The Exeter Times, 1920-1-15, Page 3onaci ELF ionco lE3rf 3fEi Ii
A Cure for 1
Bad Breath
"Bad breath is a sign of decayed
teeth, foul stomach or unclean
bowel." If your teeth aro good, M
look to your digestive organs at
once. Get Seigel's Curative Syrup
at druggists. 15 to 30 drops
after meals, clean up your food
passage and stop the bad breath
odor. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles.
Do not buy substitutes. Get 0
the genuine. 6
3E3F3g3E IBMIStF OSC20ig3011
A Number of Companies Have
Been Organized to Develop
the Industries.
Great interest has been aroused, and
much enterprise undertaken in the
development of Manitoba's gold re-
sources upon the geological reports on
the areas about Rice Lake, Gold Lake,
Ling Lane, Half Way Lake, Hole.
River, and Star Lake, and whilst com-
mercial development has been in
many cases a successful proposition
in these sections, progress has been
hampered by the difficulties of trans-
portation, and the high . cost of intro-
ducing the necessary mining machin-
ery. A survey of the situation in the
various sections leaves the investi- I
gator without any definite knowledge,
as yet, as to the extent of mineral de-
posits in this field. Though reports
have frequently been made from the
field of the presence of platinum,
many essays have failed to establish
its presence, and its occurrence in the
district, though all indications are
favorable, is yet to be considered
Can Only Find Relief by Enrich-
. ing the Blood.
Rheumatism is a disorder of the
blood. it attacks people 'when the
blood is overcharged with acid and
impurities, thus setting up infiamma-
tion in the muscles and joints. Wet
weather or cold weather of autumn
may start the tortures of rheumatism,
but is not the cause, The cause is in
'the blood and the blood only, Victims
of this malady have every reason to
fear the first dull ache in the limbs
and. joints, . followed by sharp pains
through the flesh and Muscles; these
are the symptoms of poison in the
blood which may shortly leave the
victim painracked. and helpless.
There is only one way to cure rheu-
matism, and that is through the blood.
Liniments, hot applications, and rub-
bing may give temporary ease, but
cannot possibly root the trouble out of
the system. That can only be done by
the rich, red blood which Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills 'actually make. This new
blood drives out the poisonous acids
and impurities, and the rheumatism
disappears, If you are a sufferer from
this painful malady begin curing -your-
self to -day by the use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, and see how soon the pains
and stiffness of the joints fade away,
leaving behind new energy and new
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
from any medicine dealer or by mail
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2,60, from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cate Co., Brockville, Ont.
Operations In Gold Fields.
The Pennia Reef Gold Mineral Co.
started operations in this field nine
years ago, when a shaft was sunk and
numerous trenches and pits dug, ex-
posing veins in a fairly thorough man-
ner. No work has, however, been
clone by the company for some years.
Elsewhere in the district development
work has been confined to stripping
and sinking of pits. A line of claims
has been .prospected from the west
end of- the Pennia Reef claims south-
westwards 'along the strike to . Mud
Lake and Falcon Lake, and at the
south end of tho claim a good deal of
work has been done on Boyce's claims
where the quartz veins carrying large
_crystals of pyrite cut through a-higiily
mineralized greenstone. Very recent-
ly the Gold Pan Mines, Ltd., Winnipeg,
acquired properties. ktrown as "Gold
Seal" and "Gold Pan" in the Rice Lake -
District, and are now under way with
a view to mining in commercial quanti-
ties. One of the hest known mining
engineers in Canada was engaged by
the company, a group of well-known
Winnipeg men, and his report is that
the properties contain gold ore in con-
siderable quantities, though as to
whether it can be ruined on a profit-
able basis remains to be sec•*.
Sulphide, Tungsten, 'Moly,rdenite.
Immediately south of Star Lake al-
so, in the vicinity of the "Iron Portha-
tion," pits have been sunk in a sul-
phide belt where the sulphide ore
shows on the weathered surface indi-
cations of•tlze presence of nickel.
Sensational statements were made
last year regarding the discovery of
tungsten in this district, and careful
investigations went to show the ec-
currence ofthe ore at several points,
and that prospects .were bright for
email production from the intelligent
development of the prospects found,
No further developments have, how-
ever, taken place.
Molybdenite discoveries were made
in the district during the same period
and were considered to be of import-
ance, and the possibilities of develop-
ment were favorably reported upon.
No" developments along this line have
taken place.
Since the day when Gabriel Sinclair,
an Indian trapper, discovered the Gab-
riel vein by the shore of Rice Lake,
between two and three thousand other
elaims have been staked with a large
amount of work done. Considering
that the field is some 100 miles north
of Winnipeg, the means of access are
somewhat difficult, and very little de-
velopment work has been done in this
field though it has been well pros-
pected, numerous shafts sunk, and ma-
chinery sent in. A number of com-
• panies to work in this area have been
registered this year, and stock issued
at a discount with a view to raising
capital to develop claims.
British Columbia Salmon
Mahogany in Furniture.
It is interesting to note that more
than twenty mahoganylike woods are
now offered as true mahogany, not to
mention a considerable number of
woods cunningly stained to imitate
mahogany. In the present circum-
stances, therefore, when the demand
for mahogany is greater than the sup-
ply, unusual interest attaches to such
woods as Cariania or Colombian ma-
hogany, which is acknowledged not to
be mahogany, but which is so similar
to it in color, grain effects and work-
ing qualities as to serve for the rare
The statement is made that while
Cariania differs widely in its botani-
cal and anatomical characters train
true mahogany, its close superficial re•
semblance to mahogany and its physi-
cal properties at once distinguish It
AS a high class Cabinet wood. When
properly seasoned it does not warp,
check or shrink, while much of the
lumber is beatttifully figured. It works
well, takes a filler readily .and can be
highly polished.
Lost People of Arizona.
By far the most interesting remains
of the lost 'people of ,Arizona are their
network of canals which prevail
through the valleys, The longest is
the one tapping the Gila river . and
which supplied with water the ancient
city, now. marked with the one .stand-
ing building, This is the Casa Grande,
about which so much has been written
and which has excited so much in-
terest among archaelogists in the last
ten years.
The volume of water taken out by
this canal must have been immense,
for it supported millions of acres, In
most places the canal has been filled
with drifting sand, but its course is
easily traced. Engineers who, located
the Maricopa canal made use of the
old Aztec ditch and today water runs
over its pebbly bottom just as it did
2,000 or 3,000 years ago.
For miles and miles around mounds
tell the tale of houses destroyed by
the ravages of time. Phoenix was
built on the ruins of this ancient city
and there relics frequently are found
of this ancient civilization.
Mrs, Alfred Naud, Natagan River,
Que., writes: -"I do not think there
is any other medicine to equal Baby's.
Own Tablets for little ones. I have
used them for my baby and would use
nothing else." What Mrs. Naud says
thousands of other mothers say. They
have found by trial that the Tablets
always do just what is claimed for
them. The Tablets are a mild but
thorough laxative which regulate the
bowels and sweeten the stomach and
thus banish indigestion, constipation,
colic, colds, etc. They are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
The fall brought to a close the
spring and summer fishing on the
Columbia River, British Columbia.
The pack was only 15 per cent. below
that of 1918, although the patch' dur-
ing :June and July was exceptionally
.light. The pickled and cold storage
output is larger than last year.
The canned pack on the river is' es-
timated at about 530;000 cases "as they
run." This is conservative and as
equivalent to about 357,750 full cases
of 48 lbs. each, and represents 21,465,-
000 pounds of raw salmon. The cold
storage output consists of 24,242,500
poundo of fish Cured at the canneries
and cold storage plants.
This means that since the Season
opened- on May 1st, the gill -netters,
trailers, eeiners, purse seiners, and
trappers have altogether been paid the
laum of $2,706,280 for their catches.
This is worked out at the ruling price
qt 1144 cents a pound and does not in -
elude other large sumexpended p d for.
labor. Figuring $13.00 a case for the
LCanned salmon and 18 cents a potind
or the pickled fish, the output of the
lumbiaRiver fisheries during the
, geason is Worth $5,403,000.
Injections! of turpentine can be
'aid to preserve .Weed from Insects.
Latest Styles • in Skirts
' No. 9239 -Ladies' `i.iiree-Piece Cir-
cular Skirt. Price, 20 cents. High
waistline; 38 or 36 -cinch length. Cut
in 7 sizes, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34 and
36 ins. waist measure. Size 26 re -
,quires, 38 -inch length, 3 1-8 yds. 40
ins. wide, or 2 1-8 yds. 54 tins. wide;
36 -inch length, 3 yds. 40'ins. wide, or
24 yds. 54 ins. wide. Width around
bottom, 214 yds.
No. 9209 -Ladies' Ruffled Skirt.
Price, 25 cents. Panel front; two=piece
back foundation lengthened by two-
piece lower section; 39 or 37 -inch
length. Cut in 5 sizes, 24, 26, 28, 30
and 32' ins. waist measure. Size 26
requires, 39 -inch length, 4 1-8 yds. 36
ins. wide, or 3% yds. 45 ins. wide;
37 -inch length, 4 1-8 yds. 36 ins. wide,
or 314 yds. ' 45 ins. wide. Width
around bottom 112 yds.
No. 9231 -Ladies' Two -Piece Start.
QZ3>4 Q223.
Price, 20 cents. High waistline; 38
or 36 -inch length. Cut in 8 sizes, 24,
26, 28, 3b, 32, 34e36 and 38 ins. waist
measure. Size 26 requires, 38 inch'
length; 2% yds. 40 Inc. wide, er 11/2
yds. 54 fins. wide; 36 -inch length, 21/4
yds. 40 Inc. wide, or 1% yds. 54 Inc.I
wide. Width around bottom, • 1%yds.
No. 9223 -Ladies' Shirt. Price, 25
cents. Three-piece tunic; underskirt
'with front lining; high waistline; 38
or 36 -inch length. Cut in 6 sizes, 24,
26, 28, 80, 32 and 34 Inc. waist mea-
sure. 'Size 26 requires, 38 -inch length
31/2 yds. 36 ins. wide, or 21/4 yds. 54
ins. wide; 36 -inch length, 3% yds. 86
ins. wide, or 214 yds. 54 ins. wide.
Width around bottom, 11/2 yds.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond Street,
Toronto, Dept. W.
M'P you have asthma, don't iznag- ine that you must always suffer
untold misery. Relief quick, sure
and safe le guaranteed In even the
worst casee by using
We are so, certain of results we will
send you a free sample of these cap-
sules, confident that you will find
them all we have claimed,
Sold by reliable druggists eveery-
where for $1.04 ,a box.
For free sample, write to
142 King St. West Toronto
If Tea or Coffee Disagrees
the. thele and easy way to satisfac-
atisfac-tion and better health is to drink
'Tiffs, dare Cereal bevera,ge
hag not increased ll1
*till be pleased wvith its
flavor: Very at
G♦i ic
ere: a Reason
-e7rEnace:stalt,z n •sac..' ,w a:a:�:w' :+'••cat?n.:l•; x resxe,"au�c'
For fifteen years the standard
specific for Rheumatism, Neuritis,
Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia.
Many doctors prescribe them.
Write to Tentpleton's, 142 Hina
S. W.. Toronto, for free sample.
Sold by reliable druggists every-
where for $1:04 per box.
Bits • of Information.
The Australian War Debt is $1,500,-
The salary of the German President
is $240,000 .
The total number of Girl Guides in
the British Isies is 72,519.
There are nineteen peeresses in
their own right in the United King-
There are 6,000,000 motor vehicles
in use in the United States to -day.
The Victoria Cross was awarded to
sixty-three Australians during the.war.
The record time of 2 minutes 27
seconds for skating one mile was made
in 1912.
Between August, 1914, and February
26, 1919, 563 Victoria Crosses ' were
"Soviet," in its original meaning of
a "council," was used in Serbia as long
ago as 1805.
The journey from London to Paris
by air takes 21/2 hours compared with
7 hours by land and sea.
It has been estimated that war -
work for women drew 400,000 recruits
from domestic work and dress -mak-
ing in Great Britain.
The first cinematograph perform-
ance ever given in the British House
of Commons took place on August 12
of this year,
Chilled fish from Newfoundland is
preparedin a cold storage plant, which
can deal with 200,000 lbs. of fish a
The Republic of Czecho-Slovakia"has
an area of between 50,000 and 60,000
square miles and a population of 12,-
Bombs for use with air machines
originally weighed 20 lbs., but at the
end of the war the largest weighed as
much as a ton and a half.
At the signing of the Armistice, the
total of German bombing and scouting
aeroplanes had fallen to 1,700; while
the Allies had three machines on the
front to the German one.
While the total steam tonnage of the
British Empire is over 2,500,000 tons
less than in 1914, the steam shipping
of the United States shows an increase
of nearly 7,800,000 tons,
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
All About Chins.
Square chins, with little flesh, de-
note firmness and executive ability.
Broad chins signify dignity, unless
vertically thin, when, if with it there
be thin lips of the bloodless kind, you
find cruelty.
Protruding chins characterize men
and women of the forceful type. Suc-
cessful people" usually carry their chins
thrust forward, with compressed lips.
Retreating chins show lack of force
mentally, morally and physically, and
denote that the possessor yields, is
'soon discouraged, and desires protec-
tion. The development of other facul-
ties often makes up for this defect.
Lang chins are poetical, unstable,
and delicate in constitution. People
having them are said to be subject to
internal derangements,
Medium chins, with small mounds
of flesh on either side, characterize
generosity and cheery natures.
Short chins show a great love of or-
der and detail -"a place for every-
thing and everything in its place"
type of person.
A Canadian Salt Lake.
A lake has been discovered In the
Denzil district of Saskatchewan which
produces almost pure salt, and its de-
velopment is being actively proceeded
with. This lake is the more remark-
able from the fact that it is the only
one of a group of 190 which possesses
these saline properties. In area it ex-
tends evor about 15 acres and is cover-
ed with, a brine, which, in itself, does
not possess any pure salt properties.
On boring, however, it was discovered
that the depression had a rock foun-
dation, about six feet below the sur-
face, and a$ each bore was put down
a salt spring developed, each of which
contained approximately 9 per cent.
pure salt,
All Alike.
Patient -"lite doctor's bills are
higher and my wife says the medicines
cost more than they 414.'1
Nurse "Don't worry about that
now. I want to take your • tempera-
I1.atteizt--"I'tt !*4 yatt'1I tint even
that is going ung"' '., • "
Are We All Pigmies?
no bilge giant, whose fossilized reo
mains have just been dug up in the
State of Vera Cruz, strikes a severe
blow at those wlio boast of physical
development in the twentieth ceaztury.
This giant is claimed to be eleven
yards high!
Loushkin, the Russian giant, was
well under nine feet, er three yards.
The biblical giant, Goliath, was merely
a dozen feet, and the great Bing Og,
of I3asan, did dot stand more than six-
teen feet six inches in Itis socks. Og.
held the record before this eleven-
yard champion came along to upset
him. .
Put him in the kitchen of a modest
four -floored house, and his legs would
reach the dining -room above, his chest
would thrust up into the bed -room, and.
his head come out in the attic!
The average height of the measly
specimen of humanity who inhabits
the globe to -day is about live and a
half feet. How we are diminishing!
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited,
Gentlemen,- Theodore Dorais, a
customer of mine, was completely
cured of rheumatism after five years
of suffering, by the judicious use of
The above facts can be verified by
writing to him, to the Parish Priest
or any of his neighbors.
A, COTE, Merchant,
St. Isidore, Que., 12 May, '98.
A Prayer For the Day.
Christ, who bled and •died for me
On the sacrificial tree,
Out of Thy great charity,
Hear the prayer I lift to Thee!
By the spear that cleft Thy side.
Purify my heart of pride!
By the thorns that crowned Thy brow,
With Thy love my soul endow!
By Thy pierced hands and feet,
Make my halting faith complete!
By the bitter drink they gave,
Make me humble, make me brave!
Women outnumber the men in
Great Britain by 2,000,000.
You simply say to the drug store
man, "Give me a quarter of an ounce
of freezone." This will cost eery little
but is sufficient to remove every hard
or soft corn from one's feet.
A few drops of this new ether com-
pound applied directly upon a tender,
aching corn should relieve the sore-
ness instantly, and soon the entire
corn, root and all, dries up and can be
lifted out with the fingers.
This new way to rid one's feet of
corns was introduced by a Cincinnati
man, who says that, while freezone is
sticky, it dries in a moment, and sine.
ply shrivels up the corn without in-
flaming or even irritating the sur-
rounding tissue or skin.
Don't let father die of infection or
lockjaw from whittling at his corns.
but clip this out and make him try it.
Let "Danderine" save your,
hair and douEle
its beauty,
(� �;.
Oh, girls, such an abundance o
thick, heavy, invigorated hair: a per
fect mass of wavy, silky hair, glorious
ly fluffy, bright and so easy to man
Just moisten a cloth with a little
"Danderine" and carefully draw 1
through your hair, taking one smal
strand at a time; this magically re
moves all dirt, excess oil rand grease
but your hair Is not left brittle, dry
stringy or faded, but charmingly soft
with glossy, golden gleams and tends;
lights. The youthful glints, tints am
color are again in your hair.
"Danderine" is a tonic-beautifler
Besides doubling the beauty of thi
hair at once, it cheeks dandruff ant
stops falling hair. Get delightfu
Danderine for a few cents at arty drill
or toilet counter and use it as a dress
ing and invigorator as told on bottle.
,*marroWs Pioneer Dag aeme&ies
Book on
and Row to. Deed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author,
at. they C•ilover Co,, ?m1,
118 \Neel 31st Su'An,
New York. 11 r', A.
f. IS3UI. No, 2---'20.
Don't shock your Liver and
. Bowels, but take
r r,"
,CasearetS endCascaretsbilli.ousness, head.
aohe, colds, and constipation, so gently
you're never even inconvenienced.
There is no griping and none of the
explosive after-effects of cathartics.
like Calomel, Salts, sickening Oil or
cramping Pills, Tonight take Cas -
carets and get rid of the bowel and
liver ,poison which is 'keeping you
miserable and half sick. Casearets
cost so little and they work while you
For a New Icing;
After the batter is in the baking
dish, sprinkle brown sugar and cocoa-
nut on the top, and when it is baked
it is just the prettiest brown, as well
as good to taste.
Pay your out-of-town accounts 'by
Dominion Express Money Order, Five
Dollars costs three cents.
Laugh a little less at your neigh-
bor's troubles and a little more at
your own.
Minard's Liniment Clues Garget in Cows.
Scientific research shows that the
peoples who have fed liberally on milk
and eggs and leafy foods actually have
marched ahead in progress, while
those who have lacked these foods
have lagged behind and are not so
well-developed, physically or mentally.
Look at tongue! Remove poi -
.sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
PQ'IiTB,A4 .}.. GI N
J goodmints and"flnislzeo'-'Io res
prices on frur»;es,..--asic for cataloa'us
nited .art OP.. 4 13rtillte ck .Me,, 'o
Fos, 1944Fi>E7
N19wSPAPI i' WelleKL'1!', XN i3RaTaniii
Qnl iaCot�lte
Box ¶Wilon Splendid
b Lehg14azted,
/8 Adelaide St,. W,, Toronto,
ELL QUIPP]I D EVee'1�41:1aIele
i and Job printing plant in Masterza
Ontario,. Insurance carried $1,500, 'Will
go for $1,200 on qulok smile ,Box 54,
ilson Pubiishi'ng Co,, Ltd., roranto,
'LIENS WANTED 41.11111, 115 CEN
it a pound, any size, f.o.b. your ata
tion if within 200 miles :of Toronto, Ship.
C.O.D. in crates or boxes: AIbert Lewis, '
066 Dundee West, Toronto.
Poxes. Also, we are buyers of Itaw'
Furs. What have you -what price?
Reid Bros„ Bothwell, Ont.
V are able to supply, advise us, as we.
will pay the highest prices, dry or green
from the saw. Keenan Bros., Limited,'
Owen Sound. Ont.
Internal and external, cured without'
pain by our home treatment. Write us
before toe late Dr. Bellznan Medical.
Co., Limited, Coiling,rood, Ont.
Mother's Coughs'and
Colds Go Quickly
She cannot afford to be sick.
and neglect her household
duties. At the first symp•'
toms she prepares the way
for quick recovery by the
immediate use of Gray's
=`" Gs Syrup -a household
preparation of sixty
ears standing.
Mother stews buys
the Largo Ltze
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only -look for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and most
harmless laxative or physic for the
little stomach, liver and bowels,
Children love its delicious fruity
taste. Full directions for chilcl's dose
on each bottle. Give it without fear.
- Mother! You must say "California."
' �DRoPg �++ d,�'.�
Baby Happy After His Bath
With Cuticura Soap
Nothing more refreshing for baby
than a warm bath with Cuticura
Soap, especially if his skin is hot,
irritated or rashy, After bathing,.
gently touch any irritation with Cuti-
curs Ointment. They are ideal for
all toilet uses.
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c. Sola
throughout theDominion, CsnadianDepot:
L mans. Limited, St. Paul St., Montreu.
Cuticura Soap shaves without moa,
Comforting relief from pain
makes Sloan's the
World's Liniment
This famous reliever of rheumatic
aches, soreness, stiffness, painful
sprains, neuralgic pains, and most
other external twinges that humanity
suffers from, enjoys its great sales
because it practically . neyer fails to
bring speedy, comforting relief.
Always ready for use„ it takes little
to penetrate 'without rubbing and pro-
duce results. Clean, refreshing. Made
in _Cateada. At all drug _cores.
$So, 70e, 111.40.
Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross"; -
The none ''Bayer" identifies the contains proper directions for Colds,
only genuine Aspirin, --the Aspirin Headache, Toothache, biarriehe, 1 eu
by physieiano for over nine- ralgia, Lumb go, Bheumetism, leuri- .
teen years and now made in Canada. tis, Joint Pains, and Pain generally'.
Always buy an unbrokenpackage Tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but
. ,pi"Bayer" packages,
of 'iia ez• 'tablets of Aspirin' which afowcents. Larger p „
There is osaly ono Aspirin 0. Bayer"...Yau must say. "Bayer"
.Aspirin 1A the trado mask (rests}ered to dAnada) of Bayer Mnntiftiorz.ra'of Mend.
e d-
acetioactcrestor of Salloyltcaald. while it 1s well known that hnpirin :meant: 1', wrr.
Ycanufaaeturc, to assist the puhilc a5ninat i^tttntlen0, the xatelota of ne,,er C.o:1paz ;
1.)4 stamped with thaltr sobers' trade mark, ttis "+•+ ycr C.otii,"