HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-11-27, Page 8Yqtlit Opportunity 45 00 Silvertone Coats TFIg: T R• TIME Market Report e --The following the rePert of the Exeter Market calected every Wednesday. No. 2, Wheat $1.95, New Oats 85c. Barley $1.3•5 Bran S45 a ton in. buyers laags. Shorts $52 per ton. Family Flour $5.70 • • New Laid Egg* 7-5e, 'Dairy butter 53c to 56c. Creamers* butter 64e. Lard, 25e. • Potatoes $1.75 to $2.00. Hogs $16.00. • • 1S4,e4ietitie."4,4404).•••••••44 Atte Ai , . - • '1St se, ' KA A-4 • 0 / / ///44/,'; ':.I. . // IMMO/ • The .1QdS this fall have been ex- cellent tor neatoring. • Mr. Marvin Vincent spent a ifetw days this week in London. PareNornean Hockey line been, Oa- .'" • ••. • . Mined tohis home owing to ilbies. Mr. Garnet Passmere••left Monday 'eVeniug,toeppend a. few weeks in be, t, e. A dance will be held in McDonell's week. lon Thursday evening of this ". • Mr, and Mrs. J. Bisset of London, visited relatives in town during the past week. . Mrs. Gibbings, of Clinton, was the guest of Mrs. D. Johns during the past week. Mr. Jas. Creech has not been as Well during the past few days having had a bad turn. ' Mrs. E, A. Follick was in Guelph last week attending the convention. of the W. C. T. U. Mrs. Chas. Birney and son Mr. Will Birney visited in Belgrave for a few days this week. The Huron 'Gld Boys of Toronto, will hold their annual meeting on Friday evening of this week. Mrs. Edwin Erwin, of London, vis- itedher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bissett, during the past week. Mr. G. A. K. McLeod is confined to his bed with illnes and at time of 'Writing his condition is serious. Mr. Melville Hoskins and sister Miss Ina., of London, visited with rel- atives hi town over the week -end. About the only place the five cent piece answers as it did in pre- war days is on the collection plate. • Yon have wanted a new winter coat of the Popular Silvertone Cloth inade in this season's most popular style, yet the price has seemed almost prohibitive, here is your chance. We ' have just received a shipment of beautiful silvertone coats which should have arrived two months ago, awing to the late delivery the makers were forced to allow us a liberal dis- count, we pass this discount on to' you. Exclusive Silvertone Coats made in this season's pOpuIcir Dolman Effect with fancy colored tusah linings. Coats of the same quality sold early in the season for $45.00. We offer these coats for this week only at 29.50 Men's Waistline Overcoats New Coats for young men are ...being shown in the waistline and belted models, the styles are quite snappy and the clothes are of unusual quality and appearance. Perfectknit Sweater Coats For ladies and men the Perfectknit Sweater Coats are the ideal coats they are pure wool and of good weight and come in many new patterns and original color combinations. If you want a, real dressy coat with satisfaction guaranteed, see these. Our Sweater Coats range in. price from $3.50 to $10.00 g Scarf and Cap Sets We are showing a distinctive range of Woolen Caps and Scarfs laanatehed sets for ladies and girls. These sets are of warm wool and come in plain shades and also in pretty plaid effects. Prices range from $2.0Q to $3.50 per set. We have some large woolen scarfs in pretty shades at 75 cents: Highest Prices paid for all your live and dressed poultry. TE T Phone 16 Cochrane Machine Shop GENERAL REPAIRING Gas Engines overhauled, re -bored and new pistons made to fit. Wagon axles re -threaded and new nuts made PHONE 135 Furniture and Undertaking M. E. Gardiner • FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Phones 74w. Night Calls 74J. • OPERA HOUSE BLOCK WM MAKE APPLE BUTTER FIVE DAYS A WEEK We are now running our Cider Mill and Apple Factory and are open for business every day but Monday. All custom work for the turning factory will receive. Prompt atten- tion. Mrs. Ambrose Cottle is in charge of the cooking department for apple butter. S. J. V. CANN. :FAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING Save your Hair! Get a small bottle of Danderine right now -Also stops itching scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and iscraggy fuer is mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of da.ndruff-that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to the hair es dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a. feverish- ness and itehilig of the weep, 'which if not remedied muse' the 'hair roots to shrink, loosen and die --then the hair falls out fast. A little Denderine to- raght-now-any time --will merely save yet* lair. • - .es ,,4 • 410 a email hottle e Of /ter/witness FARMS FOR SALE. I have a number of choice farms for sale in Usborne, Hibbert and Tuckersmith with up-to-date build- ings and my long experience in the business tells me I have the price right_and some of them on easy terms of paynaent. Also the Far- quhar Store property. For terms and particulars apply to Thomas Cameron, Woodham, P. 0., auction - Let T. H. ELLIOTT Do Your Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. I have a rev/ Ladies' Coats for sale. Coat to fit you and prices to fit your pocket books. Call and see them. - Dr. HENRY A. CORSAIST Veterinary Surgeon Dr. Henry A.S.. Corsaut wishes to announce that he has' moved his office to Baker's Livery, James next door to Overland Garage appreciates the patronage he has .e- ceived in the old, stand and hopes for a continuance of the same' in" his new office. Calls promptly attended to, day of night. Phone 8. Vulcanizing All kinds of Tires. All work guaranteed. Cash for old Tires. Taylor's Tire Shop EXETER, ONT. SALESMEN WANTED To Represent THE OLD ROL/ABLE FONTHIL NURSERIES • The greatest •demand /or NersdrY Stock in yetirs. • • British and European Markets a- gain open for Canadian ,Frult. • Largest list ot radit Slid °tint- mentai• Stodir, Seed Petatdes etc " • 'irt*tell eon',Se.fseittliftirlisties and Iota .4ee0e. pqtienia,t11,- eei leeedesebeeeeeem ewe geereseeeee yeseigrown Canada f!'' •• ef it if you Will j.tist try a little Den- STONE & 'WELLINGTOif daine. Save your hair! Try Established 1837 ) TORONTO, ONT. A number from town motored to London last week to hear Gypsy Smith who is 'conducting services in the Armories. Mr. and Miss Corsault, of London, Tp,, and Miss Walker, of Granton, visited with Dr. and Mrs. Corsault over the week -end. Mr. Nelson Sheers who recently purchased tb.e property of the late. John. Gill opelosite the James Street Churah, is moving in this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence White and two children, of Flaxeonabe, Sask., arrived in town last Friday and ate visiting Mrs. 'White's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thoe. Harvey. Mr. Wm. 3. Northcott has sold the south half of his farm on the 2nd. concession of Hay containing 50 acres to his neighbor Mr. John Grey who gets immediate possession. Mr. Geo. Moir of Virden, Man., was a pleasant caller at the Times this week. Mr. Moir brought a car- load of cattle to the Toronto market and is at present visiting in Human. Mr. Geo. H. Griffin of Voncouver is visiting his sons, the Messrs. Grif- fin of the Ford Garage. Mr. Griffin farms 640 acres near Vanvouver. He will spend a couple of months in the • 41 1444 of cut' saw was taken up the gain street Ana left a trail a- long the road: front of the Bank of Commerce quite a bunch of it fell off and to save it from scatter- ing a fire was set to it. It is announced that passenger traffic on all Canadian railways may be curtailed Owing to shortage of coal •The train service on the L. H. & B. .may again be reduced to one passen- ger train a day each way. • Mrs. Bishop and daughter, Winnie of London, Eng., mother and sister of Mrs. Norman Hockey, of town, ar- rived in Exeter Monday evening af- ter a long and stormy voyage across the 'Atlantic. They 'will make their home in town. The contract for the Soldiers Memotial for Hensall has been given to Messrs. Oun'ningliam and Pryde, of Exeter, for $2500. The monu- ment will be of granite and the stat- ue will be six feet, the whole being about 14 feet high. Mr. Hulbert and Miss Terry of London, spent the week -end visiting the latter's aunt, Mrs. M. E. Gardiner Miss Terry sang a solo in Main Street Methodist church on Sabbath last both morning and evening. She pos- seeses a sweet voice of excellent range and her singing was greatly en- joyed by tlitcongregation. Mr. Archie Davis of London has been •visieing., at his home here. Archie wee Working as his trade as a orbiter when: his Nvounded leg gave him trouble and he was confined to hospital for a number of days. He note proposes to take a vocational training course at a job that will not require him to stand so many hours a day. PROBABLE CUT IN TRAINS. The General Paseenger Agent of the' Grant! Trunk R. R. at Ottawa has isette..I the following circular: -The critical condition of coal supply maks it prebable :that material 'reduction en lAssenger train. •serviee will be made effective Sunday, Nev. 30. Reduction will unnieseselary if early improve- ment in ssoal situation. Definite an- te:enlace:eel *Nellie' be' ne5de (Thursday) eoes Yelile#fde - /AO are Pealing i th5thtinentIititit- tion put to its readers' by the Han- over Poet. If a feelishentan wants to buy or Sell anything, Saye an exchange, he rides all over the country in the het sun looking or the party of the Snd. part. The wise man puts a few Him in the news paper, and lets them ge all over the country for him while,he its in the alnedeeer goeSsaloligabont hie bniin'eee, ;When anI..)1iian has. ae YoreQ, Q. Cow •te SGfl, titexe 'is some *Other, man somewhere who is wait- ineto buy the thing but these two nien might travel a. week without finding each other._ Advertising an: the paper brings *.tb.ent together. • ; e A BRIT tn.& lee To discOver a greens pf pulUsiung the assessmeiitsioR•pf the town withe out inuch'extra exPerlie has been Sol's ved in Port Hope. The assessraent, of eacle ratepaYer .is put.in the ivot- er'S list for eiest time, this year and by this peens, a enore, equitable asseesnierif%is bond to re,sult. It • Might be tried edvantage in, :Eateter neat Year • CABINET MINISTERS' sAaltres, The salaried' of the different Cab- inet Ministers in Ontario are ae-fole Icrivs*e Prenirer Sgetee $12,000. a. year, and the other ministers $6;*900 each, and the 'leader of the Opppsition $5,- 000. In additipn they receive the sessional indemnity. of ,.$1,e400 •.paid all members. Ron. I. B. .Lucags,' late Attorney -General, also received $4,000 asa. meinbi3r o the Hydro - Electric Conimissioh. . SEND ITS TEE NEWS The Times would like to be 'able tti*publigh every here of 'inteieSt be- tween one Thursday and another, without missing one, " And to do this we ask the co-operation of our friends. Bring in, Send in,. %%phone in any item of 'news to oureeillee, It does not matter whether you are a subscriber or not. We want the news from every quarter of the town and from every corner of, the surrounding townships. We do our best to get it but we can't get it all without as- sistance: If your community is not represented in our columns and you would like to act as our correspon- dent write us about it. We* have some first class eoriespondents who send us .regular budgets, which we appreciate very much, and some others who send occasional neves. We like it all and -would urge the oc- casionals to become regulars. But you do not need to become a recog- neeed correspondent, If anything of interest happens in your community let us know about it. Send news in early -that is a most important mat- ter -and make it explicit CARE OE THANES Will the friends -and relatives who rendered special assistance in con- nection with the funeral of our be - lover father, William .Down, acenept the sincere thanke. ef •Iiis sons au daughters for their- exceeding great kindness, Signed on behalf of, Sons and daughters. he annual meeting 'of the Elfin- ville Farmers Club will; be, held at Elhnville on Wednekffay evening Dec}: 3rd. All interested in the U. F. 0. movement are invited to be pre- sent. Delegates will' 136 iiipointed to the Toronto convention. Enos. Herdman; Secy. WANTED -Store hogs from 75 to 150 lbs. Apply to. Ernie. Thompson, R R. No. 4, Parkhill, Bell phone., 2t .• . NOTICE '"" • Having disposed of • the' butelier business to Mr. B. Makiits we beg -to express our appreciation to the many customers for their patronage in the past. All accounts are now due and we will appreciate a prompt settle- ment. Accounts may be, paid at the butcher shop. • WM. RIVERS. 131111.ieRIES STORED CARS ovERHAuLE.D. Batteries re -charged and stored for the winter. Now is the time to have your auto overhauled and put in good' shape for next season. A. REEDER • OVERLAND GARAGE, - TIRJUS., NOVEll1RER 27the ....eless.e.speessee.seeeeneee. VIIIIII111111111111111111111111101111011111111111111111111IMIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMM1101111111111111111111111101111111111111111111011111111L1 SOUTHCOTT BROS. •••0111.. Phone 134 Great Reduction in Ladies' Coats Our fret season for Ladies and Misses Coats has been a great success •S ' This •week we reduce the price on every coat as we want to clear out every =Sat • •••• garment. Save money. Buy now. We can't afford to carry them. MOM SWATER -COATS FOR MEN' Is=. • • • eee. • •; s • That are well worth the mane', • i'• made with roll collar and are all wool Colors Maroon, Grey and Brown. MI MEM •••••• ,`"""" #.;• • • .• Special at $5.00. e•-• •• I ••••• , I SOCKS AND ROBEUS •• ou will be needieg them` this kind Weather. We carry a hip range. •mom Heavy Rubbers at $2.50 to $4.25 The Ladies Aid of the Kirieton. Methodist church are providing a first class chicken supper front sfi to eight on Dec. 2nd. A good. program will follow. Admission 50. ende25 cents. NOTICE • 1 Orangemen are requested to make a special effort to attend the Orange Lodge on December 5th, 1919 held in Exeter. This is a special meet- ing when the installation of officers for insueing year will takeeplece. Herman Powe, Masters Remember the Annual Bazaar in the Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall, Friday, Dee. 5th. Admission 15cts. afternoon tea included. Good. pic- tures and musical program in the evening at 8 o'clock. Admission 25 cents. Come to the Bazaar in the Town' Hall, under the auspiees of Main St. Ladies, Aid, on Friday 28th., from 3 to 10. Aprons, Fancy .Wore, Home -Made -Cooking, Candy, Chick- ens, Eggs, etc.' Admission to Bazaar and LuncheOn 10 cents. Cerise and pick out your Xmas present. Trivitt Memorial Gil's AtixillarY Friday evening next preseate flint) Bine -Cashmere Gown": AdiniselOn 15 and lg. cents: • ' • NOTICE ' „Thte Thames Re,,ad 'FartietesechilS will hold their agiantaI hioY,evening Dee.' letXat l'aetsl.Att,4:ti:ttetrthligt tiet with the intention of organizing. Leslie n. Ribbison, flecyTreas. MEMO . • ••••• ami.o i=.•1411111 MINNIE WNW. maMil 01111=113 CANVAS AND LEATAtER LEGGING • Scarce goods this eeason.We have at present all sizes ir steel. • Canvas $1.65; ,Zeether $2',2.5; LADIES FLEECED LINED' - UNDERWEAR • In. white and natural color. The best value we have, seen in a long time. ...Vest And Dors. ' • PriCed at per Garment $1.00 • RUBBER nooTs von p4A..w., pcirs They kep the little fellows feet dry and warmeA pair of these are sure to please him. • Priced at Ip2.25 and $2.85 • MEN'S MITTS • We are shoing one of the best • • Mitts you will see this season. Made • from selected horsehide and it is well • • lined. • Our price Per Pair $1.25. • • Ne -W Wall Papers Anyone wanting Wall Paper sh ould see our beautiful range. We have a brand :new stock. Papers to suit any room in your home at very moderate prices. We want you to see them. SOUT • - Choose Your Victrola Now 7.; t y - f COTT LOS. sceee- „sel.1 • 411101••• ,With Christmas but four weeks away, you should select -.your Victrola now. you can then be sure that your home • . 'will echo eo Music's joy this Christmas. • ,. • s ,‘,,, • Becaue'e:Tesi the absolute fideISSY With tylbielit'the VictroTaae. reeiroducea innate, the greatesteartists in. the world sieg- . and play for the Victrola eicliSISely. . . By choosing now you can choose leisurely -can select a worth -while variety of records for Cluistmas entertain- . recut.• . .._ A complete range of choice, gam terms if you deigha. , : eeee • • • HOWEY'S DRUGSTORE EXETER ENSILAGE FOR SALE. The Exeter Canning Co. is offering. ensilage for sale at • S.4.0Ce per tore purchaser to pay for weighmee, on R. Seldert's scale. Payment- for en- silage to, be made by March 31, Bea EXETER CANNING CO ; • • 'MEETING OF _HURON tee • COUNTY COUNCIL. efe, The Council of thCorporation '�!the Countysof Huron evill meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich en Tues- day, the 2nd day of December, 1919 at 3 o'clock --in the afternoon. All aecounts' should be in the hands of the Clerk on or before that date. Dated at Goderich November 15th, 1919. G. W. Holman, Co. Clerk. FOR SALE -1 nearly new Fair- banks -Morse grain grinder eight in. and bagger; Fleury roller crushers and grinders; DeLaval and Interna- tional Cream separators and .Mc- Laughlin. cutters. WM. WARD. OWE "SYRUP oP PIGS" To CONSTIPATED OnTr,"7 0.4......0.0•••••••••••••• Dellefoue "Fruit Laxative" can't harm tender little Stomach, Liver; and Bowels. • • ••••••••••••••••• Look at the tongue, mother! If oated, yeur little one's stomah, liver and bowels need cleansing t once. When peevish, croes, listless, doesn't .slep, at or act naturally, or la !eve?: ittontach sout, lereat11.1sads )44 sere throat, diarrbee; fullof cilia, giie. teaspoonful. of 'California Syrup of rgs," an&1n,aSewhours alletheleniS genetipeted waste, Un4igeste41 fOsir and tASehiletgently, itetsout of.its tittle frthP4 Thin'11414%lta,kgrA Ude argot, . "'lent druggiigb fore a . '''callforglitt Sytup of Figs," which eentaine full ken 9( 14. saes directions for i scutf gow•urst Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROW.R THE FUNERAL DIRSCTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER DRS. SWEET & VINNING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night. OFFICE -Dr. Sweet's old office Phone 120 THE) EXETER TIDIES Subscription rate $1.50 a year. ADVEimsrmd• RATES e • Display Advertising -Made known on application. • Stray Aniteals-one insertion 50e three insertions for $1.00, „. Farm or Real Estate for sale 50e each insertion for one month of four insertions, 25e for each subsequent insertion. • Miscellaneous articles of not more than Ave lines, For Sale, To Rent Wanted, Lost, Found; etc., each in- sertiOn 25c. Steck for gale, 50c each insertion for 5 lines or less, for 1st month. Local reading notices etc., 10c per line per insertion. No notice less than 25e. Card of Thanks 50e. Legal advertising 10c and 5e it line. ' Auction Sales $2 for one insertion and $3 for two insertions if under 6 inches in length, over 6 inches ac- cording to size. Male Your Dollars' Count Buy where you do not have to Sacrifice Style to ave Money. .0tir clothes create denfidence be- cause they give satisfaction. Their smart appearance reflects crediteein • merswho wear them. Ottielothee are made -from dependable materials and guaranteed to fit you. The satis- faction wears right through to the end. We are exclusive men's furnish- ers and right up-to-the-minute ill the latest styles. Our new Fall stocie of Furnishings -have been opened up. New Goods ar- riving daily. Rainproof Coats for Men - This is an ideal rain and top coat combined in cravettes, tweeds, etc., stylethat will appeal to the well- dressed man. They are a double pur- pose coat for street, auto and travel- ling. Guaranteed rainproof. SEE OUR NEW SWEATER COATS • Hats and Caps in the latest styleig Collars, and Ties, (Roves, and Braces • '. For underwear see our:stoek and T.A eves' sesess rore),. •••• to, le ji • S. 'Se e. •