HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-3-25, Page 2Thai eking Persistent w °ugh swim fever Be neglected, The constant hacking, racking, per- t3lstent eougls that sticks to you iu spite of everything you have done to girt rid of it, means danger. The longer the cough sticks, the more serious menace it becomes to your health. It is a very easy matter to get rid of the cold at the outset by using Drs Wood's Norway Phe Syrup. la nearly every case it will allay the inflammation, soothe the irritation, heal the diseased mucous lining of the lungs and bronchial tubes, and thus rid the system of all the bad effects of the fingering cough or cold, Dr, Wood's Norway- Pine Syrup has been universally used for the past 30 years, and so great has been its success, it is only natural that a great many imitations have been placed on the market, Don't accept any of these, so-called Pine Syrups. Get the original "Dr. Wood's." Put up in a yellow wrapper; 3 pine trees the trade mark; price 25c. and 50c. Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. CANADA'S TRADE ON INCREASE Growth Totals $103,926,832 in Eleven Months. A despatch from Ottawa says: -An Enerease of $101,936,832 rn elle grand total of Canadian trade for the eleven months of the riseal year ending Feb -1 ruary 2.9as compared with the same period last year, is simian by the zucuthiy statement issued from the e ,2? 'Customs liep arEilic'..T. For the elevene months wi>ieh ended on February 29' last the total of Canadian trade. beth is p t t; Iced exporte, was .e2,110.4tt.-tt4 'Fie e for the, same peeled. to tele it re ar-itod a : ata' v!` ie.^, eai e .t inept>`i, dieing 'ire -eleven ' r ntei e' eerie!! as entupered with the peevieee yea e.s e,,..',4.: aid 'sal ee- >...I e $e9.9e7 .riI. ' I s; e t inneence an, .govt, by tee scenes i Li; to e; t I!t' of alta- :sport+Sol, tee ,' . U ;NIT •l.. t _.. 60.y -+Axty-. THE t- .-X FARMS OF PRINCE W R Teo desc t iptfou ilwer-fox" swile whet talose.+atiing beiau'a it tet to foster the beliet, exeellt iii iuitiat circles, that the fur is either white sliver grey- in color, .1.s a matter fact it is tite trade entitle for the of the black tux, the term saver be. derived from the presentee of gest t \vile e and grey hairs kat ei . t t lot Wavle t1Oreover, ill the drys 0 sit:;: Yt:. i't It the to :Silky brush 1 a tip of ji:.;l'r, v r t; r c'hor'es stlftiest?t , motel a view t,t' the o lack .,ts7,. ell only to eru-ttt'tt' tee 11c* itl.t k, or tint er lip,l t ui l 1 e tat} e •• 'Asti Of lt1 t u able the animal.; t1} ° T : Y`,1 el teat t a 'tt .: ii.list.,' et , .t teeme!. i 4 irg : e .sin. on- The enter space nteativelea Into he ncas. The vitt' 1,Y .,irrg lr.tt,viing the f a pen nluvt be at least tett feet in lets height, supportc"1 1iy vert eai posts. Within the sen is u small yard or run and a spt'e' tidy designed house or keit- nal. It re> commodious, lu'.ahti,•int; ton by eight feet, rec'ta,g.riar in plea and • pros isle .1 with a ridge roof. A seuttte ran It is the iustte sit'.tuesa, and gen al richness; ss; of this fur which ren it such a prime favorite in tee fe nzlta� world. For ceuturies it h teundr ,y:ll favor. en1 tttt_ike net other fuse, it is not su t eptible to t whimsical cepel •e its eiadante Pale( The elivt'r'-fol is always Pashiennbi Thirty years ago it seense.i as this fur would beoome 80 scarce as er- cl er ny aspeet isiia_ irabio with the frunt open es to the Cup of the sit' or augie posts. Lai The s slue se; for tike host part are ,, • electrically lighted throughout, and ie are equipped with a complete electric to , burglar alarm system. in the cane of the large farms the personnel com- prises a resident manager, a veterin- ary surgeon, two watchmen for day and night respectively, and last but not least, a formidable peek of watch dogs. be beyond acgtrisi ton by all but the privileged few. The animal is ex- tremely timid and in its wild state seeks to ;et as far away from the haunts of men as it. can. Its house lies within the belt which is subjected to a prolonged winter such as that of Canada and Siberia, but the choicest pelts have ,always been those derived from the North American continent. To the trapper the capture of a sil- ver -fox has always been regarded as the prize among prizes. No gold - seeker ever becomes more excited over a "strike" than does the venture- some nomad of the ice and snow- locked vastnesses upon finding one of these animals In his trap. No wonder, when the pelts are worth about $2,000! After several years of experiment- ing by skilled trappers, it was found that the silver -fox could be bred in captivity and, what was more to the point, that the furs raised under such conditions were equal in every respect to those taken from animals caught in the wilds. Prince Edward Island w found to be specially suited to fo farming. This is not surprising. earlier days the island was the a mays home: the land in which flourished amazingly. The air g .an soil are to e,uliarly adapted to the an mai arta th development of a firs class pe':. The air is emIrgenia] bot in semi,; eature and humidity, w•hil rhe soil Is almost completely fre feozu alkali or lime. which has a ten- lency to burn the fur and render the! pelt nares and dry as a result of the animal's burzowing's. Thus the geo- °gieat formation of the island has also played a vital part in evolving the blackestthe inworld. The ranch should range in area rom c•ne to five acres, and care should! While the fox, like the dog, is n fastidious in regard to its food, th observance of certain dietetic prin cipies has proved eminently desirable and successful. Meat is supplement ed with biscuits, rough bread, vege- tables, oatmeal, berries, apples, milk and eggs, as well as grass. The gen- eral practise as to feed twice a day some farmers prefer the one -meal - day system --and at regular hours. To keep the animals in the pink of condition care must be observed to use only clean dishes. Previous to being killed a special diet comprising boiled barley, oats, hooey or a pro- prietary stock food is given because these foods give that sheen and gloss to the fur which is so eminently de- sirable. The annual feeding charges as vary from $40 to $60 a pair, though x- large scale farming may enable this In charge to be reduced. Still, under the al conditions prevailing, the food -costs ft do not occasion close attention. It has been found that foxes can be I- safely mated when about six months old. Certainly young au foxes f 3 will fre- t- e t quently breed at nine months, Inves- ts tigation has revealed that a single fe- e i male will raise from eight to ten e. no 777. HOLDING HIM UP, GERMAN REVOLT QUICKLY SUBSIDES Ebert Government Re-estab- lished Following Kapp's Resignation. a- despatch from Berlin says: -The Ebert Government is agaiu in control in Berlin, Vice -Chancellor Schniffer, in whose hands the sudden retirement of Dr. Wolfgang Kapp temporarily placed the administrative power, and Gustav Noske, Minister of Defense, are engaged at bringing about order t ' t l ,? t v, ;t fiscal 1 i . . ti .. (-'•e millions r1 r _The aloe of ! ;ported t ]l+, f .-1 er end steel: p l Of :}niinai and i t •c , •'wen i s r:li_r than j t as a yeer b be taken to reproduce as closely as passible the natural habitat. The deal location is a stretch .0f thinned bush of mixed hard and soft woods roviding sufficient shade for protec-1 sen from the heat in summer and yet utfieiently open to allow the early haw of the snow and ice. It should e set cn slightly raised ground to en- sure good air and effective drainage shove all the farm should be well re loved from highways and building Mee. the animal is readily suscept ble to disturbance by noise e:Y • It •c•='r,:7- 1' ere of the ('can - tee, .,ani au]mal 'tr,>d. wood pro yv:... • , .:ks a lunch t g . . zees. . families during her life, each litter ranging from two to seven pups. While in certain cases eight and nine may constitute a family, the average is nearer three or four. To-dayover 3 there are n n VQV lailver- foxes on the Prince Edward Island farms. The enterprise has nourished so amazingly as to become regarded as the foremost live stock industry in Prince Edward. Island. The total sa- ver fax population outnumbers that of ail other live stock combined, while the estimated value and this asset, bearing in mind the high prices which are paid for stock, is incalculable. Certainly it must represent several million dollars. From the economic point of view it represents potential • wealth, and accordingly as now re- - ceiving every assistance from the s Provincial Government. Prince Edward Island fox furs are now as famous throughout the world and an accepted trade mark through- out the furriers' industry as Califor- nian peaches, Fraser River Salmon or Tasmanian apples. Buyers from every part of the globe flocked to Montreal to the big auction sale of furs which began on March 22nd. Practically the entire Prince Edward Island output was marketed there, s:Kin g' Of S,y:' a ' d Not Rec+;•gnized The ranch, as a rule, is enclosed within a double wall of board and vire-netting, with the inner wall set ome distance from,the outer boun- ary. As a rule the outer 'fence encloses he whole farm, the quarters for the tamale and accommodation for the aretaker and manager as Well as vasa chmen. The facilities include a iY 1 +.-i,(, t'.•1i ll irYt 1. urvfit The a BoStiett and French Gct-erninents have 0 n Tis^!1 Prince i•'e a:l soli of the fling of tee lie Ijs , that they eennor recone ere - /fees , to veileiry cif tee decinion of the Da:Itasca, r e 11,.h pr.o- c ,..td elm i.i::g of tics:,(. See Priace has been !eve def : f} ,!eters !. :Le E't,.,ni' e state i1's Allenby Has Banned di ttl All Soudan' la Meetings gr t :r Irma Cairo, Egypt. says' C ,, Marshal Allenby. ,British High ' x11 t;1 in Egypt and the San- w dare ,les t' `et.li D i r',elatnatiou which tr $rt t� ' eeeen, tieee.ege,proceed-1. G tags er i'•....liktt, I i.'. -;;r I eaielatlye .Assereale or rile t . 7 ;ears f'ouar•i]s': G or other e eetiye ".struts. (11' weathers 1 of thein. entsele ?lei, ..gal cone-' s peience, I b Violations of the procl (oration are to be dealt with. by martial law. 1 o _.....:_ ._.... k I Our Bacon "Snapped Up At Once." -Why don't you ship more ;.:lna- an bacon?' This is a question asked e from one end of England and Scot- nd to the other. It was a source of eat regret that I had to reply that anadian packers were not able to ip more bacon because more hogs ere not being produced in the coan- y." In these words, Br g- Gen. J, A. ttnn. i"eticlent of Gunns Limited, 1'or•or to who let just returned from rent BI:tain, where he spent three n on t he investigating conditions, toted the position of the Canadian aeon industry, "Conclusive e eeence of the value f Canadian bacon on the English mar - et and a fact which the country will, am sure, be interested in," he went n, "is that while shipments of bacon ram other countries may be put into forage from time to time because of ck of demand, yet not one pound of anadian bacon goes into storage in England, It Is snapped up for lin- mediate consumption as fast as it an rives. Besides, for every case of Cana- dian bacon sold, the buyer has to take a few eases ofother brands, The popularity of Canadian bacon makes it possible to distribute with it grades which are brat so popular to fill orders, I explained p ped to business q u ss Inen that high prices for grain feeds and the un- certain market ea conditions ti nS Of the past autumn had seriously curtailed hog production in Canada. But I believe the prospects for the future are so good that the preservation of our breeding d rs g staClts is a vital national con- cern which should engage the atten- tion of all classes, If there is one thing which should convince tite Cana- dian fanner that our bacon has a place by Itself on the British market it is' that the price being paid in Canada for hogs is far in excess et what the American farmer is getting, Pr t g e'ViaCtS a the war, Canadian bacon found its 1Fainting, Dizzy Spells Weakness and of t Gess of Breath. Those feelings of faintness, those dizzy *pets and call gone" sinking sensations s , ich come on from time to time in. iicate a weakened condition of the heart nd disordered state of the nerves. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills have o equal for strengthening the heart and cavi oratin the nerves. g u rues, Mrs. C. A. 8. Drake, Paris, Ont,, ritesa--°' have used on towards the tier nd box of Milburn's Heart and Pills and find they have done fo"k good. I had those fainting, dizzy 1sI T .13 once in a while, and also weakness arm shortness of breath and would be• sante so choked tip times X could Roily sleepwithout sittingupin Wien bed. :i.l welkin{; too fast I would have to ek:«°> and try to catch my breath. X ft `i a led better sinew I have used oui l> "sand kuyw that they have helped me fere 1derf'tlly es 1 have improved vary 111e.t'0 " i0e. zr box at all dealers or el aio'rt 1711 reNIpi r,r price by The f , .Y11ILUrlr Co.,Limited, Out, ,rusted, 'I arattta, 0 f la c way into certain parts of England only. To -day, wherever you go, from Land's End to John O'Groat's, you find the consuming public familiar with Cana- dian b.tccn and asking for it. After a close study of the markets of Great Bream and Europe, I consider that if Canada is to reap the reward coun- mereially which was opened to her by war service she must follow it up by a national peace effort. .The name of `Canada' is the finest introduction to European markets to -day. No one class in Canada must endeavor to im- pose upon this international trade situation any conditions which will jeopardize the position of our country." in the elty and restoring activities to their normal basis. Regular troops, loyal to the Ebert regime, are guarding the streets, and detachments of them spent the day in tearing down wire entanglements and barricades which the revolution- ary soldiers had erected in profusion. In this connection there was an un- fortunate accident, where in the firing of a mine to destroy a barricade at Iiottsbuser, in south-eastern Berlin, the explosion killed 12 persons and In- jured 28. Buy Thrift Stamps, Weekly Market Report Breadstuffs less, 52c to 56c; breakfast bacon, 42c Toronto, Mar. 23. l%4anitoba wheat to 46c; cottage rolls, 33c to 34c, _No. 1 Northern, $2,80; No. 2 Nor- Barrelled meats -Pickled pork, $46; thern, $2.77. mess'o • pork, $45. Manitoba oats -No. 2 C.W., $1.00- Green meats -Out of pickle le less %; No, 3 C.W., 97%c; extra No. 1 than smoked. feed, 97%c; No. 1 feed, 96%c; No.'2 Dry salted meats -Long clears, in tons, 32%c; in cases, 28c to 29e; clear bellies, 27c to 281/2e; fat backs, 32c to 33c, feed, 95%c, in store Fort William. Manitoba barley-No,3 C.W., $1.75; No. 4 C.W:, $1.35%; rejected, $1.42, in .A, just cause, This was dealt wird in our last letter --riot fully, for titer are so many sides to this question but sufficiently to vindicate our claim We shall :confine the .discussion tht week to the neater of organization 1Ylty' organize? Let us clearly under stand that the onlyjust reason the o any andtistti.al factor ofstational iif can give for organization is that it workers may thus do more effecttsa work as national factors, It is very- desirable, of course, the the industry flol:trishes for the person al benefit of those interested in, it But that is not enough. No class, I a democracy, has the right to a pros perity out of proportion to its national value, and. attained at the expense of other necessary national industries, • That farming, as an industry, has no national status, needs no proof. We have at the present time Provincial status, but examine the personnel of any natiortal Board, even the "Wheat Board," and notice the very limited representation that agriculture is given, A town woman 'represents the farm women on an existing' national committee to -day. She is president of the W. I., and a very fine, capable wo- man, but utterly unacquainted with rural conditions. She could represent urban women thoroughly, How many farmers were on Food Boards, etc., during those years of stress. Upon what products weres prices set absolutely? Just one wheat. All other set prices provided fora stated profit, and the rate of profit on many manufactured 'artieles of absolute necessity, both of food and clothing, was and is a standing dis- grace to Canada. These profits' were shown by appointed Commissions to range as high as 80% on some food products, and from 79% to 312% on material for clothing, It is interesting to note that the profits of a co-operative company are limited to 7%, while those of a private individual or corporate firm are not really limited at all, for the watered stock wlti:ch all such carry makes evasion of the law a matter of no great difficulty. As units, the farming element of this country has entirely fail ed to estab- lish for itself any- status, or to exert any Influence either for self-aggran- disement or self-protection. Much less has it been any safeguard far other industries, even though the absolute necessities for food and clothing are t 0 s e s I t n store Fort William. Lard :Tierces, 30e to 30%c; tubs, produced by It, Through organization A American cane.to 31 - o corn -No. No. 30%cc ail 0• i 3 yellow, Toronto o o to,r, 82 s, 3 �p tod 3rd, it has begun to make itself felt. No. 4 y=ellow, $1.93, track Toronto; prints, 31x:,c to 3�c, Compound lard, prompt shipment. 3 tierces, 281!c "to 29e; tubs, 29c to The Grain Growers of the 4x'est Ontario oats-No.white, $1.00 to `1 c, pails, , 9'rtc to 29%e; .prints, handled the wheat for the Allies aur•- ` ,r 1 3'1'.> 1,02 ac to31 according c.. $ n to freights �_ , ou ids t5 Ontario wheat -No, 1 winter, per car,o$2.00 to $2.01; No. 2 do.,$1.98 to 8 . 3 do., $1.92 to $1.93, 000 OktO last f.o.b. shipping' points, according to adaat Western, o$1.18';,S - if, and wt---- the fa b Montreal Markets Montreal, March 23. -Oats -Can - Ing the war. Their business last year amounted to about 5800,000,000" Our Ontario company transacted about $8 - - year. freights. r No. ., ; .t o, 3, farmer becomes • Ontario wheat -No, `. i ring; er $1.141/z Flour -New standard grade, so organized thak,i like ti a yvor tt rs of car lot, $2.02 to $2.113' `1\to. 2 do, $13 25 to $13.55. Rolled oats -Bags, other indtlr;tries, he can control his $1.98 to $2.0 r; No. 3' do., $1.95 to 90 11rs, $5,50 to $5.60. Bran, $45.25. business, farming will become finals - $2.01, f.o.b. shipping points accord- Shorts, $52.25. Hay -No. 2, per ton, cially sound. That it is not on a pay- ing to freights. car lots, $29.00 to $30.00. Cheese- Mg basis to -day is proven by four out - Peas -No. 2, $3.00,Fin• est easterns, 26% to 27c. Butter, standing facts: 1 The decree h PIMPLES and BO$L For Nearly Two Yonne When pimples and boils appear on the face and body it seems as if the skin r is the seat of the trouble; but the real disease is in the blood. Lotions ant ointments may allay rho trouble for a while, but seldom if ever Cure, You have to get under the slain' get at the blood which is the cause etl the trouble. Burdock Blood. Bitters goes divot to the root of the disease and restores healthy, normal aotion to the different organs, and cleanses the blood of all, its impurities, • Mr. E. C. Goodwin, Cambridge, N.B. writes: -"For nearly two years A suffered from boils and pimples on my face and neck, and nearly all of my body was covered with the pimples, I tried moat everything, but got no relief, One day a friend advised me to tryBur'doolc Blood Bitters • and after using three bottles the bons and pimples had all left me and there is no sign of them return- •. ing. I can strongly recommend B.B.B. to anyone who is troubled with skin disease." Manufactured only by The. T. Mil- burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. CANADIAN CREDIT FOR SERBIA $20,000,000 to Purchase Ag. ricultural and Other Mad finery. A despatch from London says:-.¢ credit of $20,000,000 has been request- ed of Canada by the Serbian Givernt- went. The purpose of the credit will be to finance the purchase of Cana- dian anadtan goods which Serbia requires for the development of its Potentialities, which are said to be greater than those of any other Balkan nation, D. M. Stewart, formerly member of the Canadian Bankers' Aseociation and now representing Canadian in- terests in Serbia, has approached. the Dominion authorities in Loudon to en- dorse the request. In a memorandum which he has presented he states that the Serbians are progressive and in- dustrious, but have been represented oth erwise byGen man piaPaa ardLsis,that the natural resources of the coun- try, including all theterritories award- ed to it in the dismemberment of the Austrian Empire, are very great, and that its Government is staple and cap- able. The goods It requires are chief, ly mining machinery, rolling stock oplei t' all kinds, structural material and agri- cultural machinery, all of which Cana- da can supply. It will be remembered that Serbia 1 .:•ilea was one of the countries originally re commended for acaonnniodation by Lloyd Harris, but it was refused. Allies' Warn Turks Regarding Massacires A despatch from Constantinople c orce�t cream 65 to67 d se aI Allied High Commissioner Berl 1;, $ , au papulation, �. No farm can be rain^ to i 62 to 64c. Eggs, fresh, b2c selected i c. •o - inves m statement - rt .ion destroying the authority of the Sul- tan, but wish to strengthen Itis power. It also says the Allies will adhere to their intention not to deprive the Turks of Constantinople, but that they may be compelled to modify this do- cisio•n If massacres and disorders con - The Allies have occupied the'Minis- tries of War and Navy and assumed control of the posts, 'telegraphs and telephones, which have been. tem- pararily suspended. Shipping also itis been suspended. Willie Had Hand in Kapp Conspiracy ey-14ialtin 51.80 to 1.82 e- eTy, c; seconds, r rad says: -Tire co b freights outside. 54 Potatoes, ,rented for interest or t e here has Issued a declaring Busckvlheat-$1.65 to $1.70, accord -i toes, per bag, car lots, $3.60 3 No farm carr be sold for valueofthat the Allies have no irate t of to $0.65. Lard pure wad 1 20 Ing to freights outside. Rye -No. 3, $1.85 to $1.88, accord- ing to freights outside. Manitoba flour -Government stand- ard, $13.25, Toronto. Ontario flour -Government stand- ard, $10.80 to $11.00, Montreal; $11.00 in Toronto ,in jute bags, prompt ship- ment. lliillfeed-Car Lots -Delivered Mont- real freight, bags included -Bran, per ton, $45; shorts, per ton, $52; good feed flour, $3.60 to $3.75. Hay -No. 1, trier ton, $28,.PO0 Y o 830.00; mixed, per ton, $27.00 track, Toronto. Straw -Car lots, per ton, $16.00 to $17.00, track, Toronto. $11.00; Canners and cutters, $5.25• to $6.00; Milkers, good to choice, $100.00 anything and therefore never got any. Country to $160.00; do., corn: and med. $66.00 thing, and as a class we: actually took Egg New laid, 59c to Produce -Wholesale Butter to $76.00; Springers, $90.00 to $160.00; that remark as a compliment, though -Creamery prints, 9e to 6 e ; choice Lambs, per cwt., $18.00 to $22 00• probably the great siateamanr intend. 7c, Ordinary $ $ , fed ant ed it to be a reproof to us, for if we d t 48 Bakers, $20 50• do., f.o.b., $19 25 d "got nothing"we could not prosper as a class and if the basic industry failed to prosper, what of those based upon it? -Margery 14ziiis. • • c pal s, M lb net, 31 to 31-•,e, land and buildings if the latter be in any degree modern; 4. Organized capital is not investing in agriculture. These must be overcame and can only be done through organization. Rais- ing strawbert'ies, tobacco, sugar beets, pure-bred cattle, is not going to de- crease the cost of staple necessities of Live Stock Markets Toronto, Mar. 23. -Choice heavy steers, $13.50 to $14.25; good heavy steers, $12.50 to $13.25; butcher's cat- tle, choice, 812.50 to $13.26; do., good. $11.25 to $11.76; do., medium, $10.60 to $10.76; do., common, .$8.00 to $8.50; food. These Iines of farming, and Bulls, choice, $10.50 to $11.50; do.., these alone, pay. medium, $9.50 to $10.00; do., rough, Through organization we roust com- $7.50 00t t $8.00; Butcher's cows, choir_e, pet our legislatures to give to agricul- $ o $11.00: do., goad, $9.50 to tore, the basic industry of our coma- , try, .the consideration its worth de- mands. Sir John A, Macdonald used to say that the farmer never asked $ ; ., medium, $8.76 to $9.25; do., common, 7.60 to $8.00; Stockers, $8.50 -to $10.50; Feeders, $10,00 to dairyprints,55c to 57C; O airy grins, c to 51c; •a ers, 43c to 48c;•Oleomargarine (befit grade) 810 to 35c; Cheese -Large, 291he to 20c; twins, 300 to 30?2c; loney- White, 60's, 25c; 10's, 26c; 5's, 27e; Churning Cream -Toronto butter - makers are offering 68c per lb., f.o.b. shipping points, for churning cream. Provisions -Wholesale Smoked meats -Ribs, 3Oe to 81c; hangs, medium, 36c to 38e; heavy, 330 to 34e; cooked hams, 50a to 53e• Sheep, 7.00 to 14.00; Hogs, watered, $20.25; do., -weighed off cars, o., do, country poits, $19.00. Montreal, Mar. 23, --Butcher steers, common, $9.50 to $11.00; common, $7.- 00 to $9.50; butcher cows, medium, $7.00 to $9.00; canners, $5.50 • cutters, $6.00 to $7.00; butcher buds, coni - mon, $8.00 to $9.50; good veal, $15.00 to $17.00; medium, $10.00 to -815.00; grass, $7.00 to $7.50; ewes, $12.00 to $14.00; iambs, good, $17.00 to $18.00; icommony $15.00 to $17.00; off ear weights, selects, $21.00; lights, $20.00 backs, plain, 49c to 50c; backs, bone- to $21.00; sows, $17.00. ROAD MAP OF GOOD ROADS IN ONTARIO. One may became bad without bad intentions, but he can never become good Without goad intentions. The Asiatic town of IYialwatchi, on the borders. of Russia, is peopled by men only. Women are forbidden en- trance there. AXE HURO giticAaome GEORGIAl'1 BAY 'i NSoUt4D `s GREY X55 RN11esa .. '� i� el'aaara `� .•"t.Ai+isTAty, \oolt5sx r C ( rt1TL) 01(FORD i. L , SCAAPITIO 41,A, i'r'tttOMASt. ARAN"'. T: ,1 ^Y I y,. INoRFD I1 SEMIR i 601cb �ARflt. .r✓; NI ourrE ( Y t TOb t � 1pr.aaa aeyeat rev w , i' ^t a a 0 • • J P2MBRO1 I �� ii.,, ,.....1., 1,. .4 I K , a OTTIgWitc. a. - T - I SA p�r><Rso OA � '�� � l l�� n`t� i'9G i®R�SCOTT I ntd it ANA ,xA1► R4 •y ing 7 I AN,yRk 41 '' JON I b to. --.-1 r "'1,_ , leTaRso o _. u, f o1 s ; •.41 r„•'l,•J-%^ Nis i^, • . v IDU M RH � A o a 0 t ► • o c 4 Qt 'PR R trr.t F T `"�,., oR , 1 "Y , pREStoTT . 4(.:',...-'!. :� . t'ttsu: t.la�1 C>;L•ZEEos 't ,' ...:,✓".. , � KtNGsro•t New Provincial Highway System ......,,.� e.,••.,,,.� w.A.-,911.1, YTT.' 0 330 Y,. HAMiL70M w �' � '.LING, ' t ; SZt: THIER1 8S Tee ,ends indleatect twill be bnllt by the Provinco daring The next five vearS' At an EA o_.. .1• R ys , tv maiden dotrsit or torty per cent., the ProvinCt>ondttnr0 let the na;rghtx>rhood or 'ef hf . ntntutenitnce ci>a tvkkY per sent„ stud the Jrnanit 1 Raitlea tl'trou G much g eon 1rNnian do131tnsY r'go9 Win b4lrorise by late Province and relapses litre � Y hit,h slid ltighttaY prison ao per Cent, of the seal a7�vWrlith tctfolr��3q t A despatch from London says: -The British Government has received strong evidence that the former Crown Prince is implicated in the con- spiracy which brought about the mili- tary coup in Berlin, , This explains why the Dutch have doubled `the guards and sent destroyers to watch Wieringen Island. The British are. satisfied the ,former Kaiser wadi not connected with the coup. Umbrella Harness. Harness that has been patented to -carry an umbrella over a person's head and leave his bands free, em- ploys a belt and shoulder straps to hold the rod up the centre of his back.• DO. NOTIISMIS3 CONSTIPATION ASA §T1$NOT, .half Lite ills of life are caused by allowing the bowels to bnrotmt' rezt• Wh'n the bowels bceoin constipated q h tlI„ etbmal•11 trr,ia .•P C`r{1rG, 'tilt: j:`trEj~' a pA work II op' 1d' „t n u.atiaw[a hei v olrnb side. ... a limo; hcaclachcs, a0Urn+ess cf iLe story en, bilious/Wes, heart»w'" xaaL i7r1Y tit) or the entinful irritating 'Were: s.teeelmg or prntrtrk'ilei piles, 1a Iiecp yew' hoWela t !i.ta' r'it,l 3VAi1� burn's Logo -Liver l'iIis and you need never be constlpai; c1, Mrs. �C. Henderson, "rail, wanes --.- I ht,�}e been troubled with sic% headaches and constipation niesi an my Ylavc not now been troubled :for a long.tin%8, X have got faith m Mil - burn's Lara -Liver Fills sine Y + e Casing t,llcra„.' Milburn's Laxa-LivorP I I' Its aro 260. r; vial at all deniers or mailed direct ort receipt of price by The '1 Miibtiru. Codd. X ittthited. Toronto, Out. el/le