HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-1-22, Page 8TH "He e They Come!" It is the cry of the children when a band is heard far down the street. Nearer and nearer it draws until each note becomes clearer and clearer. To those in the city this is a familiar picture. But to those residing in suburban towns stirring strains of band music are more rare, EDISON "The Phonograph with a Soul" in your home makes it possible for you and your children to have at all times the wonderful march music that has inspired the world. Wherever you live -on the farm or in town -- tet the New Edison bring the parade, with all its glamour, into your living room, every instrument, every note as clear as a real band -thanks to the genius of Thomas A. Edison. We tell a wonderful story about the New Edison in a beautiful book that you should have. It is called "Edison and Music". Ask for it; and also for "What the Critics Say". 245 rE.J. Willis Powell, - Exeter, Ont. Phone 16 Scarce Goods Good Raisins We offer for sale -20 cases choicest, large and juicy Mus- catel Raisins, at 25c per ib. Choicest Seeded Raisins ..25c Choicest Seedless Raisins 25c. Large New Prunes 25c. Choicest New Currants 25c. Better buy your Sugar while the buying is good, looks like mighty scarce stuff later in the season, and the price may be very hard to reach. Our stock of Sugar is complete and sell- ing away below the Govern- ment price. New Corn Flakes ..2 for 25e New Shredded Wheat 2 for 25e New Lanka Tea .... ....70e New Red Rose Tea 65c. New Salada Tea 65c. J. A, STEWART PINAl1CTAT, STATEMENT The following is the financial statement of the Domestic Science class held in Exeter from January 6th to 16th under auspices of Hur- ondale and Exeter Women's Instit- utes. RECEIPTS Class fees Visitors' fees Sale of cooking supplies Collection for Armenian Relief Fund Total EXPENSES Advertising Cooking supplies Institute membership fees $31.40 1.10 •1.70 19.58 ,,53.78 250 10.78 13.50 $26.78' Balance donated to the Armenian Relief Fund -$27.00. The committee in charge of the class wish to express their thanksto the Exeter Council and Firemenwho so kindly gave 'the use of their club room for the accomodation of their. class, and also the Library room, for the latter part of the course when the class grew in membership and could not be. aoeomodated in the k Pieetnen's club room. The results of the course have been most satisfactory and the large classes present each day testified of the appreciation. I It is hoped the way has been paved for even greater interest in ' similiar demonstration and lure lure courses, should it be possible tc old • such at some future date. TRIEBNER WILLERT A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized in the Trivitt Memorial Irectory on Wednesday afternoon, January 14th, when Miss Muriel El- izabeth Willert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Willert, of Stephen, was united in marriage to Mr. Frank Triebner, of Stephen. The young couple were unattended. They cere- mony over, Mr. and. Mrs. Triebner took the South bound train for Lon- don. On their return they ; take charge of the farm occupied by the groom's father in Stephen. They will have the best wishes of their; many friends. 11Q[arket Report ---The following is the .report of the Exeter Market. Corrected every Wednesday. No. 2, Wheat $1.95. Oats $1,00. Bran $45 a ton in buyers bags. Shorts $52, per ton, Family flour $0.90; Lard 35o. Begs $16.50. Barley $1.82 to $1.65. New laid eggs 75e. Held Eggs 55e Dairy butter 60e to 65c. Creamery butter 7 2c. Potatoes $3,00. _--s-- .3UICILSr DELICIOUS ROC1i.L+Y LEAGUE • When you get a sirloin, tender- Following are the results of th;e. loin or porterhouse steak from us, hockey game last Wednesdays even - you will not be disappointed. The in :--• , r aroma that arises from its frying or broiling is a pretty good index. Clerks- to lerksto its flavor and goodness. We are Senior known for the quality of our steaks, Snell chops, roasts, etc. Davie Choice Headcheese made by Mrs. Delve Harness, on sale all the time. 35c Berney. per pound. , Rivers Clerks T.O.O.F B. Maklns, etcher S.outhcott Have you paid your subscription? Live with to -day -give to -day your best, the best of your heart, mind and body. lee kindly, be charit- b a b le be ambitious be honest so that ,, "when to -day has passed and you look back, there'll be nothing to regret. The future we cannot see, but to -day Is here -live for to -day, -Edward W. Young. High School cemrrel SlImc1 left wing Ilawson right wing . Statham left defence T�a•vn right clef enc e. ar leek fuss 6; High School 5. e17. Bankers centre Winker] Wells leftwing I•rigrain Elliott !right wing, ' jl+uke. Harness left defence rllaylor Wells eight defence Stock Nelson; goetl Abbott Bankers $; T.tO.O,P. 1.. LEAGUE STANDING Clei`ks 13 nkere ldigh Schiao4 LO.O-F. Won. Last Tire 3 O. k f0 2 I' !0 0 2' f .1 0' 2; ;F LOCAL 0• .44ea* *•*a*si • Renewed yet? Mr. Wnn. Baker has returned home from Benio. Mrs. F. Wood visited in London for a few days last week. • Miss Hazel Preszcator visited for several days in Dashwood. Mrs. Wright has been confined to to her home through illness. Mr. Walter Westcott has returned after visiting for a month in Hamil- ton. Mr. Ed. Sims has returned home after spending some time in. Mon- treal. Mr. Thos. Boyle, of Toronto, vis- ited in town for a few days during the week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Gidley, of Blyth, visited over the week -end with Mr. Rd. Gidley. The Editor of the Times made a flying business trip to Toronto the latter part of last week. Mr. Elmo .Howey has returned home from the west owing to the illness of his mother. Miss Ethel Bissett is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bissett Mrs. Bissett being under the doctor's care. Mrs. M. E. Gardiner who has been visiting relatives in London for the past two weeks has returned to her home here. Mrs. Washburn and Miss Ella and Mrs. C. Routley, of Usborne, visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. Willis Powell. LOST -On Main Street on. Wed- nesday, January 21st, a man's grey woollen mitt. Finder kindly leave at Times office. Mr. Wilfred Stewart left last week for Kitchener where he has „taken a position with a firm manufactur- ing motor trucks, as salesman. Principal Waller, of •Huron Col- lege, London, preached ' in. Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday last in the interest of the Forward Move- ment. Word has, been received from Hamilton,•tlfat the wife of Mr. Ethel- bert Weitcott died on Sunday. Be- sides her husband she is survived by two small children. • ' Mr. E. D. Armstrong, of the Exe- ter Creamery secured a fourth prize for a 56 pound box of creamery but- ter at the Western Ontario Dairy- men's • airymen's'• Association in London last week.. The different churches of Exeter will hold a meeting in the Town Hall, on. Wednesday evening of next week •in-' the interests of the For- ward Movement. Different phases of the work will be dealt with and there will be an open discussion. Meo„Eseast Keddy, of . Detroit end lyfr. and "Mrs. W. H. Keddy -and daughter, Beulah, of Fenton, visited their mother, Mrs. Ralph .Reddy, of Hurondale this week, Mrs. Keddy being quite ill. The two bays return- ed to their home on Wednesday mor- ning. L Mr. 5..0: Kestle, of near London, is takingover the Cockshutt agency in town. The business is be- ing conducted in the building ng on Math street .north of T. Newell's gar- age. Me. and Mrs. Kestle recently moved to' town and are residing in the house formerly owned by the late Jos. Peart. ERASER VANCE The Main Street parsonage was the• scene of a quiet wedding on Wednesday, January 14th, when4Mr. William Fraser, of Saskatchewan, formerly of Grey Township, County of Huron, and Miss Alvina Mable Vance, daughter of the late William Vance, of the Township of Usborne, were united :3n marriage, Rev. Dr. Medd performing the ceremony. It is the intention of the happy couple to 'make their future home in the west. GOLDEN WEDDING The London Advertiser says: "The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bissett, which fell on Tuesday . last, : was marked by some 25 friends and relatives with a sur- prise' visit to the bridal couple at their home, 457 Quebec street. The plan proved a big success and a de- lightful evening was spent in cards and .music, topped off witha dainty Buffett supper at midnight, during which many congratulations were of- fered the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Bissett who have reached their 75tb year, have lived in London for 40 years, residing in their present liorne during the whole period. Pre- vious to their eoming to London their home was in Exeter where they have many friende. Of their family of 10 but a son and daughter re- main to celebrate this 50th wedding anniversary with their parents, Mrs. Lawrence Giliin.g, of St, Thomas, and Mr. Seldon Bissett, of Xdoriron, Sask. Mr. Bissett's own family, consisting of eight brothers and sisters, are all living at the present time and offered their greetings to the bride and groom, of 50 years ago, who are still hale and hearty." XETER TIM. With the Churches minor ['RESUY" EIMAN c1 UROM Bev, J'sunes Foote, B, A., Alinister 10 A.[, -.Sunday. School and Bible Class, 1i 4.M. --"The Smyphony of L'ife." The Minister 7 P.m .^ --"Does It Pay?" The Minister Mid -week service, Thursday, at 7.45 -"The Valley of Troubles." The annual meeting Monday, Tan- nery 19th at 8 p.m. in the church. Good tusie at all Services JAMES STREET METHODIST CHURCH Rev. M. J, Wilson, B.A., Pastor. 11 a.m.--"The Ordinary Religion of the Ordinary , Man." 3 p,me--Sabbath School. 7 p.m. -"When the Soul Let's go, What!" An after service led by the Young Ladies'.and Young Men's classes. WANTED •.Second-hand•. baby buggies and, carts wanted. Apply to S. Martin and Son. • .• FISH Make this a meatless week and buy some fresh, winter caught White fish. We also have,' B. C. Salmon, Halibut, Smelts, Cod Fish and Had - die. -HARVEY & HARVEY. ARMENIAN FUND. ()wine to the severe weather, of last week the. Rab.1e:ca lve sof $1000 for- the Armen an Fund was not reached, so Mr. A. E, Kahn, the local . treasurer, has consented to continue taking and•, forwarding donations to Toronto until farther notice(, Amount received "to date $565.90. D,orna ions Teoeived armee last week and net previously reported :- Member , 'of James Street Church Donation at $10 -Wm. Snell. 'Donations of $5.00 -Fred May, Frank Coates. Donations of $3.00 -Wm. Andrew, Ceci! McLeod" Donations of 12.25 -Rev. J. G. Yel- land. Donations of $2.00 -Chas- Bir•ney, Fran': Boyle, Alex. and Mrs. NIcralls Denaa:i,orns .-of $1.00-M, Elford, Miss Emma Broderick; Miss Vera Rowe, Reta Rowe, J. W. Hern, Miss M. John- son, Mrs. Thos: Kernick, Mass Addle TCerni^k, John. Willis, Jas. and Mrs. f.Mc- Falis 7J.onatioa of W. -Miss Leila McFalls Main, Street Methodist Church. Donation of $10,,00-W" F. Abbott. Dana:ion of_ 18.00 -Huston. Donation of S7"00 -Wm. Ward. D.ona'ions of ,$5.00 -Miss E. J. Ho- garth, Dr. J. W. Browning. ' isonation of 4.00-W. A BalkwiU. Dona:ion of x.00 -Mrs. ,J. Sweet and daughters. • Donations of :$2.00 -Mrs. M; Fowell Mico Rose Lamport, W. J. Beer. Donations of $1.00-W. Id- Passmore Geo. Dawson, Chas.- Cann, A friend, Hy. 'Welsh, Lymarte-Glanville" Presbateriian 'Church'.. p Donation of 110 -Miss J. S. Murray Donation of $3.00 -Jas. Murray. .Donations of 12.00 -Oswald. and Bet- ty,.Brown, J. H. Grieve, •Edgar Mon- teath.. ' Dan.atiion of, $1.00-Mrs..':G, A. K! McLead. Church .: �,: Anscapi : ' onra'tmoa Rof $5.00-T. H. Newall'. Donation of $1.00-N. J. •Dore. Bethany .Methodist ,Church. Donation. of $1.00-R.. H. Francis. A dlcrn,atioa .of $100.00 was also re- ceived from "two tithe givers." Last week under James St. Church one do'1ar donalons, the name of John Gi 1 appeared, This Rshould have been reparts1 as Fran;c,is G!11 - We trust that there may be many others who will givia to this worth}t cane, ns as,istanae be'needed for some .;}i;=.ne to Dome...' ELECTED P'1tESIDEINT . Mr. W. G. Medd; of Exeter, was elected President of the.: Dairyrnen'e Association ; of Western Ontarid, which met in. London last week. SOUTH HURON CANDIDATES EXPENSES Below is given the financial state- ment of the three candidates in the electorial district of South Huron at the election held in October last, as announced by the Returning Offi- cer, ' Mr. H. Horton,: of Kipper.'.,. The expenses' of Mr. F. A. E•ller- ington, as furnished by Mr. C. H. Sanders, his official agent, were: Postage Speakers Telephone Printing" and Advertising Hall Rents Personal Expenses $1.00 9 0.0 0. 8.50 24.10 28.50 27. 50 $179.60, The expenses of Mr. A.Hicks, as furnished by Mr. George W. Layton his official agent were: Postage and. express $1"36 Speakers 10:00 Printing and Advertising 70.80 Revised Voters' Lists 30.00 Hall Rentals 44.00 Personal Expenses 2 0.0 0 $176,16 The expenses of Mr. J. T. Morgan, as furnished by Mr. T. G. Shilling - law, his official agent were: Printing $10.00 Hall Rentals 3 6.50' Revised Voters' Lists 20,00 Telegrams •3.0 0 Personal Expenses- 100.00 $169.50 EnticuSnitY, 4/il 4TART 2200, 1.120 111fill hill 11I11II111II111111IIIII 1.11!1111111NIIIN111111I11111III11II 11I 10IIII1111110111111111111111INIIIIIIIIIII111I1111101111M1111IL • UMW alimft Mmm MOM MMO M MINIM MEM mans MOM mmo a IMMO SOXIT.A.c.OT.T BIOS. 1'houo 134 COLD WEATHER NEEDS STANFIELDS UNDERWEAR There is no better make. It'wears well and is made from pure wo1, Red Label. $13.00. 36 inch WIDE FLANNELETTES In splendid quality patterns. This is special value and , well worth the money. 10 yards for $4.00. ALL -WOOL WORSTED HOSE For Boys and Girls, . made from pure all -wool worsted. just the thing for -the cold weather. 75e S56' and $1.00. HEAVY SOCKS AND RUBBERS At old prices. All Rubbers advan- ced in price the first of the year. We are cleaning all lines at old prices. ALL WOOL SWEATER COATS. It will pay you to see our all -wool coats, We can save you money. $5.00, $7.50, and $9.00. FLEECED=LINED UNDERWEAR FOR BOYS Penmans make, in all Sizes for boys. A good undergarment. Per Garment 75c. FELT SHOES For Men and Women. They will keep your feet warm and comfort- able these cold. days. _ CANVAS & LEATHER LEGGINGS In canvas and leather. They are fine for deep snow. Canvas $1.65; Leather $2.25. .ASK TO SEB OUR NEW WALL PAPERS FOR SPRING SOUTIICOTT BOS. IMMO IMMO Eli INNINNOI INOINNe MIMEO M MOM , MOM MOM MOM 1 imMO MOM ;r MOMMEM OMM INIMM t111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111iiiMIIIIIII111U111111IIIIIIIIIIII111111111111i1111.11111111111111111111111111(1111111111111111Q1111111_ Cochrane Machine I 1 have on hand at all times grain grinders,, roller crushers, root Works ALL WORK GUARANTEED Engines and machinery overhaul- ed. Gas or steam cylinders re- ground or bored asyou wish and pistons and rings made to fit. All repairs for Premier Engines pulpers and can supply at short no- tice oil engines from 1% to 10 horse power. One McLaughlin - cutter left for sale. WM. WARD. FOR SALE -25 Yorkshire young -pigs, ' 6 weeks old. Walter Steels, Centralia; R.R.1, 175 ring 15. • and Grinders. Pulleys hangers . and ' shaftings NOTICE During' the winter we will have made to order. All kinds of knives and scissors horses and cutters for .hire. Anyone sharpened. wanting same phone 56. Wilson and Skates hollow ground. .Sims. Bring a job worth repairing that we. cannot do. Oxy Aceytline Welding done. Phone 185 Ey Gardiner FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING Phones 74w. Night Calls • 74J. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK FARMS FOR SALE. • I, have a number of choice farms for sale in Usborne, .Hibbert and Tuckersm.ith with up-to-date build- ings and my long 'experience in the business tells nue I have the price right and some of them on easy terms of payment. Also the Far- quhar Store property. For terms and particulars apply to ,Thomas Cameron. Woodham, P. 0., auction - SOUTH HURON BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. The S. EL Board of Agriculture, will hold meetings an Wednesday, Jan. 21. at Varna; on Thursday; Jan. 22, at Hensa,U, and on Friday, Jana 23rd at Grand Bend, when topics ilii the inter ests lei agritulturei will be discussed by Mrs Jamey Patterson, of Gadshiill, Mr. A. R. G. Smith of New Hamburg and M. J N" Allan, B.S,A•, of Dunsnvnlle at 2 'o'clock and 8 o'clock. Tore fur- ther particulars see•bills. Jas.: T. Kees, • A. H. Doupe President Secretary. A. REEDER, GARAGE I wish to inform the public that I have moved my repair . garage from the Overland garage to part of the building • occupied by Taylor Tire Shop., corner of Main and James Street. Bateries cared for and care- ful attention given to repair work. ANNUAL MEETING 1 USBORNE AND HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the members of the Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the hall Farquhar, Monday, February 2nd, 192.0, at 1 p.m., for the purpose of receiving the reports of Directors and Auditors for the past year and for the election of two Directors and two Auditors and for other business. The Directors whose term of offi- ce expires, but who are eligible for re-election are 5. L. Russell and Wm. Roy. W. A. TURNBULL, Secretary. Farquhar, January 21, 1920. Henry Chittick, Mitchell Road, Blanshard Township, committed sui- cide, by hanging himself in his barn;" on Sunday. He was 40 years old and is survived by his wife and four children. No cause 18 asigned to Chit - tick's act. THE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $1.50 a year. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising -Made known on application. Stray Animals -One insertion 50c three insertions for •$1.60_` Farm or Real Estate for sale 50c each insertion for one month of four insertions, 25c for each subsequent insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., each in- sertion 25c. Stock for Sale, 50c each insertion' for 5 lines or less, for 1st month. Local reading notices etc., 10e per line per insertion. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50e. Legal advertising 10c and 5c a line. Auction Sales $2 for one insertion and $3 for two insertions if under 6 inches in length, over 6 inches ac- cording to size. LOADED AGAIN Our rooms are filled with all kinds of furniture,.. which we are selling at a very small margin. Be sure and see us before buying aswe have some bargains. R. N. ROWE Phone 20 THE UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER • Vulc anizig All kinds of Tire.. All work guarantee" Cash for old Tires~N-. Taylor's Tire Shop EXETER. •ONT. AS GOOD AS NEW That's the way I make that old. suit.oLyours look. By clening,'press- ing, repairing, it doubles; yes trebles the life of your suit. Isn't it more economicaLto pay for cleaning, press- ing, than to buy a new •Smit? Espec- ially now when new suits are so high. T. H. ELLIOTT SUDDEN SERVICE SHOP The 'Touch of TaiIor=Made Have you felt it? Do you know the satisfaction which comes from being a tailor-made nnan, particularly a 'TAMAN tailored man? Our made- to-order seats, although costing little more than ready-made,have a fit, swing and distinction that are i;noliv- idual and . exclusive. Wear ono and know the feeling. Stock=Taking Bargains MOIN �,t`� a PHO -NE M A N a