HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-10-23, Page 4TI1ITRSI1'.'lY, OCI`O EI: 23rd, 1.)t( ,&1L.SA. CRAWL MAN DIES. WO rd. bas been received of the death of Daniel Dorman of Ails:t • Craig at Grand Rapids, 'Mich.. on '?'ht i.••st Mr. rive! Mts. Dorman $cit. ll+ it last week axle he umber •tit Who) + bb.; daughter it a trained Meuse. i'+ ,itle- bl- 6 tt't lit' It vee a grown-up family of six daughters; • 3l1rs. tlir.l Weguer of Grand Rapids; 14'11•~. t'tettwartb'n of 4t. Thomas; 11rs. 3, Cameron of Manitoba; Mrs. ilex. • 11Ici'uliliatt, !'Print Williams; Mrs. Bert Blum%) ,rf t?tis Place; and Maud of Graxut Repels: also one son. Andrew tof McGillivray. Auction Sale xI(b( tilti, & iiorei:t1OLu) 't;:'i'n"lis The undersigned has 1)t'eu instruc- ted to xa'i1 h)' public auction tilt' property of the late Jos. Peart, sit- uate on the corner of Albert and Hu- ron sit eels. Exeter, t)n At'AT!'IUL1'k, NOVEMBER, Width, lett) emu Inoue ing at one o'clock elle rp the bcillo•ti-iai;;: tables, 6 perforated chairs; 6 cane - bottomed chairs; 12 kitchen chairs; 2 arm chairs; 4 rockers; 2 verauda seats: 2 veranda chairs; 1 glass cupboard: 3 xuirrors; 3 'gels; 2 couches; 2 bedroom sr'' e: 1 bur- eau; 2 stands; 2 toilet sets; two couche ; one writing desk; carpets, mats, linoleum, a large quantity of dist t's, :cnives, forks and spoons, 3 dozen gems; 1 kiteheet ru ge, new; 6 pipes: 2 elbows; 1 Detroit gas- oline two burner stove; 2 granite, pails 1 five gallon oil cttn and two out' gallon cans: coal scuttle.; wash- ing ince: line: wringer; 2 tubs; once topper boiler; 3 lamps: two cords hard stove wood; about two tons of chestnut, coal; wheelbarrow, two long ladders; at step badder; gar- den cultivator. alt*W: grindstone; wa- tering tem; lawn mower and a lot More articles too numerous to men- tion. REAL. ESTATE—House 20x30, frame. story and one half. Kitchen. and woodshed 20x36. three bed- rooms upstairs, oixe downstairs. Sit- ting room. and parlor. New furnace in house. also a stable 20x30, This lot is beautifully ornamented and has a number of fruit trees. There is one halt acre of choice property. TEll.3I: -- -{ aslt for Chattels. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE— 10 per cent on day of sale and balance in 30 days without interest. If re- quired part of pure base umoney Max e3e, . y at current rags of interest. Further particulars and conditions made known on day of sale or may be had on application to undersigned. S. :Martin, ,john Peart, Eseeutors C. W. Robinson, Auctioneer (MADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors fee Executors AUCTION SALT FARM STO(•'X & IMrU0liiNTS Grain and Roeselxold Effects The undersigned auctioneer will sell by public auction on Lot 14, Con. 14, Township !Hibbert 1'1111) QY, OCTOBER, 8Ist,919 at, 1 o'clock. pen. sharp the following HOUSES --Driving mare, quiet & reliable, 6 years old. COWS -2 Holstein cows due last of March; 2 Durham cows due last of March; 2 Durham cows cine last of May; Holstein cow freshened with calf at foot; 3 year old steer, 2 yearling Holstein heifers; yearl- ing Durham steer; 7 spring ca1xes, HOGS -2 brood sows clue .last of December; 1 store hog. IMPLEMENPS—A quantity' of wood, lumber, cedar posts, about 4 toes of hay and some straw; 6 foot sap pan and over 60 buckets, cattle chains, watering trough, slings ropes' extension ladder, top buggy, cutter, harness, some roots and corn. Household effects --Cash. FURNITURE & CARPETS—Cook stove, table, fruit stand, stove pipes, bedroom suite, pictures, dishes, and a lot of other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS—All sums of $10 and un- der, cash, over that amount 10 months credit ou approved joint notes and a discount of 4 per cent per annum off for cash on credit a- mounts. Andrew Hackney, Thos. Cameron Proprietor Auctioneer TKO EX4110R IL'IMOS CLEARING Auction Sale FARM, FARM STOCK, 11'.U)NTS, HAY, GRAIN, STRAW ANI) POOTS, t:alt Thomas Carcterc ll�aqri;,J�eei�t�stzu, ted to sell by public ,P,uction on; 1'11?,tt 11, Concession 12, :lisborue on, .te WEDNESDAY,DPTOXi1+1ktl, J1919 at 12 p.xn. sharp. tllp fcltowang:,-'-, x HORSES -2 mares, draft; 1 g41d-; ing 6 years draft; 1 gelding three years draft; 1 filly 3 years draft; 2 fillies 2 years draft; 1 gelding 2 years draft; 1 yearling filly, draft; 1 farmers driving mare. CATTLE -1 pure-bred Shorthorn bull 17 months old; 4 cows suppos- ed to be with calf; 2 3 -year-old hei- fers -supposed to be with calf; nine choice heifers rising three years sup- posed to be with calf; 5 steers two years old; 9 steers 1 year old; 4 heifers 1 year old; 2 calves. HOGS --2 brood • sows, 7 shoats. IMPLEMENTS -2 lumber wagons and boxes complete; 1 truck wagon; 2 pair bob sleighs, nearly new; one pr. sleighs, been used; top buggy, cut- ter; Massey -Harris binder 7 -ft. cut; 1 Massey -Harris binder 6 -ft. cut; 6 foot mower; fertilizer drill; 12 -hose drill; 2 manure spreaders; 2 2 -fur- row plows; 4 single plows; 2 set of harrows; 1 disc; 2 3 -horse cultiva- tors, land roller, steel rake, scuffler, t "I Hope Every City and District Wil Win My Flag" When Edward, Prince of Wales eager, bright eyed, smiling and sincere arrived in Canada in August, and when he voiced his great admiration of the wonderful achievements of Canadians, on the melds of battle and at home, once again we were thrilled with joyous pride. He asked concerning Canada's reconstruction pro- gramme, and when he was told of the Victory Loan 1919, he graciously consented to the use of his Coat of Arms on a flag, which is to be the prize of honour_ for districts achieving their quota in the loan. In dedicating "The Prince's Flag" at Ottawa on Labor Day, His Royal highness said in part:— "It art:"It is a great joy to me to be associated with the loan, which is the bridge between war and peace, and which is finishing off the job." "I hope every city and district will wir, my flag." Striking, and beautiful in design, this flag will form. .7..;;A: eor:'y an ueique memento of Victory Year, but a .lasting and outst ceding souvenir of the visit of His Royar Highness ---a visit which will remain as one of the most memorable events in Canada's history. The reproduction above shows the design of the flag. The body is white, the edge red; in the upper left hand corner is the Union Jack, and in the lower right hand corner the Prince of Wales' Coat of Arms. The flag is made in tthwo sizes, 4 feet 6 inches by 9 feet for small cities, towns and villages, and 7 feet by 13 feet 6 inches for cities of over 10,000 population. Canada has been divided into canvassing districts bytheVictory Loan Organization. Each city forms one district. Other districts have been determined according to Population. Each of these canvassing districts has been allotted a certain amount in Victory Bonds to sell. To win the Prince's Flag, therefore, a district has to sell its allotment. That is the one and simple condition. Anticipating that many districts will buy far beyond their allotment, the organization decided that for each twenty-five per cent. excess of the quota one Prince of Wales' Crest be awarded. Thus the workers in a district doubling its quota will be the proud win- ners of four small crests for their Honour Flag. These crests will be sewn to the flag. The Prince's Crest--- "taT►„an. 4�h ti .,,Yv Soo w,.d the three ostrich plumes—is shown at the top of the coat of arms. To every organization with fifty or more employees, where seventy-five per cent. of the enrollment invests a total of ten per cent. of the annual payroll in Victory Bonds, a supplementary Prince of Wales Flag in smaller form 18 inches by 34 inches—will be awarded. The allotment for each district has been carefully considered, and is based on a conservative estimate of the purchasing power of the district. Your district can sell its allotment and flies win the Prince's Flag, provided each person does his or her share. You will gladly do your part and encourage your neighbour to do his. Remember YOUR purchase may be the one that decides whether or not your district is to be the proud possessor of the Prince's Flag. The Prince's Motto is `d1 Serve" Will You also Serve? ictor Loan '--Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee in co-operation with the Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada. 614 turnip Reeder, Z hay racks; 2 root etepers; 2 fanning mills; pea - liar -Pesters; 3 set double iiar'ness; 1 set single harness, horse collars, wheel- barrows, grindstone, wbiffletrees, neck yokes, chains, shovels, forks, hoes, saws, grain bags, ears, ropes, pulleys and slings. DeLaval cream separator, ' About .5.0 •'tons of first-class ixay, 1000 bus, '.mixed grain; 100 bus. of oats: A quantity of marigolds and straw on Lot 10. • REAL ESTATE Farm consists of Lot 11, S%12, concession 12, Town- ship of Usborne, County of Huron, containing 150 acres of choice land; 10 acres of hard -wood bush; 4 acres orchard, balance in grass; 40 acres newly seeded. On the premises is a good brick dwelling, hank barn, well fenced,_ well drained, and in good state of cultivation. Convenient to churches and school and village of Kirkton. TERMS—Terms on real estate to be made known on day of sale or on application to the proprietor on the premises or to Thomas Cameron, Woodham, Ont. TERMS OF CHATTELS—' -AIL sums of $10 and under cash; over that a, mount 12 months credit on furnish- ing approved joint notes or a dis- count of 4 per cent off for cash on credit amounts. James Gardiner, Proprietor. Thos. Cameron & P. F. Doupo Auctioe eers EXECUTOR'S SALT OF PROPERTY AT GRAND BEND The Executor of the Estate of the late Maria Gill will offer for sale by public auction on the premises ou Tuesday, October 28th, 1919, at 1 o'clock p.m., the following; REAL ESTATE:— Lot No. 5 on the south side of Huron Street (the Lake Road) Grand Bend. On this lot is a story and a half frame cottage; cement block foundation, also an ice house. This cottage is well built and suit- able for winter residence. Loi No. 6 on the south side' of Huron Street (the Lake Road) Grand Bend. This is a good building lot and will be sold subject to the right of the owner of the summer cottage which is now on the lot to remove it from the lot. Each of the above lots has a frontage of about 4 rods by a depth of about 8 rods. CHATTELS:— Two beds, 2 dressers, 2 wash- stands, mattresses, springs, hat rack sewing machine, cook stove, a large quantity of bedding, glass and crock- ery ware, chairs, tables, etc., some :stove, wood and other houseliold ef- fects too numerous to mention. TERMS:— Chattels; Cash. Real Estate: 20 per cent an the day of sale and the balance in 30 days, thereafter. Further particulars and terms of sale will be made known on the day of sale or may be had on applica- tion to:— E. A. FOLLICK, B. S. PHILLIPS, Executor, Auctioneer Exeter, Ont. Exeter, Ont. GLADMAN & STANIBTRY Barristers, etc. "Fleeter, Ontario. Watch those dollars—Victory needs them. Auction Sale OF FRAME COTTAGE, ETC. ON ANDREW STREET ,I1.x:TER. ' The Executor of the Estate of the Iate Priscilla Clarke, has instructed the undersigned auctioneer to offer for sale by Public Auction on the premises on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1st,, 19119 at one o'clock, the following: - REAL ESTATE—Lot number ninety-eight (98) on the east side of Andrew Street in the village of Exeter. On this Iot is a frame cot- tage ottage containing six rooms, a pantry and a clothes closet and woodshed. There is also a good sized stable. The Iot is an extra large village Int The Location is one of the best in Exeter. Possession can be given im- mediately. CHAT'ri iLS-1 parlor suite, ( 7 pieces), 4 rockers, 1 centre table, 1 organ, 1 dining room table and 6 chairs, 1 couch, 2 wooden bedsteads, 2 feather beds, 1 mattress, 1 bedroom set, 1 bureau, 1 sideboard, 1 clock, 1 glass cupboard, 1 kitchen table, 7 kitchen chairs, 1 coal heater, 2 wood cook stoves, 1 set of dishes, 1 wheel- barrow, and a number of garden tools, 1 lawn mower, 2% tons of coal, 2 cord of wood, 2 tapestry car- pets, and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS— REAL ESTATE -10 per cent on the day of sale, the balance in 30 days thereafter without interest. CHATTELS—Cash. Further particulars will be made known on day of sale or may be had on application to; FRANK GILL, Executor; C. W. ROBINSON, Auctioneer GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors THE USI3ORNE AND BIBBERT PARKER'S MUTEAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY. Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, THOS. RYAN 'nice -President, WM. ROY DIRECTORS WM. BROCK, J. T. ALLISON J. L. RUSSELL, ROBT. NORRIS AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Hibbert. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Ribbert, rullarton and Logan. W, A. TURNBULL, Secy.-Treas., Farpuhar (MADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter,, • a{r. WHEN YOUR HEALTH FAILS ALL IS LOST ! When your good be4th leaves you then yon lose energy, ambition and the d to succeed futile. t Things that are wortlx while do nottaterest Yon y oll drag en from day to day. Don't give up; Don't Weaken, do not be discouraged be- cause other medicines have failed to benefit you, here is one that will Build Up and Strengthen the Body so that yon will again be Strong anal Vigorous-- - Hacking's Heart and Nerve Renaedy It takes away "that tired feeling" and brings back throsy y cheeks of your younger days. Health, Strength and Vitality are yours if you desire them, get a few boxes of Hackings Heart and Nerve Remedy from your dealer today, and give thein a fair trial. It is the blaster Tonic and Builder that will succeed when others have failed. Mrs. 11. Hinchcliffe of Weigh= writes as follows— "Hackiug's Heart and Nerve Remedy has done wonders for nte,I was on the point of a Complete Nervous Breakdown, could not sleep nor plan my household duties; for years I suffered with my heart and my. Nerves and the doctors could do little for me. I took Backing's Heart and Nerve Remedy on the recommendation of one of my friends. After taking the first box I improved so much in health that I took the full treatment of six boxes and amnow feelingao:xnuch better that I am able to return to my work with:renewed vigor. I ata glad that I lave at last found a medicine that has done me so , In good. Hacking''s Heart and Nerve Remedy sells for 60e t. box. 8 for $2.50. If your Druggist does not have it he will be gladna it for you or we willbe glad to send it to you by post: paid. Insist on Sacking's. HACKING'S LIMITED, Listowel, Ont.' lA 'Y1IP1_Tllll 111(IIIJIII U 1.: INCORPORATED 1855 11L OLSONS BANK Incorporated in 1855 Capital and Reserve $8,800,000 Over 100 Branches ANY INFORMATION NEEDED A- BOUT BANKING WILL BE GLAD- LY AND COURTEOUSLY GIVEN ON APPLICATION BY THE MANA- GER. OF ANY ONE OF OUR BRAN- CHES. T. S. WOODS, Manager EXETER BRANCH Centralia Branch open for business daily • THE. MERCHANT The banking requirements of merchants will receive full con- sideration by the officers of this Bank. Arrange to open a current account and every banking facility is assured. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 1500. EXETER BRANCH CREDITON BRANCH - DASEIWOOD BRANCH • • A. E. KUHN, Manager J. A. McDONALD, Manager F. S. KENT, Manager MeV Farrnersh At a tiol!d Now is your time to put in your supply of both HARD AND SOFT CAOL. I am selling Large Lump, Bright, Cleain Threshing Coal at $7 per ton. Very low prices on the Beat Farm Fence (Frost . Fence, ) All kinds of Lumber in stock, also Shingles and Cedar Posts, 8ft., 9ft., and 10ft. long. Cement sold in large lots at a very close price. All Grades of Palloid Roofing. Phone 12, A. J. CLATWORTHY GRANTON • DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L.L.D., D,D.S. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- Sity. 10111NTIST Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladntan & Stanbury's Oflice. Main St. Exetea', CASTOR'A1 Fa Infants and Children hi Use For Over 30 Years Always bearstha Signature of A'. W. BROWING}, M. D., M. S. P.:0 S. Graduate Victoria University, Office and Residence, Dominion Labratory, Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. .. . rc L R. CARLING, M. A. if1 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publidd Commissioner, Solicitor for MO Molsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates 01 Interest. OFFICE --MAIN ST. EXETER, ON! PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Audi tioneer. Sales conducted in any Iocr ality. Terms moderate, Orders left at Tinges Office will be promptly at -i tended to. Phone 116, Kirktona Address 1 irkton P. O. .t4 DR. G, F- ROULSTON, L.D.S., DENTIST Office over I. R. Oarling's Lalli office. 11 Closed every Wednesday after'itooai