HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-3-25, Page 8THS EXE.TE.R TIMES j. A. 'ST 1(VAR1 PHONE 16 rfrt E N s' Are you going to step out this Easter with a brand new Outfit'? If sowe are in a Position to cloth you from head to root with the newest and smartest wearing apparels. HATS We are especially proud of our Tweed and Soft Hats for Spring wear. Styles for ,all ages and in a large variety of colors. SHIRTS We are fortunate indeed to have such au extensive array of Shirts for your .approval. You will be a winner if you choose early. SHOES We have been selling you the justly famous "Beresford" Shoe for years. Lets keep up the good work. We have also a large stock of heavy work shoes. CLOTHING We don't like to brag about ourselves but high quality clothing more moderately priced than what we have to show You is not to be had. Your dollar spent with us still retains some of its pre-war kick. Come in and see us. J. A. Stewart Market Report —The following is the report of the Exeter Market corrected every Wednesday. No. 2, :Wheat $1,95. Oats $1.05. Bran $48 a ton in buyer's bags, Shorts $56 per ton, Family flour $6.85. Lard:. 85c. Hogs $19.25, Barley $1,45 to $1.65. New laid eggs 48c, Dairy butter 55c to 58c. Creamery butter 68c. Potatoes $3.50 to $3.75.. �i6v�oc�O��bQ�Om++►c3e<'oOiO�Q�O y• LOCAL • • .900• a®+P ainm.••• Mr. T. 0. Southcott is in Toronto this week on business. Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Andrews .left last Thursday for their home at Pointex, Sask. Mrs. J. A. Stewart and son D. B. Stewart, have returned home after visiting in Toronto. Mrs. Skinner and daughters, Mrs, F. King, Ava and Mary Skinner were in Louth).on Saturday. Mr. Wilbur Luker has returned to London after visiting for a week at the home of Mr. D. Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Irwin, of London, are visiting the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bissett. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Armstrong, of Usborne have both been ill with in- fluenza and are under the doctor's care. • 1 COMING A Car of Monarck and Safe Lock Fencing 9 wire, 12 stays to the rod, 6 inch even spacing 75c. 8 wire, 12 stays to the rod, 6 inch even spacing 68c. S wire, 9 stays to the rod, 6 inch even spacing 63c. 8 wire, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, spacing 63e. 7 wire, any spacing 58c. GATES, BARB, LAWN AND POULTRY FENCE We have only one ear at pres ent prices. Send in your order at once and save some money on your fence needs. PHONE 137, E. K. FRANCIS EXETER Massey -Harris Show Rooms one door south of Central Hotel. FORD EDUCATIONAL FILM AT THE DO),IIE THEATRE An interesting educational film produced by the Ford Company, was shown at the Dome Theatre,last -Fri- day and Saturday evenings. The film showed the making of automo- bile tires, both inner and outer tubes. When we think of the amount of money that an automobile tire costs, we think the tire makers must be making huge sums of money. But as the film showed, the many opera- tions and machinery that is neces- sary to make tires, why, we wonder With the Churches CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. d'aines. Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.ni.—SundaySchool and Bible Classes, 11 a.m.—Rev, W. G. Howson, of London, 7 p.m.—"Elijah meets Ahab on 1 Mt. Carmel."—The acid test. - The Minister Rev. Dr. S. Banks Nelson coming to preach, Sunday, April 18th and lecture on Ireland and the Sein Feiners Monday, April 19th. Prayer meeting, Thursday even- ing 7.45. Good Music at all Services JAMES STREET METHODIST CHURCH Rey. M. J.. Wilson, B.A., Pastor. 11 a.m.-Evangelist Robert Mc- Hardy. 3 p.m.—Sabbath School and Bible classes. - 7 p.m.—Rev. W. G. London:, 8.30 p.m.—Union mass meeting of Exeter churches. Address by _Ev- angelist R. McHardy. Music by a men's chorus All Seats Free Mrs. :Nugent and Miss Forbes of London, sisters of Mrs. Chapman, are the guests of. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Chapman, of town. The Women's Institute will meet on Friday, March 26th instead of Good Friday, April 2nd, at the Pub- lic Library at 3 p.m. Mr. Caleb Heywood has been quite seriously ill during the past week and at present is in a rather critical condition. His speedy re- covery is hoped for. Our birdman saw his first robin this year in Exeter on the lith. inst., bluebird on the 22nd, blackbird and high -holder, song sparrow and I'll - deer snipe on the 23rd. The three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilkinson of the .14th, Tuckersratth had the misfortune to fall while coming down stairs, break- ing his leg just above the ankle. Messrs. Griffith Brothers who have been attending to the repair end at the Ford garage are leaving shortly for Ingersoll where they have secured similar employment. how they can be made as cheaply as they are. The film was interesting as well as instructive. Kitty Gordon in the "Unveiling Hand" also added to the attractions. We do notsell the Chocolates, but we sell the best of them.—HAR- VEY & HARVEY. A line of Aylmer Pura*, full Scales and Ladders for sale by Cock- shutt agent, J. C. Kestle. Ted Lewis Jazz Band Makes Its First Record The feature of New York's Greenticli Village Follies and. headliner at Keith's Palace Thea- tre, the Ted Lewis Jazz Band, plays "Blues (My Naughtie Sweetie Gave Me)." This fren- zied fox-trot gives you an in- credibly swift succession of re- sounding syncopated ``` S''. shocks. Coupled .with i-- "India," another fine fox-trot. A-2798 90c Other Good Records No. 2668—"Till We Meet. Again" "Dreaming of Home Sweet Home" No. 2662—"Mickey", song; "Mickey" Band. Come In ancd hear them on the Colitm.bl4 Grafonola dPowell's Bazaar lL`xE'TL+Br ONTARIO Mr. C. Aldworth held an auction sale of his house and lots and household effects in Exeter North on Saturday last: The house and lots were purchased by 'Mr. Wes. Stone for $130,0. Mr. T. 11. Race, travelling secre- tary for the Muskoka Free Hospital was . in Exeter the forepart of the week taking up the annual sub- scription for this worthy cause. We understand he met with liberal re- sponse. Mr. Clarence Morley who has been on the staff of the Molsons Bank at St. Marys for sometime, has re- signed his position and spent several days with his parents -Mr. and Mrs. John Morley, of town. He left on Tuesday for Winnipeg. Mr.H.Bierling who last week sold the post -office and store in Exeter North, has purchased the farm of Mr. James Dearing, one mile west of town. The farm contains fifty acres and has good buildings. The purchase price was $6000. Exeter will have the privilege on Sunday next of hearing about the work of the Brotherhood movement, in its local, national and worldwide aspects. Speakers from Toronto, Brantford and London will deliver illuminating and inspiring 'messages. Howson, o .®e MAIN ST. AND BETHANY Minister, Rev. Dr. Medd Main St. next Sunday 11 a.m.—Rev. A. i.` Snyder. Bethany next Sunday, 2.30 p.m.— The Minister. Main St. next Sunday 7 p.m. --The Minister. Theme Perils of our day, or did the war retard the progress of Christianity? Hear this. Immediately following the Easter period the minister will preach a series of sermons un Sunday even- ings upon the life and character of ,an eminent woman of the Bible. Good Friday and Easter services will be of exceptional interest. An- nouncements next week. Mrs. Victor French and little son Jack returned to town last Satur- day after visiting with relatives in Clinton. They left again this week to visit in Windsor. HIGH PRICE FOR A COW. Mrs. S. Atkinson was called. to London township this week owing Ito the death of her grandson, Wm. A. Shoebottom.- The deceased was in his 30th' year. He leaves a wife and one small child. He was the eldest son of James H. and - Mary Shoebottom. Last week a fat cow to Mr. David Cottle, of was sold on the Toronto the record price of. ,19 pound. The • And Men And But The belonging Russeldale, market for cents per THURSDAY, MARCH 25th, 1020. IIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIImufi 11111 uniiI1111I11 MIN11111111I1M1 MILIIIIIIIIIIIl M1111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111L'' SO1JTHCCOTT BROS. .1111111111 Phone - x34 Brighten Up Your Home :This. Spying We are showing a beautiful range of New Papers and we would like for you'to see them. Inside the cover of your New Telephone Direc- tory you will find three cuts, of papers we handle. Any time you have a few minutes to spare, let us show you our new line of Papers for this season.. If it not convenient for you to our books to your home. get up town we will gladly take Men's Rubber Boots $5.00 You will need a pair this wet.sloppy weather. We have 24 pairs of Dominion Rubber Boots that are fully guaranteed and are are last we can get to sell at this price. Get a pair to -day. $5.00. • SOUTHCOTT BROS. C W MVO IMMO MOM 11101110... MEW MEIN C' C C MEM 41111.1111 OWEN IMMO MOM 110.111 MOONY iillillllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllll111iIIIIIIIIlIlI111.11111111111111111(III(iIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllilllllllll�llllllr T.H1i REAL' GIVER money gift is easy, - there are hundreds here to pay, . settle back contented while the toilers work away. will dig into their pockets for the gold the cause will need then lease it for another to go out and do the deed; in every worthy struggle, that shall help the race to climb world is always seeking for the men who'll give - their time. M. E. Gardiner Undertaker and Funeral Director Phones 74w. Night Calls 74J. OPERA HOUSE :aThe money gift is easy; but a. better gift...than pelf Is to dedicate to service not your. money but yourself. -- For though gold and silver often are the things a cause demands, No righteous dream can triumph without willing hearts' and hands, - And in every field of service that is known to mortal ken You can hear the leader calling, not for money, but for men. A. Relief Committee was recently appointed in connection with the James Street Methodist church. At the morning .service .%last . Sabbath a collection was taken up to be placed in. the hands of the commit- tee- and distributed as they saw fit. Within a few cents of fifty dollars was collected. Mr. J. G. Jones has moved into the house on Gidley street recently vacated by Mr. A. E. Andrews. Mr. Jonet will have the house on. Main street, in which he has been living, torn, down and .replaced by a new and up-to-date residence. He also intends erecting a second .residence on William street. ,,,,h'Ir. Wes. Snell has sold his equip- ment of the Overland garage con- sisting of repair tools, gasoline en- gine, battery_charging outfit, gaso- line tank_etc., to Mr. H. Mousseiu, of. 'Zurich, who is having the equip- ment moved to Zurich 'this week. Mr. Snell, who has had the ' b'•dld- ing leased from Mr. S. M. Sanders, for a number of years m Living lip possession the first of nett month. Word was received in town on Saturday of the death of Mrs. Croc- ker, of .Ottawa, sister" of Mrs. D.. Johns, of town. The deceased was at one time a resident of Exeter. Two dasighters, botlt living in Otta- wa survive, Mrs. King, at whose home she died and Miss L. T. Croc- ker, The remains were borught to 5t. Marys for interment on Monday and were eccouipanied by Mr. King and Mr. Whim:ster. In, the Toronto Glebe on Monday the announcement was made of the engagement of jean Munro Hay, daughter of the late Rev. John Hay and Mrs. Hay, of Regina, Sask., to Captain: James Harold Raiiisay, M. 0„ and liar, ,eldest son of. Rev. Dr,. and Mrs. 'O. M. ,It.arnsay, of Toronto. The marriage is .to to-ke place early Dr. HENRYYA. CORSAUT Veterinary Surgeon Dr. Henry A. Corsaut wishes to announce that he has moved • his. office to Baker's Livery, James next door to Overland Garage appreciates the patronage he has .e- ceived in the old stand and hopes for a continuance of the same in his new office. Calls promptly attended to, day of night. Phone 8. . BLOCK FARMS FOR SAT I have a number of choice farms - - 'for sale in Usborne, Hibbert and Tuckersmith with up-to-date' build - TENDERS WANTED rght gs and my long experience in. the = usiness tells me I have the price Tenders will be received until and some of them on easy April 25th, 1920, for the construe -1 terms of payment. Also the Far tion of the Winchelsea Creek Drain (Inbar Store property. For ,.terms Improvement in the ; Township of ` and particulars apply to Thomas Usborne. A marked cheque for the Cameron. Woodham, P. 0., auction - amount of 10 per cent. of the con -1 - .�— tract price to accompany each Ten- � FOR SALE. der. no fications m seen Plans at theaofficespeciof John Rogeray, be O. One second-hand stiff -tooth Culti- LS., Mitchell or from the under- vator with three sets of points in signed. good repair. HENRY STRANG, Township Clerk Hensall, R. R. No. 1. The money gift is easy, many gladly pay the price Who sit back in times of danger and refuse the sacrifice. There ars men that' give their money for a purpose that iS fine Who never share the burdens of the hitter fighting line, But the man the world is seeking in the task it has to . do' Is the man who'll share the struggle and stay with it 'till it's thru. --Edgar A. Guest. FARh( FOR . SALE—"Evergreen Farm" consisting of Lot 11,Con. 14, Tp. of Hibbert, County of Perth, 100 acres imediately north of Far- quhar. Up- to- date brick dwelling That's the way I make that old large bank barn, with water all thro- suit of yours look. By clening, press - it supplied from never failing well ing, repairing, it doubles, yes trebles with windmill. A second windmill the life of your suit. Isn't it more and well on back of farm. New up- economical to pay for cleaning, press- to- date hen and hog house large ing, than to buy a new suit? Espec- new drive house. Good orchard of Tally now when new suits are so high. apples and small fruit, 8 acres of bush, 50 acres mostly double- I ploughed and ready for crop. Bal- ance in grass. This is a choice farm, well fenced, well drained and in a high state of cultivation. A WILLIAM WARD 0 Remember we can save you 25c on your daily paper. AS GOOD AS - NEW TREY TALK ABOUT MONEY The Alabama Christian Advocate puts the relation of money to the Church very pertinently when it says: "Go to church. They talk about money nearly every time I`go. Sure they talk about money every time you board a street car or take a train, but You do not stdy at home on. that account. Pay your fare. Don't be a baby. Bear your burden. Be a man. Go to' church." - AURORA - BOREALAS UNUSUAL- LY BRIGHT ON MONDAY EVE Wonderful Display of 'Celestial I'yro techni cs lovely home and must be sold. Will exchange for residence property.' Easy terms of payment. Apply to Thos. Cameron, R. R. No. 1, Kirk- , ton. T. R. ELLIOTT SUDDEN SERVICE SHOP HEADQUARTERS FOR Up=To=Date Furniture R. N. ROWE'S Phone 20 THE UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER DRS. SWEET & VINNINI" Veterinary Surgeons . All calls promptly attended -to day, or night. OFFICE- -Dr. Sweet's old office . Phone 120 THE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $1.50 a year. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising—Made known on application. Stray Animals—One insertion 50c three insertions fax $1.00 Farm. or Real Estate for sale 500 each insertion for one month of four - insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For. Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 5Oc. Lost and found locals 25c. . Local reading notices eta., 10c per line per insertion. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 500. Auction sales $ 3 fax one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in' length. Legal advertising 10c and 5c a line. BOY WANTED—To learn hard- ware business, also boy to learn the tinsmithing and plumbing. Apply Heaman's Hardware. On Monday evening several peo- ple'stood for quite awhile'wat,hing the Northern Lights:or Aurora 130r- ealas. The sight was certaitilv.mag- nificent. The phenomenon Vas tin - usually bright and reached far to the south-east, in fact to all points of the compass at times. So brlht was the light at one time, that peo- ple in Toronto phoned the news- paper offices and asked if it was a fire. The wonderful colors and constantly changing shapes that this magnetic phenomenon presents . to the eye is indescribable. The cause of , this, phonon -tenon is still a mys- tery, although various theories are aceopted. Tho theory of the sun sliiu- ing'an the icebergshas no grounds for reason at all. That it is of a magnetic nature has been provers as the telegraph system felt the influ- ence on. lltonday afternoon and in the evening the system was held up for awhile on account of the nzag•• netic state of the atmosphere. The in April. Capt. Ramsay is a grand- phcnontenotl generally appears. af- son of Mrs. Ramsay, of town and ter a drop in temperature and Is :visited in Meter a short time ago, generally a sign of colder weather, DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractor. Corner William and Sanders. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- days. 10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Teude'r-Roast Fresh Rani You like it? Then you will enjoy a dingier from ours. It is simply deli- cious—young, juicy, tender and most wholesome. We suggest that for your dinner to -day or Sunday, you order sonic frost no, and you will not be disappointed. Or a leg of ' young lamb? . BEN. AKIN+ `. The Sanitary Meat Market, whore quality is higher than price. - e 'For New Slit If you are,thinking of getting a new suit, we advise you to purchase it now, for materials and labor are ad- vancing and you will certainly have to pay more for your clothing a little. later. Why not come and see otir ready-to-wear stocks while they are fairly . complete, at money=saving prices? ' Suit: $20 to $40 Overcoats $2O ,to $35 W Raincoats 15 to $30 W.' W. AMAN Pii.ONE `�I