HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-1-29, Page 41t ii 29tl iiia 1 111!! E'' in music is in our store. All the melody,' all the harmony, all the great operas,.:,. every simple little ballad, the latest dance that has caught Broadway, the mot - recent popular hit -- here you 1vl find • them all. aAoraolas and Records That is the greatest combination in. tnusic. To hear any record at its best, you must hear it played on the Columbia Grafonola. We have a complete sto -k of •instru- ments and records. Come in and look and listen. . Poweli's Bazaar EXFTER -, ONTARIO 1lURON I''ltilfil3Y ERLIL The annual business meeting the Huron Presbyterial Society was held in Willis church eft Tuesday and, iu spite of the, stormy weather, was well attended. The morning ses sloe commenced at eleven o'clock with devotional exercises, led by the President, Mrs. James I4atixni1ton, . the Minutes of the last meeting being read by the secretary, Mise IL 1. (+reliant. A report was read from tlxe cus- todian of the Anna Fletcher Fund, by Miss Dunlop, of Goderich, also an appreciation of the "Sheaf of Memories," written by Miss Helen Clark, of Loyal a wasgiven 1ks vote f thanks hearty 0 0 A e t J the Clinton ladies for their "dud hos- pitality. 1 The following are the officers: President, Mrs. James Hamilton, Goderich; lst vice, Mrs, ,i. E. Hogg, Clinton; 2nd vice, Mrs, S. McLean, legmondville; 3rd vice, Mrs. R. D. MoDiarmid, Goderich; 4th vice, Mrs. McKenzie, Brucefield, secre- tary, Miss H. I. Graham, Seaforth; treasurer; Mrs. J C.Greig, Sea - seem; mei en 121r„ `,•.rn-^tpat. Mrs.. T. L. DeLacey, Seaforth; Supply Secretary, Mrs. W. D, .Fair, Clinton !JAssistant Supply Secretary, Mrs, J. p ,Scott, Clinton; Literary Secretary, 'Miss Dunlop, Goderich; Messenger ,rBecretare, Miss L Ferguson, Coder- ' nen; Strangers' Secretary, Mrs. Mc - Monne'', Hensel(; Press Secretary, 'Mrs. • W. D. McIntosh, Brucefield; sHome Helpers' Secretary, Mrs. C. 'r Monteith, Kippen; Library Secre- tary, Mrs. R. Young, Carlow; Con- veuers of Committees, Mrs. G. A. McDonnell, Hensel(;' Mrs. Ross, Au- burn. In reveiwing the history of the of the past year, which has been so coxrspicuou$ for its spirit of devo- tion and liberality, and the best of all the years, we are led to exclaim, "The Lord hath done great things for us whereof we are glad." The Presbyterial now numbers twenty- four auxiliaries, which includes one more than last year, (the Winthrop Associated Society having entered the auxiliary ranks) with a mem- bership of 856, the contributions from these auxiliaries being $5,092.- 1.6, 5,092: 1.6, and five Young Women's Auxili- aries, with a membership of 194, •contr'ibutin•g $966.75, making a to- tal membership of 1,050, an increase of 220 in Auxiliary members and 40 ;,in the Young Women's Auxiliaries, also, 11 . Mission Bands, numbering :4,-8.,1 'with .a.eontribution of $ 660.70, leaking a• total offering of $6,719.61 p'. ich put forth special; efforts to do. honor to our missionary. Mrs. Mc- Gillivray presented her with $236 tor her translation work and Smith's hill $60. Four hundred dollars has been contributed tothis work in connection with the Anna Fletcher Memorial Fund,. We aro anticipating rich - spiritual uplift and blessing as a result of the Forward Movement. A praetioai waY in which we can realize it is by bringing the tithes into the store house, during the coating Year. We will then have a blessing so great poured upon us as individuals and as a society that there will not be room enough to receive it --H. Isabel Gra- ham, Secretary Huron Presbyterial Slet . oC y Treasurer's report of the Huron Pres, W. M. S. for 1919. 158-.50 1025 5.00• 41.90 275.00 270.00 )1, Prominent Mith yer Endorses Hacking's }iearr and Nerve Remedy t Was almost a Nervous Wreck from Overwork; this. Kwon- w derful remedy brought back iris t/1d•time Vigor and Vital-' ity. Read the story of a Great Medicine, in titres letters. 4100 in, cash will be paid to anyone who can prove that these letters. are not genuine. The name of Minister will be given to anyone who doubts these remarkable , statements. Here is Letter Number One "Please send me one box of HACKING'S HEART and NERVE REM- EDY,to fll I air, suffering from a bad attack and have been unable my pndpit for three months, doctors say that it may be sir months or more be.y fore lam well again. I used to be able to hold my large` congregation fror i, CLEARING Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK,• STALLION, IM- PLEMENTS, HAY, GRA.IN,ROQ TS TR' eTPI SEPARA'T 012, G•AS- OLINhR ENGINE,. eTC, ' on LOT 9 CON, 14, HIBBLRT TP., oft TUESDAY, E1 BAI ARY' 10,. 1920 at 12 ,o'clock ,noon, ,thio following, - HORSES --1 registered Clydesdale stallion cnroiled iF.onn 1, No. 20184, weight 1800 Lbs. aogranel aetiom end sdrirel, clean flat bone, a 1 registered Clyde brood mare, sup- posed to be with foal; one pair of high class £ erchoreo. mares ; 1 Per- cheron. gelding xisisig 12 years, 1 Clyde sucking Cly- desdale . e r 1 a rosin Y , g gelding ore driving horse c oDt ; 1 farmer's 13Dt,EE?TS quiet and reliable: Auburn $155 93 CATTLE -1 registered ,Shorthorn" Bayfield clow supposed to be with calf; 1 reg- Bayfield.i;stex•e{1 Shorthorn bull calf, 4 cows, Mission Band due about time of :sale; 2 cows. milking Bethany 5 heifers clue in May; 8 steers and Blake beine.rs tieing £ years; s; calves, reading Blyth "Marion steers and , fifers, Blyth stexrs and heifers, c ivux e bred ies nitre sow, Blyth Mission Band Oliver" start' to Yiwsh, now, 1 can scarcely hold my own thoughts. My Heart Action is bad and'1 am subject to Paintings and Dizziness, and am very despondent, I hope that your remedy will help me." We sent on the one box of Hacking's Heart and Nerve. Remedy and .11 days later we receive this letter. Letter Number TWO "Please send me 6 boxes of Hacking.'s Heart and Nerve Remedy. I have used the box you sent me and I feel that it has already helped me. Itly bead is clearer and the pain that has followed the preparation of my sermons has been greatly relieved and I feel that with proper treatment I will again be restored to nay old-time vigor. I am so pleased with the success of your remedy. that I am giving part of it to some of 'my friends." Now comes the proof in letter number three, a few weeks later. Letter Naruber Three "Having used your raedieine,Hacking's Heart and. Nerve Remedy for a few weeks for ,Neurasthenia (Nervous Breakdown) I have become as a new anan. For five months Y have suffered from Sleeplessness, Nervous Chills, Painting Spells, Severe Headaches and I could not place nay mind on the preparation of my sermons. To -day, ray old ambition and: strength is re- newed-thanke.ee the use of your remedy, ,bich I inn pleased to recon. Mend, tici, anyone euifering ' front Nerve c s DAeeases." t 177.80 v. ist11 litter; 1 pure bred York 'sow du, 3150 later, 99 shoats about 100 lbs weight. 100 liens and pullets. IM r LL EN T S _1 3-4 lu mb ex wag- on anu'box complete, 1 top buggy; 1 open buggy, sleighs and .cutters, Mas- sey -Harris binder; 6 ft. mower, man- ure spreader, threshing separatlor,. com- ptlete and in forst class order, hay loader, steel rake, se:le-delivery rake anti tetchier ctornbined; 3 -wheel riding plow, walking plow, 2 -furrow plow, Stiff -booth 7 -ft. cuttiivtator for four horses. 7 -ft. disk, set 15-1t lever har- rows, steel land roller, team scuffler, 13 -hoe seed idn iI, McTaggart fanning - mei, root •pulper, set 2500 lb scales with stock weighing attachment, 10 - inch 3olliette grinder; cutting box, 7 3.7 0 7 and six inch leather belts;, 2 7 -inch 50.00 canvas belts 15 and 30 ft. long; 1 6- 220•.00 horse aso,itle engine, bag truck, hay 89.00 and stock rack combined, gravel box, 132.50 gx eellstone, stoneboat, extension and 105..70. short ladders, set heavy brass mount - 768.10 u 1- 768.10 err teaiu harness, set heavy e .142.00 .mounted team harness; set of single 61.65 heavy. haxness, 2 set of angle harness 7 8.0 0 car, ropes, pulleys and slings, sap pan, 285.00 buckets and spites, 50 gallon. oil 60.00 tank, barrels, pails, 13.00 boxes, whitfle'trees, iaeckyokes, forks, • 82.68 shovels, bees, horse blank -eta, robes, and .ather articles too numerous to mention. 'Qua.utity hay and 'loots, some mixed gran.. and seed oats, ,quantity of first- class: prat -aloes, 25 cord. 32 -in. wood. New 10-20 'Tutus farm tractor, dou• ble Adie. and plow complete and in roes _- lass c%oneet lari Cru -ally new and, itnp eineatts ell pr - in f:ratnelass condition: 'I'er>.i s-l-Ot stallion,.one half in, cne year and balleincie itrn 2 years at 6 per cent tlie. last year Terms of balance of wan, ,all. sunxs of S10_0a and under crash, lova that anlou,n,t .10 months'. Credit on' famishing .approved joint `trio', es. 1 :' dnticoent' of 5 par cent ol#:f roe mall ore credit amounts1 i'o,n ee,ly. avp% reser• ne es the people e:ou ha= •sold his farm. THOS POWELL, Prop. T. CA:slERON & C. W. ROBINSON • ;fWe are' grateful to be able to re- port' theft ', tete Presbyterial has at- kained the Forward Movement esti- Eate'of •iaitiilcrease of fifty per cent, as hhve'a'so`the following auxiliaries -Bayfield, Brucefield, 'Clinton, Hen- sel', Leeburn, Mci~;iliop, Seaford(, Winthrop, 'ann. among the ' Yotiiirg Women's' Auxiliaries Marion Oliver; Blyth, and the Barbara iirktnan, Seaforth. Seven of the Mission Bands have teached the Forward Movement standard-BIyth, Clinton, Egnrond- vibe Exeter, Kippen, Seaforth; and Varna ' t A Mission' Band has been •re -or-: d Twenty-nine nine t B el y ' da yii t.... riti., comes voluntarily ,rept:`one whese reputation is un- ilab land ia ivsn.l'?orthe scle purpos,, of helping others. The above assn' i statements are true -or,- as.. near to the truth "as the men of Benjamin. Would throw a steno" Ind. 20 1S.' Frucefield 3 Brucefield "Felly" 304.74 Brucefield Mission Band 54.75 767.00 Clinton 6 7.00 ClintonMission Band 270.50 Egmondville9 Eginondville Mission Band .50.00 Exeter 100.00. Exeter Mission Band Goderich Goderich '"Arthur' Goderich Mission Band Goderich Tp, Union Grand Bend. Hensel( 46.80 Hensel" Mission Baird 145.0 0 Hilis Green 3.60 Hills Green. Mission Band 35.00 374.00 73.00 120.00 73.15 140.00 295.00 Kippen Kippen. Mission Band Kirkton Leeburn Londesboro McKillop, Duff's church Seaforth Seaforth "Barbara Kirkman" Seaforth 'Sunshine" Smith's Hill Thames cad Varna Varna Mission_Band Winthrop $ 67.19.61 Minnie V. Greig, 'Treasurer, Huron. DISTRICT NEWS The . far famed Bornholm Hotel in Logan Tp. has been closed and is being converted into- a general store by the proprietor, Mr. J. Mangey: The remains of :the late , John. D. King who died at Mama, Florida, on January 12th ;were brought to the parental houieseenitcbe1l for in - teiment.. Jane Baker, witnewi- of the -late. Walter Waikona, diet( recently :.t the home" of her son, Simmons .Walker,. West Mitchell Road. She is survived by fiev sons. Phillip Ament, who has . operated a planing' mill, stave factory, tim- ber yard at Brussels for the past d of his busi- nessyears, bas dispose; to two of his sons, William and anaze a - embers and four in memoriam Scott, who are now in possession. m' t 'have been added, and 650 copies oe The following are the officers ap- the Messenger subscribed for.There pointed for the 'Township of Bos are 294 Home Helpers, who 'contrib- anquet 'e- xited $299.08. Auditors J. A. Hamilton and H. 331ya:'hundred and eighty pounds Quick; clerk and treasurer, George Of excellent clothing were shipped to Sutherland; 'assessor, John H.' Camp lCmora""I is1 it.al, Kenora New Girls'' bell; member of Board' of• Health, Home and Indian school at Portage John Bee, M.O.H., Dr 'McDonald. Ia Prairie: The Presbyterial . Stran- The Biddulph Tp. Connell have gers' Secretary reports twenty aux- had theih Hall divided by a parti- iliaries having strangers' secretaries. tion which makes the heating of the :Good'. work has been done in the same used for meetings, an easy Press Library 'and Literary Depart- matter in winter. The • partition has :ments, and also among the Young Iarge doors which ce.n be opened at Women's Auxiliaries and Mission such times required. rands. The convener of the Forward Mrs. Wm. Jeffrey, ,Sr., died at the ovement presents an inspiring re- „ e- home of her daughter, Mrs. A. •Bar - ort: of a very active campaign. The ton, Seaforth, where .she : has been Presbyterial gratefully acknowledge residing •of late. The funeral was fat bequest of $500 from the estate of held on Sunday, interment.. being in ,the late Miss Kate McTaggart, of the Staffa cemetery. Ali. the family felinton, who ,served so long and were home to pay a last tribute_to fithfaxlly'„ri?.1tl e, caReeitY of Presby- a loving mother.. , riali. supplyeeeeretary, given; Oyu Robinson died"' at 'lits' ie Clintpn, pxilia y., We sbould:i of home in Fullerton, en Monday, Jan,, argee iio eetion ;elle interest eleown 19. Deceased has , beee en, lii'iralxd y eqMer of•..the Sunday sehoole ;in for some timeaxid•'his• death, was e W}; }VL Sri';' 'orle. Miss Mary Ic;ng not unexepected..He was 76 years' off, f Auburn, evas„pr.egented with a life age and is survived by hid, wife and embe rslupileertifica,te by her ';Sun- Mrs. Stone is a dau.bytbYs. eeke.'fun day' school class, while another class eras was held last Wednesday. inn connection, with the same Sunday- The annual meeting of the Crom- schagi .he Mar our devoted mission- arty Presbyterian church was . held Iafte rMisewho Mary Finland, of Korea, in the church. The financial reports - ' fter -,whom: the class was named, in state it has been . one of the best The funeral of the late Mrs. Geo. [; qhs ` ;same- :vtay, Seaforth Sunday years in the history of• the congre- tschooi:'also donated $9 to the funds gation This is indeed. a record to be proud of, as the•altureb..:has Iost a good many of. its valuable mem:- bers in the last two years, some hav- ing moved to adjoining neighbor- hoods and other parts. A .very pretty wedding` took place at the home of Mrs. 3 A: Chalmers, of Poole, Ont, when p.er , youngest daughter, „ b ,Jean Hcarne the wife of Hugh Malcohm Norris, of Munro, Ont. The service was performed by Rev. Dr. MaGRae, `bf 'Kier cltiirclt,• Mitchell. The bride, and'agrooui left for Niagara. 'the 'bride 'traveling in a checked velour suit, :with, hat to match and beaver •,furs, the gift of the groom. On their return t ey.wa reside at Munro, Ont. The 5 4th annual meeting of. the . North Middlesex Agricriitural Soc- iety was .held in:,the .•Tow.IL .. a11, , Ailsa Craig, am Saturday last 'With: a splendid ,attendanee. The fair for 1919 was reported aa one of the most successful with receipts of $100 larger than other years,. The mem- bership will be nearly ''doubled for 1920. The society will hold a field crop competition in white oats and fall wheat.. Officers elected for 1920 are as follows: President, M. V. Clatworthy' 2nd vice president, Jas. aetacFarlane; directors, Us, McArthur, H. MCLurg, J. J. Druturlaond,.'John Currie, Russell Ury, Russell AircAl- e F. Hughes, N.,.; Nairn, Ed. Hu , ,..r ,secretary, ; IugRes, ' Sautes . Sxrilth, treasurer George O'. • Stewart. ' ` A r "ref 'tors ' meeting Will be c aped d If YOU are brokers down in health from any cause whatever we wilt guarantee than a fix box treatmmnt of I1 ACi:ING'S REAM T AND NERVE REMEDY will make a wonderful improvement in your health, but' you must be sure to get RACKING'S. Price 50e a box. 6 boxes for• $2.50. Sold by all dealers, or by mail. Hacking's Limited, Listowel. THE USBORNE AND TRIIBERT FARMER'S MUTiAAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY. Head Office, President, Vice -President, DIRECTORS WM. BR.00K, J. T. ALLISON 'ROBT. .NORRIS"3'. L. RUSSELL, AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Hibbert. !OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for 13tbbert, Fullerton and Logan. . W. A. TIJRNBTJLL, Secy.-Treas., Farpuhar GLADMAN B>; STANBUR'Y Solicitors, Exeter. Farquhar. Ont. THOS. RYAN WM. ROY Dye QId,Faded Dress Material "➢,almond Dyes" Make Shabby Apparel Stylish and New -so Easy Too. Don't worry about is * pe rfctre tree 'Diamond Dyes,'' guaranteed give a aear rich, fadelessccolor to any fabric; whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or znixed goods,-- dresses, blouses, stockings .skirts, ciiilcreras oltsr sixaerxee- -eYC ti rn g i. A Direction Book is in package: To yttumaterna, oteamnd Dee CClcrd #'t Golding took place recently. The remains were brought to Staffa.cem- etery for interment from Toronto, where she died. s END STOMACH TROUBLE, , OASES OR DYSPEPSIA "Papers Diapepsin" makes .sick, sour, gassy stomachs surely feel fine in five minutes. If what you dust ate fs .touring on your stoniaeh or lies like'a Iump of lead, or you belch gab "and eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and stomach -head- ache, you can get relief in five minutes by neutralizing acidity. Put an end to such stomach distress now by -'getting a large fifty -cent case of Tape's Diapepsin ft:0'4nq dreg store. You realize in five minutes how needless.it ie -to suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stom- ach disorder caused by food fermentation due to excessive acid in stomteh. 'e c STORIA I'or Infanta mid Children USO For war 30 .fir Ways !earn ism the gio7laettre of r t`!f the 3oca1•rasuxiliary. '1 Deathahas. again visited our Pres- F yterial,,;andr;removed one of our alos capable and -Willing . workers, a rs ,sEe aCarsweii, of.. McKillop, who or ,iperiod:s•rwas vice president of he Presbyterial; We ,miss her pres- nce, but the -Inspiration et -her per oil lity and ,life remains. e ;regret ..the resignation of our aphiepress secretary, Mrs. D. Me- '1ito'sli, of :Brucefield and also our ;strangers'aeeretary,; Mrs, W. E. M. d• ,•it eu.,whea prosecuted, the work of ei dpi with so muclt zeal department nd: enthusiasm. In -passing we, de- irer to .-pay a tribute .to the work one•by Mrs`; M. G. Amos, of Exeter,. who 'acted :as ' Mrs. Aitken's sub 1 Unite' for ,the *balatlee of the year. 1;ea$orth*pili ary reports orts th e la rg .-st Offening,, 768 10, membership. p # a ndI a.v a er a t tendance ninety r ew ttienbers being enrolled as a result rt, 1; 1;' t,. the progress made by Duff's and !Wihtlarop's Auxiliaries in ,spite of 'the. severe loss sustained by the death of their president and remov- sl Or their .pastor, Iia b gi'nondville Auxiliary the Home Helpers have doubled their offerings in seven ]months, Ifeneall notes better attend-' aloe' eal,d larger°cotlections.. Only three auxiliaries state than they are has Can I3e It y ' charts. di itg Zk t e 5tit Y every eroittain in the congregation Bilked np with the W. M. S.. Golder- f the /Forward Movement canvass: he; KeilY. '(Brucefield) Young Wo- nen's.Auxlia,ry stands -fast in mem- ers'hip; averageattendance and of- ering, ; $266.;.O»0 is touched with Goderich citizens were shocked on Friday last of the sudden death of Mrs. C. A. Reid, formerly Miss Flor- ence McIntosh. Mrs. Reid. had been up town in the afternoon and was returning to her home on. St. David street, when near the gate she was seen to fall, and when neighbors reached her she was dead, from heart failure. The late Mrs. Reid was the only daughter, of the late William McIntosh. She is survived by her brother Charles, of Chicago, and her husband: UtiuLDREN'S SHELTER Mr. Editor: Will you kindly give space in your columns for a few lines on behalf of the work .being done by the Children's Aid Society in this County? The 8th annual re- port since we secured the service of a paid County agent and secretary has just been printed and is being mailed to all who have shown an in- ,tereet in the good work by their con- .trib'itions, be they tlarrge:' or -e etmail. letny one else desiring' •'a.' copy` `can .secure it on request, either 'person- al .:or by mail. From :this report: it will be seen that the wofik continues .to' grow. New cases are continually arising, and some 62 these are of -a character to make one shudder at the thought of what their neglect would mean in years to come. Could the details of some of these cases be published ther would be wonder at why they are permitted to exist in the communities, but this is a work which will be attended to only by those specially organized ; to deal with it, and their history shows that such organizations es the Children's Aid; Societies are affective to rem- edy' the wretches' conditions. We are glad to be able 'to. claim ;our records show many cases in which our wards".have "made good", justi- fies' fan extent thee more than 3 fies'the efforts and exconse involved, eveb from' the lowest standpointrin; which' one may 'judge the work, that.; 'the financial saying; but what can ,,:- andChrist- ian;;aid as to the moral Cil ian results, and the turning into good and honorable citizens of .these whose early years in life are , sur- rounded by influence of the mAst'un- favorable charcter? We have several children in the home for adoption and will be very, glad to hear from good homes will- ing to receive one of these, se little ones. 'We will be pleased at any time to have callers at the Home, on Cameron street, 'Goderich, or to re- ceive inquiries from those in the County not able to come personally. We gratefully acknowledge thekind help given us by so many sympa- thetic friends as is shown in the re- d port, and invite donations at any time from those who would like to assist in the good. work, If yeti want to feel :Diet youreer'e sharing your •lilessi 'rge rete the'iivee of neglected. . and dependent children, let us' )fear what you can do by the way of do - 0 useful to arrange data pf fair and' nations of either money or u eful Childrecri Cry fog° Fkktcher'5 Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine b even more essential for .baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not i, terehangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the cantszion ailments cf Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the after years ofresearch„ and no claim bas,beea made for it that 'i:s use for over 30 years has not proven. hat is CAST R I Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrup. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constlp'ation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort -The Mother's Friend.GENURNE CAS . .ORM AL iY Bears the Signature off III Use For Over 30 Years • i THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY p aVa' '1" -" Metest117,AStre E BANK'S I'OSI'I'IOl\T As at 30th November, 1919 Paid-up Capital Reserve. Fund Loans • - Deposits - - Total Assets - - $ 15,000,000 • - 15,000,000 - - 283,870,274 393,605,156 - 479,644,2Q5',,,, THE... CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - . - $15,000,000 RESERVEFUND D $15,000,000 0 00 EXI2'TER BRANCH, A. E. Kuhn, Manager. revision or, prize list, articles. INCORPORATED IN' 1855 OVER120 BRANCHES T H ESM O L8O N S BANK T.CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000 Documents of importance are absolutely safeguarded if placed in ono of onr •' . SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES 9LCIQ,DS, ,Manager EXETER BRANCH Centralia Branch open for business daily. C..« Farmers Atter tion Now is your time to put in your. supply of bath HARD AND SOFT CAOL, :I am selling' Large Lump, Bright, 'Clean Threshing. Coal at $7 per ton.Ve3r low prices, on the Best Farm Fence (Frost .Fence.) All kinds of Lumber in stock, also Shingles: and Cedar Posts, Oft., 911., and . 10ft. long. Cement • sold in large lots at a very close price. AR Grades of Paroid Roofing. Phonon, A. J. • THY GRANTON .TV '0R CA hit. A. R. KINSMAN, UL ID., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of Toronto ifaiver- sity. ' DEST oxtrac d • -without in' or any Teeth to W pa y 'bad effects. Office over Madman & Stanburyy s Office, Main St, Exeter. „ MONEY TO LOAN Ij We have a- Iarge amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties, at lowest rates of in- terest. GLADMAN & STANBURY' Barristers, Solicitors; Main St. Exeter, Ontario • .J. W. BROWING,.•,M. D., )1. 8. P..r to YictQra• University Dominion D o i i e ideaee n H s eterr.- e 75]x Coroner f Enron. S. Graduate Office • a nd Labratory Associat I. R. CARLING, B.' A.." it Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, CoMmissioaer, Solicitor for the. llVloisone Batik, etc: Money to loan at lowest rates of Interest. T. OFFICE -MAIN ST. EXETER, ON PERRY 13'.'DOiL3PE, Licensed Alio,* tioneer. Sales conducted in any 100- ality'.' Ternia Moderate, Orders lett at 'rimes Office will be promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton: Address 1£irkton P. 0.• 11141 G. F• ROULSTON. L,D:S,. D.D•S. 1)3~ll4xlST Lail ar Office over I. R. Carling's L stile. `(excel every Wednesday attcrnooi .