HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-3-4, Page 1FORTY SECON D YEAR --NO: 2270
1,.�2111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111IMMI l1IIIIIM11l11111111I1111IIIIIg11I1111111111111111110111111I11I111I111I1I11111 lExeter Council .'
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LADIES' AND MISSES' MondeY, 1a'gbritary 23, 1920
?t►���' fo1"'li3�
o �uGARBaEnar$
Our stock .of Ladies' and Misses' Suits for Spring are now nearly complete, Tricotines,
Gaberdines and' Serges are the most popular materials. Navy is the most popular color for
.A, regular session, of ethe Municipal
Council. Absent the clerk,
The following letters were read
and ordered filed:
• T. Roy Patterson, .cenyineer, on
. r street pavement; J. J. laierner, M. P., n of on church sex-
- z•eguns; Tlie Four Wheel Drive b f d' with theological evidences and reale-
vices t b f i the
Auto Co„ I�itclzaner; 'C:ontract 11;ee-
ord, 'Toronto; The Auto Road ,Con- of heal; d i rd ptedness to peril of sin the awfulness of
- struction Co;, Ltd,, I'�iagara Falls. God for it. Let me bay first that. all and the consequences of sfn. If one sinner, Men ought to keep' befere
A letter was read ft•o;n the Sect'.wants to see or desires to know the them the thought of the jardgenxent.
of the 'Western Ontario Ignited Board healing conies directly or indir3ctly real depths of sin, read .the first There is no' salvation in any
=i of 'Trade, London, Cllrtare. Action from. Cocl. I know there have been ,
fake healings that have been called chapter `of Romans, e, daily press theoxy of life that Leaves unit Jesus
'�°" regards the same vas d.iei rpd. "Divine Healing" by which 'people records in small part each day the Christ. His vicarious atonement is
'"""' tion from the (.�dvaii
for our redemption, and His > reur-
rection for our sanctification. Only
God could have lain in that tomb
and come forth the same person.Our
living Saviour, our risen Lord, our
Redeemer is on earth to -day in the
person 0f the Holy Ghost, seeking
and saving the lost. Those whom He.
saves, he regenerates, He saves ens
out of our sins, from our sins, and
into His own life which is everlast-
ing.Let .us do our plain duty by
preaching Christ and Him crucified.
Nothing else in the question of 'the
soul's salvation is worth considering.
vice, crime, and'slum districts with-
TBIVITT emmoti]AL..cmnaC:i
Rev. A. A. Tramper, Rector
Messages for the churches
JAMES ST. CONGREGATION la pastime the battlefield while the
Rev. M. J. WiThoe, . A., ,Pastor
I armies were engaged in battle; nor
• no sane person would think of reser-
'awaits to satisfy* its pza,s`sions' zn;cl dee
sires. When men lose the conaeiouee
nes that they must give an'acCount
to Almighty God for the deeds done
in the body, there remains nothing
of morall restraint upon the decep-
Flnd the text in Psalm -103 t•
ura 1 lung for ,the purpose of health, and, tine heart.
spirituality to these cess pools which Men our
verse. "Wino healetlt all thy dfsea- seem to be the inevitable problem of ,ht to be afraid of God and
ses." urban life. Not less irrational is it they cannot love Hini unless they
I thistimebanfor anyone to play looee and foolish
because o . disease, possibly it ties. It is our duty to realize the
is opportune to consider the sabiect
n an o r i e '-, sin,
reverence and.fear Him. Mari ought
to o afraid o sin, o the conse-
quences of sin, and the awful judge-
ment that awaits the unrepentant
A is elega'i have been deceived. The, disease be
=1 church Boy Scou'Matedts aited on the ing entirely a matter of imagination.
1 Council asking use of the west part We have perhaps heard of such cases
of the weigh scales building for a But for all real healing of
nee=lclub room. Referred to the Property ease we are indebted 1 to
- 1 The following accounts were read
. r i and passed on motion of Elston and
.•: Ward.
E I Jonathan 1 ydcl, . suow ploughing,
.= 1 3.60; Sidney Sandere, labor le & B,
12:60; Thos: Sanders, ditto 11.10;
= John Hankin, snow••ploug hing 9;60;
• Ontario Flax Company, snow -plough-
ing 9.60; David Russell, Sr., labor
R & Be 2.25; i+;noch. Rawcliffe, labor
R. & B., 6.90; John Parsons, labor
R. &. B., 4.50. •
Adjournment by Elston,
Jos. Senior,. Clerk.
suits this season. Brown and Black ars also • shown in a good range of styles. We guarantee
every suit to be absolutely of ,all wool material. Prices range from inn to tQ� We have an.
a11vd® e�-x°'
immense stock to select from.
Spring Coats
Our range of Ladies' and Misses' Coats •for the Spring -season is, not yet complete. How-
ever we have received a shipment of the advanced Spring Styles. These are very smart gar-,
merits and well worth. seeing. The popular materials are Velours, Serges, Tricotines, Donegal ,
Tweeds and Covert Cloths. In another week or ten days our stock of Coats will be about com-
plete. •
,Ladies' and. Misses' Serge and Silk Dresses
We have found recently a growing demand for ready-to-wear dresses, so for spring,
we have stocked` in a beautiful range of the celebrated : Northway and Rogers' Dresses in
Silks and All -wool serges. These are very attra ctive garments and moderate prices. See these
lines early as they are going fast.
inA Dinner Sets at 25,OO
12 good patterns English make Dinner sets, full 97 pieces, good quality and all neat
designs. Worth easily $35.00. To clear this month at 25®00
WALL :PAPERS=The new Wall Papers for Spring are now in stock.
HOUSE I{'URNISHINGS—Extra Special Values—Spring house -furnishings, including
Rugs, Linoleums, Curtains, Window -Blinds, etc.
tertamments of various ltuHds. ie alive had they used the
proper rein -
her fine renditions. She is also a et fes a had sent in medicines; o
both the medicine and the power to
physical n. His testimony 1
-most convincing. Bishop Galloway,
of the M. E. church south, U.S.A..,
testified to restoration by the immed-
iate power of God.
—,,,„eGarnet S. Passmore, of Exeter'
xeter As Then their is healing by God• t11ru
.,the beide'entered the church on theI
= axiu of her uncle; .dobe W. Hopkins, the medium of at chethist of the world and with
water. God is the
=., of Brownsville,. by whom she - was gni
awful tragedies of sin, and who stops
to ponder the significance of these
current events. Tho sorrows and
eruptions of human life cry aloud
for the gospel. On a mission to,these
Almighty Jesus Christ came into the world.
God. The Son of Gad, Jesus Christ, who
Let me say again, God heals more is very God, ,came to .this world to
ways than we have thought. In order seek and to save the lost, to save all
that' we may give God the praise due wrecked classes and conditions of
Him for healing of these bodies, let m:en.,•Ile alone is able to utter the
me point out some of the ways in last word on the woes, horrors and
which His healing ministration is ea.- hellishness of sin. There is no other
excised. First 1, would mention, in- way of being saved, and if Christ
stant restoration by the power of is rejected the last of all classes will
God in answer to the prayer of the remain lost forever.
affected. oee, or the prayers of
others, or both united. For this`see There are people who are trying
James 5-14, 15. The writer has to get rid of the awfulness of sin and
both heard the testimony and seen thus relieve themselves from the re -
those who without any visible as- sponsibility of seeking salvation
sistance, have been restored, Pastor from it. Their very effort is proof' Pence be Still. (Greek ..vex'xon, ,
Phillpott of the Gospel Tabernacle,1 positive of the utter depravity of the Hush! BeMuzzled) St: Mark :t:
PASSMORE—hIW WORTHY of Hamilton, is to -day a living e.. human famrlY, and of the utter heli
ample of one having been given up ishness of the very sin which causes t•
A' happy event transpired in the d ou.tlpricious inland Sea of Galilee a lite
by the most skilful of Canadian them to deny its existence. To Justin,. ca,
Methodist church, Feces , last week physicians anicl - 2 , In a dangerous alexin :on the
ori Wednesday
morning at eleven rh deal healtl
.471-1 o'clock when the marriage was sole.
E emuized: of Miss La - Vera Hopkins
�" .Muxworthy, elder davghter 02 Rev.
,ei given in marriage, the choir sang, shill beyond the knowledge of .phy-
sicians or pharmacists has given
i "O"Perfect Love." 'The bride wore a healing properties to pools and
= f navy bine tailored travelling suit of springs of water. To the writer's per-
- 1 silk faille, with corsage bouquet of serial knowledge there have.comenee ,' Ophelia roses,; and Geazgette hat,. healings from this source. These we-
with . French flowers.. The tars are located at various places.
= charming little ring -bearer, Miss
We mention the Preston springs,
=i Evelyn Williams, daughter of fir.
Ontario. Those at Bamff. Those at
and Mrs, A..;Williams, Forest, was; qct Clemens, Michigan and perhaps
erIAMil attired in -a dainty gown of cream p
most effective the steaming natural
. silk .• with , pink trimmings. She hotsprings of Arra s
Arkansas. as Beyond dis-
' carried a' haslet of sweet peas and Dote God gave the healing
, ': violets, holding a cala lily, in which. 1 and the healing is of Gopaspmuch
the'iring was placed. The ushers were (+
I John Ferguson and T. H. Rumford. (mu.I as if it came by prayer and to Him
we owe allraise
i by the brides sister, 'Miss Margaret p yi g
As they left tine sehurch ' Mendel- p r
▪ ssohn s weddings
March was played A •third:is_ Divine healing by di- 'Thousands o free le cf sues n,
14iuxworthy. After the ceremony al
moval to another part. We probably
inches in one part of the country
have been restored to health by re -
Aiming the guests were the bride
} reception was held at the parsonage.
groom's mother, Mrs. Passmore; Air. ses o is Healing by
and Mrs. W. Passmore, Mr. and Mrs. climatic change. Now God made and
1 J.. Hackney, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton : proportioned the climate, gave. it
Frayne, all of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs.
the power to renew or relieve certain
J W Hopkins of Brownsville; and ? physical weaknesses or ailments.
Robinson•fanri�. of De
This then is healing by God and to
' troll.
The church was failed, the occas- ! skill of doctors. That God has placed
sion being of more than usual in-, in the vegetable and mineral king
terest from the fact 'that Miss Marx -1 Gloms, in bark or root and weeds and
I worthy, who is a highly talented I Hewers, etc., properties for healing
! elocutionist and an accomplished vo- n+a one can doubt. That God has hel--
1 1 d }v
nneen."'� , W. C. ol.anson an y , divine healing of medicine and the
Him we owe the glory. A fourth is
calist and pianist. r is become \Wi e.y, red physicians and 'others to the
- known and won friends everywhere, discovery of these is also self evi-
• i by her willing and generous re-• dent We believe there are . many
• spouses to calls to assist in local SH-; now lying in graves who might be
�� `� 1lllllaslllillll1111111I1111,c�1i1111111;11111111111,�IIIIIIIIIlllllllllllll1111lIIIIIII�IIaIlIIIIlIIIIII1111111111Ir11G111I1111311111111IlI 111 has delighted audiences always 1 God 1 as
3 tod
$01.00 per package." ,
INTERNATIONAL FOODS 30c, 60c, and $1.75 per package
• I IESBAGEUM, the old reliable, 40c, 'and 750 per package
4 lbs. for 25c.
4 lbs. for 250. 15e per pound
Heaman' Hardware
s d
27W PRONES ' 273
member of the Forest Ladies' Quar- men to discover it are gifts of God
HAYTER —At Dashwood, on Febru-
29, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs,' Robert
Hayter, a daughter. additional to individual gifts from i sic
BENTLEY.—In Blyth; on , Mond'ay, intimate friends, and handsome b-e_sing can come as both physician
February 23rd, to Mr.. and Mrs.glory
patient give Him the praise.and
Earl Bentley, a son. cheques from near relatives. The' glory.
bridegroom's -gift,. to the bride was
DIED an onus rine, 'set with a, dzamontl A fifth type of Divine healing ma,y
The happy couple will reside at. Exec be found in nature itself. Some per
F.4NSON—In Usborne, on Marcie 1, ter.—Forest Free Press. son has said "Give nature half a
, 1920, Almina Blatchford; ieeloved
wife of Mr. Louis Edgar Faason,
gaged 38 years, -1 month and five
days. e
tette who have put on eXcelient con We have no use for.those who decry
ceras in Forest and other places dur- doctors and medicine. We believe
ing the past year. A multiplicity of.they are the instruments of God for
gifts were showered upon her by the healing and every doctor should as -
various societies of the .church in crihe n " e'. to Clod
DATERS--In .Hay Township, on
February the 19th, the infant
daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet
Deters, age 22 days.
FARRANT—In Montreal, on Febru-
ary 21, 1920, Harvey Farrant, son
of Mr. William Fervent, of Mit-
chell, aged 33 years. -
CONNELLY—In Logan, on Febru-
ary 17, 1920, Bridget • Connelly,
relict ofh
t e late Patrick Connelly,
aged 78 years.
HUTCHISON--In Mitchell, on• Feb-
ruaryMartha 23 1 2 9 0, M rtI a A. Hoth-
am, relict of the late James Hut-
chison, in her 67th year.
CAMERON—In Toronto, on Febru-
ary .15, 1920, Neil T. Cameron,
eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Cameron, of Bayfield,
PULLMAN—In Seaforth, on Febru-
ary 19, 1920, Thomas Pullman,.
brother of Mrs. Fred Hanson,
Mitchell, aged 48 years.
The Public Utilities Commission
have issued a notice to the .risers of
water that the water
supply be conserved as, nnuch as pos-
sible during the night. The Commis-
sion is- at present laboring tinder
conditi'on,s that it is not in their
power to avoid. Owing to the accum-
ulation of ice on the inside :of the
town tank and also the tank at the
station, it is not possible to pump
enough water to hold - the supply
'over night: It is imposible to call on
ail those who leave their tape run-
ning. The Comiirission are at present
calling for tenders for the inetalla-
tion of a punip and motor combined
at the waterworks building at the
river and as soon as this is installed
they will be in a position tie give
service at all hours. Users are asked
to conserve the supply and help out
lee far as possible,
chance and she will effect. the cure"
and we believe it is true. Our wisest
realize this • to -day and
are co-dperating with nature: What
At the Spring Assizes at Goderich is all the vice of diet, fresh air,
this week the damage action of Rob: cleanliness, dinking of much water,
ert Penhale, of Bayfield, against Ez- abstaining fr.'a` tobacco or • stimul-
ra Brenner, of Grand Bend, was tried ants for? Wh in order that nature
before Justice Lennox- and a jury. may get a cl ;nee. Why do 'doctors
In May laet Penhale's 'imported so often sug t the hopsital? That
stallion, ".AIbions Glory," went thru nature may -- t a chance. 'Whose
the floor in a stall and was killed. laws are the flaws of nature? Are
The dePendant refused to pay the they not God's? Then let physicians
loss, claiming that the horse had and patients be honest enough, to
died' of colic instead of from acci- give credit when credit is •due,
dent. However the jury found other- Now concluding, here are five
wise and .awarded the plaintiff $400 methods of healing by God. Every -
and costs. Gladman & Stanburie for one of these have the who can give
Plaintiff and Meredith & Fisher for
The following donations were re-
ceived by the local treasurer for the
Armenian fund and - not previously
of their hearts the fist remnant 0f ; tie boat occupied by thirteen. persons
the seed of faith, ' Some to avoid the 1 is crossing from the western t0 tbe;
gospel of repentance and judgement1 eastern side. -The waves are breaking
to coma, are resorting to the cees-! into the ship so that it is noir lull
pools of decaying heathenism, deg-: of water, and one, evidently the lea
radation and falsehood. Almost (der of the little compare;, is in The
every dead philosophy and corrupt ` hinder part of the vessel, not` help '
idealism has been.. revived as a sub t reg, not cheering,. not=sync»athiirna
stitute for the gospel of grace thrid with the rest—but asleep. It w„., Re
.faith. Mucic of the infamous semi- who suggested the crossing, He who,,
merit abroad was the creed of °Cain. toilsome
wince the evening of a; long
Cain said, "I'll 'have no God that day had come said "Let us, pass.:
demands of me a sacrifice of blood.” i over unto the other side." In some
He denied vicarious atonement, and sense then He was to blame foe the
spurned the authority of God in dir- peril, why had he not forseen the
ecting affairs. In rebelling against'tyincls and the waves and postponed.
God he slew his brother. 1 the voyage at least until the morn.:
The other day in the city of De-' wisely, but too well, and' now in
"" -" - inf;? They had trusted Ilim--not
ltroit at a conference of the . church- 1 stead, of feeling for them . in their
es it was reported that several coma -,distress. He lies there taking His
# without churches or ,gospel orcin,. The sting of the dantr'r is in that
maces and that thesala evangelistic cam- I sleep. It He were awake and alive
Deigns and endeavors along ordinary, to their trouble they could have
lines tailed errurely' to awaken any1 borne it tliry were always ready to
evidence of its power. Then let en
one who has been blessed by heal-
ing in any one of these ways dis-
count or disparage the healing of
one by any of the others. God. is not
tied- up to any one way. Then since
God is the healer of all disease let
reported. us give to Him the glory by the
Members of James Street church, dedication of oar talents and our
Rd. Yellow $5.00. Mrs, Fred Laxton lives. •
$1.50; Main St. church, Miss E."A, Then let us remember, healing is
Hogarth $1.00; Anglican church, not for everybody. Healing of the
Reginald Knight $1,00; Thames body le not the greatest thing bu.t.a
Road Presbyterian ehurch, Sunday formed mi
nd and regeneratedenerated
spirit "Create within me a clean
school $29.64; Bethany church, . R.
Robinson $6,00, 'Wesley 17. Johns
$5.00; Centralia Methodist church,
John A. Thar -$1.00; Women's Insti-
tute (Exeter) $1.00; a friend 50e.
On Monday, Tvlarch 1st, Mrs. Louis
Edgar Fansen passed away at the
age of 38 .years, 1 month and five
days. The deceased bad been ailing
for some time. Mrs. lea.nson's maiden
Blatchford. he
name was Alrzt 1 d. S �
was born iilUsborne township.' no -
sides her bereaved teshand, she is
survived by her. •etep-mother, Mrs,
John Blatclaford, of . Meter; also
two sisters and. one 'brother. Mrs. F.
Down, Mrs. R. Squire and:MVli, Geo,
no cata,clysul of ti+.n r„rnrsn;+
Dunn. Tho funeral was held on war which, filled the 1••^"'4 ,.,•+v, t+^•-
WVednesda.y, interment in the Exeter nor, the bestiritig a'^
heart and renew within me a. richt
spirit" said one of old who knew the
,greatest need. Healing indeed might
to SOMO be a curse e a e men or women
only opening the way of greater op-
portunity for wickedness. .Then
above all Melly let us render to God
a fitting tribute of braise "who for-
giveth all thine iniquities and heal-
eth all thy diseases.”
Rev James Foote. 1 A,. Pastor
suite 19. 10"]'or tr,n, q.,,i (If Men
is conte to seek ;arid to: wove th.r+
which was lost..'
ties in the State of Michigan were rest lies there asleep.
response: or "religious; interest- with t follow ' Hine -- sometimes they
the people. Who would case to de-, thought they could die with 'Tin.,.
without any gospel becoming cess- their alarm, that he should be able
to sleep through it, this was; unkind,
this was so unlike Him. Half in as-
tonishment and half in reproach,
• (Continued on page Tour.)
pools of evil and every conceivable
crime. Because when responsibility
to God' is eliminated from the indiv-
idual consciousness you have un-
tamed beasts to dee! with. It only
d upon suck large communities; bet. that He should be indifferent to
� o
g is Hen
Complete line of Dunlop and Dominion Tires
Do adjusting- on all tires I sell
Vulcanizing and:Rep firing
A full line of Prest-D-Lite Batteries
Charging and Repairing Batteries
Colne and bring your Battery. You can"t make
any %nista'. e, for ,I have spent 8 years
on Battery Line. -
PHONE 9 k ad Di! TAYLOR l?IID VLA :1.
11 Illi
11hy Ton Should Bake With , 111
I 1 a 11
1 'll
Modern milling and experience behind it. 1 >
I Makes wonderful bread of which you'll be justly, i II:
proud. Myp1aisesfrom our customers 1
ers Dro
e it. IIYo 1l never knowtill you give it a trial
Letyour nextt o1 del. be 1V.lOI�3LL FLOUR 111e have just unloaded another car of Corn of such
Ii quality as Exeter has seldom seen. 11
.I 11 �1
1111 1 11 H RV Y RO
�! 1111
The equal of any flour on the Canadian market
to -clay. 111
. r . 1l
Nestle from selected Ontario and esteln •. lI t
t f3W . � ea .
s � 1(<
locttlizecl in the wr•a$r1,,,l r,'w i'ty, :, ,, � : .�'�..r...+.1•10011.—