HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1920-1-1, Page 8TEWART'•. May the New Year Brin g Your Increased Prosperity and Health Special Inducements for Early Buying in 1 9 2 0 Pretty Woollen Caps and Scarf sets, a good range o colors, priced from $2,75 to $3.50, choose yours at :2.50. We will clear the balance of our stock of Ladies' and Children's Christmas handkerchiefs ,in three lots. LOT 1. 15 and 20o values pretty colored cor- ners and edges, some initials. 2 for 25c. LOT 2, 25, 35 and 400 values. Swiss and Irish Hand embroi- dered corners, all travelers samples. 2 for 40c. LOT 3. 50, 60 and 75e values. Some pure linen, colored silks and hand -made lace edgings. 2 for '75c. A few 'young Men's Waist -line Overcoats in this season's best cloths, selling now at $30.00 to be cleared. at $23.50.. Ladies' Cloth and Plush Coats in this season's best styles at prices which are sure to sell them if you need diem. Give us a chance to give you a coat, J. A. STE Phone 16 RT "IT'S A GOLDWYN PICTURE." • e. e '1 1'r- R li, L ate' 1 i LO�t .i GreL KINGNUT, The Nut Margarin, made from pure vegetable oils and ' pasteurized, separated milk. Tastes like butter, looks like butter and saves you 25 to 30 cents per pound. Would it pay to try it? HARVEY & T-TARVEY, ROOM 5, EXETER SCHOOL. Class 4. Honors -Kathleen Reid 90; Violet Gambrill 85; Mary Wells 80 Velnia : Willis 75. Pass -Lois Statham 70; Harold Beavers 65. Class 3. Honors -Loretta Little 80; Kenneth Vale 75. Pass -Verna Beavers 70; George Robinson 65; Sheldon Sanders -60. Class 2. Honors -Helen Penhale 90; Grace . Christie 86; Madeline Stewart 84; Margaret Martin 80; Jean Sheere 78; Gladys Hutchison 77; Mable Snell 76; Edith Kestle 75. Pass -Marguerite Bloomfield 68; Stella Little 60. Class C. Honors -Raymond Pyrde 85; Helen Salter 80; Florence Brock 76. Pass-Almer Hunkin 70; Mary Cann 68. Class 1. Honors -Margaret Eller- ington 86; Helee Heywood 80; John Payne 75. Pass- ''Harold Snell 68 Vera Kestle 64. No on roll 31; average attendance 20. Olive M. Taylor, Teacher. W. C. T. U. The regular meeting of .the Wo- men's Christian Temperance Union was held on Monday afternoon: last; at the home of Mrs. South:cote' Sr., Goldwyn presents, Mable Normand on Andrew street. It was ,decided to in "The Floor Below," a drama of give a donation of $10 towards the Romance and Mystery, by Elaine memorial being erected in OUT town Sterne. for our fallen heros. The County President gave ahort' At the Dome Theatre talk on items of interest from the Provincial Convention, and also had the banner to show the weinen,• EVENINGS which had been won by our. County, for the largest percentage of; new Price 25 cents members during the year. Mrs. (Rev.) Fear was also 'a. vis- <s► itor at the meeting and gave a' very interesting talk. BAND NIGHTS AT TJiE RING. Much interest is being taken by The Band will play at the rink for the women here in advancing the in - the skaters on New Year's night, tere,sts of the work. (Thursday) and also on Monday ev- Next meeting will be held at the ening. home of Mrs. A. Camra. leering the skating season the Press Supt. TH Market RePort The following ia4 the report of the Bete Market corrected every Wedeeeda r. No, 2, Wheat $'11.95, Oats 880 Bran 845 a ton in buyers bags, Shorts $52 per ton, Family flour $6.90, Lard 35c. Hogs $16.25. Barley $L45 New Laid Eggs 80c Held Eggs 55e Dairy Butter 58c to 610 Creamery butter 72c. Potatoes $2.0Q TIIIITP.SDAT & SATURDAY band nights will be Monday and Fri- Mr. Thomas Cameron, of Bayfield,. day. niet with a painful accident recently. While returning home . with a load of coal he accidently fell off the wa- gon, the wheel passing over his Ieg. salesman, 'who visited his mother in town for over Christmas leaves on Friday for Toronto, preparatory to leaving again for the west. Ile. George Jacltson, retired Meth- odist clergyman, died at his home in Walkerville recently from heart• col- lapse, following an iilnes beginning three weeks ago with influenza. He was 74 veers old and is survived by his widow and two daughters. Rev. Jackson was at net time. pasor of James Street Methodist church. 1ffr. James Murray, of Seaforth, Visited at his home here over the hol- idays. olidaya', Mirs Jean _''Murray has "re- turned laoine after spearciing srverai weeks in Toronto. Mr, Will Murray, of, Toronto, :merit several days with his parents. Mr. J. E..1'rdesn, of To- ronto, 'on -in-law of Mr. Jas. leinrraay,. of town, has :been serioti:ily 111 with pnear_lonia. He is melting sattaf^c- tory recoviry,accordiig to latent re- ports. Mr. ;Beene :Doss, of T:eileville, is visiting frientle . intown. Mr. Ross, Wht) was formerly buttr:r-maker at the Exeter Creamery, is malting good a, is evidenced from the foliotins; clipping taken from the 'Belleville paper. "Mr. Jain ;s Ii. . Ttoss. head butter maker at the Belleville Creamery during the least, year ltsft; for Gutlpb, where he, will join the Deity Schff ool .staat the O.A,C,'Ik'ir Toes twill ar,t '<ita• instru'etor in'Milk p.m) cream testintediti^ing, the *Intel' twill. ROES 'sill. return 4n the We wish our many patrons a •Happy and Prosperous New Year. rr. -•'•Cl "l%lCOMMI7la:6DA *ION • fol 's, :+ teeny obtained. It as of :. •!.e . k � any of our ,et : ac 'r,teis. 'I'I.e;y will tell you e inane to get fresh, clean melt eO a evenneee price with full weight.' lase. la, lat:,i '-made headcheese. w MMMak>~. ._,t"cher The Toronto Exhibition "o lidais :tarred ever .i b ,...R ..,ar teethe oityof Tia onto $ i. i 5,O a 7. 'fte'lle f11G'0rte last year to the cite' a ;ty,$90,00O, iiraki'ng a'toel for the two tears of Presi- dent T. A. I.r. wr..l's t01111re of office .$265,000. 0.40.9€..,►..♦+0i0.504.4*f'♦A ** LOCAL t e 4440400 •*leets* e•' How abouiC your subscription? Mr. Reg. Bissett, of Chatham, 'Vas - home over Christmas. Mr. R. C. Howard, visited at Woodstock during the holidays. Mr. C. E, Stock visited at his home in Paris over Christmas. Mr. J. G. Stanbury was in London this week on legal business. Mr, James Dearing, of Crediton, spent Christmas with his mother. Mr. IIarry Parsons, of Chatham, visited with relatives for . several days. Mr. Rd, Downie, who is ill at his home, is still in a very critical con- dition. Mr. Wes. Vale, of Toronto, visited his •mother for several days during the week, Mr, Wm. Northcott visited in Lon-. don for a few days during the holi- day season. Mr. Hy. Gould, of Sarnia, visited his mother, Mrs. Rd. Gould, during the holidays. Miss Corsault and Miss Needhain, of Lucan, are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Corsault. Miss Ruby Treble, of Toronto, vis- ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Treble for Christmas. A number of young people from town attended the dance in Hensall on Friday evening last. Mr. Gordon Ford, of Flint, Mich., spent a few days last week at his home on. the Lake Road. Mr. Leslie McLaughlin and Miss Flo Hepburn, of London., spent Xmas day with friends in Exeter. , EXETER TIMI~ With the Churches ()AVON IIIVISBYTERl'AN CHURCH Row'., m es Foote, B. A., Minister 10 A. M, ---Sunday' School and Bible Glass, 11 a.111, --"Retrospect and Prophet." The Minister 7 P.M. ---"One Touch More." The 1til inistev Good Music at all Services ,TAMES STREET METHODIST CHURCH Ro'v, K. a. Wilson, B.A., Pastor. Services next Sabbath as follows. 11 a.m.--Rev. Dr. Medd of Main • St. church will preach. 3 pan, -Sabbath school. 7 p.m,-r'The Hypnotic Released." '.Che Pastor Special services each night during next week, at 7.45. ORANGIE LODGE. The next meeting of the L.O.L. will be held on Friday evening, Jan- uary 9th. DOMESTIC SCIENCE COURSE A course• in domestic science will be held in the old reading room at the Town Hall every afternoon at 2.30, from January 6th to 16th, un- der the auspices of the Hurondale and Exeter Women's Institutes. Miss Grant, Dietitian of the Wes- tern 'Hospital, Toronto, will be in charge of the class. Anyone wishing to take the course give their name to Miss Ethel Case or Mrs, Hastings. A fee of 50c is charged. FOUND Left here Christmas .week, one gent's silk handkerchief, and one stripe shirt. Owner can have same by calling at Harvey's Grocery. Miss Ida Wambold, of London, has been visiting with friends in town. Mr. Thos. Tapp, of Detroit, visited his father and sister in town over Christmas,. Rev.' Dr. Ramsay, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. May are spend - spent a few days in town,'visiting ing New Years with the former's bro- his mother, • Mrs. Ramsay. ther, Mr. John May, of Toronto. Mr. H. E, Huston, of Toronto, Mr. Blatchford, of Toronto, visited spent Christmas with his parents, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Blatch- Mr. . and 14Irs. H. E. Huston. ford during the Christmas week. Miss Swan, who has been nursing. Mrs. J. Hepburn and daughters, Mr. Rd. Downie,- returned to her Misees Mary, Flo. and Marjorie, of home in Hensall, on Tuesday. London, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs: Geo. Westcott. CHRISTMAS SERVICES. Caven Presbyterian congregation and Sunday School both had services on Sunday in keeping with the sea- son. Rev, James Foote, B. A.,• deliv- ered excellent eernnons both morning and evening, the morning subject be- ing "No Rodin. In The Inn." The choir kept up its enviable reputation for good music. In the morning Mrs. Foote rendered a solo in connection with the anthem and in the evening Miss Leavitt assisted with the violin. In the Sunday-. School, Master Ken- neth Stanbury contributed a solo in pleasing manner_ i Mr. Ralph Hawkins,who has been attending school in Toronto, is visit- ing isiting at his home on the London Road. Mr. Weyniith Penwarden, of Chat- ham, hatham, spent the holidays with his bro- thers, W. H. and Albert, in Usborne. Miss Elizabeth Hamilton, who has been visiting the past week with her mother and sister, left this week for Toronto. Mrs. Simon Campbell leaves on Saturday to spend the winter, with her daughter, Mrs. (Dr) Lannin, at Hamilton. Mr. T. 0. Southcott is spending ew Year's in Brantford where Mrs. Southcott has been visiting for sev- eral days. Mr. and Mrs. D. Ross, and children of Sarnia, and Mr. Lloyd Rivers, of Merlin, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rivers. Mrs. J. Westlake who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. D. A. Mc-� Nicol in Toronto, has returned to her home on Sanders street. Mr: and Mrs. Robt. Sweet and daughter Merle, of Sarnia, visited the' former's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. James Sweet, over Christmas. I am offering my serivecs for the Mrs. S. Fitton entertained a num- •position of Reeve for the year 1920 ber of friends on Monday afternoon, after being urged •by.: a large num in honor of her guests, Mr. Gerald ber of ratepayers who .feel• that my Fitton and bride, of Toronto. experience in the public interests of the town especially along the line of Good Roads will beof great value to the town during the coming - Year. I steed for a clean town and the protection of the homes.I earnestly solicit your votes and if elected will do my best to advance :the^ interests of the town. Thanking you for your past support and wishing you a Happy and Prosperous. New Year, I am y2rurs respectfully, B. W. F. BEAVERS. TO TEE ELECTORS Ola' EXETER La.dlies and Gentlemen: After a term . of four years as municipal councillor and having been nominate 7 foe the position of reeve, I solicit the'vote and influence of the electors on my belmIY. I have al- ways taken a, deep interest in thif affairs of the town. I stand for econ- omy end value for money spent. Thanking the electors for their past `%:1,rno1•;, and soliciting support in the ceming election, I am, Yours truly. L. DAY. TO THE ELECTORS OF STEPHEN Your vote and influence is res- pectfully solicited for W. D. Sanders for reeve of the Township of Stephen who stands for progress and econ- omy. TO TIM ELECTORS 017' TIM VILLAGE OP ISMET iR Mr. and Mrs. E. CaIfas and little daughter of Huronville, Sask., are visiting Mrs. Calfas' father, Mr. Hy. Jones and other relatives ti es ' an this community. TheeFlensall School Hockey Team came down Wednesday evening of Iast week and received a bad beating' at the hands of the Exeter school boys. Mr. H. 0. ' Southeott, traveling HORT COURSE IN AGRICUL'TU TE Arrangements have been made to hold a short course. • in Agriculture in Senior's Hall, Exeter, from Jan. 6tli, to Jan. 30tH, 1920. The course will cover work in a great many live snl, e'•cts of Agricultural interest such Drainage, Surveys, Soils, Co-op- eration and other up-to-date farm topic-. We are anxious to see every young bran within reasonable distance tale pert in this short course, Special. -eel r.r.T have been arranged for by rec. Ontario Dept. of Agriculture. These will be specialists In their special line.; and will be able to treat their subjects in a practical way. No flies are chargers and no text leeoks are required -the only expen- se being board and lodging. Edracatiort and organization are the passwords to success in the pre- sent cent€ary. No line of education is demanding the attention of tho people to -day so much as agricultural eslncat.ion. Come prepared to talco pert: in the disrusion and assist in mal•ing the course a ^urease• I'nrr5tslrld Science will be held at the sa.uie•timo to which we direct the attention of the giris of the section' spirt» rnriing Exeter, .A : circular ar ,n co: neetion. 'witt;h the above cottrees may be had on axrplieation, to S. B. Strot.hers, Department of Agriculture; l:ilrritig, taking up his usual work Clinton, Ontario,!with the Belleville Creamery." TO TUE RATEPAYERS 017' ' r"a'i V1l.anAGE o iu E'artalTIOR reedit% incl Gentlemen: Your vote and influence respect- fully ooliciioa for J. Bleion for coun- ente ' for nineteen twenty. TO T.f$Pl illA.'f;alPA•'i •15Pi i4 0l' lIf; tl VILLAGE 01. I-Ixlr reatt Ladies and tint Gentlemen: -mien: Having for several years been a , 1ttt..,.ber of the COnTI.CII 13ta,rd tSi`:'rote- ter, 1eXC-ter, I baiet decided to "again` sce1 reeileelicm nen.,^f3lir;it Yn"e7]' rote rand lnfiacnrn to :secure my election.. as Councillor, Ae ' in the pant" I' will, if elected; give the village affairs careful attention. Siecorely yours, C. D. SNELL • THURSDAY,. ,YANU'AI li'. it I illlllllllllllilllllllllllllllll ounilllllll llllllllillNplllpllllllllllll uno Aillli INNMllllll lllllll ,llllllllllliilliNiil llllllloms. .r MEM 111011101111 UMW ONION MOENONION IMMO IMMO WOWS MOM i 01111101.11MINIMWPM IMMO IMAM MINIM MOM OMNI MEMO CMOON NIEMEN MIME immWs SOt'T C'C0TT ROS. Phone 1.34, Wish r You A Happy,. H And Prosperous New Year SOUTHCOTT BROS. = � i ;. ...r 10.1110MINIM 0101.110 IMMO • A Malik OMNI illlllllllllllligllllllililllilllllllillllilillilllllilil intillillllllAIIIIIIIonniIillilllillllillllilllllionml minilnlllllllponoir Cochrane Machine ENSILAGE FOR SALE. The Exeter Canning Co. is offering ensilage for .sale at $.4.00 per ton., purchaser to pay for weighing on R. G . Seldon's scale. Payment foe en- silage to be made by March 31, 1920. EXETER CANNING CO Works ALL WORK GUARANTEED Engines and machinery overhaul- ed. Gas or steam ' cylinders re- ground or bored as you. wish and pistons and rings made to fit. FARMS FOR SALE, All repairs for Premier Engines' for sale innUsborne umber f Hibbert farmschoice and Grinders. and, d - Pulleys hangers and shaftings Ings and m with up-to-date n. the lugs and my long experience in the made to order. business tells me I have the price All kinds of knives and scissors right and some of then on easy sharpened. Skates hollow ground. Bring a job. worth repairing that we cannot do. Oxy Aceytline Welding done. Phone 135• M. E. Gardiner terms of payment. Also the Far- quhar Store property. For terms and particulars apply to Thomas Cameron, Woodham, P. 0., auction - THE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $1.50 a year. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising -Made known on application. We desire to extend most Stray Animals -One insertion 50c heartily the Season's Greetings three insertions for $1,00 Farm or Real Estate for sale 5Oc to our many customers and each insertion for one month of four insertions, 21sc for each subsequent friends insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found,- etc., each in- sertion 25c. Stock for Sale, 50c each insertion for 5 lines or less, for 1st month. Local reading notices etc,,. 10c per TO Tffi7IIiATEi„A`�ERS,OF line per insertion. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50e. THE VILLAGE 0131 EXETER Legal advertising 10c and 5c a [Inc. Ladies and Gentlemen Auction Sales $2 for one insertion After serving the municipality as and $33 for two insertions if under councillor for the past 'two years, T 6 inches in length, over 6 inches ac - have decided to again stand for' re- tcording to size. election. If you think my past record deserves your support, we would a- gain solicit your vote and influence. Wishing you the compliments of the FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING Phones 74w. Night Calls 74J. OPERA . HOUSE BLOCK season. . WM. H. PENHALE. L . TO THE RATEPAYERS OF 1' +' VILLAGE OF EXETER Ladies and Gentlemen: 'Having been urged by a number of ratepayers to allow my name to stand for the position of councillor, I respectfully solicit the support of the ladies and gentlemen of Exeter and if elected' will give of my hest services in the towns interest. Sea- son's Greetings. B. M. FRANCIS, TO Taut; ELECTORS OF EXETER ;.� i• •S•.i,ani in the field for councillor, I res'ectfull ii s p y solicit the vote and support of the electors. If, elected, I will give every consideration to the welfare of the town. Greetings to all, Vous truly, JOS. DAVIS TO Trim EL."E(7T0IRS OP' EXETI011 nachos and Gentlemen: We wish to inform the electors of the Village of Exeter that we are in tho:tield, for councillor for 1920 and rest- rtfully solicit your vote and Iu-.. fluEinca, If elected I will do my best for the town's interest. Wishing you a Happy New Year. • J WM. RIVEIIIS, TOT Il13 ELECTORS 0r'; TWA rthutiori 0.,' 10) 11TIs'E. Ladino and Ccntle„near: Having at the earnest solicitation of a number of my friends of the village accepted a nomination : for the orrice ot" c'ortucillor for Exeter, 1 aolicii;'yorria `vote and influence tie el' ect me to .that position. :Bo it kndwii' that I do,liot'entre •oiiice iiirt if el - elated -octed will late hest itidgmeat't6. furtherance" of the ititerestir of "he.. viilage. • Tours trniy, WM. W1.•P„P, .�...=.tee We' take this oppor ,:: trinity of thanking our many customers for their continued patronage and we wish. all A VERY 1VLERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR R. N. ROWE THE UNDERTAKER AND THE EMBALMER` Vulcanizing All kinds of Tire; All work guaranteed. Cash for old Tires.. Taylor's Tire Shell' EXETER. ONT. Let T. '11. ELLIOTT Do your Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing, e Get your old Overcoat turned it will dye as good as new- If you have any old suits or over -- coats you are not wearing brim them in, I will sell them far you. Wishing you all A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR Tb Wear Vear a tl .EXCLUSIVE GENTS FURN1SIi1lRS Our Stock of Alen's Furnish- ings is complete. We are the only Men's Exclusive Furnish- ea;s in Exeter. If you want quality or style we have the' very latest. SIVE 4E AND OVERCOATS `HATS ANle Cf3.I'S MCFPLE17.8 AN1I. SCARFS MITTS AND GLO,'47 :ES COLLARS AND TIES • fi l>caautifia1 range of High C1as a. Ties :GIAN1)KERCIHi+FS, SOCKS FANCY DRAMS AND GARTERS t3Tf3• eTS "We.,`ne e snme' High -Chase Silas ShlrU, sonic: ixtrya, Mico. e .�.t� , • s ,',�lliirts °• all the'teat -down to Reeve* �,cn viceabl , Work Shirts. y , y �Y •xaeeA.nne::' rnd.e.:wi..e,.....„..w.--.G.n....e.e.:aee-;rna . :' 40 E 8 a