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The Exeter Times, 1919-10-23, Page 2
IrmvtarteernIt THE SWALLOW .2-.. M,-2..---,22.22.-•—.. By MARY RAYMOND SHIPMAN ANDREWS. 'emerged a third. llirondelle waved ""Lhe l;oches are good killing," he him on, and with that there was a had eluc1?d-ated to his officer. And fourth. And a fifth. Behold a sixth. finally: "It is well, m'sieur, the col- About then llirondelle judged it wise onel, One failed to understand that to give more orders to his imaginary the colonel prefers a live Roche to a;• squad of eixteen. But such a panic dead one. Me, 1 am otherwise. It had seized this German mob that little appears a vermin to let live •such ver-; acting wa.; necessary. Dark figure min. alae the colonel, by chance, heard'; followed dark figure out of the darker ' t* tl Iva 'es diff in lief-' night—arms un. nay whimpered as SNAP -S m ° Your roil developed 10 emits, Prints from 3 cents up. 1 nl alge meat;). any size. Highest wurztnianship. Post- age Paid. GOODFELLOW & k3ALCOMR 16 Fleinteman Sir, - Toronto seteste ABOUT, THE HOUSEHOLD Thrift In. the Schools. • gathered shape and power, "I will Increasingly insistent is the -demand show him to you, colonell ,• letoak up that the sehools of this Dominion the challenge, "if you will snit. me." teach citizenship ---that they equip the I turned to the others, "Isn't it pos- sible child to do tare full clot of a good for you all to calla truce and y come up to -morrow to my club to be citizen. It it not forgotten that the my guests for as long or as ':host a schools have for generations done ex - tune as you will? I can't say how cellent work; but the experience of the tn111C,a nese s. l; much pleasure it would give me, and the last fors years has brought the !lona? Yes? But then— Yet I will; they came. and on met on they came I believe I could give you sonlet11it1g realization that a change in method bring to m'sieur, the colonel ail there out of the shadows, Itironde ie stated also—great fishing, shooting, a moose, and in subject -matter ---a shifting of is to be desired of German prlson2Ars;, that he began to think the Crown likely, or ateleast a caribou- and Ra- emphasis—is urgently required, A alive—en vie; fat ones; en nig ese, ! Princes army was surrendering, to 'feel, I promise Rafael. les not un- oun man may be expertmin arith- That night Hirondelle was sent out trim. At last, when the procession likely, colonel, that he may have y g vtiith four of his fellow Hurons to get, stopped, he --and his mythical sixteen known the llirondelle. The Hurons uretic, in spelling, in 'milting, gr'anl- f f ossfble a prisoner. Pretty seen' ---marched the entire covey, without are few. Do come," F" threw at them, mar, geography, and every other sub- ho'nal•as separate(. from the others; all I any abjection from them, only abject They took it after their kind. The jest on the curriculum and may, none but himself returning empty-landedobedience, to the I'ren:h tren'.•hms, Englishman stared and murmured; the less, &splay dualities of brutality, in a couple of hours No iserntansi The colonel, with this whining `Awfully kind, I'm sure, but quite injustice, wastefulness, and treason— seemed to be abroad, but rlirandelie crowd weeping about him, with HM impossible. The Canadian, our next lnay indeed be a bolshevik, re alter - seemed ondelle's ere�trt figure confrontin;t him, of kin, smiled, shaking his head like ed type ed, betreining, a ne\v vriew of did• not risks too far," grunihled Ins his Black eyes regarding the cowards a brother. Fitzhugh put his arm of relative values, must came. A i.nowf- captttin. "lie has been captured at with scorn as he made his report—, brawn about me again till that glor- Iast. I always knew they isaulcl Lill the ealanel simply could not under ions star gleamed almost on my own edge of the fundamentals on which stand the situat, on, All these men!. shoulder, Ind patted me lovingly. as rests the structure of democracy must' himBut one thnigwt not the night. At one "What are you ---soldiers?" he flung he said: "Old son, I'd give my eyes to be a part of all instruction worthy of o'clock there was suddenly a sou doe at the wretched group. And one ens-; go, if 1 wasn't up to my ears in job, the nape. Education may make or lamentation in the front trei2:•tt of ' ered• "\o, my officer. We care not; But the Frenchman's dark fate mar a nation—it has done so in Eur - the Frenan an that scoter, T11, sap s(':&1102s 210 are the coQl:s.' At that' shone, and he lifted a finger that was ope anti elsewhere, diens who were •s eeilitlg crawled oat thorn�\' iso a wail. "Ash! Who, then,' like a seatenee. It spoke reflection tNy'hat are the funclamentazs?� IIon-1 their holes ' r the Ades of the tr in it will the .) e nkf t_t cook for my getter- and eagerness and suspense. The rest est. is one, Industry is anotheti, and al Ii � will � � ! ll >"� angry 101 of us ,"e 1 2t that finger •1, r f were or leer 1O e3 it (a walls, and er0w'tle:l tirattll,I 1•e ,i,°1m e th e ♦ [ be'E ' , at • it i •, .1 >�• • a':..., le- egueai"e rind h., sauerkraut." ' about to a(1Q1 ass els. And the colanel' there are many more, 1'rngal<ity is �' �. their L , r r_arlo\ ��, + ,the , •3 _ , .•, _ an important 't Ile .y i t )r a 1 TM- .., .• ., <,. u; I 2 houttat c•ue and all that s a• • "It rl rot tc,l n L . \ h or •. • ,t. e et_J att.., c t a lCl .. :, J p g ' ci'ir ors y "r „ •cf be - listened to t1.41A.il, \,a.= 2.i`.1.- A t nr '.+ of .c>x�};,s had ca.l,bi:ta.l toi onel crarhaticslle, I t 1nI, I damn ga. ing overlooked in this new Gauntry. 'nd :e,sole c•'2 Mat-. •1110.c,with a:•0:e.-t ag i2:::t vete regelatio;:-, hsd And I snitched the finnee and the Canada was ill,ilt oil thrift, among 0a::'-. is .I"l a. 1 112e.I'(:'•.l, yea \ lt- %l,e ..(. t.1'1ti to 2):'2:ch ti'J',4 a_•te7111:2' 212 hand of steel to which it grew, and t' a t J ir"• li '1" 111 1l eye There, a other things—the pian@*rS were " 1'.n tri`b\,::: sheen •t<� a t' e tri, end sent them alio wrung 'hall. This Wa a delightful specialists in thrift. 'r(..r 1, Y?1 petrified with terror, luta • Frenchman. "Good!" I cried out. si:e;:llc.:l, twenty +�..ae= .. C,e n::� :e Mar's Land foe an hour. Tire\• lied "Glorious! I want you all, let I'm ,Thrift i. not hoarding; it is not unifeein stood with }1;.1~:',s un met 22 drive cremunttmea I•Iirar.:lelle. Kiran-' mightily pleased to get one, Colonel, 121 erl}ness; it consorts not with the tears 1'enni ; i 0\\•t1 peenv .^i'("'ks.:111{l (I'}ii :l"C?2 tat? attention of the L't•it?22e1 you're a Fpal't." pessimist. Thrift is intelligent care they were f it was ,r{) 1 2t ie t e ' , i -» t t n ...., ,.,., t '.:i,ie tot i .°get that he lima promme:l p:is-1 "But. a -e., agreed the colonel lap- of mere and resources, conservation :J,1 of 2.112 l yr:... t,. 11,;; a z (,11V• fat ('1:e "Win my {•,Hovel re-; play, "I ant sport. V by \not? I 11af for the £utu'•o, wise and thoughtful 1c. nil ev .21 tI- Crad t .1' 1 e. ' 2'J; the .'1?.' )C of these pip's,' c:io' fatal' (lays to wait till my sheen sail, a rerenn Thy w:'.? i h :1, „ 1d'l:t i c1 F i g. T11„ f.hrif4y lnan fs an ,. . , \._ ..': ! ed H:_•a1i:}elle. "An 1 aloe net Why not k,ip-haw you ray ,--kip in' optimist, fol he has stored lip power. in a i.) t.a ;i. �L.:t j ' 11'r: thenare twenty in nui11 .4`1'. Enough my bend for shooting—em kill moue? Aird thrift must be taught in 'the t0 the p: ♦ } Mem ear 2 iris* for one plan to take, is it I may talk immensely 0f zat nittoce in oadell: Lr Halog. ` t et n v, Le't ,,, , i; ° i'i: ace—hero? Much more chic as to: sehools. This will not add to the h!:s lips slut till Vie fii•.t ex:item' )t 1.1, e`31°"1%' , , ' subject The little diviner -party at the Free,- lair Germans, nest-ce-pas? kvery tel burdens, for eery j c, `.t`e,l. an: `I 1 o rl;, L.1- tel^ e d :i1 --C l thin episode. '`?nnest body kill Germans," I of study can be so taught that it helps sue'. he e , are, end i r..i:' he and to good to }••< true, colene';' I e1)••; At one &Mock next day the oat -of-, to inculcate the practice of thrift. A his tt t t.y were led bank through the ted `•101.1're sore it is tree'.' Bring ; breath little train which had gasped Thrift ,Club in the cia:,sraozn lvorlta v.:l till; ,l :) T t ,; 41 `. c::ls o)et yogi Hircn.:el?e. Ile meth: 11t to be up mount",ri fol five hours from wonders in the dis.lplule of the sc11001, w:2 (: ( t' ' t. i ' ti "n't Ilene wountl2d, with a liar -ere: on Quelle entered a relieved shriek and it gives the pupils something s\oith w'i2 l a :`c,2 Hieonn .1e hacl 1 + 1: new." c T,3... 1, 1 ct „ ' ,1 meetly his hi :ria:., y ne .' toy. c 1 'ata tell -.louse club anon: while to talk abaft and r'i nothing w J , e1 c*1 ,n stem- ' situated ash. . �. ot:s'h :..( (. ,,.,,,•_.. al :1 peril of The colonel smiled and shook hie' aitualrtl by itself .in the 1vil;lerness. the d him_ mem. "It that 1'.'lii: l I cants t (1Q—. Four ar foe men in wenn but clean worth while to think about.„ United 1'i 11 �i:Lt2'?. l.r.;2•:2 enjayill she:: yeti my hire) reale, Net here, clo;^hes---they always start, clean 0' o l Han tirl, they is t. n espl; t s*c' 12_:1rt°?; ; robin suddenly s,how ;:,?t in F1.:ree, by ma.lltetlt. For n ;i*ad on the platform, and there was de corps. They come to know the 1„ p' :-e' hi- Con," J':li and by '. `'•1• :1 on.o two es1 and too a rapid fire of "Bon jour, n sieur," as value of money* and the principles of roe • 1 t1'-:1 i:e 1)' 1 'r.. n(1 z:a f t:r captain propi2ct, . :ltd he re alighted. Then ten quiet eyes took business; they are imbibing the nec- gE of • _ v'lO :r.. '1'1 111 i. 2 d, G :1 rest the 1-..,. _! Also in my colonel in his 1.202. ,n -blue uni-' essary preparation for citizenship. For die nee tec e t t^ te; e . I?9 J, :•1. Ile emelainea to .. C rent e (Mere° is iene l Ins, but Perm. I was aware of a throb of the attractive investment of email Mtage fr "" no E.i'x•JI' '! i$ t1 .l`e to chiral it." 1 iute'.•.. t. At once thele wag a scurry,` S'aylrigS, '�iraT Savings St'" g• '.. - a ..'�.,.:ees The i:l;..::' of a moment 'Crag' a for ll:: cage because the train must b4'Stamps afford • After '... • 1 ,,f a \ ,.1:.Ci ..seed held till it was off, area the gitietea an e ceilc:lt nle•"tiLlnr• 'Ills 111x1 1)'S :a:.. 1.1-723- t t: e h, a:ln e::nnee Ard Ten forward to the b g^.;e-ear t0 lien highly successful in the SCI (lO'S . e.,l :l. t.:;1 I It 2 :1' t:lyof Ira- help. I bundled the selene' down a; of Great Britain, of i::e United States, ~e t•1 i',2: -i:$ • i1 , •r \,.. ,.l• e :,lethil2:, •1 1 sheep, hill to the river, w-h1ile _ . and of Canada. wild i t e, enloveln tale suggested. al 0i11t'_:, observant huron� enieein g'^the.s: �• Thrift tau„at in hails encour- .hs. Tim The c'11, lata. his 2 ' 111 .1-ro face all i• (f braor glitter of not a 1�e > id a „ but-, ,lies industry because children wish teneel. away anreile, intereeetml. "Does s one diem t.".m pawed with bags and i:ac,''r.etanS to earn SO that they may eeve. _'dna, tiee es eceene so net !lea,:. them in tide i;. feel of m'sieur as we J?e.seen(?ed. The blue an:1 1110A more thane , e the ':'c;:'11 e t nue cess time my tell of end ;*rasa wen loaded into a earn* with \e1 in 1 S 1118102•', 1,11, 0i(lI t:._ ) et `t e'?i1- a 1 1 I_ e : file': It ar ' ^.,. t♦' a.1. 112,'::'1 1 at 11Ow' n(1 stern for the \vCTld needs to ga t0 work. PI'Ct {Uct'(On ( • I. T T t as the. brain (f a e paddle " 11 t::t be meveleed, Produce, save, ns! irez , a 1, , cnnii z 3 le to the -' Y, - I 1, , 1i: Si- } tc'i 11 n 't 'Cil •J.•''1•ies 0n Ho wet— already a schooibc';. o11 a hoLi vest, must become the universal) t: '. , ever his eine-alder an n .. t. e ` J he has belt and named day with 1. nash"nu d entba?lash, sii.gan. c ,•' tint* e. rl.,n z.11:017.2.1 t,to to the se—Rafael. :1.c:, I cannot believe there: "But it is fun fun. zis," he shout -1 : ! e:g'."- to the :eft. Thor. on exists this Rafael, 1 bel;'eve there is ed to me from his canoe. "And legliel, Why Apt:le5? h' 1 e emit into the ' a ., 1f a 1, 0113. st h gallant (i:trtagnan of m'sieur, which is Rafael?" - eteen ' 1`a't! Instemetly there was a the Hurons, 2211.1 it is—it w.. —my Rafael, in the bow of my boat, Healthful amide, needed minerals seetteem aeme thrown ep. the eviit- I'Iiromielle. S:' -)iv me your Rafael, missed a beat of his paddle. It seem- (including iroml and 1'.rle and sulphur), =le :•1'1'•'r a=:1!" and R •erd Lo 01'0.- tee!" tae~lan(le:l t:ie colonel. ed to me he looked older than two one hundred calories of energy and a —" .,1 i Im IH -.M( Bovril is. one of the' most precious food ce substances '� in the world. Its beneficent effects are immediate ; it acts like a glass of champagne, but without the reaction which wine sometimes brings. Bovril does permanent good by building up the very fabric of the body. To get tI1e full benefit of Bovril, take it regu- larly day after day. The value of cc a course of Bovril " has been scientifically demonstrated by the independent investigations of ProfcssorThompson. After bringing human sul•jects to a constant weight on a standard diet, • he added Bo'ril to the other fold, and found the body- building powers of Bovril to be 10 to takem F,%,,,FZ q 20 times the amount taken. Bovril Body. building Power of Bovril' takwi n. A. a-= Ig 2e, •r �q 'ands .;7 alone. , ' .,,x; ace,,: a C al ,-- :,s it «r.,'" rt" LOOKING FORWARD- fl 'Alis is Mulch's idea of all evening in a suburban home in 1930, when the aeroplane has become as familiar as the automobile. "You're lata, John," said Millie. "Yes, dear; I missed the five forty D.H. from the Battersea Park take- off. Jolles brought nae home« on that neat little knockabout shad nets just bought: Small two-seater, you know. Then I walked from the 'droule just to stretch myself. • Those p'l llettes cramp you so!" "Olt, I'd just love to have all aero- planette like that!" exclaimed Millie. 'yrs. Smith says she simply couldn't do without hers now. She eau poli up to town, do her shopping and get bads in an afternoon.t' "Um—that pilot of theirs," went on Millie, "seems just as safe with the 'pup' as he is with their -great twin - engined bus," "Yes," said Jahn; "must 11e quite all undertaken;; getting Smith's tri- plane on the sky way. It's useful for a family party. I Ileal' lie packed twenty or thirty bete it for the picnic nt John -o' Groat's last week. By the way, aren't the Robinsons coming to dinner?" "Yes," you'd better hurry up and chcurge," said Millie. rrlte Robinsons were very up-to-date 9e 1decided, as they sat John d (1 1 01.. Y 1'e14. down notHier C He had (.o a u to the meal. tilonl before. Very glad to know such near neigh- bors," 11.e said cordially. "'Why, it can't be more than forty miles to your place, I should think." "It i2; just forty-seven kilometer:;, to be exact," Robnson vulunteere ( "We did it without any trouble at all in something ander twenty minutes," "Quito good flying I call that," said John. `•II'e came by the valley route, too," Put in Mrs. Robinson. "Joan was good enugh to cenAdcr my wretched 111l� pocket nerves rattler then his iretrol." "It's a couple of miles farther," ex. piaii:od Rubinson, "but 111y wife isn't such a stout flyer as her moi,her, though tho old lady is over ,•e enty. My pilot was bringing her from town last : e:I--tool-. the Dori.ing-I.,eith I-Iill airway, you know, always bumpy over there—and'. I suppose front all ac- counts he mast have dropped her a hun- dred feet plumb, side -slipped and got. f; into a spinning dive and (rely pulled the Gl+i bus out email when t11'3' -could count the furrows in a plong!le t field. T):a old lady just leaned forward in her seat and, when Jan1As had adjust- - 'ed his headpiece, she tapped him en the eboulder and coolly reprimanded hull for stunting without 'With 'With thea d0.• -•tit 0r<1110' letters by the late post. "Oh. 1)12!22: a excuse me," said Milne. ;1c she tool: them from the mail. "I 100 talc! -"S 1. r.'ple• Leen auntie the Ecliubin'gli num, you know," she ex - Waimea. `i wrote her this morning, imploring her to come over to -morrow for the bazaar." "Mat my wife's aunt doesn't know about flying isn't worth knowing," re. • maik0d - John, "and she'll never see forty again. How''s that for an up -to• e- ed the first German to pane him, At that challenge the scheme which years back, when I last saw him. His little real nutrition—a11 this is in an don't forget to eat one yourself; they The first large steel cargo. verse then a second. Out of the darinnese had flashed into my mini an hour ago shoulders were bent, and his merry apple. are fine for the disposition as well as ever built in Australia was launche Comfort Lye is a vary powerful cleanser. It is used for cleaning up the oldest and hardest dirt, grease, etc. Comfort Lye is fine for making sinks, drains and closets sweet and clean. Comfort Lye Kills rats, mice, roaches and insect pests. Comfort Lye will do the hardest spring cleaning you've got. Comfort Lye is good for making soap. It's powCersd,perfumed and 100% pure. -r_-n .,u..c and stately personality was less in Do not scorn the apple as food be- eyldence. He appeared subdued. He cause it is 85 per cent. water. 'rhe dial not tern with a smile or a grave glance of inquiry at the question, as same is time of milk. The apple's 13 I had expected. I nodded toward him. per cent. df sugar and starches is not "i'ais oui," cried out the colonel. to be despised as food. "One has heard of you, mon ami. One A taste for apples, "skins and all," will talk to you later of shooting." is to be cultivated. When Johnny or Rafael, not lifting his head, answer- Jane want candy or "something to ed quietly: {`C'est been m'sreur. " do " let h• h eat .e - d Just then the canoes slipped past a , 11n Or an app .'. n sandy -bar decorated with a fresh moose track; the excitement of the • colonel set us laughing. This man was certainly a joy! And with that, after the long paddle down the wind- ing river and across two breezy lakes, eve were at the club house. We lunch -1 el, and in short order—for we wanted to make camp that night—I dug into my pacquetons and transformed- my officer into a sportsman, his huge de- light in Abernethy & Flitch's crea- tions being a pars of the game. Then we were off. One has small chance for associat- • ing with guides while travelling in the woods. One sits in a canoe between — two, but if there is a wind and the boat is charge their hands are full with the small craft and its heavy load; when the landing is made and n the "messieurs" are clebarques, in- stantly the men are busy lifting can- oes on their heads and packs on their backs in hiza.rre, piled -up masses to be carried from a leather tump-line, a strap of two inches wide going around the forehead. The whole length of the spine he?rfs in the carry- ing. My colonel watched Delphise, a husky specimen, load. With a grunt he swung up a canvas U.S. mail bag stuffed with burin, which includes clothes and books and shoes and to- bacco and cartridges and more. With a half -syllable Delphise indicated to Laurent a bag of potatoes weighing eighty pounds, a box of tinned biscuit, a wooden package of cans of con- densed milk, a rod case, and a rain- coat. These Laurent added to the spine of Delphise. "How many pounds?" I asked, as the dark head bent forward to equal- ize tate strain. Delphise shifted weight with an- other grunt to gauge the• pull, "About a hundred and eighty pounds, m'sieur --quite heavy 'ssez pesant." Off he trotted uphill, heed bent forward. The- co'.nl:^I was entranced. "Barry fellows --Elie ma1ennr of fine soldiers," he commented. •toeeing his cigarette away to .:tare. (To he centilxted.) Much of the high cost of living is cl'ue to the fact that many folk, de- pend en others to do things that might better he done by themselves, The clothes you were so proud of when new --can be made to appear new again. Fabrics that are dirty, shabby or spotted will he restord to their former beauty by sending therm to Parker's. and yein is properly done at PARKER'S Parcels may be sent Post or. Express. We pay carriage one way on all orders. Advice upon. e1 g or dyeing any az�l,ide will by irompp11 given upon request. PARKER'S BYE SO S, LirMed e Cleaner's ant Dyers, 791 Yonge Bt. Toronto h?7:,..a: .!hate•,,s.'Lnek2222 2120&tatt46StaiAsf alae fl.r... `7v.tl.txr' ,..".•fSr. .2 r.^.-na.2""- "1Yr1,41 max e+rY •• naiads +rAmisacroott rae ::.:..,eroza<ra•.�•--;22.x,-.-,, gain»rd'a Liniment ice sale every ger. w1i Saco find Chen is I.. AUG Ready go slate. Ju1:at laced cavil eat VI, G1 ARS, 11411113Eir ICit©ZITE AL: r for the internal workings of the body. 2,000,000 Bricks in Chimney. Standing 250 feet high, a chimney stack at Northampton. which con- tained 2,000,000 bricks, and took two years'to build, was felled recently. It was the third highest in the kingdom. 250 Miles of War Ribbon. Two hundred and fifty miles of Bri- tish war medal ribbon are to be issued to the men and women entitled to these decorations through recent edicts of the Ring. 1t:ivard'1 Liniment Cures Dandruff, date aunt?' recently. Just at that moment a peculiar L noise;, evidently very near the house, JEFFERY HAKE'S HOSPITA arrested the attention cf the party. QeTEnEC, the Owing to increasing; the nursing .Taft "Sounded like something -breaking," of the Jeffery Ha1e's Hospital, Quebec, said ;iiillie. John had already gone there are some vao{2nc:ies for Probation- ers. Young ladies possessing a good general education and wishing to enter a first-class registered training school please apply to the Larry Superintendent. Jai ;rodeo. Wrlto far prices. TORONTO SALT WORKS G, .1. *! 1i=F • • TORONTO .'r ,2,2,22•••,t;�'Yb'Sf,'=l..tv.Jc'...!'S'i'C'•+s-a�aY_r�.a.-9 I31ay.n; "I admit the fence, but not the theory, You see," her went on, turning to Mrs. Robinson, "I've always insisted, as Green knows, that there's plenty of landing space in his paddock, provided you do it up wind. The fact is I was a couple of points out in my recite:ling and so failed to stop the old bus short of the fence. You know, Green," he added, with an injured air, "you ought to have. a'wind-pointer so there'd he no -doubt about it." "Just to encourage reckless oil., gentlemen to smash up. ray pre2p.iseai I suppose," retorted John. "But I ad- mit 1 found some consolation for my emee :cd fenco when I observed the pathetic appearance of your under carriage after your fanleus landing. out to investigate. In a minute or tiyo he reappeared, ushering in a jolly old gentleman in a flying suit. "A thousand pardons, Mrs. Green," said the new arrival. ``'John collected me in the paddock. Ha! ha! You know my theory about the paddock." "-Well, the theory's smashed, any- how," said John decisively, "and so's my fence " "No! No! 1 won't hear it" laughed CORN SYMIP The Syrup ff r Pgag A golden stream of Crowed Brand Corn Syrup is the most delicious touch you can -give to Pr:.ncakes! In the Kitchen, there is a constant call for Crown Brand Corn Syrup for making puddings, candies, cakes, etc. Sad the day when you are too big to enjoy a slice of bread spread thick with Crown Brand!, Could that day ever come? Ward it off! Grace your table daily with a generous jug of Crown Brand Corn Syrup, ready for the dozea desserts -rand dishes it will truly "crrow&". 236 �1K4.@Lt)`'.i<'u'ix,•irr.o-1:i,'i7li Sold by Grocers everywhere—in 2, 5, 10, and 20 pound tins. The: Canada. Starch Cow Limiteni MettlatVatAa mow' .1 > *4.,‘ ;Sia%.i.�LJ aiLaatiekti t t {�4ly/,fit i. a1. A filreZatillR A Prayer For a Little Horne. God send us a little home, To'eonle back to, when we roam. Low walls, and fluted tiles, Wide windowe, a view for Hailes. Red firelight and deep chairs, Small white beds upstairs -- Great talk in little nooks, - Dim caters. rows of books. One. picture on often wall, Not inane- things at all. God send us a little ground, Tall trees standing round. llilrnely flowers in brown sod, Overhead, thy stars, 0 (iod, 'Clod bless, when winds blow, Our home, and all we know, When arranging pillows far an in- valid try putting two lengtllwaise with 0210 c2 oe -wise at top for the hea:•i 'rreeteeennent will give a good t .. )• ,iot*2 2