HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-1-29, Page 8AMMO COMMINt ATTENTION Stockand Poultry Feeders USE Royal Purple Stock and Poultry Foods, 60c, $1.75 and $6.00 plcge. International Stock and Poultry Foods, 80e and $1.75 per package Rerbagenzn, (The Old Reliable) 40e and 75c per package! Royal Purple Calf Meal .. , 25, 50 and 100 pound bags For Disinfecting Stables aid Hen Houses —USE— ZENOLEUM in 35c, 65e, $1.25 and $2.00 packages. ROYAL PUTRPLE, DISINFECTANT, 30c and 60c tins SULPHUR 4 ib. for 25c EPSOM SALTS 4 lb. for 25e SALT•X ETRE 16e per Yb OYSTER SHELL GRIT AND BEEF SCRAP BY THE L. OR SACK Heaman'sHardware 27W PHONES 273 Clearing Sale OF Winter Dry Goods —AT— Mrs. W. De Yeo's Beginning THURSDAY, JANUARY 29th and con- tinuing for two weeks in February. Thursday moring we will put on "Special Sale" Men and Boys' Sweater Coats Men's Heavy Ribbed Underwear, sizes 36 to 44 Men's Fleeced -Lined Underwear Men's Scarfs and Ties, Men's Woolen and Union Hose. Boys' Underwear, Wool. Blankets, "Grey Flannels Ladies' Sweaters, Children's Coats, Togues and Caps Scarf and Cap Sets, Woolen Skirts, Tweeds, Cloakings. We have just completed stock -taking and have a choice lot of remnants in Prints, Flannelettes and Shirtings, etc. We will also have on "Special Sale" 40 pounds of Minto Tea, Green, Black or Mixed, a silver spoon in each package. Also 40 good .Brooms on. "Special Sale" for two weeks. Call early and look over the Specials. S.. Y. o PHONE 93. Phone 16 Scarce Goods Good Raisins We offer for sale -20 cases choicest, large and juicy Mus- catel Raisins, at 25c per lb. Choicest Seeded Raisins ..25e Choicest Seedless Raisins 25c. Large New Prunes 25e. Choicest New Currants .. 25c. Better buy your Sugar while the buying is good, looks like mighty scarce stuff later in the season, and the price may be very hard to reach. Our stock of Sugar is complete and sell- ing away below the Govern- ment price. NNw Corn Flakes ..2 for 25c New Shredded Wheat 2 for 25c New Lanka Tea .... ..,,70e New Red Rose Tea .... 65c. New Salada Tea 65c. J. A. STEWART The I"i lest Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, realizing the need of the time have increased th.e salary of their minister, Rev. Dr, Larkin, font $1500 to $1800 per year. Down With the Profiteering Just look over these prices before you buy your next piece of meat, Beef Choice Sirloin or P.H. steak 30elb Prime Rib Roasts, •heifer beef: 25cib Meatty Pot Roasts '23c1b Rib Boil, young and tender ,2'Oclb Pork Loin or Rib Pork Chop ..30cIb Ham Roasts Pork 25c1b Lamb Choice Legs Lamb 40eib Shoulder Lamb , 350Ib Veal Veal Chop 35e1b Roasts or Fillett of Veal 30c1b Stewing Veal .. ,.....25olb All -Pork Sausages (our own make 30elb Head Cheese (Mrs. Harness's make)35,0T --�-at BEN 1�t�ApP yy 1�►y� BEN.. MA !NS The Sanitary Meat Market, where quality is higher than price. • `I".H EXETER TIMES,. Market Report -. ..The following ie the report of the Exeter Market earrected. every Wednesday. No, 2, Wheat $1,95,. Oats $1.00, Bran $45 a ton in buyers Shorts $52 per ton, Family hour $6.74. Lard 554, Hogs $17.25, Barley $1.70. New laid eggs 70c. Held Eggs 55c Dairy butter 60c to 65c. Creamery butter .72c. Potatoes $3,00. bage, • LOCAL • Renewed yet? Remember we can save you 26c on your daily paper. Master Melville Down, of Huron dale is on the sick list. Mies Edna Follick is visiting Miss. La, Belle. Handford of Ingersoll. Mrs.. Lampe rt and Miss Rose are spending a couple of days in Lon- don. Mr. Harper Rivers has returned home after spending'a few weeks in Sarnia. Miss Ella Link is the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz. kr. and Mrs. Will Rycknaan are visiting with friends in and around Hensall. Mrs. Samuel Dilling, of Hensall, 'visited her daughter, Mrs. M. Quance for a few days.. A carnival will be held at th Dome Rink next Monday evening. Band in attendance. "Hale Hamilton," original star in "Get Rich Quick Wallingford," at the Dome Theatre on Friday and Saturday. "Special Sale" on at Mrs. W. D. Yea's beginning Thursday, January 29th. Look for advertisement in an- other column. Reeve B. W. F. Beavers, of town, and Reeve A. Mitchell, of Usborne, are in Goderich this week attending County Council. Mr. John W. Mallett, of London, and formerly clerk at the Central Hotel, has purchased the hotel of Mr. August Hill, at Crediton. A scientist has invented a rocket that will hit'the moon. The next rocket may soar still higher and hit the price of butter and eggs. Mrs. Jas. Westcott, of Douglas, Man., who is well-known to many of our readers, has sold her home in Douglass and has moved to Winni- peg. . There was a record crowd of Skaters for this season, at the rink on., Monday evening. The weather wasfine and the band furnished good music. Mr. William Rivers received a cable last week stating, that Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rivers had arrived safely in England having had, tie good trip across. Mr. J. G. Stanbury received a tel- egram on Monday that his aunt, Mrs. (Dr:) Stuart, of Oakville had died suddenly. Mrs. Stuart ' visited in Exeter last fall. Mr. Nelson Keddy, of Calgary, ar- rived in town on Monday, being cal- led home owing to the illness of his mother, Mrs. Ralph Keddy, whose condition is quite serious. Mr. W. G. Medd, of Exeter, occup- ied, the pupit of the Elimville cir- cuit in connection with the Metho- dist National. Campaign and gave stirring address on each occasion. Mr. Wm. Passmore is moving to town this week from a farm in. Us - borne, into the residence on North street recently purchased from Mrs. Colwill. We welcome Mr. Passmore and family to town. A hockey match has been arran- ged for Thursday, February 5th at the Dome Rink between Hensall and Exeter:` -A good game is expected. the ,hockey executive are trying to arrange a came each week. Mr. Wallace Puke, who has been .an a:run-down condition, has been ordered by his doctor to take the ,rest cure and remain in bed for sev- eral' weeks. His many friends will hopefor a speedy recovery. A. nervy bit of sneak thieving oc- curred recently when the barn of Mr. Sid Davis, just off the Main street, was releived of all it's hay. Mr. Davis had just previous to the act bought a Goad of hay and stored it in the barn. Mr: T. A. Powell, who recently sold the Ward farm in Usborne Tp. has purchased the brick house of W. e.;.Beer, and occupied by Mr. True- man Elliott. Mr. Powell gets pos- session on March lst. He will hold an auction sale on. Feby. 10th. Which would you prefer to do— SeIl your heart or give it away? What did Tom , do in "AFTER HIS OWN HEART," a mirth -provoking comedy -drama 'written by Ben Ames Williams which will' be featured at the Dome Theatre with Hale Hamil- ton on Friday and Saturday. ] li. Ernest Pym met with a mis- hap. Tuesday evening. While driving to town the cutter in which he was riding, was upset inthe ditch and he was thrown out. He had the mis- fortune to have one of his front teeth broken off and his face cut in a couple of places. The horse did not. ' get away and the cutter was only slightly damaged: The short Course in agriculture Which has been going on for the past four weeks in Senior's Hall will be brought to a close this week, The young men who etre taking the course have been much taken up with it and have derived much prac- tical information. Mr. A. E, Kuhn addresed the class pn banking Wed- heyday 'afternoon. 'Ihe last outside speaker to address the class is Mr. e4, Gorden, departmental special- ist oil co-operatiti'e marketing, who will 'address the class on' Thursday afternoon. With the Churches °A"VEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 A. M. --Sunday School and Bible Class, 11 a,m.—'The Thank' Offering. The Minister 7 p.m, --The Haunted House. The Minister Mid -week service Thursday evening. Good Music at all Services JAMES STREET METHODIST CHURCH Rev. AI. 4. • Wilson, B.A., Pastor. Services in connection with the National Forward Movement. 11 a.ni.-Rev. A. M. Johnston, of Parkhill will preach. 3 p.m,—Sabbath School. 7 p.m.—Rev. E. G. Powell, of Luean will preach. IMMIMMINNINW A TIP TO TIIl7 BOYS The girls all know that we have a splendid fresh stock of Bon Bons and will not stand for anything old or inferior in the chocolate line. It will pay you to try our special box; Old Homestead Candies, home-made just' like Betty Browns. See our as- sortment in Patterson's box choco- lates, soft centers, Just Nuts, assor- ted fruits, and hard centers. And in bulk chocolates we have the latest on the market. Peanut cluster, Jim Crows, Nut Squares, Filbert Cluster, and all the rest of the real sweets.— HARVEY. & HARVEY. Have you paid your subscription? FOR SALE—Williams Sewing Machine in good condition. Apply at Times office. FOR SALE—Washing Machine, as good as new. Wringer in good condition. Apply to Mrs. Wm. Balk - will. A car of Five X Shingles will ar- rive in a few days. Parties having ordered shingles phone or send in number required as shingles will be delivered`- .es per orders given. Shingles are scarce and price will be higher.—Ross-Taylor Company. • a The Women's Missionary Society of Elimville church, are . holding a pie social. ,an Monday, February 2nd. A splendid program will be provid- ed. The address of the evening will be given -by Rev. R. J. D. Simpson, of Toronto Mr. Simpson is a fluent speaker and well worth hearing. The W.>C': T. U. are serving an af- ternoon tea"rat-the home of Mrs. B. W. F. Bea tiers in aid of the Canadian Marine Dept of the W. C. T. U. BORN BUS WELL -At. Evesham, Sask., on January .23rd, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buswell, a son, (Rob- ert Ernest.) FORD -----At, 445 Delaware avenue, Toronto, to Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ford, of Lawson, Sask., a son. - • (Kenneth James) HINZIn Logan, on January '1•lth, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hinz, a son. SMITH—At :Centralia, on January 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith, a son. BARKER—In Logan, on January 15, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. tryan Harker, a daughter. FISCHER—In Fullerton, on Janu ary 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fischer, a` daughter. MADGE—In Tuckersmith, on Jane ary 4th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. '"F. , Madge, a daughter. BANNERMAN—In Logan, an- Janu- ary 20, 1920, to. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bannerman, a daughter. HOGARTH In -Mitchell, on Janu- ary 18th, 1920,.to Mr. and Mrs, " Clair Hogarth, (nee Jean Camp- belI), a son. MARRIED KERNICK—MOIR—At the hone of the bride's parents, "Rose Lawn," Thames Road, on Wednesday, January 28th, Miss Jessie Lila, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Moir, to , Mr. William John Kernick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kerniek, of Usborne. DIED COTTLE—In Exeter, on January 22, 1920, Ambrose Cottle, aged 72 years: WOODS—In Usborne, on Tuesday, January '20, 1929, Mary Jackson, beloved wife of Robert Woods, aged 71 years, 10 months. JACOB—In Logan; on January 20, Francis Jacob, aged 82 years, 2 months and 12 days. ROBINSON-1n Fullerton, on Jan. 19th, 1920, . William Robinson, aged 75 years, 11 months and 27 days. THITRSDAY, 4ANUAUY 2 11, gilIMIM11011111111111111111111111111111111101110111111101111111111111111111111111011111111101111MIMMIIIIIIMMIMIMIMINIIIIIIM WNW WORM MINIONS MINIM O▪ MNI 1121▪ .1110111 Mean ice.SIMMSIMMOMOMSlosage IMMO MNINIela S▪ IMEON MOONY MINIM • SOU IICV .L T EROS. Phone 134 GOLD WEATHER NEEDS Fa STANM LDS UNDERWEAR There is no better snake. It wears Well and is made ,frons pure wol. Red Label -$3,00.. 36 each WIDE FLANNELETTES In splendid quality patterns. This is special value and well worth the money. 10 yards for $4.00.. ALL -WOOL WORSTED HOSE For Boys and Girls, made from pure all -wool worsted. Just the thing for the cold weather. 75c 85c and $1.00. HEAVY SOCKS AND RUBBERS At old prices. All Rubbers edyan- ced in price the first of the year. We are cleaning all linos at old prices. ALL WOOL SWEATER COATS It will pay you to see our all -wool coats. We can save you money. $5.00, .$7.50, and $0.00. FLEECED -LINED UNDERWEAR FOR BOYS Penmans, make, in all sizes for boys. A good undergarment, Per Garment 75c. FELT §HOES For Men and Women. They will keep your feet warm and comfort- able these cold days, CANVAS tie LEATHER LEGGINGS In canvas and leather. They are fine for deep -snow. Canvas $1.65; Leather $2.25.-. ASK TO SEE OUR NEW WALL PAPERS FOR SPRING SO-UTIICOTT BROS. MANNY Menelffil .111.10 41111111111 ..r MEMO Pi1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ll@IIIIIIIIi111111111111llllllllllll1111111111111111111111111lilliilllli1111111111111llitlr M. E. Gardiner I have on hand at all times grain grinders, roller crushers, root pulpers and can supply at short no-, tice oil engines from 1.1{2 to 10 horse power. FURNITURE AND 'UNDERTAKING for sale.One McLaughliM cutter left WM. WARD. Phones 74w. Night OPERA HOUSE Calls 74J. Action is being taken"`"by the Board of Health against a farmer in BLOCK this community for selling diseased meat to citizens of town. • FARMS FOR SALE. I have a number of choice farms for sale in Usborne, Hibbert and Tuckersmith with up-to-date build- ings and my long experience in the business .-tells me I have the price right ,and some of them on., easy terms of payment. Also the Far- quhar Store j operty. For terms and 'particulars ` appiy ' to • Thomas Cameron. Woodham; P. o., auction- DRS. SWEET & V.LNNING Veten nary "Surgeons' All calls proiaptly "attended 't6 day or night. OFFICE—' -Dr. Sweet's old office Phone 120 Dr. BENRY A. CORSAUT • Veterinary Surgeon - Dr. Henry A. Corsaut wishes to announce that he has moved his office to Baker's Livery, James next door to Overland Garage appreciates the patronage he has .e- ceived in the old stand and hopes for a continuance of the same in his new office. Calls promptly attended to, day of night. Phone 8. A. REEDER, GARAGE I wish to inform the public that I have moved my repair garage I from the Overland garage to part of the building occupied by Taylor - Tire Shop, corner of Main and James street. Bateries cared for and care- ful attention given to repair work. WALKOM In Fullerton, en'' Jan. 17, 1920; Jane Baker, widow of the, late Walter Walkom, aged 78 years and 2 months. IN MEMORJAM ROWE—In loving' memory of Wil- bur Rowe, who died at No. 2 Cas- ualty Cleatietratttlen from pneu- monia erten. Metering German ter- ritory follo-wing the signing of the armistice, on January 26th. Days of sadness still come o'er us, Tears of sorrow often flow; Memory keeps our loved ones near us Whom God claimed one year ago. We who loved you, sadly, nusS,you, As , it dawns another; year, In the lonely hears. or thinking, Thoughts of you are ever near. ---Parenteand brother% ANNUAL MEETING USBORNE AND HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the members of the Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the hall Farquhar, Monday, February 2nd, 1920, at 1 p.m., for the purpose of receiving the reports of Directors and Auditors for the past year and for the election of two Directors and two Auditors and for other business. The Directors whose term of offi- ce expires, but who are eligible for re-election are J. L. Russell and Wm. Roy. • W. A. TURNI3ULL, Secretary. Farquhar, January 21, 1920. Ate FAIRHALL'S have jest received, a new and large assortment of Prints, Muslins, Ginghams and Raw Silks. These are goods that are hard to procure, so act quick anddo your choosing from these new and`' fancy patterns while they last. We have fresh Herring and Lake Superior barrel Herring daily. FAIRHALL'S, CENTRALIA • A report was circulated that the; U.F.O. had purchased the business, interests of Mr. R. G. SeIdon, of Exe ter. The U.F.Q. have been negotiat-� ing with. Mr. Seldon for the pure( chase df his business interests, brit f as yet nothing definite has, been f done. 4. LEAGUE STANDING Won Lost Tie Clerks 4 0 0. 'Bankers a" 2 2 0 1.0.O.F. 1 2 1 School 0 '3 1 4. Thee total expenditure p ndittar'eon county roads for Middlesex for 1919 was $162,281,172.. NOTICE During thewinter we will. have horses and . cutters for hire. Anyone wanting same phone • 56. Wilson and Sims. THE -,EXETER TDJES Subscription rate $1.50 ;a year. ADVERTISING, RATES Display Advertising—Made known on application. Stray Animals—One insertion 50e three insertions for $1.00 Farm or Real Estate for sale 50c each insertion for one month of four insertions, 25c for each subsequent insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost,- Found, etc., each in- sertion 25c. Stock for Sale, 50c each insertion for 5 lines or less, for 1st month. • Local reading notices etc., 10c per line per insertion. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Legal advertising 10c and 5c a line. Auction Sales $2 for one insertion and $3 for two insertions if under 6 inches in length, over 6 inches ac- cording to size_ LOADED AGAIN Our rooms are filled with all kinds of furniture, which we are selling at a very small margin. ' Be sure acid see us before buying as .we have some bargains. R. N. ROWE Phone 20 THE UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER • Vulc anizi, All kinds of Tiros: All work guaranteed. Cash for old Tires. Taylor's Tire Shop EXETER. ONT. AS GOOD AS NEW That's the way I make that old suit of yours look. By clening, press- ing, repairing, it doubles, yes trebles the life of your suit. Isn't it more economical to pay for cleaning, press- ing, than to buy a new suit? Espec- ially now when new suits are so high. T. H. ELLIOTT SUDDEN SERVICE SHOP The Totich of TaiJor=Made Have you felt it? Do you know the satisfaction. which comes from being .8 tailor-made man, particularly a TAMAN tailored •man? Our made- to -order suits, although costing little rnore than ready-made, have a fit, swing and distinction that are indiv- idual and exclusive. Wear one and know the feeling. Stock=Taktug Bargains Piif t 1°' Ni A N a