HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-11-27, Page 1...'t5 ft'.vti,5w7".viae v f. ett?" .... n.,u:.V,' Seteseeeetstsetteeese .:,, URTY-SECQND YEAR No. 2260 EXETER, ONT. THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER. t , 1919 `7'47C01111111111111111111111111111111110111111110 ,w ,I+r1 711111111I11111!!l111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111 IMII11Im1111111i1111111111111111111111111i1111illllllll $'a'au liti"CrNO1 AUNT -- Mr. and 'Niles,{ )37. J, Hreantart and family were in ,F+onclou this week at- � JONES the femoral of the former's 1 \ , ,Jane Decker. The de - tending & aunt, Mrs ;�IAY .:r ceased had been ill for over two years Mrs. John McLaughlin of Bonsai', is a sister. NOMIMI 1.11111,10 tiMMININ 1 MINIM RIMMIMMI NONIIMMi 111101111111, MINIM Mann PINIMOM MINIUM ioMPIUMI Ammme MINIMM Aomm eNiMANNA EMMEN i CAMEOi AMMON LOOMS 01011111115 SMNIA .1111/1 ammo AMMO AMMO Speciai 1 Ladies' r 4 ` Seal P1u.St. d Iainb.. Baby Coats We place on ke 'this' week. eigh- teen only, black silk seal -plush coats :and Salts' brand of Baby Lamb, siz- es 36 to 44 These ,coatstaivere regul- arly priced at $34.50 and $36,50. On sale this week at only $29.50 each. These coats are rare bargains. Ladies', Misses' and children's cloth coats, all popular colors at par ticularly attractive prices. Furs of Reliable Quality November is the big selling month for furs. We are well prepared to meet the demands with a large stock of neck -pieces and muffs in all the popular lines of furs. We stand at the back of every. fur we send out and our prices are reasonable. MEN'S FUR COATS -We can sere you dollars on Men's fur and fur - collared coats. Buy Your Rugs and House -Furnishings Now • you will simply be amazed at our wonderful values in Rugs and in feet all lines of house furnishings.These lines are ;becoming scarcer every. month, also prices will be much higher for spring: Make your selections now. Come to this store for your Wall Papers. ' Imitation Wool Blankets We have just received another shipinen't of .beautiful imitation wool blankets. These range in price from. $4.50 to $7.50 pair according to size. FELT SHOES" FOR WINTER Start the winter right with a ' pair of warm felt shoee. No use waiting till winter is half over. We are selling them at the same price as last year. Largest assortment we ever had of felt shoes and cosy slippers. Men's and Boys' Overcoats Newest styles, best colors, good quality at medium prices. Jones & -May PHONE 32 X111111!llill1111111111111IIIIIIIIIIl11111111111111111Iilllllllllll11111111111111111111111111111IIIllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllll1111111!1111111 ,. Seasoi Suggestion's- rfet teen Oil ;Heaters co d 1':, corner comfor onii a•1 HandsomeSafe' an lent. From $3.50 to $12.00. Perfection wicks New Process wicks BIG STOCK TO SELECT FROM Paroid Roofing $3.50 per sq. Comet Roofing $2.25 per sq. Planet Roofing $2.00 per sq. Plain and Tarred Building Paper Double Coated Sheeting Paper—$2 per roll. Lanterns Clothes Baskets Ash Sifters Sugar B:eet.Knives $1.25 $1.85 25c. 65e. 40c. 450. UMW A LARGE POTATO: AMMON O MEN Suva IMMO bat Messrs. Harvey and Harvey have on exhibition in their grocery window a tuber of trelnedous size. The po- tato is a Saskatchewan product and was brought East by Mr. Lawrence White, brother -in. -law of the Messrs. Harvey. ' it weighs 3'ia lbs. and when first t i dig lacked acked3ust 2 ounces of fon pounds. BUSINESS ' SOLD' Mr. Wm.iv rs has R e s disposed of ▪ his butcher business in town to Mr. Ben Makins 'who gets possession onMOM - Dec. 1st. Mr...11altix}s. recently mov- ▪ ed to town from a farm on the Lon - „E don road north,. Betore moving to the farm a nu-mber:Of years ago Mr. Makins was in business - in town. Mr. Rivers has .conducted a betelier business in OWzi i or many gears and Will take a well earned rest. • HOME ON I4 Li1tLOUGB. Maj. Will J. Knight of the Im- perial Army MVIedicfi.l Corps, an Exeter Old Boy,- arrived in Canada 1111i1 , this week from overseas on a two =,. months leave of absence and is at present visiting his uncle, Mr. J. J. Knight, at Guelph. Maj. Knight has been a Medical Officer with au Imperial •regiment and has a long and varied war record. He served with the forces in France and Meso- patamia. He has been awarded several coveted war distinctions. At the close of the war in France he reverted in rank and went to Russia recently returning from the scenes of activity there. Maj. Knight has attached himself to the Imperial army for a period of seven years. After landing in Canaaa :.e had the disagreeable atiaerience of being in. ▪ a railway wreck near Montreal but was fortunate to come through with only a few bumps. It is expected Dr. Knight .will visit the scenes of his boyhood in a few days. 101.1110 immal mama 11111 SIMMER 10/41. 1111011 COMMON NUPTIALS' McGTT+7+—Mcvu1 DY. - A quiet wedding took place`tt the fihames ;Road}. Peesbyterian manse ▪ on Wednesday' afternoon of last week when -Miss Jessie McCurdy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCurdy whe recently moved to Exe- ter from Usborne was united in mar- riage to Mr. Neil McGill of Usborne, Rev. Dr. Fletcher officiated, • YEMINI SWIM MOINI MEOW 11111111 „v. FARQUHAR • The. Store at. Farquhar will close every night in the week except Wed- nesday and Saturday nights. Law- rence Fulton.. WHAT IS THE LABEL FOR In the fizsf„• ace if i'i}:'to he1pe''t ' Postal- Servicee4 deliver•the pa er . to. the right: part y In M $ next pl ce'it su iscrabe ?as to holy his nisi •V;ether p”" ' in rears'�;'3t's a'redeipt or a• tdremznd . of> enforms the su,bscrlption r` 5 rance or in fou money poi RIVERS—LEITCH A wedding' in which many Times' readers will be interested --tool. place in Vancouver,. B=.C. on Nov.; 14th., when Mr. Earnest Rivers was united in matrimony to 1VIiee . Catherine Ann Leitch, daughter'rof Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Leitch.. The ceremony was performed - in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church. Mr. Rivers is an Exeter OId Boy, son of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Rivers, of town. He is resident engineer for the C. N. R. at Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs,. Rivers left for Los Angeles, Calif, on their wedding trip. CORNISH—HILL A quiet:but pretty wedding took place at Brucefield Presbyterian manse on Wednesday afternoon when Rev. Mr. McIntosh. united in marriage, Miss Jean Hill daughter of Mr. George Hill .and Mr. John Ken •11 Cornish, of, ; Usborne.. Mize'Mina Cornish sister . of the groom.4;was bridesmaid .while Mr:• brother; of the bride; assisted the -o oxn. ': After atl e • mere: .e nony.. reg ion was held;t the' home of: Therbrides 'uncle Mr; Wm.. nt ii'ey ;that s ould f e paid. 'Look: 'groom as a war veteran being `st memo at'you"r label and see how you stand with the ;publisher.. The mouths . in dicate that you are paid to the first of that month, unless otherwise in- dicated. The figures after the mon- th indicate the year to which the sub- scription is paid. 1918, 1919, 1920, mostly indicated by 18, 19, 20 as the case may be. HURON COUNTY W. C. T. U. WINS BANNER. Mrs. Beavers, County Pres. W. C. T. U., returned on Monday night, after attending.athe Provincial Con- wontion held at Guelph last week. Before returning home she also vis- :ted in:Hamilton, Dundas and Brant- ford. Heron County is this year the banner 'cSainty of the Province, hav- ing secured 400 members during the big .contest and at the closing ses- sion the beautiful new banner was presented to her to carry back to ,her .county.. Ottawa district was al- so a keen contestant "for the'banner, but had Tiot secured as large a per- centage as Huron. Seven ladies were also, presented with gold, five star pins by the Prov. President Mrs. Stevens, Toronto, fgr bavin,, each secured fifty members for their local unions. These ladies' were Mrs. Lottie Moore, Teeswater; Campbell; Ottawa,; .Mrs. leevdrs, Exeter; Mrs. I3igelo'w; Cornwall; Miss Norton 4,1Si>f+ lnlib; `Mrs Papier; e>n' Q` ; .A ► Mr ,i Vail, Of to 'i sTriet. "Doesn't her ber of the 161st. Batt. Mr. and Mrs: Cornish will reside on . Mr. " F. lEllerington's farm near Lumley. FUKE—STEWART The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart, Exeter, Ontario, was... the Iscene of a pretty wedding en Wed- nesday afternoon, November 26th, at two -thirty o'clock, when their only daughter Winifred Kathleen was united in matriniony to R. Wallace older son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Fuke, of Exeter, Rev. James Foote officiating. The bride who was un- attended was given away by her father and wore.a suit of navy blue tricatine with hat to match • and 'a corsage bouquet of violets and sung set roses. Miss Gladys Bissett play ed ;the wedding march, and during the' signing of the register Mrs. Foote sang, ",Because". At the conclusion of the ceremony a buffet luncheon: was served. The girls as- Slating were Miss Gladys Bissett; Miss Mdrjorie Seldon and Miss Stella Gli' lies, after whidli the bricie;,4n.d groom left fur sn feta days trip' tot Toronto;. Hamilton'and Buffalo. On their re - lurk. they will reside in >a deter AlOong the out of town guests;:, as t Burdon;'of London; Mr. and Mrs VVI:" 1. 'Mactaavish, Mrs. J. A. Wylie,;andi kr. D. 13. Stewart, of Toronto;. • L'A n iu3 GuaTI 1 lC?v yIfl+ A�•(y�s$ S ,M .,� �Immi•grants �d'•, xi the - yorj'�" tft:::ited:States' for the first eight Troon- itz "the this, of 1919 numbered 38,222 an, zhi- er2lpt crease::of• 7,709 over the .same petted; et last Year. r j TIM I/A',1.t MRS.. ,D. A. ROSS. , E?CE EIC COT.71!OIL The remains of .the late Mrs. Dan- iel A. Ross were brought to Exeter en Monday and the funeral private was conducted on 'T'uesday from the undertaking ,parlors of R. N. Rowe. Mrs. -B-oss was for about thirty --five' years a"highly respected reeident of Exeter, and during that time was an active member of the Main Street, Methodist church. Since the death of her husband about six years ago the deceased has made her borne with hers on Dr. H. P. Bass, Nampa,. Idaho, Mrs. Ross' maiden name was CIara McNaughton. She was. born in Boston, Mass. After coming to Exeter t r he s was to the late D. A. Ross. Three !sons survive: Will, Dr. H. P. of Nampa, Idaho and W. B. of Des Moines, Iowa. The latter two accompanied the remains to town. Mrs. Will Ross and daughter Miss Helen, of Clinton were present for the funeral. ,Mr. Frank Ross, who was in Winni- peg when he received the news of his aunt's death also arrived in town for the funeral. The funeral ser- vices were conducted by Rev, Dr. Medd. DIED IN LONI ON The funeral of the'iate Wm. Down', formerly of Exeter, who died : in Loden, Monday, Nov. 24th., - was held at the home of his nephew, Mx Thos. Kestle, Main St., on Tuesday at 12 A:M. The services was 'con- ducted by : his nephew, Rev. Jas. Kestle assisted by Rev. Wilson pastor of James St. Methodist church of which Mr. Down was formerly a member. Deceased was in his 93rd year. Rev. Kestle ; elivered a mem- orial address very Suitable to the occasion in which he,reviewed brief- ly the long and eventful life of the "Vanished Pioneer". His remains were borne to their last resting place in• . Exeter• cemetery by his six. nephews, Charles Snell, . Charles Keddy, Wesley J_ Bissett, - W. H. Kestle, Thomas Bissett, George Snell A large number of relatives and friends were present from London, Shedden, St. Thomas, Tallotviile and Pickering. Rev. J. W. Down and Mrs. Down, of Pickering. Fred H. Down, of Woodstock, Mrs. W. Troth- an, roth an, (nee Miss Olive Down)' London. Other: members„ of the raniily were prevented'Irpa�i: attending.'the fun- eral on account of illness.' THE LATE THOS. RAY On Sunday morning at two o'clock ,thee spirit of Mr. Thomas M. Kay, of 'Usborne; '`took its flight. - The ,tae - ceased had reached the advanced 'age of 85 years and 12 days. The de- ceased was born in the city of Glas- gow, Scotland, being a son of the late Dr. Kay. In 1840 he came to Canada and settled at Dalhousie. Sixty-six years ago he moved to the township of "_Usbere e, settling on the fare on ,which Ire died. At the time it was all bush and he assisted in clearing: the land. Twenty-one years ago g moved- to Exeter where he re- mained until, orb_ oIit six years :go, when_'his'wiie d and he wAnt to reside with lite' son W. H. on the homestead. The deceased was twice married. His first wife was Mary Armstrong and his second wife, Lizzie Glenn. Mr. Kay was reeve of Usborne for 19 years. He served as councillor one year. He was honor- ed with the Wardenship of the county for one year. For many years he was a magistrate in town. The de- ceased was a Presbyterian and in pol- itics Conservative. For 50 years he was a member of the Masonic Order. He is survived by four sons and two daughters; John of Hibbert; W. H. of the homestead; Thos. of Edmon- ton and James of Usborne; Mrs. Arch McCurdy and Mrs. Jas. McCurdy both of Usborne. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon in Roy's cemetery. : . r The Municipal Council], met on Mpuday, Nov.- 24, with all members pr:,se'nt. The ndnutes +of the meeting heed Nov. 10 were read and approved. A telegram font H. A. Harrington, Toronto, Fuel Administrator for On'- taiit>, was ,teaa,:l; as foams: "In, view otl' r. + outlook 1 A n.Iira�ci.te supplJe�s, would ask that you immediately appoint e fuel commisalamer for your town. Couxz iI.iar Day was again appointed on. motion. n. o' e t 1' �e c. rule and ' a,i Sae ll. �� The �, resignation n of D J.E. '14cG.olli•. cuddy ,as Medical _()facer of Health breathe Munteksaility, was red and ac- oepte,,:, pa motion', of Elston and Day. The matter of the appo•rsoliesit of hie 'tsuccessor was clef erred f Llowing accounts were read and lordercd ,peid:—R, N. Creech, Div - Se rasa Court Fees ' n Fe a for c;Cb'rk and bailiff $30; Ross-Zaylar Co.,, lumber and svitiiesa stand, $11.10; R. G. Seldon, cu?:a1 foe Library ,atnd Town Hall, $1:'3- 65'; F, Cor•nzsh, `eoaastable fees, $2.50;. P. Coleman, , team amid labor, $3; T. Sanders.''lab�or, $1.•50; J. Weekes, do. 54 ;. -T G%Ues�pae, nd+a., $1.50; T. Houl- den, dra ,'S2.r25, :,Mrs. K Creech, use at` dray aa-cl ploiv, $1.50. Passed on m,oiion•.o . Eletol,``an!cl Snell. ity-law" Nin. 7, 1919—A by-law levy- in7 rauoieipal taxa�tityn for the year, was given its necessary readings and passed ton motion of Snell and Peabale By-law No 8, 1919—A by-law call- ing a public meeting of the Citizens for the purpose of snaking and receiv- ing ecce iv.. ]n.g inon,iaatioats for the officesof Reeve. Goumesllors, one member sf rhe Public: Ut l ties Commies ion end, Pub - lie School Trustees, was given its n5ec+essary readings and passed en. mo- tion sot Penlaate and Elston. Adyournment .by Day. Jos. Senor, Clerk. BORN MAY --In Exeter on November 21st, to Mr_ and Mrs. Fred A. May, a son. AMY—At Burford, Ont. an Novem- ber 21st to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Any (nee Ida Jory) a son..- THOMPSON--In London an Novem- ber 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Thompson (nee Birdie Boyle) a SOIL VIcGR.EGOR—At Hensall Private Hospital, on Nov. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor of Hay, twins S031 and daughter. HAMILTON—In Hibbert, on Novem- ber 15th., to Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton, a son. CHA'PPELL—In Hibbert, on 'T�I'o vane- ber 12th., to Mr. and tire. Davie/ Chappel, a son. ROY—in Alcombrae Hospital, Strat- ford, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex P. Roy, of Russeldale, a daughter s;J'c>an Elizabetle ) MARRIED C ORINxS -.... IH .HILL ---At the ' manse, Brucefield, on Wednesday, Nov. 26211., by Rev. Air. Melutosh, Mins Jean Hill daughter. of -1Vir. Geo. Hill, to M r, Jhn o Kendall n ail Coriiisli of Usborne, , FUME---STEWART_ On Wednesday November 26th„ 1919, in Exeter, • by Rev. F Jas. Poeta, o e Winifred , 'W ..zed l�attlz-• leen, daughter of Mr. and MIs. J. A. Stewart, to 11. Wallace, son of Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Fuke, of. Exeter RIVE . RS— T ' LEI CH --At St And-. rows Presbyterian church, Van- couver, on Friday Nov. 14th., Miss Catherine Ann Leitch, daugh- ter of Mr. - and'' 'Mrs. A. M. Leitch to Mr. Wm. Earnest Rivers,' son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rivers of town_ MCGILL—MCCURDY—At the Tham- es Road Manse, on Wednesday, November the 19th, by the Rev. Dr. Fletcher Miss Jessie McCurdy daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tilos. McCurdy, of Exeter, to Mr. Neil McGill, of Usborne. BIRD—TAYLOR—In Manley, teen November 19th, by the Rev. J. E. Hogg, Enema genet, daughter of •Mr. Wm. Taylor, of Stanley, to Dudley Nellis Bird of Glenavon, Sask., son of Mr. Arthur Bird, of Dudley, England. DIED MCLEOD—In• Exeter, on November, 26th., George A. K. McLeod, aged 84 years. KAY—IN Usborne, an Sunday, Nov- ember 24th., Thomas M. Kay, aged 85 years and 12 days. ROSS—At Nampa, Idaho, Mrs. Dan- iel A. Ross, formerly of Fxel •r, aged 65 years and 11 month.: SHEAN—In Hibbert, on Friday, Nov- ember 14th, Robert Wesley Sheen, aged 16 years, 5 months and 5 days. DOW—In Mitchell, on Friday Nov- ember 14th, Christena Stevenson, beloved wife of Wm. J. Dow, aged 71 years. PULLMAN—In Hibbert, on Novem- ber 19th, Ann Dowling, widow Ate, the late Thomas Pullman. aged..4,a years, 9 months and 26 days. YSTEMRV1Harvey & Harvey ERVICE ATISFACTION CALL PHONE ;t02 PURE FOODS ECONOMICALLY PRICED We can't very well tell you all we have in stock, but would be very glad to have you. call. What we havn't got we will only be too pleased to get for you. We are not physicians. We make no chare for a call but wishto co- gco-operate with ith ale our patrons so that we may best serve the'public. Don't:forget our free doll for Xmas, lower your expense sheet and help to solve the high cost of living by getting free gifts feet. your children. If you do not .want a. doll we will give.you any' article or articles we have in stock equivalent to the same money. - Never leave the store without your coupons, they will be as good a money on Xmas eve. - When you shop here you get the best of goods for the Ieast money and a free gift at Xmas. Don't fail to try NEAL'S ALOAF A BREAD. There is none better. Fresh every morning, also buns, fruit loaves ,and coffee cakes. See our new line of Sweets, right fresh from thefactory. They are good to look at rnd so much better to eat. rvey arvey r1 qgr 1 aging !nova • "It did once .4rben 1 livedt i�d'oiniuyl fiat.". tel3Oston 'Cranr'I ,Throughe er • rf= some �o.�:. on the'�aar� Of the book= ing agents we were disappointed on Monday on not receiving the picture films for u+, 'rhe' cbnt'ra el was signed and the advertising itiateria[. Thad `:,been forwarded to us. We deeply re- d ret the disappointment •to our patrons some of .,Whom hail come considerable distance. We have been assured that the fibs will be - Iiere to=day- tArs y, Nov. 27th Afternoon and Evening Q i T#+aLF,iw,c • EXE J. Jar. ,, Matiheivf-' t 2 and 4 Evening 740•and. O .• Coming direct from the Grand Opera p House, • London ucock