HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-12-11, Page 3-111.1-1 ..... ..... ,-..,.-"",�ll.,�,�--.�.—,..,;.-�".�--,—,� ------ ____-_-I_-_ —_ —
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�. 11, A Severe Cold,-. �_ I I ". .1 1; . � ... 4' ... I �, .A( Heart Pa"ns So Bad' � .11,
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CONDUCT91) bV PAOF, HIENRY 14, 4OLL I ", .- ", I , tf heart roubkg art that fttrpsse .
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I IS,la The object of this dep � �,_ , , .
ny people have broaeliltis and don't ,prtment is t6 pi 66, ot the Ger. - � , . I I
I .. r , . , I � �0 � .1 . �o 1� weakelied condition eausto gr=
vice of our form rea ra Ott vtdvlcd o At the Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus " ( 4
. knowit.. , .de, f an acknowledged I � . " .1 - '' — ' Auretyand warm.
. . - 60h 64 0 dotn't; t is depart .... .0 Irs. Hol w
authorlty on all subjects portaining to sells and cro 9. I John 28: 15-21; 19., 26-27, ��, 11 0 I, .6 f n or en L,' ,'?-*iK
Don't eyen know the danger Ot 110' Address .a , In � .1 . 0 ` 1 On the first oip of any wealcama. of
. 11 questions to Professor Henry G. 001F, I . . Goldort Text, John 8 " M. W4 rve, vs., Orono,
� glecting it, care -*f The Wilson Publishin CQrhpany, I-Jrnitea, T000n. - _.._._1__ 1 tho heart Milbur4's Heart and No
. . Fills should be taken and thus secu e
Bronchitis starts. with & dry, short, to, P,nd answers, will appear Ft, this ,column In the ordee � I r"To
I , 18- 15-18, Another Dieciple. Com- prompt and permanent relief.
X painful, hacking . cough, accompanied It" which they are received. Whem-owriting kindly rnen� � � I I pare. 1: 85-42; 20: 2-102 91, 2 1 0.24. It Mollie: You write me -that this matt makes uTs capable of greater t;150fvl- i Mrs. Thoinas �Etopl�ns, Crowell N 0 ' I
wAll, rapid whecrA4g, and ft' feeling of tion Otis paper. Ad space Is limited It is advisable where I . . . has ,been paying attention to othVT ness to ourzelve;s and others. T1111 I 0 1 11
Immediate reply Is necessary that a stamped and ad. 11 .. I . cannot be a mere accident that the - to an education is an. alienable writes:—"I had heart troubf
I I - n these passages 116left ,I for ji,overal
-Oppression or tightness through the chest. dressed envelope �e enclosed with the qu sti .. 11 —, other disciple 1 girls and you want to win 'back his right I pimeh
0 on, when ,� , . S, raying affeetwi,ons, A6 you Are not one and you owe It to yourself to,fight years, sometimes better an some,
. At, first the ralsed-up pblQgill is of 11 the ansWer will be me.11led direct, .. I . untamed, .and the almost universal t , * worse, bu� a jear ago last fall I could � ,
. light color, but as, thot trouble pror I � I engage , he bas a perfect right to go for 4t. The "unpardonable ein!" is tO7 not lie dow .
.,ressrs belief is, that he is John himself, who d%,Ned for t at, distressed
.�t` becolms of it yellowish or 0eenish w1th other girls. And at the same deliberately throw away the chance, feeliRg, And to get up and sit up, �& � !
E. H,:—1 ata writing to ask advice ' through modest self -effueement re- , serious- grea many nights, sn4 when I did .lie
I i acid and 3 to 5 per cent. potash. 11 time, you can accept invitations from to go to school. Think it over ' t _
I I I lor
"kii, and in very of I en of a r,limy,nature in regard to establishing a permanent fertilizers of an analysis that would fuses'to name himself, In 19: 36 he
streaked with blood. I obhex -men -without doing 'him an In-, ly this time,'and start in again after down it WAH with my head 'XI hisl!.
Bronchitis shoWd'never ba neglected. pasture. Wlhat ought I to sow, and come within this range were applied mentions one who was a witness of . 11 h purchased Al -ur , .
. quantity per acre? The field 1, have I to your soil at the rate of 500 lbs, to the crucifix:on, again without a name� justice. It is foolish to "Pair off" New Year's. ' ear� and Xetirrwvo� Noutsesanoaf feel it,
if it is, ul s
,�� Pneumonia or Consumotion may follow selected has it variety of sails, sand, I the acre I am eert&in your crop would Had the story been written at 9, later � whIle you are still so young, Meet as X. Y. Z., If a boy friend is ObnOxi- better, I ,cart now lie down 14U i: .
. Mr. E. E', Boycer, T,'dinotiton, Alt,., clay, and a heavy black soil. It Pro-! benefit materially, time by disciple -i of the apostles they, many young men as you can and you ous to yotx and you feel he haa 1110t. comfortablk a -ad the pa I ins have gone
WrItes:—"Last wi, vere duced a good crop of wheat this yeari won d certainly have given us t I will be far, better fitted to choose a shown you, proper respect, it Olight too." .
riter I took a se . R, W,:—What is meant by rotation. I * be:
: hus4artd. So let this man find other not to be hard to make him realize it -1 Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are
cold Nybich turned to bronchitis, The and a good seeding of red June clover, of crops? Please explain fully. name. I k � It " n I
T friends if he chobses and you do like- You need not ref use, to speak to I ; 50c. a box at all .dealers or mailed direct
. ,doetor'l had could not seem to relieve and timothy. How should I proceed to, Anslyer:-2 Rotation of crops means This other disciple was "kn(YAm unto �
� � wise. . a distant nod of recognition and re- on receipt of I price by The T, Milburn
it, and I had been treated by him for get a good stand of permaneitt pasture the following of crops in a definite the ,high priest" and, thereforre, was fasal of his invitations, will soon Inake Go., Limited,,Toronto, Out. I
eight weeks. Then, a friend came in grhases and still have the use of this system, For instansg��heve are types recognized and admitted by the door -1 English Girl: Of course you are tx*M%=
. auck recommended ins to try Dr. Wood's ? l lonesome 'way out in Alberta, dear, '.him realize that be has forfeited your -, , —
,� - ,Norwai Pine Syrup, After taking otte field for pasture next year. of craps that we plant In rows and keeler, and was able also to s.ecure but you will find friends. Do not wait Kespect and liking, .
. Qe se mi it e . part of the
, 'Y,,( bottle * ,�%,9.9 greatly roll. Answer:—I assume from your ques- cultivate the space betw n. The ad 'tta ce for P ter should lilve as a helping
40 14- eved, I got two for them to Ifind you any more than Debater; Thee first British Exped,
move bottles and can. tiny it has quite tion, that tile field is n 19-27. 1 Have Spoken Openly, Jesus community in vVhich they reside. .
, oliv standing in may be called cleaning crops. They � you would wait for a wild flower to tionary Force lau&d in France on These peopl,
I -cured me. '�t has Stopped my 00119h clover and timothy. This being the are types of crops ,s�'eh as corli, po- said truly that His teaching had not hunt you -up in your home that you August 16, 1014. 2. The Lusitartia e live in a rich farmino
and my spitting lip Iota of Phlegm. cas . e, you -e problem.resolves itself into tatoes, beans, etc. Then again there been concealed. He had spoken in" community. Their land is worth from .
I � 1 '' Have not had an attack sinoe, I cart the sowing of such Other grass ,and are crops which produce a large yield public places, in synagogues, in the might pick it! Go where the frldnd-s was 700 feet long With a gross ton- $150 to $250,an acre. Nearly all,hav6
assure you I would not be without a temple, and elsewhere. T1 are. Just keep in mind that we are nage of 32,500. She had "commoda- .
bottle of it in the house. It has helped clover seed as will thicken and enrich of grain, are not cultivated,,and can iere were automobilea. Before this club was
my children also. I think it is a wonder- the present stand and introduce plants be used as nur-se cr'�Nfor getting a many who could have testified to that. children of one Heavenly Father and t1on for 8,000 passengers. 3. Light organized they didn't get together�
oughs ov W-onchitir." P clover, 8.11ch -as . Why not ask them? But the answer allbrothers and sisters; in one country travels at the rate of nearly 200,000 4
ful remedy for c that will, be gor-od for permanent; pas- catch of ti'mothy or as in another we are all related, in miles a second ��' d makes its journey there was no soe,ial atmosphere, and .
. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is ture. Of course there Nvill be more wheat, oats, barley, etc. Hay crops, to this very reasonable protest was a,. ' 11 no conimon. interest for the -advance.
spirit. Also bear in_:�nlnd that you to us from the sun in 8 minutes, 8 .
put up in a �cllow wrtipper; 3 pine trees r seed which consist of grasses and clovers, blow from, the fist, or from n . ment of the.community,
� ,_
. the-tradF mark; price 25o. and 50c^. hazard in sowing grass or clove the hand of an officer st are not the frst Engllih girl who has Ise-conds. 4, The longest ship canal in Rural clubs sivii as the Lakeview
I on top of your present stand than stand for at least two years and some- anding by. started life in the West. Many of the world is the Suez Canal, 87 miles. rianners' Club cart not help but makq
Manufactured only by The T. Milburn there would be in & , etting out an en- time,s� 6 or 6. The hay crops, especial- It was evident that Jesus would have '
. your sxtera have grown to love the Kiel Canal conies next with 61 mijes :ra
- Co., Limited, Toronto, -but. tirely new seeding'of gras-s -for.perm- I ntain considerable no fair trial -in such an assemb�ly, free, open prairie life add liave caught and Panama third with 40 miles. ' vm life more attrattive to the boyi 1
----.6.— 1 where the chief- -presiding judge could and girls, who are the farmers of th6
. I _. . anent pasture, but�, assuming you are I clover, are especially beneficial be- witness and not rebuke such an out -i the prog-�.essivo spirit of the people Worried: Not the slightest need to ,
P.m " future. The ideas they form aboufi
7....Nrsmc�_� read� to take the. risk, I would advise cause they introduce a considerable ,and rejoiced to have a part in build- wear the putzled frown, for the -rem-
humus rage. The calm answer of Jesu I ' farming while they are young will
the sowing of the following quantities amount of plant m7atteT or s is" ing up a vigorous Christian nation. edy is at hand. Books for Clirlstmas
however, both to unjust judge and bru-1 have a great.,deal to do -Aqbh -their I
THE TRAPPER, .per acre, just before the snow le.�ves through the largeamount of roots that Cheer up, English g1r], ,yours is a gifts, what could be better? And V
I tal officer sufficient rebuke: "If I havel ca-reers, twenty years hence. It i4
bi spring: -white clover 3 lbs., alfalfa they produce. Clovers also have the
I I . . 1 glorious destiny! Canadian books, too! There Is a new , .
. . spoken evil bear witness of the evil; their youth they know nothing but
. 5 lbs..,meadow fescue 4 lbs. ' power of increasing the nitrogen of 11 Ex -student: I regret exceedingly to one by H. A. Cody, full of spontaneous
I I - the soil I on account of the bacteriall but if well why smitest thou me?" work, work, wotic, it Is small wonder
__R;�_-_ZK� — After thig mixture has been even y I "'Unto Caiaphas." It may have been hear that you have d-ecided to give humor, entitled "Ile Touch of Abner"' that they have a longing for the social .
__ - '_ I "n.�__,v�t.�-:!�f�F_-- ')
__ *
I'll, . :_ _
.. - _*_iL . that Calaphas occupied other. apart� up school. It only I could awaken you Ralph Connor's "The Sky Pilot of No
:�E�t��F�l . scattered on top the present stand of 1 growth on their roots. All of this life of the towns and citieg.
- . I_, �, I clover aud timothy, as soon�'as. th, I being the case, the g -Lowing of a clover to the opportunities that education 11an's Land" is a most vivid novel Of The boys and girls of Walworth
. . 11 1, ground Ls sulliciently dry, go over 1 1 L "'P, every so often, materially bene, ments in the same palace. At any rate brings! We only got out of life what Can,ada in the Great War. Then there
- � . , - . fits the bearing power of the -soil, he appears to have been present and county are not turning longing eyes
- � vith a light harrow with thez teeth
11 _ v, "Mist of �
1_�-. . i to have questioned Jesus while He we put into it and it we do not sow ig that delightful stol:y. toward the cities. They ,have been
� . 11 ,I, C' ,,, I turned back about 46 degrees, har - Now a rotation or system ,of crop- energy and ambition and courage and Morning," by Isabel Ecelestone broug,ht to s-ee that there ig not'hing
�"*�, , -_ ,� , I row ping includes all three classes of crops ,,vaa still in -the house of Annas (18,'
, I -7m, - , If 1` I ing with the rows Where the w eat is 19), and -,jr 61 enterprise, how can we hope to -feap MlacRay. -
, i ' I he - may it as apparent y in the same better than farming, and they are de
� I . . . . . . . . . ; described. For instance, you
- 1. Aj I I drilled. This light harrowing 1p !the good things? Has a girl anyone Three new novels of Western Can- veloping into niltag-bty good farmers
I ...... I I ,
t , I - �� .. ,,, . . lay out the tilled -area of your fa,ym house and by the same fire that Peter
11. '# ,� li I
. 10 -_—.- I , . i bury some of the,exposed seedaikd will I but herself to bl-nme I fshe, -has to e.t, ada, are "Bulldog Carney" by W. A. and farmers' wives. I
i not i4ljpre the present stand. In handl- in approximately four equal areas, 'was standing when he first entered, ' .
11 - calling them A, B, C, and D. On A and'three times denied his Lord. The,
A 1`pv� ,Suggestions on Trapping Wolf.2 , fter you hav , 11 I by and see some nice yoig,ig man, I Fraser; "Janet of, Kootenay," by Evath 0.4
Any trapper who goes af ter wolf � iag the Pazt-ure al e� cut the I you May have corn and, potatoes, and I other Gospels mention only the high 1 whom she would enjoy, ignore her for 1 31,cKGwan, and "The Girl of O.K. Val -
mast recognize the first precaution to � first CrOP Of til"Othy and clovev, do not I ; the girls who have made use of their ley," by Robqt Watson, all of them The best contrived milk pall in the
i , I Poss-ibly other cultivated crops. On B I priest'g house.
vilZp'lie in his trapping enterprises is to 1 be in a burry to put the stock. on the I time to improve their winds and lives, � absorbing tales. From Nova Scotia world cannot keep out filth if the
," . -Testroy all traces of the human odor.! secOnd growdit,'but give it i'time to you may have wheat, oats, and barley. Edersheirn describes the scene as, and who therefore arle more attractive. comes a charming Tomance, "Joan of milker has the habit of 'wetting his
make a good recovery, then'be sure On 0 you may have clover or alfalf-a. follows: "Remembering that the High
� Thd v,olf is very suspicious of anyi . of one year's growth, while oil D you Priest's palace -was built on the slope and congenial ? This is matter for I Halfway," by Grace McLeod Rogers. hands with milk before he begins the
huinan seciA and, strategy must be i not to stock your pasture too heavily. would have a second yeqr�s growth of of the hill, and that there was an common sei,15e. I Critics predict that "Joa-a" -will be one milking.
' I Not more than one head per acre. If Being educated is like ku wing one I of the best sellers of the year. Our old —
. I
.1 . resorted to ,in order to catch him. ! next Tall is 7�.et and' the ground be- timothy and clover -or of alfalfa. This outer court from which a door led into is -well dressed at a party, 0 If one I-, favorite, L. M. Moixt,gomery, has -one virtuou; and pure in heart did
Samo trappers dip their traps in melt- waterlogged do not iiliow the, ,system being established, next' year's the inuer court, we can, in some mea-
- or boil the* I i comes , t ' .
I crop would inove on one notch. That;
ed beaswax in in strong sage, . I i well dressed, she does not think of 1 written another entertainiing story, pray,
. � tock to past -are on the heavier parts: sure, realize the .scene. Peter -had fol- I herelf at all, if she is not. then, ]ter I "Rainbow Valley." Marshall Saunders' 'Since none I wronged in deed or word
. tea, before setting. Gloves, ,well rub-! I is, where the cultivated crops (cornJ lowed as far as thatinner door while,
4, bed with a good trail seent, should;' Of this field because their contlnuous� I John had entered with the guard. 'Ind iz constantly on herself- and she.1"Golden Dicky" is a ba�ok that will to -day,'-
. -hc, lj?otatoes, etc.) grow on A yon would - I .
always be used in setting traps for; tramping on t 'Wet, hEavy vlay will 'When he missed his fellow-d',isciple, 1 feels embarrassed and ill at iase, aiid , capture a's wide R -elrele of readers a,3 i From -whom. should I erave pardon?
I 0 : pat.k it so clOse ihat the roots of ,hs' sow wheat, oats and barley, etc., and who was left outside, John went out,1 lane.,les other people are looking at her world-fartious "Beautiful Joe." I master, say.' -
- wolf. � _il,r
I A S111,11 piece of cotton or wool; -wrass and clovei, w.114 be sinotbered out. I seed down the clover at the same time. "A Labrador Doctor" is an auto -1
.i., lTwo,years hence sectioi,. A would be - and making remark��. A voice replied:
. ,Ind, having probably told the waiting,
* should be placed under the pan of the! So as to make doubly snre of a growing first-year clover or alfalfa; maid that this was a friend of his, People who have had schooling are biography by Dr. Wilfred Grenfell. � -From the sad child v,,hose joy tholi
, ,
trap in order to preven tayfything from I vigorous start of this grass aiia clover hre cesection A would .be procured his admission. While John tiever self-conscious when tiley are "Stories Of the British Empir��," byi hast not planned; .
getting under the pap. Traps should) seed that you are sowing in 1P"g gnowing second -year timothy and now hurried tip to be ,in. the palace with people who are educated and cul- Agnes Maude Machar, is a book inl The goaded -,beast -Where friend thou
be concealed carefully. One good way t and to invigorate, the crop:, already clover or alfalfa, and four years hence and as near ClIrlst as lie might, Peter tured. Education increases our mpa- I which Canadian boys and girls will' didst not stand;
to trap Nvolf is to dig a hole along a � standing, I would advise you. to apply it would be growing cultivated cr, vanced into the middle of the court city to enjoy people and books and the I revel, stoTles -written around pertinent The rose that died for water from thy
. . .ps ad
cowpath near a f ence or stream, put I at least 200. to . 260 lbs. per Aqre Of a 1 again (corn, potatoes, etc.). Or, if 'w"Ore, in, the chill spring -night, a coal finer things of life, but above all, it I periods in British history. hand,' "
. - i ,
I the trap in the hole, and sprinkfe, a I fertilizer carrying 2 to 3 per centi. am- you wish to consider all 'fire had been lighted.. The glow of the ____ . �__ _.__,_,.___.__ .
1, little dirt and bunit hay over it. A! monia, and'10 to.12 per ceiit. �phos-.1 blocks, it emply means that thecrops charcoal, around which occasionally a There were the women who had loved , " __ . __ __ I
. '
I few drops of the best wolf ,bait shouU phoric-aeld. This can be ap�P,ied'be- i move on'in this dehnite or -der (cultl_ blue flame played, threw a .peculiar Him and believed in Him, and the be- West Permanent �,,
be placed around the trap. Good re- fore- you har'row* to co,yeT the g-ras-s - ated sheen on the bearded faces of the men loved disciple John. To him Jesus, Keeping Children on The Great .
-sults cart also be seetired if the . trap seed as indicated above, anci,thp one v , crops, followed by grain nurse as they crowded around it and talked looking down from the cross, com- - Loan Company. '
. crops, folldwed by first-yestr grass faid the Farm Toronto Office. 20 King St, West,
is set in this manner near it hadger or. harr6wing w!ll. work in both It rtflizer clover foll .
i . . IF . I I owed by ,second -year grass of the events of that night, describing mended the care of His mother.
prair-le dog mound. and sead. . I and clo,ver). This order is go I ne with Eastern volubility, to those who .� 4% allowed on Savizigs,
An excellent method for trapping J. W. S.:-1 have -a field I had.in through on all of the blocks. had not been there, what had passed in --..I.-- =====Z_____1J Interest computed quarterly. . .1
the wolf when the . snow is on the ensila.ve corn, well niiinurdd� last In some sections A is profitable "to the garden, and exchauging, as in the Rural neighborhoods must have at- Withdrawable by Cheque.
. manner of such -serving men and offi- tractive community life if they hope - - - - - , - -WpoX ort niauentu-T , "" *
'ground ,is the following: Place a heavy spring. Will it be best to plow this leave'only�one year for grass cutting Thrift of Time is Need . dav I
I stone ina sack and scent both sides of fall and manure again, or nianur:'e first, down the system to' -a three-� ,cials, opinions and exaggerated den- � to save the -boys and girls froni t4rti- . Interest Dayable half Yeaft f
the sack well with a good trail scent. then plow? . tation. Iii � other sections it is profit- unciations concerning Him -who had of Youth. ing their faces cityward. pstid up Capital $&412,678. '
Then get on your horse and ride out Answer:—If time xemains before able to inake it five or six-year rota- bden captured with such unexpected � Aesop's ancient fable of the tortoise One community that -has been very � —
to 'where you intend- tq make your set, frost I -would advise yqu to fall -plow : tion by introducing such variations as ease and was now a prison,er. As the and the hare was founded on e,ceI. successful In making rural life as at- — —
� , dragging the sack aftev you. Then your corn patch in preparation for the growing a crop of bats, first in the red light glowed and fliekered it threw lent philosophy, for persistent effort tractive as city life to the younger, Mghost Etices Vzld Yor
pall the drag close to your horse and strawberry pl�a'ilting * 'next spring, grain division and folio -wing this - -ith -the long shadows of these men across is bound to bring successful results. people Is in Walworth county, Wis.!
make a short turn. This will also 1 When spring coines I would advise you . ,�, The progress made by this one com- 1 RAW FURS & GINSENG
1. wheat before seeding downi also allow- '4he inner court, up the walls toward It is not hard for any of us to prevent Write for price lists
lead the Wolf to make a short tufilt to ere -ss plow this same s,oil and then ing the hay seeding to. stand three the gallery that ran around, -up there the loss of days or weeks, but it is munity i.s.an example far other rurali, and shipping tags
.1 . and -he will not sLep over the trap, apply manure preferably well rotted, four, and sometimes l,onger years where the Ianips or lights within, or as very easy to slip into the habit of communities. 1 23 years of Rellable Tradinz
I I .
I . � Extend the snow path across thei and work it in by -successive disking The establisltment of such a sysiern they moved along apartments and cor- squanderIng moments, says a writer Five ycars il ual life in I Referencei--Unton Bank of Ctanat:M.
. prairie from streafn to stream so that 'and harrowing. You cannot get the on your farm saves labor by cutting ridors, revealed ,other faces there. In the Thrift Magazine. Walworth counly was no more attrac-i N. SILVER
there will -be a scouted'trail for the seedbed too smooth. Strawberries are down the relative -amount of land jlla�t And Peter, when he heard in the The very first lesson the Young man tire than the life of any other com-! 2SO st- 3�ft-ul St. v?., Montreal, P.O. I
wolf to follow uP to the tkap. After gzeat loveri'of an abundance of suit- is plowed, and brought under tillage early light of the morning the crowing should learn 'when he enters the bust- munity. Through the effdrts of a few 1
digging a hole in the snow, the trap ably balance ' d plantfood and practical, year by year. It also -stabilizes the of the cock remembered his own vows ness world is to be on time in the enterprising men and women thel , -,--- !� —
vliould be laid on a piece of white, growers in the Maritime Provinces, aino I unt of labor so that you can figure of unswerving loyalty, and knew now morning. Then the day starts o.0 LakeyieNv Farmers' Club was organ- I H I R AM J il
paper, set,, and thert carefully covered 1 and in Ontario are getting exceedhi&ly with ome degree of certaintyas to the how truly Jesus had predicted his right; lie labors under no handicap, ized in 1913.
- snow. A. few good -.results by proper fertM * xp When thtis club was cl-ganized the� LTD,
with p. thin layer of . " iziition. I ainount of e enditure you have to weakness and his denial. Perhaps at- he has no excuses to make to his em. ' The oldest e�3ta.bllshLd
� drops of the best wolf bait should be I hxvd 'before me the record O� one, make in labor year by year. Rota,tions tracted by the loud voices of those who ployer: the morning sees him on his membership was small. The members I RAW FUR DEALERS
. sprinkled -up and dowii the trail iicarl mail who used as high as 1,800 lbs. Ofi are also exceedingly valuable since accuzed and of Peter who denied with way to the very best advantage. If he got together, aidopted a constitution, In llontre&I
+ the trap. I high grade fertilizer pe -t acre on 'his they establish a systematic me-ans for oaths and curses, Jesus turned where is late flve minutes one day, he is and hold a few entertainments andl I
In preparing the -%volf skin. for the. straZyberries, and lie "claims to make keeping up the organic matter or Ile stood in the inn6r audience room quite apt to be late ton minutes the other,soci&I events at the.s.,o,-loo . u
1110 se, Highest Market Prices Paid,
market, il; silould be cased fur aide a net profit of $200 to $800 per acre� humus ot the, soi�l. If good crops ane and looked out and saw Peter. That next morning and the shortcomings of The attendance at the meetings in- Satl;ifa,otton Guaranteed tio Shipoora,
out .and very seldom taken off open. by b -is methods,,' grown in rotation and proper atten- look revived the old affection and tardiness soon becomes a habit. While creased rapidly, arid soon the -school- Sena fov Orx PrIcs Llo*..
Pelts should l5e dried in a cool, dry Most of the eastern growers use a tion is . paid to the manuring and broke the angry and rebelliGus mood those daily losses soon amount to a house was too small for their needs. 410 St. Paul St. West - Montreal ,,
# -ace r suit; good high grade potatp fertilizer such as fertiLi lig of the crop with a minimum which for the moment ,bad mastered se'rious sacrifice of time, the deteri- A little I
. ,,A,11)1 —not near fire o 711 more than a 5wr passed and L_..=�_
, .'7,stretchers should be used, When dry one analyzing about 8 to 5 per cent. I of expenditure of labor, maximum is- Peter,. "He went out and wept bitter- orating influence on the character Is a beautiful $6,000 community house
enough to -hold tboir shape, they are aninionia, 6 to 8 per cent. phosphoric stilts can be obtained. I ly, Luke 22., 62). even more grave. Rist as unthrift in was built by township -tax, Of course,
ready f6r shipment. . �911 25-27. Standing by the Cross. money matters breeds slipshod busi- there wa.9 oppos-it;ion. There nearly 1
-- - __ - � ��_=
_ - W�.===M________4 .1 - �.� . 1_. I I �.__.___ ness methods, so the steady idling of always is when , such iniproveinfalits, I ANY FAR M E R
* most ideal conditions on the poultry, . -.--. __ __ time creates weakness and Instability are suggested. But the enthusiasm,
W floor. The loam Is fine for the dust, ; R% of character. . and determination of the raernbers of i who does not attend the Tenth
11111en Your Livel bath and can be used on the floor ifl ; The mail -with the driving personali- the club -and towii of Linn swept away Annual Toronto Pat Stotk Show
. . C - Avdb�F sand cannot be obtained without ex.1 CAN HE STRONG AND WELL ty
0% : , who forges ahead in spite of every all tile opposIt 0111,. They now have all will miss seeing the best collec.
ffift Slgggj� Ing, obstacle, is unwilling to even lose a excellent 13�rlc% building 82 % 72 feet, � t4on of fat butcher stock ever
1511409 �j h A bushel of onions stored now pensive haul I WITH WEAK KIDNEYS. single moment of time during his
00 especially for the early hatched chieks --%*. . with a ten -foot basertient an� a com- I assembled in Canada.
will be good management. There is ; business hours,
I 1
You'r Bowels nothing better to keep the little chicks rn Case of Fire, I Perfection of personal efficiency ploWy equipped opera ha I,a Gve. I JUDGING, 10:00 A.10,
lively On a railly day than a little fine- No one wants fire to break out, nor ! Women try to bear the daily burd must be founded primarily on time The club was orgai�ized to create a -
Become consUpatQ4. IV inion scattered In the expeots it to occur, but fires do of the hous iold, but the continwU011 economy. opirlt e i,riess and to THURSDAY, DEC. 14TH
I chapped 0 . occur egg, never ending strain
I AtooKing, bet, 11�,ake the social side of farm We more AVOTION SALE, 10:00 AIM.
�__A - litter- and no one ifiould fail to prepare for on t a back, sooner or later, may end,in There must be proper, periods taken
A . It is 11ot too soon. to figureon buy- any era"golicy. Here As what we do some form of ladney trouble. for rest and* reareatign, for this 10 at -tractive. The" people realized that PRIDAY, DEC. 42TH
. Coustipation is-, without a doubt-, thn ing incubators and brooderi. It is not with our extension ladder. Instead of Whea the back achas or becomes thrift of health, But there should l ghbors are . I
. I 4 .
commonest of .,ill the ills that mankind wise to put off buyvinge an incubator 'biling a lot of refuse boardsand trash weak it; is a warbing that the kidne never be absolute 4alftess. inore importailt irk arming th'an Im I
is affliated witly and onn if ncglected,. until the last week before incubation on Itsomewhere in the barn, wo have are affeeted In some, wa a The young man or young womaiI makinig dollars awf cont4, Country I - Torolltq,
will cause no en�f of trouble' and sickness. work should begin. It is the early fixed a pla-ce to hang it within reach sign of any almess -)�Osn f 8 Kidney Just beginning life's stern activities Pac"Ple C'Q�ft 116t geL t�hG BlOst Out Of 11VA, �Itze I
The way to kenp yo orl _ I len, so as to strengt1lien caunot learn a better lesson than '
� urklf in go tched birds which make the best oil the north side ,ot our wag -on shed. Pill's should be tPT if they live by thow,Wvo and apparti F at, Stock Show
health is to kevp the liver active az�d " the kidneys and prevent some future .
Working properly b?." the use of M11- fall and winter layers and the ,best Thus i1i,caso of any emeroncy overy� trouble, thrift of time, Without linowing thl� froin %olr kind. They are 11kq1v to
- - I
. burn's Taxa -Liver Pi Is. breeders for the next spring. It is one knows where it is and we need I seevet there call be no substantial suc. become narrow suspicions ana gefftsh, I UNION STOCK YARDS
I n -early ii-aposmible to raise a large flock net hunt for ib, needlessly. Mrs. Josep Jarvio, 152 Niagara St COSS. and theiv chRiZ wiD develop these TO P. 0 iN T 0
Mrs. L. '91'ananatt, Orillia, Ont., Ifers 16 is H4mil1o,ngT1Wes.--R was No Iroublea I I
'ites. ., ithout all protected Irom the sun. and it rarely with my a tild hardly sleep- I . v I ices to ali evea grea ter degreae, They I wk-4,%,�I^�10..O�,%-.-�� ......... �,Q
wl .,Troni a child I was alwayo of e-,xrly hatched chickens w ticya I co � _041— ,, vMM"_—_--Xr -!!T!: 111-11111 1.1.1-M, !���..?.111.�_.
very badly eonatipated, and I can well inaubstor, as the supply of oetting iota we -.—w. E. F, could not do my work, and w , " r ,
I rememberi when quito youagt my mo(her he,118 before the middle of Xprit is to myself, I used Doan's ,��
: � , . - 790RISMUPW rOn �5 rZAA,1_4 ir&'�Vjl Zm00W=1. ,I
---.I.— a 1%,,! �'M " * out of tell of the tragedies due j OH I ray,
, vig me nenna tea iicat,ly eve . Nine .3
1 ,ry mora� . � and they sure helped me, an', lywPouald, .
� old I cob to drona it. quito uncerla,in. I to the form bull m2y be fracecl to mis- � "I
. not be without them in thA . 'M %, -
. 6 .1. '% . , u-� C Id
il 4 i 1% I ui
C, -V , king Milburn's L,txp..Ijiyflr If garden loam ha.,4 been placed on, Alway,% ivater your plants in winter houbv* for , f
ir. ultry house a great . titne with lukewarm water if you can oleep bettor ilovir than I hit,vp chievcu� boys peatei-ing the anim al, or * 0 (),- I ?U 0 3 0 . - , T .!"., i io 's i ��,' 0 r.11 P 0 U i
I &fto 71 tile 11cor of! the po . ' , I , I , 3� P -I �;, I I I -� I I 8 , 9
118 for � 4 1 years," to sonic mail on thoplace treating him 0 9 I ,,�
" hild I an! not U'OltblCd, With . � t, 11 Z i"'il. Mutol'. pe'r P1.11I.Lonlit. P1r,1r.-2'y,n, cokwil or Cold. TNVV,11� "I
, ,_ Aw"4 1
G, - 't, a
�,. 7VI-i-, 1
1" I
11 I
fusion of flower and Doah'is Xidney 111111s are pn� 1.11) ill an 0VU011y. Neither of these thing,-�; ever T11 - "! 5 tvItilo .�,�,-a"r;4''nye mumig ti,o iA,-A jjorsenutrl in ,ktnq
constipabon',iny 111ore." deal of dust will soon be noted arnund would have a pro � , - , 1, 1,,, I
the walls, the feed bbppers and the thrifty growing plants. The water I - to happon. Five nlinu , tali or "I ,rn the (46NIVOiFIND'on vnylable-, recori as FA pie.
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pilli Me Ze. ne -be of the same temperattire aal oblOng groy box; ourtrade niark a "'Ala le ought �, 11.11 I'll, - I bave lZi -
a via.1 tit all druggistt or dealers, or it boxe4. Sand is much better where slion,ld Loaf" - pliee 500. at All dealers, or mailed tornientingy or abusing, the litit; wil , . ,-:n e, I i, o and t.!v, . A ft,w drol)-i dally will keery t1te avill""I
. I I I 'I, , I 11, , ondition "t,t)d 1"I � f4:rstk-,1i NVOI eeslAt d :�oas!�- It"wWar �
Ve- I the rouni o X I
Zw.tiled dirt.,�,t 0a ro.ceipt Ofgiae by ,rho it can easily be obtained, and a R I r place in willieh tho plants, &c,at' on revelpt, of Iwo by '.)'be T- do more to spoil its d6j:o,ition than� - . ,iio- ilrosurlbed will i�ur& I
Red, lo inch layqx of file sand w 11 ma ill- aver ,kept, Milburn Co.# Vinited, 'Ororkto'.011t. - I all the rest of hi* lite can tuido, , $P,1317�lk &=4.XX0AZ 00, aog)j,�,n, bj&v -ly. Cl, A�
_�, T, ,Nfillnm Co., Vinj ( ronto, Ont, I i Ice . i 1. I �� 0 . :
I ". 4 I I
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�, . - . ! 10 . 1�.
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. . . I
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". I
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