The Exeter Times, 1920-3-18, Page 5VieleRSDAY, MARCH la, 1460.
"2" Engine with
Bosch lidagneto
The Ctrt. &eft Co-,csabina ion
HEN the :F.u..1.1 Aneaning of this "Z"
meisage i 7ealis. d —mighty few farnrz,res
in this cornrunity will fa4 to at °wool
call on• us. 9 -Thi, oxample, of master =gine.
building --must be seen,:¶ Type aid pictures
can but .suggest this value establishing
achievement, 1 -This one possible betterment
—Bosch high tension, oscillating magneto—
coinpletes a rare 6ngine..seisi.ic.fyllyinairp
billed by Us -a nearby
J3ost.h..Setsrie station
i 2r4v? ti
Lighting Plants
.Lase _Tractors
arm Machine!:
Use your own engine with the
lighting Plant.
Cochrane Machine
— Agent For —
- Canadian Fairbanks -Morse Cora any.
o Ladies
- This is .a izesult of theck of
the in the
blood. Tlie -foe frequentimeglect
of this censplaiat, especially in the
case of growing girls and•esoung
%mince, is fraught with the :great-
est danger.
Poorries,s4if the Mead
must lead to 'met:moss of thefleodY.
General Debility and such ehrun
down condition ghee •the stilierer
falls a prey to almost any epidemic
disease ---- especicaly,
Colds and La •Winne.
general disturb.ance of the bodely
functions, headache, eividetire mile;
, and sallow complexiken, velem
the tongue anti lips9 puffiness un -
dor the eees and Heart -Murneari'
eire generally aseeciatea with sten-ei
Hackings „art and
erve Remedy
ie the most reliable medieine to
uee. It will brint back the rosy
cheeks and restore Vitality aid'
Wiger. 13o not be diecouragee and
ille not worreefor you will onie get
;worse. Place your confidence irt
eiecnin ga -Heart acl Nerve Remedy
for it is a complete tonic that will
bAng back tho happiness or good
Ineelth that you eo much. desire.
Bile a few boxes te-day. Price
50e 0 box, 6 for $2.60. Sold by
all arialere or by revel, postPaid.
Haneeteses Linsited, Liritowel. •
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Weeper, died at the home of his
parents, etust south of lagmomivflier
aged one year. The remains were
Wren to Zuvirei for interment.
Fee Idalate and Childien
U.S0 Peer Ova:r 30'VearP
ekhreelibeeee see
The Seugral of Mise,Christina Mc-
Doneld, daughter of the laee, Archi-
bald anti Mee. McDonald of Ailsa
Craig, whose death occurred on
Thursday, innich 11,ect her b.ome af-
ter a brief illness, took place Satur-
day. -Interment was made in Nairn
cemetery. The services were conduc-
ted by the Rev. W. Pla Geddes. Be-
sides her mother, Who is. at present
ei very, poor health sat 'her home,
she is survived by one ;sister, Mrs.
Peter McKelear, of Batt 'Williams,
and four brothers, Araks and. Allan
of London; John pf Toronto, and
Alex of Biddielpla •
The" funeral eif the late ;Peter Mc-
Kellar of Bast Williams gook place
Saturday at 3 o'clock. Deceased,
who had been in very peer health
for several months, reed Thursday,
:lust one hour atter his sistesein-laW;
Miss Christina McDonald. The two
funerals were held -the same day to
Nairn Cemetery. Rest -cies hie wife
he is eurvived bytwo d.aughters,
Mrs. Harry Swain 'and Mrs. John
Swain of this plane, and three.nons,
Archie and Laniel of East Williams.
The hydro mon, with Mr. Hayes
ns manager, who have been in town
,for some - time building a hydronline
-.hero, left on Friday for Luton;
where they will work on the same
The, death occurred at Beechwood
on Friday on Donald McCallum,
Whese Ifealth hacl beeu failing for
souse time, but whose condition be-
came worse on Thursday, death tak-
ing lace the following day. The fun-
eral will be held from the residence
of his on, Perna- McCallum, on Mon-
day, rtes:rcli. 15, with 'interment in
Nairn teiensetery. He is suevived by
one daughter, Mrs. Simon McKenzie,
of West William's, and four sons,
Percy, Charles and Donald of Bosch -
Wood and Hugh out.West.
••••14 ,..rmwomp••••••••••1••••••••.......
)ye That Skirt,
Coat or Blouse
eDiamend Dyes" Make Old, Shabby,
leaded Apparel 4opt Like Neigh
Don't worry about porfeet insults,
Use 'Diamond Dyes," guaranteed te geve
a ,new Tice, fadelese color to toy fiebrie,
whethee wool, silk, linen, eotton or mixed
goedeaehlreesee; blouses, etockings, skirts,
eltildrenet donee., dreperiess--everythingl
seteDireetiren Beek isle peekligee
To v •
T mateh Diner material :have dealer
pbolyou "Diamond Dye 'Color Card.
to. exteud i cordial invitationto the
ladies ot Dashwood and vicinity to
attend their lefillieerY ()MARIO on
Friday and Saturday, March, 2 Otle
and 27th, when Miss Plaine 'will he
Pleased to show you all the newest
stylise in spring and summer hats,
Mr. Pedersen was a visitor to
London ThurecleY.
Dr, Tayloe spent 4 tew day in
London last Weeln
Me. Fred Whyte ppent Thursdaer
in London, On business,
,Mr. and Mrs. H. Zimmer, a Streittod are visiting relatives here.
Evangelistic services will be held
in. the Evangelical church next week.
Miss Mildred Schroeder of near
Crediton is visiting with Miss Hazel
Snell, -
Miss Hilda Snell has returned
home after spending the past fog
menthe in Loudon.
' Wet Morley and ceildreu of Glen-
coe. are .visiting her parents Mr. and
Mrs. a Disjardine,.
Mrs. G. Moulton, o! Stratford
spent a few days with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Hartleibt
The local reading circle has re-
ceierea another case of books from
the Ecluclational Departmeut.
Mr, Henry tiender has engaged
with Mr. Louis Foster, of Zurich for
the summeri'tncl lett on Monday.
Mr. F. White has opened a new
grocery store in cennection with his
confectionery. Watch for Iasi add
•nett week,
Some very Interesting, and instruc-
tive letters aro being received by our
school from, children in other parts
of the Empire,
elessrs. Vern. and Emil Schroeder
of Detroit, attended the funeral of
their, the lath Mr. Be-
cher, held on Sunday.
A. collection on behalf of the Ar-
menians is to be taken up on the
coining Sunday. This is a werthy
•edueo and should be teet with. liberal
tespose. • '
'The "Forward Movement df the
Evangelical church is to be launched
next Week when services will be hole
twice each day, Saeurdey excepted.
itt. charge of Rev. Wee -
nee, Vield Secretary of the Agit:Nea-
ten, 'assisted by local clergymen.
The tcanvass for funds will tallow.
•forth, lute eold a tiplenclid teem of
horses to the Mille White Lead and
Colored Werke af Detroit, They ere
a „Matched team and weigh itboat
Mrs. Robert MeLaren, Ir. is re-
lieving on the teeceing etaii at the
hlie school in the place of Miss
Buis who recently resigised. Miss
Ellis and her mother intend. g6ing
West in a few weeks, Miss Ellis has
been on the teaching staff fer many
years and will be greatly missed by
many pupils whose high esteem she
Rev. 13. R. Wiener
Rei. 13, R. Wiener. of, Naperville,
Ill., evill be the speekii seeeker at
tne Annivereary Serricee at Zion
•Evangelical, Oletereh, Credit on, Ont.,
•StindaY, 'March 21, 1940, 10,30 p.m,
2,ao p.m.; and 7 p.m.
Miss Alma Hill et vielting rela-
tives in Kitchener.
Mr. Cliffeird Mallett spout the
week -end '1'n London.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Feltner
spent lefonday inleoadon..
Mies Cora Schreetier vIi ialce her
place as teacher of the zeuth school.
Mr. and Mrs. Faulk ilivors have
retureed,' to their bee.exieireprees,
Alta. •
' Miss 'Wilkinson intaeeteent an. op -
Beaton for appendiettie in London
on Tuesday.
Mr. Harry, Dyer and Mr. Robert
Dyer returned to their home in De-
troit,' Saturday.
Mr. Ilarry Beaver is movieg this
week to the farm he recently bought
from Si Lawsou.
• Mr. Herey "Feiner is suffering with
,an .attetleeit ;appendicitis. We hepe
-feeeleis speedyerecovery.
, Mrs. hester sMawhinney -who rea
•eeritly underesette an operetion . for
eamendialtis is :doing nicely;
We notice already several lemales
kipping around.
'Haines of London isited over
Sunday witlt his parents here In the
Owing to the condition of the
roads the baker an mailcarriers
were unable to go their rounds last
•'Morley Wass is having an exten-
• eion auction sale helm in the Village
nett Week the 25th, of horses, zattle
'sheep aed Pigs.
"Mrs. J. Wright, who broke a 'bone
iin the instep of her foot end badly
sprained hem; ankle five weeks ago,
ie able to be out of bed but not able
to put any weight on the foot -yet.
At the Quarterly Board meeting
there was an unanineoue invitation
extended to the pa•stor, Rev.-Jeffer-
•son to remain another year and
wenteli praise was givenitina for his
evoi•k of the past year...
• Although the .roads were in poor
thape on Sunday there was a splen-
Uid•attendance at both churches here
on tSun.clay. Union services will be
herd owing to the ill -health of 'Rev.
Alps. 'Rev. Jefferson of the Metho-
d -let elturch preached two aceeptable
sermons, ein the morning at the
Preebieterian and in the evening at
the-lienthodist. His series of sermons
during this month is arousing. great
MTS. LesUe Butson returned to
Iter lietem omt Saturday'after spend-
ing h niousele of weeks in Stratford.
Mr. 'Hebert Sadler is installing a
large tank and gasoline pump, which
Will be a great •convenience to the
public. • •
A conenfittet of ladies of the Wo-
men's Institute intend waiting on
the counsel in regard to erecting a
new hall 'here which is much needed.
We sincetely hope they will meet
with success.
A. quiet but pretty wedding took
place at the Methodist paraonage
here on Wednesday, March 3r0,
when Miss Florence May Delbriege
Was united in marriage to Mr. ;Jos-
eph Bailey, just a few of the im-
mediate relatives being present. The
ceretiony wae performed by the Rev.
Parneby, while the bride wee assis-
ted by Miss Dorothy Bailey, eister
the grom and Mr. Wellingten Brock
acted as best man. The young: couple
will make their home in Usboene and
Will nave the best wishee of their
many friends for a bong and happy
wedded life
Weclditig bells are ringing in our
Mr. arid Mrs, Walker were at
home to a number of the young poo -
pia on Friciais eve last although the
eve was rather unpleasant tho young
people spent a very eitioyatte time
in games and eancing,
The recent rodeo and balmy spring
zephyrs have taken away oonsider-
able SnOW but lefieing the roads in
a Very tbad Plate. Theheatry sbowers
were very acceptable • so • te good
mAnyetreire eeeneletetiete• Of etaaoitr
city of water.,
ler.. Ara:ie.-Morgan basemen some-
what indieelesed.
Rae. Goo. "EtileringtOn spent the
week -end ha 'Stratford.
Me. Hy. Westlake I:4 eonvalesciug
'The children who have hen ill with
thewneaslee are •cloing
Thames Road
ivris?3�y Whitlock -Spent the pest
week • with relatives in London.
- Mr.. and Mrs, Rivers from the
'West havebeen visiting relatives in
this neighborhood...
'Mrs. Ben 'Williams and Rollie
were in Stratford lest week where
Rollie' underwent an operation fer
the removal of •afienoide.
The ,roads being itt such a ban
condition last Sunday, the congre-
gations at the church .service were
rather 'small, the majority walking.
Dr. Medd walked backtfrom Exeter
to ceeduct the service: at Bethany.
Mr. George Edmund Troyer, aged
S7 years, and 2 months, died at his
home le, Hay, ou Monday, lelerch the
Sth, after a week's illness with
pneumonia, Deceased was in fferisall
on Saturday a week previous to his
death Or a load 02 ehep, and on
Sunday hvas compelled to go to bed
where his condition rapidly grew
worse resulting in his death en
eionday. Mr. Troeor was a good far-
mer and a splendid horsemen, keep-
ouTy the, best emrsee which were.
prize winnere et the local fairs.
also had a half mile rime track on
les farm on which he trained Inc
horses, same of whieh he sold for
big prices, He was the only son of
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Troyer and was
won known and respected, havine
lived all his lite in. this neighbor-
hood. He is survived by his parents
and one sister, Mrs. William Jarrett,
who have the eyinpatity of the cem-
munity in their bereavement. The
funeral took place on Wednesday
for interment in Herman Union cem-
The remains of the late Mrs, V.
IL Crouch, who passed, away in
Winnipeg, on Thursday, Much. 8rd,
tvere brought to the home of her
permns, Reeve and Mee. G. C. Petty,
en Mouday ot last week. The funeral
took place on Tuesday for interment
in Hensall Union Cemetery. The de-
ceased was 24 .years and 9 meaths
of age and liee re•deese in Winnipeg
for tee Nut fitteen years. elle was
united in marriage to her now sor-
• rowing husband, Mr. V. II: Crottele,
a little over a year ago. Lent sum-
mer she suffered from an attack of
tho "flu" and spent three months at
the home .of her parents. In the fall
when she left for her home in the
west, it VMS thought that she heel
• fully recovered from the after effects
ef the 'fin" and gradually grew
wake e until she paesed away..Her
mother, Mrs. Petty.,., was- withher
-thisetime of •her death. Besides
her eerrowing husband, she is sur-
vive?, by. her parents and four els-
ters; Mrs. Lorne Scott, of Toronto;
Mrs.. Chas: Abbott, of Detroit; Mrs.
Kennedy, of Winnipeg and Miss
Gladys at home.
•Commetesing Tuesday, March 30,
Statham's.Feur X bread will be pla-
ced at Fairhall's store twice weekly.
This is in response to the many re -
Tenets for' eir, Statham to give Gen
tralia people an opportunity of buy-
ing his bread locally.
Mr, Robert Duncan has been, very
sick but is now imeroving.
The reads at -present are la a very
bad conclitiou makiag traffic ahnest
Mr. and Mrs, D. Feneeick had tea
with Mr. and Mrs. William Pence
1,Sunday evening.
All interested in Women's Insti-
tute aro kindle- asked 1.0 attend the
meeting which will be held
Tuesday, April Gth at 2.30.
The box Social under the auspices
of the shareholdees of the Farquhar
Public Hall which was postponee
801110 time ago, will now be held on
Goad Friday, April 2n0. A good
programme will be given.
• Miss Annie Carlysle is leaving for
the wet tine week.
Mr. Chas. jinks, of Almira, Visi-
ted with Mr. Geoege Glenn.
Miss Milliken, of Strathroy, is mil-
liner for D.. Rennie this: moot.
Mr. Ed. Sheffer is spending a 'few
days iu London and Courtland.
Miss Dorothy McDoiniell has acs
copted a postilion as teacher in a
school near Ingereoll.
Mr, A. W. 11. Hemphill, Who has
been seriously ill with inieurnonia,
Th elowly recovering..
Mrs. (Da) Hardie, who has been
visiting in Tilsohlearg for the pastl
few Weeks, has returnee hOrne.
Mr, Win. Sangstee. ilea rented the.
building west of the Obeereer office, 1
In addition to his tailering and
laundry, business lie is installing
pool tehlere
Mr. end. Mrs. Lorne Stott, of Tor-
onto, Mr, Chace Abbett, of Detroit,
and, Mr. Wriglit, of -1'011(10e atteild-
ed the Pelletal, .ot ..the late' Mee..
.Ceeeh.iialee, Week,
h Alec Satelair, of
The marriage Wok Wage in Tor -
ant, on February 2 8tb, ot Mise 131 -
ole Button, daughter of Mrs, A, But- '
ton, of Toreutp,, And formerly ot
Seaforth, to him. Hagler, a Toronto,
Mr, Arthur Routledge has purs I
Chased James Wallace's farm On the
4th concession of Tuelsersmith and
has taken poesession, Mr, Wallace
will occupy Mr, • reoutleage'S resi-
dence is EginonaYille.
Sohn CraWford, a former resident
of Miteleeli, diee suddenly at his
Jenne in Kitchener, from pneumonia
followixig the flu. ele was abOut 51)
years Of age and worked in. Mitchell
as a shoemaker, His widow was Miss
Apple Hoilich, of Mitehell.
W. Garnet Habkirk, of MoKillop,
second sea of Mrs. George Habkirk,
passed away quite suddenly at his
house on. the llth concession tollow-
ing an attack of influenza. He has
been a resident on the fem. for 11
years. Four years ago he was mar-
There died in Clinton On FrieitYi
March 5111, Mrs, Petrie, in hor e0th
year. She had been going about', in
her usual health whenshe was tekca
with a paralytic stroke, from, which
She never recovered. Interment took
place in, late family plot in Con-
stance oemetery.
Mr. Thos. Chapman, of Bruce -
field, received 'word of the death of
his neice, Alma Maude, third daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Chap-
man, of Winnipeg, which took place
frethat city. She Was an honor grad-
uate of the conservatory of music.
Death was due to influenza.
Oa March Gth Mr. John Sharsel
died at his home in Mitchell at the
age of 8 8.years. Deceased was at (me
time a residenteof Fullerton but for
the past thirty years has lived in
Mitchell, He leaves three daughters
to mouen his loss, Mrs, josiah Skin-
ner, and Mrs. Barley, of leullartort,
and Miss Mary Sharsel, eve° resided
with her father.
Kirkpatrick Bros., Bosanquet,
have sold 100 acres on the lith con-
ceszien to Fred Mason, 01. Bosons
quet,. for $11,000. Mrs. McNabb, 4t11
conceesion, Bosahquet has sold her
farm of 25e acres to Mr. Foster, a
Parkhill. Price$19,0 0 0. Charles
Jones of Ravensviood has botight 50
acres on the 14th concession of 1303 -
=met from -Mr. Hart of Torento.
'Flensall's annual spring seed show
was held in the town hall Thursday
atternoina and, considering the state
of the roads end the wet weather
was well attended. Following are the
principal prize winners:— White
oats, 1, Robert McLaren. elensall;
Wm. It. Dougall, Hay Township.;
Siring wheat, Robert McLaren, Hen -
sail; Barley, 1, W. R. Dougall, Bay;
2, Delbert Thomson, • Hay; Beans,
Robert Thomsen, •Hay. Mr. T. L.
Fencher. of Ohatam, was judge. The
president of the society is Mr. Robe
ert D. 13e11, 01 Tuckersmith. Mr. K.
McLaren, of Seaforth, is secretary,
but awing to illness in his family,
was -unable to attend, and the duties
were performed by Mr. Robert 131c -
Mrs. C. Fritz is on the sick list.
Mr, T.: L. Werra is on the sick
Mr. John. Deichert was a visitor
in Kitchener last week.
Mr. Harry Weber, of Preston,
called on friends in the village. •
Mr. Hy. Roffman, of the village,
is visiting relatives in Kitchener.
• Mr. Herb Moth, who has been at
Kitchener for §Onle time, has re-
-hyped home.
Mr, Jacob Steinman, of New Ram-
berg, spent the past week with rel-
atives and friends here.
Miss Erma Fritz, who spent the
last few weeks at her home in Lon-
don, has resumed her duties as
school teacher of S. S. No. 12, 14th
con., Hay.
Miss Ruth, Hartleib, daughter. of
Mr, end Mrs. C. Hartleib, of Water-
loo, formerly of Zurich, has passed
the final exams in the Buller Busi-
ness College, Kitchener, .as stenog-
rapher, and hes accepted a pesition
with the Charles Miller Co., Ltd.,
wholesale manufacturers, of Water-
loo, at a handsome salary for a be-
A quiet wedding* was selemnized
at the Evangelical parsonage on
Tuesday evening, March 9111, at 7
p.m., when Miss Maud, , youngest
daughter of Mrs. 2, McBride, of the
village,' was united in matrimouy to
Mr. Albert II. Schnell; of Calgary,
Alta., son a Mr. and Mrs.. Jr H.
Schnell, of Zurich. The couple were
unattened and left for their home
at Calgary; on Weaneeday. They will
however, speed their honeymoon at
London and Detroit and go west via
Chieatio, ole., and beve the best
wisbes through life of a' largo num-
of friends and congrau/ations
are extended by all who knew thane
District News
Mr j, Terryberrys of Tuckersmith,
has moved to 'Lambeth taking with
him a carload of effects,
Nes. John Sproat, of Seaforth, Was
-called to Detroit, owing to the M-
eese of het son i Orme Seinen
Mr, Seek Rees, who has been on
the stele at the :Nelsons Bank at
Brneeneid, has beee trensferred to,
the braneh et Merlin
Mr, Neil W. Reid, of 'Marton, has
been eepointed to the tithe?. of the
Seaforth Collegiate bistitutei to 1111
the.'vecenter eetteest lir the death ,ot
Mite Pridline,
Thomas Coppin,..aged • 44 years,
and 7 months, died at his home on
the 3rd '.concession ot , Logan., on
efarch 8th, after an illness of sev-
eral months from. cancer. He is sur-
vived by one sister who made her
home with hint. His Parents both
died within the year. .
Mr. John Whyte, 'President of the
Whyte Packing Company, died in
Stratford. on Sunday. He was a native
of Scotland, and for years
was associated with his father,
the late Sohn Whyte, senior, at Mit-
chell, In the packing business. Fol-
lowing his father's death, the de-
ceased neoyed to Stratford, where
the present large' plant was erected
in 189 D. Since that time the deceaseid
has been a prominent figure in
Stratford's public life.
A. very pretty wedding was sol-
emnized at the home of th.e bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard 13.
Robiuson., "Sprucedale Farm," Ful-
lerton, on March .8rd, at three
o'clock in the afternoon, when their
daughter, Pearl M., became the
bride. of her. Franklin G. Moore,
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Moore of
Hibbert. Promptly at the appointed
hour, Miss Lettie• Robb, friend of
the bride, played Lohengrin's wed-
ding march. The groom entered the
parlor and took his place under an
arch of evergreens decorated with
pink and white carnations and a
large wedding bell. The bride then
entered leaning on the *arm of her
father. She look -ed charming in a
dress of white silk crepe de chene,
trimmed with georgette and pearl
beads, and wore the customary veil
caught up iwitIt orange. blossoms.
Rey. H. S. Thien, officiated. After the
ceremony, the guests, to the num-
ber of about thirty, sat, down to a
sumptuous wedding dinner. The din-
ing -room looked beautiful in decora-
tions of pink and white. The bride
was the recipient of many beautiful
and valuable presents,. including sev-
eral cheques, the groom's gift to the
bride being, a substantial cheque; to
the pianist a crescent brooch set
with pearls. The happy couple will
reside on the groom's fine farm is
Hibbert, where they will be "at
home" to their friendafter eIarcli
• umpy Nerve
11014 got startlea, easily or
"le -ml)" em' 'scarp" at the least
little thing, It means, Out year
Nerve -Fore is evetqeened
Your Nerves control every Men-
tal and Physical protiese thateithes
place within youe-ef the '-the
Nerves were cut leading to' the
1-leart that orgen would never boa
again, Without tlie Nerves you
could never See, 'Taste* Sliaa. er
Hear again tor it le upon the
Nerves that everY seese denends.
• If you wiek to band up and
etrengthen the body you Tenet put
new life into the Milliens et nerve
fibres that /eat' to the Heart, the
eltoreece, the Kedueyee the LiveS
and the other organs. Tele YOU
c:an gene easily do by taiiing
eiz bee treatment ot •leaticings
Iieort and Nerve Remedy.; It will
hike away "that thail •
banise there palms in the bead,
inereazte your appetite'help. you
to sleep better, eat better and live
What is a few dollars in com-
parison to your health, We offer
you a sovereign remedy for year
ilhaese Itt Haeltleetes Heart , and
Nerve remedy. Sale rzna Tar.,14t11
ie leeppiness is yours le you will
bat believe, it. • Tine wonderful
preparatiou will change you from
a Weak, nee ous cr anaemic per -
sou le One fel/ of Lien Vitality
and renintailten. It will iseing back
the Roses to your Cheeks by in -
g ceoasing eircelaiiou eind puritying
lt the - %77biesesse
inres, weer. r•eit 3 Zee.; en it, bet be
sure to get Iiaelnees. Pride 50e it
box, (3 fen e2.CO. Sold by all deal -
ere ve be raderal1i,i. liaala
Ines Mr:yet:St, lei towel; Oat. •
For the following reasons a citi-
zen stated he was' unable to send the
subscription asked for.
I have been held up, held down,
sandbagged, walked on, sat on, flat-
tened out and squeezed, first by the
Canadian Government for War Tax,
the excess Profit Tax, Victory Bonds,
Auto Tax, and by every other society
and organization that theeinventive
mind of man can invent, to extract
what I may not possess,
From the Soeiety of "John the
" the G.W.V.A'
. C.A.C., 'Un-
ited Veterano' League, the Wantons
Relief, Navy Leagee, the Red Cross,
the Bleck, Cross, the Purple Cress,
the Dounble Cross, the Children's
Home, the Dorcas' Society, Salvation
Army, e3ey Scouts, eeivise Roue,
Belgian Relief, Armenian Relief and
every hospital in town.
The Government has so governed
iny businese that I don't know who
owns it, 1 am' inspected, suspected,
examined and re-examined, intern -led
required and commanded, to that
dont know who I ani, where I
am or why 1 am here, All that
know is .that 1 am supposed to be
an inenhauatible supply a money
fey every known need, dein e or
hope of the human lace; and be-
cause I will net sell all 1 have and
go out and beg, borroW or steal
money to give awey, 1 have been
ceeseri, dieCtieeed, beecotted, talked
to, talked about, lied to, lied about,
hold up, heirst'up, rebbed and nearle
rttixied;' and the ealy reason that I
Sc.onin,riligngliag,xt.te. lite to see.w4tig
Save your flair! Get a small teittle
of Danderine right wise—Also:,
• stops itching scalp.
" Thin, brittle,colorless and sereiggy
hair a's mate evidence of a neglected.
eealpi of-dandruff—that atetul scurf.
There is nothing so destructive to
tee hair ve dandruff. It robs the hair
el its luetre, its strength and its very
life; „eventually producing a f.everisla
ness and itching of the scalp, which if
not remedied eauses the 'hair roots to
shrink. loosemi clad die—theu the hair
falls out fast. A. little Dandeeineite-
mglat—now—any time -a -will surely save
your hair.
Get a small bottic of lenotelteres
Danderiue from any drug store, -Ton
surely eau have bea,utiful hair and lots -
of it if you will just tny a little 'Dan-
derine. Save your hairl Try Ai'
REKL2.L• on, MoDEL E
111 M
W. S. Southcott, Agent, Exeter'
• To Represent
The greatest demand fox Nursery
Stock in years.
British. and European Markets a-
gain open tor Canadian Fruit.
Largest list of Fduit and Orna-
mental Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc.,
grown in Canada.
Write for particulars.
Established 1837
Normal passenger train service
which was temporarily reduced due
to deal shortage has been resumed.
For f nil particulars apply to '
Pull information from any Grand
Teunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
N. T. DORE, Agent, Exeter.
',bone 46w.
WINTER, minx mom
Western Ontario's largest
and best Commercial School.
We give thorough courses
and have exeleriebeed
structore 15 Commert in I,
Shorthand and Telegraphy
deps,rtments. We treaist
graduates to poSitione,
Write fer our treee catalo•
gee. It may hiterest you,
O., A; McLachlan, thin:etas.: