HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-11-13, Page 4Villi r5n u', NO,V1' 1UE Now sold in a new waxed board package a great improvement over the old lead package Sold only in sealed packages TEMPT FT- N'S Iilla.MAI1C CAPSULES FOR RHEUMAi•t.Sl4,NEURi1 IS,SCATTCA LUMBAGO, NEUR;LGIA„GQrfiT STC ASURE RELIEF FOR THE WORST HEA@ACfE Wf: PER BOX l+� � Td reri F ani t tIFRatee it fissrAaf roRTORONTOTORONTOo • Mmaaaaity has tarzed :t practical rheumatic: ream iv simetime began. a'c�rtttnes ars' spent yea.ly'atlai4sprin s, elctrichaths andlospi- il' to obtain relief, yet better results are c,."arra • i htiat' pazebvusing T.I..C.'s "the , .a ,atment." just compare cost o`•ter treatment and will' be vin ^d A -k rout druggist writ usf, r cur uecs b, l.t t: it isinterest- v . x r a ,.ranter ins, 14S r t:.:•! r4. t?7.:t1 «nywhere on. t a2'. eo t for Exeter., :rr., Brownings : ?a e . 07a \ al 1:, :1.ms anal Sta- Twee hundred and twenty-four .•.,n here of the Guelph Chaamher of e er eeke e favor .z i,ti:i;,lat saving fora. '1” e and 'C, are opposed; some are eta ti` l:• heard from. eel Nu .. c i at cases of small -pox !:. . e 1' tin taported in Toronto and tM.0.11.leaving the as Ieavxll� nc tiring un- thew n- t e w tis prevent the disease devel- oping into a serious epidemic. The Imperial War Graves Com- eeeeeion is providing for permane{alt memorials on the graves in all thea ttre?s of war. Wm. Hill of Stratford drier for the Imperial Oil Co. was fatally he > t when his tearer ran away, Yon found Victory Bonds a good frightened. by a wheel coming off investment? Now is your chance to lt:s wagon. buy some more. ;,y leusli .P,I.U;11T:,t'�'IsuitTon S' Auction Sale FARM, STOOK, 'IMPLEMENTS HAY, GRAIN AND ENSILAGE The administrators of the estate of the late P. B. Gardiuer has iu- structed Thomas Cameron to sell by Public Auetiou on Lot 24, N.T.R. Township of Usborne on THURSDAY, NO'1?'.la.',DIR I 27, 19U1 at 12.30 uoon the following:— HORSES-1 Grey mare, ago%., 2 geltiiug,s agri., 1 strong' farmer's driver. CATTLE -1 cow dae time of sale, 1 eow due in Dec.,; 1 cow due in January; 6 cows due later 7 2 -year old heifers supposed to be with calf 3 steers, 2 years old, fat; 1 steer one year old; 9 calves; one pure bred Durham bull 15 months old. HOGS -1 sow with litter at foot; 1 saw due in January; 2 young sows; 1 fat 'sow; 15 shoats. 100 hens and pulletts. IMPLEMENTS -1 lumber wagon, boa: and springs complete; 1 truck wagon; 1 top baggy; I open buggy, 1 democrat, Ford car, 1 pair sleighs 2 cutters; straweutter; 1 manure spreader (new); 1 binder, mower; horserake; 1 two -furrow riding plow; 1 single furrow riding plow; 2 walking plows; cultivator disc; harrows; seed s cnffIer corn drill;. cultivator; root pniper; steel land roller,;fanning mill; hay rack; pig rack, gravel box, stone boat, manure boat; iron roller; 3 sets double harness; set single harness; robe; rugs; platform scales; forks, shovels hoes, whiffietrees, neckyokes„ four horse eveners, grain bags and other articles too numerous to mention. 600 bus. oats; 500 bus. mixed grain; 30 tons first class hay. TERMS --A11 sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 3 months credit will be given on furn- ishing approved joint notes. A dis- count of 4 per cent per annum off for cash on credit amounts. TKO + eae' 4 ariepoN, Auctioneer -MADMAN & STANBURY Sgliid1tors core:tb:e Acle vlklagir .ars 1a... TT.',F „ r e :."at a few days in Toronto last week. Dr, James Bell of Philadelphia spent a few days at his home here. Miss Jessie Bell has left for Tor- onto whereshe will e eend the winterr Miss Ida eudneere of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Cudmare. Miss Annie Gilchrist returned on Monday from Manitoba where she spent the summer. Dr. and Mrs. Graham of Torante, tisited a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Foss and Mrs. Carlisle. Messrs. Joynt and Caldwell are installing a furnace in their build- ing. The furnace is one of the new Herb, pipeless makes and was made to order for this firm, being a larger Mee than any carried in the regular stock. Hens all has appointed a Housinb . Committee as follows: Wes. Cald- well. T; 'Sheritt; Chas. McConnell. Owen Geiger and G. C. Petty, reeve the latter by virtue of office for the year only. The other members for a term of two years. The reeve of Hen.sali Inas issued a notice to parents of children under 15 years of age that on the next oc- a.asion the children are found Ioiter- ing around the town hall during an entertainment or dance the parents will be brought up before the meg- istra;e under the Curfew Act. CLEARING Auction Sale FARM STOOK AND IMPLEMENTS "WM.. McNeil, Auctioneer, Inas rec- eived instructions to sell by Public Auction an , Lot 15, South-east boundary, Usborne, three-quarters Of to Wille south of Woodham, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18th,,. loiso'. Commencing at 12 o'clock sharp, the following;— 1SORSPS—One heavy mare, by Hector, 8 years old; in goal • to Pac- ific; heavy mare by Pearl Gift, six years old; Road mare 6 years old; heavy mare by Sir Randolph, three years old.; heavy mare rising three years old by Correct; heavy mare, 2 years old by Sir Randolph; heavy mare 1 year old by Pacific; Sucking colt by Garth**. CATTLE—Seven high grade Dur- ham cows; fresh milker with calf by side; cow due December 13th; cow due January 21st; two cows due in March and April; 2 farrow cows; 6 good Durham Grade Steers one year old; 3 Durham grade spring calves; young calf. HOGS—One young sow; 5 hogs if not sold before sale; 15 young pigs. IMPLEMENTS:—Deering Binder, 6 -foot cut; Deering mower 6 foo t cut; Spring tooth cultivator, Deer- ing make; Maxwell Disc Harrow; Drum Land Roller; seed drill, ,12 - hoe Nocton make; Peter Hamilton 10 -foot hay rake; Maxwell roat pul- per; turnip sower; Melotte Cream Separator, 500 pounds capacity;ova- gon springs 2000 pounds capacity; 2 gang plows; 2 walking plows; Fleury No. 21; Cockshutt riding plow; 4 section Diamond harrows; M xwell hay loader; one-man hay rack; stock rack; seuffler; fanning mill; set wagon scales, 2000 pounds capacity; wagon and gravel box; set sleighs and Iog bunks; rubber tire top buggy nearly new; steel tire top buggy; 2 cutters; good grindstone; hog crate; stoneboat; quantity of lumber; good vice; fence slats two seta _double harness; 2 sets single harness; wheelbarrow; neckyokes; whiffletrees; shovels and chains and a lot of other articles numerous it too to mention. HAY AND GRAIN—About 45 tons of good Hay; a quantity of corn in stook; a quantity of thresh- ed Timothy straw; quantity of man - golds and turnips; agout two hun- dred bushels mixed grain; about 60 bushels mieed brain, last year's; a- bout 300 bushels of oats; about 50 bushels of barley; quantity of old seed barley; about half bushel of Timothy and Clover mixed; quantity • The recount in Grenville increa- ses the majority of Hon. G. H. Fer- gusonU.F.O. by aver G. A. Payne, S 14, making it 21. Public free vaccination clinics have been opened by the City Health Department in Toronto and a large umber of children were inoculated at the City Hall. John, three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Lupan of Wallen Tp. near Cobalt. died from scalds re- ceived when he fell into a tub of boiling water. Farmers, thousands of them, who want a tractor to do more sxcrk, to get better crops, to save time, to make studying: the Moline -Universal and are x:h%n� j'-`- areao hying the Moline -Universal. The reasons are not far to seek. Take the .o. -,e -man feature, which lets you ride on the implement—where you should ride in order to do good work. You can back and turn short. Disc and harrow. Reap and mow. Or the fact that the Moline -Universal is available at all seasons—for harvesting and haying, threshing and silo filling, and for other belt work. Examine the fine motor of the Moline-Universal— built better than an automobile motor. Placed up out of the dost". With electric star. ting and light- ing. Gears running in oil. All moving parts enclosed. Hyatt roller bearings. 293' -inch clearance for cultivating'. Farrni n The cost of fuel and oil is less per hour of work, .per acre of work, or per horse -power developed. Repairs and replacements are reduced to a minimum --long life assured by the sturdy construction of the Moline. Come and see the Moline now. A tractor will be worth hundreds of dollars in next year's crop. TESTIMONIAL.. secured one of the first Model `.D' l'ractzars on the market and up to date have not replaced as much as a bolt. 1 find it a most efficient and economical machine to operate. 'I *,low ten acres a day.aad use two gallons of gasoline (or less) Per acre, dependc`ng upon the type of soil I have broken 'my wheat land at a time and at a depth that woutd have been irupossible with horses. tractor in the right can's bands will pay for itself in one season. I have three Moline -Universal Tractors and they ate solving the labor problem for me, and at the same time increasing my profits.' (Name Famished oa Rearrest) lair 13ist utors : Willys-Overland, ,td., West Toronto 31:tade by Moline Plow Co., Moline; Ill. shall be pleased to demonstrate the 1SIOL'INE- UNIVERSAL TRACTOR a; actual farm work to anyone interested.• ALLEN. ALLL3N, Blythe. Ontario i f, of. potatoes., Also u quantity of household effects consisting o1 leed- roozu suite, cabinet cupboard, new coal heater in good. condition; Ban- ner Chieftain range nearly new; and other articles. POULTRY* -•.Quantity of good bens. An Overhand car in drat -class con-; dition- Peeitely no' „reserve as the Pro- prietev has; ao , Jars farm.. This Sale will start aha,& oh time, T 1R."MS—'ni Ai1,,sus,• of $10 and. Wider, cash; oiter 'Oat. anieunta 12 months credif'will be given on furn- ishing approited,. ! '�?;^ cotes„ or a discount of 5 per cent off for cash Wht. McNEIL, Auctioneer, Phone 317, St. Malys. SAMUEL h1z1,Q,S, Proprietor. a. H. SAgesoN, Clerk. CO. .,, COWS COWS etion Sale AUCTION" SAi, 4CF DAIRY COWS Thomas Cameron has received in- structions to sell by public auction at the .Central Hotel, Exeter, on FRIDAY, NOYEIILBER 21st,. 1919 atene o'clock the following;— 4 cows just freshened. 3 cows due at time of sale. 3 cows with calves at foot. 15 cows due later. 5 2 -year-old heifers. The above cows: are mostly three and lour years old and will be sold under guarantee. Any person wish- ing to get a good cow ought to at- tend this sale. TERMS.. -8 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 6 per cent per annum off for cash. r. Ferguson, --` Thomas Cameron 'Proprietor Auctioneer Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS On Lot 17, Con. 10, Hibbert, 4 Mile West of Cromarty, on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 19, 1919 Ar 1 o'clock, sharp, the following: Horses -Matched pair draft geldings risking 5 years; draft gelding rising 5; drive.- rising 6 e3Ts Cattle -3 choice Durham cows with calves .:at foot; Durham heifer due Dec. Zu.I; Durham cow due Dec. 23; Durham cow due F„eb. 27; Durham cow due hiarc,h 5; 2 Durham cows due in June; 2 heifers rising 2 years old; 3 heifers and 4 steers rising 1 year old. Pigs -2 Yorkshire broad saws due Jan. 5 1 Yorkshire brood sow due Jane 18; 14 shoats about 125 lbseeach Sheep --6 Leicester ewes, 5 ewe .lambs .,liens -50 Wh ite Wyandotte hens. -^Gi+tin' and Roots -200 bushels oats; 3bus. Barley; 50 bus. peas; 400 bus. >- grain; 500 bus. mangolds ; 10 ba'S.-apples; quantity millet and corn. ood-45 coeds of good .hard wood 16 inches long; 100 rods good rails. Izzpieiients.— Massey -Harris binder, slower sinal 13 hoe seed drill, new; steel land roller, Frost & Wood cul- `tiyator ../et iron . harrows, scuffler, walking 'plow, set' -sleighs, wagon, hay rack, gravel box, roller crusher, 5 - horsepower international gasoline en- gine, root pulper, buggy, 2 Cutters, hfalotte. cream separator, 500 lbs. ca- pacity; fnno9 Lmifa, set brass mounted harness. set plow harness, set light harness, 2 doz. grain bags, scoop shov- el, hayfork rope, set slings, swivel car, hay fork, 125 sap pails, 2 pans, 2 oak barrels, cupboard, box stove, forks, hoes, shovels and many other articles useful on the farm. - P.ositively_ no reserve as the pro- prietor has sold the farm. Thi: sale will start sharp on time. Terms—All sums of $10 and under cash; over that amount 12 months' credit wili be given on furnishing ap- proved joint notes, or a discount of 5 per cent. for cash in lieu of notes; W. E. NAIRN, PERCY MILLER., Auctioneer Proprietor. Notice . to Creditorscal In the matter of the estate of Maria Gill, of the Village of Grand Bend, County of Lambton, widow, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Statutes in that behalf that all'cred- itors • any :,others,havin ,r''claims a- gainst the estate. 21 the 'said Maria Gill, who died on or about August 3 ist, 1919;. 'are required' on . or before the 24th '''day of Nov. 1.919, to send by`post prepaid or -deliver to Messrs. Gladman. & Stanbury of the village of Exeter, Solicitors for the Executor of the said deceased, their christian and surnames. addresses and descriptions; the full particulars of their claims,the statements of their accounts and the nature of the secur- ities, if any, held by them. And fur- ther take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall have notice and that the Executor will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution. MADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for Executor Dated at Tlveter this 28th day of October, 1919. TKE USBORNE AND HIBBERT FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE OOMPANY. Head Office,. Farquhar, Ont. President, THOS. RYAN vice -President, Wm. ROY DIRECTORS WM. BItOCK, J. T. ALLISON T. L. RUSSELL, ROBT. NORRIS AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usfforte and Hibbert. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan. W. A. TURNBULL, Secy.-Treas., Farpuhar GLADIVIA•N & 'STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter, girRENCCIFIE11117"F EI,ART P URuFYINc. THE, - Bi 000)STRVAM. If You Have High Blood Pressure You must be Careful ! When the Blood Pressure is mush above 'normal, ' , there is always the danger of the rupture of a • blood vessel, most frequently in the Brain and pro- ducin a stroke, or in the Kidneys, producing g 0 Bright's Disease. Don't worry about it, just be careful and guard against over-exertion and excite- ment, take— Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy to quiet and soothe the Nerves, to dissolve that clay -ince substance that forms in the Veins and. Arteries and tq increase your Strength and Vitality so that you can better fortify your body against disease -and trouble. Better get a few.boxes now, When yon think of it. ,Price 50c a box;') for $2.60. Sold by all dealers or by mail post paid. BEWARE OF CONSTIPATION, it is one of the ag- gravating causes of High Blood Pressure. You can drive out the evil poisons caused by constipation by using HACKING'S KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS. (Price 26o, 6 for $1:). These two medicines go well -together and bring greatharmony ' the body. Be sureyou get HACKING'S .�.� • s no other kind or combinationWill be so successful. , -" HACKING'S LIMITED Listowel, Ont. TI1t Capital and Reserve $8,800,000 OVER 100. BRANCHES This is the country of opportunities for the man with some ready money. Money is opportunity. Begin at once eto saver and deposit your savings in The Molsons Bank. .Interest at regular rate. . T. S.. WOODS, Manager EXETER BRANCH Centralia Brauch open for business daily A Good Investment ri`HE money you save earns interest IL when deposited in our Savings Department, and both principal •and interest are safe and can be obtain- ed whenever required. Open an account to -day. THE _CANADIAN _ BANK OF COMMERCE EXETER BRANCH CREDITON BRANCH DASEIWOOD BRANCH • . A. E. KUHN, Manager • • J. A. McDONALD, Manager • Ft S..KENT Manager Brmers Attention Now is your time to put in your supply of both HARD AND SOFT 040L. I. am selling Large Lump, Bright, Clean Threshing Coal at $7 per ton. Very low prices on the Best Farm Fence (Frost .Fence.) All kinds of Lumber in stock, also Shingles and Cedar Posts, 81t., Oft,, and 10ft. long. Cement sold in large lots at a very close price. All Grades of Paroid Roofing. Phone 12, A. J. CLATWORTHY GRANTODI DR. A. R. KINSMAN'. L.L.D., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- Sity. DENTIST Teeth extracted without' pain or any': bad effects. Office over Gladmalt & Stanbury'S Office, Main St. Exeter. c e wr;,a For Infants and Children' in Use For Over 30 Year Always bears the Siernature of .3. W. BROWING, M. D., M. S. P..c S. Graduate Victoria University Office and Residence, Dominion Labratory, Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. °'l I. R. CARLING, M. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publidi Commissioner, Solicitor for the Molsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates o2: Interest. OFFICE—MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT4.. PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Auuc tioneer. Sales conducted in any lo- ality. Terms moderate, Orders left at Times Office will be promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, Kirktdn; Address Kirkton P. O. Tot%, G. Il,'- I OULSTON. L .5., D.D.S. DENTIST Oifiee over I. R. Carling', Ciose4 dyers Wednesday afternoon, - matt