The Exeter Times, 1919-11-6, Page 5IURSDAY, NOVEM13Eii nth, 1919 i']1171 EXIDlf.TlR. S Fresh, rich, full -flavored tea —the same every time TEA's4goocFtca Sold only in sealed packages 1' 1: tome, Sweet Home A wanderer stood in the darkened, street, looking through the window etre. happy=,, family within Tlit: scene pictured • the .longh tp in his soul: for the home h'e did. not'have. The man slipped away unseen,'and one day wrotea song—the song of his. soul:; . And thise song.. became immortal:;" the. most beautiful and pathetic heart -song that the, world has ever known. The man was John Howard Payne, and the song is "Home, • Sweet Hoene." You may RE-CREATE in your own home this immortal song if you own 27e NEW EDISO ""Tee Phonograph with a Soul" "Home, Sweet Herne," ` "Swanee 'River," "Kathleen Mavourneen," "Silver Threads Among the Gold" and hundreds ,. C _otherheeart ,songs.:.are ' at your: conunansl. ; waiting to be RE-CRZATED for you by the magic of this greatest of all instrn• meats, with all the richness of melody and depth of expression that you have longedfbr in the phonograph just like the living artist. If you love real music, ask fir a copy of the heautifsrl hoot°°Edison and Music;" and "What the Critics Say," the hooklet.that proves Edison superiority. 247 ei i .1. Willis Powell, - Exeter, Ont. TEIVIPLETON'S RHEUMATIC CAPSULES FOR RHEUMATISM, NEURITIS, SCIATICA LUMBAGO, N EU RALGIA ,GOUT ETC. ASURE RELIEF FOR THE WORST HEADACHE area PER BOX 'TEMPLETONS LTO MFCRs,M2 KING STV TORONTO 8umnaity has lacked a practical rheumatic remedy since time began. Fortunes are spent yearly athotspriags, electric baths and hospi- tals to obtain relief, yet better results are achieved rightat home by using T.B.C.'s "the colnmottsense.treatment." Just compare cost and results with any other treatment and you wilt be convinced. Ask you= druggist arwriteus for our new booklet; it is interest. fag, and, costs you nothing (Templeton, 149 lg1ug..W Toronto)„ We mail anywhereoa: sees tot•of gala Siris Agit-:,:for Exeter; Baowning's -Drug. ,Store, Optical Rooms,,and Sta- tionery. Duncah Hay of Stratford died of Ir .rrt failure' when about` to take it aS Stratford Council has ordered vac- creation of all citizens not vaccinat- ed; within.,the past few years. ' Tivo men were drowned, two 'oth- ers,• probably so, a boy was fatally shot while hunting, and a child bur- ned, to death over the week -end in Tenteeroo ting district. The, ;Toronto Board of Trade un- aniinously endorsed the Dominion Government's proposal, to. take over the .Grand• Trunk. Railway. £' CASCARETS!' • WORD;: WHILE YOU SLEEP IF -dr Sick. Headache, 'Sour Stomach Sluggish Liver Rid 'Bowels— • Take Cascarets tonight Feted : Tongue, lead Taste, Iitdigea tient.. Sallow Skin and Miserable Tread- ` " 6aolien none 'from a torpid liver and clogcl bowels, which Cause your atony ach. to becotiie filled with undigestee food,which sours and ferments like gar• bage in .a ,swill barrel. That's the first step to untold inisery—indigestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible and nauseating. A Ottscaret to -night will give your constipated' 'bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten yeti. out by morning. They work while you sleep -- 446 10-eent box from, your druggist will jyeep you feeling goes" for montit&.' S. S. NO. 14, STEPHEN. The following is the report for S. S. No. 14, Stephen for the month of October. Those marked with an as- terisk were absent one or more ex- aminations. Sr. 4th—Geog. Spell. Hist. Gram. Max. 350; Min. 210. H. Hill 244; M. Neil 236; R. Wade 216; L. Hanlon 186; *L. Abbott 100. Jr. 4th—*F. Huxtable 125. Sr. 3rd.—Spelling, Geog. Max. 150 Min. 100; Steels 118; M. Neil 115; V. Conner 100; G. O'Brien 106; H. Hicks 17. Sr. 2nd—*J. Smith 17. Jr. 2nd—According to class stand- ing; L. Wade, G. Neil, H Wade, J Flynn, H. Hodgins; V. Smith: Jr. 1st.—M. Hicks, W. Willis; Smith, E. Wade. E. M. Weston, Teacher:' IiXED r GILFILLAN—At Farquhar. on .Oct. 25th, 1'919 to Mr. and .Mrs. W. A. Gilfillan, a son. • PERKINS—In Exeter, on • Frillay,” October 31st, Charles Hendry Per- kins, aged 59 years and 1' month. WEIN—In 'Crediton on Menday,Nov. 3rd, John G. Wein, aged 68 years 6 months and 2 days. Funeral on; Thursday at 1.30 p.m. MARRIED COULTIS—ROOKS-At' the home of Mr. Arthur Francis, 2nd con, of Stephen, oil Nov. 3rd, Elizabeth Ann Rooke, to Mr. Henry Co.ultis, both of Exeter by Rev. M. J. Wil- son. B.A. ' IN DlEMORIA.M DAVIS—In loving memory o1 Mr. William Davis who' died three years ago to -day November 4th. Gone, dear father, but not forgotten. 1115 Children CLARKE—In loving memory of Mil- ton J. Clarke, who died at Salva- dor, Sask., Nov. 11th, 1918. Oh Daddy Dear! it is a year, And still the tears of sorrow flow, We loved you but God loved you better, It was His Will. You had to go. Our Happy Home! where two hearts were so united In. holy faith, and blessed hopes were one Whom death, a little while alone devideth, But cannot end this union here be - gull. Tuserted by lis wife and little soli.: Dashwood Mr. W. Zimmer spent a few days in Detroit, Mr, F. Rinker visited In Sarnia over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs.. Hayter and i' redly spent Sunday in Bayflela. , Mr. l• I. Rinker of Sarnia, spent a few flays with his parents -last •'week. MisS .Mary Jan netosi spbnt • ' the week-e>;td,'7lsiting friends, i. thin c91 i znunity. Mr, and Mrs. , C, Smith of Zurich were Sunda;•y ytitorp, With Mr, and Mrs. H. Schad'e. ' The ' 1 ses'a,:izr.Siebert and M.: Routlenge of Zurich spent the week- end with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. T. Kiumpp and fam- ily and Mr. and Mr s.C. Kellerman spent Sunday in. Crediton. Don't forget the..lectore, on Nov. llth at 8 o'clock. //Leal:A.01par. of To- ronto will be here. Let the/neighbor- lug erections be preSent. •mi, Five candidates Wereatipefor elec- tion to the Heys! • ` 'arliament to be held in Exeter' Nov: 7,8,9.. The cue - ccs sful two were Homer Guenther her and Mervyn Tiernan: t., DASHWOOD SCHOOL REPORT ; October Report—The following' re port shows the relative Standing of the pupils of the school based, on reg-. clarity punctuality and weekly test. # bROOM 3. Sr: 5th—Latin..rith'; Geog:=•Crra to .. Graupner 85; L. Hartlelb, 81; H,' Ireland 79; V. Fassold 71. i Jr. 5th.-Same"subjects. E. How-- erd 89; M. Janf'eson 72; C. Stein- ;iiagen 70; M. Tieman 70. I, Sr. 4h—Arith. Gram. Geog, mem- ory. F. Hartlelb 89; A. Hoffman 87; *E'. Guenther , 71; J. Guenther 71;, I<leinstiver 69; U- Zimmer 61,. Jr. 4th—Same subjects. L. Tie roan 81; Lillie Willert 73; Lucile :Willett 70; C. •Snell 65; H. Zimmer 57; A. Rader•57; *L. Evelarid 43. G. S. Howard, Principal. , ROOM 2, Sr. 3rd.=Laura: Reid; 91; Minnie Rinker 61; *Verdi Baker • 58; S. Bettsc1ien 5.3; *Adolph,Genttner 47;. Elmer "Zimmer '46; *Oscar. Miller 44 *Gertrude Fisher 23. - Jr. 3rd.— •E.•Graupner .93; M. Schade 73; Alvin Kellerman, 70; H. Kellerman 59e- Clara Bender 55; L. Witmer 53; *L. Baker 49; *Verna Birk 41; *Clarence Fisher 40•; *H.. Harileib 3... 2nd;—Edna Wilds 79; W. Schroeder 74; G. Guenther 74; A. Willert 62; *Elgin Merner..59; A. Grigg 58; V. Tyler 53; *A. Miller 53; C, . Burmeister 49; E. Hamacher 49; A. Restameyer '46; A. Steinhagen 45; W. Stire 30. Jr. and.—A. Tieman 84; N. Dear- ing 82; E. Tieman 77; F. Kleinstiv- er 76; K. Wein 74; H. Hoffman q,4; .Elsie,71; E.'Hartleib 6$, :" C. Edmeston, Teacher. Wit sessions, He is a' speaker of ab- ilitY and preached two excellent ser- mons. The church at night was filled to the limit it being necessary to put two rows of chairs in the aisles to accomodate the people. The choir as- silted by Mr. W, Mills of Woodhant sang some fine numbers which were Weil rendered. IVir. Mills and Miss dean Allison sang solos whieh were m ch appreciated. On Monday night a fowl supper Was serYed to a large cro¢wd. An excellent program was gifen in the :eburch, afterwards con- siSting of splenoid addresses by sev- eral minister6„and Gongs by the Hen- sel]. Quartette •which were rendered in their usual pleasing mann . The cumber of cars present gave evidence that people have not forgotten how to enjoy a good puppet' although tea - meetings have not been common dur- ing the past few years. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Tdodgertnd children of Seaforth visited relatives here on Sunday ROOM 1. Jr..2nd—Milforc, Stile 96; Theada Hayter 94; Margaret 11<.�etner;'..90; F. Guenther 89; To Z.i?P$}e,;,,,84;• I. Lippert• 83; G.; Binder 69 a1,L,.Rinder, 68 Jr. 3rd.—G. Burmeister66. Sr. Pt. 2.—W.. Eveland 93; F. Wein 89;•L. Staubus 78; P. Bender` 76: . Jr. Pt. 2.—M. Graupner 99;' Fassolil 90; S. Genttner 89; E. '.'it- wer 81; A. Stire 81. Class 1.—Lloyd Stirs 76; 0. Stau- bus 6.0. Clans 2.—H. Nadiger 80; E.Kraft 80; M. Willert 80; E. . Rinker 80; E. •Guenther 7.6; W. Wein 7'6 • ' E. Dearing 76; R. Vinvent 72;',9f3ft Class 3.—Victor. Kraft,: ' Pearl Schade, Sophia Stire, Aurtbur` Mor- enz. . . Class 4.—Hugh O'Connor, Heid-� bert Schundta,: y,; Those marked *.missed 'ole' or more tests. Pearl. Tieman,; Teacher. The following is the•.reptort fol' .S.S:" No. 4, for October, Standiuig based on' goo i conduct and examinations,-Jr.IV E. Mo$ock, R. Ellber, H. Rader; Jr. IIl , M, Wein.. ,L. Schwartz, G. Weber,. L. Wein; Jr. II., I: Brokeinshire, Ruth! Weber, K. Warlock, E. Fahner,'I'1Viara terse, A„,Becker, S. Rader, R.Schwartrr L Wein,;, Pt II.,'M Marten, G: Mar - tette ; ar-tette; Beaker; ;Jr.. E LE. eiazteini 't G. ;i,lsort 1 No. Ohara' 23,' average 21 Mina Ehlers, teacher. Creditong ' . • Miss Elsie Kenzie, n rse i r i .rains ing at Hamilton, spent •laset , beck . at her 1r;ome here. Mr: and Mrs.: Sambrook have re- turned from Toronto. There passed away at nis•home in the .village, Monday evening, one `o<C our respected citizens in the person of Me. John G. Wein, aged 68 yin: 6 rnpntlis , ;and 2 days. " D'eeeased had been ailing for some "tittle. ' Coining from Germany when but 10 years of agedeceased has resided jut'north of th . village till about 2Years ago when he moyed here. Besides his sorrowing widow, he leaves to mourn his: loss four.sons and one daughter, Ezra of Detroit, Herbert of Lansing Mieh., Albert of Aliens -ton and Sain at hone and Mrs. Henry' Fanner of Stephen. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon' to the Evangeli- cal cemetery., The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereav,'- ed family. Rursel.dale 1VLr.. !Lea Park 'held a very suc- cessful 'stock sale recently. Mrs. Alex. Cole is in the Battle Creek Sanitarium receiving treat - tient. We hope• to have her return to us fully recovered. Miss' Elizabeth Dow left on Tues - Thames Road Mrs. John Francis of London vis- ited at her son's, Mr. "Wesley ,Johns over the week -ends Dr.'Medd preached in Bethany on Sunday taking ills subject."The Airiis and Object of the National' Caiii laign The anniversary services o tile Presbyterian church were held on Sunday last. The weather was all that could be desired. Rev. S. Mc- Lean of Egmondville preached 'fat day for Montana after spending a eoupie of months with her father Mr. David Dow and other relatives. Mrs. Dr. Scofield has returned to her liozne in Toronto after ' visiting at the 11orue. of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Clark and other friends in this Vic- inity for several weeks. Mrs, John Cole had the misfortune to fall and injure her hips. Drs. Arm- GIVE'`SY,R ' OF PIOS" TO CONSTIPATED CHS Dellcloug '"Fault Laxative" can't harm little tIver tenderI e .. and Dowels. Look at the tongue, mother!' If coated, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever - /eh, stomach sour, Breath bads; has sore throat,, diarrirdea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few lours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of its little h griping,bave without and. you ha e a well, playful child' again. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains full directions for babies, duldren of ell des and for grown-ups. i1 •trots, .Mitnhalt :arid CapoiPbell Ri'rkton werein attendance but for- tunately found that there were no Woes broken. The engagement is announced of Ethel Belle only daughter of Mr. Thos, Honey, Toronto, to Kenneth J. Hodgert of Hamilton, younger son of Mr, and Mrs, A. Hodgert, Russel- dale. The marriage will take place in the Indian Road Baptist church, Tor- onto, on Armistice Day. .—Y--,��------ Hensall Mr. Elliott went to Windsor last week to take a position there. returned after has 'esu Mrs. Snetsinger r visiting relatives in St. Marys and London, Mr. Wellington McDonald of Tor- onto is spending a few days at his home here. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Forest was taken to Lon- don to undergo an operation for ap- pendicitis. Mrs. Charters of Oklahoma who has been visiting her sister Mrs. G. N. Hill and other relatives in this vicinity left for her home, We learn that Mr, James Parks achieved a high standing in the plowing match at Chatham last week Jim was among the leaders' in the competition, As Mesrs. S. Merner and George SOUR, AGWSTO I.A+ Ha" +wM GASES OR INIDIGES1JON ,Pape'a Dlapepstn" neutralizes exC sive acid In stomach, n1110060 dyspepsia, heartburn and distress ate once. Time 144 In five minutes all Stour, areh distress, due to acidity, will ra No indigestion, heartburn, eoi,nness car belching of gas or eruetations :of mulls gested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin , is noted for rte speed in regulating upset' sit.4ettaclte. It is the surest, quickost stomach' sweet• ones in the whole world, ,and besides it s end atm:atoll is armle s Put an n to s ata• h . distress at once by getting a pare fifty - cent case of Pape's Diapepsip::frore any drug store. You realize in Ave Minutes how needless it is to suffer from Indis gestion, dyspepsia or any stomach dis- order caused by fermentation due $o excessive acids in stomach. Armstrong were moving the bean threshing outfit front Mr. Albert Geddeh to Mr. John. Campbells of the 2nd con. of Hay, a bolt holding one of the brace irons on the ,teParator tongue broke causing the machine to run into the ditch and tip over, very little damage was done.' The machine was soon righted and threshing was resumed in a few hours. 0 F you have $100 in the Savings Bank it will pay you 3 per cent. interest, or in fifteen years, $45.00. F you take that money out of the Savings Bank and invest it in Victory Bonds, Canada will a you5'%interest �" per cent. + it, or in .the same time, $82e50 BUY ictory B and get more interest Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee in co-operation with the Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada,