HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-10-2, Page 8JI111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111011111g1111.11111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111111111glllM 8181.; •1•1�. 8181..--� SOUTHCOTT EROS. Phone 134 : 8181 =Stylish Ladies' Coats s ..ru. Stanfield's Wool Underwear C . OMEN 11110111111 MOONS AMMON ommdi MINIM ems. NM.. WART PHONE 16 1'GE"15'OLv'1P You WONT HAVE A KICK hIN YOU 8 Y FROM us.Vg g SELL oOD ,5Turr_ vC CANT AITOR,D TO !" ISREP.RE ." (8181 NT N! Znes SHOES ! SHOES ! SHOES ! YOU CAN KICK ALL YOU WANT IN THE SHOES WE SELL, BUT YOU WILL NEVER KICK AT THEM, BECAUSE OUR FOOTWEAR IS NOT ONLY THE MOST STYLISH MADE, BUT THE MOST COMFORTABLE AND DURABLE, THAT CAN BE BOUGHT. WE ARE NOT HALF BACK BUT WE ARE FULL BACK OF EVERY PAIR WE SELL, WITH OUR MONEY AND OUR REPUTA- TION. WE FOLLOW THIS POLICY, NOT' ONLY IN OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT, BUT IN EVERY DEPARTMENT IN OUR STORE . Minister Myles Shoes • Paying a little more for a pair of 1MIinister Myles Shoes is like making a bigger investment to gain greater dividends. Minister Myles may look expensive but quality proves them economical. A Ladies' Brogue Shoe AT $10.00 This is a Shoe of Mahogany Calf with a grey suide top, the soles and heels are of solid leather and the new perforated or brogue toe is the last word in style. A Men's Brogue Shoe AT $10.00 This also is a shoe of dark Mahogany Calf made in the new- est English last with the popular brogue effect, the soles and heels are of solid leather and satisfaction is guaranteed. We have a shoe for every foot and a price for every pocket. TE T hone 16 4i 723 Fresh, rich, full -flavored tea -the same every time SE EAISgood. tem' Sold Only era sealed packages 04.4 6 r:., WHAT IS A CURE? $B IT A TEMPORARY OR PER- MANENT CONDITION? Let us get down to brass tacks. Is there is any such thing as a cure? You may eradicate every trace of disease from your system and be restored to your former state of health -but you. haven't attained a cure. Why? Be- cause as long as disease germs are pre- valent in the universe, you may be afflicted again. Take for example: it man has a. ter- rible headache for days. It bas driven him almost insane, sapping his ener- gies and making him incapable of working. He tries doctors, takes pre- scriptions, and finally finds a prepare, tion that makes hire fit again. Imine- diately he says, "I'm cured." Six months later bis head begins to ache.. What does he say, "Here's my old Headache back again, thatmedicine was a fake" -or does he say, "An- other attaekt well soon knoek that oust" and commences the use of the remedy that relieved him before. This happens in many cases of Rheu- matism, Lumbago, Neuritis„Neuralgia, That is why we say "Templeton'a Rheumatic Capstules" remedy these diseases. They are 90% effective by actual record. -Tse T. R. C, s whenever you have rheumafft amble. 'Sole Agent for F..cetcr, 13rowning's -)rug Store, Optical Rooms and Sta- tionery. Mail 11.04 to this address or to `l.'empletons. 142 King. St.,,W. Toronto, and T.II. C's will be sent postpaid. T" H Market Report. `dile 'relielvine IS the report of, the Exeter Market corrected every Wednesday. No. 2, Wheat $1.95, New Oats 900, Barley $1.25 Bran $45 a ton in buyers bags. Shorts $55 per -.ton. Family 'Flour $5170 Eggs 53c, Butter 45e. Creamery butter 60e, Lard 38c. Potatoes GOc. Hogs $16.60, CENTRALIA Alright Boys, Girls, and grown- ups, the rubber season is here. We have every size and style in Life- buoy and Dominion brands. The name Lifebuoy speaks for itself,they really fit and have the wearing qual- ities_ Get them at FAH:MALLS. LOCAL 44 • Miss J. Muttart of London is visit- ing isiting in town, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hastings were in London on Tuesday. Miss M. Wood visited in St. Tho - as over the week -end. Mr. Leonard Abbott spent the week -end in Parkhill. FOUND -Near Hurondale a plush rug. Apply at Times office. Miss K. Bonthrou, of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. Amos of town. Mrs. J. A. Stewart and daughter Kathleen, are visiting in Detroit. Mrs. Lamport and Mrs. Hoskins are visiting in Hamilton and Brant,: ford. Mr. and Mrs. E. Howaid and dau- ghter Muriel spent the week -end in Herman. Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Beer and Miss Blanche.. Quanoe were in London on Tuesday. Miss Elva RowcIiffe has returned honie after holidaying in Stratford and London. Dr. J. Stanbury of Toronto spent the week -end with his brother, Mr. 3. G. Stanbury. Reeve B. W. F. and Mrs. Beavers, were in Toronto the forepart of the week on business. Place four X's under. the NO col- umn and keep the province dry. See adv. on page five. •, Mrs. 3. Broderick and daughter Marjory have returned from visiting near Ailsa Craig. Thames Road Presbyterian church will hold their anniversary servides on Noven>,ber the '2nd. Mrs. R. Maver, and children of Vancouver, B.C„ are visiting her uncle Mr. J. R. McDonald. Mrs. (Dr.) J. W. Browning and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hawkins have been visiting Mrs. 0. Becker in Nay- Hamburg. awHamburg. Messrs. J. H. Smart and George Hardy of KingSville were the guests of the former's daughter, Mrs. De - Jean, during the past week. Mr. Harold 'Trickey • of ' Detroit, who visited with Mr. and Mrs. '3. W. Powell in town is visiting 'relatives in Iiincardihe. Mrs. 0. Becker who has been vis- iting Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Brewniag returned last Monday to' her itonne in New Hamburg. -4,-- Are ---- Are you saving? Victory Loan is coming. 10 CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS. T' R TIMES E Furniture and . Undertaking Rally Day services will be held in Caven Church next Sunday morning. Mr. W. G. Medd will be present and deliver an address. ' - "The Road to France" is jammed with thrills and excitement. There isn't a single dull moment in it. At Dome Theatre Friday and Saturday. Mrs. (Dr.) Stuart and Miss Gibson of Oakville spent the forepart of the week in town the guests of their nephew Mr. J. G. Stanbury. A horse tied on Huron St. broke the bridle and made a wicked run for liberty. It turned up Main street and was caught after running a block. McGillivray ball team defeated the Exeter team 6 to 2 in town on Friday evening last. The visitors scored all their runs in the first inn- ings. Mr. F. M. Boyle was in London on Monday and purchased a Chevrolet car. Mr. and Mrs. Boyle and Mr. F. Sheere went down Tuesday and brought it home. Miss M. Smith, of London is 'vis- iting her. mother, Mrs. Smith and her aunt, Mrs. Norman Jarrott.Mrs: Jarrott who has been ill for, some time is not improving as fast as her friends would like to see. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Dyer Hurdon, and Mr, and Mrs, `John Bence of Buffalo, and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hur- don of Detroit, attended. the funeral of the late N. Dyer Hurdon and spent a faw days in town. Dr. E. R. rollick, and sou Clifton, of Vancouver, who have been visit- ing the former's mother, Mrs. E. rollick, left last Friday for Chicago. where the former will take a post graduate course, in dentistry. , A. straw or rehearsal vote in con- nection with the coming referendum is to take place at the town hall on Monday, Oct. 6tb. from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Every woman from town and country is earnestly invited to come and learn to use the ballot. Mr. Wm. Hern, has returned to his - home in Hamiota, Man.. after Visit- ing isiting his brother's,andother relatives in this vicinity 'for- the past two months. He went by boat from Sarnia During Mr. Hern's visit here he trey veiled around quite a lot and had a most enjoyable visit. . Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Stanbury; ad- companiecl by Mr. Stanbury's mother attended the wedding of Mr. Stan- bury's cousin, Mr. J. L. Stuart, l3.A., Se., of Jackville to Miss Jean Alien of London at First Presbyterian church on Saturday. Mrs. Woods of the Mol sans Bank was also a guest. Union services were held by Main street and James street congrega- tions on Sabbath last. At both ser- vices there were large congregations In the evening Main street church was packed. Rev.M... Wilson preach- ed two forceful sernions. In. the ev- ening his sermon on Temperance was a masterpiece. Funeral Director & Ernbalalet M. E. Gardiner Phones 74w, Night Calls 743. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK FOR SALE ---One .Art Garland Base Burner, with oven nearly new. -R. B. Quantile;Wm. Street, Exeter, CARD OF. THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oke desjr ;to. express titeir sincere thanks anialara preciation to the many friends' and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during ' the illness and death of the late Mrs. Thos. Clarke. SLIPPERS FOUND.`' A pair 'of ladies black patent lea- ther pumps were left in the millinery Parlors of Miss :'.McDonald. Owner may have same lay calling .at Times office and paying for this advt. PIANO FOR SALE -Upright piano walnut finish, nearly new. Apply to Box 1, Exeter. NOTICE -Dr. McGillicuddy wishes to announce to the pabiic that he has removed his office to the office on Main street formerly occupied by Dr. Rollins, The drawing for the Chevrolet car conducted by the Goderieh G. W. V.A. was one of the .items of Inter- est on the last day of the Goderieh fair. The tickets were all placed: in - a revolving churn, in the :centre of the platform and., ,the .tickets thor- oughly mixed. Then .fen.. young girls drew from the .chur:n a, ticket each the number. of which; was read out Then another young girl (too young to read or write) ;drew one ticket from out of these ten -and Miss Glad- ys Saults was found. to be the lucky 'holder of the number. The ticket which won the car for Miss Saults only cost her twenty-five cents. BACK GO 'CLO51 iiitoo7L'. 27th. • • Sun time will oncexno'i a operate in, Canada immediately'rafter 2 o'clock- on the .morning of October 27th. At that hour all over Canada trains will Come to a stand for an hour. Clocks will be turned back an hour so as 'to switch- industry.'and' ai1 ! the' varied manifestations of life•:in'the Doniln- ion back to the a did 'fide There is no Federal law or order in. Council- gover`n'ing the matter in Canada. TI}e, railroads 'adopted day- light saving so. that 44n:time tables would agree with these in the United States: All throngii Wetern Canada Many cities and towns and country districts refused•,to foilgw, suit, but for convenience : ,sake is ;the East daylight saving ,has b eane,:the time in many places., _. - WHITING-IiESTLE•• Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad. Breath --Candy Cathartic. No odds hour bad. your liver, stomaelx or bowels; how much your hit aches, how miserable you are from constipa- tion, indigestion, biliousness and slug- gish. boweisr--you always get relief with Cascarets. They immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the constipated waste matter and poison, from the intestines and bowels. A 10 -cent bon from your drug- gist will keep your liver and, bowels clean; stomach suveet and head elear for months. They work while you sleep. A brief announcenibiit appeared in The Times last week of the•' inar- riage of Miss Ethel' May= Kestle; only daughter .of - Mr.- and-' . Mrs: Josiah Nestle, to Mr.• Earl le 0: Whiting. The ceremony was • performed at 12 `o'clock by Rev. M. Wlitting, brother of . the groom, • a missionary from Japan home on furi'onfgii•. Thg,, bail% entered the parlor on the. ariu4okitent father to the strains the wedding march played by . Miss Verna .Coates cousin of the bride. The ,bride was becomingly attired. .aa.. a; .;wedding gown of white embroidered silk with seeded pearl trimmings,a and wore the _customary' bridal yea. She car- ried a bouquet of, white carnations After the ceremony,.the, ,guests re- paired to the dining- room•;;where a sumptuous wedding . dinner was ser- ved. About fifty guests were present The groom's gift to the bride was a beautiful sunburst at ,pearls. Many valued and useful .presents-. were re- ceived by the young couple. Mr. and Mrs. Whiting left on .the. • evening train for a wedding trip -to Hamilton and Toronto. and they were .given a rousing send-off at the depot. The bride travelled in a navy blue serge suit with black picture: hat: On their return they will settle on the graoni's fine farm near Parkhill. Their many friends join The Times ;in congratul- ations. THE ROAD •TO FRANCE VIRLYLE fiI.A1KWELL E'VEL'ItGREELEY •1+wk,•1,mY, tltft,?81'81[.>tn/ DOME THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OCTOBER' 3rd and 4th The story is of the son of a rich ship builder who is disowned by his father, but who. makes good in the ship yard owned by the father' of, the girl he loves. It shows how he out- wits Hun agents, stops a truce .abd' wins the girl. Coming TAIWAN of the,APES. Dance Saturday evening T1111RSDAY, OCTOBER Oad, 1910 MOW M▪ O▪ WN O MAN 1.11011110 MONO 010.11 M▪ EOW CM▪ OMSMAIM 81•1.•1 Evey coat in our store is brand new, wbile the styles are sure to please you. We will be pleased to show you them. Prices range. from $22.50 to $42.50, Malan IMMO SUMS NEW FALL CAPS NEW FALL NECKWEAR NEW RAINCOATS We handle this w.ell-known brand of all - wool underwear. It stands strenuous wear. It is all wool, It fits well and washes easily. Red Label $3:00; Blue Label $3.25. Men's Heavy Work Shoes At prices that mean a big saving to you. 125: pairs of Heavy Work Shoes that were bought long before . the last advances. Shoes that to -day are worth $1.50 mege, than we are asking for them. Our prices are $4.50; $5.00 and $6.00.. Miner White Rubber Boot can't be beat $6.30. NEW FALL HATS NEW FALL SHIRTS NEW SOFT COLLARS SOUTHCOTT ROS. • innoinlniIIIt11ig11111111111M1111111illi11H1111111111111111111111ll1i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111n1111I111 ninl multi_" BRITISH WOMEN ARE PATRIOTIC ''Halt at no Sacrifice at shown in "The • Great Love." The noble sacrifices made .by the most distinguished women in the higher circles of England, are ade-. quately shown in David Wark Griff- ith's I , ith's remarkable photoplay, " Great Love,, which will be shown at the Opera House one night only Tuesday, October the 7th. - Since the .beginning , of the great war, England has sent the flower of its 'nobility to the •front and untold thousands have laid down their lives . upon the ensanguined battle- fields of France and Belgium. At home the women and men have un- ited in the great work of caring for the wounded and in prosecuting the. relief activities so essential to the successful. conduct of the war. • This is the • awakening that is por- trayed with''the statiing, fidelity .in "The Great Ldve". `''Antd ig . flame who'.for the first'tih a appear in the photoplay are';.sifL�li well known dis- tingiushed perSonag�es' as Queen Al- eiton$ a, :' Lady „_Diana Manners, Countess• Massei?ezie,` Elizabeth As- quith; Lady .avec y "and' others. In the cast of players are Lillian Gish Robert Harron, ,Henry' 'B. Walthall, George Fawcett, George Seigmenn, Gloria Hope and others; Also a-spec- iai orchestra and refined vaudeville at special prices.. Seats on sale at Howey's. FOR SALE -White Leghorn cock- erels, (Baron Laying' strain) at half. price $1.50, to make:room for white ysi?i;..: J.. H. GRIEVE T. $.::ELLIUTT.., • TRE MEANER "AND- PRESSER Don't spend your summer -wages in a new suit. But let T. H. Elliott make your old ones look like new. Agent for American Dyers and Dry Cleaning, London. Shop North of Mrs. Yeo's 'Store. THE WATKINS.' AGENT handles all kinds of spring tonics for both man and beast; 'also toilet articles: Their spices and flavorings• are the purest` on the market. O,;'tly sold by their agents to the consumer. Win. Andrew, Agent, Exeter Phone 43 WILL MAKE APPLE BUTTER FOUR DAYS A WEETi Weare now running our Cider Mill and Apple Factory the last four days of each. week, Wed., Thur., Fri. and Saturdays. All custom work for the turning . factory,. will receive prompt attention. S. J. V. CANN. Cochrane Machine Shop J. G. COCHRANE, (returned), has taken over the Connor Machine Shop and is now open for' business. Re -boring automobile cylinders and fitting pistons a specialty. All kinds of repair work promptly attended to. Connor Gasoline. Engines for sale PHONE 135 FARMS! Fon SALE. I have a number of choice farms for sale in Usborne, Hibbert and Tuckersmith with up-to-date build- ings and my long experience in the. business tells me I have the price right and some of them on easy terms of payment. Aiso the Far- quhar Store property. For terms and particulars apply to Thomas •Cameron, Woodham, P. O., auction- eer for Counties of Huron and Perth M . • : , DRS. SWEET & -GINNING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night. OFFICE -Dr.. Sweet's old office Phone 120 • THE ESTER 'TIi4IES Subscription rate $1:50 a 'year. ADVERTISING RATES Display • Advertising -Made known on application. Stray Animals -One insertion 60e three insertions for •$1,00 - Farm or Heal Estate• for sale 50e each inserlid'li ter one month of four insertions, 25c for each subsequen,. insertion. Misceliaiteous articles of not more than? live -fires, For Sale, To -Rent, Wanted,' IJhht, Foiind, etc., each in- hertion 25e. 11,. Local reading notices etc:, 10,c per line per insertion: No notice less than 25c. Card.of Thanks 50e_ Legal `advertising 10c and 5c a lin. • Auction Sales $2 for one insertion and $3 for two insertions if.,aoder- ate Size. Dr. HENRY A. CONAUT , , Veterinary Surgeon Dr, Henry A. Corsaut wishes to announce that he has moved his -office ten Baker's Livery, James St., next door to Overland Garage and appreciates the patronage .he has re- ceived in the old stan.d and hopes for a continuance ' of the'. same in his new office, palls .promptly attended to, day of night. Phone 8. Furniture and Undertaking - R. N. ROWS . THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER FOR SALE Residence pf .the late : Joseph Peart, Corner Alijert and ' Huron streets. Frame house and outhouse:. New Furnace and in good state• or repairs. Good Stable, Drive House and fine Garden. If not sold wilt tent. Apply to 3. Peart er,5.,, l Martin, Executors. il` Vulcanizing. All kinds of Tires. All work guaranteed. Cash for old Tires. Taylor's Tire Shop EXETER, ONT. -„m-8181.. • r..mmimpalines. Make .Your- . Dollars Count Buy where,y-ou do not have to Sacrifice Style to save Money. ' Ourclothes create confidence be- -cause they give satisfaction. Their smart appearance reflects credit on men tvho wear them. Our clothes are made • from - dependable materials and guaranteed to fit you. The satis- -faction wears right through to, the end. We are exclusive men's furnish- ers and right up-to-the-minute in the Iatest styles. Our new Fall stock of Furnishings have been opened up. New Goods ar- riving daily. Rainproof Coats for Men This is an ideal rain and top coat combined in cravettes, tweeds, etc., styles that will appeal to the well- dressed man. They are a double pur- pose coat for street, auto and travel- ling. Guaranteed rainproof. .SEE OUR NEW SWEATER COATS Bats and Caps in the latest styles Collars, and Ties, Gloves, and Braces For underwear see our stock and TORONTO, prices. VV. W. T A A N