HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-12-18, Page 1• ORTY-SECOR D YEAR- COOMINI Samna 101.1.51 VIIMOZOI Ilisnmag 110.111111 Mar 13111, aitgealtal MORO 7!� 60611 CISMOIDM .1110.011 120.10201 111416611 4.41121.01 SAPOIRMI IrIlitasew PONMAICI . 2263 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER, 1St IiIII11i1111111111111111111111111111111111@@111111111911111111111111111111111111111111111111911I1111111111111111111111111111111I11IIiIIIIIlI111 IMIE 0 ISTMAS SHOPPING just Six Days left in. which to do your buying for 1 not leave evetything till the last day. This sto will re- main open the three nights before Christ a. s. ..1 Gift Suggestions from Our Shoe Department Hockey Shoes for all Cosy Slippers for Women Slippers for Men. Children's Slippers Child's Rubber Boots FELT SHOES No better Gift than a pair of Felt Shoes. All styles for men women and children. Every Cocett Must Go In order to clear out the balance of our stock of Ladies' and Misses' Winter Coats, we offer a fine' range of styles in Salt's Seal Plush, Siivertones, Velours, Baby -Lambs, etc, at greatly re- duced prices. This is an opportunity to get a good quality coat at the price of a cheap one. Our Christmas Stock is Now Complete We have anexceptional fine ran a of g Christmasgoods to select. from this season. feel We ee sure that a visit to this store will solve the Christmas -gift problem for you. Below we offer a few suggestions. FOR LADIES' AND GIRLS. FOR MEN AND BOYS SETS OF FURS SILK AND CREPE BLOUSES BOUDOIR CAPS. SILK CAMISOLES FANCY PARASOLS CAP AND SCARF SETS PURSES AND HAND -BAGS SWEATERS CLOTH COATS BATH ROBES AND KIMONAS NECKTIES ARM BANDS FANCY SHIRTS SILK AND 'CASHMERE SOCKS SUITS AND OVERCOATS FANCY NECK SCARFS PYJAMAS , UMBRELLAS SUIT CASES AND CLUB BAGS PARIS GARTERS UNDERWEAR PETS As Christmas Gifts There is nothing that will give greater pleasure for a Christmas gift than a set of fine furs. We have a splendid stock of fine sets of furs in Wolf, Oppossum, Persian lamb, Sable wolf, Badger, etc, at particularly attractive prices. Ki ouas and Bathrobes for Ladies' We have a lnee range of kimonas and bathrobes for Christmas giving. Our prices are mod- erate. DO YOUR CIEUSTIFAS SHOPPING EARLY GEORGETTE AND CREPE BLOUSES: -Just arrived. Dozens of styles to select from, agaggeeete PHONE 3 ;TORE OPEN EVERY N$GHT NEXT WEEK ro�111911@19911111'I91Ii919191ISIEIIzR1I9@'9I19Eg4I11a999.1191919199991�911I111991911111111111119111111@99111191119199 PHONE X32 Milolont MiNnomd OwInme iimay MOW boom Itimato pipagat uaTraermi 06▪ 1111... excmt mama 6060111 AWN SOMMI NIPMI 131100. NORIO M▪ M. 1.010. 1616141 19.▪ 1.111 meer baaSi IneKeel ismnal 1I18119119999191911199999119I11191� Cr there fdd u homeme this Chn&tnia o THE greatestsingers, musicians and entertainers in the world enter your home with the coming of your Victrola. You can search the whole world over and not find anything else that will bring so much pleasure to every member of the family. Come in today and choose your Victrola in plenty of time for Christmas. 5 Victrolas from $4e -to $680 Easiest of easy terms Come early. a . Big Stock of Victrolas and Vietor Records to Choose From ;e. store 1919 Y_ETER COUNCIL Monday, Dec.1.5, 191.9• The 'final meeting of the Munici- pal Council for the year as fixed by statue was held. Absent Councillors Penhale and Snell.. The minutes of the meeting held Dee. 8th were read and approved. The following ac- counts were react and passed: E. IIIPreble repairs, 1.50; W. J. Heanian. i supplies library 6.30; David Russell, jr, supplies and repairs 7.85; Win. Andrews, stock tonic, .90; Advocate Printing co., supplies and printing 139.02; W. 3'. Bissett, postage $3,00 Utilities Commission Water Works 275.00; E. D. Armstrong, rebate on taxes, 9.90. Passed on motion of Day -Elston. Carried. Messrs. Hind and Hueton members of the Utilities Commission waited.... ion the Council giving a cheque to the Municipality, of Seven Hundred and ' Seventy Six Dollars and seventy-six cents ($776.76.) being the surplus profit on street lighting aceonnt for the year 1916. The sum being 'ac- cepted and thanks were returned to the members of the commission. Tho By -Law appointing Dr. J. W, Browning Metrical Health Officer was given its neceesnry, reading and pass- ed on motion of Councillors, Eisen and Day the Reeve and Clerk sign- ing the same and fixing the seal of the corporation thereto. ,Acljournment by Day. Jos. Senior, Clerk. USBORNE COUNCIL Elimville, Dee. 15th„ 1919 Usborne Council nut at Elimville on above date pursuant to statute. All the members were present. Min- utes of the meeting of Dec. 601. were read, considered, and approved which included the passing and pay- ing of accounts to the ainounr, of $2596.94. By -Law No. 10 for the Township was read and' passed which -fixed time of the nomination as one oclock on Monday Dec. 29th. at the Town- ship Hall and if an election is nec- essary polls shall he open at the fol- lowing places on Monday Jan. 5th, 1920 at 9 a.m. viz. Div. 1 at the Township Hall EIina- ville. Geo. Kellett, D.R.O., John 0. Hunter, P.C. Div, 2 at the house of H. H: Brown S;.T.R., William Jeffery D. R,O., Sam W. Dougall, P.C. Div. 3 at the house of George Beckett, Hugh Berry, D.R.O, Wm. Morley, P.C. Div. 4. at tite Public Hall Farqu- har, John Duncan, D.R.O., Louis Fletcher, P. C. t Accts. were passed and orders le- sued for the payments of $4410.55 Including the -Anderson Drain No. 2 Assessment for the amount of $3,- 629.80. Council adjourned to meet 'at close of nomination, Dec. 29th. Henry Strang, Clerk. :x-x•st, va^zrr�: C 74:4 " terry .9 811 m fir.. Christmas greetings are as old as the Christmas Era itself. Yet every year they aro as fresh, and inspiring, and fine as the greens of the holly and evergreen that have always typi- fied Christmas. Whether you are a subscriber or not we extend to you our Gr•eet- i igs and hope that the conning year may be one of the memorable mile- stones on your road to greater sne- a tact and prosperity. To our advertisers and those who have given us their printing business we take this opportunity to express appreciation of our cordial bit'ieess t a labons and to impart the hope that, the friendly spirit that has made our business dealings a personal pleasure . in the pant will continue duelieg th ?ming year, nineteen hundred d ;and twenty. We extend our greeting this week as many subscribers 61'i1I ,)ot r'e'ceive the next issue until offer Christmas. 1 1i1Tcrn LIG---IFIUNTABLE A very Pre rv wedding ng wns s 1 i - nixed at the Methodist parsonage, i'c'ntralia, on Wednesday Dee. 10th, t 2 o'clock, when the pastor, Rev. A Sinclair united in marriage Florence F. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huxtable, Centralia, and Wil- liam Hector Mitchell son of Mr. and Mrs, James Mitchell, of Stephen. The bride was charmingly dressed in silk copenhagen with gold trimmings The grooms gift to the bride, was a set of furs and a gold necklace set with pearls. After a luncheon at the bride's home, Mr. anti Mrs. Mit- chell left on a wedding trip to Tor- onto, Hamilton and Niagara -Falls. The bride's travelling suit was of ;navy bine serge with hat to..match. l On their return they will 'reside on i the groom's fine farm on the and. STEPHEN COUNCIL The "Counee' of the •1'ownslrip • o$ Stephen convened i'1 the Town. Ball, Crediton on Monday. the 15th Decem- ber. All present. Previirus ri)=nu`ea approved. . ' Nceb-Penh_i'le-That Ai::nzo 1tod- gins, tag c'o"lector, is hereby sttiihor- ized to continue the levy and collet iieotr of taxes in the rninner.,a-n:l n•i,th the power ptovaled for by the law for the general levy and coiiect,•��i «.1 taxes," Carried. A petition signed by the ZZ r.yte- payers askimg that a plebiscite be taken lt}n what is known as the Cow - tag Sy -law, was receive.] ani ordered to be Orders la the amount of $Z4 35.22 were p.,i 1. A detained statement ,, :a ti printa..1 in the Treasurer's an'it:t reuort II rhc f'ou.n:i• adjourned s;cn e Nominal ions f or Reel I)et,a . e le and (..oa1n 3t. n"en for lr 1920 w.l take place in t11 Creditor', on 1ticniday D..'. 3t1:3' ati p. ln. Henry Enc., Clot, SCHOOL BOARD MEETING' The Exeter Sc hoar' Bair l otet, t' es office a the secretary on 'Ihi el''enin"a Messro, I rltn ' , ,Ing 1);; inn wereabsent. Reno of the C.olir- m'ttees rind, the Pr'. .all's i:; l were. receive -i. ?;clue , a, n-1t;i's NVC-r= lett w a li the Stgeol c. e.-"eemtiitee. k number f co',a:Its were eael, ;n a these w ipp .tr in the 7.rmno1 .,ti;tcmc-i, 1:) h .,.ai: 1 herb:. Tt wits ,dei..icte.I to allow s ii t ,71cs,7 n. the 19th o -i Decorah . r t.,, an January 5th. CANNING', COMPANY IN MOTION I'lit'el.'l i rail The nrOcess of calming corn at; carried On by the i xeter C atinin ; factory wasshown- on the screen in motion pictures in the lThnte Theatre en Friday and :,atnttl,ta.y e, c;nin:-s last: The pictures r\ er e monthly educational series and -wore..., procured at the fnctory tittrtng the;^. Canning season. The pictures tires er e 1 t C ed a great rt. interest. They shot'aei the process from the Welting of 1110 t? ears, hauling theta to tite fact husking the corn, the different .machines through which the cern passed until the, mile were finally boxed for slitpping. Molly of the operators were easily ree,oe•nized which created a f'reat deal of local interest and noon were mare lili -r- ested than the workers themselves as they watched their actions repro- duced on the, serene. There were large crowds bode Friday and Satur- day evening, BON SOCIAL Don't forget the concert and box- sooia.l 7.t - Lumley school, Friday evee ng December 19, Ladies bring a box, Admission 25o and 150. concession of Stephen.' To the young couple we extend our heartiest con- gratulations and best w is s 'for e long and happy Wedded life, Messrs George: Stanley and Mr. Chowan, of Luean, and Mr. Gibson of Clandeboye addressed the congrega- tion of Main Street church. Sunday evening in connection with the Na- tional Carupni;gti. The young people of Cavan church gave a miscellaneous shower at the home of M1 .l nllt r on Monday even ing for Miss Lavinia ti4'fllert,. Owing to the very stormy weather the num- ber present was not as large as it otherwise would have been. The bride elect was completely taken by surprise. A social evni ag' was spent and refreshments were e ser•vtxi. Additional !molls an page five. :f3RO .`Iliwllt I>.1L'li'i:il1;Nwal FROM t) 'aH:11fikus Mr. Alien Hobbs, brothel of T. tel vtal' Sr,lltlicott arrived he ' ia: fi'orn oversertF tht: week after to l )nt;• and varied war record. Mr. 1 Ce bla., W413 severely wounded in Frazee!, and at the time very lb.te hopes were held out fair his recovery, h'oie mon- ths he has been engaged in the War Rcacorde offlee in London, Eng: :He-, Southcett lea 'Wednesday for• `Neon- te spend a few weeks with her Itrcetli- d,e,r. and also visit AWritMlr rselatives.. Daae ll.$; ; „leio i.'Otr a.l)s , ielItifilete The Exeter Patriotic i,eague arca shiiiliing 150 pounds oil iierhey to the Byron Sanitoriuin for Chrietina5. This pr etically brings to a close the activities of a society Chet served a most useful purpose during the war. By this lust tia the funds of .11 society are exhausted. The` t-';:?:°..) -• is .League of Exeter, were a faith- ful lot of women witu during :he years of wear raised lrage sutir of money to provide potatoesmei nese onsit.tes for the soldiers. In adclirion to the raising o1 the money the wo hien devoted a grout deal of time in knnaewng' Tu i ai t itti.:'ZA•g , a,ni"d „ shi,',,l•i ..,i.air ..;ilst. eiil ineve; of imerest in file yelrti to conte. The Patriotic was one of eome. Tie. Patriotic 5ra'. was en;e of. ,lel':`I sueb societies in Lowe d,aiit;,q t patriotic work. ORA.ND RENT) ROY KILLED AT. BELMONT Richard Oliver meets Instant Death ` Richard Oliver a Gaged 1 et '. ere was instantly killed at Ltelnlont., on Thursday of last week, when he was run down ley 8 ereiglit car, r ;i tr Oliver a. carpenter r• w a orking u.i a new plant of the Canadian Aiilk Products, Limited. He was walking down t' e t„, I 1 i'aalll.r halal, ap- parently going for it drink of water. The way -freight ryas n e i Icing on t:he siding, and other empleyet el ee,101ea a wanting. it was thought that he etli.clu't -d th t the danger was (rout falling, hanks as he was seen to 'oP :rp lrt t flint ma whi'h th yert„itse ?l;ts i)mouchenting. bieart 111 311, 4t l ?;eg the body ee)inl'eget y" at the waai .t. Robert \ 'ellin'-ton (Oliver was 20 years nini 24 days old. ITe was son of the late Mr. and Mrs. \Vett Oliver, of Grand fiend. The remains were taken to the Bend and the lien- oral on Sunday was het -i 0 -oat home of Mr. Wm. J. Patterson. Ei 8BLE: A Gift Enjoyed the Year Around d ` hc= rink; Saver Electri:; Other \ Tf.::hert, $1.6.00 eergaremeetee AitoniobHe Yukon Model A Model l2 MO;l-'l V Ladies' Auto Bob Skates Other nifty€' 15 Hockes St i2 k.'. i1 sisell'- i,' e CI Z. '1'1'1 i t..0 ENOI,ISII POCI.H1'1' iINi%i;S COLT) MIM 'D FORT: C" LLETTIFI 1'1.'1"Y It A .t) II ca Rl i,j-_-s E ""e R s3 R G- t ts, AL 1 '11 'PHA e 1 i .... fill it C -C Zak inZ h ,moi . I''N0i 1SN 11,Aft)ll PERM : 1'0ON1-1 AUTO ii'i'"MMAP ll.A70]1 fltj%ifkAP • t» F ru.�"s 9 V PIIONES k, i 1 tt -n.. A��.. �%'S*„'^i,-.'ry++'t'^ y'k,l ,,�, '} "' +., nS".":• 4 .". 4 "i\ W.r.. A; t�t tel