HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-12-4, Page 81 1 STEWART'S Only 18 oppin Days Before Christmas t..3orrie Gift Pretty Georgette and Crepe de Chene Blouses Dainty Camisoles and Boudoir Caps Holeproof Silk Hosiery Fancy Boxed Handkerchiefs for Ladies and Child.en Ladies' Initial Handkerchiefs Woolen Cap and Scarf Sets Fur Sets for Ladies and Girls Kimonas and Bathrobes for Ladies and Children Bathrobes and House Slippers for Men Sweater Coats for every member of the Family Silk Neck Ties for Men and Boys Atrractive Silk and Crepe Shirts for Men Sporty Caps for Dad and his Lad Nippon China ;n a variety of Attractive Prices Fancy Wicker Baskets for Needle Work Beautiful Hanging Lamps Shredded Wheat 2 for 25c. Kellogg's Corn Flakes 2 for 25c. Best extracts per bottle Sc. 3-15c packages matches 380 Largest size Ammonia Powder 2 for 25c Lux 2 for 250. Armour's Cleanser,3 tins for 25 3olden Table Syrup per lb.....9c. loyal Yeast Cakes per box .•.• 50 British Columbia Salmon per tin 20c. 3 ib. pail pure lard $1.05 Special sweet cookies per ib. 20c New raisins in bulk per lb. ..25c SPECIALS Choice new currants per lb. 30c. Seeded and seedless raisins, • new fruit, large pkt. '5c Red Rose and SaIada Tea per pound 65c. Quart Forest City Powder 32c. Cottage Rolled Bacon per lb. 35c Good Laundry Soap 5 for 25c. McDonald's 20c tobaccos 2 for • 35c. 10c Currency Tobacco 3 for 25c 15c Stag, Black Watch, Sham- • rock and King George for .... 25c. 90c T.&B. Smoking per plug 75c We can sell you Red Path, Dom inion or Lantie Granulated Sugar by the hundredweight. Highest Prices paid for all your live and dressed poultry. • y[" H, :..: EXE 'Ef TIME 'Market - The following is Elie, report of the Exeter Market corrected every Wednesday. STEWART Phone 16 X. 2, 'Wheat $1.95. New Oats 850, Barley $1.35 Bran $45 a ton in buyers bags. Shorts $52 per ton. Family Flour $5.70 Eggs new laid 78e. Dairy butter 55c to 58c. Creamery butter 64c. Lard 35e. Potatoes $1.75 to $2.00. Hogs; $15,00. •44440.444.**40.419,444.404940.4+ LOCAL i Mr. W. S. Cole was in . Toronto for a few days last week. Miss Jessie Manson, of London, visited her parents in town over the week -end. Mr. Luther Penhale has purchased Mr. C. Zuefle's house on Andrew St. and has moved in. It is the cry of the children when a band is heard far down the street. Nearer and nearer it draws until each note becomes clearer and clearer. To those in the city this is a familiar picture. But to those residing in suburban towns stirring strains of band music are more rare. 2?eN "The Phonograph with a Sod" in your home makes it possible for you and your children to have at all times the wonderful march musk that has inspired the world. Wherever you live -on the farm or in town - let the New Edison bring the parade, with all its glamour, into your living room, every instrument, every note as clear as a real band -thanks to the genius of Thomas A. Edison. We tell a wonderful story about the New Edison.: in a beautiful book that you should have, It is called "Edison and Muse., .dsk for at, and alto for "What • the Critics Say" 245 J. Willis Powell, - Exeter, Ont. A new electric motor driven blow- er has been installed in the Main' St.• church: for use of the organ. Mr. Young Creech of Detroit, at- tended the funeral of his grandfath- er, and spent a few days in town. Mr. Louis Herdman and daughter, Miss Emma Heideman have return- ed -home after visiting in Toronto. •:A GREAT EVENT t' zi event of the greatest import- ante to every man and woman' Inter- ested in Agriculture in this Province is the approaching Convention of the 11 F. 0., to be held in Toronto on December 16, 17 and 18. This. gath- ering will be of great significance to the farming Community. You should keep in tench with every move made. You can do this by reading the far- mer's own paper. The Farmer's Sun, which will give most exhaustive re- ports of every matter discussed at the great convention. During 1920 there will be many improvements. In: the Sun. Every de- partment will be enlarged,re-1=W- ed e-model ed�and. strengthened. Although the cost of theimprovements to be made will ho great, and the increase the subcsription price necessary, the price has not been raised yet, and $1.00 if remitted at once, will secure for you without doubt, the greatest farm newspaper for 1920 Send in your subcsription at once and get your neighbor tb'.take ad- vantage of the present subscription price. There is no other paper just 'like The Sun, and none in the same 'posi- tion to help you. Over 30,000 Ontar- io farmers subscribed' for the. Sun. Why not you? Send your order lir We are earliest with the latest things. Try Omar jar oysters, cranber- ries and etc. HARVEY & HARVEY Mr. B. Makins on Monday morning took over the butcher shop he re- cently purchased from Mr. W. Riv- srs. An entertainment was held in the, Trivitt Parish Hall on • Friday even- ing last that was much enjoyed by those present. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Coultis arriv- ed home last week after a wedding trip of several weeks spent with rel- atives in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Jones and little daughter of Regina are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Jones and other relatives in town. Miss Charles of London, addressed a meeting in Trivitt Parish Hall ou Tuesday evening in the interests of the Girls' Friendly Society. Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Coates left last Friday for Winnipeg where they will visit for a few weeks with the lat ter's mother, Mrs. James Westcott, and other relatives. After being disappointed on the previous Monday the picture films of "Mickey" arrived in town on Thurs- day and were shown in the Dome Theatre to large audiences. Many weather wise people are pre - predicting a mild winter this year. Someone has found that the chip - monks aresnot filling up their store- houses. Another person has found raspberries in November and claims that is an infallible ` sign. Then others have found the fur light on certain animals, which they claim is an infallible sign. Most • of the people who a few years ago looked upon the winter season as the best of the year, now dread it as coal has become so scarce and welcome every sign of mild weather. These signs may be true but it would still be well to lay up plenty of coal and not neglect to put up the storm wind- ows also. Mrs. G. A. K. McLeod wishes to thank the members of the Masonic Lodge for their letter of sympathy. also all the friends who were so kind , Remember the Annual Bazaar in to Mr. McLeod in his last illness. ! the Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall, A dance was given in McDonell's } Friday, Deer 5th. Admission 15cts. Hall by the young men of the town : afternoon t a included. Good plc - Quite a number of young people , evening at 8 d'clock. Admission 25 on Thursday evening, of last week.1wore present and report a pleasant I cents. WIND INSURANCE. Insure your buildings and contents against wind storms in the Ontario Weather Insurance Mutual Co. Write or phone A. Dayman, R. R. No. 3, Exeter. BATTERIES STORED CARS OVERHAULED Batteries re -charged and stored for the winter. Now is the time to have your auto overhauled and put in. good shape for next season. A. REEDER OVERLAND GARAGE time. The congregation of James Street Methodist church voted on the new Methodist hymn books on Sabbath last and it was decided to adopt the new books about the beginning of the year. The inter -church Forward Move- ment was launched in the James St. Methodist church on Sabbath morn- I and particulars apply to Thomas ing last. Several short addresses . Cameron, Woodham, P. 0., auction - were delivered by Messrs. 3. G. Jones Haand J. M. FARMS FOR SALE. I have a number of choice farms for sale in 'Osborne, Hibbert and Tuckersmith with up-to-date build- ings and my Iong experience in the business tells me I have the price right and some of them on easy terms of payment. Also the Far- quhar Store property. For terms S. Martin, Thos. y Southcott. ' Mr. S. M. Sanders, manager of the Exeter Canning and Preserving co. was in Toronto this week in connec- tion with the serious mishap to their building. Realizing that there would not be sufficient material in town to meet the demands he made an early trip to the city to secure the needs for the factory. A runaway occurred on Main SL, on Monday when a team of horses belonging to Mr. Hy. Elworthy ran away. They started at Harvey Bros. lulu ano ran south. They collided with a buggy that was standing in trout cif it. N. Itowe's furniture store upturning it and doing some damage. The tongue of the wagon was broken and one of the horses received a cut on one leg. The wind storm on Saturday night interfered with the hydro service and the stores and homes of town were without electric lights and had to re- sort to lamps and candles. Owing to the storm there were few people in town and business was not rushing. Fortunately the lights came on Sun- day evening about six o'clock. The inconvenience was principally to those with hydro electric stoves. There seems to have been quite a general change in the managers of the Canadian Bank of Commerce re- cently, among them being former managers of the Exeter Branch. Mr. Cr. W. Harrison has been trans- ferred from Charlottetown, P.E.I., to Stratford; Mr. G. L. Waugh from Grimsby to Truro, N. S.; and Mr.. H. J. White from Port Perry to Grimsby. Mr. Victor C. French, editor of the Wetaskiwin Times, and at one time an employee of the Exeter Times off- ice, is visiting his brothers-in-law, Messrs. E. Dignan and W. Martin. Mr. French attended the Convention of ,the Canadian Press Association and was honored With the position of 2nd vice-president of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Let s� T. H. ELLIOTT T Do Your Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. I have a few Ladies' Coats for sale. Coat to fit you and prices to fit your pocket books. Call and see them. Tlal�irRSDA Y, nlr.f;InyasBlt <l t ' . ,,,,,j -�I A NIUIi I VIII IIiIIIIMIlIILIIiIIMNII�Ii�IlIIIIL i��IIiIIINllllllllllllll':�li�llllllillllllllillliiMllliitlNNINIIIIIIIIItlllllillllll!! 1NII•i M I L SOUTI CCTT BROS.. Phone 134 o TfflnkAboutAmine It's MOPS rvie memo mo▪ sso Emma ro▪ md 000.01 w orm sammia magno mama Mors 00.0001 Dr. HENRY A.. CORSAUT Veterinary Surgeon Dr. Henry A. Corsaut wishes to announce that he has moved his office to Baker's Livery, James • next door to Overland Garage appreciates the patronage he has .e- ceived in the old stand and hopes for a continuance of the same in his new office. Calls promptly attended to, day of night. Phone 8. MENU 11001100 MEMO IMMO IMMO MINIM 0▪ 000120. Christias Shopping Give Useful Gifts- This Year. Here are a Few Suggestions For Men Sweater Coats Silk Shirts Cashmere Hose. Sills Hose, Wool Gloves1100110011 Swede Gloves Fancy Braces. Linon Handkerchiefs New Neckwear. MIMS Rubber Boots. amid Im▪ mol 10180011 e NOYES 0▪ 1.10. amieseri IOMMONI For Ladies Beautiful Black Silk forDresses Sweater Coats. Silk Hose.' . Camisoles Fancy Handkerchiefs Cashmere Hose, Felt Shoes, Fancy Linen Towels. Boudoir Slippers. For Children Pullover Sweaters Sweater Coats. Cashmere Hose. Leather Mitts. Wool Mitts. Wool Toques. Fine Shoes Hockey Shoes. Rubber Boots. Felt Slippers. Hockey Shoes for all the Family. For Boys, Girls, Women and Men. 5 tJ1'IICSTT RS. 01.0011. e� IMMO Elamar .:: OM! 4101001110 000011/0NNW MIMS IMMO 1000/00/ C e� �• IMMO 111101.01.0 /4100000 e e= NM. 0.001.0 E Mango = OM▪ NI 0640.. e•••• ;:.• : MOMS �1111!l111i11111111lillllill!llllliilllllllillll111111iliiill���A�y�alillliilliillllilillllllllil1111IIII11111111111111!!lI11lillllilllillilllllllllilli Vulcanizing All kinds of Tires. All Work guaranteed. Cash for old Tires. Taylor's Tire Shop EXETER, ONT. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. .After due consideration and inves- tigation of the methods and practices adbpted by other newspapers in ref- erence to church announcements of sermons and conning events, the news- papers of town have decided to place a small service Charge on all such Items. In most places the church officials have arranged with the newspapers to car y a small advt. for the purpose o ping the pub- lic informed of prices on the coming Sabbath. Cochrane Machine Shop GENERAL REPAIRING Gas Engines overhauled, re -bored and new pistons made to fit. Wagon axles re -threaded and new n.utsemade PHONE 135 Furniture and oose Your Vic tro_a Now With Christmas but four weeks away, yon should select your Victrola now. You can then be sure that your irelnc will echo to Music's• joy this Christmas. Because of the absolute fidelity with which the Victrola reproduces music, the greatest artists in the world sing and play for the Victrola exclusively. By choosing now you can choose leisurely -can select a worth -while variety of records for Christmas entertain- ment. A complete range of choice. Easy terns if you desire. HOWETS DRUGSTORE EXETER ENSILAGE FOR SALE. The Exeter Canning Co. is offering enr_ilage for sale at A4.00 per tc',,1, C to z for wcigh',n; oa r purchaser. pay a ' G Sel::en's scale. Payment for en- silage to, be EXEMarch by EXETER CO • FOR SALE -1 nearly new Fair- banks -Morse grain grinder eight in. and bagger; Fleury roller crushers and grinders; . DeLaval and Interna- tional Cream separators., and Mc- Laughlin cutters. WM. WARD. WANTED -Store hogs from 75 to 150 lbs. Apply to Ernie Thompson, R R. No. 8, Parkhill, Bell phone, 2t . NOTICE Having disposed of the butcher business to Mr. B. Makins we beg to express our appreciation to the many customers for their patronage in the past. All accounts are now due and we will appreciate a prompt settle- ment. Accounts may be paid at the butcher shop. WM. RIVERS. Thidertaking M. E. Garth iejr FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMUALMEIt Phones 74w. Night Calls •74S. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK 4'. THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Furniture and Undertaking R. N. R.0" THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER DRS. SWEET .Pc YENNING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day' or night. OFFICE -•Dr. Sweet's old of110. Phone 120 THE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $1.50 a year. ADVERTISING RATES - Display Advertising -Made knows on application. Stray Animals -One insertion 50e three insertions for $1.04 Farm or Real Estate for sale 50e each insertion for one month of four insertions, 25c for each subsequent insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., each in- sertion 25c. Stock for Sale, 50c each. insertion for 5 lines or less, for 1st month. Local reading notices etc., 10.c• per line per insertion. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50e. Legal advertising 10c and 5c a line. Auction Sales $2 for one insertion. and $3 for two insertions if under 6 inches in length, over 6 inches au• - cording to size. Girls! Try it! Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful -Get a small bottle of Danderine. It you care for heavy Mail• that glis- tens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an incomparable softness and. is fluffy 'and lustrous,. try Danderine. Just one 'application doubles the ocauty of your hair, besides it imme- diately. :„dissolves every particle of dandruff. You.•can not have nice heavy, healthy,`.iair if you have dandruff, Thin, destruet i'e soul rob the hair'of Iustr"e,"''lta et englh nidi its%ivory' and if not overcome it produce a fel ler ishness and itching of the scalp; the hair roots famnish, loosen and die; then the 'hair lank, out fast. Surely get small bottle of Itnowlton's Danderine from any drug store and just :xy it, ElIkked t. Make Your Dollars Count Buy where you do not have to Sacrifice Style to - save Money. Our clothes create confidence cause they give satisfaction. it smart appearance reflects credit on hien who wear them. Our clothes are made from dependable materials and guaranteed to fit you. The satis- faction wears right through to the end. We are exclusive men's furnish- ers and right up-to-the-minute in the latest styles. Our new Fall stock of Furnishings have been opened up. New Goods ar- riving daily. Rainproof Coats for Men This is an ideal rain and top eoat combined in cravettes, tweeds, etc., styles that will appeal to the well- dressed man. They are a double pur- pose coat for street, auto and travel- ling. Guaranteed rainproof. SEE OUR NEW SWEATER COATS Hats and ..Caps in the latest styles Collars, and Ties,, Gloves, and Braces r�, For underwear see our -stock and. pHo.NEs. Si a