HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-9-25, Page 8E mologa OIMMENd MINIM ARNIM MEM IMMO embrai C S 00.1110,0 mnnm1uu111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i111i111111f11111111111111111111f1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Itr X111111111111111111ffflllflll111f11!11111111{ill ff(1111fIf1111111I111(111111 f1111111111111111MI iIIIII M II1111II 11111 x111111 u1111ll11111111IIII 14.111.10 U•In. Indira .= Odder SOU TRC STP BROW. mlm ..,ON Moral :r MONO gliC m▪ mIlt mintO NNW C m▪ ama limmX Imola inisgmkk imima G UnmanArtmfl wamisM MONO amOOK Phone 134 NEW GOODS ARE ARRIVING DAILY eel: Rubber Boots ! Rubber Boots ! For the little fellows, for the girls, women and men. Our Miner quality white rubber boot for men is claimed to be the best Rubber Boot made; OUR PRICE IS $0.50. LADIES CLOTH PLUSH COATS One shipment of our new coats has arrived and we are promised more for Fair Day. It is stylish coats we will have to show you. ALLWOOL PULLOVER SWEATERS In green, yellow, blue and melon. One of the newest styles yon will see this season. Made from beautiful all wool PRICED AT $9.00. NEW FOOTWARE FOR WOMEN • You are sure to need a new pair shortly. A lady remarked while in our store the other day "You carry the smartest styles of shoes in town" We want you to see them. SILK ROSE FOR WOMEN In colors of white, grey and brown blue, champayne and black. This hose is a good wearer and is made to fit. ALL COLORS I'ER PAIR $1.50 1/1111.1. 12-4 Flannellette Blankets The best quality Flannellette Blanket that is made. It is 72 inches wide and 84 inches long. Largest size. It is good buying at PER PAIR $3.95. NEW FALL CAPS eee NEW FALL NECKWEAR NEW RAINCOATS NEW UNDERWEAR FOR FALL AND WINTER. immialk IMIMS NEW FALL HATS NEW FALL SI[IRTS• NEW SOFT COLLARS ' PENMANS and STANFIELDS" SOUTHCOTT BROS. j. A. STEWART PHONE 1E . Ladies' Coats An unusual number of ladies are buying their winter coats this month, in doing so they show great foresight as future deliveries are very uncertain and a better selection is offer- ed at this time. Furs A fur neckpiece is almost a necessity these cool evenings especially since fashion decrees that furs must be worn early this season. Ladies' Poplin. Skirts at $6.75 We are showing a large ran- ge of ladies and misses ready- to-wear poplin skirts; these skirts are made in the latest styles, of a heavy quality of poplin, trimmed with fringe and large buttons; the colors are brown, grey, taupe, navy and black, they are priced at $ 6.75. Congoleum Stove Squares At $1.75 These square are ideal for use under a small stove; they are in rich dark colorings and conventional designs and are much sup- erior to the old oilcloth squares. They are priced at $L75. Dinner Sets We have eight new designs in 97 piece dinner sets, these are certainly attractive sets and you will find our prices right.. Prices range from $28.50 to $35.00 We can now supply you with all the sugar you need. Highest prices paid for live poultry and choice pears. JA. STEWART Phone 16 TEW EXETER TIMES Market Report —The )following the report of the Exeter Market corrected every Wednesday, No. 2, Wheat $1.95, New Oats 90c, Barley $1,25 Bran $45 a ton in buyers bags. Shorts $55 per ton. Family Flour $5,761. i . ► ," t t Eggs 42c. Butter 450. Creamery butter 59c. Lard 40c. Potatoes hoc. Hogs $16.75 •••••••••••••••419.04/..4041.* LOCAL• • • ••••••• •••••••• Kirkton Fair, October 2nd and 3rd Mr. D. D. Crittenden, of Blyth, vis- ited in town Tuesday evening. Pte. H. Dayman arrived home from Overseas Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rivers are vis- iting the former's sister in Sarnia. Furniture and Undertaking Funeral Director & EmbaImes M. E. Gardiner Phones 74w. Night Calls 741. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK FOUND—Left in our parlor on Exeter Fair Day, ladies purse con- taining money and a mirror. Owner can have same by calling, proving property and paying for ad. Wilson and Simms. Mrs. Thos. Clarke is very serious- ly ill at her home on Andrew street. Mrs. Newton Baker has returned home after visiting rerlatives in the West. Mr. Rd. Gidley left on Tuesday for Detroit and Rochester to visit re- latives. Miss Weber, of Tavistock, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Heaman. of town. Mr. Frank Oke of Toronto, visited his grandmother, Mrs. Clarke during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Short, of Bowman- vilie, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gill. Mr. Harold Trickey, of Detroit, is visiting wilt Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pow- ell, of town. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Fuller and child of Sarnia, are the guests of Mrs. John Snell. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mallett, and family of London, visited in town during the week. The W. M. S. of Main Street church have controbuted $5.00 to the Refer- enrum campaign. One of the most interesting novel - MISS MORRISEY'S VOICE ties in this evening of unique exper- PEI + +CTLY- MATCHED threats, was when Marie Morrisey BY NEW EDISON. sang a duet with her own voice. It was as though two artists with voices The concert held in the Opera of exactly the same tone-quality,the House Monday evening last was a same expression, the same timbre, unique affair. The guests, whose were singing together. The effect number included most of the music was somehow unreal and weird, as lovers of Exeter, assembled delight- i though one artist had been bewitch- ed at the prospect of hearing a re- I ed into two by some magician's art. cital by the celebrated Marie Morri- I The climax of the evening's enter- sey, assisted by Mr. William Reddick ; tainment was when the room was at the piano. I darkened in the middle of one of But a surprise was in store for Marie Morrisey's selections, and the them. Not one Marie Morrisey, but listeners were left with no means two, sang to the spellbound audience but their ears of determining when and the piano selections were played they were hearing her voice in dou- by two Mr. Reddicks. And this phen- ble volume, and when it reached omenon was brought about by a them only from the New Edison..At graceful cabinet, which stood beside first everyone doubted his own abili- the artists on the stage, and match- ty to judge, but as her previous ed their performances, note for note, proofs were forgotten in the spell of and tone for tone. ! the song, they became more and The first presentation of this mir-more convinced that no instrument agile was in the initial number of the' could sing as this voice was singing program, when Miss MorriseY, stand- and that Marie Morrisey was making fag beside the cabinet, sang to-geth- no more breaks in her own perform- er erformer with Mr. Edison's Re -Creation of once. Suddenly the lights were snap - her own voice. In the midst of the ped on. The audience was astonished song Marie Morrisey's lips ceased to to discover that Marie Morrisey was move, but her song went on without not there at •all and that the New a break. SIowly it dawned upon the Edison had furnished the song alone astonished audience that the singer Such miracles are indeed the work was no longer singing, though her of a magician. voice came forth to them sweet and ; After the conclusion of one of the clear as ever. She sang again—and songs of Miss Morrisey, little Jean the only perceptible difference was Crisp, cousin of Mr. Powell's, pre-• the motion of her lips. She ceased— sented the artist with a handsome but her voice did not. Veritably it bouquet of flowers, and in turn tak- seemed that there were two singers en into the arms of the artist and but only one voice. For the tones received a sweet kiss. The stage which came from the New Edison was decorated with beautiful flow - matched those from the living art-' ers. ist so perfectly that it was impossib-1 w le to detect any difference. The ina, strunrent produced not an echo nor MARRIED a copy, but the real thing—Marie WHITING—KESTLE—In Exeter, on Morrisey's voice, unspoiled by any Wednesday Sept. 24th., Miss Ethel mechanical transformations; un- May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tainted by any metallic ring. I Josiah KestIe, to Mr. Earl N. C. After the applause which followed Whiting. this remarkable exhibition, Mr. Red- SMITH—PENHALE—In Detroit, on dick carne forward to share the stage Monday Sept. 22nd, 1919_ Miss with his fellow musician, the New . Violet Penhale, daughter of Mr. Edison, Again two artists ware be -,and Mrs. Wm. Penhale, of Exeter, fore us. Only by watching him could to Mr. Win. Smith, Son of Mr. and we tell when we were hearing one Mrs. Harry Smith, ,of the Lake • and when his music came to us in Road. double measure. The instrumental DIED Re -Creation was as perfect as that of Marie Morrisey's delightful voice. It was identical with the original in evry particular. Successive numbers on the pro- gram proved that the field of the New Edison was not limited to vocal and piano records. An orchestral selection was Re -Created with such fidelity that it was possible to follow the notes of any single instrument throughout the piece, for the ident- ity of each was pre served contribut- ing its special color to the ensemble. A Re -Creation of a number on the piano was a revelation to those who had decided after hearing talking machine records, that the piano tone could not be reproduced. Further numbers in which Marie Morrisey acid Mr. Reddick perform- ed with themselves served to con- vince tire audience of their inability to distinguish between Re -Created art and its original. PEACHES FOR SALE Golden Drop, Yellow Flesh, Free Stone. The best peaches for canning Phone your order to WILSON & SIMl tS as this is the last week for peaches. DOG LOST—White and tan hound pup. Finder will be rewarded by R. Welsh, Exeter. Mr. Frank Gill has sold his house on Elizabeth to Mr. Squires who will take possession on October 1st. Miss Anna Dow, left last week for Toronto where she intends taking a course in a business college. Miss Anning, of Kincardine, has returned to her home after visiting for a week with the Misses Sweet. Mrs. Rook has returned home after spending several weeks in Detroit visiting Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Harrison. Miss, F. Bissett, of town and Mrs. Grace Hill, of Crediton, visited friends in Hensall over the week -end. Reeve B. W. F. and Mrs. Beavers and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Turnbull motored to Listowel and spent Tues- day. Mrs. Fred Genttner who has been visiting her daughter Mrs. Ed. Har- ness has returned to her horns in Dashwood. •. Pte. Frank Cooke and his English ., ganize a large contingent from Huron consisting of all War. Veterans in this bride arrived home last week from County. A committee was named; Overseas and Exeter is glad to wel- from all centres to whom all veterans come them. willing to attend will .notify the see - Mrs. J. N. Campbell, of Blyth, and eral Chairmen at once. The coin - Mrs. J. D. Ainslie, of Leamington, mince is as follows; Seaforth are visiting their sister Mrs. (Dr.) Major Hays, Sgt. Thos. Dick; Wing Medd, of town. ham—Lt. McLean, Sgt. Forbes, Sgt. Mr. and Mrs. Avory, and Mrs. Yel- Fixture; .Exeter—Major Heaman, Sgt land, of Ingersoll, motored up and Gambrill; Goderich--= Major Dunlop, spent the week -end with Mr. and Capt. Sturdy, Sgt. James; Blyth— Mrs. Frank Gill. Capt. Swan, Harry Johnston; Brus- Mr. Ben Beavers of Woodham, also Bels—Sgt.—Maj.. Burchill; Londs- Miss Alice were visitors with the boro—Frank Brown; :Wroxeter, Lt. former's nephew, B.W.F. Beavers Black, Sgt. Nash; Clinton—Lt. Col. during the week. Combe, Lt. Col.' Ranee, Ptes. Ford, Cook and Colborne; Hensall— Lt., Miss May Thomas, of London, vis- Dougall. A band composed of Vet- ited with Mr. and Mrs. S. Martin, of erans will aaccompany the contia- town and other friends in this vicin- ity during the past week_ FOR SALE—One Art Garland Base Burner, with oven nearly new. —R. B. Quance, Wm. Street, Exeter, ANNOUNCEMENT E. A. Follick wishes to announce to the public that he has given up bus- ines and is vacating the premises this week. It would be much ap- preciated if all outstanding accounts would be promptly paid. We wish also to thank the public for their kindness and patronage during the many years of our busi- ness career. E. A. FOLLICK. Miss Smith, of St. Marys, is the guest of Mrs. M. J. Cole, of town. MEETING OF WAR VETERANS A large and representative meet- ing of War Veterans was held in the Rooms of Clinton Branch of G. W. V. A. on Saturday last; to decide upon a plan of organization for the County of Huron War Veterans to attend the reception to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales at London en Oct. .23rd. A delegation from the London Committee was present to give information in the persons of Major Gregory, . Capt..: Widdiford. Lt. Col. Combo, Chairman. It was' decided to make a big effort to or- THURSDAY. . SFPTE111, 2l't11, CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ford, of Us - borne, desire to express their sincere thanks to the many neighbors and friends for their kindness and sym- pathy during their recent bereave- ment. The special prize for bacon hog at the Exeter Fair was awarded to Mr. Garnet Miners, of "Osborne, and not as reported as last week. Mrs. J. C. Torn left Tuesday morn- ing on a trip to Toronto, Port Hope and Pickering. Mrs. W. B. Yeo ac- companied her as far as London. Dr. C. 3. Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood of town, who has been practising dentistry near Tor- onto, is opening up an office in Blyth Mr. E. A. Follick, who recently disposed of his bakery and confec- tionery, business, 'is this week mov- ing to the residence of Mr_ D. l3raund Exeter North. Mrs. Reg. D. Turnbull, who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. gent 30 strong. A half fare is ex- pected to be obtained,oti; th ''railroad and a special train leaving London about 10 p. in. The' Committee is is very anxious the Good Old. County of Huron will be represented as the Ladies of London will furnish lunch at Carling's Height'at' noon'. POST CARD SHOWER. On Sept. 11th, the 'auxiliaries, Circles, Bands• of -the dieter District W.M.S., sent a shower of congratul- ations and good wishes to their es- teemed superintedant, Mrs. A. M. Wilson, it being the occasion of her birthday, Every auxiliary, circle and band, in the district sent greetings to her, showing in a. small way the respect and Iove in which she is held — -_ T. IQ, ELLIOTT. THE CLEANER AND PRESSER Don't spend your summer wages in a new suit. But let T. H. Elliott make your old ones look like new. Agent for American Dyers and Dry Cleaning, London. Shop North of Mrs. Yeo's Store. THE WATKINS AGENT handles all kinds of spring tonics for both man and beast; also toilet articles. Their spices and flavorings are the purest on the market.' c fly sold by their agents to the consumer. Win. Andrew, Agent, Exeter • Phone 43 Turnbull, at Farquhar, also Mrs. among all the women and girls with Beavers of town left last week for St. Thomas to visit for a short time before returning to her home in Dundas. The Rev. Venerable Arch -Deacon .Iocnes—Bateman, recently of Mexico who at present is living in Goderich on leave, preached in Trivitt Mem- orial church. on Sabbath last. Rev. Mr. Trumper conducted anniversary services at Birr. Lieut. J. W. Hooper, who has just returned from overseas after a record of four years and a half, is visiting GUYMER—In London on Friday, This uncle, Mr. C. F. Hooper, of town, Sept. 19th, Anna Eliza, beloved wife of Thomas Guymer, in her 55th year. • Mr. and Mrs. T. N. NorIacott and daughter, Llela, of Stratford, are vis- iting relatives and friends in this vicinity and at Sexsmith. Miss GIadys Harvey is attendding the Collegiate Institute in London, Miss Louise Amy and Miss Pearl' Cann are attending business college and Miss Violet Stewart, of "Osborne, is attending Normal school. Mr. Chas. Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. W. Abbott. and Mrs. B.W.F. Beavers attended the Referendum Commit- tee meeting in Clinton last Wednes- day when reports were given and important business discussed. Mr. Arthur Doupe of tTsborne also Mr. John Morgan were present at the Mr. Hooper is visiting in town prior to leaving for his home in Moose Jaw Sask. He enlisted with the Prin- cess Patts. He was wounded once in the arm. Messrs. Stanley and Raymond. Fisher of Dundas, recently returned from overseas, called on friends in town on Thursday of last. week. The former at one time was on the staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce in town. He resumed his posit`on with the bank and will be stationed at Hamilton Mr. J. H. Johnston, of Kippen, brought a number of scholars from his school on Saturday last and in a body they visited the Exeter Canning factory to see how the process- of canning is carried on. The "Times" was also pleased to show them through the office to see how the meeting. type is set and the printing done, whom she has labored during the past nine years as their leader, , do- ing her Master's work. Mrs. Wilson was indeed surprised and pleased on receiving 110 letters and post cards on that clay and wishes me to men- tion that she"would like to reply to every person who wrote her, but sends her thanks through the press instead. Horde E. Beavers, Exeter, Dis. Secty. Treas., W.M.S. GIRLS WANTED Clean, airy, sunlit wJtfrkrooms- Short hours—a 47 -hour week, with Saturday half -holiday. Valuable training in agreeable work for the inexperienced. A good livingtragc to beginners which materially increases with experience and proficiency. Write or call — MERCURY MILLS LIMITED ' Hamilton - Ontario WELL MAKE APPLE BUTTER POUR DAYS A WEEK We are now running our Cider Mill and Apple Factory the last four days of each week, Wed., Thur., Fri. and Saturdays. All custom work for the turning factory will receive prompt attention. S. J. V. CANN_ Cochrane Machine Shop DRS. SWEET & VINNING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night. OFFICE—Dr. Sweet's old office Phone 120 J. G. COCHRANE, (returned), has taken over the Connor Machine ,Shop and is .now open for business. Re -boring automobile cylinders and fitting pistons a specialty. All kinds of repair work promptly attended to. Connor Gasoline Engines for sale PHONE ].35 THE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $1.50 a year. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising—Made known on application. Stray Animals—One insertion 50c three insertions for $1.00 Farm or Real Estate for sale 50e each insertion for one month of four insertions, 25c for each subsequent insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five Iinese For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost; Found, etc., each in- sertion 25c. Local reading notices etc., 10c per Aline per insertion. No notice less than fisc. Card of Thanks 50c. Legal advertising 10c and 5c a line. Auction Sales $2 for one insertion and $3 for two insertions if moder- ate size. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received until Oct. 1st, 1919 for the construction of the Winchelsea Creek Drain Improve- ment in the Township of -Osborne. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of John Roger, O. L. S., Mitchell or at the Clerk's office, Hen - sail, R.R.1, A. marked cheque repre- senting 10 per cent of the contract price must accompany each tender marked Drain Tender. HENRY STRANG Township Clerk. FOR SALE—Six horse power gas- oline engine in first class running order (mounted on team truck). Ap- ply to C. WAUL, Willowbrook Farm, Proof Line,Rd. Lot 17, con. 4, London Tp. London FARM FOR RENT—Anyone ha z- ing a farm to rent kindly commun- icate with Mr. Levi Rands, R. R. No, 1, Varna. Mr. Rands would like op- tion of purchasing within five years. FARM FOR SALE. Dr. HENRY A. CORSAUT Veterinary Surgeon Dr. Henry A. Corsaut wishes to announce that he has moved his office to Baker's Livery, James St., next door to Overland Garage knd appreciates the patronage he has re- ceived in the old stand and hopes for a continuance of the same in his new office. Calls promptly attended to, day of night. Phone S. I have a number of choice farms for sale in Usborne, Ilibbert and Tuckersmith with up-to-date build- ings and my long experience in the business tells me I have the price right and some of them on easy terms of payment. Also the Far- quhar Store property. For terns and particulars apply to Thomas Cameron, Woodham, P. 0.. auction- eer for Counties of Huron and Perth FOR' SALE—A 10 H.P. Fairbanks Morse gasoline engine 'guaranteed hi good Order. Would suit a synch- . cafe for filling silos, grinding,crusb-i lag grain. etc., Cash or terms. WeLLLIM WARD, Exeter, Furniture and Undertaking' R. N. ROVE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER FOR SALE. Residence of the late Joseph' Peart, corner Albert and Huron. streets. Frame house and outhouse. New Furnace and in good state of repairs. Good' Stable, Drive Houser and fine Garden. If not sold wild rent. Apply to 3. Peart or S. 11L. Martin, Executors. Vulcanizing MI kinds of Tires. All work guaranteed. Cash for old Tires. Taylor's Tire Shop EXETER, ONT. Make Your Dollars Count Buy where you do not have to Sacrifice Style to save Money. Our clothes create confidence be- cause they give satisfaction. Their smart appearance reflects credit on men who wear them. Our clothes a4. made from dependable materials and guaranteed to fit you. The satis- faction wears right through to the end. We are exclusive men's furnish- ers and right up-to-the-minute in the latest styles. Our new Fall stock of Furnishings have been opened up. New Goods ar- riving daily. • - Rainproof Coats for Men This is an ideal rain and top coat combined in cravettes, tweeds, etc., styles that will appeal to the well- dressed reran. They are a double pur- pose coat for street, auto and travel- ling. Guaranteed „rainproof. SEE OUR NEW ;: wE ITER COATS Hats anti Caps in the latest styles Collars, and Ties, Gloves, and Braces For underwear se„ our stock and prices. .N. TAMAN PHONE 81 a