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The Exeter Times, 1920-1-1, Page 4
A Merry Christmas nda Happy Ie•A ear COLUMBIA. GRAFONOLA with Columbia Records paeans. a Christmas filled with merry music and the coming year crowded with joy. Corking good dance records, popular song hit, gems of Grand ;a and beautiful symphonies will all combine to give your friends and family wally :,.appy days and evenings every day of seely year. a WillisPowell, Exeter Oma. max,mwr,T... er HEART -Igo ME itE MR; DT �\,t.,k' io• 1 i,. e•' 3� t"% �'v s is �, 4 of o,3 ,tiw 4 a b P. oho t�`.e.e.N °.. Via, . \tti `4x0 ... �ost° OSet�� Dag° ,a wn ttoNco,Cua ,@,o i` t „„e t9 t'tope, ��. o; >>� lea � a o .'tvz °, °.' til 'e.'? 1;9 4'0 01° 0 qo° OP o°NA $ 1a c &c' �q4 fie.?" so t S i ° ash 4 e sAb,ei tz.- 001' '3.0.;;‘,6 d,, 6��Ga.35�ae5�� a o "o to 'seal 'fie' $'P c"d e : �,o °ti�a s'.. 5�\5 ti�1 y° ifl p t,•, ,r„0 4a� 1°0 c., ga y �giy �,ei 4j •C loto gee,�a'115o'}a,5�'v�9ac Z c , �: r e a't` oi�te39P 6 t• •V fat °, 3 x,.,1. v 0 News Topics of Week. 1L IL Anderson, of Toronto, was attacked by motor bandits on Lons- dale avenue, •kuoeked senseless and robbed, The fanners of Quebec's 'Western,, counties to be organized oil litres s1miliar to those of the United Far- mers of Ontario, Returnedsoldiers settled on the land during the past season num- bered more than 30,000; nearly 20,- 000 were granted loans, totalling $53,000,000. The thrift stamp campaign, 'while bringing' in a good amount of money bas been found too expensive to con- tinue, except through the postofees and schools. Spain is buying tanks from Bri-' tains. in addition to munitions from surplus war material, The world's record for speed, 45 wiles an hour, was attained by the British torpedo boat destroyer,_ Ty- rian on her recent trial. Premier Venizelos, of Greece, after spending a short time in Rome has left for Paris. It is officially' announced that the Esthonian and Bolsheviki delegates in conference at Dorpat have reach- ed en agreement: on the questions of frontiers and military guarantees. SATURDAY A. horse-drawn lorry, a .motor car and a street car collided on Moor street west ,Toronto,. No one was badly injured. Charles Querrie, well known sportsman, of Toronto, was arrested on a charge of criminal negligence for having run down and injured an aged woman with his motor car. Major. Andrew E. McKeever, D.S. O., M.C;, ramous Canadian ace, died in the General Hospital, Toronto, early yesterday morning, as the re- sult of injuries received last Septem- ber. Toronto manufacturers of men's clothing have informed an associa- tion, which has entered into an agree- ment with th© organized workers for the purpose of stabilizing economic and finaneial.00ndition. An aerial mail service is to be es- tablished next summer between Win- nipeg and St. Paul, - Hen. S. Is. Tolinie, Minister of Ag- riculture, is ill with diptheria at his home in Victoria, B.C. Manitoba University's medical fac- ulty is said to be likely to get a mil- lion or more as it's share of John D. Reekf'eller's $100,000,000 gift. A farmers' weekly newspaper cal- led The Farmer ,is to be printed in Cap Sante, Portneuf county, Que., by Capt. Ernest Cingmars. Oscar Marchand, aged sixty-three, night watchman at Doon Twines Co.'s factory at Kitchener, was fatally bur- ned by flames shooting' out of the furnace door. Sherman Jackson, aged sixteen, was fatally injured and three oilier newspapers is $69 a ton. This will young persons were severely hurt at mean a $2 a year wceklp, in the Calgary in a, collision between a near future, truck and a street car, �'Vital "Lessard, aged sixty-six, of St. Mr. J. J. Meriier, of SLaiorth, is Joseph, Beaucs county, Que., `.'died proposing to erect a flax., mill at suddenly after coming down stairs Clinton and asks for exemption from TM TIIIMS Valliant Anderton is dead and Alis brother Joseph iikaiy to die, as a re- sult of drinking "Columbia spirit," largely wood alcohol, at Owen Sound. CLEARING AncUion Sate O1+' FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS W, 1P. Nairn has received instruo- tious to ,sell by Public Auction for William 'Passmore .ou Lot 12, N.T,R, one half mile oast of Thanes Road Church, Uabarne, on JANUARY, 14th, 1020. commencing at one o'clock sharp the following; HORSES—Pair of agricultural. 'geldings, rising' 4 years old carriage horse 10 years old, good in all har- ness. ' CATTLE—Two Durham cows, fresh with calves at foot; 2 Durham cows due in March; 1 Durham cow due in April; 2 farrow cows; four 2 -year-old fat heifers, 1000 lbs.; 6 2 -year-old Durham steers; 3 yearling steers.; 6 good calves rising 1 year old. PIGS -8. shoats, about 100 lbs. HENS -30 hens, 2 'geese, 1 gan- der, 3 pair guinea fowl, GRAIN -400 bus, of oats; 200 bus. of mixed grain; 21k bus, seed. sem; a quantity of mangolds. IMPLEMENTS --Frost & Wood binder, 6 -Coot cut, sheaf carrier; Massey -Harris mower, 5 -foot cut; Maxwell hay rake; Dain hay loader; cultivator; disc harrow, seed drill, corn cultivator; set of iron harrows, roller, single furrow riding plow, 2 walking plowe, Maple Leaf two -fur- row plow; waffler, fanning mill, set of scales, 2000 ib. capacity; cutting box, roller crusher; 4 horse gasoline engine, root pulper,. set of trucks, wagon with .box and spring seat, hay, rack and roller rack, gravel box, set ' of sleighs, top zuggy,Portland' cut- ter, artiud'cut- ter, stone boat,• extension ladder, 2 set` of ropes and pulleys, setof ma- chine clippers, wheelbarrow, coal oil tank, 40 gal.; gasoline tank, 40 gal.; daisy churn, 25 sap pails, cauldron kettle, mills: pails, ereani eeparator, 2 cross -cut saws, Ford touring car, 1918 model; roll of barb wire, 2 sets of whiffletrees, 2 neck yokes, 150 3- inclt tile, chains, pea harvester, forks, hoes and shovels and many useful' articles on the farm. Positively no reserve as the prop- rietor has sold his farm. This sale will start sharp en time. TERMS—All sums of .$10 and lea- der, cash; over that amount ten months credit will be given on furn- ishing approved joint, notes or a dis- count of 4 per cent. straight .off: for cash in lieu of notes: W. E. NAIRN, . \Viii 1'A&S%1ORE, Auctioneer ',Proprietor The price of ne sp n -in' Canada is to be raised to $80 a ;tole,' to:b. mill on January 1, 1920. °'file price now being paid by the •: anadian after carrying up his son, who had ' taxation, except school tax and free come home ill after a visit. Gerald Bastien, eleven years old, was foiled under a Montreal balcony with feet and hands frozen, having stayed there three days and nights because afraid to go to school, hav- ing played truant. MONDAY Diptheria has become epidemic at Woodstock.. The Canadian Farmer was launch- ed Saturday at Coilingwopd for the Canadian Government. Mrs. Edward Axford, Yarmouth township, died after about, two weeks' illness of sleeping sickness, R. B. Russell, Winnipeg strike lea- der, wassentenced to two years in the penitentiary for seditious con- spiracy. A number of Hamilton dealers have turkeys left on their hands, ow- ing to the excessively high prices de- manded. Lawrence Tyo of Glen Walter, aged fourteen, was accidentally and fatally shot by a companion while rabbit hunting on Christmas day. Mrs. R. F. Watson, tv: ciity-one years old, was fatally burned at Sex - smith, Alberta, her clothing became ignited while she was varnishing a 1 floor. °� - The railways in Holland are being 'rile Latnbfon ("aunty Council nas- l electrified: - 11.1raa HOICK, t'.'d al resolntrna at a recent meet - T' - ing of the County 'Council stating c e with was villin to ..rood that it "t p •g t3 rection of a new bridge at roft fixes: Every once in a 4;clttie toine cheerful individual re- 1xtax t u u,^•,: `WO', nc.-=r that the Iltypei if; out, is suppose you can take y.c cath," ;:or two or three days?" Yes. taw 1,:1 I',. ei. it is tlla.t a country. 0tlitee has nothing to do between lrrreays, ':lusinc . rot along auto- matically. When 1w1 per bilis come tt. lonriey thole.; oh tee 1 a..5 With t ti Ilii y 11)0111. t.rt,t tt..othc , r a ..•., Ire, CO.i pay • 1?iaan_aaivet,lit,ara =,;1• at;,l;ia. ,t ., al:fi; the 110 ',40' Itutli:.,: �:ln t'11" ttiiti�,1? r 10i - 1 tr e. ,u S,e3x11elhing strange ige . ,riot- tha wea the news iteine act.i', it vb ;he paper is oat the eaitt , otaa b coir to hist easy chair Leti ie,ei. 3 r:i. o and waitfor 'XIexi bye Ia' pa.ae day, The 95,.1+. ,w.1f,rlo Ter€= taa lino a1 front of f1 ofa . t•,ee eiel all, ~ l'Ile poet tits deA: ^;,t,.+ .' it n E,0 lie1:;;3 0i i=;, int fifteen or tti olio? q•titlulg a 1„..r. it bac!: rls,ci : ] .ere 11. oil tilt. The compesitore 1,.i.e the Conti: a•i d s•:lia'1:t it over th f Type 4..liitiii, saky • sa. f i w tliy'"'•i.ia' vytii•ri:e, the type tzes intto place. Sind after a few ; by I,11 the f;.c i:i:ui ; the tortes arc! for..tite ase tapat''u, '»Aa l the 1. the InutIa i".Q;Uee do4Jal,•, and di; pool t"1 so Ln It tad '11i3. Now leo Grand Bend. 'ti'Itile cranking his car, near Kirk- ton on Friday night, Mr. Edgar Mills, kntell.er. had the. misfortune to have his right arxn broken near the wrist. He was thrown several U, .F. O. candidates will figure hi feta, eauscd by back -fire. 1 tite York county municipal election . contests. !'"..4...'"=7°=.-=.=2-...."'===m* = " "" ”"' Peat, from the bogs of -Alfred, Oltt, has'" been supplied to the Parliament END STOMACH THOUBLE, Buildings for fuel in open fireplaces. s DYSPEPSIA An organization has been formed i b. An silver fox breeders lei Quebec Lee, Bale St. Paul. Crown Prince Frederick William has entered a protest with the 'Wier engen Council against its assessment of his annual income. Floods along the Rhine and in streams flowing into it are higher than they have been for thirty years. Great damage is being done. TUESDAY "Pape's Diapepsin" makes elek, sour, gassy stomachs surely feel find is five minutes. 3f what you just ate is souring on 9't,iu' i,l:nuach er lice like a lump of Isad, or you belch gab and a •;actate i.ou •, undigested food, or have c; feeling of diz,inoe, heartburn, fullness, nausea, t bacl, taste in mouth and stoenacli-head- ache you can got relief in five minutes ," lv nentralibing acidity. Put an end to such stoxnacli distress now by getting, a t� 4 I large fift•yecnt ease of I'a ic'e Diapepsin `� I from any drug store. You realize in; Ave minutes how Tteedl":;s it is to suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia or ani. s ;11; +' .orale Five Orillia firms have within the past few days adopted -{hu plan ti i' insux'iug thein employees, ,.. • Tae Canadian PCc fic: 'railway en- tice/mice that it will spend hair a mil- lion dolleni on its- lint:; in London district. i'cif a veteran commercial Neil Love, traveler and wool buyer;.wei1 known over Ontario, died at St.. Themes. caged seventy-six. London is to have a new hotel as soon cis half,. a million dollars is Wedged for Ito erection; .a .quarter 01:. a. xa7.illion has...been .secured, 'John tie'oy, who. 'min a ex unner x ry during ihe Indian 'matin, was ad in pica bed at his home in d, at the ago of e.ttvente- water for steam purposes. Mr. her- tier's brother, Mr. - E. F. ik'Cerner, of Bayfield, would move Lo Clinton and manage the business, employing 18 men the whole season. : "Rev. A. W: Brown and family, of Kirkton, purpose leaving ,on a trip to England and to visit the homes of both Mr. and .Mrs. 'Brown, whose -parents are living, about the first» of April. Mr. Brown is endeavoring_ to arrange for a University student to take his work during his absence. -St. Marys Journal. W. C. Brown, of Clinton, who has -just retired from the service. of the Grand Trunk, after 35 consecutive years of service, has some interesting - reminiscences of his 33 years as fere pian of the , Clinton sectional division of the London Huron and Bruce line. His first wages were $1.15 a day for 10 hours and there have been to his recollection about fifteen -changes since that time. When asked as to the,. condition of the road at present as compared to former. years, Mr. Brown says it is not in nearly as good a con NOMINATION 4WD ELECTION VILLAGE Or EX,IDTER A Maublia Meeting of the eieotoee et the Municipality of the Village of Exeter for the purpose oP ma'king and receiving noxninatiouxls for the o.Tzoe of Reeve, Councillors . and one member of the Utilities Commission and Public School. Trustees for the year 1920 will be held in TOWN HALL MONDAY, DEQ1CNBER 29r 1919 Between the hours of 12 o'clock noon and 1 o'clock afternoon, And should a poll be - demanded by any nominee or elector the same shall be opened on MondaY, Janu- ary 6th, 1920 between the hours of trine -o'clock in the morning and five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day and at the several places here- inafter mentioned. In Polling Sub -Division No. 1, at Silas Handford's residence, Main St,, by Edward Treble, Deputy Re- turning Officer, and Sidney Davis, Poll Clerk, No. 2., at Town Hall, Main St:, by Wellington Johns, D,R.O„ and James 11. Grieve, Poll Clerk. No. 3, at Mrs. Ann Mitchell's brick office building, corner Main and Wel- lington Sts., by Geo. Anderson, D. R. 0., and A. H, Gambrill, Poli Clerk. No, 4, at the North End Fire Hall, Market St., ' by Fred Witwer, D,R.O., and Castor J. Willis, Poll Clerk. By order, JOS. SENIOR, Clerk and Returning Officer dition as formerly. . . - A wedding of interest to many in; Seaforth. took place at Westfield on Tuesday, December lath, when Mr Clayton Martin, sou 'of Mr. James Martin, of Seaforth, was married to Miss Eliza A. Thompson, daughter of Mr. W. J. Thompson, of West Wawanosh. The ceremony was per- formed by Itev. Mr. lI111soai, of Au- burn, at 10.30 a.m. in the presence of fifty guests. .Many veluable gifts were given to the bride by . her friends. The young couple are . now residing ion the farm of the groom on the 2nd concession- of Tucker- smith. Many friends join in wishing` them joy in their new life, NOMINATIONS • (continued from page ono) Ward, J. S. Adams, acclamation. Hayfield Tredve--'A. Irwin, 1'', Memier. Council ---\b'. I '. a:,tr, :t, .5. Cleave, D. Dewar, W. Elliott, W. Higgins,. E. King, J. Taylor, J. Ile lgaty. Si: Ma tee ,"enninees: MlYyor -• iti. ?,. .fircndun, 1tui. Ma: 11 .,+till, Wm. W'r`eir. Count:iilore,- -A.t. ]large, Fred Itich- ardsate A. Y, 1) vincy, 0.13. Richard - sone Itert.1i 'ward, Je -0. Mitchell, T. Whiten weet. ward, Walter leobrio;i, (ileclrr:ln?.ienl; i:est ward, L. S. Colt- :tfrlo, A. Y. llevitiey, C. E 1:3;ialmer- soti; reel U1- warrI, L. J. Cotistablc, George f.fttye:l, F. Wilson, Sen., Fred Iticl,a:rdsmx, • . Water, Light and Iletet.Board----C. ltd. Richardson, A. 0. ,Lareotxa, Harold Maxwell, Lawrence Maxwell, Public S rs Sallee] Trusteee-0 -ores • xe S Gregory; Dr: W. ;;I, Browxi, ])x S. G., Wilkinsolt, W. H. clay, Ail txlected 1ry. eternal—Ion. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of George A. K. McLeod, of. the Vil- lage of - Exeter, in the county of Huron, gentleman, deceased. Notice -is hereby given pursuant to Statutes in that behalf that all credi- tors and .others having claims a- gainst the estate of the said George A. K. McLeod, who died on or about November 26th, 1919„ are required on or before the 5th day of January, 1920, to send by post prepaid or de- liver to Messrs. Gladman &- Stanbury, of the Village of Exeter, Solicitors for the Executrix .of tate - said ,de- ceased, their christian and surnames addresses and descriptions, the full particulais of 'their claiins,'the state- ments of their accounts and the na- ture of the security,if any, held by them. And further - take notice that after such last mentioned date the said - executrix will- proceed to distribute the asset$'ef the deceased among the . parties entitled thereto having regard only'y to the claims of which she shall have notice and that the executrix- shall not be liable for said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not .have been received by her at the time of such distil - tion. GLADMAN, & STANBURY Solioiteis for the Executrix. Dated at Exeter :this 12th day of December, 1919. Notice to Creditors In the matter, of the estate of Mrs. Clara Ross, late of the city. of Nampa, in the state of Idaho, U. S. A., widow, deceased. - Notice is hereby given pursuant to Statutes in that behalf that all credi- tors and others •having claims a- gainst the estate of the said Clara Ross, who died on or about the 20th day of November, 1919, are required on or before the.lith day of January, 1920; to send by post prepaid or de- liver to Messrs. Gladman &Stanbury, of the village of Exeter, Solicitors for the Administrator of the said de- ceased, their- christian and surnames addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the state - meats of their accounts and' the na- ture of the security, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned. date the said administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which- he shall have notice and that the Administrator shall not be liable for said assets -or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribu- tion. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors fax the Administrator. Dated at Exeter this 12th day of December, 1919. TUE I.�SBORNE AND 13tlIBERT F.ARMEWS MUTUML FIRE 1NSIVB. ANCE COMPANY. NY. Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, THOS. RYANvice-President, WM. ROY WM. B12OCK, J. T. ALLISON 1. L. RUSSELL, ROBT. NORRIS AGENTS aOHN 'GSSERI'. Centralia, Agent for. - Usborne and Hibbert. aitIVT)fl HARRIS, Munro, Agent for .Fthbert,'-Fulla:rton and'•t,ogan, W. A. TURNBULL, Secy.-Treas., F'arpuhar G1:.,ADMAN & STANI3URY. • Solicitors, Exeter. Dyed Her Faded Skirt, a 'Diamond Dyos"'Make ShabbyAppal"el Just Like New—So i ae �Y l - Don't worry about perfect . results: Use "Diamond Dyes," guarantecd.to give sx new, rich, fadeless color to any labile. Whether wool, silk, Meta Cotton. or mixed ,opds, s -dresses, blouses, stockings, shirts, €hi ' s, c eries--ever thing! cluldien s cont.., lrstp , y „ A Direction Book is in -package. To match Any material, have dealer Children Cry for Fletcher'. a�' 0,:`w eve , '` . `' Fletcher's Castoria io strictly a remedy for Infants and Children,. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine, is even more essential for Baby; Remedies primarily prepared. for grown-ups aro not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and . Childrene. that brought Castoria before the public after years of research,, axi:d no claim has been made for it that ita use for over 30' years ,has not proven. ' IS ASTOR I' Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. it contains. neither Opium, Morphine ncr other narcotic substance, 2Its. age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it `has, .i been in constant use for the relief. -of Constipation, Flatulency,, Wind. Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feve':isbness arising' therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aidsi the assimilation of Food; givin,g healthy- and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. GRAMME • l'ORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of I� 0 Lse For ..01Ter 3 ears TRE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY ONSZMEMEt • 1. el 1 e" WE SERVE YOU What. services do your bankers render ?- Do they supply you with sound, practical advice based on "up-'tO-date knowledge of markets, prices and business conditions? Do they help you to take advantage of your Opportunities and increase your income? This Bank is prepared to help farmers in every way possible. 80,' THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000 EXETER I3RANCH, A. E. Kuhn,, Manager. INCORPORATED 7N i:$55. OVER 120 BRANCHES T MLS» N, BANK "1:1 �"CAPITAL ANDRESERVE$9,000;00:0 ' . ,,,,,, . Documents of importance are absolutely safeguarded if placed in one of our - SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES T. S. WOODS, Manager EXETER. BRANCH Centralia Branch opon, for business daily, .-.-113•0011.016•1.=1••••0 *,,11.11 321.1.p. Farmers Atteratioti i Now is your time to put - in your supply of both IIMRD .AND SOFT GAOL. I am selling Large Lump, Bright, Clean Threshing Coal . at $7 per tots. Very low prices on the Best Farm Fence (Frost .1+'once.) All kinds of Lumber In stock, also Shingles and ;.Cedar Posts, €lft., Oft., and loft. long. Cement sold- in large lots at a very close -pries. All Grades of Paroid Roofing. Phone12, ��tt QQ /��9i.j eJ . �I �r CLAA YDO1.TYIY GRANTON DR. A. R. 'I<;l' *s:►fAN. lat.T.,:.n.tx,14. Donal' Graduate of Toronto leniver- Sity':, wit t ' e h extracted is.<u , gin or ata... l'e ,t ix Y bad effects. Office over Gladman C 5tanbury"s O21o0. Main St. Aerie you "Diamoacc Myo'? Color 944 Exeter. S O R' A For Infants clad Children. itl F + '' ©wer n3 Viers Always bears the Signature of l*.,� yrCrt/j O IVf e .3..W. BROWING, M. D., M. S. Poe S. Graduate Victoria University Office and Residence, Dominion Lebratory, Exeter. • Associate Coroner of Huron. L R. CARLING; M. A. Barrister, Solicitor, - Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for the Molsons Bank, etc: - Money to loan at lowest rates of Interest: , T'd' UFPICE MAIN ST. EXETER., ONT. mum 1'. DOUPJ ,:. Licensed Aue- - tioneer. Sales conducted" ln'any1 loc- al'ity.i. Terms •.moderate, 0•rdere, left at Times. Office will be promptly at- tended .to.. Phone 110,. II:irktoxt. Address 7C.irkton P. O, • as�. lOtIiST41N L.T).",7.; 11.D.S ba'OI41'1ST vorI Office over fin's Law R Cal s . g oZee. Closed every Wednesday afterxxoor+ '