The Exeter Times, 1920-1-22, Page 5THURSDAY, JAhTITARY .22n.
•• yes, We have commenced, look over the following:-
Enjoymee Tooth Paste, large tubes 4 25c•
Colgates Tooth paste, large tubes
31Injoyme Medicinal Jelly, for. chapped skin
..Enjoyine Hair Tonic, (for dandruff and falling hair) .... 750.
EnjoYme,P6ot Ease (for cold 'Clanuny feet), keeps the feet dry .... 25c
Purity Flavorings,. non alcoholic . .. . . 25c.
Purity Perfumes, best quality, oz. size
Other qualities at .. 25c.
Lipman's Rose and Violet Talcum Powders .. . .. 25c.
Croft and Reeds American. 'Toilet Soap "(cake) .. ............ .. . 1.5e.
°tiler Soaps, (cake) . • • .... 5c & lOce
Nameless" Cold ReruedY . • • . • • • • • • • • • • • - • - • 35c.
This preparation is the best preventative of the "Flu" in it's early
sta.ges. Everybody should have a tube on them, and use it daily.
With every assorted purchase of $1.00 of any of these articles we will
give free a ee pound box of Willarcts chocolates. Read this offer over again.
We offer this as an inclu.coulent to get you to try our drug preparations.
We have a good 6 -octave organ, awl several second-hand.Phonographs
at bargain prices. Watch the windows and Come in. ,
. , . 25c
• • . • • .. 50c.
Powell's Bazaar
Hr. Cleve Joynt who was seriously
ill during the past week, is rapidly
gaining his usual health.
Mrs. A. Malurchy and daughter
-of Unity, Sask., are visiting the for-
mers parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
Mrs. David Geroraette vele) recent-
ly underwent an operation, in Lon-
don returned home much improved
in health. •
Mr. D. L. Anderson, of Chicago,
visited over New Years with his
daughter, Mrs. George Dick, and
loather 'Hansen relatives.
Mr. Thos. Parlmer, Sr., has re-
turned to London, after a few days
t in town. Mr. and Mrs. Parlmer
a e visiting in London.
Messrs. Wm. Smillie of Grey Tp.
4,4 1., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John
vied Stuart Smillie of British Colum -
7_ ....' eder, and other friends and rata-
741ives in and around liensall.
Mr. Wm. Bell, who lives just west
of Hensall, surprised a number of
-thieves who, whene discovered were
in• the act of „helping themserees to
some chickens. They had an auto
so they could make a quick escape.
They had a lantern and appeared to
be quite at home, the unfortunate
part of it is that they got away.
On Monday evening about fifty
young people met at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Alf Ciark, when a very
pleasant evening was spent. The
,girl friends of Mrs. Clark presented
her with a library table and some
hien, while the G. W. V. A. presen-
ted them with a lovely rug. Mr. and
Mrs. Clark were taken completely
by surprise. Mr. Clark in a few well
chosen words thanked the young
people for their kindness and good
Mr. Percy Pickard, who some
weeks ago was here arranging for
the purchase of Cook Bros., Flour
Mill arrived this week and complet-
ed the deal. The new firm will be
known as the I-T=11ton Farm Pro-
ducts Co., Limited, with Mr. Pickard
as manager. The company intend
overhauling the machinery and put-
ting everything in first-class„ shape.
We rznderstand that Mr. Pickard is
an expert in making good fiour and
as .soon as possible they will start
making flourefoy home consumption.
They expeet-Wbe in a position to. do
eleOpping in a few days. It will be a
f.ieW Treeks before Mr. Pickard can
Mien his family here as Mrs. Pick-'
end is just recovering from a seri-
ous Illness. •
Word was receive,d from Detroit
•on Tuesday of the death of F. C.
McDonnell, a former well-known
resident of Hensall. His death came
•as a shock to his relatives here, as
only a few days ago they received
wordsfrom bim, and at the time he
was enjoying his usual good health.
31r. McDonnell and family moved to
Detroit some years ago. While in
Hensall he conducted a jewelery
-store. The deceased is survived by
his wife and two sons and one daugh-
' ter, besides three brothers, Al!. of
Sister, Jack and Chas. of Menge%
and five -sisters, Mrs. (Dr.) Brown-
ing and Miss Susan, 6f Exeter; Mrs.
Dickson, of Goderich; Mrs. A,
3. Benneee, of Field, 13. C., and'IVIrs.,
Dawden, of Clinton., , •
Duncithe McDonald, aged 78 years
died in London on Sunday moining,
After an' fitness of some two years.
He was taken to the London hospitel
1 t rin in the hope that his life
=right be prolonged, but death came
on •Sunday'. Deceased was born in
Ivernoss, Scotland, and came to this
. country many years ago, settling in
Terkersmith, later farming for hint -
self on. a farm, just live miles mei
of Reiman. He was married to Cath-
erine- McMillan, who anti Survivet
hirtn.The late Duncan IVIcDoneld we;
oftefernier in politics and a splendir"
lamer. Re was a good neighbor ane
lewd awl respected by all who knee,
WM He is survived by his aged wifr
and two sons, John and Hugh and
two brothers, Angus of Hibbert, and
Hugh, of Ilensall, The remaine
were brought to Heiman on Tueeday
moraine,. TIM interment taking place
'in the Oroteatty cerrieteel.
'That all -gone seneation-- '
"Yes?" "It's very pleasant some-
times aftet a few' pestiferots peeplo
have 'Winked their call." -Louisville
The Queens of Service Club held
their regular meeting on Friday
eveneng;January 16th. The meeting
was supposed to be hele in the For-
ester's Hall, but on account of the
rough weather (which kept so many
from attending) they decided to meet,
in the Sunday school rooms. Several
short • speeches were given by the
girls on different historical people,
such as Florence Nightingale, Laura
• Secord, etc. After the speeches were
•given all partook oe an interesting
game which proved vety enjoyable.
• (Too late for last week.)
Rev. Sinclair, of Centralia, occup-
ied the pulpit • of • the.Methodist
• church last Sunday morning and
ner. Chesney, of the Bank of Coni-;
merce ,was called to his home in
Seaeorth Saturday, owing to the ser -
bus illness of his father.
• The teachers and officers of the!
Methodist Sunday school were pleas-
antly entertained at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Then:. Tie-yethickelese Tues -e
day. evening, it being , the annual
• meeting for election a officers.
• The Elimville Adult Bible class
will hold their annual banquet on
January 29th.
At this writing little Miss Lida
Horn is somewhat, improved, • but
still very sick.
No services were held -in any .of
the churches on the Elimville cir-
cuit last Snnclayen
• The W. Me S. will hold a pie
social at some date in the near fu-
ture. Watch the elate.
The W. M, S. of Sunshine held a
social evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Mills on Thurs-
Mr. W. G. IVIedd will preach on the
ElimviIle circuit next Sabbath in
connection with, the National Cam-
paign. ' . -
Mrs. R.obt. Woods had a slight
stroke on Saturday evening but we
are pleased to say is doing as well
as can be expected. '
The:Qiiasfteelef pedal Board of
the Elimville Cirefirt will be held on
Monday, January 26th at 1.30. This
is an 'exceedingly empereant meeting
Let everYbeety attend.
• .1" vent__
The body of the late John King,'
son 0! Michael King, of St. George
street,. who died in Tampa, Florida,
at the age of 52, arrived in Mitchell
last Thursday for interment.
Almost the first act of the 1920
council was the appointment of John
Gibbs as a new night watchman at
a salary a $600, with a suit of
clothes and e bonus of $50 if he le -
mains all year. The day constable;
Joseph Hodges, wag reappointed e.t.a
salary Of $650, also With a suit and
.bonus. Thee fa an • iiiieea'se fof last'
lase year's saleacill.• ri
At the annual meeting of the Hor-
ticultural Snaky alaithe old officers
Were re-elected excepe the second.
vice-presidenetev. eel'bert Dade bee'
'frig elected in plapepe, John Elliott,
Secretary A. J. Blowas reperted a
balance, In the bank, and a discus -
skin on' plans to boost the member-
ship followed. Delegates to the On-,
tario • Her Clout teral Owl Volition are
Miss, Farrant and Miss Cameren,
• 40.1 ,•
Services the tburch'' next Sun-
day at the usual hour, 10.30 a,in.
In the eohtest recently conducted
by the pastor, Rev. H. 13. Parnaby,
the Rev. Dr. Medd was examiner
and has furnished the renewing
statement.: • •
'Without the slightest knowledge
of the names' of the persone in the
contest stilemittecl to me make the
following awards: No. 1, 600; No. 2,
625' No, 3,660; No. 4, 668; No. 5,
654. The above marks Were obtained
out ot a poseible total Of 000. .
• Mies Ena Geenther is Oft the Skit
list. We hope for a speedy recovery.
Our public aphoeillhas beep. eiened
owing to an outbreak of scarlet-fe-
TerO'cr mail carriers bad a couple of
lay offs this week owing to the ir-
regular train service.
The rush of logs to the local mill
has started and SOMA the whistle will
be blowing egain.
The annual meeting. of Lutheran
church congregation was held in the
church on Monday afternoon.and was
were interred in the Lutheran ceme-
was held on Tuesday„ The remains
rar of the Iate:111re. Kuntz
Little Theda Hayter still. continues
to be very 111 and 15 111 a critical con-
,The family of Me. T. Klumpp is on
the sick list this week., We hope for
a speedy recovery.
• Quite a battalion of snoweshoers
are parading our streets working off
their superabundant energy climbing
the mountains of snow. •
Mr. E. G. Kraft has removed the
first layer of ice from his dam and
has supplied a few of his customers.
A. second layer, will soon be ready.
A large supply will be needed to fill'
the new ice house being now built
at the butter factory:
*A veterinary, Dr. Catt, by name,
will open an office here next „week.
The Dr. is a returned soldier from
Medford and comes highly recom-
mended. This is a splendid location
for a et. S. as there is a large were
rounding district in which to prac-
The residence of Messrs Oestreich-
er and Klumpp which have been un-
dergoin.g repairs will soon be ready
to move into. Both are new heated
W hot water and have all modern
conveniences. Several new dwellings
will be erected in spring to supply
the growing demand.
A new industry, a creamery has
located here and will soon be in op-
eration. A splendid building for the
purpose has been purchesed and the
necessary apparatus (including a
cbarn of 1,000 pounds capacity) is
being instaIled and win be run by
herdrp.power. The man in charge is
an. Old-haaid. at the business havie
eperated such a factory at Hespeler
for many years and should do well
here: ae .'he ,has a large territory to
draw from. He also intends to supply
iee-creann wholesale so that the sur-
roundig villages may, obtain their
supply here..
e• tee
•ene p
• -Zitrich
, Miss Anna 'Ilegs spent last -Friday
in London. a
•, Miss Lee Koehler, spent last Mcni-
• Mrs.. "14. L. Weenie, was a visitor in
London last week. '"- '•
IVIiss V. Siebert spent a few days
in Loridon last week. e
: and Mrs. Ed. Wurni spent
Tuesday last in London. e
. Miss Weida Routledge was a ven-
ter in 'London on test Friday.
• Mr. ,H. G. Hess was a business
visitor in London last week.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Haberer spent
SUnday with friends in Dashwood.
Mr. J. McDonald, of Hensall, cal-
led.= friends in town on.Thursday
lest: e
. Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Bechtel, of ens-
bpthe, .are visiting friends in this
viciniten ,f •
P. 4Koehler and Miss Lydia
K,oehler, are spending the week in
Port Heron.
• MT. Win. 13eaver, of Hensell, re-
newed acquaintances in the Village
JIT1.1esdaVi last e ••
Suta4s retteerfed` to
a ?title t. weekOv'hereheliti teal
her' Or 'engnageg." •
Miss Iffergareteetelck, nurse of
Guelph, invisitininat the home of her
Metehere.eers. Me Stelck. .
• Mrs. J. Kelletman., of Daelayood„
spent the week -end at the hathe
, .
her sister, Mrs. C.' Fritz.
• ,
Mr. .1. Cook, who has been • visit-
ing at the home of Mr. )334.,, Weseloh,
returned to his hothe in Mieh., on
Monday last. •
Mie Valentine Gerber, Sr., has sold
his dwelling property in Zurich, to
Mr. John Weida; of the Zurich Road..
Possession will be given in February
Mr. Gerber intends moving to Blake;
r0 are sorry to lose them as citizens
of 'eine village.
e Mr., Wm, Calfas, the new stage
:driver, between here and. Hensel',
eviehee to inform the traveling Public
that diving the cold winter months
he' hag at his residence • a nicelY
w,armed room for their accomodation
• in the niorning•
There gagged awe on the Sauble
Line, Hay Township, on Wednesday,
eahuaey 7th, 1Vfr. Nelson Denomy,
in the prime age of his life, of 47
years and 14 days. Deceased had
been en pocir health for some time,
but of reeent he seemed •to he _im-
proving until the last Wedneeday tho
end came. He 'leaves to mourn his
loes his sorrowing widow, and six
knell children, two boys and four
girl! -i. Denoray Was of a straight
ttpright character and wee loved by
all who canie contact with bin.
He was welleknewni in the Township,
baiting previously lived on the farm
on the Bronson. Line now occupied
by Mr. Iln, Volland. His rema.ine
Were ,entered in. the C, cemeterlrf
Drysdale. The bereaved, Ivife
familY have the synapathy of a lenge
number of friends. •
Mrs. lenaggs-llow can keep my
huShand at heine eights?
Mes. Bagg---Dave you trled going
out yo ursOli7-33oAtoti Trausetepte
Owing to the inclemency of the
weather on Sundae', sorviees were
withdrawn in both ehuri-hea.
Mr. Veveard Burnard. of Theo-
dore. Seek, was a guest last weft
at thelionie of 110. and Mu'. Gleason
Miss Hettie • Snaith, and Mr. Al-
bert Blacklock, of Ca-liugford. were
guests at the hoxne of Mr. and Mrs,
A. P. Rey on Sunday.
Mr, fr. C. Paten., has disposed of
his general business to Mr. T. Fer-
guson, of Downie, who has secured
it for his son-in-law, Mr. George
Grant, a returned soldier who had
the misfortune to lose an arm in the
important Events Which Havl•
Occurred Out ing the Week,
The Busy World's Happenings Care-
fully Compiled and Put Into
Handy and Attractive eimpe for
the Readers of Otur Paper - A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment..
Ice is blocking the intake at Nia-
gara of the Ontario Power Co„ caus-
ing shortage of power.
• Magistrate Miers in London impos-
ed fines totalling $3,051 on Monday
for breaches of the O.T.A.
Two Sustices presided at the open -
late wen. -IVIr. Grant wil take posses- ing Of the Jury Assizes in Toronto
131 separate court rooms Monday.
Two kinds of medals are to be
awarded to men wbo served in tne.
Canadian navy during the war.
• Punkin Fleneing, Canadian feath-
erweight champion, stopped "Irish"
Kennedy of Hamilton in six -Mande.
Bishop Farthing explained the ob-
jects of the Forward Movement to
members of the Toroato Canadian
A sleighing party in Hull was in
collision with an automobile and
several persons were severely in-
Guillemot, a French. distance run-
ner, broke the world's eight -mile re-
cord established in 1904 by Alfred
Shrubb. •
Geo. Ahern, of Toronto, has been
appointed by the Olen Service Com-
mission aecretary of this Board of
Pensions Commissioners.
Sir Adam Beck and Mr. Philip Po-
cock were re -appointed to the Lon-
don & Port Stanley Railway Commis-
sion for a two-year term.
The water in the Detroit river was
41 inches below the normal level on
Monday, due to an ice bridge above
Belle Isle clear across the river.
Lieutenant -Governor L. H. Clarke
strongly advocated before the'Rotar-
ia,n Convention. at the King Edward
Hotel, Toronto, the retention of Gov-.
ernraent House. ' •
As the result of a conference be-
tween the Attorney -General, J. W.
Curry, K.C., M.P.P., and the four To-
ronto magistrates, it is possible' that
sion in April and we wish for him
the same continued success that Mr,
Facey has had during his sojourn of
twenty-nine years here.
The following is the School Report
of U. S. S. No. 13,, Stephen and Hay,
for the montfis of November and De-
• Sr. 4th -Jennie Dearing (honors)
ember. The names are recorded ac-
cording to merit.
81; Beatrice Edwards 74.
Jr. 4th.-llithel Dearing 71.
Sr. 3rd. --Edna Dearing (honors)
7 8 ; Leonard Pfaff (honors ) 7 5 ;
Harry Stailleke 64.
%Jr. 3rd.-Lnla Ford 68.
r. 2nd. --Clarence Stanlake 26.
• Sr. lst.-Elva. Dearing (honors)
89. •
Tr:1st-Orville Ford (honors)
Sr. Primer -Bernice Carriek (hon-
ors) 88; Lila Mollard (honors) 80;
Jr. Primer -Eldon Smith (hon-
ors) 90.
Number of pupils on roll 18; aver-
age attendance 13.
The tenenty-fourth annual Huron
Count* Poultry Show, held in Goder-
ich Thursday and Friday, still up-
holds it's record of high standing.
Owing to the severe SIIOVV" blizzards
of the -past few, days a number of ,
night police courts may be estab-
exhibitors were fumble to get their
birds here in time, and as a conse-
quence *there was not as many here
as in former years. Ieevertheless
some of the .hest birds ineaOntario
d winners -at the Ontario Poultry
Show are on exhibition, Goderich
H. M. C. New Zealan.d, with Sir
Robert Borden on board, arrived at
fanciers owning a big majority of been formed in Spam to control •the.
A strong monarchist party has
Carlist orga,niza.tions.
A. W. Tyson, of Guelph, who acted Rev. J. C. Massee, of Brookline,
as judge, spoke• very highly of the addressed two Baptist conferences in
show, congratulating the directors on Toronto on Tuesday.
their exhibit. Ottawa Winter Fair opened with
Outside exhibitors and winners the finest displays oi horses; hegs and
were: W. J.- Statham, of Exeter; sheep in its eighteen years' history.
Leslie .G. Mutton, Mitchell; David Alberta's fire losses last year ex-.
Bogue, Byron; Colin Hunter, Wood- ceeded *2,250,000, or more than the
stock. estimated loss of the previous ten
The best bird in the show was years.
owned by Sohn Webb, of Goderich. 1 Reuben Edwards, of Chafiey Town-:
who also cleaned up in the
The biggest winners were Goderich ship, nineteen years of age, was fat-
men,ally injured by being buried by gravel
other shows. This county associa-
tion has the distinction of winning
more prizes at Guelph and Toronto,
than any other county in Ontario.
The comp:ete hockey schedule fcr
the local games is as follotys,-
Jan. 21 -Bankers ys. Ceerks at 7.30
-1.0.0.F. vs. Schoo' at 9.00
Jae 28 -Bankers vs. School at 7.30
-.4.0.0.F. vs. Clerks at 9.00
Feb.'• 4: -Bankers vs. I.O.O.F. at 7.30
--Clerks vs. School at 9.00
Feb. 11 --Clerks vs. School at 7.30
-13enicers vs. I.0.'0.F. at 9.00
Feb. 18 -Clerks vs. Bankers at 7.30
-1.0.0.R Schao' at 9.00
Feb. 25 -Clerks vs. I.0.0.1e. at 7.30
• -Bankers vs. School at 9.00
Mar. 3 -School xs,„ ClenIcs at 7.30
• -T.o:o.y: vs. Bankeys at 9.00
Mar. 10 -School vs. at 7.30
-Bankers vs' Clerks at 9.00
Mar. 17-Schoo1 vs. Bankers at 7.30
n-I.O.O.F. vs. Clerks at 9.00
,1 '
Pretty Polly.
• "Polly, want a cracker?• "
"Why, yes," answered Poll as she
plumedr° her plumage and neatly
brushed out her cage with her Port
aide wing : "Now that the war is won
and the.necessity for food conserve
nen hie been reduced to a certain de -
pee, rfeel that may indulge in my
favorite dish without serious damage
to my conscienee."-.
And the wealthy munitions worker
who ove,rheard the remark bought her
on the spot for $1.000 cash, saying
thet she ehould be surrounded with
luxuries for the rest of her days, yea
though she lived to be as old as the
Mather -in-law joke. .
Note -Gentle readers who look for
a moral to this particular piece of
patriotic persiflage will please try t�
bear bp under, the disappointment.
There ain't none.--gndiamipolis Star.
"Pape's Diapepsin" neutralizes execs -
sive acid in stomach, relieving
dyspepsia, heartburn and
distress at once.
Time it! In tee minutes all stom-
ach distress, dee to acidity, will go.
No indigestion* heertbutze, sourness or
belching of gas or ernetations of undi-
gested food, no dizziness, bloating) foul
breath or headache.
Pape's Diapepein is noted for its
speed in regulating upset stomachs.
It is the 'surest, quickes*toinach sweet -
cent in the whole world, and besides it
Is harmlees. Put an end to stomach
distress at once by, getting a large fifty-
cdrutg. esTocrec, 1)YaoPtteis•eaDniene"irtilvefrincluinitittne3re 000)000 lire to the sixth national Iciaet
haw needlees it is to suffer from inde of Italy. This is the first time the,
gestion, ilyepepsict or tiny stomach dis- Vatican has participated sueh
order tatend by fermentation dile to .
excessive acids lit Stoinaele
In a pit near Huntsville. -
The C.G.S. Montcalin and the Cana-
dian Spinner, which she released
from the ice floes, arrived safety at,
North Sydney, N.S., Tuesday. •
Lieutenant -Governor Clarke's re-
marks on. the Government House
question caused much unfavorable
comment in legislative circles.
The Dominion of Canada Rifle .Asz•
sociation will send a team to Miley
this year, and will also resume the
Rockliffe Range annual prize com-
the chief symptom a which is an
overpowering desire to sleep. IR was
imported from Paris, where it is
Secretary Baker announces theta
portion of the. U. S. Expeditionary,
forces in Siberia is to be withdrew
immediately. The troops will go to
the Philippines before being sent to
the 'United States. •
Lord Robert Cecil, kpeaking
Widnes, Eng., said that the League
pf Natioes could impiediateivbring'
the fighting -in the East Partly tit' an
• end by deenanding that Poland ceapel
wagiag war on Bolshevik Russia an
by telling the latter also to 'stop'
fighting. •.
London, Eng. has a neve•••.'is• *ease;
The. Soeial Welfare • Congress of
Canadaeopened at Montreel,
The nBruce • breech line of the
Gran.d Trunk Railway' wag blocked all
day with snow.
Rev. A. C. Dixon, of London, Eng.,'
addressed a meeting of Baptists in
Massey Hall, Toronto.
An Italian named MaskenWas run
over by a G.T.R. train in• Toronto,
and badly mangled.
An American warship has an.chored•
off Pola, the former Austrian naval
base in the Adriatic. , ••• :
Jose Battle Ordonez, former Preele
dent of -Uruguay, was wounded in a,
.duel with Senator Lionel Aguirre. .
Miss Lillian Phelps, ofMerritton,
widely known as a W.C.T.U. worker
and temperance lecturer, is dead. , •
Prince Edward Island fox ranchers?
are negcitiating for old and worn-out
horses from Alberta to feed the
Belgian sovereignty oyer the eise,
tricts of Eupin and Malmecly,
ed by treaty with Germany, Ilan been
Proclaimed. ,
The Ontario Cabinet will not .deal.,
with the Provincial Miming Schenie ,
but will leave it to the decision of
the Legislatuie.
IMperial Oil, Limited, announces
a new stock issue of 200)000 shares
at $75 per share,. to raise $15,000,-
000 new Capital.
Bishop Reeve, an a baxiquet in St.
Ann's Church, Toronto,. counsellele
returned soldiers to give up seiokieg
as art example to women.
' (LieutaCol.) David McCrae,
mother of Lieut. -Col. John McCrae,
author of In Flanders Fields "'died
suddenly at her home in Guelph
• The Vatican has stthscribed
James Killen. of flamilton was in -
`stantly killed at the plant of the
Stsel Company of Canada there, by
being crushed under a locomotive as
it backed, off a dock.
TWO 'WeinenFItwieDreAYarested in To-
ronto charged With robbery' with vio-
lence. •„
Sterling and other European ex-
changes were weaker, the former
feAling to around $4,71.
The Shah of Persia has left Perla
for Brussels, where he will be the
guest of the King of the Belgians.
J. H. Gundy told the Empire Club
in Toronto that Christianity was the
oney receipt, to make tnei,world safe.
It has not yet been decided whe-
• ther former Premier Asquith will
stand for the vacant constituency of
P:arman taken out of a Ilamilton
theatre, supposedly intoxicated, died
• shortly after being conveyed to the
P°1ce taltla.
Aniofficial announcement of the
plans for the $2,000,000 extension
to the King Edward Hotel, Toronto,
has been made public. .
A huge mass meeting of school
• teachers was held in Toronto in the
intereses of their request for a 25
per cent, increa-se in salaries.
The frozen body. of eenn. Gilland
was found .in his home near Cardi-
nal, with a, bullet wound under the
chin, penetratingto the brain.
New York bakerscomplain that
they cannot get as good results from
U. S. Grain CorPoratiou flour at
$1-0.50a barrel as they do from other
our of higher price.
Suit has been, brought against Ga -
/Steele 'd'Annunzio th. Paris; by a mak-
er e of theatrical costumesto recover
the cent of ord'ers given for clothes
for actors in one of the poet's plays.
Chatham Board of Educatioa will
ask that the School Act be amended'
to; permit of compusory surgical
eieatment of children when minor
-PhYsical defects interfere With pro -
pee schooling.
,Mr. C. Marriottivas elected by ac-
clamation President of the Toronto
Board of Trade.
:Toronto Harbor bond issue of
$2,000,000 was bought by Wood,
Gundy & Co. on a 5.$1 per cent. basin
On the suggestion of the Board .of
Commerce, Toronto may appoint an
pothiecieas/ to keep tab. on restaurant
-Six personhave been arraigned
in Bow Street Court, London, on a
charge of melting and breaking up
gold coin.
John Watkins, fed" itoscoe, Sask.,
shot dead his two sons-in-law, Harry
Brand and Archie Purcell, after an
angry argument.
,Mr. R. J. McFall, recent Cost of
• Living Commissioner, has resigned
to join the staff of Massachusetts
Agricultural College.
-Motorman Hugh .Mulholland was
fatally injured while assisting in
coupling twocarsbelonging to the
Toronto Street Railway.
' British Ministers arreved in Paris
and are holding. 'conferences with
Lloyd Georgb on the question of ac-
tion toward' the Bolshevik'.
Stanley Williams, head of a chain
;of:grocery stores and butcher shops
in Sarnia and Point Edward, is miss-
• ing, and the 'clobre are closed
A recount makes T. B. Revett,
reeve of Niagara township by a ma-
jority of two, instead of William. Me -
Laren, by the smite majority.
A project for an entire eeconstruc-
AIM of the municipal govern,ment of
the city and Island cif Montreal is,
being laid before Premier Sir Lomer
Gemin. • ": '
Fuel Controller Harrington advis-
ed; Ontario industrial plants tie' im-
mediately lay in stocks of bituminous
• toal, in anticipation of a serious
shertage. ,
•Daniel McKinnon, of Woodstock,
died in his sixty-seventh. year, of
•elonble pneumonia, following an in-
jury in the back when he was run
'into toy' two boys on a sled.
The miners will get an increase
epproximately 14 per cent. as, in the
Vneted Stat
iieeween the Dominion Coele Co. and
the .;mm. in Sydney, N.S. '
, .
•- ..York township pansed, the 'Hydro
•ileidial bylaw Satuiday by a vote of
452'ito 10.1; ';•
plemencpalits Ministry has resign-
ed, cltlice Milleeand has been
.asked to form. a Cabbeet. ,
.T61Erocat , the damageoh
Wilder theCartage
#55,000 on Saturday night.
• The returns from -the Irish elec-
• Rene •show -the Sinn Feiners far in
the lead a the„ other parties. •
Armed brigands -attacked an Up -
`per Egypt train bound south of Cairo,
•:derailing it and getting 22,000.
• A tuemorial tablet was unveiled.in_
.Elen Street Methodist Church, To-
rohto, to Rev. Dr: J. F. German.
e The Jamaican Government is con-
• sidering-a proposal to grant prefer-
ence to English goods, notably cot -
ten 'Materials. •
, 'Frank Fitch, a. prominent farmer
of Oriel, „dropped dead in a feed
stable in ,Woodstock Saturday after
driving in to the eity. •
14. G.- Morgan, a former teacher,
,and for ;meld, ?ears editor
lereetor of the 'Maple, Leaf, Port
Dover, Wee- berried t� death in his
Rnlcev.. R. 3%; D. ' Siinpsek h- ead of the
'Methodist Suberaiinuation Fund, told
of hardshipsleuffered by underpaid
ministers and AboSe whose stipends
were in arrears, inan appeal for
funds in Bathurst Sereet. Methodist
Church; Toronto. .•
• Winnipeg citizens on Saturday-, de-
prived of • newepapees, thronged
around the joint ,newspaper bulletin
to read the news; these will be is-
sued twice daily.
.Two men•evere suffocated, eve fire -
Men, injured,. and nearly half a mil -
`thin dollars' lose was caused by a.
fire which destroyed ONO Calgary
hotels and three storekearly. Sunday
Mori -ling, in bitter weather.
Ex -members Of the United States
force.* reeident in Canade, requirieg
Medina:I attention due to War ecre
vice, may now receive it, fronn the
Iiepartlitent of Soldiers' Civil \flee
establishment, and reciprocal •ar-
rangements are COMpleted' he the
(The Simeoe Reformer )
ru Tuesday's dailies it was reeOrtil
ed that the price of "sheet neWs" foi
1920 has been fixed at $35 a ton in
less then carload lots. That meatia
that the Reformer will pay for the
white paper, or rather yellow PaPer,
upon which, its issueS are printed,
$95 per ton, f.o.b. mill. In the year
1915 we were paying for a YerY
much superior grade of Paper, both
as to quality and color'$52 per ton,
Simcoe station. This is some
sharp increase in prim in view of the
fact that Pulpwood logs, so tar as we
have heard, went to war, We don't
mention it, merely to kia. We merely
Print the information so that readers
may not be surprised if Sal11$ day the
$1.50 weekly follows its -predecessor,
the $1.00 weekly, Into the limbo of
forgottenness and the $2.00 weekly
takes its place. •
I -low about your subscription?
Veterinary Surgeons
All calls promptly attended to day
or night.
OFFICE --Dr. Sweet's old office
Plione 120
Veterinary Surgeon •
Dr. Henry A. Corsaut wishes to
announce that he has moved his
office to Baker's Livery, James
next door to Overland Garage
appreciates the patronage he has ,e -
waived in the old stand and bopes for
a continuance of the . same in his
new ofnce. Calls promptly attended
to, day of night. Phone 8.
Save your Hair! Get a Email 'bottle
of Danderine right now -Also
stops itching scalp.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair as mute evidence of a negleeted
ecalp; of dandruff --that awful scurf,
!There is nothing so destruetive to
the hair as dandruff. It robe the hair
of its lustre, its strength and its very
life; eventually producing a feverish;
ness and itcthiner of the scalp, which if
not remedied causes tbe hair roots to
shrink; loosen and die -then the hair
falls out fast. A little Danderine to-
night -now -any time -will surely save
your hair.
Get a small bottle of Snowlton.'s
Danderine from any drug store. Yon
• surely eau have beautiful hair and lots
of it if you will just try a little Dan-
derine. Save your hair! Try It!
Health niontrialtY transformed
,tinto the greatmt health-
Strellgulgiving agency known to
Beauty Seienco-Niolet Ray -
powerfully effective, yet
soothing and gentle. No shooks
and perfectly safe.
High Frequency Generator
the lowest priced, roost effective in-
strument of theltindintheworld. Used
and indorsedby phYslcians and beauty
To Represent
The greatest demand for Nursery
Stock in years.
British and European Markets a-
gain open for Canadian Fruit.
Largest list of Fduit and Orna-
mental Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc.,
grown in Canada.
Write for particulars.
Established 1837
• Normal passenger train •service
which was temporarily reduced due
to coal shortage has been resumed.
For full particulars apply to
'Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning
District Passenger Agett, Toronto.
N. J. DORE, Agent, Exeter.
• Phone 46w.
tglrgfia TIMM gfkrir-0-41-.
• Western Ontario's largest
and best Commercial School.
We give thorough courses
and have experienced in-
structors in Commercial,
Shorthand and Telegraphy
•-'dertartments. We assist
graduates to poiltiOriS,,
'Write for out tree catalO
guo. It may interest Yod.
D. A. llietachlan, rIlmJpali