HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-3-4, Page 7MARVELS OF
Automatic Thain Stop Makes
Accidents Practically Ink.
If the 'lid of London's Tubes could
be taken off and a bird's eye sectional
view obtained, the world's most wore-
rlerful railway sight would be reveal-
It would show a continuous line of
trains careering round London at
speeds reaching thirty-five miles an
hour, and so close that they would
seem to be almost touching or verg-
ing on collision.
Forty-two trains are dispatched
every hour during the busy times of
the morning and evening on the Dls-.
tricrRailway alone. That means to
say they are chasing one another at
intervals of less. than a hundred
Yet the risk to passengers is less
than that attending .a walk upon a
London footpath, How is this clock-
like ` precision, rapidity, and safety
The explanation is easy. The net
work of Londan's electric .railways de -
'5 rive their power from one large gener-
ating station, which distributes the
current aecording to the require-
ments of the traffic during .the day.
For instance, while in the early hours.
of the morning the output is as low
as 4,000 horse -power, at midday the
generators have to meet a demand for
ten times that animist, while in the
evening the demand rises to over 65,-
000 horsepower.
bemuse Youj Nervous Energy
by !i, llfld g Up the Blond With
Dr, Pita Pill&
Nervous people who have not
developed a disease that can be
cognized and treated by the need
profession 'have the greatest tro
in finding relief. Irritation, head
sieepteeeness, nervous indigestion
these discomforts intake life miser
but tore. endured rather .than r'tr
doctor's, bili without hope of recall'
Every sash sufferer should know
danger of su-eli a condition to' the
volas system. .'Nervous debility
even paralysis limy result if the t
of the nerves is not restored by bu
ins up the blood. As a tonic for
blood and nerves Dr. Williams' 1'
Fills have been used with the gree
Success'. They have a direct action
the blood and therefore enable • it
carry to the nerves the elements t
need to fully restore their nor
fits itiou--and at the:same time
prove the general health. The be
Sia that follow the use o4 this m
clue, is shown by the statement
Mrs. Jenny Marr, 'R.R, No. 3,
Rowan, a .well known school teach
who says:—"Sense years ago I beoa
greatly run down, . and was is t
condition for nearly a year, A doc
whom. T called in said I was suffer
from complete nervous •prostration.
would•hardly be possible to tell ail
symptoms of my case, but any -one
Nei passed through a nervous bre
down will know what I suffered.
I did not seem to'improve under t
doctor's treatment, I decided to t
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and the
vision was a fortunate one for me,
Isoon found some relief through
use. of the pills, and after taking elg
The rapidity of starting, as come boxes I was fully restored to heal
pared with steam trains, is due to To -day I ani strong and hearty, `-rs•i
the fact that electrical propulsion ad- out an ache or pain, and for my p
rnits of• the power beiug applied at sent physical condition I feel I am
several points on the train. On the dobted to Dr. Williams' Piink Pil
six -coach trains of the District Rail -;and can heartily recommend them_
say; for,,.instance, there are two 240 anyene suffering from nervous tr.
horsepower meters beneath each ai-�'bios."
ternate 'car, and. -these simultaneously 4tou, cart procure I r. -Will€ams' Pink
• respondyto the controlling gear in the -Palls through any dealer in medicine
driver's cabin. an- the? will be sent -you by mail at
Accidents are practically inpos-:5.8 -cents a box or six boles far $2.50
sible an ••account of the many safety b' :•wrrrlting direct to The Dr. Williams'
and locking devices.: Even if the Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontario.
drtve' ,re taken ill or died suddenly
willsc+ the train was tiiavelifng et full
speed, it would automatically come to,�t � the Most Important
`andstill as soon as the pressure Natural Resource?
hand was removed from the Water -power development is but one
co ling •lever, and sliOuld he by of the important uses to Which many
oar oversight run beyond his signals, of our inland ' aters Play be applied,
r'el'4-'I)rakes would be automatically ap- Too -frequently, in reports on water
,plied, bringing the train to a stand- power resources, it has been the ten -
still. dency to deal with
I erfect Signal System. power develop.
This is accomplished by a device
known as tile automatic train stop—
a projecting aria fixed to the track.
It rises to a vertical position when
the signal is at danger, and if the'
train strikes it in this position, what
is known as a trip -cock is opened an
the train, cutting off the current and
causing the Westinghouse quick -acting
brakes to grip ou all the wheels.
The•line•'is-worked in signalling see -
ions, and a train cannot enter a see• coal, others maintain that the soil,
tion in which another train ,is already with its fertility, is the most impor-
travelling, because immediately a tent, and, of late years, great stress
train- enters the section, the current kas been laid upon the statereoue that
which has been holding the signal at water le the chief asset—the .predic-
"all clear" Is.abort-circuited from rail
to rail, and this signal, relieved of all
restraining •fnfxtence, drops to dan-
ger by the ald of gravity..
At junctions like Earl's Court the
airtime signainaaai is in evidence. At
this point he diverts,1,092 trains a day,
following their niovesnents by means
re -
, all
lr a
I' ort
ment exclusively without adequatel
considering such related subjects
domestic and municipal supply, ugr
culture and irrigation, navigation
fisheries, and riparian rights.
There has been a tendency on th
part of many persons interested in
the censervatioh of natural resource
to emphasize that this or that ps
tlenlar resource is the most important
Some hare contended that the forest
are the most important asset, others
4314 .9328 °nee
C n. 9314— Ladies' Dress with
tte. Price, 25 cents. Kimono
sleeves with underarm section; in-
step or shorter length. Out in 6
sizes, 54, 36, 88, 40, 42 and 44 inches
bust measure. Size 36; with collar,
instep length, s% yards 40- ,inches
Wide, or 3% yards 54 inches wide;
without collar, 3% yards 40 inches
wide, or 33j yards 54 inches wide.
Width around 'bottom, 1%, yards.
No. 9328-f,adies' -Dress. Price. 25
cents. Two styles of sleeve; with or
without yoke and two-piece tunic;
two-piece skirt, instep or shorter
length. Cut in 7 sizes, 84, 36, 38, 40,
42, 44 and 46 inches. bust' measure.,
Size 36, with. tunic, instep length, 4%
yards 40 inches wide, or $% yards 54
inches wide; contrasting', 1 yard 40
inches wide; without tunic, 3 yards
40 inches wide, or 2 1-8 yards 54
inches wide. Width around bottom,
13fi yards.
No. 9066 -Gil'l's Dress. Price, 20
Bents. Smocked or shirred. Cut in
5 sizes, 4 to 12 'sears. Size 4, with
long sleeves, 1% yards 36 inches
wide; with short sleeves, 1w%.- yards
86 inches wide.
, These ,patterns •may be obtained
from :your 'local' McCall dealer, or
t'ronl the McCall Co.; 70 Bond St., To-
ronto, Dept.W.
N.B. Statistics of Forest
Fire Causes. v
The Old Chair.
Olirpty it bides beside the waning fire,
And, as the ember slowly cur, to
It dreams of all the sad and happy
;ts days have known. a znaiil ill gay
Waiting impatient For some gallant
mother. grieving that her boy Is
Too muck a -man to be quite all her
,<1. lad who hums a song. Of love's de-
ft dreams that once again the children
Tato its cosy depths and gravely
Quant fairy tales of 'once upon u
time"- ,
Anti as it wakes- to mount o'er
vanished need,
Two glad young lovers steal across
the floor,
And, nestling` close, .its ancient joy re-
�{� "ct THE
AL (p,..c`` ggyy T�/p• �rg 'gg�yya�
A�1�7 311 i199 HONE
Once a mother has sed Baby's Own
Tablets for her little ones she always
keeps a supply on hand, for the first
trial convinces her there is nothing to
equal them in keeping, children well.
The Tablets are a mild but thorough
laxative which regulate the bowels
and. sweeten the stomach, thus driving
out constipation and Indigestion, colds
and simple fevers and waking teeth-
ing easier. Concerning thein, Mrs.
Saluste Pelletier, St, Dumas, Que.,
writes:—"I have used Babies Own
Tablets far the past ten years and am
never without then in the house: They
nave always given the greatest setis.
faction and I can gladly recommend
thein to all mothers of .little ones.'
The Tablets are sold by medicine deal
ers or direct by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. IVillianas' Medicine Co.
Brookville, Ont. -
Sugar on B.C. Fir Trees.
Discovery. of the growth of sugar
on fir trees- In BritislisGolillnbia is an-
nounced lathe current isuznber of The
American Forestry. Magazine. The
discovery, which is said to be of great
aloe' to chen)istry,; came as the re -
tilt of the investigations of Profes-
or John Davidson, Chief of the Bo•
finical Department of the University
a British Columbia at Vancouver.
Specimens' of the products, upon
analysis, are said to have indicated
the presence of a large percentage of
71 extremely rare zarieeen of sugar.
While fir sugar is not expected to be-
come a factor in the food, supply. like
he product of the cane and the beet,
n the article the discoverer advances
lie belief that it will prove. valuable
or experimental purposes. Indians
ave made •use of the sugar ill British
olumble for many years, the article
- According to the New Brunswick S
Forest Service there were 409 forest
fires in that province during 1919, t
which caused a loss amounting to f
$139,754. Thirty-nine neglected set -
tiers' clearing fires caused a damage
of $54,363, or 39 per Dent: of the total.
damage for the entire province. -,3be `t
neglected camp fires of fishermen,
hunters, campers and picnic parties c
y caused a damage of $48.391;' or one.
as third of the total.
i-. Another $14,250 of dainage was
caused by the careless use of fire by
industrial operators, such as portable
e mills, open burners, rossing plants,
ete. .
s Incendiary forest fires totalled 7,
z, with damage aggregating $12,770;
and 17 fires of unknown origin, with
s estimated damage $7,640.
There were 806 railway fires, but
most of them were of no material i_n•
portanee. The total damage caused
by these fires was but $4;340, or only
three per cent." of the total of the
province. , Of this. amount, $4,230 -sof
the damage was caused by fires along
the Canadian Government railways,
which are not under the jurisdiction
of the Board of Railway •Commission-
ers. Lines in the province under the
1 jurisdiction of the Railway Commis-
sion caused only $110 of damage by
forest fires during the year.
tion being made that the nation which
has the most and cheapest water
power available is desisted to take
precedence in theorid or commerce.
As a matter of fact, however, ail:.theae
various interests are interdependent.
If any one .Feature of .our natural re-
sources is to be placed before others
of an ilIuminated chart which has the probably It could be most. reasonably
Perm of ribbons of light through which 'urged that a fertile condition of the
etmoving black patches—the trains soil is the most important natural as-
,*alth their thol'-sands of passengers. set to be $i teguarded; because, for
By fingering, according to the re- his sustenance on the earth, roan re-
quirements of the moment, dainty six czi1res food; raiment, and shelter• a.n
inch levers on a..spritcllboard no long.;
er than a piano keyboard, he has acs
loss to the various sections. • ;as
.An automatic logger does the work
of the men we see an the steam lines.
This machine, which is operated by.
the signal gear, autoulaticaliy extracts
a detonator from a magazine and, it
the line ahead is occupied, places a
detonator on the rail, Should the sig-
nal move to safety beforethe train.
approaches,the detonator is removed
from the rail and a fresh one extract -
.ed from the magazine, which holds
fifty. When the detonator stock falls
to ten this automation whistles for
only in thane heart there be
•' uino depth of earnest gratitude
roe life's great, bou3itfey unto thee,
Though pain will come and fears In-
$rude, '
is cazist not wholly miss the crown
Of those by heaven accounted blest;
,Patience will trring u healing dowel,
And peace will give the spirit rest,
More varieties of fish are Pound in
the bile than in any other river in
the world.
Experience v1ust be paid for, and
only., a f'oollort 'man buys the Same
kind tvgree.
Following' -the if of least r t
tames is Whet ele.ifee rivers and men
To protect the bottoms of . the
tato .
O ^a �.
fr irf ul�.d an I±ai;lislaman
has patented' a Wire fxarne to ,he iu-
welted itito the top of a shoe.,
these essentials are supplied hint,- in.
one form er another, either directly
,fir indirectly, from the. soli. It i?gust
be manifest, therefore; that the fac-
tors which inalre for the permanence
of the soil's productivity are of para.
mount importance; and hence the
subject of the conservation and ttse of
waters as a natural asset must, among
other things, be considered in its
prime relationship. to the subject of t'ar
the productivity of the soil
A safety Lamp 'for salines usingbei :Gine for fuel without danger has
been perfected in Europe
In the Firelight.: .
1 love the firelight's ,ruddy glow,
A comfy chair that's soft and low,
And 'cross the hearth, within ray'view
The fovelf{',I7t pn your eyes so blue.
T love. the crackling of the logs,
To watch son playing with his dogs -
The things of home so warm and dear,
And hear our children's laughter hear.
iw a'3ltitrlcion i5 as mischievous for
the leacher as for the taught.
To clean velvet garments, first
Isla then weld and then hang them
over a bath tub full o:i' steaming hot
Water. Place a sheet over the gar -
mint to keep the- steam in. .A string'
or 'an Umbrella will Oct as a fraiue to
held the sheet up. Steaming raises
the pile of the 'velvet.
e Sweet Cereal Flavor of
is not produced addit0.
s'RC,Jt to1:1-Lis .. t
a `, - :blend, off'
i :11109.Tekt natiey
The £e"t'0.frttleqs ?!;^,1 4:d'i.e to ac-
t t fit 1!, ',I's` ire 811q41.,
o#�edk- y the lt ', 2;,;
non �i3wtitt7'ld�t U x.1
aegis --
. so.` JO
ion,,,; i 5
Send a Dominion Express Mouey
Order. Five Dollars costs three cents.
Canada's Place in the
Canada is the foremost of the family
of the British Empire, and, being near-
est, the great responsibility rests up-
-on her, not alone' to aid and succor
in battle, hut to lead the van in all
fouls of industrial life; to seize
every opportunity to forward - the
grandeur and stability both of herself
and of the Empire.—The Agricultural
Gazette for January, 1920. •
Mansonvilie, June 27, '13,
Minard's Liniment Go., Limited.
Yarmoutlf, N.S.
Gentlemen, --It affords me great
pleasure and must be gratifying to
you to know that after using 36 bot-
tles of your Liniment on a case of
paralysis which my father was af-
flicted. with, 1 was able to restore him
to normal- condition. Hoping other
sufferers Inay be benefitted by the
use of your I,iuimeant, 1 am,
Sincerely y yours,
When Mother Reads aStory.
When mother reads a story just be-
fore we go to bed.
There's nota one of all of us that is
a sleepy -head;
We gather. round and crowd un (,lose
about her rocking chair,.
• And as she reads I watch the light
a -glowing in her hair.
Oh, jimmy's eyes get big as 'plates,
and Mary sometimes squeals;
And Betty sits with tear -stained face
because she sorter feeIs
-Real sorry for the dragon when the
hero kills him dead;
When mother reads a etory just be-
fore we go to boil. ' •
'When, mother reads a story lust be-
fore we go to bed,
1 loan up close and hold the book so
she can pat my head,
For when the giant's yelling fierce,
it's aWtul nice to know
What mother's arm is holding yert
and will not' let you go!
0I1, Buddy's mouth falls open most,
he gets so filled with fear,
And eeeleues 'ew-ee glow bright like
stars; and when the situ 'Le near
We hear the 'words, "l'hey liipety
live forever ----it vast <airl,'
';N";181( mother eead5 n eiory ;,en aa.
I.f:-i'e we two to bed, •
(Mlle )41141;.tiiC �e+4E;i' flo. 't )e `.' then
ot'he'r .i'yrnopenn coiratisee
anonorraokg �eg Neuman,
e'ott I
bless tine d4si/
e p eton'
mere discovered. Siege
famous remedy As abao.'
,lutele guaranteed, to give
relief •to sufferers irony
1f' uralgle.
Fiend for free sample to
B'empletons, 142 fling St,
W., Toronto.
Doctors reoonriientl
them, and reliable drug-
gists everywhere cell tbene
or i1.0e a boa.
Templeton's iR Al- Nil A HI Cap..
rules are guaranteed to relieve
A S T H Mkt, Don't suffer an-
other day.
Write Templetons, 1421ring St.
W., Toronto, for freesample.
Reliable druggists sell there. at
$1.04' a box.
God Is at the Anvil -
God is at the anvil beating out the
• sun;
Where the molten metal spills,
At his forge anitg the hills
Be is hammering out the glory of a
day that's done.
God is at the anvil welding golden
In the scarlet -streaming flame
He is fashioning a frame
For the- shium3ering silver beauty of
• the evening stars.
AO I. 311n0r4'0 ase take no other.
When tillage begins other arts fol-
low. The farmers, therefore, are the
founders • of `'human civilization
Daniel Webster.
Hurn.'!. -.A. few cents stops hair
falling and doubles its
A little "Danderine" cools, cleanses
and makes the feverish, ,itchc scalp
soft and pliable; then this stimula-
ting tonic penetrates to the famished
hair roots, revitalizing and invigorat-
ing -every hair in the -head, thus stop-
ping the hair falling out, getting thin,
scraggly or fading.
After a Lew applications of "Dander-
ine" you seldom find a fallen hair or
a particle of dandruff, besides every
hair shows more life, vigor, bright-
ness, color and thickness.
A few cents buys a bottle of de-
lightful "Danderine" at any drug
or toilet counter.
Yes, Cold All -_,
Cone—Not A 4
Bit of .Cough
Feel great this morning. As soon ea 1
felt k corning on yesterday 1 used
Gray's Syrup and nipped it in the bud,
Just couldn't hiss an hour at the office,
we are ' so busy and short-handed.
Gray's Syrup is a habit in, our family,
the folks have used it for sixty years.
ASw. rs bur 31ne i.sra. sat. 03
.1 RED
lllowiYeol -D
I-- .1
COAX E.� t
Stop Whipping Bowels
into Activity„ but
take ' `Cascarets' '
Put aside the Salts, Pills, Castor
Oil, or Purgative Waters that irritate
and lash the bowels lath action but
which do not thoroughly cleanse,
freshen and purify these drainage o1'-
haus, and have no effect whatever up-
on the liver and Malaita.
TIeepS your "insides" pure and fresh
with. Cascarets, which tliorotaghiy
Octane() the stomach, reiziave the an.
digested, sour food and foul gases,
take the excess bile from the liver and
early out 01 the system all the con-
stipated waste matter and pfoleoals in
the bowels 'Which Pre keeping you
holt silk, Headachy, and 'miserable,
C'sscarets to -night will make you
steed greet by morning. They Work
s r, ,J✓
ti t3 ., .3..f<
K cep •-r.:ew ea1'ae)tt, s . f
d _ is Xe33
Ci ce se in8oliVeiffenee, ..
Celtso little too.
ageilied' fs vrtlsx
0 '6VA7
rices o bn
lilted Art
$ritleh Wit.
'What, is an American?" riles One
comedian of another in the London
mime balls. ",An American," is the
answer, "An American is one who
chews guru and anus wars."
Quite True.
She (indignantly): °'This• article
says women are naturally dishonest,"
He (tenderly; "Well, aren't they
always eteaa ling .men's peace of mind
and robbing them of their hears?"
Had the Proof.
Indulgent Mother—"Ton must be
awfully careful, dear; the dootor says
your system is a!1 upset."
Little Vivian—"T guess it Is mam-
ma, cause •mit foot's asleep, and
people must be terribly upset when
they go to sleep at the wrong end."
beep anuatd'a Liebman in the house,
A good many honest dollars may
be picked up by buying sheep, lambs
or colts that have not had a fair
chance, and building then up by good
care and feeding.
0 --o--o--�--+�-- - a1
It Works! Try It
Tek: how to toosen o sora,
tinder corn so it Wee
out without pain.
a�-s--a-a--o--o— e
.Good neve spreads rapidly and drug.
gists here are kept busy dispensing
freezone, the ether discovery of a Gin•
elunati man, which is said to loosen
any cora so it lifts out with the
Ask at ane pharmacy for a quarter
ounce of freezone, which will cost very
little, lint ta. said to be sufficient to rid
one's feat '0f every hard or soft corn
or callus,
`$ vtt aptly hist a few drops on the
tender, 'aching' cern and iinstaatiy the
ser-eness is raiievefl, nod son the, corn
is so::shriveled that it'lats. eat vritb-
out pain.gft s `a stielry sdbatanoe
which -d lea wb.en applied- and never
inflames or even $rritatea the adjoin-
iu; tissue,.
This •discovorl will prevent thou-
sands of deaths annually from lock-
yaw and infection heretofore resulting
front the suicidal habit of entting
Go after it with alt nn's
Liniment before it gets
Apply a lifae, don't ^ u +, let it pn.' r-
i+a3e. and -good -by twinge 1 Satre for
external aches, pairs, strains, stiffness
of joints or muscles, lameness., bruises.
ine,tant relief without mussiness or
soiled clothing. -Reliable—the biggest
selling -liniment year after year. Lea-
l -ion -deal by reason of eziorinous sales.
Keep a big bottle ready at all times.
Made in Canada. Ask ,.our druggist
for Sioan'c Liniment.
860.,'100., 81,10.•
Antattaa's Flea a ads: Sente83es
rio011 on
autt new to b esa
Mailed Free to any :a-d-
eress by the Author,
X. play ttioo'or Co., eta,
118 West Slat dtneet
New York, 'tr.S
EccE ' i870
30 LIWOOUGlisi.
iflxlN�C8 WANTf
sot dd finishes-boww
amps- -alit for oatalai
". 4 ezrsinusvlolt levee,
10NT$ NVANx'l0.11. $00 to X1,00
week easily made selling An
pecJalt1es. Write for isformat4otlt�,
Rothwveli's Auto Speoialtfes. $B3 RIO la
mond Street, Toronto, Ont,
VarA rT211D -,- REIIABL F., G:111k"4t4
v , getta men, farmers' sons, far
s or othere who mut devote some o:
their spare ' time to repreeen$ its
itlesmen for Nursery Stock. We soup•
ohYprga {52111 tof'fsr libetal �remune etjoon,
APply lrnmcdlately to Maple Greve
Nurseries, Winona, Ont,
+••..- wanted to Iwandle mining storks;
bonds and debentures, to represent To'
route kfouee. Liberal commission, Arn.
pl'y Boa S. Wilson Publishing Co., To-
2nacco i3ELZBUB,
about the taew, modern wn.Y of
selling real estate. Sell your Property
yourself with our help. Our method
only costs you $17.00. Why pay a
targe' eortmi,s,ton? Write for full par.
t,0ular, . Real ?:state Buyers Monthly.
Dundas St., London. Ont.
SPOR 8A,T,i1
.L1 Box County.
TuWilsSplendid lshinngrCo,.ltLttm ted.
73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto.
and job printing plant in Eastern
Ontario. insurance carried 31,500. Will
o for $1,200 on quick sale. Box OS.
Pflsore Fubli,shina Co, Ltd.. Toronto.'
2n'i%SOB LZA NE 0170.
are able to sepply, advise us, 02 we
Pay the highest prices,dry or gree
from the saw. Keenan Broa., Limit
Owen Sound. Ont.
�V1�1 internal and external, cured w1thout
pain by our home treatment. Write no
before too late Dr. Be)lman Medical
Co., Limited, Coiling -wood, Oat
Look at tongue! Remove pal -
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Accept "California" Syrup of Piga
only—loot for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child Is having the best and most
harmless laxative or physic for the
little stomach, liver and bowels.
Children love its delicious fruity
taste. Full directions for child's dose
on each bottle. Give it without fear.
idothert You trust say "California."
For Three Years. Hard and
.kfully Sore. Disfigured,
Cuticura Heals.
"I had been s� a with a plan -
ply face for ih:ee years. Nly face
was full of pimples and they wero
hard and evwfuihj Dore. They fee•
tered and dried up, and were scaly,
and dis'rg-ured my fare. They caused
:no to lose a lot of sleep, and were
awfully itchy, malting me scratch and
irritate my face.
"I started to use Cuticula Soap
and Ointment and 1 used two cakes
of Cuticura Soap and two homes of
Cuticurs,. Ointment when 1 was
healed." (Signed) Clifford Ycornuns,
Eatit Chezze1cook, N. 8.
Use Cuticura for every -day toilet
purposea. Bathe with Soap, soothe
with On ument, dust with Talcum.
50ee 33c, Ointment 25 awl 50c. Sold
throughouttheDoralnion. Caaadtanl)epot:
Lyman*. t.ic,it,.d. 52. Paul St., Montreal.
12114r0Aticarik Soap alu,,e without nus.
Not Aspirin at All without the "Barer Cross"
For Collin, p;
*eke, 11+leadae
rills, take i
name- "Bart.
.lte irsn at a)
Asr irh7" in
' .'liens :1