The Exeter Times, 1919-10-30, Page 1.M: n FORTY-SECOND YEAR— NO. 2258 EXETER, OTT,, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER ,3O., 1919 JI1111111111111111111111111111m111111111111111111mu11111111111111mumoAil111111111IlIliNlgAtlilltllllDilllmmuIR111IIIIgI= JONES 4 rIAY Ailother er, Shipthent of ____ Ladies' Misses' Coats 0.74 44.440. 1001., EINEM 4.011.1 1.040. • RTINZIon Arammo alaravoi 'We have just received another shipment of the celebrated Northway and Rogers' brands of Ladies' and Misses' Fall and Winter Coats. They are shown in Veltex, Velour and Silver - tone cloths in the popular shades of lava brown, platinum, navy, grape, green, etc., Prices moderate. • SPECIAL VALUES—In Black Cloth Coats also Salt's celebrated Esquimette seal plush and Baby Lamb, SPECIAL VALUES IN COMFORTER MATERIALS Five pieces wrapperette 36 inches wide, good heavy_ weight, special at 40c a yard. Five pieces heavy art sateen 36 inches wide. A splendid cloth for good quality comfort- ers. Exceptionally good value at 75c a yard. OUR HOUSE-FURNISHISHtNG DEPARTMENT. This department in our store is now well -stocked to meat the needs of the Fall and Win- ter season. We have remarkably good values in rugs, linoleum, congoleum rugs, oilcloths, curtains and curtain materials, curtain poles, window shades, etc., etc. SPECIAL—Six-good patterns of flowered Marquisette, especially adapted for over cur- tains on sale at 75c a yard. ' SPECIAL VALUE—In Navy Serge Dress goods. We still have a few webs of old stock in all wool serge dress goods, particularly in navy blue. These range in price from $1.50 to $3.75 a yard. MEN'S MADE -TO -MEASURE SUITS. Have you tried one of our made -to -measure suits yet? This department in. our store un- der the personal direction of Mr. N. Sheere is becoming more popular every day. We guar- antee a perfect fit and can give you a suit tailored to your measure at very little more cost than a ready-made suit. Jones May PHONE 32 i lliliill �1111111111111111111111111illllilllll1111illlilllilillllilillllllililllillllilllllliililiiililllil111111111111fliilillllllilllilllillii 11 1111 maisrall Mrs. D. F. Ferguson left Wednes- day evening far Winnipeg after an extended visit with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Chas: Birney. Mrs. Birney Mrs. C. Zwie]ter spent the week - and Mr. W: Birney accompanied her end in New Hamburg. as far as Toronto. Mr. Eli Lawson was in Toronto on business last week -enol. SCHOOL "AT HOME', The Mieses Muriel Nicholson and The. Exeter High School will hold Addie Geiser of London spent the their annual "At Home" in the as- wek-end at their homes here. sembly room at the school on Friday The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup - evening. The "At Home" is one of per will be observed in the Metho- the big events of the year among dist church next Sunday morning. the high school students and is look- Mrs. (Dr.) Ornie as delegate at - ed forward to with much, interest, tended the Women's Institute Con - A splendid program is being arrang- vention which was held in London ed, refreshments will be served and Tuesday and Wednesday of this promenades will conclude the even- week. leg's entertainment. Last Wednesday the members of A FLYING TRIP the Women's Institute visited the institute at Hurondale and were Mr. F. W. Gladnzan returned Mon- very pleasantly entertained at the day evening from a flying business home of Mrs. Luther Reynolds. trip to Winnipeg. On Moaday of Mr. Sambrook accompanied by last week Mr. Gladznan remained in Miss Sambrook who has been visiting town until after the opening of the here the last two monthe, left fur Toronto Sunday. Miss Sambrook go- ing on to Vancouver and Mr. Sam- brook remaining in Toronto for a few days. Edward Chambers and Clifford I3rokertshire from the Methodist S. S. and Earl Schwartz and Walter Hauch from Zion S. S. will be rep- resentatives at. the Boys' Parliament ELECTED TO BOYS I':'IIII T A I iNT to be held in Exeter in November. The elections were held last Sun - Elections to the Boys' Parliament any. to be held in Exeter on November Tbe regular monthly meeting of ?th, 8th and 9th underthe auspices the Women's Institute will be held Crediton polling booths when he exercised his franchise. Immediately after he motored to St. Marys and tock the train from there to Winnipeg. Mr. Gladman was also at Carman, Man. In the Carman district there has been a number of real estate tran:;fteL•s in farm lands, in some ca,es as high as $100 an acre being paid, of the South Huron Sunday School re j Association were halal in the differ- ' raa ent schools on Sunday last. Messrs. Will Strang and Roy Thoutlrsen were elected to represent Caven School; Charlie Ford and Elmer Tuckey to represent Main St., Beverley Ach- eson and James Morley, Trivitt school and George Hinds and .Eddie Davis, James Street. lteeerts from the different schools shows great ha terest being taken. alSierrol leralas mamal mamma 1 SAW THE PRINCE mama solsone Man ragaRIO memos oeusol womemos 101.44. trons O Seasonable Suggestions Perfection Oil Heaters will make any cold corner comfortable: Econ- omical, Handsome, Safe and Conven- ient. From $3.50 to $12.00. Perfection wicks New Process wicks BIG STOCK TO SELECT FROM Paroid Roofing Cornet hoofing Planet Roofing $3.50 per sq. $2.25 per rel. $2.00 per sq. Plain and Tarred Building Paper a Double Coated. Sheeting Paper --$2 per roll Lanterns CIothes Baskets Ash Sifters Sugar Beet Knives $1.25 $1,85 25e. 65e. 40c. 45c. r oascTMROID ROOFING ,DE 01 61.001 miARL itE0 zc-• ; elroe a soy ItAND ON Epp GET OUR LOW PRICES ON GLASS FOR HOUSES & BARNS 4 earnan's Hardware 27W PHONES 273 You are invited to our Mid -Sea- son Millinery Openings November 1st. There will be special exhibitions of pattern hats, "our own" trimmed hats and unique and domestic and imported millinery novelties. E. T. V. CURLISS. A large number from town were at London on Wednesday and Thurs- day of last week to see the Prince of Wales. Those who ll•ad tile pri- vilege of a close view were capti- vated by the winsome voile on. Bri- tain's heir to the throne. The city was gaily decorated for the oeeasioii and the streets were crowded with people. Mr. Lloyd Livers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rivers, of town, was decorated by the Prince With a Military Medal. Sergi. Rivers was instrumental in capturing an enemy machine gun qost and holding it and for this conspicuous bravery received the decoration.. .CAVEN ANNIVERSARY. Caven Presbyterian church held most successful anniversary services on Sunday last. Rev. W. G. Hanna, B.D., of Toronto was the special preacher for the day and delivered eloquent and inspiring sermons to large congregations the church being packed to the doors in the evening. The music was of high order. The choir was assisted by Miss Lillian Gregg, of Detroit, who delighted the congregation~ with her solos. On Monday evelzing a chicken pie sup- per was served after which a pro- gram was given. The ladies provided an excellent supper and a large crowd was in attendance. ONLY CHILD DIES. After a week's illness the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walker Kerslake, of Winchelsea has been bereave3 by the loss .of their only child, Master George Pletcher Kerslake aged 7 years and 17 days. The little lad took sick at school an Monday of last week and on Sunday he passed away. Peri- tonitis was the cause of death. Mr. and Mrs. Kerslake have the heart- felt sympathy of the community us the passing of this bright fiower of THAMES ROAD ANNIVERSARY the home will leave an aching void. The funeral was Izeld on Tuesday af- Anniversary and Fowl Supper, ternoon conducted by the Pastor, Thames Road Presbyterian church November 2nd and 3rd. Rev. S. Mc- Lean, B. A., of Egmondville will preach on Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Special music by the choir as- sisted by Mr. W. Mills of Woodham Fowl supper on Monday evening from 5 to 8 followed by concert in, -This was a large meeting as the the church. Hensall 'Male Quartette Crediton 'Women's Institute had will take part. Admission 60c;child- been invited to he present. Avery ren 35c, excellent addrae was given by Mrs. Victorious Boys buy Victory Bonds • Hauch 01 Crediton on The Motto of Rev. H. 13. Parnaby. Interment in Exeter cemetery. HURONDALI6 WOMEN'S 4 • INSTIT'i"1'5.1 ENTERTAINS The regular meeting of the Wom- en's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. L. Reynolds on October 22. HALLOWE'EN, SUPPER Trivitt Memorial Church on Oct. 31st, from 6 to 8 p.m. Program in the evening. Admission 35e our Institute. Miss Coates also as- sisted on the program giving two instrumental numbers. The Huron - dale branch donated $10 to the Navy League of Canada, The ladies ap- The wealth of Canada, backs Vic- preciated very much the opportunity tory Bonds- of meeting the members of another branch institute of South Huron and of Jnterchanging Ideas. DOME THEATRE, Beekman EXETER REWi1)ENT DIES. Mr. William Whiteford of Exeter passed away on Tuesday following a short illness. Tbe deceased was in WITHIN the frontiers of a desol- his 78th year. On Friday of last week ate, God -forsaken jungle on the dark while driving on :Bain St. Mr-White- silentI a paralytic str ke.I.Ie coast of .Africa this giant ford strii'ez er p y o white man, reared by an ape mother was unable to guide the horse he roams and kills. was driving and while passing a team of horses-drttched to a wagon one of the horses put his foot thio the hind wheel of the buggy in which Mr. Whiteford was riding. The buggy tilted to one side and Mr. White- ford was thrown out landing on his shoulder. He was taken to his home and has been in a serious condition since. Mr. Whiteford was one of Exeter's respected citizens coming to town a number of years ago from Usborne 'Township. He is survived by his bereaved widow and six child- ren, Mrs. ,las. Mantis of Exeter; William H., of Hedrick, Iowa; Mrs. Alex. 1MIcPalis and Mrs. Wes, Horne, of Usborne; John S. of Bianshard and Mrs. Wilbur T{ing of ITarniota, ROMANCE OF TA.RZAN 'Man., `The funeral will 'be held. en NOVEMBER 2.5tlt and 29th, t910 'Thitrsry:ay afternoon. Tarzan of the Apes. He slays the lion and tiger with his bare hands; the jaguar flees at his terrible cry; the massive ele- phants tear frim. The dreadful gorrila and stealthy panther are but babies in his hands All the terrible beasts of the jungle skulk away at his approach. Then comes ,the beautiful white girl and TMIZA.N OF THE APES takes to his breast and covers her face with kisses. OCTOBER 31st, & NOVEIV.CI3ER 1st. Matinee, November 1st, Saturday. Children 15e; Adults 25c. Evening price 25c. 1 in the Forrester's Hall on Tuesday, November 4th at 2.30 .p.m. Each member is asked to bring a "Christ- mas Suggestion—either a recipe or gift and a report of the annual con- vention held in London will also be given. All ladies of the vicinity are welcomed. Dashwood Mrs. A. Birk and Verna are visit- ing in Sarnia and Detroit this week, Mr. T. Klnmp has disposed of his confectionery business to Mr. Pred White. Mr, and Mrs. S. J. Adams return- ed to London after visiting with rel- atives here. Rev. and Mrs. Yager spent a few days last week in Stratford. Miss E. Tiernan of London visit- ed with Mr. E. Tiernan this week. Mr. and„Mrs. B. Station of (lrand Bend visited in town last. weak. Mr. and Mrs. G. Nadiger. The Ladies' Aid of the fitly anguli^ OW church held their annual meet- ing for the election of officers en. uetoeer sat. The following officers were elected; Hon. Pres., Mrs. R.m Yager! Pres., Mrs. George Ediglioffe Viet:: Pres., Mrs. Geo, Howard; Secretary, Mrs. Wm. Snell; (lei. See., Mae IIr.. Ehlers; Treas., Mrs. Neal; Pianist, Mrs, D. Tiernan; Asst. pianist, Mrs. J. K. Ehlers. Watch diose dollars --1h to+r5 needi them. Musical Entertainment Mr. Freiman Brouwer, baritone. ac ho po•s,es •...: voice of unusual. range and init)rl.• He wins his audience o n les 1':rst :tppearanre, and when. he -,legs hnitlz thole raellbound. His interpret.. atiun :tit:1 Cnt.triviatic.n, are excellent. Ile i+ a smart:. 414 haliec.:r When Mfr. Raymond (•alfas spent a fen 1, s nz., it should Jie clear And ch -A. t' I. days in London last week. :s' . 1:0;rov.:,: Dewed, va>•llnisi. i:an, •.. ; a a'Ir:rriltiur its• ton,: who .Hirai-.. ,k. i ,h•s :0 I' e rry, soprano, lists i.• site is i : cr;tabic: tre tt .tn:i er :�" 11lLa., `:i. ti'`i m's.; hc'"lris., E -0.1,--r Opera I1 -'.i \itAL NO`1.11fl 1v mise;A rt 35 ' We are pleased to report that Margaret, daughter of Mr. awl Mrs. Wm. Field, is doing nicely after a serious operation which she had ner- fornzed at St. Joi ..?p1t'sz IIo:±;)ita1. London. Miss Lily Iroffman hag return' :i: try her home in Tavisinek after visiting with relatives here for some time. lir. and Mrs. Dan Nnrmyb' of Rah aznazoo, MIiriz„ spent last week with c .i :tt a`),•. P•azt .4. r- �=--', s.,mm x Aarlx. u• -arca �c �• t - ' _, m. .11 OFF/CIA ROS 4C qr US "The he Bridge li'om War to Peat €' s—Ti ePriaice of Waak It THE MINISTER OF FINANCE OF THE DoMIONION OF CANADA offers for Public Subscription the 0 . ,.. 4 r o n. 3OO9000,000. 51/2% Gond Bond .6 Bearing interest from November lst, 1919, an,l (-1 a:4'd in two maturities, the choice of which is optional with the subscriber as follows: 5 year Bonds due November 1st, 1924 15 year 113, rids due November 1st, 1934 Principal payable without charge at tIld Office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver Gc,leral at Ottawa, or at the Office of the Assistant Receiver General at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal. Toronto,Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary and Victoria. Bonds may be registered as to principal or as to principal and interest, as hereinafter provided, at any of the above-mentioned offices. Interest payable, without charge, half -yearly. May 1st and N veinber 1st, at any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank. Principal and Interest payable in Gold. Denominations: $50, $100, $500, and $1,000 Issue Price: 100 and Accrued. Interest, Income Return 5x ,r Ana u m -m The proceeds of the Loan wilt be used to pay indebtedness incurred, and to meet expa ' tures to be made in connection with demobilization. (including the authorized War service eeatuity to our soldiers, land settlement to ns, and other purreses connected with their re-estal4e ••,estner.t Into civil life), for capital outlay d'*on a h1.pbuiltii:ay, and other national undertaking . rrwin, part of Canada's industrial reconstruction pro ar attune, and for the establishment of a nes. ec- sary credits for the purchase of grain, foodstuf'�;, timber and other products, and will be spent wholly in Canada. Payment t.' male as follows: 10% on application;20``o IIese nit r :'t'i, 1919: 20% January Oth, 1920; 20 o February 10th, 19'20; 31.21°';t March 9th, 1920. The lash payment of 31.21'''0 covers 3O'`;, balance of ivrincipal and 1.21''. reortesentin1z accrued interest at 5?re from November 1st to due dates of the respective instalments. A full half -year's interest wig be paid on Nita- tee, heel. W i l m t ing the cost of the bonds 1110 and interest. Subscriptions may be paid in full at the tirri[,1.4. ?i ion 100 with tint interest, or on any instal- ment due date thereafter, together with as a L ', . f 5 z per annum. This Loan is authorized under Act of the l' r..ameet. e _ Curiada, and both priacipai and interest are a charge tepon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. The amount of this issue is $300,000,(100. cif the !etnorei1. paid fort,•: bonds of previous issues. The Minister of Finance, however, reserves the right to allot the whole or any part of the amount subscribed in excess of ; (1,000. _r` ayiTaten s All cheques, drafts, etc., covering instalreeeet aro to be .rate payable to 6t a Crdct t tg Mt ieter of Finance. Failure to pay any instalment « he e. 1• 1• .. and the allotment to cancellation. Subscriptiors g r t..: zr those 'Cil in 21111 ..r.?-3fi.,u..t .:tt n' zccom- panied by a deposit of 10% of the amount su l Of•,icid t NaSizE.I'S'IV9.1, ' rs -ub,:.'ionsor any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank will t ce nt ' ih Asti and issue &ba,^.rintions naay be paid in full at time on. stir ,<.itiei 1 < i. i) without in instalment due date thereafter, together with accrued interest to titre: of mal ii! ; payment ie : crit. :Id payment of subscriptions may be made as follows: If paid in full on or before November Lith, 1019, par without interest or 109 ;•' If remaining instalments paid on Dec. 9th, 1919, balance of t±at o and interest to 90 52 p 11 remaining instalments paid on Jan. 9th, 1920, balance of 70r0 and interest ($70S1 per Stt'ot1_ If remaining instalments paid on Feb. 10th, 1920, balance of : 0 d and interest$51.0a per 5111 t). If remaining instalment paid on Mar. 9th, 1020, balance of :10% and interest ($31.21 per $:Oil)_ 4ti Payment of instalments or payment in full after November 15th, 1910, can be made orb; sr. sir Instal- ment due date. ti u Denomination and legistl`atioga Bearer bonds, with coupons, will be issued in lanomination of $50, $100, $500, and $1,006, and may be registered as to principal. The first coupon attached to these bonds will be due on May 1st, 1920. Fully registered bonds, the interest on which is paid direct to the owner by Government cheque, will be issued in denominations of $500, $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $25,000, $50,000, $100,000, or any multiple of 5100,000. Payment o Interest A full half -year's interest at the rate of 53-2% per annum will be paid May 1st, 1920. Form a Rend and Delivery Subscribers must indicate on their application the form of Mond and the denominations required, and the securities so indicated will be delivered by the bank upon payment of subscriptions in full. Bearer bonds of this issue will be available for deliveryat the time of application to -subscribers desirous of making payment in full. Bonds registered as to principal only, or fully registered as to principal and interest, will be delivered to subscribers making payment in full, as soon as the required registration can be made. Payment of all instalments must be made at the bank originally named by the subscriber. Non-negotiable receipts will be furnished to all subscribers wi desire to pay by instalments. These receipts will be exchangeable at subscriber's bank for bonds on any instalment date when subscription is paid in full. All receipts must be exchanged before lst June, 1920. Forams of Bonds Interchangeable Subject to the payment of 25 cents for each new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without coupons will have the right to convert into bonds with coupons,; and holders of bonds with coupons will have the right to convert into fully registered bonds without coupons, at any time, on application to the Minister of Finance or any Assistant Receiver General. Forms of application may be obtained from any Official Canvasser, from any Victory Loan Committee, or member thereof, or from any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank. Subseript on Lists will close ou or beforo November 15th, 1919 DEPAIkTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA, October 27th, 1019. Keep Canada's Farms and Factories Busy 10T