HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-10-16, Page 4EXETER TMS heDoniileTracI B1,;TWEEN MON Tl:1;A L TORONTO nianorr And CHICAGO l•TI;oxcelied dining car service. Sleeping cars ou night trains and parlor cars ou principal day trains. Full information from any Craud Trunk Tieket Apert or C. E. Rornin /District Passenger Agent, Toronto. IY. J. DOIU , Agent, Exeter, Phone 46w. Dashwood 117r Cant Thien enfi fancily e vent the holiday with Mr•. FuasOld. 9Ir. and Mrs. Wm. Goeeut:lII_ 1_ 1dF returned from their honeymoon, Mr. H. Koffman had the misfor- tune to have his arm broken Satur- day. 11ir.:tr.a. Mrs. ii, Zimmer of Strat- ford spent the (veek-end with friends in town. Miss :Nil ldred r•liwed Or of Lon- don spent Thaukstiiviug with he -r ;valve ts. Mr. G. S. 1I ward and family spent Thanksgiving frierlde itt 31rucefield Gln. Charlie. Gaeu int?r and son T`;1yin few in biessrs. Reid. IsldighoIIer and Sett alr,l+ped. a carload of cattle to Toron- to ou Tuesday. 31r. Chas. Schroeder bras bought a fa.. to rear l'redituu and will soon taIae; toss e';SSiou. Quite a number from tewnt and eKielty -were over to Hensel). ons louday to the nomination. 4. Mr. and firs. John Gossuntu and Mrs. Watt. Sattdereutt and family of London silent Thanitsa iviug iu tuwa. :lir. and Mrs. Southe°ott, Miss Ren- nie, Mrs. Geiger and etre. Hey -rock of Zurich and Miss blooper of 1 e- t 0 C. 1031f Sunday with. .:111'9. 'Guen- t demi The Thanksgiving program follow- ed by .a lunch was a great. suecess ?.uciatiy aud financially. I;:vey item on the program was well rendered tads the spread of good things show- ed what our ladies can do. in that tine. The vie. e.....le amounted to 440. Ou November the 11th Dr. Sin- clair of Toronto will be here to speak •an Consolidation of Schools. Let all • neiiglthoriug trustees and ratepayers i e' be present to hear this live' question stion of the day, discussed. Dashwood has ieeee eeee3t ed ee en appropriate cen- tre to try the new venture and pr. Sinclair, who is sent out by the De- partment., e- p artauent., should be heard by all in- tere.sted. Crediton lire.. 'W. A. Sambrook is visiting r:1 atiees in Toronto. Mrs. H. K. 1 iher and bliss Bela - Ise spent a few days last week at 1 neknow, .Mass Julia Rauch who is teaching near Stratford sprat the bolided art her home here?. • Mr. Russell Clarke ltae returned #:c TZail.erirille after holidaying at his home here. Mrs. Matthew tattestther of Kit- chener visited friends and relatives over the week -end. Mrs. McGregor of London spent Thanksgiving at the home of her mother, Mrs. John Wein. Rev. George Finkbeiner of Illin- ois preached in Zion church last Sab- bath both morning and evening. Rev. M. J. Wilson of Exeter, will address a union meeting in Zion Evan. church next Sabbath evening in the interests of temperance. .A. successful temperance enter- tainment was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening. The school children provided a splendid pro- gram. A straw ballot was conducted by Mr. H. X. Either. Of all who vot- ed only two ballots were spoiled, and with the exception of two, all voted four X's under the "NO" col- umn. 1Vir. and' Mrs. G. K. Brown have been receiving the congratulations of many friends on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary which was celebrated on Sunday last On the Saturday evening members of the Lair•:: Aid of the Evangelical church together with the members of the Friendly Bible Class and the C. I. C. Class pleasantly surprised the happy couple and presented Mrs. Brown with a silk dress and Mr. Brown with a sweater coat, On Sun day four of their children came in • unexpec'elfy, viz.. Charles of De- ' trait; e'trait; Wm. of Zurich. Miss .0. Brown and Mrs. Daufener. of Lansing,Mieh. After dinner a short program was given, their pastor, Rev. S. M. Haugh and Rev. Geo. Finkbeiner of Illinois assisting. The children presented their parents with purses of gold. Three children were unable to be present. viz., Mrs, Kellhoefer, a mis- sionary in China, Mrs. Oakes of Mich and Rev. Otto Brown of the Michi- o Bo tcfo?yBon4..$ • EVERY one of the million and a half subscribers to= Canada's Victory Bonds knows that he can sell thein today for more than he paid for them. Every one who bought Canada's Victory Bonds has received 51/2 per cent. interest per annum—paid twice a cap'. Over half a million Canadians who bought Canada's Victory Bonds on the instalment plan saved money that they would not otherwise have saved. The guarantee back of Canada's Victory Bonds is the same as the guarantee back of a One Dollar or a Two, Dollar bill. There is this difference, however, that you get interest on the Victory Bonds and .you don't on -the One or Two Dollar bill. - Canada's Victory Bonds will always be accepted as security for a loan. Banks are ready to loan money on Canada's Victory Bonds. Canada's Victory Bonds may be turned into cash .art any time. There is no other way in which you carr -invest your;. money with such absolute security—paying such a good rate of interest. Canada will soon give her citizens an opppEbinity tc buy Victory Bonds 'gig. It will probably, be the laq chance to buy Canada's Victory Bonds on such-#avarable terms. ea Prepare to buy as many rVircto.y Bonds this time as you now wish you had been able to buy the last time +, s. 4 Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committer., in co-operation with the Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada. gan Conference, Mr. and Mrs, Brown are highly esteemed both by mem- bers of the church. and tltrougitottt the community. Mr. Brown for many years was collector et taxes for the Townhsip. Congratulations and best wishes for the future is the wish of many friends. A. Laymen's Missionary banquet, was held by the Methodist church,. Crediton ou Friday evening last in counectiou with the Jubilee A.nniver-' C sary. The W. M. S. badcharge apt the banquet and an elaborate and sump- tuous repast was pread. Following the luncheon a ninuber of . toasts were responded to. The principal speakers were Rev. A. 3. Langford, of St. Marys, and Rev. Howard Smith of 'Toronto who gave two •excellent addresses along the lines of the For- ward movement now being launch- ed wild the Missionary problems of the church. Among the other speak- ers were Rev. Mr. Hussar and Rev. Yellaud, two former pastors of the church. Messrs' Stanley and Chowen of Lucan; Mr. Lewis, Reeve Beavers of Exeter, J. G. Jones, W, G. Medd, Thomas Harvey and J. M. Southeott of Exeter. Master George Beavers of Exexter sang two solos that, were well received. Mr. Frank Taylor also sang an acceptable solo. Thames Road • Miss Pearl Cann of Loddon spent the at her 'home here.: Don''t forget Bethany anniversary services October 26th at 2.3.0 and 7,30 ,pile. Mr, :and Airs. Herald Lawrence and Miss A.nuie,Lawreuce of Seaforth visited in this neighborhood on Sun- day last. Rev. Foote of Exeter preached an. instructive sermon to Bethany con- gregation on Sunday. Mrs. Thomas Cameron made a few pointed re- marks at the close of the sermon sol- iciting members for the Home Dept. of the Sunday School. She also ad- dressed the Sunday School in a very able manner. Winchelsea Miss Jean Ready spent the week- end at her home in St. Marys. Mr. H. Fry spent a couple of days the past week in Hamilton on. busi- ness. Miss Ready and Miss Kuntz at- tended ttended the teacher's convention in Exeter on Thursday and Friday. Mr. Gordon Duncan who has been attending Normal school in London spent the holiday with his mother. Mr. and Mrs.' Sholtz and family of Napanee visited with. the foriner's sister, Mrs. H. Fry over the week -end. The new school is being erected but we are afraid the mechanics. will have cold fingers before it is comple- ted. The farmers of thi svicinity have completed their thresing and silo filling before the cold, weather sets in. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Skinner and daughter Eleanor and : Mr. and Mrs. John Morley ~of Whalen motored to Owen Sound on Saturday to : spend the holiday with Mr. Skinner's moth- er. CLEARING Auction Sale . FARM, FARM STOCK, IMPLE- MENTS, HAY, GRAIN, STRAW AND ROOTS Thomas Canxeron has been instruc- ted to sell by public auction on Lot 11, Concession 12, Usborne on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1919 at 12 p.m. sharp the following:— HORSES-2 mares, draft; 1 geld- ing 6 years draft; 1 gelding three years draft; 1 filly 3 years draft; 2 fillies 2 years draft; 1 gelding 2 years draft; 1 yearling filly, draft; 1 farmers driving mare. CATTLE -1 pure-bred Shorthorn bull 17 months old; 4 cows suppos- ed to be with calf; 2 3 -year-old hei- fers supposed to be with calf; nine choice heifers rising three years sup- posed to be with calf'' 5 steers 'two years old; 9 steers 1 year old; 4 heifers 1 year old; 2 calves. HOGS -2 brood sows, 7 shoats. IMPLEMENTS -2 lumber wagons and boxes complete; 1 truck wagon; 2 pair bob sleighs, nearly new; one pr. sleighs, been used; top buggy, cut- ter; Massey -Harris binder 7 -ft. cut; 1 Massey -Harris binder 6 -ft, cut; 6 foot mower; fertilizer drill; 12 -hose drill; 2 manure spreaders; 2 2 -fur- row plows; 4 single plows; 2 set of harrows; 1 disc; 2 3 -horse cultiva- tors, land roller, steel rake, scuffler, turnip seeder, 2 hay racks; 2 root pulpers; 2 fanning mills; pea -har- vesters; 3 set double harness; 1 set single harness, horse collars, wheel- barrows,, grindstone, whiffletrees, neck yokes, chains, shovels, forks, hoes, saws, grain bags,, ;lots, ropes, pulleys. and slings,. DeLaval cream 4 separator, ,bout 50 tons 4,f fir;t-class hay, i b6" bus. mixed ,gl:ain 1'00 bus. of oats.; A quantity of maiigolds and straw on Lot 10. REAL 'ESTATE ----Farm consists of Lot 11, Sa 12, concession 12, Town- ship of Usborne, County of Huron, containing 150 acres of choice land; 10 acres of hard -wood' bush; 4 acres orchard, balance in grass; 40 acres newly seeded. On the premises is a good brick dwelling, bank barn, well fenced, well drained, and in a good state of cultivation. Convenient to churches and school and village of Kirkton. Tl+IltMS—Terms on real estate to be made known on day of sale or on application to the proprietor on the premises or to Thomas Cameron, Woodham, Ont. TEit1VIS OF CHATTELS --All sums of $10 and under cash; over that a- mount 12 months credit on furnish- ing approved joint motes or a lis- count of 4 per eent off for cash on credit amounts: James Garclineri Proprietor. 'lItos. Cameron & I'. 1% Mope AActioneers EXECUTOR Simi', OF PROPERTY AT GRAND REND The Executer of the Estate of the late Maria Gill will offer for sale by public auction on the premises on Tuesday, October 2Sth, 1919, at 1 o'clock p.m., the following; ILEAL EST1l.?'B;,-7- Lot No. 5 ou the south side of Huron Street (the Lake Road) Grand Bend. On this lot is a story and •a half frame cottage; cement block foundation, also an, ice house. This cottage is weld built and suit- able for winter residence. Lot No. 6 on the south side of Huron Street (the Lake Road) Grand Bend. This is. a good building lot and willbe sold subject to the right of the owner of the summer cottage which is now on the lot to remove it frbin the lot. Eacit hof the above lots has a frontage of`a<bditt '4 rods by a depth of about 8' -}+,pas. ••. HA7.'TELS:— Two beds, 2 dressers, 2 wash- stands, mattresses, springs, hat rack sewi}tg machine, cool Move, a large quantity of bedding, glass and crock- ery ware, chairs, tables, etc., some stove wood and other household ef- fects too numerous to mention. TERMS:— Chattels: Cash. Real Estate: 20 per cent on the day of sale and the balance in 30 days thereafter. Further particulars 'and terms of sale will be made known on the day of sale or may be had on applica- tion to:— E. A. POLLICK, B. S. PHILLIPS, Executor, Auctioneer Exeter, Ont. Exeter, Ont. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, etc. Exeter, Ontario. Watch those dollars—Vietory needs them. Auction Sale OF FRAME COTTAGE, ETC. ON ANDREW STREET ,EXETER. The Executor of the Estate of the late Priscilla Clarke, has instructed the undersigned auctioneer to offer for sale by Pubilc Auction on the premises on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1st., 1910 at one o'clock, the failowing:- REAL ESTATE—Lot number ninety-eight (98) on the east side of Andrew Street in the village of Exeter. On this lot is a frame cot- tage containing six rooms, a pantry and a clothes closet and woodshed. There is also a good sized stable. The lot is an extra large village lot The ;location is one of the best in Exeter. Possession can be given im- mediately. CHATTELS -1, parlor suite, (7 pieces), 4 rockers,. 1 centre table, 1 organ, 1 dining room table and 6 chairs, 1 couch, 2 wooden bedsteads, 2 feather beds, 1 mattress, 1 bedroom set, 1 bureau, 1 sideboard, 1 clock, 1 glass cupboard, 1 kitchen table, 7 kitchen chairs, 1 coal heater, 2 wood cook stoves, 1 set of dishes, 1 wheel- barrow, and a number of garden tools, 1 lawn mower, 2% tons of coal, 2 cord of wood, 2 tapestry car- pets, and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS— REAL ESTATE -10 per cent on the day of sale, the balance in 30 days thereafter without interest. CHATTELS—Cash. Further particulars will be made known on day of sale or may be had on application to; FRANK GILL, Executor; C. W. ROBINSON, Auctioneer GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth Harrison, of the Village of Exeter, County of Huron, wid- ow, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Statutes in that behalf that all cred- itors and others having claims a- ainst the estate of the said..Eliza- eth Harrison, who died on'dr about Aug. 9th, 1919 are required on or before the 21st day of October 1919 to send by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury of the Village of Exeter, Solicitors for the Executors of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames.- addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims,tlie statements of their accounts and the nature of the secur- ities, if any, held by them. And fur- ther take notice that after Such last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall have notice and that the Executors will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors for Executors Dated at Exeter this 30t1r day of September, 1919. THE USBORNE AND HISBERT FANS:GIPS MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY. Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, THOS. RYAN vice -President, WM. ROY DIRECTORS WM. BROCK, J, T. ALLISON L. RUSSELL, RAST. NORRIS AGENTS IOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Vsborne and Hibbert. OLTVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for E'ibbert, Fullerton and Logan. W. A. TU NBULL, Secy.-Treas., Farpuhar GLA.DIVCAN 6c STANBURY, Solicitors, Ezteter. e.:i}. u a Vim= w;un gav -�r umumtMsiimmnmoo! nW m�u; 41w 411 laa amuwmmmmuma;uistimmonmalt fm ui , ePa atttMorlicinar" AVetefableBvparntionforASi; isatin tltefecdbyilegul ,i ttin theStemacttsandBow05al4 �iur. he'rebyPICPin °01 St ie tGheecfuin¢55anRos e tether O lim,�pbin net Mineral. liar GO'r1G lid eof dt7 D S*I�IUb' 1100 P ,d,ru,,Ph''trJ'eerL 15' c Saw/0 Ja rhella Sags Peppermint ,gbrarbanaM.raitt6 .d7'she7a. 7J5-n.era -- for stip l ionailedDgerrhoea, and gcverisltltess and 3140Ss OF 5ix,sp, yti iittin$therdsom ! 1 rc T'ae-situate st�natu of r•/'... Tans CENTAUR COMPANY MONTREAL Y—__ 011.1 :Atb141 411.• For Infants and Children, Mothers Know That Genuine Casforee Always Bears the Signature nature In. Use For Over Thirty Years ASTORIA Exact Copy of Wrapper. TMS e:MTAU W •OM►AMY, Maw yank wary: Incorporated in 1855 Capital and .Reserve $8,800,000• Over 100 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK IF YOU BEGIN SAVING NOW And deposit even a little at -a time in The Molsons Bank yon will be surprised how quickly your balance will grow. The. opportunity: for profitable investment can only be grasped 'by one -i5ho has' accumulated some cash. T. S. WOODS, Manager EXETER 'BRANCIL Centralia Branch open for business daily FARMING The Farmer, quite as much as the Mer- chant and Manufacturer, should conduct his affairsiaaa business -like manner if he is to succeed and prosper. Farmers should avail themselves of the aid of this Bank in transacting their business, Do not hesitate to discuss your problems with as. You will beassured of sympathetic consideration. THE CANADI , N BANK OF COMMERCE 51A I; EXETER BRANCH CREDITON BRANCH DASHWOOD BRANCH. A. E. KUHN, Manager - J. A. McDONALD, Manager, F. S. KENT, Managct• Farmers Atteiitioii Now is your time to put in your supply, of both LARD AND SOFT GAOL.. I ate selling Large Lump, Bright, Clean Threshing Coal at $7 per ton. Very low prices on the Best Farm Pence (Frost .Pence.) All kinds of Danaher in stock, also Shingles and Cedar Posts, 8ft., Oft„ and 1014. long. Cement sold in large lots at a very close price. All Grades oI Fervid Roofing. Phone 1ga A. J. CLATWORTHY GRANTON DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L.L.D., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of, Toronto Univer- Sity. DXri1�7i'XS`1C Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effette. Office over Madman Fc Stanbury's Office. Main St. Exetett CASTOR I For infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years. lows slaw* a6pinatur * of .a. W. BROWING, M. D., M. S. P... S. Graduate. Victoria University, Office and Residence, Dominion Labratory, Exeter. Associate 'Coroner of Huron. I. R. CARLING, M. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for the* • Molsons Bank,. etc. Money to loan at lowest rates Interest. OFFICE—MATH ST. EXETER, ONT> PERRY 1. DOUPE, Licensed Atm- - tioneer. Sales conducted 1n any lec- - ality. Terms moderate, Orders left at Times Office will be promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, Kirktone . Address Kirkton P. O. OR. G. F. EOULSTON, DENTIST Oidoe rr t+er L R. Carling's LaV1 omce. Closed over" Wednesday afternoon. .1.