Geo. Hepburn, Gilbert Grieve, .Frank Taylor, Geo. Hirtzel, lean Schroeder, Frank Triebner, John Edwards .Alvin Baker, Gott. Fahner, Paul Schenk, John Klumpn, Pat. Car- roll, Fred Geiser, Wm. Finkbeiner, Herbert alorlock, Albert ICestie, Wes. Wein Jas. Flynn, Albert Ragier, Chris, Isinney Reuben Davy, Jonah Nestle, Jos. Glavin, Jos. Maleony, Dan. Barry, David Lippert, Malcolm Ziler, H. L Kraft Alen McLellan, Newton. Clark, Thos. Keys, Henry Link, Geo. Link, John Houlehasn, Elmer Pickering, Thos, Baynhant John Gooding, Ed. Lamport, Ed. Alien, John Berney, John Marriott, Wm Nichols, Sim Ireland, Aug. Latta Win. Hicks, W. H. Hayter, John Love Geo. Webb, Geo. Wolper, Elgin Webb Ed. Gill, Royal Holt, Austin' Hayter, Chidiey Woodburn, Jas. E. Hodgins, Peter Eisenhart, Curtis Gratton, Jos. White, Jas. McCarthy, John Rowland, jee Hodgins, Jerry Brophey. pouand-Keepers—Wni. tilof att, Hiram Shipton, W. B. Gaiser, Theo. Dietrich. David Eagleson, Geo. Webb, Alvin Baker, Arthur Amy, Chris. Finkbein- er, Art Baker, Jos. Brenner, Fred, ?teeter. Silas Stanlake, Reueben Goetz David Steeper, Jeremiah Brophey, Fence-Viewers—Dan. McCurdy, John 'elorlock. Ezra Heist, Peter McKenzie.. Geo. Mawhinney, Ell King, Wren. Brown Geo. Down, Austin Hayter. Caw- Tag Inspectors—Nelson: Baker, Can. 1 to 7; Placide Disjardine, Con. 3 to 15; Robt. Carruthers, Con.. 16 to Western Boundary.—Carried. Penbrle—Sweitzer—That a grant of els be made to exhibitors in. the Baby Beef Competition: from this Town- ship —Carried, The yellowing orders were paid:— M. M. Nesbitt, maintenance of Miss Williams 534.50; Henry Fanner, draw- •A,,A,ys Y iia Mr r 110 die "Carry Me Back" "to Old V'irginny" or "to Tennessee." Columbia Records will carry you where - ever you want to go in coon songs and in all other music, too. They will carry you to the opera, to a musical comedy, or to a vaudeville show. They will carry you to a symphony orchestra, to a vocal con- cert, or out on the street to hear a band. so Graf nolas and Records are the combination that.puts all music at your command. Columbia Records give you all that is best and latest in music. We have g. complete -stock of Grafonolas and all thelatest Roc' ords. Corn.e in and let us help you bring your music up-to-date.. s� POWELL . BAZAAR Film' R ONTARIO. their return. During the first three months of their absence, Mr. Arthur Page, student of Victoria College, will have charge of the work on Rev. Brown's circuit. Mr. Page is a clever young men, known to many in the district, having occupied the pulpit in St. Marys Methodist church dur- ing the vacation term, some two or three years ago. During the last three months of Mr. Brown's absence another student, Mr, Clare Motyer, will occupy the pulpit. S. S. NO. 2, USBORNE The following is the report for S. S. No. 2, Usborne for the month of March. Sr. 4th.—L. Fulton 85; A. Hun - kin 79; M. Cottle 75; C. Doupe 74. Jr. 4th. —W. Allison 75; G. Mc- Donald 55; *S. Pollen. Sr. 3rd.—*H. Pollen 81; C. Camp- bell 78; W. Allen 73; G. Fulton 6S; *B. Campbell 59; E. Stewart 53; *C. Hodgert 42. Jr. 3rd—H. Fulton. 78; *E. Alien 62; E. Campbell 61; ,R. Cottle 47; C. Stewart 41; R. Turnbull 38; A. Rhode 35. Jr, 2nd—S. Campbell, A. Cottle, 11, Cottle, Sr. 1'i'. -14i. Rhode, T. Allen,. These are best spellers. Sr. 4th.—L. Fulton. Jr. 4th,—W. Allison. Sr. 3rd.—W. Allen. Jr. 3rd.—H. Fulton. Jr. 2nd.—S. Campbell. Those marked with an asterisk missed one .or more. exams. No. on roll 26; aerage attendance 22. M. McNain. • NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK Important Eyents Which Have Occurred During the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Care- fully arefully Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper — A Solid Hour's Enjoyment. TUESDAY. The Ohevra Kadisha Synagogue, in Montreal, was destroyed by fire; loss about $330,000. The Ontario Educational Associa- tion opened its fifty-ninth annual meeting in Toronto. The plebiscite in the Teschen re- gion will be taken not later than May 16, according to the Journal des Debate. W. H. Pearson, for many years general manager of the Consumers' Gas Co.,_ Toronto, died suddenly at his home. President Deschanei has received the insignia of the Order of the An- nunziata from King Victor Em- manuel•• f Ita1Y. THURSDAY. The U. S. Olympic hockey team Sailed for Belgium yesterday. Discussion of the Kapuskasing re- port was opened in the Legislature. C. B. Patterson of Clappison's Cor- ners, near Hamilton, shot a brown vulture on his farm. Labor organizations in Berlin have made another anti -militaristic de- mand on the Government. The question of teachers' salaries was discussed by members of the Ontario :Educational Association. Robert T. Gray, reeve of Mariposa, and one of the most prominent men in Hastings county affairs, is dead. • Sixty bags of potatoes were dump- ed. on the street in Montreal, too far rotted to be of use even for hogs. A. MacDonald, of Toronto, travelerr for a London cigar firm, ` died sud- denly on a C.P.R. train near Lindsay. The Board of Commerce announc- ed that it would henceforth claim or exercise uo control over newsprint in Canada. The British Air Ministry' Is offer- ing its surplus stock of new and second-hand De Haviland airplanes for sale. . About a hundred and forty rural school principals in Manitoba have organized to better their working 'condi ti tms: Nathan 1. Green, of Winnipeg, who was rim over by a train at Guelph, ;losing both lege, died from Shock and lose of blood. The Italian Government has de- creed that from April .6 -until further notice newspapers shall be restricted • to two Pages. Oaa o• the #13040+0 at itbe" 1,9t1rthartneRezimientta.. ,c#1304000 Augur Camybel], s{1per nteudeut'et tpe,• Ceaad , Fernitu're Co,'$ rotary at Woadateek, droppeddead shortly atter arriythg at Work. er, ,gine •'g9x;onto Board of Contryl - preeeecf' : itself as favorable to the "Building, Guild" scheme of the Trades and Labor Couneil, President Wilson has. appointed: Mrs. Joseph Daniels to represent Aineuican womenat the eighth con, gress of the International Women Suffrage Alliance. F] 1WAL John. Marshall, of London, died as the result of a fall downstairs in his home. Robt. Whitelaw, Woodstock, pio- neer manufacturer,, died at the age af 93 years. The Inclines of Canada, claiming to be Allies of the British, will ask for an Ambassador the Dominion b�ssador i n House of Commons. The c ontmissions of the three Scandinavian countries for the recov- ery of debts owed by Russia are meeting in Copenhagen. The Duke of Devonshire announces his intention of settling down in Chatsworth after his term as Gov- ernor-General of Canada, Ex -Councillor Hugh McDonald, a well-known miner of Glace Bay, NS., bled tp death from a splinter of stone pentrating the artery of a leg. St. Catharines firemen walked out according to their threat, when the Council accepted their 'resignations rather than grant their demands, Eugene Brosseu, Canadian welter- weight boxing champion, was knock- ed out in the fifth round by McTigue of New York at Halifax last .night. Ontario teachers completed the or- ganization of a Provinex.n, F d era Federation for the advancement of their claims to greater consideration than they at present receive, Ernest Bergeron, manager for a Windsor hardware erm, was shot in the head and dangerously wounded by police officers, = who mistook him for a whiskey, runner. With the arrival of the German battleships Nassau and Ostfriesland at the Firth of -Forth on Wednesday the complete surrender of the Ger- manwarships has been made. The Private Bills Committee pass- ed Toronto'sbill authorizing the city to operate its -street railway system under a commission of three mem- bers, with or without salary. SATURDAY. Nearly 1,300 Toronto Boy Scouts took part in an Easter rally at the Armories. The Bolsheviki have captured the Black Sea port town of Tuapsie, in Circassia. A bill to invalidate municipal early closing by-laws aroused much opposi- tion in the Legislature. The first license for a commercial air harbor in Canada was taken out for the Ottawa Airdrome, An American landing at Cherbourg with $175 in gold was compelled to exchange it for paper money. An effort is. en foot at Queen's Park to increase the revenue derived from Ontario's game and fur re- soures. Angus McDonald's plurality in the Timiskaming Federal by-election, with eight polls yet to hear from, is 2,077. One hundred farms in Northum- berland county have changed hands since the crops were taken off them last year. The Brantford Board of Education, at the instigation of the women's or- ganizations and women trustees, re- stored voluntary drill. Joe Steelier, world's,champion heavyweight wrestler, sccessfully defended his title against Pilakoff of Russia in New York last night. The Belgian Government has de- cided to place the Belgian roads and railways at the disposal of France for the despatch of troops to Germany.. The Prince Edward Island Govern- ment proposes to impose additional taxation to raise teachers' salaries and to take advantage of the Federal grant for highways. Thomas Hillis, of Egmondville, Ont., died at the age of 87. He and his brother, George, of Delaware, Ont., were said to be the oldest twin brothers in the British Empire. MONDAY. Elias Rogers, Toronto coal mer- chant, died in his 70th year. A Federated Labor Union has been formed at Belleville. Sterling exchange in New York was heavy at $3.97e6 for demand bills. John H. Boyle, One of the oldest surviving residents of :Toronto, pass- ed away. The Japanese have captured the entire Ussuri Railroad between Vladi- vostok and Khaboroosk. Dr. Michael Clark, M.P., addressed the Independent Labor Party in To- ronto on the tariff question. St. Thomas has formed a Public Playgrounds Association, to establish four supervised playgrounds. George Walters, aged 80, who had been a member of the guard of honor of Napoleon III., died at Brautford. Toronto' job printers threaten to abandon their present work if a wage increase is not granted* by April 24. Hon. Peter Smith, Provincial Treasurer, is expected` to make his. budget speech in the Legislature this; week. Six hundred million dollars will be needed this year by the U. S. railways ment.a to finnce the purchase of new equip- ,. Work was begun on two blast fur-; naces at Ojibway for the • Canadian' Steel Corporation, to cost $5,000,000 each. Mac Kirkwood Bryden, aged 14, was accidentally and fatally shot by bis younger brother on their father's farm in Erin Township. 'The Saskatchewan Co-operative Elevator Co. Will erecta million -dol- lar elevator and flour mill just out- side Portage la Prairie, Man, Calgary G.W.V.A. proposes. to picket the Soldiers' Settlement offices to 'prevent returned soldiersfrom purchasing Hudsoai Bay lazids. Under the auspices Sf the Scottish I4oine RuleAssociation a meeting was held at dlesgow on SaturdaY, :at, Which a reaolltfien was adopted ask-. ung the Governinent to Pass .bill dict OH Sale !. VILLAGE PBOPERTF .ANI>R F'URNITUan Mr. R. $. Brown, auction eer, had':' roceieed instructions from Andre* Turnbull tosell by public auction at WWOBELSEA Tann AX, AruIL 23, 1020 Sale to coinntence at 1.30 p,m. the following:-- Real Estate comprises quarter of acro of land. On this is a frame house, frame stable, drive shed and hen house, also a. number of fruit tees. , CHATTBLS—One driving horse, 9 years old, 11 Plymouth Rock hens; 1200 brick; 30 pieces` of bass wood; scantling 2"x5"x12 foot long; 1 bassw`dod.' gravel box bottom; some pine and hemlock inch lumber and some batton doors, screen door new; window screens, 1 double bar- rel shotgun, grindsto.iae, wheelbar- row; sugar kettle, handsieigh, three oak • barrels, broadaxe, ensilage fork, some carpenter. tools, grain bags, fence stretcher, crosscut saw, buck saw, ditching spade and pick. HOUSEHOLD P17 R N I T U R E— Pandora range, coal heater and stove pipes, New Perfection 3 -burner oil look stove, nearly new with oven; dining -room table, fall leaf table, two small tables, couch, 6 dining room chairs, kitchen chairs, two rocking chairs, 2 bedsteads, one bureau, some carpet and linoleum, 1 cupboard, sewing machine, cop- per boiler, wash -tub and a number of balls of carpet rags, sewn; seven window shades, a number of small. articles too numerous to mention., TERMS OF SALE—Terms of Real Estate made known on day of sale. Terms of Chattels -045.00 and under, cash; 6 months credit on fur- nishing approved joint notes, four per cent. off for cash in lieu of notes. Decision of auctioneer final. R. S. BROWN, Auctioneer. ANDREW TURNBULL, Pro] . P.S.—The trustees of the Win- chelsea school will also offer for sale at the same time some old building material. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Richard Glanville, of the Village of Exeter, County of Huron, gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Statutes in that behalf that all cred- itors and others having claims a- gainst the estate of the said Richard Glanvill, who died on or about March 9th, 1920, are required en or before the 12th day of April, 1920, to send by post prepaid or de- liver to Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury of the Village of Exeter, Solicitors for the Executors of the said de- ceased, their christian and surnames, addressesand descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the state- ment of their accounts and the na- ture of the security, if any held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned datethe said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled ther having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice; and that the Executors will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of suck distribution. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for the Executors Dated at Exeter this 23rd day of March, 1920. 4 mnoum. aauu l�913 t mmy N nW1A1!INwll� ni'at,jiff,--,.!,1',_. ui N9�to70 ',� 'epic et rice'u5'arPaterittio&icna�s�' +I AYedcfablePteparatlonfnlin1 t �simiiali�'►gtheFcod6lTAe�uta. ,f '.tubi tltz Stomachs flied Ben w ! .en $ r --" r The byl`'fQiu0tl. , d., , iteeritrine'S'atCra . a e x' 1 neither Opium, I Oo r^c Mineral hr Doped 0011A:VelartOrligEt PanrAib S«'S Senna Ache11 SO Anise Jai s 'giro= e SAO tarn, See. For Infants and ChildreWIN n., MothersKnow That Genuine astoria Always Beam the . Si. ature of i A?lelpfadReinedYry or s, fvoastipalioi'itladDic're foes Wrisliiiess and LOS$ and 6EVz' eSiittiingihe.'c1'tue ° ;fstic.1{ a m Si{natereof 611440:""072 Tire•CZarrartCerally4. ,'s __nee. Use Tor Over n � harS. e L w i 4, Exact Copy of Wrapper. .• .>SF.a.'it!i=±MM?T. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW PORN CITY. ll,' neae, .y dealeal 3l,• UNPREPA Ai ' Tc.s lJ.I.�IA RQ'�]'�a1 A EDNESS FAILURE A bank account is an assistant in character building. It establishes the confidence, independence and pride which increases effort and paves the way to success. Open an account to -day and be prepared. 74A TH.E CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PA =UP"CAPITAL - - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - - $1 5,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager. CA T Sy IA For Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 Years ::; .. THE USBORNE AND BIBBERT FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY. Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, THOS. RYAN Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON DIRECTORS WM. BROCK J. L. RUSSELL ROBT. NORRIS, JAMES McIiENZIE AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Hibbert. OLIVER HARRIS. Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan. W. A. TURNBULL, Secretary -Treasurer R. R. No. 1, Woodham.. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT Veterinary Surgeon Office ---Baker's Livery on Jaines St. Calls promptly attended W day or night. Phone S. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L:L.D., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- fit3r. DENTIST Teeth•,•pittract©d..3v thq tt_nein ,or •atib• Further' sensational developments evelopents giving- Scotland control ...of. ,purely ; had effects. Office over Madmen. coin yesterday ia'the inquiry at St. •'Seottisn affairs. , k Stanfinr'tl , f1i11ee. a twin' St;' 1~teter. INCORPORATED IN 1855 OVER 120 BRANCHES THE MOLSONS BANK Documents CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000• of importance are absolutely safeguarded if placed in one of our SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES T. S. WOODS, Manager EXETER BRANCH Centralia Branch open for business daily. Farrilers 1•� tl itioii e a FERTILIZERS 16 per cent Acid Phosphate 0-10-2 General crop 1— 8-1 General crop 2— 8-2 General crop a 2-10-0 Ontario Special 4— 9-4 Potato 'special Put up in 125 pound bags. your order to -day. WIRE FENCE 6 -wire fence 7 -Wire fence 8—Wire fence 9 -Wire fence $34.00 $38.50 $39.00 $ 48.00 44.00. $68.00 Place 50c. 55c 60c 70c. Barb Wire, Brace Wire and Steel Gates.. Low prices on Dry Hemlock and Pine Barn Boards, Large stock of Cedar Posts' XXXXX B. C. Shingles Neponset Asphalt Shingles Paroid :Roofing Phone 10, A. J. •„ GI�,A�TI��r�r,: .. , MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and ;village properties, at lowest rates : of terest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Main St. Exeter, Ontario .J. W. BROWING, M. D., M. S. P. S. Graduate Victoria University, Office and Residence, Dominion. Labratory, Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. I. R. CABLING, 33. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for the MolsongBank, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of Interest. OFFICE—MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Auc- tioneer. Sales conducted in any loc- ality. Terms moderate, Orders left at Times Office will be 'promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton. Address Kirkton P. 0. w• AR. Gi+ F. ROULSTON, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST ' 'Office 'aVoi -I' f.;" "Carling'3 La* Stott' Wednesday afternoon.