HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-12-18, Page 8SThWA RT'S C ristmas One Week From o -A ay THIS STORE WILL REMAIN OPEN MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS OF NEXT WEEK. Alts Tl at ' ` re Sure to lease Ladies' Kimonas, Bathrobes and.Dressing Sacks $1.75 to $10.00 Ladies' Boudoir and Cosy Slippers $1.35 to $2.00 Ladies' Hemstitched, Embroidered and Initialed Handkerchiefs .10 to 65 Kiddies' Fancy Colored Handkerchiefs, separate and boxed 10 to 25 Beads for Ladies and Girls large assortment 10 to 1.50 Sweater coats for Men and Tdies all sizes 2.00 to 10.00 Scarf and Cap sets for ladies and children 2.00 to 3.50 Dainty Boudoir Caps 35 to 1.50 Pretty Camisoles 2.00 Ladies and Girls Fur Sets 5.75 to 50.00 Men's Silk Neckties`in Fancy Boxes 75 tO 2.25 Holeproof Silk Hosiery for Ladies and Men 1.00 to 2.00 Negligee Shirts for men in .erepo & silks 2.00 to 3.00 Pullover Sweaters for ladies and men 6.50 to 13.50 Men's Silk Scarfs 1.50 to 3.50 Wicker, Work Baskets, Jardineers and Fern Pots 65 to 2.00 Brass Jardineers, separate and with pedestals, a large assortment 2.25 to 8.00 Genuine Cut Glass in a large variety of p c es 1.00 to 8.50 Be.autiful Hanging Lamps 6.75 to 15.50 Toilat S Sts and Dinner Sets 7.00 to 35.00 Hand. dhcarated Nippon China in a variety of beauti- ful pieces consisting of baa ban dishes, nut bawls, -salt and peppars, berry sets, cups and saucers, spoon trays, cake plates, cream and s ;l lar sets, batter tuba and. santhvich sets priced from 20cts to $6.75 Glass Flower Baskets and Vases priced from 35 to 4.50 Glass Lemon 3.1.3 Sets of seven pies3.75 to 4.5J GROCE '° SPECIALS Shredded Wheat 2 for 25c. Kellogg's Corn Flakes 2 for 25c. west extracts per bottle Sc. 3-15c packages matches ........38e Large size Ammonia Powder 2 for 25c Lux 2 for 25c. Ar uoltr's Cleanser,3 tins for 25 British Colunnliia Salmon per tin 20c. 3 ?tn. tail pare lard $1.05 •caul ee e -t . ,,skies per Ib. 20c Choice rice ., ; i?rrants per lb. 30e. Wee, een sell you Red Path,. Seeded and seedless raisins, new fruit, large pkt. 25c Red Rose e and Salada Tea per pound 65c. Quart Forest City Powder 32c. Cottage Rolled Bacon per lb. 35c Good Laundry Soap 5 for 25c. McDonald's 20c tobaccos 2 for 35c. 10c Currency Tobacco 3 for 25c 15c Stag, Black Watch, Sham- rock and King George 2 for ....25c. 00c T.&13. Smoking per plug 75c Dominion or Lantic Granulated .a .,.,.j1 L. the II i..Jretlsveight. wi 'ritoe4 paid for all e - our live and dressed poultry. le 16 ' r: ` 0 !e Ji Place This T . Pie 77i a 1 . s Pack your Christmas Kit Bag at Wilson and Situ's Grocery and Confect:Amery • and. the whole family will Smile, Smi.'e, Smile. 'We I a.c•tr . t::e",.erl calf with. an ex echo>nt assortment of Candies, Neee, neteeeee, Mee, Etc, Etc, for the Festive Season. (beee5?sten and Fancy Bo ed ChocokZtes. Sati<ail and .1,za4e Boxes of Cigarm. Pipe With ami without Cases. tiiis•a•n•sroea1's ice ('ream on hafdduri;,g the holiday Season. LSL+N THc; EXETER TIMES 1V¥arI M',RePori -The t'ollewiug is JANITOR. :WANTED. the report of the Exeter Market corrected every Wednesday, No. 2, Wheat $1.95,. Oats. $8 emits Barley $1.40 Bran .$45 a ton in buyers bags., Shorts $52 per ton, Family . Flour 0.70 Eggs new lard 7$c. Dairy butter 660 to 68e. Creamery butter 64e. Lard 35c. Potatoes $1.75 to $2,00. Hogs $ it5.0 0. Tenders will be received up to the 27th December by the uadersa,gaed for the janjtorsbip of Ceven l'iesbyterian Church. J• K GRIEVE, Sec. LOCAL • One week from to -day is Christ - The Merchants Bank have opened a branch; in St. Marys. Try our nice juicy and sweet naval Oranges. W.. Statham. . Beverly Acheson has taken a pos- ition as junior with the Canadian Bank of Commerce. CANDIES! CANDIES! CANDIES! We have them. All kinds, and all prices. W. J. Statham. It is said that the reason a fat Iran is always good natured is because he can't either fight or run. Rev. A. J. Kestle of Findlay, Ohio, visited his father, Rev. J. D, Kestle for a few days last week. Mr. Preston Dearing returned home last week after spending sever- al weeks visiting in Winnipeg, Man. Mr. A. E. Andrews, who spent the summer at pointex, Sask., returned Iast Friday evening and will spend the winter in town. . Mrs. M. McLaughlin and Master Jack Heaman of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hemmen over the week -end. Mr. J. G. Stanbury was in Inger- soll last week in connection with the estate of the late Thos. Seldon, uncle of Mr. R. G. Seldon, of town. Air. and Mrs. John Bell and Mr. Andrew Hodgert and daughter Jessie attended the funeral of their cousin MrEdward Francis of London, on Friday. We. wish to inform the people out of town that we have all their requirements in the grocery line and guarantee them the best of ser- : -ice. HARVEY & HARVEY, Mr. H. 0. Southcott, travelling salesman, returned home this week after an extended trip through the western provinces. While on his trip he met many former residents of this vicinity most of whom are prosper- ing in the west. Xmas orange:. nuts .nd eer..iy don't fail to give t a call, er€' have both quantity and quality. Also cranbur- dats, oysters and etc. HARVEY AND HARVEY. Coven Church Sunday School Christmas Tree will be held Friday evening the lith. inst. A program by the school will be rendered. San- ta Claus i., to be present; children of the school free. 25a and 15c ad= mission. Oh Boys ! For your best girl give her one of our dainty Bon Bon Poxes. Always fresh. W. J. Stat- ham. Mr. R. E. Pickard returned home last week from the west. His son Mr. Clarence Pickard who has been f quite i11 and who recently under- went an operation at the Winnipeg hospital is making progress toward recovery. Miss Irene Handford, nursing sis- ter from overseas, who has been, spending several months in the. west. d who is at pro ent visiting her mother Mrs. T. E. Handlord, of in- gersoll, visited. relatives and friends in Exeter for several clays during the past week. Pro, l freer -' earl; ries t.11(IT ;7 tnrn(,laclif';iculty i i7o17,, t.a gc'tb- er stocks of S. ,rill- r..itiF? ;i;'„t:(15 for tine Chri';tm:`s trade. Yet the fore- .ight. z.hci 7rxeter er.;?I in Cte tht't are l e ., coffered in torn to Christ- mas els. t.e,i :`.tuber the ear- ly bird n the o ,•,. "Tjcc, 1 s n an, tel her in the Eire- er p r=-ri, nol, had the misfor- t:i .e to .,lilt on a etep at hes home rn Friday t,nnrtig errs 'received a bad siit:Iti;„ ' up. rier wrh t . was sprained and she received a- couple of swell cuts. Her room at school will bre C1 SOd for the remainder of the Zeck and until' after the Xmas holidays. SPECIAL, OFFERING The Sunday School of Main Street '•: aalisl. church played Santa Claus en Sunday to a mission school in the reit. A special offering on. behalf of the mission school was taken' up a .nri $1A,00 were raised by the Schol- ars. The appeal was the outcome of en address by Mrs. Wickwire on Mr .4.,rorrry work in which sympath- far the school WCS toweled by a reference to this particntiar mission and the school decided on the con- tribution. IDA:1•I:"1.G1i S AWARDED At the Huron County Council meeting in Goc!erieh a Claim was pre- sented by Mr. F. W. Giadinan of town for $455 for damages in con- nection with an auto accident on the Luke Road, The Road and Bridge Committee reported that they had met at the, bridge Zeit of r,-4T.,ter and after examining the srrne of the ac- cident and bearing evidence with re- spect to the condition of the road where the accident occurred, decided to accept liability for damages to car and pay it, and if a properly certified statement of claim for damages for oss of rise of car and damage to occupants be given to consider them. We have a very large grocery stork and can fill the largest of or- l.ors. Cdll .phone 102 and have your goods delivered at once. ITARVVY & HARVIIY Cochrane, Machine Works ALL WORK GUARANTEED Engines and machinery overhaul- ed. Gas or steam cylinders re- ground or bored as you wish and pistons and rings made to fit. All repairs. for Premier Engines and Grinders. Pulleys hangers and sliaftings made to order. All kinds of knives and scissors sharpened. Skates hollow ground. Bring a job worth repairing that we cannot do: Oxy Aceytline Welding done. Phone 1.3ii 11110.12.11, Furniture and Undertaking M. F. Gardiner FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER, Phones 74w. Night Calls 70% OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Let T. H. ELLIOTT Do your Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Get your old Overcoat turned it will die as good as new. If you have any old suits or over- coats you are not wearing bring them in, I will sell them for you. Wishing you all A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR WIND INSURANCE. Insure your buildings and contents against wind storms in the Ontario Weather Insurance Mutual Co. Write or phone A. Dayman, R. R. No. 3, Exeter. BATTERIES STORED CARS OVERHAULED Batteries re -charged and stored for the winter. Now is the time to have your auto overhauled and 'put in good shape for next season. A. REEDER OVERLAND GARAGE P]RMS. FOR SALE. Taylor's Tire Shop EXETER. ONT. . opopisuma • ,...IIIIIINIIIIII I I .e I oot III Iiu IIIc I I I iI I Iii it ' IM N I . i ...i M.LIIi III L iIII IIII IIIIIIIIIiIIIIrIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIililllllllllllllhllllllllllll IILe • SOU?T COTT BROS. 11.1.1111111 MINIM 111111110.11 NONEMIll bead r.. MOM mama 1/1111.111 MOM IMMIt MOWN KAMM MEMO / POMMIN aims 1111.111.1. )lohone 134 It's Time to Think Abotit Christmas Shopping Give Useful Gifts This Year. Here are a Few Suggestions For Men Sweater Coats •Silk Shirts Cashmere Hose. Silk Hose.. Wool. Gloves Swede Gloves Fancy Braces. Linen Handkerchief's New Neckwear, Rubber Boots. For Ladies Beautiful Black Silk forDresses Sweater Coats. Silk Rose. . Camisoles Fancy Handkerchiefs Cashmere Bose, Felt Shoes. Fancy Linen Towels. Boudoir Slippers. For Children Pullover Sweaters Sweater Coats. Cashmere .Rose. Leather Mitts. Wool Mitts. Wool Toques. Fine Shoes Hockey Shoes. Rubber Boots. Felt Slippers, Hockey Shoes for all the Family. For Boys, Girls, Womcu and Men. SOUT TT 13 s. Mang IMMO MINIM MEMO S AMIN M mama nomMil lamina MOEN f119111111111i1111911111Ili(119111111llIIIf9191191Illllillli911111111111111111o11191111119191111111o1111illlllllillllllomil9ilililllli11111111911 We take this oppor- tunity of thanking our many customers for their continued patronage and we swish all A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR N. ROWE THE UNDERTAKER AND THE EMBALMER . ulc anizin g Alt kinds of Ties, All work guaranteed, C,': h for old Tires. I have a member of choice farms 1 for sale in Lsborne, Hibbert and Tuckersmith with up-to-date build- ings and any long experience in 'the business' tells me I have the price right and soma of them on easy terms of payment. Also the Far- quhar Store property.- For terms and particulars apply to Thomas Cameron, Woodham, P. 0., auction - ENSILAGE FOR SALE+, "'he Exeter Canning Coa: is offering ea=ilage for sale at 14.00 per fait, purchaser to pay for weighing on R. G Seldhnn's scale. Payment for en- silage to be made by Marchi 31, 1920. EXETER CANNING CO cihe Vrue Optrit • `hE 1tb . lie8 ire.. 2- eNEW EDISON -7e, f,,,.cuy, ¢.15 Christmas is for everybody; so is The New EdisoI1. Christmas brings happiness to young and old ; to does The New Edison. Christmas comes but once a year, however, while The New Edison is ready every day -every hour -to charm you, entertain you, uplift you and satisfy your craving for good music. "The Phonograph with a Soul" .RE-CREATES the entire world of music. It brings to your home all that the most famous singers, • instrumentalists and musical organizations could bring, except only their physical presence. If you have never heard The New Edisotn, you ,hs.,vie never heard RE4CREATpD music. An Edison RE-CREATION means something entirely different from talking machines and ordinary phonographic records. For your pleasure ; for the pleasure and education of ,your chiidren ; for the enjoyinent of your friends ; let the New Edison be your Christzbss gift this year. Come fa and examine the beautiful models -hear the art of your favorite singers and instrumentalists 1'tj.Ctttnnrn-or,' better yet; tel as sent The allele Edison to your home to test aat your 'ware. .No obligation, of course, 265 J. Willis Powell, a Exeter, Ont. AS G FTS Make Your Gift Buying A Pleasure Buy a pl-esent that will be appreciated. We have an assortment that cannot fail to appeal to Christmas shoppers. Wlio would not like an ELECTRIC FIXTURE READING LAMP 'ELECiTRTC GRILL TOASTER, ,,IRON'' OR liJsJATER We also have a complete line of SUIT CASES, CLUB BAGS,: TRUNKS LUNCH AND BOOK CASES - 1 Any of which would make a fine gist .. 1 Flashlights Make Acceptable Presents We have all shapes and sizes including Electric Lanterns. Prices range from 73c to $4.00. What about an Electric Reading Lamp. A special Shipment has just arrived. Ve earvy a full line of Auto Accessories, also single and double harness . nufl..harness parts, Rugs. Gauntlets, -Mitts, Blankets and Robes. J EER tea ECIATSIVE GENTS FURNISHERS Ona' Stock of Men's Fur km • Ings is complete. We aro r only i Ien's Exclusive Furnish- ers in Exeter. If yen went quality or style we have the very latest. SUITS AND OVERCOATS HATS AND ('APS %i "Cxri+'LERS ANR• SCARFS MITT:; AND GLOV ES COLLARS AND TIES A beautiful range ole High City; s Ties 11.iyNFDEERC HIE S, SOCKS' w FANCY BRACES Al(1) GARTERS .iND alaElrati,llll SHIRTS We have some. High Miss r41,7k 3hirt, some Extra Nice Dressy 53hirt.sf all tlui way clown to Heavy ,7-.3eIviceable Work Shirts. assraamatcrimarentraatamnkagecr PHONE a