HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-12-18, Page 3RIDING THE .AIR THROUGH STORM WIND, HAIL, RAIN AND SNOW OVER CHANNEL. Woman Writer Describes a e Passage From France . to England. • T have been tip in the air all the afternoon, writes Mazie Clement, from London, I was nervous and frighten- ed l nd perhaps a trifle incoherent, but I had a greed time. Although many have taken this trip from Paris to Lon- don, yet'1 was the first woman to en- counter a terrific storm. The aviatiuu field is a dreary place at best, and on this particular occa- sion a drizzling rain, added to the pes- simistic comments of those who were already ou the field, came very near making me change my decision. How-' ever, I mustered up courage and climb- ed into the plane, leaving Le Boudget, ton miles outside Paris, at 12.30 p.m. It was a closed airplane and the pilot rennirked: "It is like a Pullman car, so don't be the least afraid of the weather." It took about five minutes to heat up the, engine. Then, with a swirl that blew blinding dust in all directions, we started. I had sensations, plenty of them. The strangest one was that I had absolutely no feeling of ascending at all. On the contrary, the earth seemed suddenly to drop away dram under us and I almost kicked a hole in the bottom ot the gondola trying to get my feet back before we disap- peared altogether. Eager Longing For Land. Members of tate crew must have had similar inclinations when they made their fr t asePrts, for they were look- ing ok- ing at me and seemed to know exactly %what was in my mind—"I wish I were back on terra firma again" I cpm- nrented, "Too late now, miss." Then. I smiled at the pilot, Charles McMullin, and he pointed to the earth below. We were 1,000 feet high, and i I quickly concentrated my gaze on my feet. 1 looked again at the bottom dropping out of the world. Now there was a terrific explosion, surely the plane was being reuded in- to bits. Ilut no, we were still in the air. I looked out and saw the towns tying below that looked exactly like a map with little lines running , through it indicating where the roads were, and the trees formed into what looked like cabbage patches. Then I had the sensation of standing still, of not going at all. By this time we were about 5,000 feet high and- m::.king wide, graceful circles over the funny looking World •••down under us. One din threw me al- together out of my seat, and I closed my teeth to keep my heart from jump- ing out of my mouth.. A. few minutes later we dashed into a strong head wind, which developed into a heavy storm of hail, snow and rain. Riding Rough and Plunging. This was over Veaumont sur Oise and continued twenty minutes. At times the' riding was heavy, rough, dipping and plunging, blit we soon left it far behind us and straightened out for a long run. We readied the English Channel -at 2 o'clock. There was nothing' but angry elands around us. I felt sure that if 1 would just put my hand up I could pull a cloud down into the plane. Then I became a trifle ner- vous. I drew out a book, "Tho High Romance," which I had in my bag, and read a whole -chapter. I looked out. It was twenty minutes to 3 and we were soaring again 'over the. land. Suddenly the plane gave a decided dip. I gasped. It gave an- other dip, a longer one this time. We were coming nearer and nearer to the trees and, finally, with one swift and graceful circle, we were landed safely in Houndslow. No, I wasn't a bit sick, but I was very, very cold. Millions of Acres in Waste. The total land area of the world (excluding the polar regions) is about 30,000,000,000 acres, according to the International`_ Institute of Agriculture. What proportion of this is productive agriculturally is not definitely known,- but nown;but the institute has collected data for thirty-sist countries having a total land area of 15,071,209,000 acres, of which. it is calculated, or estimated, that 4,491,691,000 acres, or 80.5 per cent,,, are productive, and 1,318,832,000 acres, or 8.'e per cent., are cutivated land (including fallow land also arti- ficial grasses). The productive land includes, besides cultivated land, nat- ural meadows and pastures, forests, wood lots and laud devoted to culti- vated trees and, lirubs,e - Trees. I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree, - A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the earth's sweet flowing breast: A tree that looks at God all day, „Anel sifts b.er leafy arms to pray: '.,A tree that may in summer wear A nest of robins in her hair; recta. whose bosom snow has lain, Who intimately lives with rain. Poems; are made by fools like Me, Otte eely God can Make a tree. s -•-Joyce Klimek! THE TREASURE OF GOOD HEALTH Easily Maintained Through the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pips, Tlrere is not a nook or corner in Cha- nada, in the cities, the towns, ooi lages, on the farms and in the mines and lumber camps, where Dr, Williams Pink Pills have not been used, and from one end of the country to the other they have brought back to bread- winners, their wives and families, the splendid treasure of new .health and Strength. You have only to ask Four neigh- bors, and they can tell yon of some rheumatic or nerve -shattered man, some suffering womau, ailing youth or anaemic girl who owes present health and strength to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. For more than a quarter of a century these pills have been known not only in Canada, but througlhoflt all the world, as a reliable tonic, blood -making medicine. The wonderful -success of Dr. Wil- Hams' Pink• Pills is due to the fact that they go right to the root of the disease in the blood, and by making the vital fluid rich and red strengthen every organ and every nerve, thus driving out disease and pain, and mak- ing weak, despondent people bright, active and strong. Mr. W. T. John- son, cue of the best known and most highly esteemed men in Bunenburg county, N.S., says:—"I am a Provin- cial Land Surveyor, and am exposed for the greater part of the year to very hard work travelling through the forests by clay and camping out by night, and I find the only thing that will' keep me up to the mark is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. When I leave home for a trip, in the woods. I am as interested in baiting my supply of pills as provisions, and on such occasions, I take them regularly. The result is I am always fit. I +sever take cold, and can digest all kinds of,foocl such as we have to put up with hastily cooked in the woods. Having proved the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as a tonic and health. builder, 1: am never with- out there, and i lose no opportunity in -recommending them to weak people whom I meet." Dr. 'Williams' I'Ink Pills should be kept in every home, and their occa- sional use will keep the blood pure and ward off illness. You can get these pills through any medicine dean er, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. .Lumbermen .Advocate Sur vey of Forests. • The .. pariad.}ail,: _ umbernlan's As- sociation represents one of Canades greatest primary industries --an laden - try directly dependent upon the ex- 'plaitation, of a natural resource, As a business organization it clearly re- cognizes that its peynlauent prosperity is bound up with an administrative policy that will ensure continuous pro- duction of raw material on our forest areas. One of tree first essential steps is to ascertain as definitely as pos- sible the extent and character of our existing timber stand. At 'its last an- nual meeting, therefore, the'•Associa- ion pas,sed the following resolution ex- tending its strongest. approval and support of the forest survey now be- ing conducted by the Conservation Commission: "Whereas an accurate survey of all standing timber in Canada, showing the various kinds of lumber, the quail `ty, location and accessibility, together with available means of transporting saltie to the nearest market, also a re- port of .all cut -over lands which are suitable only for forest' growth, with the extent and location of same, would be most valuable information, not only to lumber operators, but to the various Dominion and Provincial governments, thus enabling said' governments to de- velop to the fullest extent a perman- ent forest policy which would have the effect of conserving the great natural resources contained in Cana- da's forests. "Be it therefore resolved: That the Canadian Lunlbermen's ,Association assembled in St. John, N. B., at its eleventh Annual Convention urge upon the proper governmental authorities to provide adequate financial assist- ance, :and clothe the Commission of Conservation with the necessary authority, for the purpose of accom- plishing the end in view." The greatest factor in the adoption of practical conservation methods is to liave the unqualified support of pub- lic opinion. It extremely encourag- ing to know that the business interests engaged In the exploitation of Cana- dian forests are not desirous that either governmental or commercial policies should be of a hand-to-mouth character. Our forest -areas must be kept productive in perpetuity. Pulp Froin Pine Chips. It has been found that pulp for coarse paper and cardboard can be made from yellow pine chips from which turpentine, resin and oil have been distilled. Many partially deaf persons can hear best 'when riding in a train. Production is • Urged. It w.as�josls Billings, we believe, who warned a walling world of the dal -Wore • that lurked -in the processes of mole�+ T keying with the • buzz saw, says the Q 7G�Y„ Coles List Ott Thrift hiat';azino. Like many it word spoken in jest, there was the wisdom of the ages in this holeely quip. We are tieing toxo nutoli monkeying with the buzz saw to -day. We have been monkeying with the laws of sup- ply and demand. We have endeavored to amend ar repeal economic laws that can no more be changed than the forme of nature can be altered. Amateur economists, vhsiotiary politi- cians and rampant reformers cannot, through the formation of board and committees, the adoption of resolu- tions or the assembling of conventions, change the fundamentals of life one iota. We du not freed any more panaceas. All we need do is to get on the job and work, save, speed up production, eliminate, waste, quit looking for Utopia and sighing fur the mine/nem. The world will grow better only through the development of education and the adoption of wholesome habits of life by the people. What we need above all thins else is a better development of thrift and a closer application of its principles. Let us -quit monkeying with the buzz saw, €IILD II)O'1) CD •TIL A% O% ' creased at the rate of four persons a Constipation is one of the most cons- minute. To -day it is decreasing at the mon ailments of babyhood and child- rate of twelve to thirteen a minute. hood and unless it is promptly cured MONEY ORDERS.will undoubtedly lead to disastrous • A Dominion Express :Soucy Order results. To c=ure this trouble nothing can equal Baby's Own Tablets. They for five dollars costs three cents. are a mild laxative which instantly re- A New Idea. gtllate the bowels and sweeten the • Mrs. Clymer was giving a little din - stomach thus banishing constipation "With the Fingers! Without Any Pain 0 Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind ,of a corn can shortly bo lifted right out with the fingers if you will apply directly upon the corn a few drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. It is claimed that at small cost one can get a quarter of an ounce of free. - zone at any drug store, which is suffi- cient to rid one's feet ot every corn or callus without pain or soreness or the danger of infection. This^ new drug le an ether compound. and while sticky, dries tne,,,moment it is applied and dues not inflame or even irritate the surrounding tissue. This annouilcemeut will interest many women here, for it is said that the present high -heel footwear is put- ting corns oil practically every woman's feet. Russia Has Lost 35,0 0,000. The Polish Professor, A. A. Ossen- doffsky, (thief of the intelligence de- partment of the ,,all-Itussian Govern- ment, estimates that the world war, bolshevism,'4i01 war, starvation and disease has cost Russia a total of 35,- 000,000 lives. He places the cost of bolshevism at 12,280,000 lives. ,Professor Osscndoffsky says that formerly the Russian population in - colic, colds, etc. Concerning them ner and her housemaid left without . notice (luring the morning. 'OM 'RE ` T �EE Light Reading. She "DO you believe in phren- ology?" He—"No. As an experiment I once went to have my head read, and I found there was nothing In it." The Bright View. Aunt (despondently) -- "Well, I sha'n't be a nuisance to you very much longer." Nephew (reassuringly) ---"Oh, don't talk like that, Auntie. I'm sure. you will:" ''Diplomatic. "Papa," said 4 -year-old Dorothy, "1 want to ask you a very important ques- tion." "What is It. dear?" queried her father. "Well; ' continued the small schemer, "to -morrow's my birthday, and I'd like to know what you think I'delike to have for a present." A Good Extractor. Willie had swallowed a penny, and hi; mother was in a state of alarm. "Helen," she called to her sister, in the next room, "send tor it doctor; Willie has swallowed a penny!" The terrified and rriglltened boy looked up imploringly. "No, mamma," he interposed, "send for the minister." "The minister?" asked his mother, incredulously. 'Why the minister?" "Because papa says he can get money out of anybody." Mrs. Eugene v 11ancourt,,St. Mathieu, Que., writes: "When my baby was new deepair the good laxly tackled her America's Pioneer Do; k.eo des constipated IBaby's pool: op Tal3lets and am well satisfied with the gave her I3ah, s Own DOG DISEASES and Now to ':'oed result. I would strongly recommend shall I do? Can't von wait at table?" 1 "Not in thp dining room," was cook- i Mailed Free to any Ad - them to all mothers for this trouble. ey's firm respouse. "Itut I've had The Tablets are sold by medicine some canteen experience. so if you'd dealers or by mail at 35 cents boa I line up your guests and send them out from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., here with their plates. I'll see that Brockville, Ont. they get all that's comin' to them!" Snake From Horse Hair. 153tnaru'a x lain ent Cures Distemper. John Burroughs in one of his Notes ; Fiat Thumb Tasks. on Nature stated in substance that a hair from a horse's tail placed. in 1 The lheae�s of new thumb melte for water would not turn to a snake, and 1 draftsmen aro so fint that a T, squere tht a If a :nape appeared in the water can be sli(i aver them i nd the tacks ,Jane.„tearfully, �he asked "wnt t it .= 3 not developed from the horse's • are removed withal special tool. • identl - Burroughs,when he In Canada there. is one mile of rail - y Mr. r . foung, missed one of the coinmen ; way for every 221 persons; in the at : interesting experiments of conn- I United States, one ntjle for every 390. try boys. It's worth trying. 1 CI arming Waist Models —Dickens. white background. i y -a A white china washbowl is desirable There is nothing we may not hope to inake°;tlie test with.' as the black ! to repair; it is never to late to amend.” hair will show plainly against. the Have the one who takes care of a j 1 � black -tailed horse pull or cut a hair , e Preen the tail. Fill the bowl with i SINCE x870 84.5 9123 No. 8875—Ladies' Waist. Price, 20 cents. T;wo styles o'f vest. Cut in 7 sizes, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust measure. Size 36 requires, one material, 1% yds. 36 ins. wide, or `11 yds. 45 ins. wide; insertion, 1 yd,; walist, 1% yds. 36 Inc. wide, or 1114, yds. 45 ins. wide; vest, s/a yd. 27 ins. wide. 8794—Ladies' and Misses' Chinese Blouse. Price, 20 cents. To 'be slipped on over the head; closing on shoulder; two styles of sleeve. Cut in 3 sizes; small, 32; medium, 34, 36; large, 38, 40 ins. bust measure. Medium size requires, with bell sleeves, 21�r yds. 36 ins. wide, or 111Js yds. 54 ins. wide; with gathered sleeves, 21,4 yds. 36 ins. wide, or 1% yds. •54 Inc. wide. No. 9123—Ladies' Sports Blouse. 8794 8873 Price, 20 cents. Front tucked or plain.' Cut in 7 sizes, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 ins. bust measure. Size 36, tucked blouse, 2% yds. 36 ins. wide, or 2% yds. 40 Inc. wide; plain blouse, 2% yds. 36' ins. wide, or 2 yds. 40 ins. wide. No. 8453—Ladies' Cossack Waist. Price, 20 cents. Two styles of front; to be slipped on over the head, or opening on shoulder. Cut in 6 sizes, 34 to 44 ins. bust. Size 36, one mater- ial, 214 yds. 36 ins. wide; overblouse, 1 yd. 36 ins. wide, or % yd. 54 ins. wide; bands, sleeves, facing, belt, 1% yds. 36 ins. wide. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCaIl dealer, or from the McCall Go., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. 10um Ot1mmWgtl mocamrdti e a O a a a d a r a a Ei p 0Fere s. sorertl�.i.ng really 'ascinating about the nut, like flavor of The strength .d 'nutrition • leaned from this wheat. ,and milted. barley food iron, it : most sensible reaJ-aiat cereal, while omits low cast adds true e no y, n M r water. Rainwater, it seems, we were told to use, but water from the city pipes may produce the same result. Place the bowl in an unoccupied room. Put the horse hair in tete water. In a few days the hair will wiggle around like a snake, but will not in- crease in size. What causes the hair to move was a puzzle that was not solved, As the hair seemed life -like, the experiment was considered a success and was not prolonged, which was well, as the final result probably would have been dis- appointees. I was cured df painful Goitre by 1�1INARD'S LINIMENT. BAYARD McMULLIN. Chatham, Ont. I was cured of Inflammation by MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. W. A. JOHNSON. Walsh, Ont. I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Parkdale, Ont. J. H. BAILEY. Britain Invokes An Old Law. The Justinian Code of Laws of the year 528 still carries weight in English law, says a London despatch. At any rate, it has been used to decide a knotty point of law for which the re- cords failed to find a solution. The point for which the Enrporor Justinian's code has been made to serve was "Does the owner of bees wlh leave their hive and swarm some distance away retain property rights in them?" Judge Gwynne James, who foinid himself obliged to settle the point at the Rath County Court, quoted the law' as laid down by Emperor Justinian to the effect that a smarm belonged to a man as long as they were in his sight and could be easily pursued; other- wise they became the property of the first person who saw them. His ruling was that the swarm in question had not been in the owner's sight when it flew from the hive. Therefore ho gave judgment against the original owner. To Australia in Seven Days. A British syndicate which is plan- ning an aerial passenger service be- tween England and Australia expects to cover the distance in seven days. Attractive and sanitary .buildings are a business asset to any farm; they suggest healthy livestock, protea ted seed that should grow and machinery that is always ready for use. 167 dress by the Author• Ixr Clay Glover Coe, Sno,111 "West 31st Street New York. .S.A. ..1 Take '.Lascarets" if sick, I Constipated. ••'Enjoy life! Straighten up! Your sys to l is filled with liver and bowel poison which keeps your skin sallow, your stomach upset, your head dull and aching. Your meals are turning into poison and you can not feel right. Don't stay bilious or constipated. Feel splendid always by taking Cascarets occasionally. They act without grip- fi tat ing or inconvenience. They never sicken you like Calomel, Salts, Oil or nasty, harsh pills. They cost so little too—C'ascarets work while you sleep. i�x©'.s'• Cine `4'4�.Fi%L ICa7 "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue? Remove'poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels 7 Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having tee best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stcnlach, liver and bower. Child' ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give et without fear. Mother? You Hoist say "California." ACHES AND PAINS QUICKLY RELIEVED You'll find Sloan's Liniment softens the severe rheumatic ache Put it on freely. Don't rub it In. Just let it penetrate naturally. What a sense of soothing relief soon follows! External aches, stiffness, soreness, cramped muscles, str . d sinews, hack "cricks"—those ::lents can't fight off the relieving qualities of Sloan's T.inutient. Clean, convenient, econontical, Made in ..Canada, 86c, 70; $1.40. ISSUE No. 60—'19. (�}��ule',�. amp u ,^��Q;�3S:W 4YNR R7I LL:JQ Vas Yi�:l:.' 4Y C,Y Dandruff kills the hair. Cuticura kills dandruff. Try this treatment. Before retiring rub Cu r:=ura Ciatment into part- ings all over the scale. Next morning al;am;.00 With CetLura Soap cold hot water. Rinse with tepid water. Dandruff tnuaily disappears', lair stops falling and becom.s thiel, live and healthy. Soap 25c, Otet ,set 25 and Sic. Sold through -,i thcl'-nnnion. CanaditnDepot: l vnanc, Limited, at. Paul St., Montreal. 'yf rC:il%rara SCOP shavos i Ztitiatmoug,. Classified Advertisements. Ph. Ow "A#tM ?Q (Joie EQ1TIPPED, SASICATCIlni. WAN farm, and coin mine. ylaeily . worked. Very profitable, I3argatn. T'ar cash or Ontario, property. Owner, Prescott, Toronto. ,e;tenneT$ WeenTelee. �ORTEAIT AGENTS rkilsIRIN4 Prints, Tfinished Portraits an Isratnes, write for Catalogue and Price List United Art Co., 4 Brunswick Ave„ Toronto. VAISO t,1G41 310t'ao Ji- ENS WANTED, ALIVE, 17 CENTS a pound, any size. I pay express Within 200 utiles of Toronto, Samuel Lewis, 666 Dundas West, Toronto. d" 1 ANCIAR, TUMORS, LUIWII'8. ETC,. IV Internal and external, cured without Rain by otrr home treatment. Write um before too late. Dr. neliman Modtoat Co,. Limited. Colli nrawond. Ont Marti on Factory Women. Investigations made by a woman doctor among 2,600 English women employed on men's work in factories during the war showed that 43 per cent, of the women were suffering from overfatigue and ill -health, miner.:'a Liniment Cures Oarget iii pews. A baked eustard is a good item An a school lunch; so are table raisins and fresh nuts, Loch Lomond, the "Queen of the Scottish Lakes," is twenty-one miles long, and varies in breadth from one to five miles. Danger -- Colds and more serious complaints a r e contracted in mean weather. 13 a nrotected.Take •,moi•:.� ciik�i.Nf' • , from the first sniffle or sneeze. Stop it its time and do not gamble with your health. Used over 60 years in treating coughs, colds and allied complaints. Everybody buys the Lame Sias GI Afonfreal D. WATSON & CO.: New York HAIR SOON TOO SHORT TO DO UP 1 A little "Danderine" stops. your hair coming out and doubles its beauty 4, To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bottle of delightful "Dan- derine" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several applications the hair usually stops coming out and you can't firi.d any dandruff. Help your hair to grow strong, thick and long and become soft, glossy and twice as beautiful and abundant. yeefestereetensaleeneelk A Consihntion Cure A druggist says i "Foy nearly 21,:r ty y. ars 1 have commended the Extract of Roots, known as PI!. naer Sci.ier:: Car-•ii.'e Syrup, ear ties, radical cure of constipation, reed indigestion. It is an old reliable remedy that never. fails to do the work." 30 drops thrici daily. Get the Genuine., at druggists. 2 reneMeeMeeraeantsffgeeEns.Seelnistealteeeneea ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ►ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at A11 without the "Bayer cross" The name "Beyer" identifies the contalne pew direettt sa Ott Cet* onlyonuino Aspirin,—the Aspirin Headaeb,et oothaciso, 1arache j`1• prescribed by physicians for over nine- raigia, Lunn +got Rho attsm, Nent teen years and now made in Canada. tie, JToipt ?silts, mais.in Baia ca 2 ,Always buy an unbroken package in boxes of .ta. cost mf "Sayer Tablets of Aspirin" which a few cents. Larger r ney emeleseseee There is only one Aspirin•-«"Besyer"-'.`Fort nteutt seer ° uyen" Aspirin Is tho trade mark (r,' t it a S' (•'nda) of Bayer tldanutneture of Mawr, ,oettleaeidester of Salicytlta,i t ,: , . known that Aspi ti matins T6 naautaetero, to assist tin : i. n�, the '1"alilet*t o sr BoraltN �ltlll b0 ataitu)tta't7itth their genua.ci '..a.. 1..a.:, the "Bey4r "