HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-10-23, Page 3QI�A
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I I ' _ _ , , , , ;1*,N1 �1�401 8041123 TNE FU4 Q093TION I I 0y, I "';.- , feel "N"c2eaptig, have re,elved,
Wever Suffered , , I
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11 �k'i'mi,"�."", IDEAL)REA,raIX A NID CO(0)KERV: . About three P.nd a hall yearsago,l was
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, � I teea,=ibly bA waxt; ji,urves
, UP - ftm Nopt For Townand Country I - , 04v� a DQ%w1th.Ty h
I VooDm Camps and Bunsellowo. " "I "I ,. ing spq a, an _ was down
I Conducted by Profesgor Henry' Q, Rell Z T7> 1 tJ0,?4-egpVjS1VS Produces Gag Anywhere. 11 D , � � X � � "I I ... : bed for about six roonths. I doctor!3
There is no otli(.r kind of bovrel trouble - The-4bject o.4 this department is to place at the ger- �,,e?�, :��,.��j,,!,,�...,. "' :N, I V coal or wood ��� !_ )I _ 0 � with two different doctors .and sieemedi I
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` - " Wy* without � ;2,tE� -, I ; better altl'0110 the failltillK spells
,,bat comes on one 60 oulckly and with ire the havice of an, 4cknowledged , , ��! .... VF, ! � It," I , .�.
. rJc-e of our fai � �� . " 0 -
'at readL " ` `�11' I A 91raTIV115, % . , �,_ .
I For cooking IVI uld take
, -`� `:i,':� .1 'f (�W_-r_i � - 0 ,
-ramps luthority ca a 1"! �, .,�, .,. ,,�,,��:,, �; I.
Be little warning as all utta.ek of c , ,�� 11� .,
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. .� ,.,. . = pot leave me, I we
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in the stoinach, These are. very painful, 11 subjects Pertaining to rjoll,q And crops, 41 1�1 Ad�dress all correspondence opartment to Mr
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inad whon you are seizea in Dills way, Addrcss till questions to Professor Henry G. Bell, In �;,��:`,f',',�';Ti '44,�V�r,iilk',,.�i ,_ 11 Rud hoilting, Woodbine Ave., Toronto. . such, terrible falls wherever I was that it
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core of The Wilson Publishipf �Compauy, Limited, Toronto, "?"§,�' ""'V;,i�:,�1,:::, , . oi� '_ 11 I .
and are all doubled u), you want a and, ansivers WqI appear in t is colu X, it, ,;:ii'��"",!":..,::,:"...���..�, : . ,� 1, OPEN I � was not safe to leave me Aloue at any
, I ". -, -4w, �-.>, ,-, " �: .� W",; , "; I time., At lost I decided to resort vo,
ren*(�y you ate sure wil give you relief, milcil tile :-0., &.;.,1:!:,_ . Arabella:-The mail -is always sup -1 plaits all overher head, a short-wa6st-;
I I .y are. received. m the order in '-,:""'.'��,,',*",�'�4',��"',..".,...I ,:,.L ,�.: .1 KeeP this Ad- SPacial attelWon to ATall Orders, I V
and give it quickly too. Whet' MI-tting kindly -niontion . .roprietary medicine and took severpA
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I ik.:-:�!, . :,
this papW As space Is limited It Is advisabie M, ',i ,1E,0,;..--,.,-,,_,, �::: ,� posed to write first when he*leaves� ed and short -skirted dress Of g -a" kinds, but seemed to receive but
wliort I , A, . . , .1. Se.ellbit dail3r, -and pld%'y '"_ C'. �Tent
: , , "Y'
.: :1 . ,:�
. YOU don't want some untried-medleine Inediate reply is jiec�essary that a slumped zid addreaLxed .: ��. 1". ; , . � :. KE)KDALITE CO. OF CANAD.A, town. Usually he asks permission: ton, striped stocklmi hoes. little beriefit from any of them, One dfk.y
that might, only belp you. You want Dr. trl�"QJOVO Le enclosed with thd, queAion, lyh 0 ;;. "..... 126 irc!" ,�,. -0 __�, Out. beroTe he leaves. If he %ays nothing � A Gypsy girl wears a red petticoat, notioing the advertisement of Milburn's
41l" .i 'Vowl(Ir's 11=ract Of Wild Strawberry. will be inuiled 6irect, a,- tile ansiver I . 11 � .. �11 . � ; ; �.I.... . __ tit and see I a black velvet bodice with a silk scarf Heart and Nerve Pills, I decided to
I about it, then you must w�
, ____ �
Every one who ha,; ever used it knows _,___� I I ------ . If -he takes the initiative and of course � around her waist, a gay -colored hand- try then, and before I had taken more
Oat a close or two will give instant P- S.: -I have a field of sandy loam. do not use more than a bushel of it is all right for him to write and ask �- kerchief around the neck and a broad than two boxes I could see they were
relief. that wits in oats and rye this year. I' � I � helping, me. I have taken about ten �
Dr. Fowler's Extr,&ot of Wild Straw, Wish to build tip tile soil and Ingure a I 'wheat to the acre. If it is for a grain Hollo-we"en Garne . you to correipond with him. I hese, banded bracelet oil the arm. She'ear' boxes and am ahaost; cured of those
crop I would advise you to use 11Y2 11 rules -are, not rigid and inflexibl"e. I: Ties a tambourine. . I terriblc spells. I sincerely feel thai;
berry is one of those romcclies that KC11;e,'ratch, of clover next "Pt'll",4. b-usbels to V/4 bu-shels per acre. 3. '� __ "__:=====:V am only telling you what is consideredi; With a cheeked gingham drev,s, a, your medicine has proved a. ble.sain to
� should be ixi every house, as no one Please tell me what commercial ferffl- you lla,0tcvers,ed theor."Cler of seed- Games for 11allowelon festivities PrOVer and refined, always with the'; hage apron, and a -bandana handker-: me, and I would advise anyone trougled
kn6 . :_ ; � the head, any one will pass art to try it as I am com.
,�p lhist when some member of the izer to Use and how much per acre. ing. The general practice Is to sow are'a-s nete., �J�ry for the full enjoy -1 idea in mind that I want my girls to: cli0ef ovq with their be.
farnity may be attackedewith diarfhoes, Answer: -You do not state the crop ,. I fident th(,y will find relief.'
I dysentery, cholera, cramps colic orsome timothy in the fall and clover - in ment of the mcasion as roasted apples, be modest and not put themselves in :� for a colored Ilmammy." I
other bowel complaint. .t6 I%N'Iiich yon -intend to seed your field i ; I Milburn*ls Heaxt and Nerve Plils are
spring. It is too late -to �sow timo�lii Jack-o'-lantern.-, and popped corn. Here a false light.f, For a rag doll costume, take two'
� , i piec I 50c� a box at all deaJors, or malled
. .next year, therefore I am not 6'e to now because the young sprouting tim- are, �Nvo that are suited to the spirit ' as of muslin each about fourteen� direct on receipt of k.rice ,by The T.
nother Milburn Co., Limited, ,'oronto, Ont. _
Ont., writes.-"Whilo,visiting my r, .r.taialt the type of othy plants would -riot be strong of the fete. and that ,ire sure to make use tooth picks in public. -They are � inches, long and eleven wide, and,
Mrs, 8. E. Clark, Dor;on Station; adv6se with ce I Inqu1s1Vve;-R,efIned people do not
ferblilizer. If it is t enough to lt quite all right used in the pri � round the corners. Sew up on threel .
in town, I was takell veTy sick with stioll -is wheat, oats barley, f would and the cold of fall -and plenty,of fun: . I . I _.- -
cramps in my stomach, I don't think or I winter. Th,e dn'ly thing you ,can do one's room. Dentists tell -us to use Rides; piiint now, eyebrows and mouth �.__--!M-_�"
I ever saffered worse pains. I sent and'. advise you to use about 200 to 800 lbs, is to sow timothy next spring as soon Great Spoon Mystery. dental Ross as this does not harm the 1 on it and cut out places for the eyes; 0 1�.
Ikt a bottle of Dr, Tiowler's Extract of to the acre of a fortilizer analyzing 2 i /7,�:
as the gre ind is dry enough for you One of the two persons who are to sensitive gums. For enlarged pGresisli this over the head. Weaf white, . , e�7y,yo& 'n "
i w
- " ol
ild Strawberry, , '? p rm';v"
aild !U a couple 'of to 3 per cent. aillmoria, 8 per cent. to get upon it, you I - be able PeTf Orin the trick goes out of the wash your face thoro-ughly once a da.y, I cotion gloves, and white stockings 1 ( 'r ,"
I . ,
hours I was all nrlit. again, and able to wil not I . � - - , 5�
,s home in. the evenmg. � Egg eating sometimes becomes a
rido eight m;IL Pho,3phqlc acid and 2 to 8 per cent. to cultivate the timothy -seed Into the room. Her partner arranges five first rubbing in a little cold cream so � over your shoes and� a cotton 'dress I
potash, working �,his fertilizer thor-� soil but it will have to depand upon spoons in a row on the table, asks; as to got out every particle of dirt. niade with a long skirt. Practice i serious vice, fowl becoming very fond
I can't pralse, your wonderful medicine �
enough," oughly into the ',sbtl at the time of'the- rains to wash it in. . Y,: of eggs when they have learned to eat
I 1'inl If the 0OmOaP-.V to select one of them! Wach with hot -soft water and some, wallong in a loise-joffited, floppy wa *
Dr. Fowler's j�ixtraot of Wild Stra lve the small! yoursp . �ery cold! to car*ry out the illu,sion.
seeding. This should 9 . clover -shows ,a fairly strorrg and pTomise-s that the "magician" vho bland soap,., Then dash v . i I them, a�hd it often spreads from one
w- grain a good ,start and would insure stand in ,spring it may be possible for has withdrawn will pick it out ,on her Nvater on your face and if poasible rub,1 A baby costume is easily fashionedi bird to another. It usually, begins
berry has been on the 'market for the .
past 74 years. Don't experiment with a good catch of clover. you to harrow it without injury to the return. The performer in the rooml a piece of ice -over your skin. Rem. -I by wearing a rather full nightdress' through ace.ident by eggs beinibroken
new and'untried.'remedics, Refuse sub. C. Y.: -I. I have a piece of land- I crop. I If you have a very light ,bar- must, of course, know which spoon is ember to always rinse in cold ivater; over 1�ng -white petticoats. A wire�
� , orfrozen. It is well, therefore, to sea
stitutes, They may be dangerous. a clay soil with some gravel in-whicli bow gr weeder this,would be possible. selected. When the seconC perform- la3t; never leave the pores Open, for: mask representing a baby face, a! that the nests �
Price 35c. at all dealers. Put ur only I want to bring into bett*r condition. If you have a harrow ivith -adjus-table er returns tha first one points at the that causes them to distelid. 1 white cap and rattle complete the i are Properly supplied
I c'Os- with straw or ,other nesting material
by The T� Milburn Co. Limited, Toronto, Have Just,diveed rye into oat stubble teeth throw the teeth back so that spoons, one after another, -apparently Soldier's G.rl:-C.-n't you have this i tume.
(lilt. . without plowing. What do you advise? they will not dig into the clover and atrandom. H' - I and have them darkened, -so that If an
er partner signifies dis- soldier look you up at the home of I As for the boys, a slender lad dre-s-1 e�;g is accidentally broken the fowls
- _!7��. --..-. - ----. _ - �__ 2. 110,vir much whent should I sow per pull it up. A little additional fertility sent at each Until the proper one is I a frftnd ? Silice y1cu bave no home �� sed as a girl is always a succe3s. JaCk. � will not be likely to disoover it. Supply
.. - acre? 8. Have a new clover seeding as advised in the questions above indicated, when, If the trick has been � of your own, the next best thing Is to I Canuck, Irdlans, cowboys and ri'rates I 'me in the form of oyster
�4rjl'., a � P'enty of h
.� d;.�&
-1 . .1 �,P, - " that has not caught well. Would You'woul,d help strengthen th' operly dome, sb el will always identify inceb him at a friend's house. Be sure are always pc,pular and ,ar-, easily s*
. 1� I- .
��, Z,�01 I bells, bone or similar subotances to
'a, JP�L d _�0,7?, �,,�r,,t 7 ,,, e clover and PX .
,,,_ I - g , -�.- advise sowing timothy next spring for insure a catch of timothy. , it. to introduce him to this friend and cop ed from pictures. pinsure a firin shell, As soon as it
, - , T �, ?)� I
.1 bay?, H. J. --I have about, severt -acres af The solution is sinipie once you I make him feel that you have someone I FG -f the conteats, tables are number-, Is discovared that a fowl has formed
turning from Answer -1. I wouldadv, . gravelly land fairly good. Part of it, know It. Each performer mentally I back of you who is interested In your �� ed and placed around the Too m. Four! the habit the fowl thoulqi be removed
Some farmers are Ise you to! (
milk to beef. Tnstcad of producing i I I
' , allow the rye to make a jffowth of , Is hill land. This has been in rye ,two. numbers the spoons from each end-! we'�rare. You are rut too young to ' or more players are phaced at eael-il: ir order to prevent the spread of the
dairy Prcducts they are laying more I about 6 to 8 inches next spring then - or three years. I would. like to put that is, the two outside ones are each! be -a bri,aesmaid. Ir you will send me table and each z supplied with a score� v.,ce. Once, formed it is difficult to
stress upon breeding, growing, and ploly it ulider so 'as to Increase the I alfalfa on this piece. ,,Should it be both five and one; the two next to I a etaniped, addressed en,,elope, I Nvall card. I . 'eradicate, - '
selh � , and the safest remedy is
ng cattle for nient. humus,content; of your soil. It nl,ay be! sown with other grassek or it catch'them are each both two and four; the'write you up -on the other matter, as i Apple Duck (tuVie No. I)- A tubi the denth penalty.
Now is Just the time when. I am go- well for you to graw one crop of grain i crop? Would innoculation of the seed middle one, of course, Is number three! we cannot very well discuss it here. 1 of apples floating ia about six or eig-lit! Fowl somethiles pluck feathers from
in" to hold on to dziry' g ,is tight as if it is fairly clean i
I Ill., . and seed to clover. I be enough, or would the land have to, from either end. Eaeb, performer must I Hallowo'en Hostess. -On your invi-� iric-lies of water is p'aced in the centre;'theriselves a'nd from each other, �
call, Why? Thre are those who tell Two years bence cut the first crop; be inoculated also'? keep account of the number of spoon 1 tations you mig'at ,.-,rite this little of the tO)le (for this the L'telien table! which `3 Often caused by too close
us there a.a a surplvg of milk. Right ,on of clover for hay and then turn under 1 Answer --In -getting a ,catch of al- a V S. * .
l 'ormer polints verse: 1 ,should be used). Players duch &nd � confine-ritnt, by th,3 pres,,,rce of insect
t ,% hich the first per -1 1. i
I top of that the story comeg, backed up the second crop. This agalin��would I falSa on your gravelly bill land I When that number is the same as the! On all Hallovire'en, the -V,,-It�hhig nlght,'fry to take the apples out � ith their � Pests or "by inirroper feeding. A wide
b�,, good ev'Idence, that thei7oure many tend to greatly Increase the hunnus. -%vauld strongly advise using a nurse number of the s�)oon in its ordeT on t! Come up High ctreet and turn to the'teeth. Those succeeding score a given � �ange with a cl-.ange -of diat, including
little f0lk-S, R2'd Old tlllel� too, that of your soil. When you are seeding crop of barley or wheat, sowi the tztble, tl,e accond performer knows right; number of points, and when a bell � a ' lent! ?
_* n,g it thin I 1: P ful supply of animal feed and
, '
never know vihit it is to have all down your grain I wa-Lild advise you as -advised in answer to 0, Y.'s ques- that It is the chosen -,Qpoon. Turn in where the punip'4111 grins a. rings players move to table 'No. 2.1 frecdcl�n from insect pests, wil-I usually
the milk they ought to have. As long to lertilize the Reid as advised in the tion 2. Relative to Inoculatton, if For exani-ple, If t' he audience cheers- the gate, i Peanut Toss (table '-No. 2) - Each, correct the evil. Above all, see that
as that is so, I believe 'lit producing answer to, the question above. Tbis�j carried oil accor'ding to instructions, es the middle one, the Inside perform-, As close as you can to half part eight.� player has a tab'e 1--nife, ,% sm.:M pile! the 1`or4s have plenty of inducement
.1 all div milk I call, will give the grain a good start and tile filoculatlon. of the seed is suffl- IT will indicate It the third i-time'shal But before that date a line pleaze;,�end, of peanuts and a.`pr,.;er oi- woodoil dish'; to _txerei..,.e. If the habit becomes well
So I am doing my level beml, to make Avill 411sure a strong catch of clover. cient. When the question, "Is it this one 9 ' If 1 And accept or deell"le. l to rlace them in. On signal the play-! formed it Isvery troublesome and may
. conditions are proper f or 1 asks ; ; t,
my helil better. Th' . i . 'necesRate the killin of some of the
' at has been my After the grain is t,aken off next year the ,growth of the bacteria in the soil! the chose!' snoon is the second fronil Your Friend. ers must take the peanuts, one at al ; -
- ,:!
ill 1
17 years, t - the -glit, the- performer may point at I As for costumes the list is er to stop it.
liad the joy and p,read very rapidly. For stand- TI a long , time, from the pile, using the knIfe! fowl in ord
jc�b for a good mai ' cl. I have it would pay you to top -dress your, they s,. I .
I _� .
. �INI:W,��_.;:
' tha proAb of seeing clover field with boilemeal to still fur- I ard allaZta culture tor Inoculating the one other epoon before pointing at it, I one. You might wear .one of orange only, and place them lix,the dish. The, - 'r ,,, ; I
- g
,�i:,�'- ,
my ni'Hk test stpidily rise, NV.11110 the, ther Iii-vigorate the growth of cloy , seed an.-nlv to e may consider.it the fourth from � crene nn.-ner or cheesecloth decorated ii'-,--,T� ,',,- - �!,;. i-,
. . the BacL iolo- De- Or Sh number transferred befo- tbe belli A , 57, 'i ,� _
q antlTy proaucecl, is 1 bett(,A� J �n ,
.f" . I " -�
' ment ol Ontario Agricultural the left and point to three oU, little black mts cut rin-3 is placed oil the score card and 1 "� fk 1. I " .1, � - ,,,,
tO-daT I would advise using from ,200 to 300 part aers first, with boraers of 7 li-r'L t"'! k 1`1�A ell ��11,
Yk 4. 4,U .1 Tn ;I �,_ .11r" I .", � �
nil ever. I have reac4led ,out in . ,�'r A'0� - �`*�* I "I - I _,',�r
9" W - �" �, Y, , - �� ,
-I— tlu I I I . m
e -
I a. o e a -ere. . ora nurse crop College, Guelph, Ontario. -;J Q - 1 ' " -- �17 f�'.
, ;� ,
.�%, `4, , �'
'.1 -,q , -,
I withour, comusing her partner. .In. ths! fromL Mack paper, and a witch s bat players move. to table No. 3. 111�,."-,,�,;_,`,��, " � �,�'� 4.1 I ,�� - I ,,4�.��
-, __ _�..�-
, __ �: "'- "' ".", �� , I ...
.Z,.�=� -_1_1 �
_..... . — 1. L A Linked qualldtv of - ZkRy 5;.. .-.. ,--
to llen.4 illy herd. They havfa cost me - I ___ made o' cardboard and black paper in! V-7itch Picture (table 'No, 3): Each ". ' "` -1 ZPiW
var O*Lllq dvection's to find bel;[*r ,alres same way, the spoon on either end i "!
. may be Indicated either the first Orl peaked shape. Sheets and, pill lww- � p -layer is furnishe . N-1111, �_E
�So".'Ilething, but they have given me - I-, - ,save. Faith triumphs and bri d with a pencr, and I Nldh�GMd_1_','_-' __,�, 3" 1 �Z��'. ".. : I
? - � In . ,,, cb-F. Ca-M,*Vre, �f"-;",`�4
� ., i I 91� the fifth time. The double counting'ea'Ses, -with a white or death's-head a eard six inches square. P.ayers &Tel -, 7_ ,��__._,.
. 0 k2v peace. - , I.....
some ,,,,r;od pr-e-breds and ,ft number .. I �, _s,_ , _ �ir __
11 I
I Q, - -_ Z .. makes It very difficult for the com- mask, are easily armnged for a ghosG � bj��-,dl iti ,�,.�.��
of fine p . I .1 - .. '_ � , Tile lesson of tryst in God was one 10 ed and told to eiraw a. picture ���., � il 4P. - . I, i ',_�ttv;
13tit I do not ex- I - .. t - _� al which Peter could never forget. ff The trick coqtUme far Other boys or girls A' 4 a witch oil a card. The merit of - t-.. ,V_V-1 -
,rades. Peet to ztop here, . parly to guess the. solution,
There le, solronvhei;e, i requires a .little practice, for it is witch requires a 4axk woolon skirt, a!the picture is decided by - d -es ,and 1, � '' ,- ..'=__::__,_"-� ,.
.. � "'.. -..,T77_V__�111__;r,
� ... his faith was ever afterward obscured, i ,141. - � I 11 �V.- _".,�4,m , -.4.' , - "
- "., _X , -, . , .�
11.11 -' rv. ,
I - I �_. ',,,�,V; . , �_'
a bottdr lot o r , . .. JU � �, -,Ik.�, , � �,� -" _., t;�
� easy to confuse your partner and give - b1stick cape and a -.vig of coarse hair 1 pcints phaced on the scoTa card. P'l I', d� * _ N, TV -1
I In � - lf'W Vtr - k1
co,ws than mine, As fast at I can, I __., Yhen he de -lied his Lord, it flamed , ; I ". �
- ' i��,I--WolNRLI t%JJJUb',,.�"hJT9,&$- 4 .... � N-111
.7 X �.. ,
i I -, .e��;Wl_ 11 _`_ � "', " I
. her a ,%Tong lead; but it is really -very hanfirig in strings from beneath a � Apple Parh.g (table No. 4): Each .1, "I q! i
- f I , ���;,."*_, `��i-".. � 11
-., t --1, _... ,
shall work to graft, some Mod from up again with renewed -strength and . , '" , - , , - Os , - :: -
, c pointed hat. She A apron, a j , RKr,'ir4,L.-, .. ., - I
- ,?��.__ -1 ---- - , �,�::., %
c better co". into lily htrd, 13e- brightness. In the midst Of the sea slin I I - � -KW,
thos INT=XLATIONAL LESSON pie if the double count is lwmt in 1) carries a player is suppl ed -with an ". __�J, �, I �,
.. � -i . ,
P i . . - V;k' ,
Y. it inind.,. ��7t,._ _._,�� _., _ _, ."L ,, .
. I I_ , � 1, Z� ..
'whell nAM7 humber OCTOBER 26. of persecution he walked firrill .1 .-4_4 ,1, . , ,. o *-.;.,;. i C ,,�i ." , -;,�
cause. don't yOu See, broom, of course, and a black eat I paring knile and an apple. The length �,, - ;,,,6 - . :� � W
.I,"-- - - I -1 -.1 -
I - �1 1V
,of IA Comacy-Come. made of paper may be, perched on her! of the laring secured is measured ai ,,%'.,,,�� , ; re�, ..
t3t,s I"
on sell their,cows, or chnU.,e from Nyas long afterwar,d that he wTote to I i�,E,,:�T.11(11'., i'd. .,-, b j 'F�"_-�; �
Id. � , , �$.. .8 .
, , 2.
I k , I �� �L" I
, , ",,
farming to beeS..maklng�� it I . sh ,credited on the score card. Total I .;:;It 11 lv�
7�; ` ,,�,, Z—,-��;%. ,
dairy a a ' his fellow-Clixilatians in Asia Minor, There Is a tivilight game well suited oulder. I - �� .", "LL � , "� -_�:, , .. '.. , . � _� , '.. 111-1
__ � ����; ,,�,,�,I��t �,, �.., .
g -ust-Matthew 14. 22- t � - - _ _ "I .� ,�_
good thne for me to hold oil � A Lesson In Ti - To-psy has her face blackened, wears 1 scores are then counted and aw-ta-lAe, .
Rild et laying, "Who is he that shall haTm to Hallowe'en frolics, ,called by thei a -%,Ig of black hair done in little! prizes awarded Vae wilinerst As-_�,senicnt Systeni
ready for the high tide in milk-irraking 33. Golden Text, Mark 9: 24, you', it ye be zealous of that which, is Inexplicable name Of conla,cy-oome , ___ . _ 1. I " — Whola Family insurefice,
that is sure -to oome my way, good, But and if ye eliould ,suff er for with which all holiaellolds " ___ . _ �__.:__ Z___ -.,-. .-..- I . - - . -.-- __ Thc� Order furn!skos insur,ftnce to ita
. I "Constrained His disClloles." The should be - I Easy. ineniboxii at Ontaxio uovt�rnment. Stand.
righteousness sake, blessed are ye: familiar. It 'is played to best ad- I
—.* situation had become tense and rx: �.,, x - 1 Smart Alec, at the butehers-"Can ard rates.
. _5� (., , 1, t ' '
.�,, ,,, . 1 you give me a yard of pork?" Sick apri runeral Benefits pre zogo
t.f /��J ii", � given If de8irkl.
I" "
,� �
. .1; i
- -ngerous. The oturdy and courage- troubled2) See I Peter 3,- 18-14. leader in a rocloing chair and the other , _ I "
..-- and fear not their fear, neither be vantage round -an open fire with the
da .� .�,,
oas Galilealis vrould have formed no .... �� .e
How to Treat Whooping Coup- Whatever I .41 ,. i. 4 . , ".. The Smart 13utcher - "Certalwy, The Ju,;enila Department Purnis'ns
,h. the seemina danger or players on, hassocks, and it i's alwayg " I a f -, I the be-ut possible Insurance bouctits to
The b - aml y, we are a 1 4 lller-�# L-� I h g's feet."
yxienic and niedleal treatment disciprbes would have been eagerly JIMP .`2� , I the chIlt1ren of ,our adult mernbers.
contemptible army, and Jesus' own cal *t. Ale in God'a hands.. started by some *one's proposling sud- ! / I ., -.f - , , _.%_ -he Ol-J.zr bais alrer.d�, i-ald orc�r Sf,so,-
, li
f -ow ,orhoorping cough is about as fol- The sal�e Way i's the way .of duty and denly, "Let's play eon,acy_come,,, Jl . CO . 1i - 006,00 In 1,141�lcand _Ounoral il,ments. ana
chosen as leaders, The Man who could of -seevi , -_ - -_ - _ Glass dishes will not ,crack when, ueaxlv
lows: Plenty of fresh -air, the pat-I'k3nLs ce wherever that way may The nextatep is a story, t*ld by the . 4even .'Villons of ikliaxs In lrl�
.feed the multibudes with a few loaves lead. Those ,Only are'in pmll who leader, concerning some char--eter or The Prideful Peacock. pouring in a hot liquid if the dish is: surance.
I 600 Cc-unefl,i In Vanadn. if there is
to be well protected when out-o�-doorg: and fishes seemed the ideal King, and seek selflsh ends, and whose eyes ,-ire - set on a 'hot stove. Another prevention'
Regular bowel movements. Tho diet event in history, mythology or legend. i Once on a bigh tinie all the birds� glass, not one in your localit,v tnera should be,
should consist of food that is nourish- many were .already prepared to ac- fixed an material gaili. In the thing -t For example, "This person�s name bb I is to put a silver spoon into tho, : ror ftl) inforzi-,ri"lor, nrite to any oe
cept Him as the lo.lig-promised - Decided to ,ahooso a kin- or dish before pouring in the 'hot fl d the fell"_111`4 l*lff"-e": .
1 of the Spirit, IvMoh Jesus 111�as taught gins with N,11 4he says -and proceeds "I' -! .1, L, Dai,idsor, W. Ir. Montague,
Ing and easili digested. In lran,y Saviour. Jesus' first stop was to get 0' Testing milk,does Rttle good anless! Grand c-t�un.!III.or Grand Rec!order
places a prophylactic vaccine may be us, to value supremely, we shall suffer to tell about the young They- summoned all the fcather folk
I mail who And soon upon the wl Z. X11. n -ell, 'M.D, .
rid of the twelve, -and then He sentl no loss nor shall we lose our way. The Ice I Ing' weighing gocs with it. &th t�-,gath � V, 1'. Callipbd1l,
obtained and used by the physilv�ianl away the nAiltitudes. He Himself Iced so long at himself in the -Dool I . OT 1 Crand Orkanizor. Grand .X, -d. Llr- .
. Came goose and -" hat a rTry is worzth. � MILT( '
If this is not available and the chil 11 heavenward Path Of love and prE��er that be finally tuxned into a flower. due!: and robin red I will sbov-i about I 14A. J.; � OXTA.Rlu
dven are otherwise healthythe follo - went up into a mountalln apa-m to is always open. I !. No names are mentioned, of course, Blue heron, owl and vren, ' A high test does not mean, a high-! M� ,=-,,7���:��7,r.v��z,,,-�',;,�-,".r�-,,,,��;
� -,��- � .- -7'-- -
� & i, 1- I . 1.1�
. w- Pray." Eve-ning came, and night, and I I � gull grarle cow; _016 must produce a large, ' �'L', ME, ETEE
n'W - scription may be used for I 1.1-4.— since mentioning nallies would disclose, The crow -and blackbird and thE P
pre a "He was there alone-" amount as well if she is to pay. Maybe 7
elNld seven years odl age: Alitipy-rin, . 'Tis Hallow�'en. the secret, and no on& may speak until, I The phealant and the hen. I P
two ali'd a half drams; tincture of "The ,ship," or rather "boat," con� ,,fl1e tests lower than four pe -r cent. but i �
The auld gudwi:ws well4lordit nuts at the end,. the leader -Jeans forward I i GVER,11�1,�`)GAV,E EUS G Fl. 9m L L ko
0 and says quickly, IM ; More birds than ever I could tell. gives thirty or forty pound,s each day.
beladonna, two <hmms,; syrup of wild taining the disciples was crossing the Are round and round divided ith lifted finger,, I All -
cherry', enough to make I -our -fluid northern, end of the lake toward- Beth- And mony lads' and lassies' fat'e's "COmacY-vome! Who is it?" Then I The judges take their -stand, If she does, she may be, pxadncing i i N 1. �
ounces. The dote is one teaspoonful saida, or GapeTnaum, where the dis , Old Mr. Owl presi,des and calls more' fat in the Iong run tban S."m4b 01 Gi 0 N ,,, 7 li a
. - Are th6re that night declided- those who know cry, ".'Narelssus!" and
' The roll in ni.nimer grand I
ciples intended to await tba coming' Sjonie kindle, couthie, side by 'Ide not know settle ,back I If your iiorse has 4 cou,,r "�'
threoorfouT Qxresa day. Foryoung. tl-o�e who do I . other high 11 or caRk
s ,
er children the dose should be smaller. 9t Jesus. But progres,s was slow, the I An' burn togither trimly, I I and hope for ,better luck next time. li'ln choosing, mark ye Well, appear- _ _________ - _", - ., . or is feverish, give it
Toasted bread is more digestible v;ind was contrary and the waves Sameatart awal, with saucy ,,pride The hero ,of f�ie second ator� may C I 118,10,917LY P1 MULES
4 than that which is fresh bilgh. "In the fourth watch," that is And Jin-Ap out-owre -the be Phaethon, the labled boy who dxove an- (9
. : because the ree and six o'clock in the chimbly -s father's fiery steeds and had a -run- Counts in any king, 0 r. A,, 0. Des"., n I e I We
, stardhesare more completely ahaliged between th Ful high that night. fil I Also the voice," admonished be, PAINFUL BOIL:
to 11de-xtrin." The "m.`lk diet" is Aot morning, Jesus came to them. In the away; or the boy "beginning with All ,, I P.M
--Robert Bu . d .1'er ,,; ,f Fy
'6 fad kut very useful 4en it agrees dim fight ol the stars, He seemed like , rn,s. who -was a king in disgulse. and'burned And power, strength of wing." Are Caused Py Cad Bloo - 1Q i's 1 nper Heated
. — I
with 1'e patient and other foods are .a ghostly apparition, and "they cried . ."...=?, __, '' the peasant's cakes. A C,Qrtain ad-! Oubside, the gate the peacock ,stood W h e n Properly
contraindleated, out for fear." Out of the dawkness, venture beatiOg the initials G. F. Will. And heard the oNvl with glee When the blood becomes impure, it )�s � _ iven this Wo 4
only natural that boils, pim es 01 arful r a = . ,r$
- U " " �� L, I
over the troubled waters, came the 51/2 616 INTERn'33 P e nearly always be recognized vs the 4ij�,s very plain," he. murm red "that .It I
voice of the Maoter: "Be,of good PAYABLE HALF YEARLY search for the Golden Flesce; a grealt ird like m I) some other Indication of bag DOO ... V� ` IT I I I over"ra '
I He means a b 0. 11O." chills In from R
. le cheer; it Is I; be not afraid." I Ulowed on money left with- us fo] historical event, the P. T,, as -the - should break out of the system. ,,;.... �� ... t6 00 minutes in b,
salves will do you no ,", ..'w I honse or alis, other I
a . , , stmo-; at a cost Of
trs, signing of the Peace Treaty; and J., "I'll waft until the last bLIl sounds, good. You m r '- �
from three to ten ye, Ointment and
5 11 CK HN E L 11"I'd, 0 A 0"" �� I E 8, Only half-bdieving, still afrWid, the ' ust get at the seat, of tile I ,. . , ,
dissciples. loolked and walted. Peter, Write for Booklet. a hero of the war,.who defeateid the Then -sweep into the 1 -ill, _lj_� ." -i
trouble by, using a cod internal blood I W loss than 10 �iants.
Germans at the battle, of the Morrie, I With- regal head and tail outspread, purifying remedy sue.%, .as that grand old ; . ... I . -- It thus prevents
A �4 D the most daring and Impulsive of them ' The Great Wrek Bermanent I ..- . is,'"I .�l Fever, rneunlun�
I . I I . -W ' I I as Joffre. Rven- vongs and nursery, And overwhelm them all'), medicine, Burdock,Blood Bittera. This i Ili _11 ... 7 le, Lung Troubles,
I all, answered Y; h the request, "Bid Ll6an COAIVOY. rhymes can be used. preparation has b6en on the market for J etc. It works
me come unto Thee." Jesus saidi , .., 0.ultkor and botl
CONSIMPATION. Toronto 01`66e 6 kino at. West 1 And so he waited tM the last, I the past 40 years, and is sol � I / ter I. h v, n any4-
"Come.'? But confidence quickly gave . A T-ew easy guesses should be scat-� - ' by nil who have ever used it to im tht: i V . 1, thing else Ill the
I I , 1 4 ,� ................. . .......... .. . .......... I tered through the game to encourage I Then strutted through the gate. � I . world, lea,ving no
,,-- _________ --I---- ' beat blood cleansing remedy, ,
way to fear when ,he found himself i - TliA -'Mrr1q n1l ornnnA 4-lia,r -1r. +� ... � I - . � - - .. _
'VVhen tho bo-wels Go not pet -form their sinking, =,.d -it took the strang !land'
functions roperly ibe liver is sure to of Jesus to bring hiln back again into!
�ecomf, affected and the inactive con- the boat. "Of a trutill," the.disciple,s'�
dition of the liver will cause constipation, �
sick or billous licadaclics, heartburill said, "Thou -art the Son of God.", I
water bresh, specku floating before the These men had come to Jesus a� to
eyes, file 'tongue becomes coated, the a great Teacher. They are now learn -
breath foul, atid the eyes have a dull, i
Yellow glassy appearance. Ing that He is more than a teacher --1
I , that He is divine. In the end He
Milburn's Luxa-Liver Pills will're,gu- takcj for them the pl�ee of God; they
late any irregularity of tbe-bowels and find God in' Him,
stimulp'te the sluggish ver into ;ction.
Mrs. U.alcolm MM� e) I The miracle of tho,s,ea is more than
.y__-'- .V, -.Y-.. _"Y�Y'1' ""
course, the great'niolnent is just at,, Who came so proud and late.
' ,
mr, i4;mvrson Li. (_iooawm, usmDriag"
N,B., writes,, -"For nearly two years I
k 1- -111 -
was, 'less. 0-Ilen limbs or bllnane.9,5.
Thts rernedy is worth its welg*nt in
the la,st, when the story stops short But, all! just then the gate slammed.to
suffered from boils and pimples on my
&old to shippers beeaustl it has x,o
with a thrilling, "Comacy-comel Who! His tail was left outside,
face and neck, and nearly 0,11 of mf body
eqbal for acellwatIng horseo, It is
also a mrfert aura for Vilh 1,1over In
is lit?" Clipped off neatly and completely,
was covered with the pimples. I
most everything, but got no rclicf� ,
orjyn and 11or Cholera, f,n rrrtno.
After a while the children them- So here' -s what comes of pride.
-will tell the .
� One day a friand a4vi6ed 'me to try!
FRICE 60c.
selves stories, And thel.
more they tell,the more they will read Without his tail the Peacock is
Burdock Blood Bitters and after using !
three bottles the ja&pfes and bolls had '
BID Aninv.1 Med',oal Socit F'ree,
in seaxc4L of ruaterial. Comacy-come ! A slorry sight to see,
all left me, and there is no sign of them
offers a fine opportunity for getting. And while they crowned tile eagle,
returning. I can stronfly recommend
I '
acquainted with prominent character8 king
an no who a troubled with
of the past and of the preselit. The . Ile bid behind a tree.
.),I. IlLa*808* I$
Manufactured only by The T. Milburu
Section IN 5 VVrlteS'—' a miracle. X'. U,a..q e valtle. oT a gr u - . - __ best of J1. Js that the game makes . Clo.� Limited. Toronto. Ont. _.______._...__ __,
� sick for"a n4�ler of ye�rs with sick head� 1 para�le. It conveys one of the pro- - - I thom real flesh-and-blo-od peo,ple, -__.N-__ lit_v � - VIESAL1722 TIN 2-12-11MI00"'E"r ]nJ
I .-1_-___ _..____PP_P%_._.1_ __
Robes ana colizAipation. I tried all founde-st truths Of life, tile truth that my 1DOWS &DOORS ____*4*_ . � I 1. - _._..__-.1-- - ___ _ -_.1___.11... '�=:�,��_,J
kinds of doctor's medicines 6ut 110110 faith ,has conquest over fear. What- , t "s IZES to suit your Per baln.neing a ration there is 110. Remove match scratelles on wood- "C)PI',
4ild me any good. I tried Milbum's ever the doll�bt, or Peril, Or dark-ness 1. So I 0 IV (-�
I L6= -Liver PillH, and after using four I I octinas. Fitted thing bettor than alfalfa hay at thiz work with a cut lonion. P'.1 ^_ 4�.e I
vials I am cornpletely�rured. I would or twouble of life, It is flaith in God? I with alass. Safa de- �jcasoa of the, year, . )'. 6,40g., %* U P 0 h a �'ls 0 1,91"Ginal p e, r 0 o ra pa to, n. d
, , i. -N,
livEry Quatelitedd, � The covers of fruit Jars will readitly .. �', xf�
00 I
N V.. 0 Wherever tbere is cr�ntagloua rlv:(,a�:q arnn,ng horroki
heartily rec6mmend them to all sufferersi'l that gives couragi) to enduro.' Faith I � '? a I
� M1 ,
11 U-41 ,helter for colts is a tightly; yield to the pressure of a strip of M " fN �� Z S20.1""'W's is tho Solution nf nil trolible. RVOMMIS lo ill-'
looks calmly out upon the storm. Valth I . .Vrito for Prim Lia ,',,il I I , .? 9 121 . :3 valuable lit 01 a", s of Ulu;en1per, Vim: Myo, 2;uA%%�.,,-.%
- '2 .;4,1
,+. ( , "', I
- I � . t T�) , Cut down fml I t shed 01"41 to the south where � einery board. This should be about I'll I 001%,Tht) ancl 001da, A fe-V dlons FL day will pro"�o,. :,, ut
- , ,
Milburn's Laxa�Livcr Pills we Qu. a holds steadfastly onward in the dark -,o ' ", �4 - . �� billi Insure winter , , . 'i ,., 4
vial at, all deahers or mt� i.ft the animal � I may go ,in. Or Out at -ht inche I � ,, . hol"re oypt,.�'00 to (Ilueage. IWImInt dos -as three urltiq �, i _.t y,
ylk'u kturul- Uy com I � their 1 one inch wide and eig 9. � 11 J
, I . � 11
I Tile Milburn Co., Lim Lod, Poroutd, ness, V aith will not ont-ortaln a doubi 7ho RIALLIDAV OOMPAiiy, Ll"11t.d own plo,agure, and where they may Place the strip around the odsgiollil . L 11 Nvill ant nuavolout-Ay on Vour bckrsi�. actually �:,A, I
,� . I of Gotl'� goodness or of Hi.g power to RAMMY6M VAMAY OUTAW1110r.l CANADA . I � UU3, of your tit tT;631,qt.
,� 0 \ �,IaZ� I have the run of a lotfolr exercise, I the cover and just.givo it a twist. I � . . I I . SPOHN t0ZI)ICAL =, 0061,19N, IND.j U. G, A. .
. .
I . .
I �
� . .,
. .